Porter - Digital Learning
Porter - Digital Learning
Porter - Digital Learning
C & IT
CTI Centre for Textual Studies
In March 1998 the CTI Centre for Textual Studies hosted a one-day conference
entitled 'Teaching European Literature and Culture with Communication and
Information Technology'. The lengthy title is justified by the specific focus of the
conference: to consider those aspects of current teaching in European languages
with C& IT which broaden the view beyond language learning to consider the
cultural, historical and literary elements which complement and inform the
learning of a language. There is a general perception in higher education that
technology has little to contribute to the study of literature and culture. This
conference aimed to redress the balance by giving practitioners the opportunity to
share their experiences with using technology to teach literary and cultural studies,
and to provide a platform for discussion. This paper will first explore some of the
reasons for the lack of research into the use of technology in teaching literature
and culture within modern languages, and will then explore three basic questions:
how can technology make a valuable contribution to the teaching of literature and
cultural studies? How does technology affect the relationships between subject
matter and teaching methodology? Are there implications for the traditional
boundaries between subject areas?
The situation is not helped by the different camps which exist within language
studies, where teaching and research staff often specialise in either language
acquisition, linguistics, contemporary culture or literature, with at times little
exchange of ideas between these fields. As computers have so clearly proved their
value for language teaching, fuel is added to the anti-technology stance common
to some of the other areas of specialisation. Also, language teaching by nature has
a greater tendency to reflect upon and describe pedagogic methodologies, which is
not the case with literary and cultural studies.
For some or all of the reasons given above, the non-language components of
higher level language teaching are barely visible in the pedagogic literature. This
clearly does not reflect the status of many taught university courses where the
study of literature and culture has played a central role (and held considerable
academic status) in modern language departments for many years. Indeed, some of
the more traditional higher education institutions have in the past been accused of
placing more emphasis on the study of the literature of a culture than on the
acquisition of spoken fluency in a language. Literature's privileged place in
language studies has now been challenged and other cultural forms such as film
and television, for example, are frequently taking its place. This provides new
challenges to teachers of languages and to pedagogic approaches and for the
discipline as a whole. It is argued that the new emphases which we are seeing in
the syllabi of language study, with inter-disciplinary components such as Area
Studies, are leading to new developments in the discipline itself (Polezzi, 1997).
New subject areas could profitably lead to new and innovative teaching
methodologies: these changes provide us with a judicious point at which to give
consideration to teaching methods. Where the media employed may be changing,
the message is still the same: it is essential that language studies should include
core components that require critical thinking and depth of understanding. So how
can teaching of these areas best be achieved?
This collection does not attempt to present the examples discussed during the
conference as perfect examples of teaching practice with C&IT, because we do
not yet know enough about what is required to make that judgement. However,
they are interesting examples which present varied perspectives and which can
thus be used to discuss some important issues. The reader will note that the
collection also describes examples of practice drawn from the teaching of
literature in its own language, primarily within English studies. This was a
deliberate decision, as the teaching methodology used in these subjects has many
areas of commonality with the teaching of European literature and culture, for
obvious, though frequently overlooked, reasons. It is interesting to note that as the
emphasis upon literature is lessened in some language courses, language studies
components are increasingly included within English studies courses in the UK.
Projects such as the 'Read-Write' project at the University of East Anglia are
looking at the way that the study of literature is used as a basis for increasing
general literacy skills, which is interestingly similar to the traditional model used
as a part of second language teaching.
The following section will describe some of the papers given from a common
analytic perspective: to examine the teaching methodology was used and how the
technology influenced the success of that methodology.
The Digital Variants project grew out of the development of a research archive,
and this has no doubt helped its application to teaching in an innovative and
challenging way. Working with writers such as Antonio Millán, Roberto Vacca,
and Francesca Sanvitale, the Project’s website makes available a number of drafts
of each author’s work, with the variants in the text highlighted and linked by
hypertext, as well as sound recordings of interviews with the authors; we can also
compare the text transcriptions with the manuscripts in digital format. The
resources allow a user access to otherwise inaccessible materials, and, most
importantly, we can follow the author’s decisions made during the authoring
process. The resources thus have the potential to allow a user to learn on a number
of different levels, and this was exploited within the University of Edinburgh’s
department of Italian, where the Digital Variants archive has been used to teach
language learners skills in literary analysis, and in particular analysis of the
authorial process, with the refinement of language skills as an educational ‘by-
product’. An important part of the teaching strategy was that the IT resources were
extremely well integrated into the regular face-to-face sessions. Many
implementations of technology involve its use as a support tool or as an additional
source of resources, but in this case the IT resources were an essential part of the
course, and were given substantial amounts of class time. The tutors’ attitudes
towards the technology were also influential; for example, IT training sessions on
the use of the WWW and using word-processing packages for research activities
were carried out in parallel with introductions to new research skills, such as the
analysis of a critical edition. It was thus made clear to the students that the tutor
perceived IT research skills to be as important and relevant to their studies as the
more traditional research skills which they were also taught.
Examples of the exercises which the students completed and all the project
materials are available from the Digital Variants web site at
<http://www.ed.ac.uk/~esit04/digitalv.htm> and from reading Fiormonte et al.
Benito Pérez Galdós is one of Spain’s most celebrated realist authors and is thus
widely studied at undergraduate level. The Pérez Galdós Editions Project is
combining two complementary aims: to publish a new scholarly edition of
Galdós’s works in traditional format complete with apparatus; and also to make
available an electronic collection of scholarly materials which will complement
the paper edition. The electronic collection, to be published on CD-ROM, will
include full, searchable editions of all of the texts and also draw together
otherwise inaccessible materials such as the manuscripts, galley proofs, serialised
versions and first editions, with other research tools such as indexes and
concordances. There will also be some multimedia background materials such as
maps and other relevant images. The electronic collection will thus contain more
material in more varied formats than the scholarly print edition.
The electronic collection is openly aimed at an academic rather than popular use,
which is reflected in its selection of serious, scholarly content. It is hoped that
students may find that the use of digital search tools and editions can give them an
easier route into the text, particularly where language may be something of a
barrier to understanding.
Whilst the project clearly has a strong research orientation, it also has interesting
implications for teaching and learning at undergraduate level. By collecting
together into a single source the type of resources which would normally only be
accessible to a determined researcher, the project developers are opening up
scholarly research to a far wider community. This raises a number of issues for a
tutor who is considering directing students towards these types of sophisticated
research resources: undergraduates cannot be presumed to have the skills needed
to work with this type of material, as it makes new demands upon them. In
addition, it is not yet clear whether the new information interrogation techniques
afforded by automatic indexing and searching help or hinder the development of
independent research skills. We need to think carefully about the implications for
the future of scholarship and the special relationship which a scholar builds with
resources that can be accessed by only a select few. The use of complex research
tools by undergraduates requires careful introduction and ongoing support. (1)
The resources at the Communiqué web site are centred around specific taught
courses in literature, language and culture, and the structure of the site reflects this
focus. The site was developed through a collaboration between academic and an
educational technologist, and this has led to a reflective and thoughtful approach
to the development of the resources. Some of the more complex sections to the
Communiqué site include the ‘Introduction to Contemporary France II’, where
frames and hyperlinks have been used to allow students guided access to poetry
written in verlan, or slang; poems are re-produced in full and additional frames are
used to give access to an online glossary of terms. Also included is ‘Les chemins
du savoir’, a collection of over a hundred short texts or ‘textèmes’ which have
been selected to relate to the themes of the course. Students can perform word or
phrase searches and explore themes across a number of different texts but in a
non-linear fashion.
The Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature project has produced four online
tutorials for teaching the poetry of the First World War. The project has been
developed with a dual purpose: firstly, to provide high-quality teaching materials
for use by teachers all over the world, and secondly, to explore issues of using
technology in teaching, by giving concrete examples of ways in which technology
can enhance teaching methods. This is seen most clearly in the third of the four
tutorials, ‘An Introduction to Manuscript Study’ which uses digital versions of
Wilfred Owen’s manuscripts for ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ to introduce the student
to the academic skills used in the close study of manuscripts. Students study four
different manuscripts for the poem, and then use decisions which they make about
the chronology of the manuscripts to create their own edition of the poem. Using
methods which are coincidentally similar to the ‘Digital Variants’ project, this
tutorial gives step-by-step instructions for the development of skills, accompanied
by practical exercises. Like a number of other projects, the tutorial gives the
student access to research resources of which they would probably not ever have
been aware, and certainly would not have had the opportunity to study in depth.
Access to these resources allows students to create their own digital copy and to
compare it with other rare resources. The carefully structured introduction to the
study of manuscript resources helps the student to overcome some of the problems
described with the Pérez Galdós project; students are guided through the activity
in a precise and detailed manner, with new tasks carefully explained.
The project has particular teaching aims: to open access to the resources to
students outside traditional University courses and offer more flexible modes of
delivery; to offer better learning situations for large seminar groups with more
communication tools; to offer possibilities which are interesting to the teacher and
not just the IT designer. To help the teacher to take advantage of resources in a
teaching situation which may be unfamiliar, the resources include detailed
teachers’ notes, which give advice about the best methods of using the resources,
and give some suggestions for specific classroom activities.
Three simple rules for applying technology to teaching have been developed
following the project’s experiences, namely: ‘Technology should not be used to
replace teachers or teaching; ...Technology should only be used where a
noticeable gain to the teaching quality is evident; ..., Technology should only be
applied in appropriate stages. (Lee, 1999).
Drawing from the experiences described above, this section draws together some
remarks about how technology might make a valuable contribution to teaching
literary and cultural studies. There can be no doubt that technology can make a
contribution to the teaching of literary and cultural studies, given sufficient time
and resources, but what is less clear is pinpointing the most appropriate ways in
which this can happen.
At a general level, there are a number of claims made for the advantages which
the appropriate use of technology can offer to the learner. The most relevant issues
are summarised below.
Technology can give students a greater degree of control over the delivery
of their learning: by using technology, students can access information,
learning spaces, and other resources at times which suit their lifestyle and
their other commitments. Increasing numbers of students either follow
part-time degrees or, where they study full-time, hold additional
responsibilities, such as those of part-time jobs and families, which mean
that they have many pressures outside their studies, and their learning has
to take place at appropriate times. Technology can allow students to
choose when to access resources, and it supports methods which have a far
greater potential than those of traditional distance-learning, particularly in
the degree of interaction which it affords. Technology-based resources can
be integrated into a course of study and used to complement classroom
contact, library resources, and standard methods of sharing insights.
Technology can enable the student to feel that they have control of their
own learning: it can allow students to shape their learning by encouraging
the perception that a culture's varied media is a collection of resources
which the student can be guided through, and that they have choices about
the route which they take.
Students can communicate and discuss ideas together, even when they are
not physically (or temporally) together: as student numbers grow in
relation to staff numbers, student-to-student and student-to-teacher contact
time is put under increasing pressure. The use of technology such as email,
conferencing systems and other computer-mediated communication tools
provides a rich environment in which communication can continue outside
the classroom.
There are certain specific ways in which the quantity of teaching and learning
activity, and the quality of teaching and learning can be enhanced. With proper,
well-considered planning, technology has the opportunity to enhance the learner's
experience in some key areas.
The seminar parallel: Literary and cultural studies are centred around the
tutorial or seminar, where ideas are proposed and discussed, and
communication is essential. Tools such as email discussion lists and
conferencing systems are already being successfully used for teaching
literary and cultural studies (see for example McBride and Dickstein,
1996). There is also an additional positive factor for second language
learners who are communicating in the second language.
The lecture parallel: Directed learning is perhaps the most highly valued
part of the traditional learning situation from a student's point-of-view.
Technology allows the tutor to use their expert knowledge to provide a
path for the student through digital resources which they believe are the
most interesting, important or relevant.
The most useful way to address this question is, in the view of this author, to
compare the methodologies which are enabled by the use of technology with those
which are traditionally used to teach literary and cultural studies.
We can see how the four possibilities described above - the digital library, lecture
and coursebook, and seminar - can map onto each of the three traditional learning
paradigms. To take each of the three teaching methods in turn, we can explore the
difference that technology can make in each case. Naturally, this difference will
by no means be entirely positive; in each case, technology can clearly play a part
and will influence the student's learning experience, for good or ill.
The possible danger with digital equivalents of the lecture is that the material can
lack its own 'voice'; research has shown that students are motivated to learn when
lecturers impart their information enthusiastically and knowledgably. This is
clearly more difficult to achieve when dealing with computer-based resources
which will be used independently.
In this case, materials need to be carefully structured; they need to guide the
student but also to invite them along the way. Lee and Fiormonte have provided
good examples of this; they have developed courses built around the resources
made available; the technology is enabling them to accomplish actions which
would otherwise be difficult or impossible, and they are directing students through
these resources in a structured way with a combination of online and traditional
teaching materials and methods. For example, the four tutorials which Lee
describes take resources which are rare and inaccessible and, instead of simply
exposing the student to these by listing the contents and saying 'here you are' (the
equivalent of a traditional reading list), the tutorials use hyperlinking, clear
labelling, and careful presentation of information to guide the student through the
The importance of the content must be made sufficiently clear to the student in
order for them to be motivated to navigate their way through a web of seemingly
identical hyperlinks to the resources which lie beyond. It is therefore essential that
clear goals are given to the student as they move; what could be more over-awing
(and thus discouraging) than to be confronted by a web page of sixty identical
hyperlinks to sixty different resources? The student needs to be given a sense that
they are accomplishing something if their interest is to be held, and blindly
choosing from a collection of non-annotated links is not going to do this, just as a
student is less likely to read a text which is recommended on a reading list if they
have no idea of the content of that text. Free-standing hypertext is a fine model for
the creative sharing of information but it is unlikely that many undergraduates will
make time to 'explore a web' without some indication of what they are following
and why.
Small-group teaching
Teaching style
All of the projects described in the following papers have come to the same
conclusion: that the latest technology, in itself, is not sufficient to create a
'learning environment'. Content is crucial to the successful uptake and use of
digital resources, just as with traditional resources such as journals and other
publications. It is frequently claimed by educational technologists and enthusiasts
of the Web alike that the use of accessible delivery mechanisms such as the Web
will increase the scholarly use of resources, simply because the Web facilitates the
delivery of resources straight to the desktop.
The influences of technology upon teaching and learning radiate beyond the role
of the teacher and draw upon other staff such as library and IT staff. These staff
have a growing importance in supporting and delivering learning resources and
have fast developing roles in additional areas such as teaching students the
techniques needed to make use of the resources. Thus support and teaching roles
are increasingly blurred and interdependencies and cooperative working practices
are becoming more crucial.
In general, the above points can work together to give the student a more
enjoyable learning experience. However, this is not without some cost to the
teacher in terms of development of their own IT skills, the need to research
teaching methodologies which use IT and to think about how best to apply it to
their area, and the need to invest time in the development of IT resources either
directly or in partnership.
Perhaps the new possibilities which technology offers to the teaching of literary
and cultural studies will have a doubly beneficial effect by providing the impetus
for further educational research to take place in this fascinating (but relatively
unexplored) area.
Conclusion: towards a model for teaching literary and cultural studies with
1. See, for example, the article by Neil Rhodes, St. Andrews University
(1999), in which he describes the issues involved in teaching
undergraduates how to make use of a substantial research-oriented
2. See the excellent annotated bibliography by Coski and Kininger (1999),
for many examples of literature in this area.
Lee, S.D. Online Tutorials and Digital Archives or ‘Digitising Wilfred’. (Bristol:
JISC Technology Applications Programme, 1999).
Marvin, L.E. ‘Spoof, Spam, Lurk and Lag: the Aesthetics of Text-based Virtual
Realities.’ Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1.2 (1996).
< http://jcmc.huji.ac.il/>.