Research of Asphalt Layer Bonding in Lithuanian Pavement Structures

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5 Građevinar 11/2012

Primljen / Received: 27.8.2012.

Ispravljen / Corrected: 5.11.2012. Research of asphalt layer bonding
in Lithuanian pavement structures
Prihvaćen / Accepted: 29.11.2012.
Dostupno online / Available online: 15.12.2012.

Preliminary note
Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė
Research of asphalt layer bonding in Lithuanian pavement structures
Asst.Prof. Audrius Vaitkus The strength and durability of road pavement structures are directly influenced by the way in which asphalt layers are bonded. An insufficient bond between pavement layers leads
to wearing, tearing, pavement deterioration, and cracking, and the pavement life span is
reduced. The quality of bond between pavement layers was determined by direct shear test,
using the so called Leutner method, without normal stress in specimen. Test samples were
taken at various locations along the Lithuanian road network, from pavements characterized
by standard asphalt structure, and reinforced asphalt structure in which geosynthetic
Prof.dr. Donatas Čygas materials are used in interlayers
Key words:
asphalt pavement, bond between pavement layers, Leutner method

Prethodno priopćenje
Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė
Prof. dr. Alfredas Laurinavičius Istraživanje veziva asfaltnih slojeva kolničkih konstrukcija u Litvi
Način povezivanja slojeva asfaltne kolničke konstrukcije izravno utječe na čvrstoću i trajnost
kolnika. Ako veza nije pravilno izvedena, kolnik postaje sklizak, dolazi do habanja, pucanja,
propadanja kolnika i pojave pukotina te smanjenja vijeka trajanja. Kvaliteta veze između
slojeva kolnika određena je direktnim ispitivanjem na smicanje, takozvanom Leutnerovom
metodom bez pojave normalnog naprezanja u uzorku. Uzorci za ispitivanja uzeti su na
dr. Viktoras Vorobjovas različitim lokacijama cestovne mreže u Litvi, i to iz kolnika s klasičnom asfaltnom konstrukcijom te s pojačanom asfaltnom konstrukcijom primjenom geosintetika u međuslojevima.

Ključne riječi:
asfaltni kolnik, veza slojeva kolničke konstrukcije, Leutnerova metoda

Vorherige Mitteilung
Rita Kleizienė, PhD student Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė Untersuchung des Verbunds von Asphaltschichten in litauischen Fahrbahnstrukturen

Der Verbund von Asphaltschichten der Fahrbahnstruktur hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die
Roads Research Institute Festigkeit und die Haltbarkeit der Fahrbahn. Unsachgemäß ausgeführte Schichtenverbunde
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, können eine rutschige Oberfläche der Fahrbahn verursachen, während möglicherweise
Lithuania auftretende Verschleißung, Rissbildung und andere Beschädigungen zu einer Verringerung der
erwarteten Lebensdauer führen können. Die Qualität der Schichtenverbunde des Straßenbelags
Department of Roads ist durch Abscherversuche ermittelt, mit Hilfe der sogenannten Leutner-Methode, die ohne das
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Auftreten von Normalspannungen ausgeführt wird. Versuchsproben sind an verschiedenen
Lithuania Standorten des Straßennetzes in Litauen entnommen worden, und zwar sowohl für Fahrbahnen
mit klassischen Fahrbahnstrukturen, als auch für Asphaltbeläge, die durch die Anwendung von
geosynthetischen Materialen in den Zwischenschichten verstärkt wurden.

Asphaltfahrbahn, Schichtenverbunde der Fahrbahnstruktur, Leutner-Methode

GRAĐEVINAR 64 (2012) 11, 915-921 915

Građevinar 11/2012 Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė

1. Introduction layers. J. Eisenmann and U. Neumann [6] report that an

optimal bonding is necessary to obtain an asphalt pavement
The bonding of asphalt layers is a significant factor that strength that is sufficient to prevent rutting. G. King and R.
directly influences the strength and durability of pavements. May [7] have determined that the deformation of asphalt
Thie bonding of asphalt layers is influenced by the size of pavement layers increases significantly if the layer bonding
aggregates used in asphalt mix, by the type of asphalt mix decreases from 100% to 90%, which results in a premature
and binder, by the quantity of bitumen emulsion, and by the deterioration of asphalt pavement. C. J. Roffe and F. Chaignon
type of construction technology used [1, 2]. Due to insufficient [8] state that the life cycle of asphalt pavement can be
bonding between asphalt layers, the upper asphalt layer reduced by seven or eight years if the asphalt layer bonding is
may be displaced, under the effect of shear force, parallel to inadequate. R. Dübner and W. Glet [9] assert that insufficient
the asphalt binder, and the asphalt binder can be displaced bonding between layers can influence deformation and
parallel to the asphalt base layer. In that case, the asphalt crumbling of the pavement. L. Tashman and others [10] state
pavement structure is affected by corrugation, slippage and that the asphalt layers bonding strength depends on the
transverse cracking. The pavement distress usually occurs at surface preparation, the amount of binder emulsion sprayed,
the acceleration/deceleration and turning zones. The asphalt and the time interval between binder emulsion spraying and
pavement life span decreases because of insufficient bonding the placement of an another asphalt layer. In 2011, A. Vaitkus
of asphalt layers. The necessary bearing capacity, strength, et al. [11] established that there is no difference in the asphalt
and durability of pavement structures can be obtained if layers bonding strength as related to the sampling location
the bond between asphalt layers is appropriate [1, 2]. If – in the wheel-path or in-between the wheel-path of the
bonding is sufficient, all asphalt layers in pavement act as a same road. The dependence of the stress and deformation
monolithic structure, and the largest stress from wheel load distribution in pavement structure on the traffic volume and
is concentrated at the bottom of asphalt base course. In such climate was tested on a road test section [12, 13].
a case the cracking also starts from the asphalt base course.
When the bonding is insufficient, each asphalt layer operates 2. Determination of asphalt layer bonding
separately from the others, and the maximum stress is strength
concentrated at the bottom of each asphalt layer.
The bonding between asphalt layers is conditioned by the The asphalt layer bonding strength can be determined by
friction and interlocking of layers. The friction is reduced by an several methods. The shearing test is most often used in
excessive quantity of binder between the layers, when a binder practice, while the pull–off and torque tests are less common
coat is formed, which does n‘t allow the contact between (Figure 1). The shearing test is most often used in order to
separate asphalt layers. The bonding between asphalt layers evaluate the bonding strength between asphalt layers. The
depends on friction, bonding, and interlocking of layers. There shearing test can be performed either without normal stress
are three types of asphalt layer bonding [3]: (direct shear test), and with normal stress (simple shear test):
-- Sufficiently bonded – asphalt layers act as a monolithic
structure. A large shear stress is created and no 1. The direct shear test: the Leutner test, the parallel-layer
deformations (displacements) are developed. However, direct shear test, the LBC test, the De Bondt test, the U.S.
this is a theoretical model, because in practice the bonding National Asphalt Technology Center Shearing test (NCAT),
plane of asphalt layers is always represented by a smaller the FDOT test, the Iowa test, the Rommanoshi test, the Al-
or larger deformation. Qadi test, the Asher test, and the SST- Superpave Shear Test.
-- Partially bonded – depends on the interlocking strength. The 2. The simple shear test: the MCS trial, the ASTRA trial, and
shear stress and deformations (displacements) of various the SST trial.
sizes occur between layers. In case of strong interlocking, the
large shear stress and small deformations are registered.
Conversely, if the interlocking is weak, the shear stress is
small and the deformation is substantial.
-- Insufficiently bonded – the friction and bonding occur only
as a result of the load and self-weight of layers. Small
shear stresses and large deformations occurs between the

K. Schulze [4] has demonstrated that insufficient bonding

between asphalt layers can cause corrugation and rutting
of pavement. R. Weber [5] states that cracks in asphalt Figure 1. Methods used to determine bonding strength of asphalt
pavement occur because of insufficient bonding of asphalt layers [3]

916 GRAĐEVINAR 64 (2012) 11, 915-921

Research of asphalt layer bonding in Lithuanian pavement structures Građevinar 11/2012

In 1979, R. Leutner described a direct shear test method for quantities of bitumen emulsion between the layers, and using
determining the asphalt layer bonding strength [14]. The different compaction levels for the asphalt wearing course.
Leutner test is one of the most commonly used direct shear The roller compactor was used to compact the samples. The
methods, and is widely used in many countries. In Switzerland, wearing course was made either of the asphalt concrete for
Austria, and Germany it has been accepted as the national wearing courses with maximum grain size of 11 mm, designed
standard for evaluating strength of asphalt layers. The bonding for normal loads (AC 11 VN), or the asphalt concrete for wearing
of layers is evaluated by measuring the maximum shear force course with maximum grain size of 11 mm, designed for heavy
(kN) and shear flow (mm). loads (AC 11 VS). The binder was made of the asphalt concrete
In Germany, the bonding strength of asphalt layers is determined for binders with a maximum grain size of 16 mm, designed for
by performing the Leutner test according to the document normal loads (AC 16 AN).
TP asphalt–StB Teil 80 (direct shear test). In this country, the The asphalt binder, 7  cm in thickness, was prepared during
minimum value of the asphalt layer bonding strength is regulated the first day of the testing. The asphalt wearing layer, 4 cm in
by the document ZTV Asphalt–StB 07 [15]: between the asphalt thickness, was prepared a day after. Thus two slabs 410 mm
wearing course and binder – no less than 15 kN; between all long, 210 mm wide, and 11 cm thick, were prepared. Different
other asphalt layers – no less than 12 kN. The recommended limit types and quantities of bitumen emulsion were sprayed
values between the wearing course and binder is 2,0–4,0 mm, and in between the asphalt layers. The emulsion‘s working
between the binder and base course 1,5–3,0 m Recommended temperature was 40°C. Asphalt layer slabs, without the
limit values for shear flow are given in ZTV M–V and Arbit Nr. 60. bitumen emulsion in between the layers, were also made for
comparison purposes. The compaction level of the asphalt
3. Experimental research wearing course was 97% or 100%, while the compaction level
for the asphalt binder layer was 97% for all samples. Three 150
The experimental research was conducted at the laboratory mm diameter asphalt cores were drilled from each asphalt
of the Road Research Institute of the Vilnius Gediminas slab. The interlayer bonding was measured in accordance with
Technical University in 2010 and 2011. Direct shear tests were the Asphalt technical testing guidelines, Part 80 (German-
performed on samples prepared in laboratory, and on samples Technische Prüfvorschriften für asphalt, TP Asphalt–StB
(cores) taken from Lithuanian roads and city streets. Teil 80). The tests were performed in the standard Marshall
compactor, with shearing mould. The constant static load
3.1. Test results for samples made in laboratory of 50 mm/min was applied. Before the test, asphalt cores
were stored at the temperature of 20°C for 24 hours. Sample
In the laboratory, the asphalt wearing course and binder combinations made in laboratory and test results are
samples were prepared by applying different types and presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Combinations of samples made in laboratory and test results

Shear force Shear flow

The quantity Asphalt wearing Asphalt
Interlayer [kN] [mm]
Testing of bonding course mix binder mix
combination material (compression level) (compression level) After After After After
[g/m2] [%] [%] 2 days 10 days 2 days 10 days

1 – – AC 11 VN (97 %) 21,67 36,73 1,93 2,80

2 – – AC 11 VN (100 %) 21,97 41,50 2,93 1,73

3 – – AC 11 VS (97 %) 14,23 28,27 2,33 1,70

4 – – AC 11 VS (100 %) 14,30 33,53 1,90 1,87

5 C 60 BF 1–S 90 AC 11 VN (97 %) 30,00 44,77 3,10 3,47

AC 16 AN (97 %)
6 C 60 BF 1–S 135 AC 11 VN (97 %) 22,83 42,50 2,10 2,57

7 C 60 BF 1–S 200 AC 11 VN (97 %) 32,73 32,73 2,27 2,27

8 C 60 BP 1–S 100 AC 11 VN (97 %) 33,25 36,67 2,81 3,46

9 C 60 BP 1–S 150 AC 11 VN (97 %) 38,17 43,83 3,16 3,00

10 C 60 BP 1–S 250 AC 11 VN (97 %) 35,83 38,42 3,33 4,44

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Građevinar 11/2012 Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė

The test results (Figure 2) show that the shear force varies in emulsion C 60 BF 1–S the shear flow varied from 2,1 mm to
a wide interval, from 14,2 kN to 44,8 kN. The minimum shear 3,5 mm. The highest values were determined for samples
force was registered in combinations 3 and 4, i.e. in samples in containing the 90 g/m2 emulsion, tested after 10 days. In
which the asphalt wearing course was AC 11 VS with the 97 % samples with bitumen emulsion C  60  BP  1–S the shear
and 100 % compaction level, and no any bonding material was flow varied from 2,8 mm to 4,5 mm. The greatest value was
used in interlayer. The maximum shear force was registered determined for samples containing the 250  g/m2 emulsion,
in the combination 9 (38,17 kN after 2 days, and 43,83 kN after tested after 10 days.
10 days), i.e. in samples in which the asphalt wearing course The analysis of the asphalt layer bonding strength results
was AC  11  VN with the 97 % compaction level, and with the shows that after 10 days of asphalt compaction, the bonding
150 g/m2 bitumen emulsion in interlayer. Depending on the strength was in all cases greater than 25 kN, and the shear
testing time, a 13 % higher shear force was obtained after 10 flow was greater than 1.5 mm. It should be noted that the use
days. Shear force results for asphalt wearing course samples of bitumen emulsion leads to sufficient bonding of asphalt
subjected to 100 % compaction were 13 % (AC 11 VN) and 18 layers, but only the right amount of bitumen emulsion ensures
% (AC  11  VS) higher when compared to the 97 % compaction good bonding and an allowable shear flow. Results are much
level. The values of all asphalt wearing course samples made more promising for polymer modified emulsions C 60 BP 1–S,
of AC 11 VN were higher by av. 26 % (tested after 2 days) and when compared to bitumen emulsion C 60 BF 1–S.
av. 54 % (tested after 10 days), when compared with values of
the asphalt wearing course made of AC 11 VS. In this case, the 3.2. Test results for samples taken from roads and
bitumen emulsion was not used in the interlayer. city streets

In the scope of the testing, asphalt cores were taken from

selected roads, and their bonding strength was tested on
these cores in laboratory. The samples were taken on selected
roads and streets, both in the wheel-path and in between the
wheel-paths. These samples had either the geosynthetic
interlayer, the stress absorbing membrane interlayer (SAMI),
or the bitumen emulsion interlayer. The testing combinations
and laboratory test results are presented in Table 2.
The asphalt cores were taken in accordance with the
LST EN 12697–27:2002 standard, while the asphalt layer
bonding strength was determined according to the Asphalt
Testing Technical Directive-Part 80 (German-Technische
Prüfvorschriften für asphalt, TP Asphalt–StB Teil 80). The
Figure 2. Distribution of shear force between the asphalt wearing asphalt layer bonding strength distribution is presented, for
course and binder in samples prepared in laboratory various testing combinations, in Figure 3.The thickness of
asphalt wearing course cores varied from 3,6 cm to 6,2 cm. The
The bonding strength was about 30 % greater when bitumen thickness of asphalt binder cores was greater than 8 cm, and
emulsion C  60  BF  1–S was added to the asphalt interlayer, so the total thickness of cores was reduced to about 11,0 cm.
when compared to the situation without the bitumen emulsion The analysis of the asphalt layer shear force distribution
(tested after 2 days No significant difference was revealed revealed that the shear force was greater than 15 kN in 88
after 10 days. A significant difference in bonding strength % of testing combinations (22 out of 25). In the remaining
was registered by comparing samples tested after 2 and 10 3 testing combinations the results were distributed as
days, when bitumen emulsion was not used in the interlayer. follows: in combinations 6.1 and 8.1 the shear force was
In this case, the difference in bonding strength ranged from by 21 % lower than the required value (15 kN), and in the
69 % to 134 %, depending on the type of the asphalt mix used combination 5.2 it was by 20% lower than the required
in the wearing course, and on the compaction level. It was value(12 kN).The maximum shear force was registered
established that the shear force is much higher in samples in combinations 10.1 and 10.2 in the wheel-path of the
with bitumen emulsion C  60  BP  1–S, when compared to road Nr. 102 where the asphalt wearing course is made of
samples with bitumen emulsion C 60 BF 1–S. The difference SMA 11 S. The minimum shear force was established in the
in results 2 days after the compaction varies from 10 % to 60 %, combination 5.2 which was taken in the wheel-path of the
but no significant difference was obtained for samples tested Eisiskių Street. It was established from samples taken at
10 days after compaction. the Plytines Street that the shear force is by 85 % greater
It was established that the asphalt layer shear flow values without geosynthetic interlayer (testing combination 3.2)
ranged from 1,7 mm to 4,5 mm. In samples with bitumen when compared to situation with such interlayer (testing

918 GRAĐEVINAR 64 (2012) 11, 915-921

Research of asphalt layer bonding in Lithuanian pavement structures Građevinar 11/2012

Table 2. Testing combinations and laboratory test results for samples taken from roads and city street

Testing Shear Shear

Paving Asphalt wearing
combi- Sampling location Type of material in interlayer force flow
year course mix
nation [kN] [mm]

1 2010 Oslo Str., Vilnius Pozition A AC 16 AS SAMI (under binder layer) 24,40 5,90
Savanoriu Str.,
2 2005 Pozition A SMA 11 S SAMI (under wearing layer) 24,60 6,10
Pavegrid G100/100
3.1 Plytines Str., 16,40 2,20
2006 Pozition A AC 11 VS (under binder layer)
3.2 Without geogrid 30,30 3,40
Pavegrid G100/100
4.1 23,50 2,80
Kalvariju Str., (under wearing layer)
2007 Pozition A SMA 11 S
4.2 Without geogrid 32,40 3,50

Hatelit C 40/17
5.1 20,10 1,80
(under binder layer)
Eisikių Str.,
2007 Pozition A SMA 11 S Armatex RSM 50/50
5.2 Vilnius 9,60 1,70
(under binder layer)
5.3 Without geogrid 26,10 1,00
6.1 Pozition A 11,83 1,78
2008 Road Nr. 153 AC 11 VS Without geogrid
6.2 Pozition B 18,45 2,00
7.1 Pozition A 17,82 2,55
2010 Road Nr. 143 AC 11 VN Without geogrid
7.2 Pozition B 18,35 2,70
8.1 Pozition A 11,85 2,05
2010 Road Nr. 130 AC 11 VS Without geogrid
8.2 Pozition B 15,45 2,78
9.1 Pozition A 21,20 2,08
2010 Road Nr. 128 AC 11 VS Without geogrid
9.2 Pozition B 16,90 2,25
10.1 Pozition A 34,05 4,03
2010 Road Nr. 102 SMA 11 S Without geogrid
10.2 Pozition B 31,85 3,95
11.1 Pozition A 33,20 3,35
2010 Road Nr. 2828 AC 11 VN Without geogrid
11.2 Pozition B 25,35 4,05
12.1 Pozition A 19,45 3,95
2010 Road Nr. A4 AC 11 VS Without geogrid
12.2 Pozition B 16,35 2,70
13.1 Pozition A 25,69 5,53
2009 Road Nr. A14 SMA 11 S Without geogrid
13.2 Pozition B 24,23 3,43

Pozition of sampling location

Pozition A: In the wheel-path
Pozition B: Between the wheel-path

combination 3.1). Testing of samples selected from the combination, but is however influenced by the material used
Eisiskiu Street has revealed that the shear force is by about in interlayers. In 72% of testing combinations (18 out of 25)
30% greater in samples without the geosynthetic interlayer the shear flow ranged from 2,0 mm to 4,0 mm. The analysis
(testing combination 5.1), when compared to samples with of samples taken at the Plytines Street has revealed that
the geogrid Hatelit C 40/17 (testing combination 5.3), while the shear flow is 35 % lower with geosynthetic interlayer,
this shear force is as many as 2.7 times greater (testing than without this interlayer. The testing of samples taken
combination 5.2) when compared to the sample with the at the Eisiskiu Street has shown that the shear force of
Armatex RSM 50/70 geogrid. An insufficient asphalt layer samples without geosynthetics is greater by about 40%
bonding strength has also been identified in samples taken when compared to the Hatelit C 40/17 geogrid (testing
at the roads No. 153, No. 130, and No. 143. It was determined combination 5.1), and the Armatex RSM 50/70 geogrid
that the shear flow changes independently from testing (testing combination 5.2).

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Građevinar 11/2012 Audrius Vaitkus, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Viktoras Vorobjovas, Rita Kleizienė

4. Conclusion

The analysis of the asphalt layer bonding strength has

revealed that, in all cases, the bonding strength was greater
than 25  kN after 10 days of asphalt compaction, while the
shear flow was greater than 1,5 mm.

The shear force results for samples with the 100 % compaction
of asphalt wearing course were 13% (AC  11  VN) and 18 %
(AC 11 VS) higher when compared to the 97 % compaction level.
The values of all samples made of the asphalt wearing course
type AC 11 VN were higher by av. 26 % (tested after 2 days) and
av. 54 % (tested after 10 days), when compared to the values of
the asphalt wearing course made of AC 11 VS. In this case, the
bitumen emulsion was not used in the interlayer.
Figure 3. Distribution of shear force between asphalt layers in cores
taken from roads and city streets The experimental research has shown that the bonding
strength between asphalt layers decreases from 20 % to 50
A relatively high shear flow range, exceeding the ZMT M-V % when the geogrid is laid between asphalt layers. The use of
recommendations, was identified in samples 1, 2 and 13.1. In geosynthetics also contributes to the reduction of shear flow.
samples 1 and 2, a special asphalt mix SAMI 0/5 was used for It was also established that the quantity of bonding emulsion
the interlayer, and the SMA 11 S mix was used for 13.1. It can be C  60  BF  1–S influences the shear force exerted on asphalt
noticed that in testing combinations with the asphalt wearing layers. Thus, shear force values ranged from 22,8 kN to 32,7 kN
course SMA  11  S (10.1, 10.2: road Nr. 102, and 13.1, 13.2: road (tested after 2 days), and from 32,7 kN to 44,8 kN (tested after
Nr. A14) the shear flow was not significantly higher compared 10 days). The bonding strength was by about 30 % greater
to other types of asphalt wearing courses. It was revealed that with bitumen emulsion present in asphalt interlayer, when
the shear flow changes independently from the sample taking compared to the situation without the emulsion (tested after
location (wheel-path or between the wheel paths). 2 days), while the difference was not significant after 10 days.

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