7th Semester,
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
Session 2016
Delivered by:
Dr. Usman Ali
Liquid removal
1. Dry basis
2. Wet basis
General Terminology
❑Equilibrium moisture
❑Free moisture
❑Bound moisture
❑Unbound moisture
Types of Moisture
General Terminology
❑ Humidity
❑ Saturated gas
❑ Saturation humidity
❑ Percentage humidity
❑ Relative Humidity
❑ Humid Heat
❑ Humid volume
❑ Dew point
Classification of Drying
❑ Mode of operation
❑ Heat input type
❑ State of material
❑ Operating Pressure
❑ Drying Temperature
❑ Drying medium
❑ Relative motion
❑ Stages
Gas-Solids Contacting - Direct dryer
❑Cross-circulation Drying
❑Through-circulation Drying
❑Showering of Solid
Gas-Solids Contacting – Indirect Dryer
o Drying time
❑ Adiabatic dryer
Tv = wet bulb temperature
For Batch Dryer
For Continuous Dryer
❑Solid – same pattern as in Batch
❑Tv is constant
❑Equilibrium moisture
❑Free moisture
❑Bound moisture
❑Unbound moisture
Equilibrium Moisture
❑Rate of drying
Falling Rate Period
❑Rate of drying depends on:
o Nonporous solid and Diffusion theory
o Porous solid and Capillary theory
Nonporous Solid and Diffusion Theory
Porous Solid and Capillary Theory
Mass Transfer in Dryers
Drying Equipment
Direct (convective) dryers:
a. Direct contacting of hot gases with the solids is employed for solids
heating and vapor removal.
b. Drying temperatures may range up to 1000 K, the limiting temperature
for most common structural metals.
c. At gas temperatures below the boiling point, the vapor content of gas
influences the rate of drying and the final moisture content of the solid.
With gas temperatures above the boiling point throughout, the vapor
content of the gas has only a slight retarding effect on the drying rate
and final moisture content. Thus, superheated vapors of the liquid
being removed (e.g., steam) can be used for drying.
d. For low-temperature drying, dehumidification of the drying air may be
required when atmospheric humidities are excessively high.
e. The lower the final moisture content, the more fuel per pound of water
evaporated, that a direct dryer consumes.
Indirect (conductive) Dryers:
1. Heat is transferred to the wet material by conduction through
a solid retaining wall, usually metallic.
2. Surface temperatures may range from below freezing in the
case of freeze dryers to above 800 K in the case of indirect
dryers heated by combustion products.
3. Indirect dryers are suited to drying under reduced pressures
and inert atmospheres to permit the recovery of solvents and
to prevent the occurrence of explosive mixtures or the
oxidation of easily decomposed materials.
4. Indirect dryers using condensing fluids as the heating medium
are generally economical from the standpoint of heat
consumption, since they furnish heat only in accordance with
the demand made by the material being dried.
5. Dust recovery and dusty materials can be handled more
satisfactorily in indirect dryers than in direct dryer
Based on methods of solids handling
Drying Equipment
❑ Product qualities
❑ Recovery problems