Haldia Institute of Technology: Name: Shubham Pandey Class Roll No: 17/CHE/023 University Roll No: 10300617023
Haldia Institute of Technology: Name: Shubham Pandey Class Roll No: 17/CHE/023 University Roll No: 10300617023
Haldia Institute of Technology: Name: Shubham Pandey Class Roll No: 17/CHE/023 University Roll No: 10300617023
Session: 2017-2021
Department of Chemical Engineering
Subject: Separation Process - I
Subject Code: CHE-501
Distillation is the most widely used separation process in the chemical industries. It is normally
used to separate a mixture of materials to obtain one or more desired products which is achieved
by selection of conditions of temperature and pressure so that at least a vapor and a liquid phase
coexist and a difference in relative concentration of the materials to be separated in the two
phases is attained.
Trays are the most commonly selected type of distillation column. Trayed Columns utilize a
pressure and temperature differential to separate the products. For most tray columns, the weir
holds a liquid level of each tray. The vapor must overcome this liquid head to move up the
column. On the tray the vapor and liquid are contacted and then above the tray they are
separated. Trayed column perform well in high liquid and vapor loading. At low flow
parameters the capacity and efficiency of trays can be reduced.
Tray have higher pressure drop than packing, and it may also have higher resistance to
1. 1. Usually trays have down comer capacity problems in heavy foaming service.
4. Entrainment is an issue with trays. Trays usually have more entrainment than packing.
Excessive entrainment can lead to efficiency loss.
• Flow
• performance
• Pressure drop
• Suitable liquid
• Cleaning
• Corrosion problem
• Diameter of column
• Sieve deck
• Valve tray
The oldest widely used equilibrium-stage plate is the bubble cap tray. A bubble cap tray is
perforated flat plate which has a riser (chimney) over the holes covered with a cap. They are
usually equipped with slots to allow the passage of vapor to be mixed with the liquid flowing
across the tray forming bubble where the mass transfer takes place. Each tray is provided with
one or more downcomers which the liquid flowing across the tray is conducted to the tray
below. A liquid head is maintained on the tray by a dam placed on outlet side of the tray near
the downcomer, it called the outlet weir. Bubble cap tray is able to operate at low vapor and
liquid rates (less than 2 gpm per foot of average of flow width) because liquid and foam is
trapped on the tray to a depth at least equal to the weir height. Bubble cap trays work well in
high turndown applications because the orifices in the bubble caps are in the form of risers
whose top opening is elevated significantly above the tray deck. The size of the cap tends to
create hydraulic gradient across the deck and a high vapor side pressure drop. The cost of
bubble cap tray is by far the highest.
Sieve tray is perforated plate with holes punched into the plate and usually has holes 3/16 in to
1 in diameter. The standard size is 0.5 inch with the perforation punched downward. Vapor
comes out from the holes to give a multi orifice effect. The vapor velocity keeps the liquid
from flowing do through the holes (weeping). Vapor flow through the tray deck to contact the
liquid is controlled by the number and size of the perforations. The punching direction affects
the dry pressure drop, a smaller hole diameter result in lower pressure drop for the same open
area. This due to the ratio of hole diameter to the tray thickness. The number and hole size are
based on vapor flow up the tower. The liquid flow is transported down the tower by down-
comers, a dam and overflow device on the side on the plate. A sieve tray has higher entrainment
than valve tray at the same vapor velocity. This is due to the spray of liquid directed upwards
to the next tray. For efficient operation, the hole velocity must be sufficient to balance the head
of liquid on the tray deck and thus prevent liquid from passing through the perforations to the
tray Sieve trays can be used in almost all services. Sieve deck tray has a minimum capacity
approximately 70%. Their capacity and efficiency are at least as high as that of other standard
trays used commercially. Sieve trays may be used in moderately fouling services, provided that
large holes (3/4 to 1 in. [19 to 25 mm]) are used. Sieve trays are simple and easy to fabricate
and therefore relatively inexpensive.
Dual flow tray is a sieve tray without a downcomer. Vapors move up to the tray above through
the hole, while the liquid traveles down in the same hole that can result in mal-distribution and
low efficiency. Dual flow trays are designed with enough open area on the tray deck to
eliminate stagnation and promote back missing that makes it suited to handle highly fouling
services, slurries, and corrosive services. Dual flow trays are well suited also for the
fractionation of polymerizable compounds and give more bubbling area, therefore have a
greater capacity than other tray types. Dual flow tray is also the least expensive to make and
easiest to install and maintain. Dual flow tray performs best in the operating region of 60 to 85
% of flood and increases the efficiency with vapor rate. The challenge of dual flow tray is mal-
distribution in larger diameter towers. The top of a column will move in a typical storm as
much as six inches. This movement will cause the hydraulic load to migrate in the column. If
hydraulic flow instability is developed it propagates down the column. Improper feed, reflux
or vapor distribution can also create mal-distribution problems, Dual flow tray have poor
turndown ratio resulting from the rapid fall off in efficiency as the vapor loading decreases.
Therefore, the operating vapor and liquid rate ranges must be kept small. Two types of dual
flow trays are available; standard deck and rippled deck. The standard deck has a flat plate, and
the rippled deck has sinusoidal waves.
Valve Tray uses valve (moveable disc) which almost closes off completely at low vapor rate,
thus minimize tray open area. When lifted, as vapor rate increases, the open area increases for
vapor flow between the valve disc and the tray deck. Valves can be round or rectangular, with
or without caging structured. Most types of valves, the opening may be varied by the vapor
flow, so that the trays can operate over a wide range of flow rates with high separation
efficiency and large flexibility. Because of their flexibility and price (slightly more expensive
than sieve tray), valve trays are tending to replace bubble-cap trays. Valve tray has minimum
capacity of approximately 60%. The dry pressure drop of valve tray is lower than bubble cap,
because the valve does not need a chimney for the vapor and it depends on weight of valve.
The valve tray can used in condition where vapor rate change unpredictability over a given
section of tower, a tower utilized in blocked operation at varying rate and feed compositions, a
fluctuation in feed rate, and servicing of auxiliary equipment operating the entire unit at low