NRes1 Course Unit 4
NRes1 Course Unit 4
NRes1 Course Unit 4
1. Explain the different approaches and methods of research
2. Identify the different process involved in each approach
3. Present a well written methodology
4. Understand the importance of writing a good research introduction
1. Listen attentively to the discussions and opinions in the class
2. Initiate asking questions that challenge class thinking
3. Express freely the personal opinion with respect to others opinion
1. Participate actively during class discussions
2. Confidently express personal opinion and thoughts in front of the class
Research Approach
• Positivist Paradigm
o Is a reflection of a broader cultural phenomenon (modernism) that emphasizes the
rational and the scientific. The fundamental assumption of positivists is that there is a
reality that can be studied and known, thus their research is focused on understanding
underlying causes of natural phenomena.
• Postpositivist Paradigm
o Believe in reality and has a desire to understand it but recognize the impossibility of
total objectivity and see it as a goal.
• Naturalistic Paradigm (sometimes called Constructivist Paradigm)
o According to naturalist reality is not a fixed entity but rather a construction of the
o Assumes that knowledge is maximized when the distance between the inquirer and
the participants in the study is minimized.
• Research Design
Quantitative Qualitative
• Descriptive • Descriptive
• Survey • Phenomenological
• Correlational • Grounded theory
• Comparative • Ethnographical
• Comparative • Historical
• Longitudinal • Case study
• Cross sectional
• Experimental
• Non-experimental
• Quasi-experimental
- The T-I-O-C format (OLFU format) may help you construct an enticing introduction of your
research paper
o Trends
Present an overview of current research on the issue or problem
This may include current data/statistics
o Issues/problem
Identify the gap, problem or gray area of the topic of interest
Present literatures/findings of different authors of the same topic
o Objectives
Based on the identified issues/problem state your general research
question or intent of the study and hypothesis to fill the gap or answer the
identified problems of the topic of interest.
o Contribution
State the value and relevance of your research, why is your study relevant,
what will it contribute to the profession and the stakeholders and why should
we care about your research.
• Research approach – overall decision involves which approach should be used to study a
• Research methods – are set of techniques that will help the researcher in data gathering
and analyzing
1. Utilizing the literature review you’ve done in course unit 3, write your own introduction part
following the university format (T-I-O-C)
2. Use the “chapter checkup found in Writing the introduction to your dissertation or scholarly
project” to critic your own introduction
3. Submit your scholarly work in a word format including the “chapter checkup” checklist
through canvas.