Ammonia Vapoeizer (E-3101b) - Bku
Ammonia Vapoeizer (E-3101b) - Bku
Ammonia Vapoeizer (E-3101b) - Bku
Analysis Performed by : ##
Materials of Construction:
Normalized is determined based on the UCS-66 material curve selection and Figure UCS-66.
Impact Tested is based on material selection and material data properties.
Element |"To" Elev | Element | Nominal | Finished | Reqd Thk | Reqd Thk | Long | Circ |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 4
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 39 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Saddle Parameters:
Saddle Width 200.000 mm
Saddle Bearing Angle 120.000 deg.
Centerline Dimension 624.000 mm
Wear Pad Width 315.000 mm
Wear Pad Thickness 10.000 mm
Wear Pad Bearing Angle 132.000 deg.
Distance from Saddle to Tangent 260.000 mm
Baseplate Sketch
------------------------------------------------------ ---
| | 20.000 mm
------------------------------------------------------ ---
Baseplate Side View
Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 3133.8 kg
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 5781.2 kg
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 3133.8 kg
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 3133.8 kg
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 3133.8 kg
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 5
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 39 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed.
Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.
Multiple output lines for the same nozzle indicates required Code calculations in both the
longitudinal and circumferential planes of reinforcement where applicable.
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction
Nozzle Schedule:
Nominal or| Schd| Flg| Nozzle| Wall| Reinforcing Pad | Cut| Flg|
Actual| or FVC| Type| O/Dia| Thk| Diameter Thk | Length| Class|
Description Size| Type| | in| mm| mm | mm| |
N9 DRAIN | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 160.87| 150|
N7 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 163.84| 300|
N8 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 163.84| 300|
N10 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 163.84| 300|
N11 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 163.84| 300|
N5 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 174.32| 300|
N6 | 1.500 in| 80S | LWN| 1.900| 5.080| ... | ... | 174.32| 300|
N2 | 2.000 in| 40S | LWN| 2.375| 3.912| ... | ... | 162.03| 150|
shell inlet | 4.000 in| 80S | WNF| 4.500| 8.560| ... | ... | 169.67| 300|
N1 | 6.000 in| 40S | WNF| 6.625| 7.112| ... | ... | 174.33| 150|
N4 SHELL OUTLET | 10.000 in| 120 | WNF| 10.750| 21.438| ... | ... | 194.12| 300|
The cut length is the outside projection + inside projection + drop + in-plane shell
thickness. This value does not include weld gaps, nor does it account for shrinkage.
In the case of oblique nozzles, the outside diameter must be increased. The re-pad width
around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2
For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller and thinner section.
Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.
Bill of Materials:
[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 11
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
MDMT Summary: Step: 38 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.
There is a flange in this model connected to an element whose temperature is different.
The bolt allowable stress is based on it's parent design temperature. You may need to
manually adjust the operating bolt allowable stress to a value based upon a representative
maximum temperature the bolts will be subject to.
The level of precision is set to a value of less than 3. At this level you may not
obtain proper resolution on some results. This value can be changed in
Tools->Set Configuration Parameters->Default Values->Level of Precision.
Configuration Directives:
Detail ID Liquid: 20
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 52 cm
Liquid Density 923.75 kg/m³
Detail ID Liquid: 80
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 83 cm
Liquid Density 584.77 kg/m³
XY Coordinate Calculations:
| | | | | |
From | To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) | DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |
| | cm | cm | cm | cm |
channel dishend| 4 | ... | 4 | ... |
channel shell| 84 | ... | 80 | ... |
channel body fl| 84 | ... | -9.8 | ... |
shell body flan| 102.553 | ... | 10.2 | ... |
connecting shel| 132.353 | ... | 40 | ... |
cone| 183.353 | ... | 51 | ... |
main shell| 583.352 | ... | 400 | ... |
shell side dish| 587.352 | ... | 4 | ... |
PV Elite includes an 1/8 inch (3.175mm) raised face and gasket thicknesses for girth
flanges and tubesheet thicknesses where applicable in the Tangent to Tangent length calculation.
The calculated dimensions are based on the given element lengths. Due to variability in
manufacturing (weld gaps etc.), the Tangent to Tangent length may not be exact.
ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 30.0 + 6 * 90.0/(3.0 + 0.5)
= 214.286 mm
ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 88.758/( 2 * 30.0 + 90.0 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 120.712 * 1321.77/(703.07 * pi(598.0 + 562.0) )
= 6.227 mm
Y = 6.028 Z = 3.130
e = 0.0138 1/mm d = 65801.773 mm³
Stress Factors Alpha = 2.240
Beta = 2.653 Gamma = 1.275
Delta = 11.079 Lambda = 12.353
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 30.0 + 6 * 90.0/(3.0 + 0.5)
= 214.286 mm
ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 88.758/( 2 * 30.0 + 90.0 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 120.712 * 1321.77/(703.07 * pi(598.0 + 562.0) )
= 6.227 mm
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
For Exchanger designs, the following values include MAWPs that
consider the tubesheet, tubes, tube/tubesheet joint etc. These
values were determined by iteration. Review the tubesheet analysis
report for more information.
Elliptical Head Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.048 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 160 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 4.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1320.4 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 535.000 mm | Actual Stress 225.3 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 7.2000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 3983.4 cm² | SG of Contents 0.924
Element Volume 29036.7 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 858.1 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.048 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 160 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 80.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1320.4 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 535.000 mm | Actual Stress 205.9 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 13848.1 cm² | SG of Contents 0.924
Element Volume 179840.5 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 872.6 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 37
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Element: channel shell Step: 7 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 37.030 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 80 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 40.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 535.000 mm | Actual Stress 847.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 12.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 12.000 mm
Surface Area 7024.6 cm² | SG of Contents 0.585
Element Volume 62355.3 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1066.3 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
= (1406.1*1.0*12.0)/(267.5+0.6*12.0)
= 61 - 0 = 61 kgf/cm²
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Conical Head/Section Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 37.049 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 80 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 51.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 830.000 mm | Actual Stress 1290.3 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 14.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 14.000 mm
Surface Area 11922.5 cm² | SG of Contents 0.585
Element Volume 154339.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1105.5 kgf/cm²
| To End Diameter 535.000 mm
Line of Support Both Ends |
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
= (2*1406.1*1.0*14.0*0.866)/(830.0+1.2*14.0*0.866)
= 40 - 0 = 40 kgf/cm²
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 37.049 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 80 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 400.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 830.000 mm | Actual Stress 1303.5 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 12.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 12.000 mm
Surface Area 107316.8 cm² | SG of Contents 0.585
Element Volume 1886455.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 999.4 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Elliptical Head Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 37.049 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 80 °C
Material SA-240 304 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 4.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-1
| UNS Number S30400
Int. Corr. All. c 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 830.000 mm | Actual Stress 1280.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 12.0400 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 14.000 mm
Surface Area 9058.1 cm² | SG of Contents 0.585
Element Volume 96489.2 cm³ | Weight of Contents 171.8 kgf
Empty Weight 313.4 kgf | Operating Weight 485.1 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 999.4 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.
Weight of Details:
Saddles 188.5
Liquid 1477.6
Nozzles 166.3
Exchanger Components 1020.8
Liquid in Tubes 240.0
Sum of the Detail Weights 3093.2 kg
Main Elements | 1758.1 | 1758.1 | 1758.1 | 1758.1 | 1758.1 | 1758.1 |
Saddles | 188.5 | 188.5 | 188.5 | 188.5 | 188.5 | 188.5 |
Nozzles | 166.3 | 166.3 | 166.3 | 166.3 | 166.3 | 166.3 |
Exchanger | 1020.8 | 1020.8 | 1020.8 | 1020.8 | 1020.8 | 1020.8 |
Ope. Liquid | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1477.6 |
Tube Ope Lqd | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 240.0 |
Test Liquid | ... | 2407.4 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Tube Tst Lqd | ... | 240.0 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Totals | 3133.8 | 5781.2 | 3133.8 | 3133.8 | 3133.8 | 4851.4 |
Weight Summary:
Wind Load Calculations per India Std. IS 875 (PART 3):2015, Amd. 1&2 (2020):
Input Values:
Calculated Values:
From Height k1 k2 k3 Vz Cf
m m/sec
10 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
20 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
30 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
40 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
50 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
60 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
70 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
80 1.62 1.0000 0.9100 1.0000 64.45 0.8554
Seismic Analysis Results per IS 1893 (Part 4): 2015 + 2018 Amendment 2
The Earthquake Loads calculated and printed in the Earthquake
Load calculation report have been factored by the input
scalar/load reduction factor of: 1.300.
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
= 0.78 * sqrt( Rm * t )
= 0.78 * sqrt( 421.0 * 12.0 )
= 55.440 mm
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 59
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Saddle Calcs: Bundle Pull New: Step: 19 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 0.0/2270.19
= 0.00 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 67
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Saddle Calcs: Bundle Pull New: Step: 19 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 0.0/863.59
= 0.00 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
= 0.78 * sqrt( Rm * t )
= 0.78 * sqrt( 421.0 * 12.0 )
= 55.440 mm
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 73
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Saddle Calcs: Bundle Pull Cor: Step: 20 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 0.0/2270.19
= 0.00 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 81
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Saddle Calcs: Bundle Pull Cor: Step: 20 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 0.0/863.59
= 0.00 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
= 1091.9 kgf
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
= 37.024*421.0/(2*12.0)+21.4/(0.1923*pi*421.0²*12.0)
= 651.13 kgf/cm²
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
= 148.906
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
= 34.532 kgf-m.
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 91
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Saddle Calcs: Operating Case: Step: 21 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
= 389.07/3693.28
= 105.34 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
= 389.07 kgf-m.
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 389.07/1746.72
= 222.74 mm > Bplen/6 --> Uplift in Transverse direction
f = Bplen / 2 - Edgedis
= 808.0/2 - 50.8
= 353.20 mm
K1 = 3 (e - 0.5 * Bplen)
= 3 (222.74 - 0.5*808.0)
= -543.77 mm
K2 = 6 * n1 * At / Bpwid * (f + e)
= 6 * 9.45 * 6.25/255.0 * (353.2 + 222.74)
= 80094.18 mm ²
Num = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 - e)
= (808.0/2 - 584.33/3 - 222.74)
= -13.52
Denom = (Bplen / 2 - Y / 3 + f)
= (808.0/2 - 584.33/3 + 353.2)
= 562.42
= (Bplen - Weblngth) / 2
= (808.0 - 757.2)/2
= 25.4000 mm
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
= 2056.849 N
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 128.39/3914.56
= 32.80 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
The suffix 'p' denotes the values for a wear plate if it exists.
B | D | Y | A | AY | I + AD2 |
mm | mm | mm | cm² | mm³ | cm^4 |
Shell 425.1 | 12.0 | 6.0 | 51.0 | 30606.3 | 0.318E+04 |
Wearplate 315.0 | 10.0 | 17.0 | 31.5 | 53550.0 | 0.145E+04 |
Web 10.0 | 167.0 | 105.5 | 16.7 | 176184.9 | 459. |
BasePlate 255.0 | 20.0 | 199.0 | 51.0 | 1014899.8 | 0.666E+04 |
Totals ... | ... | ... | 150.2 | 1275241.0 | 0.118E+05 |
Angle [beta]:
= 180 - Saddle Angle/2
= 180 - 120.0/2
= 120.0
= 0.2035
The maximum of 2/3*Yield and the Saddle Allowable Stress value was used
to determine the baseplate thickness.
B | D | Y | A | AY | Io |
Rib+Web 10.0 | 200.0 | ... | 20.0 | ... | 667. |
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 9.1943 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 9.19 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(9.19)/(8* 148.91)-( 9.19³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1072 kgf/cm²
Compressive Allowable, KL/r < Cc ( 4.8653 < 148.9061 ) per AISC E2-1 [Sca]:
= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy/(5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 4.87 )²/(2 * 148.91² ))1815/
( 5/3+3*(4.87)/(8* 148.91)-( 4.87³)/(8*148.91³)
= 1081 kgf/cm²
Eccentricity (e):
= Rmom / QO
= 128.39/1866.66
= 68.78 mm < Bplen/6 --> No Uplift in Transverse direction
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
Input Values:
SMALL-END Properties:
Attached Small End Material Specification SA-240 304
Operating Allowable Stress Ss 1406.10 kgf/cm²
Ambient Allowable Stress 1406.10 kgf/cm²
Joint Efficiency Es 1.0000
Actual Thickness Ts 12.0000 mm
Corrosion Allowance Cas 0.0000 mm
Axial Length of Attached Element Ls 400.000 mm
LARGE-END Properties:
Attached Large End Material Specification SA-240 304
Operating Allowable Stress Sl 1406.10 kgf/cm²
Ambient Allowable Stress 1406.10 kgf/cm²
Joint Efficiency El 1.0000
Actual Thickness Tl 12.0000 mm
Corrosion Allowance Cal 0.0000 mm
Axial Length of Attached Element Ll 4109.167 mm
Calculated Values:
Axial forces and moments are not computed for Horizontal geometries.
Compute them manually and enter the loads using the Force/Moment dialog.
Place the loads at the ends of the cone as needed.
Note: No ring was found close enough to the large end to be considered.
Note: No ring was found close enough to the small end to be considered.
Because delta is greater than alpha, reinforcement calculations are not required
for the large end under internal pressure.
Because the 1/2 apex angle is less than 30 degrees, the following discontinuity stress evaluation
results are for information only.
An asterisk (*) denotes that this stress was not applicable for this combination of loads.
Note: The allowables above have been divided by 0.85, see UG-37 [S].
There are no hub area calculations because Figure UG-40 (e-2) was used.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
SA-312 TP304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
The flange pressure ratio is less than 0.35. Impact testing is not
required due to low stress per UHA-51(g).
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 125
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N2 Nozl: 24 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
The flange pressure ratio is less than 0.35. Impact testing is not
required due to low stress per UHA-51(g).
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 128
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N9 DRAIN Nozl: 25 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
The flange pressure ratio is less than 0.35. Impact testing is not
required due to low stress per UHA-51(g).
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
= 7.046 cm²
There are no hub area calculations because Figure UG-40 (e-2) was used.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 132
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: shell inlet Nozl: 26 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 136
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N7 Nozl: 27 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 139
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N8 Nozl: 28 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 142
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N10 Nozl: 29 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 145
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N11 Nozl: 30 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Hub Height was < 2.5 times Hub Thickness, use sketch UG-40 (e-1).
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 149
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: N4 SHELL OUTLET Nozl: 31 11:29pm Jul 11,2023
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
SA-182 F304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Shell Data:
Main Shell Description: connecting shell
Shell Maximum Design Pressure Psd,max 37.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Maximum Operating Pressure Psox,max 37.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Minimum Operating Pressure Psox,min 0.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Thickness ts 12.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance cas 0.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance caext 0.0000 mm
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 535.000 mm
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure Ts 80.00 °C
Shell Material SA-240 304
Shell Material UNS Number S30400
Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Ss 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Tube Data:
Number of Tube Holes Nt 136
Tube Wall Thickness et 2.1080 mm
Tube Outside Diameter D 25.4000 mm
Total Straight Tube Length Lt 4600.00 mm
Straight Tube Length (bet. inner tubsht faces) L 4532.00 mm
Design Temperature of the Tubes 160.00 °C
Tube Material SA-213 TP304
Tube Material UNS Number S30400
Is this a Welded Tube No
PV Elite 25 Licensee: ## 160
FileName : AMMONIA VAPOEIZER (E-3101B)-BKU-------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 11:29p Jul 11,2023
Tubesheet Data:
Bolting Information:
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 680.000 mm
Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 30.0000 mm
Type of Thread Series TEMA Metric Thread
Number of Bolts n 24
Bolt Material SA-193 B8
Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 1209.58 kgf/cm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 1321.77 kgf/cm²
Weld between Flange and Shell/Channel 0.0000 mm
Detailed Results for load Case D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max)
UHX-12.5.1 Step 1:
UHX-12.5.2 Step 2:
UHX-12.5.5 Step 5:
Coefficient [F]:
= (1 - nu✱)/E✱ * ( E * ln(K) )
= (1 - 0.32 )/858565 * ( 1889863 * ln(1.5 ) )
= 0.6145
UHX-12.5.6 Step 6:
Note: W✱ is the maximum of the bolt loads between the shell and channel sides.
UHX-12.5.7 Step 7:
UHX-12.5.8 Step 8:
UHX-12.5.9 Step 9:
[Ps - Pt] is <= the Shear Stress limit (Tau_limit). Therefore, the required thickness
for shear is for information only.
With or Without Corrosion Allowance
Design Load Case using the Minimum (Vacuum) Pressures (if specified)
Because there was no net pressure differential across the tubesheet due to
the specified pressures psd,min and ptd,min; load case D4 was not processed as
the resulting tubesheet bending stress would be zero.
(*) Only the design load cases were analyzed to compute the MAWP for determining the test pressure.
SA-240 304, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C