Rottier & Ince, 2003

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Erik Rottier and Margaret Ince

Water, Engineering and Development Centre

Loughborough University


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Water, Engineering and Development Centre
Loughborough University

© WEDC, Loughborough University, 2003

Any part of this publication, including the illustrations (except items taken
from other publications where the authors do not hold copyright) may be copied,
reproduced or adapted to meet local needs, without permission from the author/s
or publisher, provided the parts reproduced are distributed free, or at cost and
not for commercial ends, and the source is fully acknowledged as given below.
Please send copies of any materials in which text or illustrations have been used to
WEDC Publications at the address given above.

A reference copy of this publication is also available online at:

Rottier, E. and Ince M.E. (2003)

Controlling and Preventing Disease:
The role of water and environmental sanitation interventions

WEDC, Loughborough University, UK.

ISBN Paperback 0 906055 90 3

Editorial contributions: Kimberly Clarke and Rod Shaw

Designed and produced at WEDC

Layout: Karen Betts
Illustrations: Ken Chatterton


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Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Definitions of commonly used terms in this manual 1
1.2 Who this manual is for 2
1.3 Scope of the manual 2
1.4 Structure of the manual 3
1.5 How to use the manual 4

Chapter 2: Disease and disease transmission 7

2.1 Introduction to the transmission cycle of disease 7
2.2 The pathogen 9
2.3 The host 10
2.4 Transmission of disease 13
2.5 The environment 21
2.6 The future host 24

Chapter 3: Disease in the population 28

3.1 Endemic and epidemic occurrence of disease 29
3.2 Introduction to epidemiology 33
3.3 Mortality and morbidity rates in a population 40

Chapter 4: Water and environmental sanitation projects 42

4.1 The price of poor WES 43
4.2 The planning of WES projects and the project cycle 44
4.3 Improving impact and sustainability 45
4.4 Health, poverty, and development 50

Chapter 5: Domestic water supply 52

5.1 Water availability 52
5.2 Water quality 60
5.3 Additional health issues concerning water supply 69

Chapter 6: Sanitation 71
6.1 The transmission of excreta-related infections 72
6.2 Practical issues on sanitation 78

Chapter 7: Drainage 90
7.1 Surface water and the transmission of disease 92
7.2 Practical issues concerning drainage 94

Chapter 8: Solid waste management 99

8.1 Solid waste management and infectious disease 99
8.2 Practical issues about solid waste management 100

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Annexe 1: Listing of diseases related to water and environmental sanitation 105
Faecal-oral infections 107
Water-based helminths 142
Soil-transmitted helminths 155
Tapeworms 163
Weil’s disease and Guinea-worm infection 167
Water-washed diseases 171
Vector-borne infections 234

Annexe 2: Summary tables of infections related to water and environmental

sanitation (excluding vector-borne infections) 235
Table A2.1: Faecal-oral infections 236
Table A2.2: Water-based helminths 239
Table A2.3: Soil-transmitted helminths 240
Table A2.4: Beek and pork tapeworm 241
Table A2.5: Leptospirosis and guinea-worm infection 241
Table A2.6: Infections transmitted through direct contact 242

Annexe 3: Summary tables of vector-borne infections, vectors and

their control 243
Table A3.1: Vector-borne infections with their vectors 244
Table A3.2: The vectors and their characteristics 246
Table A3.3: Preventative measures against vectors 248

Annexe 4: Chlorination of drinking water 252

Assessing whether the raw water can be chlorinated directly 252
The mother solution and chlorine-generating products 253
Determining the chlorine demand of the raw water 254

Annexe 5: Calculating the size of pits for latrines, and assessing

their infiltration capacity 258
Determining the required size of a pit 258
Determining the infiltration capacity of the pit 259

Annexe 6: Designing a simple stormwater drainage system 264

Analysis of the catchment area 264
Determining the rainfall intensity for which the system is designed 265
Calculating the amount of water the catchment area will produce 266
Sizing a drain to cope with the design peak runoff rate 267

Annexe 7: Priorities and standards in emergency situations 270

References 275

Alphabetical index of diseases 281


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Chapter 1


Improving health is one of the main goals of water and environmental sanitation
interventions. Despite this, many aid and development workers working in the
field of water and environmental sanitation have only a limited knowledge of the
infections they try to prevent. Although the relevant information does exist, it is
often scattered in specialised literature and rarely finds its way into the field.

This manual addresses this problem by presenting information to aid and develop-
ment workers on these infections in relation to the interventions that these
workers control: water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, and
vector control.

1.1 Definitions of commonly used terms in this manual

Water supply is the means by which people are provided with water for domestic
use. This is water used for drinking, cooking, washing, and other domestic
activities like watering gardens or water for domestic animals.
Sanitation refers to all aspects of excreta disposal (human and animal, faeces and
urine). It includes sanitary structures (e.g. latrines); material needed for the
proper operation and use of the structures (e.g. water, soap); and the human
behaviour and attitudes relating to excreta and its disposal.
Environmental sanitation means drainage (how unwanted water is disposed
of); solid waste management (how refuse is dealt with); and vector control
(measures taken to reduce the risks of disease posed by vectors).
Water and environmental sanitation means water supply, sanitation, drainage,
solid waste management, and vector control. These are called the components
of water and environmental sanitation projects. These components have physi-
cal aspects (e.g. latrines), as well as behavioural aspects (e.g. keeping latrines
clean). Water and environmental sanitation is often shortened to WES in this

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Infection usually means the entry and development of organisms (e.g. virus,
bacterium) in a host (human or animal) (Benenson, 1995). In this manual we
use the word infection for the development in a host of an organism(s) whose
transmission and/or prevention are influenced by WES.

Disease is a broad term normally used for any malfunction of the body resulting
from a cause other than injury. An infection is only a communicable or
infectious disease if it results in illness. Although, strictly speaking, it is not
correct to use disease and infection synonymously (most infections covered in
this manual can result in infection without symptoms), we have done so here to
improve readability.

Please note: Throughout this manual, Dracontiasis is referred to as Guinea-worm,

the commonly used name for the disease.

1.2 Who this manual is for

This manual has been produced primarily for non-medical aid and development
workers working in water and environmental sanitation at field level. Neverthe-
less, anyone working in WES, or in the prevention of infections related to WES,
may find this book useful.

Aid and development workers operating at various stages of the project cycle will
find this manual useful. Whether you need to assess the health risks in an existing
situation; write, or assess, a project proposal; or implement an intervention, you
will find relevant information in this book. You do not need to have extensive
knowledge, of or experience in WES or in disease to be able to use this manual.

1.3 Scope of the manual

This manual covers infections that occur in all developing countries, and will be
useful for both emergency and longer term development projects. It can be used in
both urban and rural situations, and with settled as well as displaced populations
such as internally displaced people and refugees.

The various components of WES up to the level at which aid and development
workers in the field usually work are covered. We focus on appropriate technology
options. The specific health problems related to industries, mines, large hospitals,
abattoirs, or sewage treatment plants are not addressed.

Although housing plays an important role in the prevention of disease, housing

issues have not been addressed here as the improvement of housing will not
usually be the responsibility of the WES specialist.

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1.4 Structure of the manual

While some readers will want to study subjects in depth, many fieldworkers need
relevant, concise information which is accessible, and easy to work through. This
manual, therefore, provides information in two ways and has two parts.

Part 1 is comprised of information in chapters as summarised in Section 1.4.1

below. Part 2 is comprised of annexes: information in list and tabular form as
outlined in Section 1.4.2.

1.4.1 Part 1
Chapter 2: Disease and disease transmission
This chapter looks at how the infections related to WES are transmitted. The
elements of the transmission cycle of disease are presented, along with important
related issues. In addition, this chapter categorises the infections linked to WES
into groups with similar transmission cycles.

Chapter 3: Disease in the population

In this chapter we introduce some basic concepts about the dynamics of disease in
a population, and examine endemic and epidemic occurrence of disease, epidemi-
ology, and mortality and morbidity rates.

Chapter 4: Water and environmental sanitation projects

Chapter 4 looks at the background to WES projects. We consider why these
projects are necessary, and what they try to achieve. The WES project cycle is also
described. In addition, several issues relating to the impact and sustainability of
interventions are presented. The chapter ends with an examination of the link
between health, poverty, and development.

Chapters 5 to 8
In these chapters we introduce the components of WES – domestic water supply,
sanitation, drainage, and solid waste management – along with the health issues
associated with each component.

We do not specifically look at vector control here, as this subject would be too vast
to cover adequately. The role that water supply, sanitation, drainage, and solid
waste play in vector control is, of course, important, and this is covered in the
relevant chapters. Although we do not cover vector control in its own chapter, we
have included all vector-borne diseases of importance in Annexe 1, and Annexe 3
presents summary tables on both vector-borne infections and vectors and their

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1.4.2 Part 2
Annexe 1: Properties of infections related to WES
In this annexe we list all the common infections related to WES with their
properties relevant to WES specialists. We cover over 85 infections in a standard

Annexe 2: Occurence, transmission and control of infections related to WES

(excluding vector-borne infections)
Annexe 2 presents information on the occurrence of infections, whether it has
animal vectors, and measures of control in the form of tables. Vector-borne
diseases are covered in Annexe 3.

Annexe 3: Vector-borne infections: their vectors and control

In this annexe we present tables which link infections to vectors, vectors to
properties, and vectors to methods of control.

Annexe 4: The chlorination of drinking water

Here we look at how to determine the demand of chlorine in water, and how to
calculate how much chlorine to add to large water volumes.

Annexe 5: Sizing pits for latrines and determining their infiltration capacity
This annexe explains how to size the pit for a latrine, and how much liquid the pit
can cope with.

Annexe 6: Designing a simple drainage system for stormwater

Here we present a method for estimating how much stormwater a catchment area
will produce, and how to size a drain which has to cope with this flow.

Annexe 7: Minimum standards in emergencies

In this annexe we present the basic needs of healthy people to survive, and the
minimum standards of WES service that have to be provided to people in an
emergency situation.

1.5 How to use the manual

To understand better the issues relating to disease transmission, the dynamics of
disease in the population, and WES projects and WES components, read Chapters
2 to 7 from start to end. Many readers, however, will not be in a position to read
through the text in this way, so the manual has also been designed to be used as a
reference book, with information listed in the table of contents and the index.

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The manual is also structured to allow the reader to extract information by disease,
by project, or by the components of WES.

The diseases
Information on individual infections is presented in Annexe 1.

More than 85 infections are covered in 60 individual sections. All sections have
the same format, although some less relevant or less important infections are only
summarised. Readers can find important information on each disease, such as
distribution of the infection, severity of the disease, how transmission occurs,
whether the infection is a risk in a disaster and preventative measures.

This information is important to know how to reduce an existing problem, or how

to prevent the infection from becoming a problem in the future.

Annexes 2 and 3 present summary information on different infections. This

allows the reader to verify quickly whether preventative measures are likely to be
effective against specific diseases, and to associate different infections with
specific preventative measures.

If a more general perspective on disease transmission is required, or information

on the dynamics of disease in the population, Chapters 2 and 3 will be useful. In
addition, these chapters will give more background information on issues raised
in the other sections on diseases.

The WES project

Chapter 4 is an introduction to WES projects, and presents the issues that should
be considered to improve impact and sustainability.

Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 briefly present some issues other than health which are
associated with components of WES and which should be taken into considera-
tion when making a project proposal.

The components of WES

Readers who want general information on water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid
waste management, or vector control can find this in Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 and
Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. In these chapters, the issues related to health are
presented, which will be useful for people who have to assess the health risks in an
area, who want to know whether certain components would be effective in
reducing the health risk, or who have to assess whether a proposed component
would be the most effective measure. In these chapters and annexes we look at the

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practical aspects relating to the components which will help workers who have to
plan, design, or implement interventions, or who have to assess whether existing
structures or services are adequate.

Although this book has not been designed as as technical manual, technical
information important to the proper functioning of WES components is included
to avoid the comon frustration experienced by readers of such texts: ‘They tell us
what to do, but not how to do it!’. The technical information is not complete, but
may be useful, for example, to address rapidly specific problems that arise in an
emergency such as the chlorination of drinking-water, the design of sanitary
structures, or the removal of stormwater from a refugee camp. In addition, an
annexe has been included which presents the priorities and minimum standards of
WES in emergencies in summary form.

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Chapter 2

Disease and disease transmission

An enormous variety of organisms exist, including some which can survive and
even develop in the body of people or animals. If the organism can cause
infection, it is an infectious agent. In this manual infectious agents which cause
infection and illness are called pathogens. Diseases caused by pathogens, or the
toxins they produce, are communicable or infectious diseases (45). In this manual
these will be called disease and infection.

This chapter presents the transmission cycle of disease with its different elements,
and categorises the different infections related to WES.

2.1 Introduction to the transmission cycle of disease

To be able to persist or live on, pathogens must be able to leave an infected host,
survive transmission in the environment, enter a susceptible person or animal, and
develop and/or multiply in the newly infected host.

The transmission of pathogens from current to future host follows a repeating

cycle. This cycle can be simple, with a direct transmission from current to future
host, or complex, where transmission occurs through (multiple) intermediate
hosts or vectors.

This cycle is called the transmission cycle of disease, or transmission cycle. The
transmission cycle has different elements:

! The pathogen: the organism causing the infection

! The host: the infected person or animal ‘carrying’ the pathogen
! The exit: the method the pathogen uses to leave the body of the host
! Transmission: how the pathogen is transferred from host to susceptible person
or animal, which can include developmental stages in the environment, in
intermediate hosts, or in vectors

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! The environment: the environment in which transmission of the pathogen

takes place.
! The entry: the method the pathogen uses to enter the body of the susceptible
person or animal
! The susceptible person or animal: the potential future host who is receptive to
the pathogen

To understand why infections occur in a particular situation, and to know how to

prevent them, the transmission cycles of these infections must be understood. The
rest of this chapter looks at the elements of the transmission cycle in more detail.

The environment

Entry of the pathogen


The pathogen leaves

The susceptible person
the host
or animal

The host

The pathogen

Figure 2.1. The different elements of the transmission cycle of disease

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2.2 The pathogen

The pathogen is the organism that causes the infection.* Specific pathogens cause
specific infections. Cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, for
example, and Leishmaniasis is caused by different species (spp.) of the protozoa

Specific infections also have specific transmission cycles. To be able to react

appropriately to health problems in a population, the specific infection causing the
problems must be known. Identification of the infection will usually be done by
medical personnel.

Different categories of pathogens can infect humans. The pathogens causing the
diseases covered in this manual include viruses, bacteria, rickettsiae, fungi, proto-
zoa, and helminths (worms). All pathogens go through a lifecycle, which takes the
organism from reproducing adult to reproducing adult. This cycle includes phases
of growth, consolidation, change of structure, multiplication/reproduction, spread,
and infection of a new host. The combination of these phases is called the
development of the pathogen.

Two terms are commonly used to describe pathogens leaving the host through
faeces or urine: latency and persistence.

After excretion, a latent pathogen must develop in the environment or intermedi-

ate host before a susceptible person or animal can be infected. During the latent
period the pathogen is not infectious. A non-latent pathogen does not need to go
through a development, and can cause infection directly after being excreted.

Persistency describes how long a pathogen can survive in the environment. A

persistent pathogen remains viable for a long period outside the host (perhaps
months), while a non-persistent pathogen remains viable for only a limited period
(days, or weeks).

Active immunity is the resistance the person or animal develops against the
pathogen after overcoming infection or through immunisation (vaccination).(45).
Depending on the pathogen, the effectiveness of active immunity often decreases
over time.

It is important to realise that not all infections will result in disease. While a pathogen may cause illness in one
person, it may be killed or cause asymptomatic infection in another.

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Usually immunity only develops against the specific pathogen that caused the
infection. If there are different types (serotypes or strains) of the same pathogen
(e.g. in dengue fever and scrub typhus), immunity will often only develop against
the particular type which caused the infection. The person or animal can still
develop the illness when infected with another serotype or strain of the patho-
gen (3).

Table 2.1 presents the different categories of pathogenic organisms with some of
their characteristics, including latency, persistence, and immunity. The informa-
tion is general, and exceptions can occur.

2.3 The host

The host is the person or animal infected by the pathogen. The importance of the
host in the transmission cycle is its roles as both reservoir and source of patho-

There are two types of host: definitive and intermediate host. The definitive host is
the person or animal infected with the adult, or sexual, form of the pathogen. In
the infections covered here, people are usually the definitive host. To keep things
simple the definitive host is called just ‘the host’.

The intermediate host is an animal or person infected by a larval, or asexual, form

of the pathogen (3). Cysticercosis and hydatid disease are the only infections
covered here for which people are the intermediate host. Where intermediate host
is meant, this term is used. Of the infections covered here, only helminths have
both definitive and intermediate hosts. All other pathogens only have definitive
hosts, although vectors function technically as intermediate hosts for protozoa.

Zoonosis: transmission from animal to person

Some pathogens are specific to humans, others to animals. Many pathogens are
less specific and can infect both people and animals. Infections that can naturally
be transmitted from animal to person are called zoonoses (3). Zoonoses are very
common; over half of the infections covered in this manual are zoonoses. Many of
these infections normally occur in an animal cycle, with people being infected by

The problem with zoonoses is that a continuous reservoir of pathogens exists

outside humans. Even if all human infections were cured and transmission to
people stopped, the presence of an animal reservoir would remain a continuous
risk to people.


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Table 2.1. Categories of pathogenic organisms and their characteristics

Pathogen Description Latency Persistence Additional


Virus Particles invade living The pathogens Viruses can Where vector-
cells. The pathogen are non-latent. survive for borne,
needs structures in months in transmission to
these cells to tropical offspring is
reproduce. (45) temperatures. possible(3) .
The immunity is
often long-

Rickettsiae Organisms resemble n/a n/a Transmission of

bacteria. (45). the pathogen to
However, similar to the offspring of
viruses, the pathogen the vector
needs to develop occurs.(73) . The
inside the cells of the immunity is
host.(2) usually long-
lasting. (3)

Bacteria Bacteria are single cell The pathogens Persists up to The immunity
organisms. They are are non-latent. several weeks. developed is
considered more (16,73)
. Can often
primitive than animal multiply outside incomplete or
or plant cells. (45) the host. (3) short-lived. (3)

Fungi A group of organisms n/a n/a The duration of

which include yeast, the immunity is
moulds, and variable. (3)
mushrooms. (45)

Protozoa Protozoa area single The pathogens Forms a The immunity is

cell organisms. (45) are non-latent. resistant cyst only maintained
which can by repeated
survive for infections or
months. (3,44) vaccinations. (73)

Helminths Helminths are worms The pathogen is The pathogen is Usually no

(worms) (roundworms, flukes or latent. It often persistent and immunity is built
tapeworms) (45). Often has a complex some may up against the
male and female must lifecycle with a survive for years pathogen. (3)
meet in host to development in in the
reproduce, and the environment environment.
sometimes they or intermediate (3, 16)

multiply in hosts. (73)

intermediate hosts.

n/a: Not applicable as the pathogens are not excreta-related.


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Prevention of zoonoses often includes control of animal hosts. This is possible by

reducing the number of hosts (e.g. controlling rats), immunising domestic ani-
mals, or avoiding unnecessary contact with host animals.

Carriers: hosts without obvious illness

A person or animal who develops an illness is an obvious example of a host. It is
very common, however,for infections to occur without the disease developing.
The person or animal infected can potentially spread the pathogen, but does not
show clear symptoms (8). The symptoms may be mild, or may be completely

These hosts are called carriers, or asymptomatic carriers. Table 2.2 shows some
infections that are frequently mild or asymptomatic. The host can be infectious for
a short period in transient carriers, or over a prolonged period in a chronic
carrier (3). Incubating carriers have been infected and can spread the pathogen, but
do not yet show the symptoms of the illness. Convalescent carriers continue to
spread the pathogen even though they have recovered from illness.

In many infections carriers play an important role in transmitting the pathogen. It

is usually not possible to identify asymptomatic carriers (73), and unless the family
and other close contacts of the sick person or even the whole population can be
treated, carriers will remain a threat to the health of those surrounding them.

Table 2.2. Examples of infections with asymptomatic carriers

Infection Asymptomatic infections

Bacillary dysentery common (3)

Cholera (El Tor) only 1 in 30-50 infections develops illness (16)
Giardiasis 1 in 2-4 infections develops illness (44)
Polio very common
Typhoid fever very common (73)
Schistosomiasis very common (16)
Hookworm very common
Yellow fever common (3)
Japanese Encephalitis only 1 in 1,000 infections develops illness (44)
Filariasis very common
Malaria common (3)
River blindness common (2)
Plague common during epidemics (73)


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Other reservoirs of pathogens

Besides hosts, there are several other pathogen reservoirs that can play a role in
the transmission of disease. Some pathogens are very resistant, and can survive in
the environment for considerable time. Though this will normally be an excep-
tion, roundworm eggs can remain viable in soil for years (3).

Intermediate hosts may be important reservoirs of pathogens, and several helminths

can even multiply in the intermediate host.

Vectors are usually infectious for life, and several pathogens can be transmitted to
the offspring of the vector over several generations (2). A soft tick, for example, can
survive for more than five years and can pass to its offspring the pathogen which
causes tick-borne relapsing fever (73).

Some pathogens can live their entire lifecycle outside the host. These include
threadworm and several faecal-oral bacteria which cause bacillary dysentery,
(para)typhoid, and salmonellosis (3).

Animal hosts, asymptomatic carriers, and other potential reservoirs of pathogens

can be important sources of infection, and this must be taken into account when
trying to control disease. The whole population at risk may have to be treated, or
animal hosts controlled. With several diseases these preventive measures will
have to be maintained over a long period before a reduction in the occurrence of
the infection will be noticeable.

2.4 Transmission of disease

To survive as a species, pathogens must infect new people or animals. To do this,
they must leave the body of the host, find their way to a new susceptible person or
animal, and enter the body of that person or animal. As the exit, transmission, and
entry of the pathogens are closely associated, we will cover them together.

Water and environmental sanitation interventions that aim to improve the health
of a population usually try to reduce the risk of transmission of infection. To do
this appropriately, the WES specialist needs to be familiar with the pathogens’
transmission route(s). It is this understanding that enables the specialist to deter-
mine which control measures will be most effective in a particular situation.

As many infections are linked to WES, it is useful to categorise the different



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For a water and sanitation specialist the most useful categorisation is based on the
transmission cycles of the infections. Generally speaking, diseases with similar
transmission cycles can be controlled by similar preventive measures, and will
occur in similar environments.

The infections are categorised and their transmission routes described at the same
time. More information on the transmission routes and potentially effective
preventive measures of specific diseases can be found in Annexe 1.

Some terms relating to the transmission or classification of infections are defined


Food-borne infections: infections which can be transmitted through eating food

containing the pathogen.

Vector-borne infections: infections transmitted through vectors. We use vector-

borne infections only for infections with a biological vector, that is a vector in
which the pathogen goes through a development before further transmission is
possible (e.g. mosquitoes, tsetse fly, body louse). We do not classify as vector-
borne those infections which are transmitted by mechanical vectors, that is the
animal is only a vehicle for transporting the pathogen (e.g. domestic flies,

Water-borne infections: infections which can be transmitted through drinking-

water which contains the pathogen.

Water-washed infections: infections caused by pathogens whose transmission

can be prevented by improving personal hygiene.

Infections can have either direct or indirect transmission routes.

2.4.1 Infections with direct transmission

A pathogen with a direct transmission route can infect a susceptible person or
animal immediately after leaving the host. The pathogen does not need to develop
in the environment, in an intermediate host, or in a vector.

In faecal pathogens these are the non-latent infectious agents.

This group contains three disease-groups: faecal-oral infections, leptospirosis,

and infections spread through direct contact.


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These pathogens leave the host through faeces, and enter the susceptible person or
animal through ingestion. Transmission occurs mainly through direct contact with
contaminated fingers; food contaminated directly with excreta, contaminated
hands, domestic flies, soil, or water; contaminated drinking-water; or contami-
nated soil. Faecal-oral infections are food-borne, water-borne, and water-washed.
As faecal-oral infections are transmitted directly, any route that will take matter
polluted with faeces directly or indirectly to somebody’s mouth could potentially
transmit the pathogen. Figure 2.2 shows some common transmission routes of
faecal-oral infections.

Some of these infections have mainly animal hosts, while others are limited to
humans. Faecal-oral infections include diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera and
bacillary dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A, and poliomyelitis.






Figure 2.2. The common transmission routes of faecal-oral infections (7)


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The main reservoir of leptospirosis is normally rats, though many other animals
can potentially transmit the infection. The pathogen leaves the animal host
through urine. People are usually infected through direct skin contact with water,
moist soil, or vegetation contaminated with urine from infected animals. Other
ways of transmission are direct contact with body tissues of infected animals or
ingesting food contaminated with urine. Transmission from person to person is
rare (3). Infections of direct contact

All the diseases covered in this manual that fall into this category are infections
which affect the skin or eyes. Pathogens are present on the skin or in the
discharges of affected body parts or eyes. The pathogens are transmitted directly
through contaminated hands, clothes, domestic flies, or any other contaminated

The pathogen enters the body through skin or mucous membranes such as the
eyes. These infections are associated with poor personal hygiene and are water-

Few of these infections have animal hosts. The diseases in this category include
conjunctivitis, trachoma, yaws, and scabies.

2.4.2 Infections with indirect transmission

A pathogen with an indirect transmission route must go through a development
phase outside the host before it can infect a new susceptible person or animal. This
development will take place in a specific intermediate host, vector, or type of

This need to go through a particular organism or environment gives the transmis-

sion route a focus, which preventive measures can target, for example by vector
control or improved food preparation.

In the faecal pathogens these are the latent infectious agents.

The disease-groups with indirect transmission are soil-transmitted helminths,

water-based helminths, beef/pork tapeworm infection, Guinea-worm infection,
and vector-borne infections.


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These worms leave the body through faeces as eggs or larvae. After excretion they
have to develop in soil. They can be further divided based on how the pathogen
enters the human body.

Entrance by penetration of the skin: the pathogen enters the body through skin
which is in direct contact with contaminated soil. This is the method used by
hookworms and threadworms.

Entrance by ingestion: if either contaminated soil, or food or hands contami-

nated with polluted soil come into contact with the mouth, the pathogen can be
transmitted. These infections can be food-borne and water-washed. This method
is used by roundworms and whipworms.

The infections covered here do not have animal hosts. Figure 2.3 presents the
transmission routes of the soil-transmitted helminths.


Skin in direct contact
with contaminated soil
(Hookworm disease)



(Roundworm infection)

Figure 2.3. The transmission routes of soil-transmitted helminths (16,73)


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These pathogens leave the body through excreta. The infectious agents must
develop in intermediate hosts living in freshwater. The transmission of these
infections is therefore only possible if excreta containing the pathogens reaches
fresh surface water in which there are suitable intermediate host(s). Based on
transmission cycle, this category can be sub-divided in two groups:

Schistosomiasis. After excretion, the pathogen infects a freshwater snail, in

which it develops and multiplies. The snail releases the pathogens into the
water, and people are infected when these pathogens penetrate skin which is in
direct contact with infected freshwater. Only one type of schistosomiasis
(which occurs only in Asia) has an important reservoir in an animal host; all
other types have people as the only host of importance.

Water-based helminths with two water-based intermediate hosts. The first inter-
mediate host is a freshwater snail or copepod. The second intermediate host is
a freshwater plant, fish, or crabs/crayfish. The intermediate hosts are specific to
the pathogen. These infections are food-borne and people become infected
when they eat the second intermediate host without properly cooking it. All
these infections affect both animals and people. These diseases include
opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, and lung fluke disease.

The transmission routes of the water-based helminths are presented in Figure 2.4. Beef/pig tapeworm infection

The pathogens leave the person through faeces. The excreted eggs then have to be
ingested by either cattle or pigs. Once the pathogen is ingested by the animal, it
will develop in the body of the cow or pig. The infections are food-borne and
people become infected when they eat undercooked beef or pork containing the
pathogen. People are the only hosts to the infection.

A dangerous complication called cysticercosis is possible when people ingest the

eggs of the pig tapeworm. The pathogen will form cysts throughout the person’s
body. Transmission of this infection is like faecal-oral infections. Guinea-worm
In this infection the pathogen, a large worm, creates a blister on the person’s skin,
which erupts when it comes into contact with water, releasing the worm’s larvae.
These larvae then infect a copepod (Cyclops), in which it develops. The disease is
water-borne. People become infected by drinking water containing Cyclops, and


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(urine for urinary

Skin in direct contact

with contaminated water

Water-based helminths
with 2 intermediate hosts

Freshwater snail
(freshwater copepod
for diphyllobothriasis)

Freshwater fish
(freshwater crab-crayfish for lung fluke disease,
freshwater plants for fasciolopsiasis and fascioliasis)

Figure 2.4. The transmission routes of water-based helminths (3)


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Worm in blister
in skin



Figure 2.5. The transmission route of Guinea-worm (3)

are the only host to this infection. Figure 2.5 shows the transmission route of
Guinea-worm. Vector-borne diseases

These infections are transmitted by vectors. Vectors are arthropods (insects, ticks,
or mites) which can transmit infections from host to future host (73). The pathogen
exists in the blood or skin of the host. The vector becomes infected when it feeds
on a host. The pathogen develops and multiplies inside the vector, which then
becomes infectious. People are usually infected through the bite of an infectious
vector, though other ways of entry are possible. With several vector-borne dis-
eases animal hosts are important reservoirs. Vector-borne diseases include yellow
fever, malaria, sleeping sickness, plague, epidemic louse-borne typhus fever, and
louse-borne relapsing fever.


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2.5 The environment

The environment is everything that surrounds the pathogen in its transmission
from host to susceptible person or animal. Obviously the environment is a vast
subject, and we can only look at some of the more important environmental
factors here.

Interventions which involve WES will often modify the environment to try to
reduce the transmission risk.

The environmental factors that we will look at here are climate, landscape, human
surroundings, and human behaviour. Environmental factors are often associated,
for example higher altitudes result in lower temperatures, landscapes are formed
by the climate.

2.5.1 The climate

The climate and its seasonal changes play an important role in disease transmis-
sion. The presence of vectors and intermediate hosts often depends on rain and

The climatological requirements of the vector or intermediate hosts can predict

whether an infection is likely to be a problem in an area. Malaria, for example,
will normally not occur in temperatures below 16°C and infection is thus unlikely
at altitudes above 2,000 metres.

In general, direct sunlight, a dry environment, and high temperatures will reduce
the survival times of pathogens in the environment.

Conditions may not be suitable to transmission year round, and many infections
are seasonal, occurring when the environment is favourable to transmission.
Mosquito-borne infections, like malaria and yellow fever, are linked to the rainy
season (16,44). The occurrence of diarrhoeal diseases often increases with the first
rains after the dry season, as faecal pollution is washed into rivers. Ponds which
disappear in the dry season may in the wet season contain water with snails that
will transmit schistosomiasis (73).

The climate influences human behaviour. In cold climates people will crowd
together and wear more clothing. If this is combined with poor personal hygiene
the the body-louse, vector of louse-borne typhus fever and louse-borne relapsing
fever, can thrive.


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In warmer climates children are also likely to play in surface water, where they can
be infected with schistosomiasis.

2.5.2 The landscape

The landscape consists of the larger physical structures in the environment. These
structures are usually natural, but can be man-made. They include mountains,
deserts, rivers, jungle, artificial water reservoirs, and deforested areas. Aspects of
the landscape that would influence disease transmission most are the micro-
climate, the presence of water, and types of vegetation.

Man-made modifications of the landscape often increase the risk of disease

transmission by creating a habitat favourable to vectors or intermediate hosts.
Large artificial water reservoirs frequently increase the occurrence of malaria and
schistosomiasis (6), for example, and introducing irrigation schemes can increase
the occurrence of schistosomiasis (15).

Although the WES specialist working in the field must recognise the risk-factors
linked to the landscape, he or she will normally not be able to modify the
landscape to reduce the risks of disease transmission.

2.5.3 The human surroundings

Landscape and human surroundings are closely linked, and it is difficult to divide
the two clearly. The difference is one of scale; while the landscape normally
cannot be modified or improved by individual people, individuals can modify the
human surroundings.

Although the landscape will normally be similar for all people living in an area,
the human surroundings may be very different for people living in the same
region, village, or even household. Many infections are linked to specific circum-
stances, and people with specific occupations, socio-economic status, gender, or
religion may be far more at risk than others. While the father of an African family
may be exposed to leptospirosis and plague because he works in sugarcane fields
and regularly traps rats, the mother may be exposed to sleeping sickness as she
goes to the river to wash clothes, and the children may be exposed to schisto-
somiasis while playing in the local pond.

The human surroundings are created by a combination of natural elements and

how people have modified these elements.

People adapt their surroundings to their needs. If these adaptations are well done,
they can help to prevent the transmission of disease. In practise they often


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encourage the transmission of disease, however, as people do not have the space,
motivation, understanding, time, energy, or financial or material means to do them

In relation to the WES aspects, human surroundings are concerned with water
supply, proper handling of excreta, removal of unwanted water, adequate manage-
ment of solid waste, and control of vectors or intermediate hosts through modifi-
cation of the environment or change in behaviour.

Waste products like excreta, wastewater, and refuse are disposed of in the human
surroundings. These wastes must be properly managed to prevent them becoming
a health risk.

The WES specialist working in the field will have to know what aspects of the
human surroundings increase the risk of disease transmission. This will enable
him or her to determine which aspects play an important role in the transmission
of disease in a specific situation. Based on this, an intervention can be planned
which will reduce the health risks to the population. More on the health risks
relating to the human surroundings, and the components from WES interventions
can be found in Chapter 5.

2.5.4 Human behaviour

People behave in a certain way because they believe that they are making the most
of their lives. Human behaviour is complex. It is influenced by culture, for
example religion, attitudes, and traditional beliefs; by social position, such as
gender or age; by availability of means, for example money, energy, time, or
material; and by politics.

One type of handpump may be acceptable in one culture, but unacceptable in

another. One type of latrine may be preferred by men, while women or children
might prefer another. People may not accept things from a government they
despise, or from an insulting development worker.

Having access to a safe water supply, or technically adequate sanitation, does not
automatically mean people will use them (25). If people do not regard structures as
acceptable, appropriate, or as an improvement to their quality of life, they will not
be used, or will not be used to their full potential.

Interventions that have only focused on structural improvements have often given
poor results in controlling infections. Studies in disease prevention indicate that
the most important factor in reducing the transmission of diseases related to WES


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is hygiene improvements resulting from changes in behaviour (13). Changing

human behaviour in relation to WES should therefore be one of the priorities of
the WES specialist.

The specialist will have to identify existing behaviour, attitudes, and behaviour
concerning WES and their causes. This will form a base from which health and
hygiene promotion can be introduced. All interventions should look at human
behaviour, and where needed, reinforce existing positive behaviour while trying
to modify behaviour that favours disease transmission.

2.6 The future host

The success of a pathogen in infecting a person will depend on:

! the infectious dose of the pathogen, and the number of infectious agents which
manage to enter the potential new host (this applies mainly to faecal-oral
infections); and
! whether the pathogen can overcome the barriers of the host.

These two factors are now considered in more detail.

2.6.1 The infectious dose

The infectious dose is the number of pathogens which have to enter the body of a
susceptible person to cause infection. Although this figure should not be seen as
exact, it does give an indication of how easily an infection can occur.

The infectious dose is normally only used for faecal-oral infections. As every
larva of a helminth can become an adult worm, worms have a very low infectious

Table 2.3 gives the infectious doses of several faecal-oral infections.

Infections with a low infectious dose are more likely to be spread by direct person-
to-person contact than infections with a high infectious dose. Measures such as
improving drinking-water quality, or reducing the concentration of pathogens in
surface water (for exampleby treating sewage), are more likely to have effect on
infections with high infectious doses than on those with low ones (73). Intuitively
one would say that flies are more likely to transmit infections with a low infec-
tious dose, but this is complicated by the fact that several bacteria can multiply in
food, and thus reach the infectious dose in this way.


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Table 2.3. Examples of infective doses of faecal-oral diseases

Disease Infectious dose (in number of


Bacillary dysentery (shigellosis) (16) 10 to 100

Giardiasis (16) 10 to 100
Rotaviral enteritis (16) 100 to 10,000
Cholera (73) Usually 106 to 108
Typhoid (73) 103 to 109

2.6.2 The barriers of the body against pathogens

The body has a range of mechanisms that prevent a pathogen from causing

The skin and mucous membranes have anti-microbial substances, and the stom-
ach is acid to act as the first barriers against pathogens. Low acidity in the stomach
or an open wound (e.g. insect bite, cut, abrasion) can make this barrier ineffective.

The next barriers are mechanisms that react to the pathogen, and try to counter its
development. These barriers are not specific to the pathogen, and the body does
not need to have been in contact with the pathogen for them to be effective. These
mechanisms are the host’s resistance against pathogens (41). Resistance is lowered
if someone is suffering from other infections (73), or is malnourished, stressed, or
fatigued (41). Women have a higher risk of infection when pregnant (73).

An individual’s immune system may have experienced a pathogen through an

earlier infection or immunisation (vaccination) with inactivated pathogens. When
the pathogens enter the person’s body, their immune system will recognise the
pathogen and make antibodies which will attack the pathogen. This is called
active immunity (45). The effectiveness of active immunity depends on the patho-
gen, and the length of time since the body has been in contact with the pathogen.
Active immunity is effective only against that particular pathogen. The effective-
ness against bacteria and viruses usually lasts for years (3).

Passive immunity is created by introducing foreign antibodies into the body. An

unborn baby receives antibodies from the mother through the placenta, which will
protect it for some time after birth. Vaccination with antibodies is another way of
creating passive immunity (73). The foreign antibodies will slowly disappear from
the body, and passive immunity will usually only last days or months (3).


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A person or animal who lacks effective barriers (has a poor resistance and/or a low
immunity) against a pathogen is susceptible to this infectious agent (45).

Two important practical points define the susceptibility of a population:

! A population that is weakened because of poor nutrition or a high occurrence

of disease, fatigue, or stress has an increased risk of disease.
! When a pathogen is very common in a population, or the population is
immunised, most people will have some form of immunity against it. In this
case the disease will attack mainly children. If the same pathogen is introduced
into a population which has low immunity, there is a risk of an outbreak (an
epidemic) which can attack all ages.

2.6.3 The infection over time

When a pathogen is introduced in sufficient numbers, and overcomes the resist-
ance and immune system of a person or animal, infection will follow. The time
between entrance of pathogen and appearance of the first signs of disease or
symptoms is called the incubation period. As mentioned earlier, not all infections
will result in disease, and for many infections asymptomatic carriers are common.

Initial infection Onset of disease Full recovery

Incubation period Period of disease Disease


Latent period Period of communicability

Incubating carrier Convalescent carrier


Figure 2.6. Communicability and disease over time in one person (adapted from 73)


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The period of communicability is the period in which the host is infectious, or the
period in which pathogens are shed in the environment. The time between
entrance of pathogen and the onset of communicability is the latent period. This is
shown on a timeline in Figure 2.6.

In some infections the period of communicability starts before illness is apparent.

Hosts who can transmit the pathogen before showing symptoms are called incu-
bating carriers. If the period of communicability extends beyond the end of the
illness, the hosts are called convalescent carriers.


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Chapter 3

Disease in the population

This chapter introduces the dynamics of communicable disease in a population.

We look at immunity, endemic and epidemic occurrence of disease, some epide-
miological concepts, and we considermortality and morbidity rates in a popula-
tion in both stable and emergency situations.

Immunity in the population

Immunity plays a crucial role in the dynamics of disease transmission. The more
people are immune, the less likely it is that a pathogen will find a susceptible
person. If enough people are immune, the chance of the pathogen causing an
infection becomes so small that transmission stops, even though there are still
susceptible people. This is called herd immunity (41). With poliomyelitis, for
example, if 80 to 85 per cent of the entire population is immune, the virus will
disappear (50). A population can lose its herd immunity through births, migration
of susceptible people into the population, or waning immunity in the population
over time. Figure 3.1 presents a model of immunity in the population.

Two important points can be deduced from Figure 3.1:

! The immunity in a population is the result of people either overcoming the

infection or being immunised (vaccinated).

! The susceptibility of the population in an area increases through the influx of

non-immune people, birth, and from people losing their immunity (through
time or another reason, such as HIV infection).


cpd03.pmd 28 17/03/2003, 11:41


Susceptible persons
from outside region

Susceptible persons


Effective immunisation Persons with infection Disappearing immunity

and reduced resistance



Immune persons


Figure 3.1. Model of immunity in a population (adapted from 37)

3.1 Endemic and epidemic occurrence of disease

The occurrence of an infection in a population is determined by many factors,
including the pathogen, its persistence and/or latency, whether it has a high or low
infectious dose, whether it can multiply outside the host, and whether it infects
both humans and animals or only humans. It depends on hosts, how many
pathogens they shed, and whether their behaviour favours transmission. It de-
pends on the environment in which transmission occurs, its climate, and its
human physical environment, which may favour direct transmission, vectors, or
intermediate hosts. It depends on potential new hosts and their behaviour, resist-
ance, and immunity against the infection. (These factors were covered in Chapter 2.)


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These factors can either favour, or oppose, the transmission of the pathogen from
a host to a potential new host. Favouring and opposing factors balance each other.
Three situations are possible:

! The opposing factors are stronger than the favouring factors: the infection
disappears or does not occur. This situation is what we try to achieve.
! The opposing and favouring factors are in balance: there is a continuous
presence and transmission of the infection in the population. The disease is
! The opposing factors are weaker than those that favour transmission: the
occurrence of the infection increases in the population. If the occurrence is
clearly more than normally expected, then the infection is epidemic.

This balancing between the opposing and favouring factors is a dynamic process
that can easily alter with changes in the pathogen, hosts, environment, or potential
new hosts.

Communicable diseases are usually either absent, endemic, or epidemic in a

population (although sporadic or imported cases can occur). Most infections can
be both endemic and epidemic, but only some can cause explosive, severe
epidemics. Even though epidemics can be dramatic, endemic disease is often
worse for the population (51).

In health programmes it is the eradication of frequent, severe, and preventable or

controllable infections that should receive priority (71).

3.1.1 Endemic occurrence of disease

An infection is endemic when it is always present in a population (3). How often
the infection occurs depends on the factors mentioned in Section 3.1, but seasonal
fluctuations of infections are also common.

When an infection is common and results in long-lasting immunity, disease will

usually occur in childhood, as adults will have built up immunity. If the infection
is highly endemic, it is unlikely that an epidemic will occur, unless several
subtypes of pathogens can cause the same disease and the population is immune
against only one of these, which can happen with dengue fever, for example (3).

Disease is often unevenly distributed in a population. Depending on people’s

occupation, environment, and behaviour, some may be more exposed to patho-
gens than others. Children may be more at risk because of their behaviour (e.g.
schistosomiasis caused by playing in water) (16) ; the poor may be more at risk


cpd03.pmd 30 17/03/2003, 11:41


because of the conditions in which they live (e.g. poor housing resulting in Chagas
disease (73)); people with certain occupations or living in specific locations may be
more exposed (e.g. farmers or sewage workers would come in contact more easily
with leptospirosis). It is important to identify the people who are most at risk, and
why to know who to target and what preventive measures to take.

3.1.2 Epidemic occurrence of disease

An epidemic, or outbreak, occurs if there are clearly more cases of an infection
than would be expected in a given area over a given period of time or season (71).

Outbreaks can occur if the following features are combined (10):

! a pathogen must be introduced or be present in the area;

! the environment must be favourable to transmission; and
! there must be enough susceptible people in the population.

There is a large risk of an outbreak when:

! infected people enter a non-immune population, in an environment favourable

to transmission (e.g. infected refugees or migrants enter a non-endemic area);
! susceptible people move into an endemic area (e.g. non-immune refugees or
migrants enter an endemic area; people enter an area where a zoonosis occurs
in an animal population (79));
! the population has lost its resistance or immunity, and the pathogen is reintro-
duced (e.g. people’s immunity has diminished over time; babies have been
born; or people are suffering from disease or malnutrition (73)); and
! the environment has changed, and has become more favourable to transmis-
sion (e.g. construction of a dam has produced an environment favourable to
mosquitoes (a malaria vector) or snails (the intermediate host of schistosomia-

An outbreak can become an emergency if the infection is severe, if the society is

disrupted because of the number of cases occurring, or if medical infrastructure is
unable to cope because of lack of personnel, material, or organisational skills (10).

The most severe epidemics are those caused by infections which are easily
transmitted, have short incubation periods (71), and have a potentially severe
outcome. The main iInfections that cause severe outbreaks are diarrhoeal diseases
(e.g. cholera, bacillary dysentery), yellow fever, malaria, epidemic louse-borne
typhus fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever, but other infections can cause
emergencies too.


cpd03.pmd 31 17/03/2003, 11:41


Most of the infections covered in this manual can cause epidemics which impact
hard on society or individuals. They will not normally cause emergencies though,
as they develop slowly, are less serious, or people have high levels of immunity.
Where an infection is endemic it is impossible to give a threshold level that marks
the beginning of an epidemic, as this depends on what is ‘normal’ in a given
population, in that area, in that season. Where cholera is not endemic, one case of
locally acquired cholera will be declared an epidemic (10). Where cholera is
endemic, two new cases in a week would not necessarily cause concern. An
epidemic would be confirmed if more cases occur than occurred in the same
season in the recent past (55). Table 3.1 presents the epidemic threshold level for
several diseases.

As with endemic occurrence of disease, outbreaks may be limited to specific

groups of the population. Analysis of outbreaks are covered in the next section.

Table 3.1. Threshold levels of epidemics (10)

Infection In a non-endemic In an endemic population


Salmonellosis A group of cases with one common source of infection.

Cholera One locally infected confirmed A ‘significant’ increase over what

case (a) is normal in that season

Yellow fever One confirmed case in a non- A ‘significant’ increase in the

immune population with a number of cases over a ‘limited
presence of vectors time’

Mosquito-borne A group of cases in a non- A ‘significant’ increase in the

arboviral immune population (the first number of cases caused by that
encephalitis case is a warning) specific pathogen over a ‘limited

Malaria A group of cases occurring in a Rare

specific area

Plague One confirmed case A cluster of cases caused by

domestic rodents or respiratory
transmission or an epidemic in

Epidemic louse- One confirmed case in a louse- A ‘significant’ increase in the

borne typhus fever infested, non-immune number of cases over a ‘limited
population time’

A ‘confirmed case’ is an infection confirmed by laboratory tests.


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3.2 Introduction to epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution, occurrence, and causes of a disease
in a population to improve the existing health situation (54). Epidemiology covers
endemic as well as epidemic occurrence of disease, and the approach taken to both
is similar.

A full epidemiological study will consist of four phases (71):

1. An assessment of the distribution and frequency of a disease in a population.

2. Determining and analysing the causes of the disease.
3. Conducting an intervention to try to reduce the occurrence of the infection.
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention.

Conducting a full and methodical epidemiological inquiry is complex, and should

remain the domain of an epidemiologist, but an intuitive form of epidemiology is
already used by WES specialists. Identifying poor personal hygiene, caused by
lack of water, as a cause of trachoma or diarrhoea, and installing a water supply to
improve water availability, is intuitive epidemiology. Although intuitive epidemi-
ology does not have the scientific rigour of classic epidemiology, it is more
practical for fieldworkers.

The following sections will help water and sanitation specialists to take this
intuitive approach to disease prevention.

3.2.1 Data collection

Epidemiology is about information. The mortality and morbidity rates of those
diseases which are an important health problem will have to be collected from
local medical staff or authorities, or from medical agencies working in the area.
The rates may not be very accurate, but for a WES specialist accuracy is not
essential. Collect the monthly or weekly incidence rates of diseases related to
WES, going back for some years if possible (i.e. the number of new cases
occurring in a population per unit of time (3)).

The incidence rates, combined with a questionnaire or survey on the background

and the environment of the cases, should answer the following questions:
! What infection is being investigated?
! Who is affected? What are their characteristics: socio-economic background
(e.g. income level), occupation (e.g. agricultural workers), age, sex, ethnic
group, specific behaviour (e.g. use of one specific source of water) or other
characteristic (e.g. HIV infected)?


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! Where does the disease occur (place of exposure)? What is the geographical
distribution (e.g. altitude) and the environment (e.g. slums, swamps, forests,
poor sanitation).
! When does the disease occur? Is there a season (e.g. wet season, when many
vectors are present), a specific occasion (e.g. one week after a feast, or visit to
a town, or a strong increase of the disease in years after the construction of a
dam) (71)?

Being aware of the risk factors which can cause transmission will help to identify
relevant information. More detailed information about risk factors concerning
WES can be found in Chapter 5.

The local risk factors that cause transmission will have to be identified by
surveying the environment and human behaviour. It is also important to look at
local attitudes and beliefs regarding the disease and its prevention, as these could
affect potential interventions. The survey will also have to assess the risk the
infection poses, and the capacity of the local authorities to deal with the existing
situation or with a potential outbreak. Then the relative importance of the different
risk factors will have to be determined.

While endemic occurrence will usually exist in a relatively static situation, an

epidemic is always the result of some kind of change which favours transmission.
Either a pathogen is introduced into a susceptible population, the population has
become more susceptible, or the environment has changed in a way which favours
transmission. This change should be identified.

In an outbreak, the primary transmission, or the way the initial cases are infected,
may be different from the secondary transmission, or the way the pathogens are
transferred from the initial cases to new cases (8). An outbreak of typhoid fever
may originate with infected drinking-water, while secondary transmission may
occur through infected food handlers. Similarly, with endemic diseases not all
cases need to be infected in the same way.

Once the local risk factors are identified and their importance assessed, the
potential effects of eliminating or controlling these factors has to be estimated. By
combining this information with what is known about local limitations and
resources, it is possible to come up with an indication of what type of intervention
would be appropriate in a particular place. When an outbreak results in an
emergency, all feasible measures that could potentially reduce transmission should
be taken.


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This analysis will usually be enough to choose an intervention for endemic and
epidemic diseases. Trying to analyse an outbreak can be more complex, as the
process is more dynamic. The following aids can help analyse an outbreak.

3.2.2 Aids in analysing an outbreak

The minimum requirement to follow and analyse an outbreak is up-to-date
information. A sufficient number of competent and motivated medical staff must
be present to identify cases, and reliable and regular reports on cases must be
collected at a central point.

It is usually qualified medical personnel who will analyse an outbreak, but the
WES specialist has to understand some of the basic aids that can be used, with a
questionnaire or survey, to assess the risks and extent of the outbreak, and the
possible sources of the epidemic. The spot map: mapping the outbreak

A ‘spot map’ is a map on which the location of the cases is marked. The spot map
shows both the distribution and trend of the outbreak, and potential sources of
infection (55). It also indicates which villages or neighbourhoods are most at risk of
further transmission. If possible, the map should show where people became
infected to help locate the source of infection. If the infection is easily spread from
person to person, it may be useful to map where the cases live or work to predict
where there is the greatest risk of secondary transmission. The epidemic incidence curve: following the outbreak in time

During an outbreak an ‘epidemic incidence curve’ should be drawn. It is a graph
that plots the number of new cases day by day, or week by week. The curve can
then be extrapolated to show when the initial infection occurred. Looking at the
whereabouts and activities of the initial cases will help to pinpoint the cause of the

The curve can highlight a trend and the nature of the outbreak (71).

The point-source or common-source outbreak

A point-source outbreak is caused by a particular incident that infects a group of
people almost simultaneously. It is typical of water-borne and food-borne out-
breaks, or outbreaks caused by handling infected material (55). This type of out-
break could be caused by contaminated food served at a feast, for example, or
travellers drinking from a contaminated stream. By plotting the incidence curve of
an outbreak of a known disease, the approximate time of primary infection can be
determined. The first cases that appear are the ones with the shortest incubation


cpd03.pmd 35 17/03/2003, 11:41


period; the last ones are those with the maximum incubation period. Going back
in time for the length of the incubation period indicates when infection occurred.
By looking at where the people were and what they were doing at that time, the
source of infection can be identified (73).

Figure 3.2 shows a point-source outbreak of diarrhoea in a village. The first cases
of diarrhoea appear on the morning of 16 July. The diarrhoea is identified as
salmonellosis. As the incubation period of salmonellosis is between six hours and
three days (3), people were probably infected on the evening of 15 July. A survey
shows that on the evening of the 15th all the known cases attended a funeral. At
this funeral food was served, and the majority of those who ate meat have fallen
ill, while those who did not have no problems. In this case it is probable that the
meat served at the funeral was the source of infection.

Cases with a 'short' incubation

period of 6 hours to 1 day

Infection of all cases Cases with a 'long' incubation

period of 3 days

Number of

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Infection on the evening of the 15th results

in persons developing the disease in the
morning of the 16th to the 18th of July.
(incubation period: 6 hours to 3 days)

Figure 3.2. The epidemic incidence curve of a

point-source outbreak of salmonellosis


cpd03.pmd 36 17/03/2003, 11:41


The extended point-source outbreak

These outbreaks are caused by specific sources that have infected people over a
period of time. The onset is comparable to a point-source outbreak, but cases
continue to appear over a longer period (71). This type of outbreak could be caused
by sewage leaking into a water supply system, for example.

The process of finding the source of infection is similar to that with the point-
source outbreak. The probable time of initial infection is determined by going
back to the time the first cases appear and back further for the shortest incubation
period of that infection. A survey of where the first cases occurred, and what those
people were doing will normally indicate the probable cause of infection (73).

Figure 3.3 shows the epidemic incidence curve of an extended point-source

outbreak of cholera. As the shortest possible incubation period of cholera is one

Tertiary cases
Serial interval
Secondary cases (period between peaks)

Primary case

Number of

Transmission resulting
in secondary cases
(in days)
Transmission resulting
in tertiary cases

Figure 3.3. The epidemic incidence curve of an extended

point-source outbreak of cholera


cpd03.pmd 37 17/03/2003, 11:41


day, the initial infection probably occurred on 9 May. A survey shows that all the
cases ate at a particular food stall on the local market. The stall was closed the
evening of the 14th. Cases continued to appear until the 19 May because some of
the people infected on the 14th will have had an incubation period of five days.

The propagated-source outbreak

This type of outbreak is the result of progressive transmission. One case, the
primary case, will infect a cluster of cases, the secondary cases, who will infect the
next cluster, the tertiary cases, and so on. Usually the onset and decline of the
outbreak will be more gradual than a point-source outbreak. This type of outbreak
is possible with most infections covered in this manual.

Every cluster of cases will show a peak in the incidence curve. The period
between the peaks is called the ‘serial interval’ (73). The serial interval will depend
on the latent period, the period of communicability of the host, and the time it
takes for the pathogen to develop in a vector or intermediate host. This will often
be about the average incubation period, plus, if applicable, the period of develop-
ment in the vector or intermediate host. The longer the latent period, the longer
the period of communicability, and the longer the time the pathogen needs to
develop in the vector or intermediate host, the more spread out over time the
curves will be.

The number of cases that will occur will depend on how effective transmission is.
The presence of risk factors such as overcrowding, behaviour which favours
transmission, a large susceptible population, or an environment favourable to
vectors or intermediate hosts, will increase the number of cases (55,71).

Figure 3.4 is an example of a propagated-source outbreak. This is a theoretical

example of an infection that has an incubation period of seven to 10 days and
period of communicability of two days. Limitations of the spot map and the epidemic incidence curves
The spot map and epidemic incidence curves have several limitations:

! The reported rates always lag at least one incubation period behind the actual
situation of the infection. The cases identified now were infected one incuba-
tion period earlier. People infected since then are developing the infection, but
do not show any symptoms yet (even if transmission were to stop abruptly, new
cases would continue to appear for the length of the incubation period). Delay
is also likely because of communication problems between the field and the
central registration point.


cpd03.pmd 38 17/03/2003, 11:41


Tertiary cases
Serial interval
Secondary cases (period between peaks)

Primary case

Number of

Transmission resulting
in secondary cases
(in days)
Transmission resulting
in tertiary cases

Figure 3.4. The epidemic incidence curve of a propagated-source outbreak

! Reliable and up-to-date information identifying the infection and recording

cases is vital. Problems in identifying or reporting cases make analysing an
outbreak difficult.
! Normally only symptomatic cases will be registered, and asymptomatic infec-
tions will not be identified. This means that you may only be seeing the tip of
the iceberg.
! The epidemic incidence curves only indicate when the initial infection prob-
ably occurred. The actual cause of the outbreak must be identified by people in
the field assessing the cases and their environment.
! When cases infected by primary transmission spread the pathogen to others,
they may do so through a different route than the one that infected them. With
secondary transmission every new case becomes a potential new source of
infection for others, behaving as little (extended) point-source outbreaks them-


cpd03.pmd 39 17/03/2003, 11:41


selves. The incidence curve may be the result of an accumulation of these many
little outbreaks. Cases can often transmit the infection over long periods of
time, which will ‘smear out’ the distinct peaks in a propagated-source out-
break, so the epidemic incidence curves found in practise will not rarely look
like the neat models shown here.

3.3 Mortality and morbidity rates in a population

The mortality and morbidity rates of infections are an indication of health prob-
lems in a population. Combined with an environmental assessment, the rates of
important infections will help to identify health risks relating to WES. The
importance of a disease will depend on:

! its frequency in the population (i.e how common it is, or how big is the risk of
an epidemic); and
! its severity ( i.e. whether the infection causes disability or death) (71);

Seasonal rates are important in identifying seasonal health risks and potential

3.3.1 Mortality rates in a stable population

Table 3.2 presents the Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) and the Infant Mortality Rate
(IMR) common to a stable population. The CMR is the total number of deaths in
the population due to disease, injury, and malnutrition. The IMR is the total
number of deaths in children under the age of one year per total births.

The figures for poor communities are not threshold levels, but give an idea of
what to expect. The rates for these communities are not acceptable at these levels,
and should be brought down, preferably to the CMR of developed communities.

Table 3.2. Mortality rates in a stable population

Situation Mortality rates

Crude Mortality Rate Developed communities 10 deaths/1,000/year (71)

(CMR) (0.3 deaths/10,000/day)

Poor communities 18-25 deaths/1,000/year (11,47)

(± 0.6 deaths/10,000/day)

Infant Mortality Rate Poor communities 60-150 inf.deaths/1,000births/year (71)

(IMR) (± 3 deaths/10,000/day)


cpd03.pmd 40 17/03/2003, 11:41


It is not possible to give ‘acceptable’ incidence rates for specific diseases in a

population, as this will depend heavily on the local situation, but the figures
should be lower than the ones presented in Table 3.4. In practise the rates will have
to be compared with the feasibility of reducing morbidity by improving the
situation through an intervention.

3.3.2 Mortality and morbidity rates in emergency situations

In an emergency situation the CMR is the most practical indicator of the health
status of a population. As long as the CMR in a population is more than 1 death/
10,000/day the situation remains an emergency (47). Mortality rates in the initial
phases of an emergency can be much higher than this (11,47). Table 3.3 presents
figures of what would be acceptable upper threshold levels in the post-emergency
phase in camps for displaced people or refugees.

Table 3.3. Threshold levels of Crude Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate in

Mortality rates

Crude Mortality Rate 1 death/10,000/day

Infant Mortality Rate ± 2.5 deaths/10,000/day

Even though it is difficult to give concrete figures on incidence rates of diseases,

Table 3.4 gives an indication of acceptable rates in camps for displaced people or

Table 3.4. Indicative acceptable incidence rates and specific mortality rates in camps
for displaced persons or refugees (72)

Incidence rate Mortality rate

(in cases/10,000/week) (in deaths/10,000/week)

Diarrhoea total 60
Acute watery diarrhoea 50 1
Bloody diarrhoea 20
Cholera Every suspected case must be reacted upon
Fever of unknown origin 100 0.5
Malaria 20
Skin infections 40 -
Eye infections 35 -

Children under five are more likely to develop disease, and incidence rates of
roughly 1½ times those presented here would be acceptable in this group (72).


cpd03.pmd 41 17/03/2003, 11:41


Chapter 4

Water and environmental sanitation projects

This chapter looks at the problems that WES projects try to address. The planning
of WES interventions is considered briefly, and the project cycle is presented.
Issues which will have to be considered to improve the impact and sustainability
of projects are discussed, and the chapter concludes with a more global perspec-
tive of development by looking at poverty in society.

Some terms used in this chapter:

NGO: non-governmental organisation

Agency: any organisation that is implementing a project, including both national

and international NGOs

Project: an intervention that tries to achieve one specific objective (e.g. to

provide an adequate and sustainable water supply for 20,000 people living in
particular villages) through specific activities (e.g. installing 60 handpumps)

Programme: is usually on a larger scale than a project, and has a goal which is
more general (e.g. a sustained improvement of health for 40,000 people living
in low-cost housing areas in Jakarta). A programme will usually have several
objectives (e.g. install adequate and sustainable services for water supplies,
sanitary services, hygiene promotion, and solid waste management), and is
usually made up of several projects (adapted from 19,20,23).

Although this manual only covers infections linked to WES, it should be remem-
bered that these are only part of the total health burden of people in developing


cpd04.pmd 42 17/03/2003, 11:46


4.1 The price of poor WES

Infectious diseases related to WES are very common in developing countries. It is
estimated that 1 billion people are infected with roundworm (44) and the same
number with hookworm (4). A study in Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, showed that more than 90 per cent of young children in poor areas were
infected with malaria and/or worms (63). Estimates in the 1980s of the number of
infections that occurred worldwide in one year were: diarrhoea, up to 5 billion;
malaria, around 150,000,000; trachoma, around 25,000,000 (59).

Every year an estimated 2,900,000 people die of diarrhoea (52), around 900,000 of
malaria (76), and around 600,000 of typhoid fever (3). Every year these three
diseases together kill the equivalent of the population of Norway – more than
12,000 deaths per day.

Illness more often results in (temporary) disability than in death. Infections like
leprosy, trachoma or filariasis are rarely fatal, but often result in permanent
disfigurement, blindness, and disability (59). DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life
Years) are a measure of the cost of disease. DALYs represent the number of years
lost due to early death, and time and severity of the disability caused by the
disease. Table 4.1 shows the number of DALYs lost to several important infec-
tions every year.

The developing world is paying the highest price for disease. Only 12 per cent of
the suffering caused by disability and early death occurs in developed countries. In
developing countries, 35 per cent of all DALYs lost are a result of communicable
disease, compared to just over 4 per cent in developed countries (51).

Table 4.1. DALYs lost to disease worldwide, yearly figures (from 51 and 76)

Infection DALYs
Diarrhoeal disease 99,600,000
Malaria 31,700,000
Roundworm infection 10,500,000
Trichuriasis 6,300,000
Schistosomiasis 4,500,000
Trachoma 3,300,000
Chagas disease 2,700,000
Leishmaniasis 2,100,000
Sleeping sickness 1,800,000
Hookworm disease 1,100,000


cpd04.pmd 43 17/03/2003, 11:46


Disease is expensive at all levels. At a personal level illness results in suffering,

loss of time and money because of disability, payment for medical care, transport
to health facilities, care by a healthy person, and the need for special food. At
national level disease costs because medical facilities have to be maintained, care
and medication must be provided, and because part of the workforce is unable to

Poor health is not the only price people pay for poor water supply and (environ-
mental) sanitation. Often water has to be carried over long distances, taking up
energy and time. In some regions over half the daily energy available to one
person is needed to carry the water used by the household every day (1). This time
and energy cannot be invested in other activities like going to school, or growing
vegetables for sale or consumption. Carrying heavy loads of water can result in
deformities of the body and other physical problems (20,38). Where water must be
bought from vendors, it may account for a large proportion of the household’s
expenditure (up to 40 per cent of the income of a household is mentioned) (69).
Where (environmental) sanitation is poor, people may live or work in an unpleas-
ant environment of bad smells, nuisance by insects or rats (which can carry
disease), and unsightly conditions.

4.2 The planning of WES projects and the project cycle

The aim of WES projects and programmes is usually to improve the health and
socio-economic conditions of a population (20). Health is improved by breaking the
transmission cycle of diseases present in the project area. People’s socio-eco-
nomic conditions are improved by helping people to gain time, energy, money,
and skills in management and decision-making.

Projects and programmes are best approached in a methodical manner. This

ensures that no steps are overlooked in the planning and implementation of the
project. Although we will not go into much detail on how to plan and conduct
projects or programmes, we will point out some important issues.

To be able to assess whether a project functions well, or has been successful, every
project should have a clear goal, and a clear idea of how this goal is going to be
achieved. Figure 4.1 shows how an organisational tree could be set up for a
project. The objective must lead to the aim; to attain the objective, certain outputs
will have to be achieved; and to realise the outputs, certain activities will have to
be accomplished. In the end everything that will have to be done and achieved in
the project must be included in clear and measurable form in the organisational
tree, which is a simplified form of the logical framework.


cpd04.pmd 44 17/03/2003, 11:46


A sustainable improvement in health
and well being for 15,000 poor people in
the city of Luanda

establishment of appropriate and sustainable
services in water supply, sanitation and hygiene
promotion for 15,000 poor people by the year 2004

Output: Output: 2 Output: 3

construction of 120 sustainable
tapstands in a low-income housing area
by the year 2003

Activity: Activity: 2 Activity: 3

train 10 people in repair and
maintenance of the system by
the year 2003

Figure 4.1. Example of an organisational tree for planning a project (adapted from 23)

A project goes through a cycle, the project cycle, which consists of a sequence of
assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation activities.

Figure 4.2 presents the steps of project cycle.

4.3 Improving impact and sustainability

Projects take place in a dynamic society with its own cultural, financial, physical/
technical, and institutional/political particularities. It is therefore difficult to
predict all the short- and long-term effects of an intervention. Although it is
impossible to eliminate all uncertainties, a thorough assessment of the local
situation, and an intervention that is well adapted to the local situation, will
improve the chances of success of a project.


cpd04.pmd 45 17/03/2003, 11:46

(1) What is the situation?
Making contacts. Assessment of the existing
situation. Evaluation of the possibility and
need of intervention in the local context.
Identification of current and future problems.

(11) Evaluation
(2) What are the priorities?

At the end of the project its functioning
Which problems should be dealt with first?
and effects are analysed.
What the local population see as priorities?

(10) Extension or expansion (3) What can be done?

The project is adapted, prolonged, or extended. Which problems can potentially be addressed
with the available resources and the existing
constraints? Are the local population
(and authorities) willing and able to operate
(9) Implementation and operation and maintain components independently?
The actual project activities are executed.

During implementation the project
should be monitored. (4) What will be done?
The agency decides with all people and
structures involved on the problems that will
be addressed in the project.
(8) Appraisal and approval
The project proposal is examined, if
necessary adapted, and accepted. (5) How will it be done?
Specific activities needed to solve the
problems are decided upon.

(7) Proposal
A project proposal is made in co-operation (6) What resources are needed?

17/03/2003, 11:46

with the stakeholders. What human, material and financial inputs are
needed? The inputs and responsibilities of all
stakeholders must be agreed upon.

(adapted from 23,54)

Figure 4.2. The project cycle

This section looks at some of the cross-cutting issues which must be addressed in
the project planning phase to improve impact and sustainability.

Integral approach to projects and programmes

Most of the infections covered in this manual could be controlled by any one or
several components of WES. Water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste
management, and vector control should therefore always be combined to achieve
the best overall results in disease control. Interventions that combine the different
components are usually the most effective in improving the health situation (38).

Health is affected by many factors other than WES. Programmes should try to
combine components of all relevant sectors (e.g. WES, medical, environmental,
economic) to achieve maximum impact. Programmes are most effective when
projects from different sectors are integrated (26,38).

Hygiene behaviour and health and hygiene promotion

Adequate hygiene behaviour is crucial in preventing disease. Improving infra-
structure without improving behaviour will rarely result in effective disease
control. The largest improvements in health have occurred where hygiene im-
proved because of a change in behaviour (13). Improving hygiene behaviour
through health and hygiene promotion should therefore receive the same priority
as structural improvements.

Changing people’s behaviour is difficult and often requires prolonged education.

Health and hygiene promotion must therefore be included in a project from the
beginning, and will require its own time scale, material, and people with specific
skills (20). Health and hygiene promotion must be adapted to the local culture (27).

Technical aspects
Infrastructure must be designed to fulfil needs. Where the population density is
high and the infiltration capacity of the soil low, a sewage system may be
appropriate. In most other cases, however, sewerage will be inappropriate because
it is expensive and requires demanding operation and maintenance.

Often different components of WES need to be supplied together. A water supply

system should always be combined with adequate wastewater disposal; a sewage
system needs a reliable piped water supply system.

Infrastructure should be adapted to local needs and capabilities. A handpump may

be very convenient, but a proper hand-dug well may be more appropriate in terms
of local capacity to build and maintain the structure. A brick latrine may look


cpd04.pmd 47 17/03/2003, 11:46


good, but may also be too expensive for local people. If people use corncobs to
clean after defecating, a pour-flush latrine will soon be blocked.

Changes in population, or in use of the structures, have to be planned for. The

number of people using the infrastructure may increase because of natural growth
or migration. A latrine designed to receive only excreta may not cope with the
sullage if a piped water supply is later installed. Where possible, infrastructure
should be built with potential upgrading or extension in mind.

Operation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance (O&M) must be addressed early in the project.
Infrastructure which functions poorly often becomes a health threat, and improve-
ments will only last if a reliable O&M system is in place. O&M must be as easy
and affordable as possible. Spare parts and other necessary materials must be
affordable and easy to obtain, and responsibility for O&M should be agreed upon
early in the planning of a project.

Infrastructure should be installed at family level if possible, as O&M by users is

the most reliable system. To facilitate this, local construction techniques and
materials should be used as much as possible. People should be offered training
and adequate tools for building and O&M. The quality of construction should be
as high as possible, but adapted to what is adequate and affordable to the users.

Socio-cultural aspects
Even if the population understands the importance of improved infrastructure and
behaviour, there is no guarantee that the infrastructure will be used or good
behaviour practised (18). If users believe the components are inadequate, they will
not respect them.

Although an outsider will never completely understand people’s perceptions of

adequate and inadequate, it is important to understand the issues that are relevant
to the project. For this the traditional beliefs, ideas, and expectations of the people
about WES must be identified and taken into account.

Societies are not homogeneous; they are made up of people of different sex, age,
religion, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, occupation, and caste. Some are
more vulnerable than others, particularly women, children, religious and ethnic
minorities, and people who are old, disabled, or poor. These groups of people
must be identified and included in the project as much as possible. As domestic
WES is often the responsibility of women, they should play an important role in
the planning of an intervention (23). All components must be acceptable to all users.


cpd04.pmd 48 17/03/2003, 11:46


If certain groups do not see the infrastructure as adequate, they will either not use
it or use it incorrectly. It cannot be assumed that the agency, authorities, or
communities’ representatives know what type of structures are most appropriate
to all users.

The accessibility of infrastructure

The presence of improved water supply or sanitation does not mean that everyone
has access to it (25). Accessibility of services depends on the time, energy, money,
and security. To make infrastructure accessible it has to be present in sufficient
numbers, close to where it is needed, at a price affordable to all, and where it can
be used and reached safely. Using the services must be as easy and comfortable as

The groups that are most at risk in a society (e.g. single women, people who are
older, disabled, or poor) will often suffer most because of poor accessibility, and
accessibility for these groups must be taken into account during planning.

Financial aspects
Improvements are more likely to be sustainable if the full costs of operation and
maintenance can be borne by the users. How much people are able and willing to
pay for the services must be determined in an open discussion between the people
and the agency. Where people buy water from vendors the price they are already
paying is an indication of what people are prepared to pay (15). It is not realistic to
say that all families will be willing to pay the same percentage of their income for
water and sanitation. What people are willing to pay for improved services will
depend on the importance of WES to them, how much they pay for the service
already, what level of service is on offer, and their expectations from authorities or

Where possible the initial costs of construction should be (at least partly) recuper-
ated in the form of money, labour, or material. Again, the community’s contribu-
tion must be adapted to what they are able and willing to provide. This has to be
determined in discussions between the agency and the community, and by realisti-
cally assessing the availability of resources.

If there is a central regulating body (e.g. for a piped water supply or communal
latrines), an adequate system of collecting fees must be installed. Where the
infrastructure is at a household level, the family can cover its own maintenance
and operation costs. If subsidies are offered, they should be used to make services
accessible to people who would otherwise not be able to afford them. To prevent
abuse, the policy for allocating subsidies must be transparent (23).


cpd04.pmd 49 17/03/2003, 11:46


Institutional aspects
The agency does not plan and run projects on its own. It usually works with one or
several governmental bodies. Other authorities or organisations will often be
given the responsibility to implement the project, or operate or maintain infra-

It is important to identify all the organisations that are, or could be, connected to
the project. They have to be assessed on their organisational skills, capabilities,
level of motivation, availability of time as well as their access to resources,
transport, and materials. Transparency and accountability will be important is-
sues. Training or help buying materials will be necessary.

The general guidelines and regulations of the country have to be followed, and the
project should fit as closely as possible in the programmes, plans, or guidelines of
the government or other organisations.

4.4 Health, poverty, and development

Health in a population is linked to many factors. The general environment (79),
housing, legal and physical security at home and at work, education, nutrition,
gender differences, access to health facilities (88) and stress (41) all play important
roles in public health. Most of these factors are closely related to poverty.

The poor are usually most at risk of infection because of their degraded environ-
ment and inadequate nutrition, so they are the hardest hit when ill as they have no
reserves or rights to fall back upon, have difficulty accessing medical care, and
pay the most for it. Few poor people can afford to create a healthy environment
with good housing, adequate water supply and (environmental) sanitation.

Disease can also be very expensive because of the direct costs (e.g. treatment,
transport) and loss of income (sick people cannot work).

Poor health often leads to poverty, and poverty often leads to poor health. Once
people are in this vicious circle, it is very difficult to escape. Most people in
developing countries live in poverty. In 1993 it was estimated that half of the over
1.5 billion people who inhabit cities live in extreme poverty (81).

Poverty, and with it poor health, is not only crippling for individuals, it is a serious
handicap to developing countries as a whole. Improving environmental hygiene,
water supply, housing, education, nutrition, and health facilities is only possible if


cpd04.pmd 50 17/03/2003, 11:46


resources are available. But as a large proportion of their population already

suffers from disease, these countries do not have the productive workforce needed
to create these resources (1).

While general access to an adequate water supply and acceptable (environmental)

sanitation are crucial to good health in a population, the only long-term solution to
poor health and underdevelopment is poverty reduction. The only way the poor
can afford and maintain better services (wells, piped water, improved latrines) is
by increasing their income (78). Remember this when planning a programme, and
address poverty wherever possible.


cpd04.pmd 51 17/03/2003, 11:46


Chapter 5

Domestic water supply

Domestic water supply means the source and infrastructure that provides water to
households. A domestic water supply can take different forms: a stream, a spring,
a hand-dug well, a borehole with handpump, a rainwater collection system, a
piped water supply with tapstand or house connection, or water vendors.

Households use water for many purposes: drinking, cooking, washing hands and
body, washing clothes, cleaning cooking utensils, cleaning the house, watering
animals, irrigating the garden, and often for commercial activities. Different
sources of water may be used for different activities, and the water sources
available may change with the seasons.

There is always some kind of water source present where people live, as they
could not survive without one. The source may be inadequate, however; it may be
far away, difficult to reach, unsafe, or give little water, making it inaccessible or
unavailable. It may give water of poor quality.

Although both problems play an important role in people’s health and well-being,
the availability of water is often more important than quality.

5.1 Water availability

Whether water is available or accessible to people depends on the time, energy,
and/or money they have to invest to obtain it. Water from a handpump that is 25m
from the but always has a long queue may be as inaccessible as water from a river
1.5km away or water that has to be bought. In addition, safety problems, such as
mines or a hostile population near the water may also limit accessibility.

Issues on water availability other than health

If water availability is poor, people will lose time, energy, or money that could
have been invested elsewhere. If the supply is limited, people will have to be


cpd05.pmd 52 17/03/2003, 11:47


Increased health risk which

often results in poor health

Poor water Food and money generating

activities are compromised Poverty

Obtaining water asks for a high

input of time, energy and/or money

Figure 5.1. The implications of poor water availability

selective about what they use the water for. Figure 5.1 shows the implications of
poor water availability to people.

Where water availability is insufficient, an effort should be made to improve the

supply. It is important to ensure that making more water available to some does
not take it away from others.

If a limited number of water sources are available, the areas around the sources
may become degraded if too many people or animals use them. If unsustainable
amounts of water are extracted, the environment may become degraded through
falling groundwater levels or surface water sources such as rivers or streams may
dry up. Be careful to ensure that short-term gain does not result in long-term loss.


cpd05.pmd 53 17/03/2003, 11:47


5.1.1 Water availability and disease transmission

Poor personal hygiene favours disease transmission. The transmission of many
infections can be prevented both by washing hands and by washing body and
clothes. These infections are called the water-washed diseases.

People need access to enough water to be able to maintain good personal hygiene.
Although good access to water does not automatically result in good personal
hygiene, poor water availability will usually result in poor personal hygiene. Once
there is enough water, health and hygiene promotion will often be needed to
improve personal hygiene practises. Handwashing
Contaminated hands can carry pathogens to where these can enter the body. Hands
contaminated with faecal matter can transmit faecal-oral pathogens to food, water,
or directly to the mouth. The soil-transmitted helminths that cause roundworm
infection and trichuriasis can be transmitted if hands are contaminated with soil
containing their eggs. Hands contaminated with the discharge from the eyes of
people suffering from conjunctivitis or trachoma, or the contagious liquid from
papules of people with yaws, can transmit these infections to other people through
direct contact.

Washing hands after every contact that could potentially pick up the pathogen, and
before doing anything that could transmit the pathogen onward, can prevent
transmission. Faecal-oral infections can largely be prevented if hands are washed
after defecation, after coming in contact with animals, and after contact with
anything that could be contaminated with faeces. In addition, hands should be
washed before preparing or handling food, and before eating.

Washing hands after contact with soil or anything contaminated with soil and
before handling food can reduce the risk of transmitting helminths.

The transmission of trachoma and conjunctivitis can often be prevented by

washing hands after touching a person’s face or after handling material used to
wipe somebody’s eyes or face, and before coming into contact with another
person’s face or eyes. The risk of transmitting yaws can be reduced by washing
hands after contact with contaminated skin or material.

Washing hands removes the pathogens as well as the dirt containing and protect-
ing the pathogens (7). How effective handwashing is depends mainly on how
thoroughly the hands are rubbed, and for how long. Water alone is not as effective


cpd05.pmd 54 17/03/2003, 11:47


as water with a handwashing agent such as soap or ash, which are both effective in
removing pathogens from hands.

The number of pathogens will be reduced significantly if the hands are rubbed
with a handwashing agent for at least 10 seconds and then rinsed with water (33).
Table 5.1 shows the groups of infections associated with poor handwashing. Hygiene of body and clothes

Several pathogens can be transmitted through infectious skin or contaminated
clothes. Certain vectors of disease live on clothes, or prefer people with a poor
personal hygiene. All infections that spread by direct contact can be transmitted
via direct person-to-person contact through contaminated skin or clothes.

Conjunctivitis and trachoma can be transmitted through infected skin, clothes, or

other contaminated material that came in contact with infectious eye discharges.
Several other infections transmitted through direct contact affect the skin, and the
pathogens can be spread simply through direct skin contact, including yaws,
scabies, and tinea.

Body lice, the vector of louse-borne typhus, louse-borne relapsing fever, and
trench fever live on people’s unwashed clothes (61). Fleas, which transmit plague
and murine typhus fever prefer people with poor personal hygiene (73). Keeping
body and clothes clean will reduce the transmission risk of all these infections.

The disease groups linked to poor hygiene of body and clothes are shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Disease categories associated with poor personal health

o th m ct
tw in or n ta ns
ns h l m w t i o o n tio
it o i t ts he p e c c c
Risk-factors related ec is w os d ta fe ct fe
nf i as sed e h itte r k s in i re in
to poor personal l i t o s i m d n e
ra om -ba ia sm d p ro or by or
hygiene l-o t os ter ed ran a n s pi a -w d r -b
a s m t o e a o
ec hi Wa ter oil- ef pt in re ct
Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve
(a) (b)
Poor handwashing

Poor hygiene of body (c)

and clothes

: the ingested soil-transmitted helminths: roundworm infection and trichuriasis
: only cysticercosis
: louse-borne and flea-borne infections


cpd05.pmd 55 17/03/2003, 11:47


5.1.2 The health impact of improved water availability

Table 5.2 shows how improving the water availability and personal hygiene of
people will reduce transmission of some infections.

Table 5.2. Reduction in infections associated with improved water availability and
personal hygiene
Disease (group) Reduction in Remarks
Diarrhoea 20% (26) increase water availability (handwashing)
Infant diarrhoea 30% (32)
wash hands with soap after defecation and before eating
Roundworm 12-37% (26)
increase water availability (handwashing)
Trachoma 30% (26) increase water availability (washing of hands and face) (3)

Yaws 70% (29) increase water availability (washing of body)

Louse-borne typhus/ 40% (29)
increase water availability (washing of clothes and body)
relapsing fever

5.1.3 Practical issues concerning water availability

Ideally, all users should have a convenient, culturally acceptable source that
provides an unlimited amount of water at an affordable price and without degrad-
ing the environment. In practise, it will rarely be possible to provide this, and a
compromise will have to be made which takes into account the local social,
cultural, physical, financial, and environmental constraints.

The amount of water that people need, or use, will depend on its availability and
what it is used for. Factors that influence water use include the socio-economic
status of the users, whether and how people have to pay for the water, whether
water is easy to get, and whether water is used for special activities (e.g. irrigation
of vegetable gardens, watering of animals). Table 5.3 presents figures on water
needs and demands and shows the amount of water people need and how develop-
ment will change water demand. Future changes in population and development
level will have to be considered. Water is lost during distribution, and this will
have to be taken into account when looking at how much water must be provided
to a population.

In the initial phase of an emergency internally displaced people and refugees will
need a minimum of three to five litres per person per day to survive, and as soon as
possible this will have to be increased to 15 to 20 l/p/d to allow for water for
personal hygiene (21). In a stable situation, the minimum amount of water available
to people should be 25 l/p/d(68).


cpd05.pmd 56 17/03/2003, 11:47


Table 5.3. Water needs, demands, and losses

People (in litres/person/day (l/p/d)) (21,68)

Institutions (in l/p/d) (21,66,68)
Minimum survival 3-5 Health centre, out-patients 5
Drinking and cooking needs 8-10 Health centre, in-patients 40-60
Minimum supply required 15-20 (without laundry)
Cholera treatment centre 60
Therapeutic feeding centre 15-30
Livestock (in litres/animal/day) (21)
School 25
Cattle 20-40
Donkeys, horses 10-40 Other (21)
Sheep, goats 1-5 Irrigation 3-6 l/m2/day

Water losses in supply systems

Standpipe supply (in l/p/d) (68) In a medium to large distribution system in reason-
Rural, village control 45 able condition: 15-25%.
Rural, washing, laundry on site 65 In old system with mains in poor condition: 35-55%
Urban, no payment 70+ (68)

In a water trucking scheme: around 20% (21)

Household connection (in l/p/d) (68)

Low income, unreliable supply 50-55

Low income, metered supply 70-90
Low income, no payment 130+
Middle income 180
High income 240

Water collection time and use

The collection time of water is a good indicator of water availability as it takes
into account distance, waiting times, and to a certain extent the effort needed to
obtain water. Studies have shown that people will not really restrict their water use
if collection times are less than three minutes, or a distance of about 100m in easy
terrain with no waiting times. Longer collection times will result in a restriction
on the use of water.

Interestingly, the amount of water collected if the collection time is between three
and 30 minutes remains constant. This means that if it takes eight minutes to fetch
water, the amount of water used will be more or less the same as if it took 20
minutes to collect it. If collecting water takes more than 30 minutes (i.e. a distance
of roughly 1km), the amount of water used decreases again (15). Figure 5.2 plots
water collection time against the quantity of water used.

The largest health benefit from an improved water supply will result if collection
times are below three minutes. Although bringing the water collection time down
from 25 minutes to six minutes will result in an important saving in time and
energy (in itself a large benefit), but will probably not reduce water-washed


cpd05.pmd 57 17/03/2003, 11:47



3 minutes 30 minutes

Water collection time

Figure 5.2. Water collection time versus water use (15)

To avoid long waiting times at the sources, their numbers and yield must be
sufficient. There should be a maximum of 500 to 750 people using each functional
handpump, and 200 to 250 people per tap. If tapstands with multiple taps are used,
no more than six to eight taps per tapstand should be installed (47).

The minimum flow at a supply should be around 7.5 litres per minute (66). During
all seasons the sources’ yield should be high enough, and seasonal changes in
supply must be taken into account.

If a source has a low but constant yield it may be possible to collect the water in a
reservoir (e.g. a spring box) then put a tap on the reservoir.


cpd05.pmd 58 17/03/2003, 11:47


Storing water
Water is only available if it is at hand when needed. Unless the source is on the
household plot, access to water is limited. This problem can be overcome by
storing water on the plot.

Where the water supply is unreliable (e.g. harvesting rainwater, piped water with
intermittent supply) storage improves availability when water is not accessible.

An additional advantage of storing water is that the water quality improves over
time. If water is stored for one day over 50 per cent of the bacteria will die.
Suspended solids, which can contain pathogens, will often settle out during
storage. By pouring the clear water out carefully, the settled solids can be sepa-
rated from the water (64).

Vessels that can be used to store water include local traditional clay pots, mortar
jars, ferrocement tanks, and plastic or fibreglass vessels or tanks.

To avoid contamination vessels or reservoirs used for drinking-water should have

a small opening or tap to prevent people from dipping the water out. The vessel
should be covered with a clean, tight lid to keep animals, insects, and contami-
nated material out. If the water is not used for drinking, the way it is extracted is
less important, but as Aedes mosquitoes – vector of yellow fever, dengue fever,
and several other arboviruses and filariasis – can breed in household reservoirs no
matter what their size, all water reservoirs should be covered properly.

How much water should be stored will depend on the situation. In general the less
reliable the supply, the more effort needed to obtain the water, and the higher the
water need, the larger the storage capacity should be. If there is a reliable,
continuous piped water supply with a house connection then storage will not
usually be necessary; but if people rely on rainwater storage needs may be large.
Where there is a reliable source throughout the year, a storage capacity equivalent
to the amount of water used in one to two days is probably adequate.

In addition to water storage vessels, households usually need vessels to transport

water. These should be made so that carrying the water is as easy and comfortable
as possible. The vessels should be covered with a clean cover or lid, and the water
should be poured instead of dipped out.

In emergency situations it is often necessary to distribute water vessels so that

people can collect and store water. The minimum for each household is two water
containers of 10-20 litres for collecting water, and an additional 20 litres for
household storage (66).


cpd05.pmd 59 17/03/2003, 11:47


5.2 Water quality

Water quality includes the physical quality (e.g. turbidity), the chemical quality
(e.g. content in salt), and the microbiological quality (whether it contains patho-
gens). Here we will only look at the microbiological quality of the water.

Water quality issues other than health

The presence of pathogens in water will not usually cause any problems other than

If the water is treated, polluting sludge (e.g. the sludge produced during coagula-
tion) may be produced.

5.2.1 Water quality and disease transmission

Water can transmit pathogens directly to people in two ways. The pathogens may
be water-borne and the disease is transmitted through drinking-water, or the water
may contain pathogens which can penetrate the skin.

Faecally polluted drinking-water can transmit faecal-oral infections. The trans-

mission route is direct from person (or animal) to person. These pathogens may
contaminate the water at the source, but contamination may also occur during the
transport, distribution, or handling of the water.

Transmission of the Guinea-worm is more complex. People infected with Guinea-

worm will have a blister on their skin. If the blister comes in contact with water, it
bursts and discharges the worm’s larvae. These larvae can infect Cyclops (a water
flea), inside which they develop. People become infected when they ingest
Cyclops through drinking-water. Guinea-worm infection cannot be transmitted
directly from person to person. The water will be contaminated at the source, and
if the water at the source is safe, contamination at a later stage is not very likely.

If water containing a particular species of snail is contaminated with urine or

faeces from infected people, schistosomiasis can be transmitted. This pathogen
can penetrate the skin of people who are in direct contact with the contaminated
surface water.

If water is contaminated with the urine of animals infected with leptospirosis, the
pathogen can be transmitted through direct skin contact with the water. Rats are
the main reservoir of leptospirosis.

Table 5.4 presents the different disease-groups linked to water of poor quality.


cpd05.pmd 60 17/03/2003, 11:47


Table 5.4. Infections associated with poor water quality

hs ct
w o i nt rm n ta ns
Risk-factors related n s t l m o i o n io
o t h s e e w t o t
to poor water quality ti wi ost d h p c tc c
ec is ta fe fe
nf as sed e h itte r k s in i r ec in
i i e
l t o si rm d rn
i Drinking-water ra om -ba ia sm d p iro wo by
l -o t os ter ed ran n p - d - bo
ii Skin contact with a s m t a os ea a o r
ec hi Wa ter oil- ef pt in re ct
surface water Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve
i Contaminated with H/A
Contaminated by H
Guinea- worm
ii Contaminated with H/A A

H: human host
A: animal host

5.2.2 The health impact of improved water quality

Contaminated drinking-water is just one of the potential transmission routes of
faecal-oral infections, which can also be transmitted by food or hand-to-mouth
contact. Where faecal-oral infections are endemic, and sanitation, handwashing
practise, and food hygiene are poor, the majority of cases will probably not have
resulted from drinking contaminated water. In contrast, where faecal-oral infec-
tions are common, and sanitation, handwashing practise and food hygiene are
adequate, the role of drinking-water in the transmission of faecal-oral infections is
probably important (15).

As Table 5.5 shows, improving water quality in unsanitary neighbourhoods will

probably not really affect levels of (infant) diarrhoea, while improving the water
quality in ‘clean’ neighbourhoods probably will reduce it (70). Water quality is

Table 5.5. Reduction in infections associated with improved drinking-water quality

Disease (group) Reduction in Remarks


Diarrhoea 15% (26)

negligible (70)
if neighbourhood sanitation is poor (open defecation in
Infant diarrhoea neighbourhood)

40% (70)
if neighbourhood sanitation is good (no open defecation in

Guinea-worm infection 78% (26)


cpd05.pmd 61 17/03/2003, 11:47


especially important in an urban or peri-urban environment, where water supplies

are often at risk of pollution, and the risk of large outbreaks is higher than in a
rural environment(15). As Guinea-worm will normally only be transmitted through
drinking-water, improving the drinking-water quality at the source is very effec-
tive in controlling the infection.

The quality of the water used for washing hands, body, and clothes is not really
important as long as it is not heavily polluted. The risk of transmitting pathogens
other than schistosomiasis (15) and leptospirosis during bathing in surface water is

Animals do not need water of very high quality, but most domestic animals can be
infected with faecal-oral infections, and cattle and pigs can be infected with beef
and pork tapeworm, so their water quality should be as high as possible.

5.2.3 Practical issues concerning water quality

This section looks at some general points on water sources, storage and distribu-
tion, treatment, and water quality assessment in the field.

Water sources
One of the priorities in selecting a water source is quality. The quality and
protection of the source is important regardless of whether the water will be
treated or not. Good quality water needs less, or no, treatment; and if treatment
fails there will be fewer health risks. Sources must be protected from pollution by
installing adequate structures for protecting, collecting, and distributing the water.
Health and hygiene promotion will probably be needed to make people aware of
the importance of protecting the water source.

Water can be obtained from several different types of source.

Springs: An adequately protected spring will normally produce good quality

water. Building a proper headwall, access structures, and drainage system will
prevent degradation. Latrines should not be sited above the spring, and a hedge or
fence should keep animals at least 10 metres away from the area above the spring.
A ditch should be dug close to the fence to divert runoff. Figure 5.3 shows an
example of a protected spring.

If a spring has a low yield, a spring box might be constructed to collect and store
water that can then be withdrawn through a tap. The spring box should be well
constructed, and all openings (e.g. man-holes, overflow pipes) should be closed
securely or covered with fly screen.


cpd05.pmd 62 17/03/2003, 11:47


Rock marking
position of Hedge
spring eye or fence
Area inside fence Fence across
planted with headwall
creeping grass

Wastewater drain

Figure 5.3. A protected spring (adapted from 64)

Rainwater harvesting: If rainwater is properly collected and stored it will usually

be of good quality. The catchment area (e.g. roof, rock) and guttering or channels
should be kept as clean as possible. The first minutes of rainfall are best discarded
to avoid collecting unwanted material like dust, debris, or bird droppings. Alterna-
tively, a silt trap can be installed. The storage tank must be built to prevent
contamination by animals, insects, or polluted material (56). The water should be
withdrawn from the storage tank by a tap or pump to avoid contamination during
collection. Rainwater is seasonal and large storage capacity is needed to bridge
dry periods, so rainwater harvesting is not usually appropriate as the only source
of water.

Borehole or tube-well: A properly constructed borehole with handpump usually

produces good quality water. The tube-well should be sited a safe distance from
sanitary structures. To avoid the seepage of contaminated surface water or shallow


cpd05.pmd 63 17/03/2003, 11:47


groundwater into the tube-well, install a good grout seal. A watertight apron
sloping away from the pump must extend for at least 1 metre around the tube-well.
The borehole casing must be intact or else polluted water could enter. If water
must be added to prime a suction pump, be careful to use clean water to avoid
contaminating the water in the tube-well (43). The apron must drain into a drainage
channel that leads spilt water at least 4 metres away from the tube-well before
disposing of it in a garden or soakaway. If possible, a fence or hedge should be
installed around the borehole to keep animals at distance (82).

It is very difficult to assess whether the underground structures of existing tube-

wells are adequate, and it is therefore best to assume that they are not. The apron
and drainage channel should be intact and not have any cracks. There should be no
ponding of water within 2 metres of the borehole, and no excreta (human or
animal), refuse, or surface water should be within 10 metres of the tube-well (82). A
sanitary survey would identify any of these as risk factors that might contaminate
the water in the tube-well.

Hand-dug wells: Water abstracted from a hand-dug well is usually of intermedi-

ate quality. Sanitary structures should be sited at sufficient distance from the well.
The top three metres of the well lining must be watertight to prevent polluted
surface water or shallow groundwater from seeping into the well. A space is often
created during construction between the original soil and the lining. This must be
properly sealed to prevent surface water from entering the well. There should be a
watertight apron at least one metre wide around the well (82), and a drainage
channel at least four metres long must lead spilt water away before discharging it
properly (64).

If possible, water should be withdrawn using a system that prevents the vessel and
rope from being contaminated (e.g. by being left on the ground). A headwall must
be installed to prevent surface water or other contamination from entering the
well. The headwall should discourage people from standing on it, as this could
result in soil or spilt water contaminating the well. Children must be prevented
from throwing material in the well (15). Where possible, a fence or hedge should be
installed to keep animals at distance. Figure 5.4 shows an appropriate hand-dug

If a hand-dug well is covered with a lid and a handpump is installed, several risk
factors are eliminated or reduced. A raised manhole should be installed to ease
maintenance, and to allow people to get to the water without demolishing the
structure if the pump breaks down.


cpd05.pmd 64 17/03/2003, 11:47


Fence (only part of the fence shown)

(water abstraction system)

Tin lid Bucket

Apron: should be made so

that spilt water is led to the
drainage channel


Drainage channel

Lining: the lining should be water-tight

for at least 3 metres, and no water
must be able to seep into the well
between lining and soil

Figure 5.4. Hand-dug well (adapted from 64)

If existing wells are assessed in a sanitary survey, it is best to assume that the
underground structures are not adequate. Risk factors to look for include broken
or cracked apron and drainage channel, ponding of water within two metres of the
well, and the presence of human or animal excreta, refuse, or surface water within
10 metres of the well (82).

Surface water: Any type of surface water must be assumed to be polluted or at

risk of pollution. If surface water has to be used for drinking-water, the water
should be abstracted as far upstream as possible. The river water will be less
contaminated upstream of where people bathe, wash, or play in a stream, and
animals come for watering. The quality of surface water can be improved by


cpd05.pmd 65 17/03/2003, 11:47


installing infiltration galleries in the riverbed or by digging riverside wells or

infiltration wells (21).

When selecting a water source, seasonal fluctuations in water availability have to

be considered. Surface water, water from shallow wells, and rainwater are all
usually influenced by the seasons, and water may be in short supply at the end of
the dry season.

Water quality beyond the source

Installing a water supply system that provides water of very good quality is of little
use if the water is going to be contaminated at a later point. It is very common for
water to be contaminated with faecal-oral pathogens during distribution, trans-
port, collection, storage, or handling (48).

Distribution points, vessels, and reservoirs must be designed so that the risk of
contamination during filling is minimal. Transport and storage vessels should
have a small neck so that water cannot be dipped out. (Be practical, however, as
the difficulty of filling a vessel with a small neck at a handpump must be
considered.) The vessels should be properly covered to keep animals, insects, dust
and other contaminants out. The water should be taken from the vessel either by
pouring, or by using a tap. Vessels used for transporting and storing drinking-
water should only be used for this purpose. If they have been used for something
else, or have been empty for some time, they must be properly cleaned and
possibly disinfected before being used for drinking-water. Vessels can be cleaned
with boiling water or a chlorinated solution. Health and hygiene promotion will
probably be needed to improve behaviour concerning water handling and storage.

A piped water system with intermittent supply is also at risk of pollution. Intermit-
tent supply means that the pressure in the pipes will occasionally be lower than the
pressure in the surrounding soil, which means that contaminated water can seep
back into the pipes. Installing an electric pump to draw water from a piped water
supply with a low water pressure, as often happens in cities in developing
countries, can draw polluted water into the system.

Water treatment
The term water treatment is used here to mean manipulating the water to remove
water-borne pathogens (e.g. those that cause diarrhoeal diseases). This will often
be accomplished by chlorinating the water.

It is not always obvious whether water needs to be treated or not. It is more

important to treat the water when many people are supplied by the same source,


cpd05.pmd 66 17/03/2003, 11:47


the water is contaminated, there is a risk of an outbreak of water-borne disease,

and polluted water is playing a role in the occurrence of water-borne infections. In
addition the local technical, financial, institutional, and logistical capabilities will
have to be assessed to determine whether the capability exists to treat the water
adequately. This assessment must look into both the current and future situation.

Water treatment at communal level requires funds and adequate support, while
treatment at household level will rarely be reliable. The priority should therefore
be to find a source that provides water of an adequate quality, and to maintain this
quality by protecting the source.

Water from safe sources used by small communities does not usually need to be
treated. The priority should be on health and hygiene promotion to both protect
the source and handle and store the water properly.

A piped water supply to (peri-)urban areas should normally be chlorinated to

reduce the risks of water-borne outbreaks of faecal-oral infections. In an emer-
gency situation, water should be chlorinated if it is piped to more than 10,000
people. Water should also be chlorinated if an outbreak of faecal-oral infections is
occurring, or if there is a risk of an outbreak (66). Other than in emergencies or
during a significant threat of an outbreak of faecal-oral disease, there is little use
in introducing a water treatment system that could not be maintained when
external support is withdrawn (15).

Although it is not possible to go into much detail on water treatment here, there
are some important points concerning chlorination and boiling of water.

Chlorine added to water will work in three ways:

! Part of the chlorine will oxidise contamination, including pathogens. The more
contamination there is, the more chlorine will be used up. This is ‘consumed
! Part of the chlorine will combine with matter in the water, and form ‘combined
residual chlorine’. Combined residual chlorine functions as a disinfectant, but
is less effective than ‘free residual chlorine’ (15).
! Part of the chlorine will form free residual chlorine. The free residual chlorine
has a remaining or residual effect in water. If pathogens contaminate the water
during distribution, handling, or storage, the free residual chlorine in the water
will normally kill them.


cpd05.pmd 67 17/03/2003, 11:47


Proper chlorination therefore has two effects: it kills pathogens present in the
water at the time of treatment, and it will, to some degree, protect water from
future contamination.

Normal chlorination of drinking-water is not effective against the cysts of faecal-

oral protozoa (amoebiasis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, and balantidiasis) (3).

In chlorinating drinking-water enough chlorine must be added to leave sufficient

free residual chlorine without giving the water a bad taste or wasting the product.
Normally a free residual chlorine content of 0.2-0.5mg/l at the point of distribu-
tion is adequate (22). Annexe 4 shows how to determine the amount of chlorine that
must be added to water.

After the chlorine is added, it needs time to react with the contamination and turn
into combined residual chlorine. A contact time of at least 30 minutes should
therefore be allowed before the water is safe to drink, or before the free residual
chlorine can be measured. In a cold climate chlorine acts more slowly, and the
contact time will have to be longer (15). If the pH of the water is high, chlorine is
less effective in killing pathogens. At a pH of over 8, the free residual chlorine
content of the water should be between 0.4 and 1.0mg/l (22).

Sometimes the boiling of water is promoted to make it safe. To be certain that all
pathogens are dead, water has to be boiled for 5-10 minutes, although bringing
water above 75oC will normally kill the vast majority of the pathogens (28). Unlike
chlorination, boiling water is effective on water of high turbidity, and against
protozoa. Boiling water has several disadvantages though, which often makes it
less useful than chlorination. Around 1kg of firewood is needed to boil one litre of
water, which will often make it environmentally and financially unsustainable.
And unlike chlorinated water, boiled water has no residual effect against patho-
gens (21).

Assessing water quality

In the field there are two ways to assess water quality: conduct a sanitary survey in
which all threats to the quality of water are evaluated, or test the water for specific
bacteria (usually faecal coliforms and total coliforms) to check whether the water
is contaminated. Testing for bacteria is relatively costly and complex, and some
skill is needed to obtain reliable results. It also only indicates water quality at the
time of the test. Although a sanitary survey does not give a measurable level of
pollution, it is often more appropriate than bacterial testing as it does not need
specialised material, is instant, and gives a more holistic view of the water quality
and its threats.


cpd05.pmd 68 17/03/2003, 11:47


Treated water should be free of any coliforms when it enters the distribution
system. At the distribution point treated water should contain no faecal coliforms.
The presence of (faecal) coliforms in treated drinking-water is an indication that
treatment is not working properly, or that the water is being contaminated during
distribution. Instead of determining which coliforms are present, it is often
enough to verify that the water has a sufficient level of free residual chlorine, and
that there has been enough contact time between the chlorine and water.

Unlike treated water, any source of untreated water can be expected to contain
faecal coliforms, and it will be virtually impossible to obtain water free of faecal
coliforms without treatment (15). In rural areas it will often be difficult to reach
WHO or national guidelines even with appropriate structures.

5.3 Additional health issues concerning water supply

A water supply can be a health threat because of its structure or because of poor
design or maintenance. The main health risks will be a result of creating an
environment in which vectors or intermediate hosts can breed or live.

5.3.1 Large water reservoirs

Artificial reservoirs used for water storage can create two major health problems.
The reservoirs are potential breeding sites for Anopheles mosquitoes that transmit
malaria and filariasis (36), and if people come in direct contact with contaminated
water schistosomiasis can also be transmitted. An additional health risk could be
created if the spillway of the reservoir creates shallow, turbulent, ‘white water’ in
which the blackfly, the vector of river blindness, can breed (232,240).

5.3.2 Water distribution and storage

All water reservoirs used in the distribution or storage of water (e.g. service
reservoirs, overhead tanks, small domestic water containers) should be adequately
covered and maintained to prevent them from becoming breeding sites for Anoph-
eles mosquitoes and Aedes mosquitoes (80).

5.3.3 Sullage
Chapter 7 goes into more detail on drainage, so here we will only briefly point out
the health risks associated with the disposal of sullage (or domestic waste water).

All water supply systems will produce waste water in the form of used water,
water spilled at the distribution point, and water leaking from pipes or taps.
Although sullage normally contains fewer pathogens than sewage, it will often


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contain faecal pathogens, and could potentially transmit excreta-related infections

to either people or animals.

If the casings or linings of boreholes or hand-dug wells are not properly sealed,
waste water could seep back in, contaminating the water.

Where waste water keeps soil moist, a favourable environment for soil-transmit-
ted helminths (e.g. hookworm and roundworm) or sandflies could be created (80).

Accumulated polluted waste water can become a breeding site for domestic flies,
which transmit several faecal-oral infections and diseases spread by direct con-
tact. Culex mosquitoes, which transmit filariasis and several arboviral infections,
breed in polluted waste water too (21). Anopheles mosquitoes can breed in ponds or
puddles formed by unpolluted waste water.


cpd05.pmd 70 17/03/2003, 11:47


Chapter 6


Sanitation is everything associated with excreta* in relation to people. It includes

the structures used to deal with excreta (e.g. latrines), the materials needed to use
these correctly (e.g. water), and people’s behaviours and attitudes in relation to
both excreta and the sanitary structures (e.g. acceptance of open defecation,
washing hands after defecation).

This chapter looks at how excreta and excreta-related infections are linked, and
how these infections can be prevented by improved sanitation. Several sanitation-
related issues are considered in some detail, and we look at issues which are
important to the planning, design, and construction of sanitary structures.

In addition to health benefits, the installation of adequate sanitation may bring

people increased convenience and privacy. Improving sanitation can eliminate the
unpleasant or unsightly living or working conditions which often result from poor
sanitation. Where excreta is reused, people acquire a potential resource. And
although this will not be the development worker’s motivation, nice sanitary
structures often increase the prestige of the owner.

The uncontrolled discharge of excreta, sewage, or effluent into surface water may
result in environmental problems. The organic matter in excreta-related waste will
use oxygen to oxidise, and it will draw its oxygen from the water. The amount of
oxygen used is called the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the excreta. If
the waste is discharged into surface water without being adequately treated, the
natural aquatic life in the water may die from lack of oxygen.

Excreta can be faeces and urine, and can be human as well as animal


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6.1 The transmission of excreta-related infections

Infections are related to excreta in two ways: the pathogens leave the original
host’s body through excreta, or one of the vectors of the disease benefits from the
lack of adequate sanitary structures or from accessible excreta.
Several disease-groups leave the body through excreta.

Faecal-oral infections are transmitted directly through faecally contaminated

hands, food, water, or soil. The pathogen must be ingested to cause infection (see
Section, Figure 2.2).

Schistosomiasis needs to develop in a freshwater snail before it can infect people.

The pathogen infects people by penetrating skin which is in contact with infected
surface water (see Section, Figure 2.4).

Water-based helminths with two intermediate hosts (e.g. fasciolopsiasis, clonorchi-

asis) need to develop in two freshwater intermediate hosts before they become
infectious to people. Transmission occurs when the second intermediate host is
eaten without being properly cooked (see Section Figure 2.4).

Soil-transmitted helminths (e.g. hookworm disease and roundworm infection)

have to develop in soil before they can infect people. Some of these helminths
infect people by penetrating their skin when they are in contact with contaminated
soil, others infect people when ingested (see Section, Figure 2.3).

Beef tapeworm and pork tapeworm have to be ingested by cattle or pigs and
development in them. People are infected by eating poorly cooked beef or pork.

Cysticercosis, a complication of pork tapeworm, is transmitted like a faecal-oral

infection from person to person (see Section

Leptospirosis is mainly transmitted through direct skin contact with water or

material contaminated with the urine of infected rats (see Section

Vectors which benefit from inadequate sanitation include domestic flies, cock-
roaches, and Culex mosquitoes.

Domestic flies, which can transmit several faecal-oral infections including con-
junctivitis, trachoma, and yaws, can breed in, and feed on, excreta (67).


cpd06.pmd 72 17/03/2003, 11:57


Cockroaches, which have the potential to transmit several faecal-oral infections,

can feed on excreta and hide in sanitary structures.

The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, a vector of filariasis and several arboviral

infections, can breed in the polluted liquids in latrines and cesspits or septic
tanks (61).

As there are many disease-groups related to excreta and sanitation, the following
concept should help to assess when these infections could pose a risk.

If pathogen transmission is to succeed, the excreta has to come in contact with

certain elements. For example, schistosomiasis can only be transmitted if the
pathogen infects a freshwater snail, so transmission can only occur if the excreta is
released into fresh surface water.

Table 6.1 shows the different elements that the pathogens have to come in direct
contact with to be transmitted.

Table 6.1. Disease groups and the elements that play a role in disease transmission
(adapted from 60)

hs ct
o nt m
The element excreta ns t w
l m
w or i o n n ta
it o ti h ts he p e c t c o c t
must come in direct w os fe ct fe
ec is d ta in in
contact with: i nf i as sed e h itte r k i s i re e
l t
om -ba ia sm d p
o s rm d rn
ra iro wo by
l -o t os ter ed ran n p - d - bo
a s m t a o s e a a o r
ec hi Wa ter oil- ef pt in re ct
Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve
People H/A H(a) A

Animals H/A H A
(b) (c)
Insects H/A
Crops, food,
vegetation H/A H A

Soil H/A H A

Surface water H/A H/A H/A H A (c)

Ground water H/A

H: Human excreta
A: Animal excreta
: Only cysticercosis, a complication of pork tapeworm
: Domestic flies can breed in excreta and can transmit conjunctivitis, trachoma, and yaws
: The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, vector of filariasis and several arboviral infections, can breed in
sanitary structures or surface water polluted by excreta


cpd06.pmd 73 17/03/2003, 11:57


Faecal and urinary transmission of infections

Most excreta-related infections are only transmitted by faeces. The exceptions are
urinary schistosomiasis, which is common in Africa and which has no animal
host; leptospirosis, which is transmitted mainly through animal urine; and (para-)
typhoid fever, which is occasionally transmitted through urine (16).

The risk of children’s excreta

As many excreta-related infections occur mainly in children, it is more likely that
children’s excreta will contain pathogens than adult’s excreta, so special care must
be taken in disposing their faeces. Health and hygiene promotion to mothers will
usually be needed to improve the children’s behaviour and reduce the risks of
open defecation by children. Sanitary structures will have to be adapted and
acceptable to children.

The risk of animal excreta

Many excreta-related pathogens can infect animals as well as people, and animals
can be important reservoirs of disease. Cattle, pigs, dogs and rats are all potential
hosts for several diarrhoeal infections, several water-based helminths, and lept-
ospirosis. Chickens and wild birds can be the reservoir of pathogens that cause
diarrhoea. More information on the potential animal reservoirs of specific dis-
eases can be found in Annexe 1. Where animals are believed to be playing a role in
the transmission of infections they will have to be controlled.

6.1.1 Risk-factors relating to excreta and sanitation

There are five major problems relating to excreta and sanitation which can result
in a health risk:

! There is open defecation as people do not use sanitary structures.

! People do not wash their hands (properly) after defecation.
! Sanitary structures are not used correctly, are poorly designed, or are poorly
! Excreta is re-used as a fertiliser, fish food, building material, or for fuel.
! People come in contact with excreta of infected animals.

Several of these problems can be broken down further into specific risk-factors.
These specific risk-factors with their associated disease-groups are presented in
Table 6.2.

Several of these risk-factors will be looked at in more detail in Section 6.2.


cpd06.pmd 74 17/03/2003, 11:57


Table 6.2. Specific sanitation-related risk-factors

Risk-factors relating to: hs
o nt rm ct
i Open defecation s t w m
i o o n ta ns
ii Poor personal hygiene io
i th ts he
l ew c ti c o n
c tio
t w s p
iii Poor functioning or design c
d ho ted ta fe ct fe
fe in in
of structure l in ia se te it o rk i s m d ire e
m a a m s r n
ra so r-b di ns
p ro o by or
iv Excreta used as a l-o to te me tra a nd s pi a -w d r -b
a s o e a o
resource ec hi Wa ter oil- ef pt in re ct
v Animal contact Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve
i Sanitary structures are (a) (b)
not used (by all)

ii Poor handwashing (c)

after defecation

iii Poor hygiene of (c) (b)

sanitary structure

Openings or cracks in (b) (d)

sanitary structure

Collapse of sanitary (b) (d)

structure or pit

Overflowing of sanitary (b)


Excreta discharged in (b) (d)

surface water

Sanitary structure
pollutes groundwater

Excreta is handled in (b)


iv Excreta is re-used (b) (d)

v Access of animals to
living quarters
Close contact between
people and animals
(work, play)
Animal faeces on (b)

domestic plot

Animals have access

to well, spring, etc.

Animals have access

to stored water or food

Animals have access

to surface water

Sanitary structure: latrine, sewage system

O&M: Operation and maintenance (of the sanitary structure)


cpd06.pmd 75 17/03/2003, 11:57


: Leptospirosis, if transmitted by excreta, is usually transmitted by animal urine and therefore almost
impossible to confine through improved sanitation
: A potential for breeding and feeding of domestic flies
: A risk of cysticercosis, a complication of pork tapeworm; all other ‘positives’ in this column can result
in both cysticercosis and in infection of cattle or pork
: A potential for breeding of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus

Table 6.3. Reduction in occurrence of disease associated with improved sanitation

Disease (group) Reduction in Remarks


Diarrhoea 36% (26) improved sanitation

42% (70) sanitary facilities are well maintained (clean)

44% (40) hygiene improved in existing toilets in schools

30% (70) elimination of excreta from around the house

Infant diarrhoea negligible (70)

improved neighbourhood sanitation but poor water quality

25% (70) improved neighbourhood sanitation with good water quality

improved sanitation only; reduction when improved sanitation

Hookworm 4% (26)
and medical treatment were combined: 69%

29% (26) improved sanitation and water supply; reduction when improved
sanitation and medical treatment were combined: 80%
Tapeworms important (73)
improved sanitation

6.1.2 The health impact of improving sanitation

Table 6.3 shows how different excreta-related infections can be reduced with
improved sanitation.

6.1.3 The survival of excreta-related pathogens in the

Outside the host, excreta-related pathogens will usually die off over time. Most
pathogens can remain viable in the environment for some time, however, and
Table 6.4 shows the maximum time of survival of some. As a general rule,
pathogens survive longer when they are in lower temperatures, in a moist environ-
ment, and protected from direct sunlight (28,31). Again as a general rule, helminths
and viruses will survive longer then bacteria and protozoa.

Except for roundworm, all the infections in Table 6.4 are faecal-oral. It is less
useful to look at the survival times of pathogens which need intermediate hosts, as
these usually remain viable for as long as the intermediate host survives.


cpd06.pmd 76 17/03/2003, 11:57


Table 6.4. Maximum survival times (in days) of pathogens in different media (from 28)

Media in which s
is ) se
pathogens survive it ry
er e ru
(at 20 to 30oC) nt nt vi
le ) si
s is yse ra
a lo l os y d i s -o o) rm
r i li e l l
e r as l
ca oli wo
e o
ct E.c o n h i g i l l a lera bi e p d
Ba by l m S ac o oe Fa .g un
( Sa (b Ch Am (e Ro

Fresh water and sewage 60 60 30 30 30 120 many


Faeces, nightsoil, and 90 60 30 30 30 100 many

sludge months

Soil 70 70 - 20 20 100 many


On the surface of crops 30 30 10 5 10 60 60

The health risk of contaminated material (water, food, other objects) will usually
decrease over time if no multiplication or recontamination occurs. As the number
of pathogens discharged is often very large, the potential for transmission can
remain high, even if most pathogens die off or if the excreta is diluted in surface
water. A person with cholera can defecate up to 1x1012 bacteria per litre of
diarrhoea, for example, a person with urinary schistosomiasis can discharge
50,000 eggs per litre of urine, and people infected with hookworm disease can
shed 1x106 eggs per day (73).

Several bacteria and helminths can multiply outside the host. The bacteria Salmo-
nella spp. (causing salmonellosis and (para-)typhoid), Shigella spp. (causing
bacillary dysentery) (3) and E.coli (causing bacterial enteritis) (28) can all multiply in
food. The food can be contaminated through faeces, hands, utensils, domestic
flies, or cockroaches. Meat and dairy products pose the greatest risk. Thus food
which is not initially harmful because it contains too little bacteria can become
infectious over time because the bacteria have multiplied.

Several water-based helminths (schistosomiasis, fasciolopsiasis, fascioliasis,

clonorchiasis, and opisthorchiasis) can multiply in freshwater snails, and strongy-
loidiasis can multiply in soil. Here again, a light contamination of water or soil can
can become very infectious because the pathogen has multiplied outside the host.

Excreta poses a large and prolonged health risk because of its potentially high load
of pathogens, the persistence of pathogens in the environment, and the potential
for multiplication outside the host, so excreta-related wastes must be dealt with


cpd06.pmd 77 17/03/2003, 11:57


6.2 Practical issues on sanitation

This section looks at several of the risk factors mentioned in Table 6.2. It also
presents several aspects important to the planning, design, and construction of
sanitary structures.

6.2.1 Open defecation

Open defecation allows the transmission of all excreta-related infections and is
therefore a serious health threat. Open defecation is not acceptable close to the
household plot, or in urban communities or other areas with high or medium
population densities.

Each infected person usually has great potential to spread pathogens, so sanitary
structures will only be effective in preventing disease if they are used by everyone,
all the time. Even if only some people in the population (e.g. children) defecate in
the open, the health benefits of sanitary structures will be limited. Some examples
to illustrate this problem (adapted from 2,3,16,73):

! A person with bacillary dysentery excretes 1x109 bacteria in a small stream.

Ingesting 10 to 100 bacteria can cause infection. The number of pathogens
excreted in the water could in theory pollute 10,000m3 of water with 100
bacteria per litre.
! A person with a hookworm infection can easily release 1,000,000 eggs per day.
If this person does not always use a latrine, and we assume that 1 per cent of the
eggs end up in favourable soil, become infectious, and remain viable for six
weeks, then this person will be responsible for over 400,000 infectious larvae
in the soil at any time for as long as the infection lasts.

Even though open defecation is a serious health threat, it should not be con-
demned categorically in areas with low population densities. Open defecation
might be preferable to using poorly maintained latrines (57) which can become foci
for the transmission of diarrhoea (40) and hookworm (9).

6.2.2 Poor hygiene of sanitary structures

Sanitary structures can play an important role in disease transmission if they are
not kept clean (28). Faecal-oral infections can be spread through direct contact with
faeces, contaminated material, or through flies or cockroaches. Latrines with
floors contaminated with faeces can transmit hookworm.

Sanitary structures must be kept clean to reduce health risks and to make them
acceptable to users. Installing a SanPlat, which is a smooth concrete latrine slab,


cpd06.pmd 78 17/03/2003, 11:57


The drop-hole can be covered

with a tight fitting lid to contain
smell and keep insects out

The slab has a smooth finish Footrests reduce fouling by obliging

and slopes towards the drop hole people to place themselves correctly.
Correct placement of the footrest is important.

Figure 6.1. The SanPlat (9)

makes it easier to clean the latrine. A SanPlat can be built into a new latrine or an
existing latrine can be upgraded (9). The slab should slope towards the drop-hole so
that spilled water, or water used for cleaning, flows into the hole. Figure 6.1 shows
an example of a SanPlat.

6.2.3 Water supply and the sanitary structure

There should be a reliable source of water near the sanitary structure. Water is
used for handwashing and cleaning the structure, and possibly for flushing or anal
cleansing. The water does not have to be high quality as it is not used for drinking.


cpd06.pmd 79 17/03/2003, 11:57


Table 6.5. Water demands of a sanitary structure (66)

Water use Quantity needed

Handwashing 1-2 litres per person per day
Cleaning structure 2-8 litres per cubicle per day
Flushing (pour-flush) 3-5 litres per person per day
Flushing (sewerage) 20-40 litres per person per day
Anal cleansing 1-2 litres per person per day

Table 6.5 gives approximate quantities of water needed. A communal pour-flush

latrine used by 20 people who use water for anal cleansing may need around 200
litres of water per day to work – and be used – correctly.

6.2.4 Discharge of excreta or effluent in surface water

Discharging excreta-related waste into freshwater causes different risks than
discharging into seawater.

Discharging excreta in freshwater

Discharging excreta, nightsoil, or sewage into fresh surface water creates a serious
health risk. Faecal-oral infections can be transmitted to people who drink the
contaminated water, and water-based helminths (e.g. schistosomiasis, clonorchi-
asis) can infect their intermediate hosts. If cattle and pigs drink contaminated
water, they can be infected with beef and pork tapeworm. Domestic flies, which
transmit conjunctivitis and trachoma, and Culex mosquitoes, which transmit
filariasis and several arboviral infections, can breed in surface water polluted with

The discharge of excreta, nightsoil, or raw sewage into fresh surface water should
be limited as much as possible. The practise would only be acceptable where the
waste was diluted in a large volume of moving water, where people are not in
contact with the water (including people downstream), and where the risk from
food taken from the river is very small. This combination is unlikely to occur in
developing countries.

As conventional sewage treatment plants do not usually reduce the number of

pathogens to a safe level (their main aim is generally to reduce the BOD to
acceptable levels), their effluent is normally still very polluted. Exceptions to this
are properly designed and functioning waste stabilisation ponds, plants with
maturation ponds, and adequate filtration systems (see Section 6.2.6) (28).


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Discharging excreta into seawater

Only faecal-oral infections pose a health risk if excreta, nightsoil or sewage are
discharged into seawater. The cysts of protozoa and the eggs of helminths will
settle out rapidly, so only viruses and bacteria will normally be a threat. It is
unlikely that pathogens will travel more than a few kilometres from a sewage

As seawater is not used for drinking, the main health risk comes from handling or
eating contaminated fish and shellfish. Fish can harbour pathogens in their body
for weeks and can therefore be a risk if they are caught close to a sewage outfall.
As shellfish can accumulate pathogens in their bodies, they are a larger health risk
than fish. Fish and shellfish should always be properly cooked before eating.

The additional health risks from contaminated seawater will normally be limited
if people already live in an environment with poor sanitation (28).

6.2.5 Groundwater pollution by sanitary structures

Polluted liquid seeping out of sanitary structures can sometimes percolate through
the soil into the groundwater. The groundwater can thus be polluted with patho-
gens and chemicals from the excreta. Both types of pollution will be covered here,
with the emphasis on pollution by pathogens.

Only faecal-oral pathogens will be transmitted by polluted groundwater, and

unless the soil consists of fissured rock or coarse sands, only viruses and bacteria
will pose a risk. Because of their large size, the cysts of protozoa and eggs of
helminths will easily be blocked by the soil and will not seep down (42).

Groundwater pollution will only be a problem if the groundwater is used for

drinking, or if water mains with intermittent supply are piped through polluted
soil (see Section 5.2.3).

It is important to remember that the health risks from open defecation or from
using inadequate sanitary structures are usually greater than the health risk of
polluting the groundwater by sanitation.

If groundwater pollution is a serious risk, it is usually more appropriate to change

to a piped water supply than to install off-site sanitation (e.g. a sewerage system).

Although groundwater pollution is often used as an argument against on-site

sanitation (e.g. pit latrines), poorly constructed or maintained sewerage systems
are just as likely to pollute the groundwater (62).


cpd06.pmd 81 17/03/2003, 11:57


Pollution in the unsaturated zone

In the zone above the water table, polluted liquid from the sanitary structure will
percolate downwards under the influence of gravity. The removal of pathogens in
the unsaturated zone is very effective (31), and where groundwater pollution could
be a problem, this distance should be maximised (e.g. by raising the latrine, using
a shallow pit) (42). If there is at least 2m of fine sand or loam between the source of
pollution (e.g. the base of the pit of the latrine) and the groundwater table, most
pathogens will be removed from the liquid (57). Within months of a latrine being
used an organic mat will form naturally in the soil. This mat is very effective in
removing pathogens (42).

Pollution in the saturated zone

To understand the principles of pollution below the water table, the movement of
groundwater in the saturated zone must be understood.

Shallow groundwater tables usually follow roughly the form of the terrain (34). As
water flows from high to low areas, groundwater will normally move in the same
direction that water on the surface would flow. As a rough rule, the steeper the
terrain and the coarser the soil particles (if there are no small particles like silt and
clay), the faster the groundwater will flow (24).

When the polluted liquid meets the groundwater, the liquid will be carried with
the groundwater flow. The liquid forms a ‘tongue’ which follows the flow of the
groundwater, but the liquid and the groundwater do not really mix (30). This is
shown in Figure 6.2.

Bacteria will not normally travel further than the distance the groundwater flows
in 10 days (42). Predicting the exact distance that pathogens will travel from a
sanitary structure is difficult, as this will depend strongly on the local situation. In
terrain with a low gradient and medium to fine sands, bacteria will probably not
travel further than 10 metres. Viruses can travel further, as can bacteria in coarse
sands or fissured rocks (42). In fine soils a safety distance of 15 metres will usually
be adequate (57).

These values can be used for sanitary structures which have to deal with up to 50
litres of liquid per horizontal m2 per day (30), and family structures will usually not
exceed this.

Even though pathogens are removed from the flow, they are not necessarily killed,
and if large volumes of liquid are suddenly discharged, viable pathogens which
were ‘stuck’ may be flushed out. Pathogens will not travel as far if the same
amount of liquid is discharged continuously than if it is discharged in gushes.


cpd06.pmd 82 17/03/2003, 11:57


Flow of polluted liquid in soil above

the groundwater table is vertical. The Groundwater table
removal of pathogens from the liquid is
very effective in this zone.

(side view)

Flow of polluted liquid in the groundwater: the liquid will follow the flow of groundwater,
but there will be little diffusion between the liquid and the groundwater. Pathogens will
normally not travel very far in finer soils.

Contour line

(top view)

Figure 6.2. Groundwater pollution by a pit latrine (30,42)

If groundwater is abstracted through a properly sealed borehole well below the

polluted layer, the water from the pump will be safe. This only works if water is
abstracted in low volumes (e.g. with a handpump). Mechanised pumping can
draw down the water table to such an extent that the pollution of deeper groundwater
is possible (24,57). A properly sealed borehole that pierces an impermeable layer
would be even safer. It might sometimes be possible to install latrines and


cpd06.pmd 83 17/03/2003, 11:57


properly constructed tube-wells close together, but it is always better to have a

minimum safe distance between the two.

Chemical pollution of groundwater through sanitation

The chemical pollution of groundwater is caused mainly by nitrogen (nitrate) and
chloride (43). The health risk of chloride in groundwater is limited (46) (chloride is a
component of kitchen salt), but a high chloride content could make the water taste
unacceptably salty. Nitrate can cause blue-baby syndrome in infants, but this risk
seems to be limited (62,68). Nitrate is possibly linked to gastric cancer and congenital
deformities, but here again, the risks seem to be limited (62).

Unless there is a high population density, or some other cause of chemical

pollution (e.g. using sanitary structures to discharge chemically polluted waste
water), the health risk of chemical polluting groundwater by sanitary structures
will usually be small.

6.2.6 Re-use of excreta

Excreta can be a valuable resource. Excreta-related wastes can be used for:

! fertilising or irrigating crops: nightsoil, sludge, sewage or composted wastes

can be used to fertilise plants, and sewage or effluent can be used for irrigation
(and fertilisation).
! Aquaculture: nightsoil, sludge or sewage can be used to feed fish in ponds.
! Gas production: nightsoil is used to produce biogas, a useful source of energy.

Fresh excreta, nightsoil, sludge, sewage, or effluent can all contain large quanti-
ties of pathogens, and thus pose a serious health risk to the people who handle the
waste and those around them. People who work directly with waste or who live or
work close to where excreta-related wastes can all be at risk from excreta-related
infections. But excreta, effluents, and sludge can be treated to make them rela-
tively safe to handle and re-use.

Treatment of excreta-related wastes

There are several ways to make excreta-related wastes safer. The waste may not be
totally free of pathogens, but if one of the following techniques are used correctly,
the risk of handling the treated waste will normally be negligible.

! Pass the waste through properly designed and working waste stabilisation
ponds (15).
! Let the effluent from a sewage treatment plant sit for enough time in matura-
tion ponds.


cpd06.pmd 84 17/03/2003, 11:57


! Filter sewage treatment plant’s effluent through a sand bed.

! Compost excreta, nightsoil or sludge under aerobic conditions, at temperatures
of at least 62oC for over one hour, 50oC for over one day, or 46oC for over one
! Treat nightsoil or sludge with heat; temperatures and duration should be at
least equivalent to those mentioned above (28). The high financial and environ-
mental costs of fuel will usually make this method inappropriate.
! Bury excreta, nightsoil, or sludge for two years (30) (e.g. use twin-pit latrines,
bury nightsoil or sludge in trenches, or top with earth full latrines). In tropical
climates most pathogens, except for roundworm, will not survive longer than
one year when buried.
! Dry nightsoil or excreta for at least one year (28).

Fresh excreta, nightsoil, and any type of excreta-related sludge or effluent that has
not been treated adequately can contain pathogens and should therefore be iso-
lated as much as possible from people, animals, insects, food, crops, vegetables,
soil, and water. Conventional sewage treatment plants usually do not reduce the
number of pathogens to safe levels, and their effluent can still contain high levels
of pathogens.

Use of excreta-related waste for fertilisation and irrigation

The main health risks of workers (and often of their families) who use excreta-
related waste for fertilisation or irrigation are faecal-oral infections and soil-
transmitted helminths (e.g. roundworm and hookworm). Where workers come in
contact with contaminated surface water schistosomiasis could also be a problem.

Consumers of the crops are at risk of faecal-oral infections and ingested soil-
transmitted helminths (e.g. roundworm and whipworm).

The health risks of using excreta-related waste for fertiliser should be reduced by
minimising the contact between crops and pollution as much as possible (e.g.
through subsurface irrigation). Excreta-related wastes should only be applied
before the crops are planted or up to one month before the crops are harvested.
This will reduce, though not eliminate, the risks of faecal-oral pathogens. The
health risks of soil-transmitted helminths will not be reduced significantly.

The health threat to people can be reduced by feeding these crops to animals,
though several infections (e.g. salmonellosis and beef and pig tapeworm) will
remain a health threat to people through infections in the animals (28).


cpd06.pmd 85 17/03/2003, 11:57


Use of excreta-related waste for aquaculture

Using excreta-related waste to feed fish ponds creates several health risks. People
who handle, prepare, or eat undercooked fish from these ponds are at risk from the
faecal-oral pathogens that are on the fish’s body or in its intestines (28).

In addition to faecal-oral infections, consumers are at risk from water-based

helminths which use fish as an intermediate host (e.g. clonorchiasis and opisthorchi-
asis). These pathogens can be transmitted to people or animals if the fish is not
properly cooked. Other pathogens which have to reach surface water to develop
(e.g. schistosomiasis) could also potentially be transmitted.

Keeping the live fish in unpolluted water for two to three weeks before eating
them will reduce the health risks.

As the eggs of water-based helminths with two intermediate hosts settle out easily
in water, the risk of these pathogens can be reduced by putting ponds in series, and
only harvesting fish from ponds which have not been fed with excreta-related
wastes (6).

Production of biogas
Handling excreta and the sludge that has to be removed regularly from a biogas
plant could be a health risk. The sludge could be heavily contaminated with
pathogens and should be handled and disposed of with the same care as fresh

6.2.7 Some practical issues on the planning and construction of

While not all practical sanitation issues can be considered here, some important
issues need to be highlighted.

To maximise the impact of improved sanitation, everyone must have access to
adequate structures, and these structures must be used correctly.

The structures have to be adapted to local behaviour, traditional beliefs, and the
population’s needs. In addition, sanitation has to be affordable to the users, and
appropriate for local institutional capabilities and restrictions. The structures also
have to be adapted to the physical situation in which they will have to operate. A
thorough assessment will be needed, and it is likely that different groups will
identify different issues, needs, and preferences, and these must be identified and


cpd06.pmd 86 17/03/2003, 11:57


considered. It is especially important to address the problems of marginalised

people to ensure that everyone has access to sanitation.

Household versus communal latrines

Each household should normally have its own sanitary structure so that responsi-
bility for maintenance and cleanliness lies with the family.

In a stable situation, communal latrines should only be considered if it is impossi-

ble to install structures at household level (e.g. because there is no space or
installation is unaffordable), or in public structures like schools or hospitals.

Where communal structures have to be installed, the issues of management,

cleaning, maintenance, and operation must be worked out before construction
begins. Usually people have to be employed to keep communal structures clean
. The facilities for men and women should be separated, and issues of privacy
and safety for women using the structures, or walking to the structures, have to be
addressed in the planning phase.

Numbers and location of latrines

People will only use sanitary structures if they do not lose too much time at them.
This is achieved by having enough latrines available and siting them close to the

There should be no more than six cubicles per communical latrine (21), with not
more than 20 (66) or at most 25 users per cubicle (21). Structures should be sited less
than 50 metres (66) from people’s houses, and at most 250 metres (21).

If groundwater is the community’s drinking-water source, latrines must be located

and constructed so that the risk of contaminating groundwater is minimal. As a
general rule, if the latrine is constructed in fine soils, there should be at least 15
metres between the water source and the latrine. If possible, the water source
should be installed on higher ground than the latrine. Where the soil is coarse, or
waste water is discharged in the structure, the distances between water source and
latrine may have to be more. (The problem of groundwater pollution has been
addressed in more detail in Section 6.2.5.) Latrines should be located so that the
risk of flooding by stormwater or floodwater is minimised. The top of the latrine
slab should be raised a minimum of 0.15 metres above surface level to prevent
surface water or rainwater from entering the structure (30). Pits should be dug some
metres away from the foundations of buildings as this could weaken the founda-
tion or cause collapse; and pits must not be dug against a road carrying heavy
traffic as this can also collapse the pit.


cpd06.pmd 87 17/03/2003, 11:57


Sanitation in emergencies
In the early stages of an emergency it is not usually feasible to provide household
latrines or even enough communal latrines. It may be necessary to construct
structures with 50 to 100 users per cubicle or metre of trench (if trench latrines are
used) to begin with. This must be upgraded as soon as possible to communal
latrines with 20 users per cubicle, or household latrines (47). As it is not normally
possible to provide adequate structures from the beginning, and the aim should be
to decrease the health risks and increase the convenience to the users as quickly as

Start by discouraging people from defecating near any water source used by
people and animals, or in fields where crops for consumption are grown. As soon
as possible defecation should be confined to specific areas: open defecation fields
or trench defecation fields. The next step could be to install trench latrines, or
communal borehole or pit latrines. Following that latrines could be installed at
household level if feasible (64). Provision should progress through these steps as
soon as possible, to use the best feasible structures at all times.

If communal latrines are installed people have to be employed to maintain and

clean them. Anal cleansing material, water and soap for handwashing, and soil to
cover the excreta may have to be provided (66).

If insects can access the contents of the latrines, the excreta should be covered
with 0.1 metre of soil every two to three days (21).

Some issues concerning construction

Structures are designed to last a certain period (the ‘design life’). In a stable
situation the pit of a latrine may be expected to last for up to 30 years (30). The
expected number of users at the end of the design life should be used when
designing structures. Annexe 5 has information on the accumulation rates of
solids in pit latrines, and how to estimate the infiltration capacity of the soil.

Where soil stability, soil erosion, or rats could become a problem, the top 0.5
metres of a pit should be protected with a closed lining. If the soil cannot carry
much weight the superstructure should be light. It may be necessary to make a
foundation in the form of a concrete ring beam to make the latrine structurally
sound (30). The more complex a latrine becomes, the more expensive and demand-
ing its construction will be.

Latrines should be built so that insects cannot enter the pit. This can be achieved
by installing a tight-fitting lid (this is difficult in a communal structure), a water


cpd06.pmd 88 17/03/2003, 11:57


seal (this will only be adequate if water or soft paper is used for anal cleansing), or
a VIP-latrine (this type of latrine is probably less adapted to use at household level
as they are expensive and rather complex; in addition, VIP latrines usually do not
stop mosquito breeding). If the latrine is ‘wet’, polystyrene beads can be used to
create a floating layer which will prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the pit (61).
All other openings which give access to the pit containing excreta should either be
sealed or closed with flyproof netting.

Vandalism and theft must be prevented by sealing the lids of access-holes with
mortar or locking them and by making structures as solid as possible; this is
especially important in communal structures.

This example of a pit latrine (Figure 6.3) shows some of most important points for
proper use.

The superstructure is not important

Water for handwashing, to the functioning of the latrine
cleaning the latrine, and (except for VIP latrines). It should
possibly anal cleansing be acceptable to the users though.
must be available close
to the latrine. Pour-flush
latrines need water for
flushing (see Section 6.2.3).
The latrine should be located
so that flooding is not a risk,
and the slab should be raised
Where there is a problem
by a minimum of 0.15 metres.
with unstable soils, erosion,
or rats, a closed lining of
the top 0.5 metres can be

A smooth concrete slab

(a SanPlat) facilitates
cleaning of the latrine
(see Section 6.2.2).

Figure 6.3. Example of a pit latrine (adapted from 30)


cpd06.pmd 89 17/03/2003, 11:57


Chapter 7


This chapter looks at the health risks caused by the presence of water1 in the
human environment and how this water can be drained. The purpose of drainage is
to remove unwanted water from the human environment (17). It is often difficult to
make a clear separation between ‘unwanted’ and ‘wanted’ water, as people will
usually use surface water, for example for irrigation or watering animals. What is
unwanted, however, are the health risks associated with surface water.

From a health point of view, the properties of the surface water are usually more
important than its origin. The WES specialist needs to separate the different
sources, as different types of structure will be needed to deal with them properly.
In the section on surface water and the transmission of disease we will look
generally at surface water, while in the section on the practical aspects of drainage
we focus on the sources of water and how to cope with them.

Drainage must handle water of different origins: domestic waste water (or sul-
lage), rainwater (or stormwater, runoff), floodwater, and water from natural
sources (e.g. springs).

Sullage includes used water (e.g. washing water), water spilled at the distribution
point, water from leaks in the system, or from taps. Sullage is usually produced
in low volumes, and without seasonal fluctuations.
Stormwater is that rainwater that has not infiltrated into the soil, was not
intercepted by the vegetation, and did not evaporate. This surplus water will
either collect in depressions in the surface, or flow over the surface until it
reaches channels, streams, or rivers, through which it will be evacuated.
Stormwater often occurs in large volumes, and is a seasonal problem.
Floodwater is generally water from overflowing rivers or channels. Flooding is a
seasonal problem which usually involves large volumes of water (15).

The health risks associated with water in the human environment are normally caused by fresh surface water


cpd07.pmd 90 17/03/2003, 11:59


Natural water sources can result in unwanted water if the water is able to collect
in large puddles or ponds.

In addition, industry, agriculture, mining, and other activities (e.g. medical facili-
ties, abattoirs) may produce waste water. Most of the health risks related to these
will be similar to the other types of surface water, but there may be specific health
risks related to these types of waste water. These specific health risks are not
covered by this manual.

Surface water can exist in many types of reservoirs. Naturally occurring surface
water is found in lakes, marshes, natural ponds, streams, rivers, puddles – even
leaf axils collecting rainwater can form ‘reservoirs’. Artificial reservoirs of sur-
face water include irrigation systems, channels, artificial water reservoirs (e.g. for
hydroelectric power generation), overhead tanks, swimming pools, and pits re-
sulting from construction work, agriculture, mining, brickmaking or other activi-
ties. Even small ‘vessels’ like old tyres, drums, blocked roof gutters, empty plant
pots, or old cans that accumulate (rain)water may serve as a reservoir for ‘surface

Issues concerning drainage other than health

Stormwater, or floodwater, can kill people or animals, and can destroy buildings,
roads or crops. Floods can make it impossible for people to move around. Poor
drainage can cause landslides and mudflows, which may be a risk to people and
their property. Stormwater can erode fertile soil, reducing production.

On the other hand improved drainage may degrade the environment if natural
wetlands or ponds dry out or are filled in, if the local water-balance is disturbed, or
if organically polluted drainage water is discharged into surface water, using up all
its oxygen.

Artificial reservoirs are built to benefit people, for example by providing electric-
ity or water for irrigation. In addition dams may benefit people downstream, as the
flow of rivers or streams can be regulated, reducing the risks of floods or draughts.
On the down side, people are often displaced and land and property lost when
large artificial reservoirs are created. A dam may become a problem if people – or
nature – are deprived of the water they depend on. If a dam bursts, a dangerous
situation is likely to result.


cpd07.pmd 91 17/03/2003, 11:59


7.1 Surface water and the transmission of disease

Drainage channels are frequently used for defecating, and the first rains after a dry
period will often wash human and animal excreta from the surface into the
drainage system. Water used for washing (people or clothes) will often contain
faecal pathogens. Sullage or stormwater can therefore transmit faecal-oral infec-
tions directly to people and animals. If cattle and pigs can get to the water, they
may become infected with beef and pork tapeworm. The chance of direct contact
is increased if water stagnates in the drainage system because of blockages caused
by soil, refuse, vegetation, or poor design or construction of the system.

If sullage or stormwater is discharged into fresh surface water (e.g. streams, rivers,
lakes), the surface water will be polluted with excreta. This will result in a risk of
faecal-oral infections and beef and pork tapeworm if people and animals use this
water as drinking-water.

Any type of fresh surface water which is contaminated with urine or faeces can
become a transmission risk for schistosomiasis. As the pathogen multiply in
snails, even a light contamination of the water can create a large potential for
transmission. Only fast-flowing rivers and streams, and deep water at a good
distance from the shores, will be relatively safe (15). Schistosomiasis is often
associated with irrigation schemes and artificial reservoirs (36).

In addition to schistosomiasis, water-based helminths with two intermediate hosts

can benefit from the discharge of faecally polluted drainage water into surface

Temporary pools and small containers (e.g. cans, drums, blocked gutters) full of
relatively clean water are potential breeding sites for the Aedes mosquitoes which
transmit filariasis, yellow fever, dengue fever, and several other arboviruses. The
eggs of Aedes mosquitoes can survive for months outside the water, but must be in
the water to hatch.

Where organically polluted water can accumulate (e.g. stagnant water polluted
with waste from sanitary structures, organic refuse, or rotting plants), Culex
mosquitoes, which transmit filariasis and several arboviral infections, can breed.
Culex quinquefasciatus is often a problem in urban areas.

Where ponds or puddles of relatively clean water form, preferably with some form
of vegetation, Anopheles mosquitoes, vectors of malaria and filariasis, can breed.
Anopheles mosquitoes also breed in lakes, rice fields, and calm areas in slow


cpd07.pmd 92 17/03/2003, 11:59


streams (61). Malaria is a problem associated with the presence of artificial reser-
voirs (6).

Surface water does not need to be permanent to be a risk; mosquitoes and snails
can breed and survive in temporary or seasonal puddles and ponds. Mosquitoes
can develop from egg to adult in less than two weeks (80). Snails transmitting
schistosomiasis can survive in ponds that dry up seasonally (5), and one snail can
grow out into an infectious colony within two months (73).

A number of other infections could be a risk where drainage is poor.

If drainage water comes in contact with soil, it can become contaminated with
soil-transmitted helminths (e.g. hookworm disease, roundworm infection). The
soil-transmitted helminths need moist soil in which to breed, an environment
which can be created by inadequate drainage. Sandflies, the vector of leishmania-
sis, Bartonellosis and several arboviruses, breed in humid, organic soils (61).

Polluted water (e.g. from stagnant water in drainage channels) is a potential

breeding site for the domestic fly (21), which can transmit faecal-oral diseases and
infections transmitted by direct contact.

Rats are attracted to surface water, and can be a host for a multitude of infections
including plague (80).

Turbulent, shallow ‘white water’, which can be created in the spillways of

reservoirs, can become a breeding site for blackflies, which can transmit river
blindness (6,15).

Table 7.1 presents the infections related to poor drainage.

The health risks of seawater and brackish water

The health risks linked to surface water are mainly related to freshwater.

The health threat of seawater is limited. The chance of transmitting excreta-

related pathogens by seawater is small (see Section 6.2.4), and vectors and
intermediate hosts can not survive in seawater.

Depending on the water’s salt content, the chances of excreta-related pathogens

surviving or being transmitted will be higher in brackish water (water with a salt
content between that of seawater and freshwater) than in seawater.


cpd07.pmd 93 17/03/2003, 11:59


Table 7.1. Disease categories associated with poor or absent drainage

hs ct
Risk-factors related to drainage w o i nt rm n ta ns
s t m o o
i th ts he
l ew c ti c o n
c tio
t w s p
i Water accumulates c
d ho ted ta fe ct fe
fe in in
ii The drainage functions poorly, l in ia se te i t o rk i s m d ire e
m a a m s or n
or is badly designed ra so r-b di ns
p ro by or
l-o to te me tra a nd s pi a -w d r -b
a s o e a o
ec hi Wa ter oil- ef pt in re ct
Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve

i Clean surface water (a) (b) (c)

Organically polluted (d) (b) (d) (e)

surface water

Resulting in moist soil (f)

ii Stagnant water in (b) (d) (e)

Poor disposal of (b) (d) (e)
drainage water
: as long as some food (plants, organic matter) is present in the water
: through rats being attracted to, and contaminating, the surface water
: Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes
: through domestic flies
: Culex mosquitoes
: sandflies

Although most mosquitoes do not like salt water, some can breed in slightly salty
water. Anopheles mosquitoes are in general more sensitive to salt water than
Culex and Aedes mosquitoes (77). Some species of Aedes mosquitoes are able to
breed in coastal salt marshes (61).

7.2 Practical issues concerning drainage

This section looks at some practical issues concerning the drainage of sullage and
stormwater, and how other sources of surface water can be dealt with. Issues
concerning flooding by external water bodies or large artificial reservoirs are not
covered as they are complex, and will not normally be dealt with by a WES
specialist at field level.

7.2.1 The disposal of sullage

Domestic waste water can often be disposed of where it is ‘produced’ (on-site


cpd07.pmd 94 17/03/2003, 11:59


Where waste water is not polluted with pathogens (e.g. water spilt at a hand-dug
well or handpump), it can be fed directly into a garden or vegetation. Care should
be taken that no ponding can occur.

Soakaway pits and trenches can be used where waste water could be polluted,
space is available, and the infiltration capacity of the soil is sufficient. A soakaway
will have to be adapted to the physical situation and the characteristics of the
sullage to prevent blockage or overloading.

The infiltration surface area (‘surface of infiltration’) must be adapted to the

amount of waste water discharged and the infiltration capacity of the soil. Sand
can be assumed to have an infiltration capacity of around 200 litres per m2 per day.
Silt and loam will normally be able to deal with up to 100 litres per m2 per day. The
infiltration capacity of clay will normally be less than 50 litres per m2 per day.
These values are for soil above the groundwater table (57). It must be assumed that
the pores in the bottom of the pit will clog with settled material, so only the
vertical sides of the pit are used to calculate the surface of infiltration. If a lining is
used, only the surface of the bare soil should be considered.

Grease floats and will become

trapped behind the baffles


Water towards

Figure 7.1. Section of a grease trap (21)


cpd07.pmd 95 17/03/2003, 11:59


Drain for stormwater

Channel for sullage

Figure 7.2. Section of a drain for evacuating stormwater and sullage (17)

Where sullage contains solids, they should be removed by straining the waste
water or feeding it through a silt trap (i.e. a small reservoir which allows the solids
to settle) . If the waste water contains grease or soap, a grease trap will have to be
installed. Silt and grease traps should be impenetrable to insects and rats cannot
enter. Figure 7.1 shows a model of a grease trap. Regular maintenance is necessary
to ensure that these structure function properly.

Where enough surface is available and the climate is appropriate, evaporation

pans or beds can be used. Eliminating waste water through evaporation is only
possible where the climate is hot, dry, and receives very little rain throughout the
year. Wind increases evaporation. Even in these ideal circumstances large surfaces
are needed; open water will evaporate 5 to 10 litres per m2 per day, an evaporation
bed with vegetation can probably evaporate around 2 litres per m2 per day (21).

Where the population density is high or the soil relatively impermeable, on-site
disposal may not be possible. If there is a sewage system sullage can normally be
discharged this way. If on-site disposal and sewerage are not present or possible, it
may be necessary to dispose of the waste water in drains. Figure 7.2 shows a drain


cpd07.pmd 96 17/03/2003, 11:59


which can dispose of sullage as well as stormwater. The small channel in the drain
is to discharge sullage, and its rounded form allows small amounts of water to
flow at sufficient velocity to keep solids in suspension. This practise is not ideal as
people, animals, and insects can come into direct contact with the waste water, but
it is better than allowing waste water to pond. The health risks of discharging the
waste water will have to be assessed, and if necessary, reduced.

Before considering using existing structures (e.g. pit latrines) for disposoing of
waste water, investigate whether the existing structure can cope with the quantity
of waste water that is to be discharged. Up to 80 per cent of the water supplied to
users may become sullage (17).

Annexe 5 can be used to estimate the infiltration capacity of an existing pit already
used for excreta. Discharging more liquid into the pit will also increase the
distance that pathogens from the excreta in the soil will travel.

7.2.2 The drainage of stormwater

Where stormwater poses a risk to people, animals, or structures, or where it could
pond and thus become a health risk, a drainage system will be needed to collect
the stormwater and lead it away safely.

The size, type, and finish of the drainage system will depend on the availability of
funds and the potential damage a flood could cause. The greater the risk, the
greater the amount that should be invested in preventing flooding. Drainage
systems need to be designed in combination with other structures (e.g. roads,
buildings) to adapt the structures to one another.

In Annexe 6 a method is presented to calculate how much water would be

discharged from a catchment area, and the size of the drain needed to discharge
this amount of water. This method can be used to design a simple drainage system,
or assess whether a proposed design is realistic. The design of a more complex
system will be more demanding, and if the reader is not familiar with these
procedures the design should be left to a specialist.

Refuse, soil, and the vegetation which accumulates in drainage channels will
reduce the capacity of the system, and regular maintenance will be needed to keep
it functional. Regular maintenance and inspection will also deal with collapse or
other structural damage in the system.

The responsibilities of all actors in maintenance and structural repairs must be

addressed early in the planning phase. Drainage systems are usually communal,


cpd07.pmd 97 17/03/2003, 11:59


but the basic maintenance of the system at neighbourhood level (e.g. removing
blockages, cleaning the channels) is probably best done at household level (17). The
problem of solid waste management should be addressed in the planning phase of
the drainage system as poor management of refuse (e.g. domestic waste or waste
from construction) will result in inappropriate waste ending up in the drainage

Where the channels are not protected with a lining, erosion can be a problem if
water flows at high speed or if the sides of the drains are too steep.

If tools or other materials are required for maintenance, these must be available to
those who need them.

7.2.3 Other types of surface water

Temporary ponds or unwanted reservoirs can be filled to reduce the health risks.
No new ponds should be created when sourcing the filling material. Where filling
is not feasible, the vegetation along the sides of the water can be removed to make
it less attractive to snails and mosquitoes, or the shoreline can be made steeper to
control the vegetation.

The best way to deal with potential breeding sites for Aedes mosquitoes depends
on the situation: solid waste must be removed, water tanks and drums must be
covered with a lid or mosquito-proof netting, gutters should be maintained,
hollow construction blocks or bricks should be filled, containers that are needed
but not used should be turned upside down, and holes in trees must be filled (61). It
will only be possible to control Aedes by teaching people to be very vigilant and
attentive to the problem.

Where springs result in ponding they can be protected (see Figure 5.3) to reduce
the health risks.


cpd07.pmd 98 17/03/2003, 11:59


Chapter 8

Solid waste management

Solid waste management is about dealing with refuse. This chapter looks at
communicable disease in relation to solid waste, and presents some practical
issues about managing refuse. Solid waste management up to neighbourhood
level, including local health structures, is considered, but the management of
wastes from industries, mining, or structures like large hospitals or abattoirs are
more specialised, and will not be covered here.

Poor solid waste management will result in an unpleasant and often unsafe
environment to live or work in. In addition, piles of refuse can be a fire hazard (15).

In urban areas refuse often ends up in drainage systems, creating drainage prob-
lems (see Chapter 7).

Pollution caused by poor management of waste can create serious environmental

problems. For example, one litre of diesel can in theory make around 80,000m3 of
water undrinkable according to European standards (46).

8.1 Solid waste management and infectious disease

Solid waste is often contaminated with human or animal excreta. Those who handle
the waste, and those who live or work where the waste accumulates, will therefore
often be at risk from excreta-related infections. The specific health risks they will be
exposed to will depends on their contact with the excreta (see Table 6.1).

As drainage systems are frequently used for defecation, the solid waste that
accumulates in the system is often contaminated, and is a health risk to those who
have to handle it (39). (For the health risks related to blocked drainage systems see
Chapter 7.)


cpd08.pmd 99 17/03/2003, 11:59


Organic waste from households, restaurants, and markets attracts rats, which are
potential hosts for many infections (e.g. leptospirosis, plague). Organic waste also
serves as food and a place to rest and hide for domestic flies, which can transmit
faecal-oral infections and infections spread by direct contact, and cockroaches,
which can transmit faecal-oral infections.

Other animals which use refuse dumps to rest and hide include mosquitoes;
sandflies, vector of leishmaniasis, bartonellosis, and several arboviruses; and
reduviid bugs, which can transmit American trypanosomiasis (61,80).

Refuse often includes materials which can collect rainwater, such as tin cans, jars,
and old car tyres. Aedes mosquitoes, which transmit filariasis, urban yellow fever,
dengue fever, and several other arboviral infections, can breed in these small
water-filled vessels (67).

Poorly managed waste often ends up in ponds, reservoirs, or drainage systems.

The refuse often blocks drainage channels, resulting in the ponding of water. As
these surface waters are often polluted with organic waste, breeding sites for
Culex mosquitoes and domestic flies are created (21,61).

Table 8.1 summarises the health risks relating to poor solid waste management.

8.2 Practical issues about solid waste management

A solid waste management scheme can be a large, complex, and expensive
enterprise, with many people, materials, and funds required for good operation.
Although it is not possible to go into much detail on solid waste management
here, we will look at some important issues.

It is not always necessary to collect waste. In rural areas much of the refuse is re-
used (e.g. feed for animals, containers, toys) and solid waste will often be less of a
problem. In high-density (peri-) urban areas, however, waste may become a
serious problem if poorly managed.

If on-site burial or burning are not possible, waste has to be collected. If afford-
able, household bins will usually be the most appropriate way of collecting and
storing household wastes. Where this is not feasible, communal storage of the
waste will be necessary. Collection points must be convenient if they are to be
used, and their location must be chosen in collaboration with users. The structures
should be designed and built so that insects, rats, and rainwater are kept out, and
so that people are discouraged from using them for defecation. The emptying and
maintenance of the structures by workers must be made as easy as possible.


cpd08.pmd 100 17/03/2003, 11:59


Table 8.1. Disease groups where poor solid waste management playa a role in
transmission (adapted from 60)

hs ct
Risk factors of poor solid waste w o i nt rm n ta ns
s t m o o
management: io
i th ts he
l ew c ti c o n
c tio
t w s p
d ho ted ta fe ct fe
fe in in
i Animals have access to l in ia se te i t o rk i s m d ire e
m a a m s or n
ra so r-b di ns
p ro by or
organic waste
l-o to ate me tra a nd s pi a -w d r -b
ii No regular collection a s o e a o
ec hi W ter oil- ef pt in re ct
iii Other Fa Sc in S Be Le Gu Sp Ve

i Rats (a)

Domestic flies/

ii Refuse accumulates (b) (b) (c)

Containers in refuse (d)

Refuse blocks drainage (e) (b) (f)

III Organic waste in water (b) (b) (f)

Excreta in refuse

: Flea-borne infections (plague, murine typhus fever)
: The risk is caused by domestic flies
: Vectors use refuse as a hiding/resting place: mosquitoes, sandflies, reduviid bug
: Aedes mosquitoes
: For humans: cysticercosis; for cattle and pork: beef and pork tapeworm
: Culex mosquitoes

The collection points have to be managed correctly, otherwise they will become a
health threat. Regular collection is essential. In hot climates flies and rats can be
attracted to solid waste within two days, so the refuse probably needs to be
collected daily or every other day (17,21).

Waste is often dumped in public areas or on wastelands. The uncontrolled

discharge of waste must be discouraged, and the displaced wastes have to be
collected. Part of solid waste management is making sure that refuse does not end
up in drainage systems or surface water. The actual volume of wastes produced
will depend on the situation. In low-income urban communities in developing
countries one should count on a volume of 1 to 2.5 litres per person per day, with
a weight of up to 1kg per person per day (15,17).


cpd08.pmd 101 17/03/2003, 11:59


In developing countries burying the refuse will usually be the most practical way
of disposal. To prevent animals from accessing the refuse, it should be covered
daily with 0.15m of soil. The last layer of soil covering the waste should be at least
0.5m thick (253,350). Incineration is usually not feasible because of the frequently
high content of moist (organic) waste, which would use too much fuel to burn.

Disposal of medical wastes

In addition to ‘normal’ wastes, health centres, feeding centres, and specialised
medical centres (e.g. cholera treatment centres) will produce medical waste.

There are different types of medical waste: sharp objects (e.g. needles, syringes,
blades), material which has been in contact with blood, puss, or other body fluids
(e.g. bandages or cotton wool), and organic waste (e.g. placentas).

There are many infections which could be transmitted through these wastes, and it
is therefore important that they are disposed of so that the pathogens are isolated
from people or animals.

Sharp objects should be collected in sturdy, closed containers with a small

opening just large enough to pass the objects through. When these containers are
full they should be discarded in a waste disposal pit. A disposal pit for medical
wastes should be deep, with a superstructure with a small opening that can be
locked securely. The superstructure must keep people, animals, insects, and
surface water out. The pit is quite similar to a pit latrine.

Contaminated bandages and other materials should be wrapped in plastic bags

reserved for and identified as medical waste. The bags should be burnt in an
incinerator. It should be assumed that incinerated waste is still infective, and the
ashes must be disposed of in the waste disposal pit (21).

It will be difficult to incinerate organic wastes, so these wastes should be wrapped

in plastic bags and thrown into the waste disposal pit.

To make sure the medical waste is properly dealt with, and to ensure that
scavengers (e.g. children, animals) do not have access to it, the waste should not
leave the compound of the health structures. The incinerator and waste disposal pit
should be near each other, and should be fenced off to keep people and animals away.

Although the medical waste disposal pit is similar to a pit latrine, latrines should
not be used for medical wastes as there is a risk of contaminating the slab or

cpd08.pmd 102 17/03/2003, 11:59


Whether normal waste from the health structure can be disposed of without
special precautions will depend on how well the medical and uncontaminated
waste are separated. If there is any doubt, all normal waste should be treated as
medical waste and incinerated.

People dealing with waste in a health centre must be aware of the health risks, and
be provided with protective clothing and adequate tools.

Disposal of the dead

The health risk of a dead body is usually negligible, and the risk of an outbreak
due to the presence of dead bodies after a disaster is extremely small (66). Although
rapid disposal of the dead is normally not necessary for health reasons, it may be
demanded by the people, and this demand will have to be considered.

The exceptions are people who die during outbreaks of cholera, louse-borne
typhus, or plague (21). The dead bodies of people who die during these epidemics
should be handled carefully. The bodies (and clothes) should be disinfected or
treated rapidly; and the bodies should be manipulated as little as possible before
burial or cremation.


cpd08.pmd 103 17/03/2003, 11:59



cpd08.pmd 104 17/03/2003, 11:59


Annexe 1

Listing of diseases related to water and

environmental sanitation



cpd-annexe1.pmd 105 17/03/2003, 15:40



cpd-annexe1.pmd 106 17/03/2003, 15:40


Bacterial enteritis, Campylobacter enteritis, Diarrhoea, Gastroenteritis

A diarrhoeal disease with fever. Often the diarrhoea contains blood (dysentery). Usually a disease of
infants. The infection will often be transmitted by domestic animals.

Pathogen : Campylobacter jejuni, C.coli (3) (Bacterium)

Distribution : worldwide (15)
Symptoms : an infection with acute diarrhoea, often with blood and mucus (35), abdominal
pain, malaise, vomiting (3). Fever is intermittent or relapsing (4). In developing
countries most cases occur in children under 2 years of age (3)
Severity : the severity is variable (3), complications do occur but are rare (44)
Incubation period : 2 to 5 days (16)
Duration : often 2 to 5 days, usually no more than 10 days (3). Up to 20% of the people
who get sick have a relapse, or prolonged illness (44)
Communicability : cases who are not treated can be carriers of the pathogen for up to 7 weeks.
Animals can be permanent carriers (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


e.g. food, fingers, Human
Faeces Oral

Transmission : transmission takes place through contaminated food, water, or through contact
with infected animals. The infective dose is around 500 bacteria (16)
Reservoir : humans, cattle, poultry, swine, sheep, cats, dogs, rodents, birds. Animals
(especially poultry and cattle) (3) are the major reservoir for the pathogen.
C.jejuni can survive for up to 5 weeks in milk or water at 4oC (16)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (in developing countries transmission often
occurs through surface water contaminated by animals) (16)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (15)
Environment : an environment with poor sanitation, poor personal hygiene (44), inadequate
water availability, use of water of poor quality, close contact between food or
people and reservoir animals (e.g. poultry, cattle, goats and dogs) (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a risk where poor sanitation is combined with mass feeding(3)
Remarks : an estimated 5-14% of all diarrhoea worldwide is caused by C.jejuni (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 107 17/03/2003, 15:40


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (29)
Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (3)
(+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improving food hygiene (especially dairy products and poultry) (++) (73)
Care in contact with domestic animals (especially poultry or their
faeces and puppies/kittens with diarrhoea) (3) (++) (73)
Health and hygiene promotion

People with symptoms should not handle food or come in close contact with institutionalised persons

Epidemic measures : groups of patients should be reported to health authorities. If feasible the
source of infection should be determined and eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 108 17/03/2003, 15:40


Bacterial enteritis (caused by Escherichia coli), Diarrhoea,


A diarrhoeal infection with a wide range of symptoms. The infection can be severe, and one group of
E.coli is able to cause dysentery outbreaks.

Pathogen : Escherichia coli (15) (Bacterium).

The bacteria E.coli is naturally present in human intestines. Most strains
(groups) of E.coli are harmless, but some strains can cause intestinal infections

Distribution : worldwide (15)

Symptoms : depends on the group of bacteria which cause the infection: from bloody
diarrhoea, caused by E.coli 0157:H7, which has the potential of causing
outbreaks, and which could be mistaken for shigellosis (dysentery outbreaks)
; to watery diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and fever (3). Children
under 5 are particularly affected (44)
Severity : depends on the strains of the bacteria. The infection can be fatal. Children
are especially at risk (3)
Incubation period : 9 hours to 8 days, depending on the strain causing the infection (3)
Duration : 1 to 10 days, depending on the strain (44)
Communicability : E.coli 0157:H7 can be excreted by children for up to 3 weeks. For the other
categories communicability may be prolonged (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


e.g. food, fingers, Human
Faeces Oral

: cattle is a reservoir for E.coli 0157:H7 A1

: cattle is a reservoir for E.coli 0157:H7

Transmission : through the ingestion of contaminated food or water, or through contact with
an infected person. For E.coli 0157:H7, contact with cattle. The infective
dose of E.coli 0157:H7 is very low (3)
Reservoir : for most strains: only humans (3), though dogs are mentioned as a potential
reservoir (73). E.coli can multiply outside the host on food. Cattle is a reservoir
for E.coli 0157:H7 (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (15)
Environment : an environment with inadequate sanitation, poor personal hygiene, poor water
availability, poor drinking water quality (44)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 109 17/03/2003, 15:40


Risk in disaster : E.coli 0157:H7 can cause outbreaks (47)

Remarks : E.coli is one of the most common causes of diarrhoea in humans. In some
surveys up to 30% of the cases of gastroenteritis are attributed to it (16).
E.coli is estimated to be the cause of 70% of travellers diarrhoea (4).
E.coli occurs naturally in the normal intestinal flora, and is often used as
indicator for faecal contamination of drinking water

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (29)
Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (3)
(+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)
Improving food hygiene (++) (73)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

People who are sick should not handle food, or work with institutionalised persons (3)

Epidemic measures : in outbreaks the source of infection should be searched for and eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 110 17/03/2003, 15:40


Bacterial enteritis, Salmonellosis, Diarrhoea, Gastroenteritis

An acute diarrhoeal disease. Outbreaks of salmonellosis are often food-borne.

Pathogen : Salmonella spp. (15) (Bacterium)

Distribution : worldwide (3)
Symptoms : diarrhoea, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting (3). The infection
is rare in adults (16)
Severity : the infection can be severe, but fatal infections are rare in a healthy adult
population. Children and the weak are most at risk (3). The number of bacteria
which cause the initial infection influences the outcome of the disease (16)
Incubation period : 6 hours to 3 days (3)
Duration : symptoms usually last for several days (3)
Communicability : usually several weeks. Chronic human carriers are rare, still, 5% of the infected
children will pass bacteria for over one year. In animals chronic carriers are
more common than in humans (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


e.g. food, fingers, Human
Faeces Oral

Transmission : cattle, pigs, poultry, dogs, cats, birds, and turtles, are potential reservoirs of
the pathogen. Sick people or carriers are also important sources of the A1
pathogen. Usually transmission occurs through contaminated animal products
(poultry, meat, egg). Other ways of transmission are contaminated water
(though water-borne transmission is rare) (16), or contact with infected persons
or animals. Transmission through contaminated hands can be important.
The bacteria can multiply in infected food (especially milk) (3). The infective
dose is from very small to high (16)
Reservoir : human, dogs, cats, cattle, pigs, poultry, rodents, turtles, tortoises (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral
Environment : an environment with inadequate sanitation, poor water availability, poor
personal hygiene, and poor food hygiene
Risk in disaster : the infection is a risk where poor sanitation is combined with mass feeding (3)
Remarks : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 111 17/03/2003, 15:40


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (29)
Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improving food hygiene (especially animal products) (3)
(++) (73)
Care in contact with domestic animals (3)

Health and hygiene promotion

Adequate food hygiene during the slaughtering of animals, and the preparation and distribution of
food is important. Cooked food and raw meat should not be brought into contact with each other (16).
People who are sick should not handle food, or care for institutionalised persons. Individuals handling
food should have clean fingernails (3)

Epidemic measures : the source of the infection should be identified, and dealt with (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 112 17/03/2003, 15:40


Bacterial enteritis, Yersiniosis, Diarrhoea, Gastroenteritis

An acute diarrhoeal disease which sometimes produces bloodstained faeces.

Pathogen : Yersina enterocolitica, Y.pseudotuberculosis (3) (Bacterium)

Distribution : worldwide (15). The infection is more common in temperate climates than in
the tropics (16)
Symptoms : acute diarrhoea, in 25% of the cases bloodstains are found in the diarrhoea
. Adults frequently have pains in joints. The infection can display symptoms
of acute appendicitis. Yersiniosis is most common in younger people (3)
Severity : -
Incubation period : 3 to 7 days (73)
Duration : usually 2 to 3 weeks (3)
Communicability : in untreated cases, up to 3 months. Prolonged asymptomatic carriers are
reported (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces



e.g. food, fingers, Human
Faeces Oral

Transmission : occurs through consumption of contaminated food or water (73), or through

contact with infected persons (this is rare (16)) or animals. As the pharynx of A1
pigs can be heavily infected, pork can be contaminated during slaughtering (3).
The infective dose is medium to high (15)
Reservoir : the pig is the main reservoir of Y.enterocolitica. Other reservoirs are humans,
dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and other mammals (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral
Environment : an environment where close contact between domestic animals and people,
poor food hygiene (3), and/or poor personal hygiene exist
Risk in disaster : usually not a problem (3)
Remarks : Surveys have shown that less than 1% of the cases with acute diarrhoea are
caused by yersiniosis (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 113 17/03/2003, 15:40


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (73)
Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (3)
(+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (human and animal) (+) (73)
Improving food hygiene (especially food with pork) (++) (73)
Care in contact with domestic animals (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Infected people should not handle food or care for institutionalised persons (3)

Epidemic measures : groups of patients should be reported to health authorities. The source of
infection should be determined and eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 114 17/03/2003, 15:40


Bacillary dysentery, Shigellosis

The most important infection causing dysentery (83). The infection is a disease of poor and crowded
communities (16). Shigellosis has the ability to cause large outbreaks, especially in displaced
populations (47).

Pathogen : Shigella spp. (15) (Bacterium)

Distribution : worldwide (3)
Symptoms : typical symptoms are bloody diarrhoea with mucus, cramps, and fever. Still,
shigellosis will often present itself as watery stools (3). The number of stools
can be up to 100 per day. Many infections in adults are asymptomatic.
Where the disease is endemic, most infections occur in children under 10
years of age (16)
Severity : depends of the host and the pathogen. The case fatality rate of hospitalised
people can vary from negligible to 20%.
Most at risk of severe illness are children, the elderly, and the undernourished

Incubation period : 1 to 7 days (73)

Duration : the illness will usually last 4 to 7 days (3)
Communicability : if untreated, usually up to 1 month after the illness. The carrier state exists,
but is rare. Medical treatment will usually reduce the duration of
communicability to a few days (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces

e.g. food, fingers,
water, domestic flies

Faeces Oral


Transmission : shigellosis is highly contagious. Transmission takes place through ingestion

of contaminated material. Ingestion of 10 to 100 bacteria can be enough to
cause infection (16). Transmission through close contact between carriers or
recovering patients and susceptible persons is common (4, 47). Domestic flies
can play a role in transmission of Shigella spp. (16). Excreta of the sick contain
105 to 108 bacteria per gram (44). The bacteria can multiply in food, which
increases the chance of food-borne transmission (3)
Reservoir : human (16)
Vector/int. host : domestic flies can act as mechanical vector (3)
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (16)
Environment : where the population has a poor personal hygiene (poor availability of water),
lives in crowded conditions, and where sanitation is inadequate (3); another
risk factor is the use of drinking water of poor quality (44)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 115 17/03/2003, 15:40


Risk in disaster : a serious risk where overcrowding is combined with poor personal hygiene
and poor sanitation (4)
Outbreaks : the signs for potential outbreaks are an unexpected increase of cases of
dysentery in a population, or an increase in the number of death caused by
bloody diarrhoea. In an outbreak, all age groups will be attacked (contrary to
endemic shigellosis, which mainly occurs in children). Epidemic dysentery is
caused by Sd1 (Shigella Dysenteriae type 1) which has a case fatality rate of
5 to 15% (83). With appropriate treatment this can be reduced to 2 to 5% or
lower (47).
In a stable population around 5% (47) to over 10% (16) of the total population
can be expected to develop the disease. Of the sick around 10% will need
hospitalisation (47).
In a refugee setting however, over 30% of the population may fall ill, with
weekly attack rates of 2 to 10% of the total population. The total attack rate
seems to be related to population density (47)
Remarks : In many places Shigella spp. is responsible for 5 to 10% of normally occurring
diarrhoeal diseases (4). Shigella is estimated to be responsible for around
600,000 deaths per year worldwide, most of which are children.
It must be assumed that only a small proportion of the total number of cases
will be reported (3).
The pathogen can develop resistance to antibiotics during an epidemic (83)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (29)

Improving water availability (+++)

Availability of soap (++) (47)
Improving handwashing practise (+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improving food hygiene (especially dairy products) (++) (73)
Control of domestic flies (73)
(see Annexe 3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

People who are infected should not handle food, or care for institutionalised persons or children.
Fingernails should be kept clean and short (3)

Epidemic measures : groups of patients should be reported to the health authorities, the source of
infection should be determined and reacted upon (3). During large outbreaks
the places where dysentery cases are treated should be isolated from other
health services (47). Management of the outbreak should be similar to that of
cholera (73). If malnutrition is a problem, sufficient food should be made
available. If people have no easy access to soap, it must be made available
if appropriate (47).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 116 17/03/2003, 15:40



A diarrhoeal disease with a potential of causing large outbreaks. The disease is a serious health
threat where poor sanitation, crowding and poor hygiene exist.

Pathogen : Vibrio cholerae (15) (Bacterium)

There are two biotypes (categories) of V.cholerae: the classical biotype, and
the El Tor biotype which has now largely replaced the classical biotype.
The El Tor biotype tends to become endemic if it has reached a location with
poor personal hygiene and poor sanitation, while the classical biotype tends
to strike and disappear (2)
Distribution : all developing countries (3)
Symptoms : severe cases will develop acute diarrhoea with rice-watery stools, often
combined with vomiting (3). Most infections will not show any symptoms
though. Infections with the classical biotype will have around 5 carriers for
every symptomatic case. Infections with the El Tor biotype will have 30 to 50
carriers for every symptomatic case (16).
Of those who develop the disease, 90% will have a mild or moderately severe
illness (83) with diarrhoea (3). Of the people who develop typical cholera normally
less than 10% will suffer from moderate to severe dehydration. Where the
infection is highly endemic, it is mainly a disease of young children (83)
Severity : severe cases can die within hours. If not treated, 50% of those developing
the severe form can die. With proper treatment this can be reduced to below
1% (3)

Incubation period : 1 to 5 days (73)
Duration : the disease lasts for up to one week (2)
Communicability : infected persons without symptoms will discharge bacteria for up to 2 weeks
. The sick will often discharge pathogens for up to some days after recovery.
Some persons will become carriers for several months. Chronic carriers do
exist but are very rare. If antibiotics are effective against the type of V.cholerae
causing infection, treating people with these will reduce the period of
communicability (3)

Transmission cycle (2)

Oral Faeces

e.g. food, fingers,
water, domestic flies

Faeces Oral

Transmission : the main mode of transmission is through contaminated food or drinking

water. As well faeces as vomit are infectious (2). Cholera is rarely transmitted
directly from person to person (83). Transmission of the disease through drinking
water seems to be less common with the El Tor biotype than with the classical
biotype (2). Persons with asymptomatic infections play an important role in
the transmission of the infection (83).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 117 17/03/2003, 15:40


The usual infective dose is 106 to 108 bacteria, though with some persons
103 may suffice. A severe case can excrete 107 to 109 Vibrio/ml of diarrhoea
while an asymptomatic case may shed 102 to 105 Vibrio/mg of faeces (73).
Reservoir : humans are the only host (16), marine shellfish and plankton can be reservoirs
, and V.cholerae can survive in association with these reservoirs for several
months. Some information on the viability of the bacteria in food (16):

Time of survival (in days)

At 30 to 31oC At 5 to 10oC
Fruits 1-3 3-5
Cereal 1-3 3-5
Cooked foods 2-5 3-5
Fresh vegetables 1-7 7-10
Fish and seafood 2-5 7-14
Milk and dairy products 7-14 more than 14

Vector/int. host : domestic flies are a possible mechanical vector (47)

Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (3)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (3)
Environment : an environment with poor personal hygiene (poor availability of water),
inadequate sanitation (2), and a population living in crowded conditions (3).

Where people use drinking water of poor quality (73). Where cholera is endemic,
it tends to be a disease of the poor (3).
Risk in disaster : a serious risk where the disease is endemic, overcrowded conditions, and
where sanitation is poor (3)
Outbreaks : where an outbreak is likely, the preparation must start well before an outbreak
occurs. In a refugee setting a number of precautions must be taken: an early
detection system must be operational and units where cholera cases can be
treated must be planned. When the risk of an outbreak increases, material
to deal with the outbreak should be present and cemeteries must be planned.
Medical personnel should be trained in detecting cases and dealing with

them. The population should receive health and hygiene promotion (47).
The attack rates in a population will depend on the level of overcrowding, the
situation concerning sanitation, and the level of immunity in the population.
In a refugee setting, around 5% of the population can be assumed to develop
a severe form, though higher attack rates are possible. In Goma (1994) 8%
of the total population was struck. In a refugee camp an epidemic will generally
last 3 weeks to 3 months.
In an open setting, 1-2% of the total population can be expected to develop
a severe form of the disease (47).
Some information on logistics: in a refugee setting around ¾ of the severe
cases will need 8 litres of Ringer Lactate (intravenous rehydration fluids) (47).
The needs of a patient in fluids can sometimes be over 20 litres per day (73).
Large quantities or ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) should be available. In an
open setting the requirements will be lower than those in a refugee setting (47).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 118 17/03/2003, 15:40


To calculate the number of beds needed in a displaced population (assuming

the outbreak will last around 1 month and 5% of the population is severely
ill) (adapted from 47):

Number of at risk
beds needed 200

In an open setting the number of beds needed would probably be around

20% of what would be needed in a refugee setting
Remarks : the disease must be notified to the WHO in Geneva (73).
Although this is often practised, a strict isolation of patients is not necessary
for health reasons (3) (as long as the wastes are disposed of hygienically)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (+++) (29)
Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improvement of food hygiene (especially marine animals and salad) (++) (73)

Control of domestic flies where contaminated waste is present (47)

(see Annexe 3)
Prompt and hygienic burial of the dead (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Corpses of people who died of cholera should be disinfected. Travel restrictions are not effective in
preventing the disease (47), neither are the restrictions of food movements (3).

Epidemic measures : if feasible, the source of the outbreak should be determined and eliminated. A1
Treatment facilities separated from other health services should be arranged
to be able to deal adequately with the potentially large numbers of cases.
Drinking water should be chlorinated. Where possible, sanitation should be
improved (3).
If soap is not easily available to the population, it should be supplied (47) if
feasible and adequate.


cpd-annexe1.pmd 119 17/03/2003, 15:40


Viral enteritis, Acute viral gastroenteritis, Viral diarrhoea, Diarrhoea

An acute diarrhoeal disease. Relatively little is known on the transmission of the disease and its

Pathogen : rotavirus (15) (virus)

Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : often asymptomatic. Symptoms are watery diarrhoea, vomiting and fever (3).
The infection affects mainly 4 month to 3 year olds (16)
Severity : the infection is often severe and can be life-threatening (3)
Incubation period : 2 to 3 days (44)
Duration : usually 4 to 6 days (3) but illness of up to 3 weeks does occur (16)
Communicability : literature does not agree on the period of communicability; possibly longer
periods (3,16)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral/ Faeces/
Respiratory Respiratory
e.g. fingers,
water, air

Faeces/ Oral/
Respiratory Respiratory

Transmission : transmission from person to person is probably the main way the pathogen
is spread (3). Water-borne transmission does occur (16). Rotavirus can be present
in lung secretions and respiratory transmission is possible (3,73). In tropical

zones the disease occurs throughout the year with a slight increase in the
cool period. In temperate zones the infection occurs in the colder seasons(3).
The infective dose is 102 to 104 viruses. An infected person can excrete 1011
pathogens per ml of faeces (16)
Reservoir : humans are the only known reservoir (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-borne (16)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (73)
Environment : unknown. The infection often occurs in institutions like school or hospitals

Risk in disaster : the infection could be a potential risk (3)

Remarks : rotavirus is responsible for about 1/3 of the cases of diarrhoea in children
under 5 years admitted in hospital. It is estimated that rotavirus causes
870,000 deaths each year (3).
Even though the infection affects mostly children, outbreaks involving adults
can occur if new strains of rotavirus are introduced in a susceptible


cpd-annexe1.pmd 120 17/03/2003, 15:40


Prevent. measures : effective preventative measures are not obvious (3). The infection is as frequent
in developing countries as in developed countries, and it is therefore unlikely
that improved personal and environmental hygiene could prevent the infection

Epidemic measures : if possible, the source of infection should be identified (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 121 17/03/2003, 15:40


Viral enteritis (epidemic), Viral gasteroenteropathy, Acute viral

gastroenteritis, Viral diarrhoea, Diarrhoea

A diarrhoeal disease. Usually the disease is mild to moderately severe.

Pathogen : several viruses (e.g. Norwalk agent) (3)

Distribution : the distribution is worldwide (3)
Symptoms : diarrhoea, abdominal pain, malaise, headache, vomiting (3)
Severity : the infection is usually of mild to moderate severity (3)
Incubation period : usually 1 to 2 days (3)
Duration : intestinal problems normally last for up to 2 days (3)
Communicability : communicability is up to 2 days after the diarrhoea ends (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral/ Faeces
e.g. food, water,
fingers, air?

Faeces Oral/

Transmission : probably faecal-oral transmission. Food and water have been linked to
outbreaks. Airborne spread is suggested (3)
Reservoir : only humans have been identified as reservoir (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infection is probably water-borne and water-washed (3)
Excreta-related : most likely faecal-oral (3)
Environment : -

Risk in disaster : the infection can a potential problem (3)

Remarks : it is believed that 40% of non-bacterial diarrhoea is caused by Norwalk agent

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water
Improving water availability (+) (29)
Improving handwashing practise (+)
Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)
Improving food hygiene (+) (73)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : if possible, the source of infection should be identified and eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 122 17/03/2003, 15:40


Dysentery (amoebic), Amoebiasis

A very common diarrhoeal infection. A typical symptom is gradually developing bloody diarrhoea.
Where sanitation is poor, over 50% of the population may be carrier of the pathogen.

Pathogen : Entamoeba histolytica (15) (Protozoon).

Amoeba can be found in two forms: a parasitic (fragile) form and an infective
(resistant) cyst (4)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : most infections are asymptomatic. In tests only 1 out of 5 persons who
ingested amoebic cysts developed amoebic dysentery. 3 out of the 5 persons
developed an asymptomatic infection.
Typical symptoms are gradually developing diarrhoea (2) with blood/mucus,
abdominal discomfort, fever, and chills. Sometimes diarrhoea and constipation
alternate (3). A small percentage of the asymptomatic carriers will develop
amoebiasis in a later stage (44). Amoebiasis is rare in children under 5 years
of age (3)
Severity : usually the infection is not very serious. Dangerous complications can
sometimes occur though (74)
Incubation period : 2 to 4 weeks (73)
Duration : if the patient is not treated, the infection can last for up to 5 years (if the
person is not re-infected). Symptomatic attacks usually last up to 6 weeks,
and symptoms can reappear for years. In some infections the person with
amoebiasis will have bloody diarrhoea for years (2)

Communicability : the period of communicability can be years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces

e.g. food, fingers,
water, domestic flies
Faeces Oral

Transmission : transmission is faecal-oral, mainly through ingestion of contaminated food.

Water-borne transmission is less common (2). Asymptomatic carriers are the
main source of transmission (3). Where sanitation is poor, over half the
population can be carrier of the pathogen (4). Where amoebiasis is endemic,
outbreaks are uncommon (2).
The infective dose of the pathogen is low (15)
Reservoir : human carriers without symptoms are the main reservoir (16). Humans are the
only known reservoirs (3).
In faeces cysts can remain infective for at least 8 days at 34-38°C, and for
up to one month at 10°C (16). In water they can survive for weeks (4). Cysts are
also relatively resistant in seawater, sewage and wet soil. On the surface of
hands, cysts will survive for one minute, while under fingernails they can
remain viable for up to 45 minutes (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 123 17/03/2003, 15:40


Vector/int. host : domestic flies can function as mechanical vectors, and can carry the cysts
for up to 5 hours (73)
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral
Environment : common in an environment with poor personal hygiene, inadequate sanitation
, poor food hygiene, and use of drinking water of poor quality (16). The
infection can be a problem in mental institutions (3)
Risk in disaster : the disease could be a potential problem (3)
Remarks : It is estimated that around 480,000,000 people are infected worldwide,
and that the infection causes around 100,000 deaths per year (44).

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water
Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improving handwashing practise (++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improving food hygiene (+) (73)
Control of domestic flies (73)
(see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Cysts are killed at temperatures over 50°C (3). Chlorination of drinking water at normal concentrations
is not very effective against cysts (3). A chlorine concentration of over 3.5 mg/l is needed to kill the
cysts (recommended chlorine concentration for drinking water: 0.2-0.5 mg/l at distribution point).
Iodine is more effective against the pathogen than chlorine (73).

Epidemic measures : the source of infection should be identified, and dealt with (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 124 17/03/2003, 15:40


Giardia enteritis, Giardiasis

A common diarrhoeal infection.

Pathogen : Giardia lamblia (15) (Protozoon)

Giardia exists in the form of infective, resistant cysts (the form which transmits
the infection), and parasitic trophozoites (the form which causes the disease)

Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3)

Symptoms : 25 to 50% of the persons infected with Giardia will develop a symptomatic
infection (44). Symptoms are chronic diarrhoea, flatulence, and abdominal
cramps (3). Where giardiasis is endemic, the disease will be most common in
infants and young children (16), and adults will rarely have symptomatic
infections (2)
Severity : the infection can be severe, though this is uncommon (2)
Incubation period : 5 to 20 days (73)
Duration : normally symptoms will last for up to some months; then the infected person
will become an asymptomatic carrier (2)
Communicability : as long as the infection lasts transmission can occur, this will usually be for
months (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces

e.g. food, fingers,
water, domestic flies

Faeces Oral

Transmission : faecal-oral. Transmission seems to occur mainly through hand to mouth
contact (3). Water-borne and food-borne transmission do take place, but are
probably less common than transmission through contaminated hands (16).
Still, water-borne outbreaks have occurred where people have used
contaminated water supplies (2); and small food-borne outbreaks have
happened (3).
The infective dose is 10 to 100 cysts (16)
Reservoir : the main reservoirs are humans and contaminated surface water (16). An animal
reservoir seems to exist (3), but its role in human infections is not clear (16).
The cysts of Giardia are resistant, and in cold water they can remain viable
for months (44)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (44)
Environment : a common infection where sanitation is poor (2), personal hygiene is
inadequate, and the quality of drinking water is poor (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection will normally not be a risk (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 125 17/03/2003, 15:40


Remarks : Where Giardia is highly endemic most infections are asymptomatic. In

developing countries 20 to 30% of the population may be infected (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (++) (2)
Improve water availability (++) (29)
Improving handwashing practise
Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)
Improving food hygiene (+) (73)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Normal chlorination of drinking water is not effective against giardia cysts (73)

Epidemic measures : if clustered cases occur, the source of infection should be determined and
dealt with (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 126 17/03/2003, 15:40



A diarrhoeal disease which is common in developing countries.

Pathogen : Cryptosporidium parvum (3) (protozoon).

The two forms of Cryptosporidium are infective cysts which are passed in
stools, and the parasitic sporozoites (4)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common. Symptoms are (often watery) diarrhoea,
abdominal pain with cramps, and sometimes fever and vomiting. The disease
is most common in children under 2 years of age (3)
Severity : usually not severe, though the disease can lead to death in imunodeficient
persons (3)
Incubation period : 1 to 12 days, usually one week (73)
Duration : repeating attacks over a maximum of one month in otherwise healthy persons

Communicability : the period of communicability can be up to 6 months (73)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


e.g. food, fingers, Human
Faeces Oral

Transmission : the transmission is faecal-oral: person to person, animal to person, water- A1

borne, or food-borne. Asymptomatic persons are a source of transmission of
the pathogen (3). Outbreaks have occurred where the supply of drinking water
has been contaminated (16).
The infective dose is very low (73)
Reservoir : reservoirs are humans, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, poultry, fish and reptiles
The cysts of Cryptosporidium are very resistant. In a moist environment they
can remain infective for up to 6 months (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infection is water-washed and water-borne (3)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (73)
Environment : the infection can mainly be found in conditions of poor personal hygiene and
poor quality of drinking water (73). Persons working closely with animals are
especially at risk. The infection is common where people are institutionalised

Risk in disaster : normally not a problem (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 127 17/03/2003, 15:40


Remarks : In developing countries the infection can be responsible for 4 to 17% of the
cases of childhood diarrhoea (16), and the pathogen may be found in the
stools of in 3 to 20% of the population (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (73)

Improving water availability

Improving handwashing practise (3)

Improvement of sanitation (human and animal) (3)

Improving food hygiene

Care in contact with domestic animals (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Persons with an infection should not handle food, or work with institutionalised people. Chlorination
of drinking water will not kill the pathogen (3).

Epidemic measures : if cases occur in clusters, the source of infection should be determined, and
eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 128 17/03/2003, 15:40


Dysentery (Balantidial), Balantidiasis

A relatively rare diarrhoeal disease. The source of human infection is usually pigs.

Pathogen : Balantidium coli (15) (Protozoon)

Distribution : the distribution is worldwide (15)
Symptoms : up to 80% of the infections are believed to be asymptomatic (16). Typical
symptoms are diarrhoea (with or without blood), nausea, and vomiting (3)
Severity : the infection can be life-threatening in a weak person (3) if not treated (16)
Incubation period : days (73)
Duration : -
Communicability : the period of communicability lasts the entire period of infection (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


e.g. fingers, Human
water, food


Faeces Oral

Transmission : transmission is faecal-oral. Pigs seem to be the main source of infection (2).
Single cases occur through hand to mouth contact, or through ingestion of
contaminated water or food. Outbreaks are often water-borne (3).
The infective dose is low (15)
Reservoir : the main reservoir transmitting the disease to people are pigs. Other reservoirs
are humans, rodents (2) and primates (3). A1
Cysts of B.coli are rapidly destroyed in hot and dry conditions but can survive
for several weeks in a moist environment (16)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (15)
Environment : an environment with close contact between pigs and humans (16). Use of
poor quality drinking water; where personal hygiene is poor and sanitation
inadequate (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection does not pose a large risk (3)
Remarks : the disease is relatively rare in humans (3). In some places 40 to 90% of the
pigs are though to be carriers of the pathogen (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 129 17/03/2003, 15:40


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (3)

Improving water availability

Improving handwashing practise (3)

Improvement of sanitation (human and swine faeces) (2)

Improving food hygiene (3)

Care in contact with pigs (16)

health and hygiene promotion (3)

Chlorination of drinking water is not effective in killing the cysts of B.coli (3)

Epidemic measures : if a group of infections appears, the source of infection should be looked for
and eliminated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 130 17/03/2003, 15:40


Typhoid, Enteric fever, Typhoid fever/Paratyphoid, Paratyphoid fever

Faecal-oral diseases that cause sustained fever. Typhoid is more severe and more easily transmitted
than paratyphoid. (Small) outbreaks can occur. Permanent carriers do exist and play an important
role in transmission.

Pathogen : typhoid: Salmonella typhi

paratyphoid: Salmonella paratyphi (3) (Bacteria)
Distribution : typhoid and paratyphoid have a worldwide distribution (15)
Symptoms : mild infections are frequent. Typical symptoms are: sustained fever, headache,
enlarged spleen, malaise, sometimes a rash, disorientation, and loss of
appetite. In adults constipation is more common than diarrhoea (3). Typhoid
can produce stools with blood (4). In endemic areas typhoid is most common
in the age-group 5-19 years (3)
Severity : before antibiotics, the mortality rate of typhoid was over 10%. If the infection
is treated adequately, mortality rates should be under 1% (4). Paratyphoid is
milder than typhoid, and has a much lower fatality rate (3)
Incubation period : for typhoid: 1 to 3 weeks, though it can be up to 3 months. The time depends
on the number of pathogens that cause infection (3).
For paratyphoid: 1 to 10 days (73)
Duration : typhoid: usually around 3 weeks. Relapses occur in 5 to 10% of the untreated
cases, and may be up to 20% in treated cases (3).
Paratyphoid: up to 3 weeks or longer (2) relapses do occur in around 3 to 4%
of the cases (3)

Communicability : Typhoid: 2 to 5 % of the untreated cases will turn into chronic carriers (3)
(who do not necessarily have a history of being sick (4)).
Permanent carriers in paratyphoid exist, but are less common than in typhoid
fever (3).
Urinary carriers excreting pathogens after the third month of infection are
rare, except in persons with urinary schistosomiasis (16)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Urine A1
e.g. fingers, water,
food, domestic flies

Urine Oral

Transmission : transmission occurs through ingestion of food or water contaminated with

faeces or urine of a patient or carrier (16). Carriers play an important role in
the transmission of the infections (73). If S.typhi or S.paratyphi contaminate
food, for example through domestic flies, or dirty hands, they can multiply
. Where human excreta is used as fertiliser, raw fruit and vegetables are
important vehicles of transmission. Shellfish from coastal waters polluted by
sewage can be a danger (16). Typhoid has a much lower infective dose than


cpd-annexe1.pmd 131 17/03/2003, 15:40


paratyphoid (3) (the infective dose of typhoid is 103 to 109 bacteria (73)). The
higher the ingested dose of bacteria is, the higher the attack rate will be (2).
While typhoid is more frequently transmitted by water than by food (4),
paratyphoid is less often water-borne as it has a high infective dose (16).
In an outbreak of typhoid fever the number of cases can be expected to
double every 2 weeks (47)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir for typhoid, and the normal reservoir for
paratyphoid. Domestic animals can be a sporadic reservoir for paratyphoid
In fresh water S.typhi can survive for up to 4 weeks, in raw sewage possibly
for over 5 weeks (73). S.typhi can survive in sea water, which makes seafood
dangerous (4)
Vector/int. host : domestic flies can be mechanical vectors (3)
Water-related : both infections are water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal/urinary-oral (73)
Environment : an environment with poor personal hygiene, inadequate sanitation (2), poor
quality of drinking water, and inadequate food hygiene (45)
Risk in disaster : large outbreaks are unusual, but smaller outbreaks or single cases can appear
over longer periods (47). The infections can be a problem where sanitation is
inadequate, and the quality of water poor (3). Typhoid is often a problem after
disasters involving flooding (74)
Remarks : every year roughly 17,000,000 cases of typhoid occur worldwide, of whom
around 600,000 will die (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect


Improving the quality of drinking water (+++) (29)

Improving water availability (+++)
Improving handwashing practise (+++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (++) (73)
Improving food hygiene (especially dairy products and shellfish) (++) (73)
Control of food, and persons who handle food (73)

Control of domestic flies (73)

(see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion (73)

Carriers should not handle food or work with institutionalised persons (3). Fingernails should be kept
short and clean (73). Pasteurisation of milk at 60°C is effective in killing typhoid bacteria (73).

Epidemic measures : the ultimate source of infection is always a person (16). If possible this source
of infection should be identified and dealt with. Food believed to play a role
in transmission should be avoided. Water used for drinking should be
chlorinated (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 132 17/03/2003, 15:40


Hepatitis A, Infectious hepatitis or Jaundice/Hepatitis E, Non-A non-B


Faecal-oral diseases with fever and jaundice. Hepatitis E occurs mainly in outbreaks, and is very
dangerous to pregnant woman.

Pathogen : Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis E virus (viruses)
Distribution : both diseases have a worldwide distribution (15,3)
Symptoms : many asymptomatic infections occur (73). Typical symptoms are fever, loss of
appetite, jaundice (3) (yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes (45)) , and
depression (3)
Severity : the severity of the illness can range from mild to severely disabling for months.
The average case fatality rate in both diseases is normally less than 1 per
1,000 cases. The diseases become more dangerous with age: persons over
50 have a case fatality rate of 27 per 1000. A particularity of hepatitis E is
that it is very dangerous to pregnant women, in whom a case fatality rate of
up to 20% may occur (3)
Incubation period : the incubation period for hepatitis A is 15 to 50 days (73); for hepatitis E the
incubation period is 15 to 64 days (3)
Duration : the duration of the diseases range from one week to several months (3)
Communicability : the period of communicability for hepatitis A is usually up to the first week of
onset of jaundice. The period of communicability for hepatitis E is not known

Transmission cycle (3)
Oral Faeces
e.g. water, food,
(Hepatitis A: blood
and secretions?)

Faeces Oral A1

Transmission : transmission occurs through the ingestion of contaminated water or food (73).
Transmission from person to person is possible (4). Faeces of people in the
incubation period of hepatitis A contain very large numbers of viruses (16).
Outbreaks of hepatitis A are uncommon as people are normally infected at
an early age and develop immunity (73). The risk of an outbreak increases
though if part of the population is not immune because of improved sanitation
and personal hygiene (3).
The carrier state in hepatitis A is not important. Salads, cold meat and raw
seafood are often implied in the transmission of hepatitis A (73). Hepatitis A
can possibly be transmitted through blood and secretions (4).
Hepatitis E occurs mainly in outbreaks (73), with the highest attack rates in
young adults. Outbreaks of hepatitis E are often caused by water-borne
transmission (3).
The infective doses for the infections are high (73)
Reservoir : humans are the main reservoir for the hepatitis A virus. In exceptional cases


cpd-annexe1.pmd 133 17/03/2003, 15:40


primates can be a reservoir. The reservoirs for the hepatitis E virus are not
known, and animal reservoirs
are possible. The virus can be transmitted to certain primates and pigs (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infections are water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral
Environment : the diseases occur where people have poor personal hygiene, inadequate
sanitation, live under crowded conditions, and have drinking water of poor
quality (3)
Risk in disaster : a potential problem where crowding, poor sanitation and poor water supply
occur (3). Hepatitis E will probably pose the largest risk.
Remarks : people who have been infected with hepatitis A are probably immune for life
, though there are indications that people can be re-infected if they ingest
a large quantity of pathogens (73).

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (73)

Improving water availability (+) (29)

Improving handwashing practise (73)

Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)

Improving food hygiene (+) (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : the source of infection should be determined and dealt with. Personal hygiene,
sanitation and the quality of the drinking water should be brought up to
standard (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 134 17/03/2003, 15:40


Polio, Acute poliomyelitis

A highly contagious faecal-oral disease. The infection has disappeared from most parts of the world.
A typical symptom which appears in a small number of infected persons is lasting paralysis.

Pathogen : Poliovirus (15) (virus)

Distribution : until recently the infection was endemic worldwide (16). It has disappeared
from most areas as a result of immunisation campaigns. The infection is still
a problem in certain African and Asian countries (3)
Symptoms : the majority of the infections are asymptomatic or just a mild illness.
Symptoms are fever, general malaise, and headache. Paralysis only occurs
in some of the cases (73)
Severity : if infection takes place at a young age, about 1% of the cases will develop
some form of paralysis. The risk of paralysis becomes larger with an increasing
age of the infected person (73)
Incubation period : 5 to 30 days (73)
Duration : the illness lasts from some days to months. The paralysis is permanent (44)
Communicability : probably up to 6 weeks, though longer is possible (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral/ Faeces/
Respiratory Respiratory
Transmission: Human

e.g. water, food,
fingers, respiratory secretions:
transmission through
food and water Human
is rare
Faeces/ Oral/
Respiratory Respiratory

Transmission : poliomyelitis is a very contagious infection (4), and is mainly spread by direct
person to person contact. Respiratory transmission is possible, and can be A1
important if sanitation is adequate (3) or during outbreaks (47). It is rare that
food or water are associated with transmission (3). Transmission of poliomyelitis
will stop in a population when 80 to 85% of the people have been immunised
successfully (50).
The infective dose of the infection is low (15)
Reservoir : human (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : water-washed and sporadically water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral
Environment : the disease is linked to poor personal hygiene (73). In the tropics a small
seasonal increase in cases can be expected in the hot and rainy season.
Outbreaks can occur in regions where people have a low immunity to the
infection (either because they have not been immunised, or because the
infection is not endemic) (3).
Risk in disaster : a potential problem where crowding, poor sanitation, and poor personal
hygiene are found in a non-immune population (3, 73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 135 17/03/2003, 15:40


Remarks : to prevent epidemic poliomyelitis, improved sanitation should be accompanied

by good immunisation coverage; otherwise there is a risk of creating a non-
immune population in which an epidemic could develop (73)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (+) (29)
Improving handwashing practise
Improvement of sanitation (after immunisation of the population) (73)
Improved food hygiene (+) (73)
Mass immunisation (vaccination) (+++) (3)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : mass immunisation (vaccination) (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 136 17/03/2003, 15:40


Tapeworm (dwarf), Hymenolepiasis

A usually asymptomatic faecal-oral disease.

Pathogen : Hymenolepis nana (15) (Helminth).

Hymenolepis is a tapeworm. The adult worm is roughly 40 mm long and lives
in the human intestine (44)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : the infection is usually asymptomatic. Heavy infections can cause abdominal
pains, occasionally with diarrhoea (3)
Severity : the infection is mild (3)
Incubation period : the incubation period is variable (3)
Duration : the infection can last for several years (3)
Communicability : communicability can be years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces

e.g. fingers, water, food,
swallowing an insect which
injested Hymenolepis eggs Human

Faeces Oral

Transmission : faecal-oral. The eggs are often directly infective when excreted. Transmission
is water-borne, food-borne, or hand to mouth (3). Insects (e.g. fleas (45)) which
ingested eggs of Hymenolepis can transmit the pathogen when swallowed (3)
Reservoir : humans, mice could play a role as a reservoir, insects (3) A1
Vector/int. host : contaminated insects could transmit the pathogen if ingested (3)
Water-related : water-washed and water-borne (15)
Excreta-related : faecal-oral (15)
Environment : more common in warm and dry climates (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a risk in a disaster (3)
Remarks : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 137 17/03/2003, 15:40


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (3)

Improving water availability (+) (29)

Improving handwashing practise (3)

Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)

Improving of food hygiene (+) (73)
Control of rodents (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 138 17/03/2003, 15:40


Pinworm infection, Enterobiasis, Oxyuriasis

An ‘anal-oral’ infection with mild symptoms.

Pathogen : Enterobius vermicularis (15) (Helminth)

Gen. description : enterobiasis is caused by a thin, white worm with a length of about 10 mm
. The infection is common and occurs worldwide. It is often asymptomatic.
Symptoms are anal itching and irritability. The infection is mild (3). Infection
occurs mainly in children (4) and under crowded conditions (16)
Transmission : the eggs are not excreted through faeces. The female worm leaves the body
through the anus to deposit her eggs outside the body (73). The eggs become
infective within a few hours (3). The activity of the female worm causes an
itch. When the infected person scratches, the eggs are picked up by the
fingers (73). Transmission is hand to mouth. Anything that becomes
contaminated (clothing, bedding, food) can transmit the pathogen. Airborne
transmission is possible (3)
Reservoir : humans are the only host. Eggs can survive for up to 2 weeks outside the
host (3)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (+) (29)

Improving handwashing practise (73)

Washing of clothing and bedding (73)

Improvement of cleanliness of sanitation (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Long fingernails can more easily gather eggs and should therefore be kept short (3)

Epidemic measures : systematic treatment of cases, their family, and other contacts (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 139 17/03/2003, 15:40


Hydatid (cystic) disease, Unilocular echinococcosis

The source of this potentially severe infection is dog faeces (or faeces of other canines). Transmission
of the disease is faecal dog – human oral.

Pathogen : Echinococcus granulosus (3) (Helminth) (73).

The 3 to 6 mm long tapeworms live in the small intestine of the dog (2).
People are infected by the infective embryos of the worm which can form
cysts in the human body (3).
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3)
Symptoms : cysts form in the body. The cysts are usually 1 to 7cm in diameter (3), but
larger cysts are possible. The symptoms will vary with the organs affected (44),
and the size and numbers of cysts. Symptoms are similar to those of a slow
growing tumour (3). 66% Of the cysts are formed in the liver, 10% in the
lungs, 7% in the brain, other organs may be affected (73)
Severity : the infection is severe and can be fatal (2)
Incubation period : from 12 months (3) up to 20 years (44)
Duration : prolonged
Communicability : the infection in a dog lasts for around 6 months, but tapeworms may survive
for up to 3 years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)



e.g. food, water, soil, Body tissue
direct contact with Herbivore
infected dogs,
(domestic flies)

Faeces (dog) Oral

Transmission : dogs or wild canines excrete infective eggs. The normal transmission cycle
involves herbivores (e.g. sheep, cattle) who ingest the eggs, and develop
cysts in their body. When the herbivores are eaten by dogs, the tapeworms
will develop in the intestines of the dog, completing the transmission cycle
The eggs excreted by dogs and canines can cause an infection in humans
which is similar to the infection in herbivores. People can be infected by the
eggs through food, drinking water (73), soil, or any other object contaminated
by dog faeces (3). Transmission is possible through direct close contact with
dogs (through touching their fur, or being licked) (73). Occasionally domestic
flies have transmitted the pathogen (3)
Reservoir : the reservoirs of the adult worm are canines: dogs, jackals, and wolves (73).
The infective eggs can survive for several months in the environment (3)


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Vector/int. host : the normal intermediate hosts are sheep, pigs, goats, cattle, camels, horses
and other herbivorous animals (73). Humans function as an intermediate host,
but are a dead end in the transmission cycle
Water-related : water-washed (3) and water-borne (73)
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves canines (dogs) through their faeces (73). The infection is
canine faecal - human oral
Environment : the infection occurs mainly where sheep and cattle are reared (2) and people
and dogs live in close association (73)
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : the pathogen is common in the Turkana region in Kenya (73)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improving handwashing practise (3)

Dogs should be controlled (wild and stray dogs should be eliminated,

domestic dogs at risk should regularly be treated against worms, dogs
should not be fed potentially infective body parts of herbivores) (3)
Dogs should be kept away from potentially infective carcasses (3)

Dogs should be kept away from water sources and food gardens (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of dogs (elimination of wild and stray dogs and treatment of domestic
dogs), slaughtering of reservoir animals should be controlled so that dogs
have no access to any parts of the carcass (3).



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Schistosomiasis, Bilharziasis

A very common infection affecting around 200,000,000 people worldwide. The infection is associated
with engineering schemes like irrigation systems and artificial lakes.

Pathogen : Schistosoma spp. (Helminth)

The blood flukes causing this infection are 10 to 20 mm long. Male and
female fluke live in association, ‘coupled together’ (2).
Several species infect humans:
Schistosoma haematobium (which causes urinary schistosomiasis), the adult
flukes live in veins surrounding the bladder.
Schistosoma mansoni, S.japonicum and other Schistosoma, whose adult
flukes live in veins in the intestines (3)
Distribution : S.haematobium: is found in Africa and the Middle-east
S.mansoni: occurs in Africa, the Middle East and the north-eastern part of
South America
S.japonicum: is limited to China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and
Other Schistosoma: are found in South-east Asia and Africa (3)
Symptoms : many infections are asymptomatic, and symptoms are often ignored by people
. The main health problems from schistosomiasis are caused by the eggs
produced by the flukes. If these eggs become trapped (over 50% are) (73),
they can cause small scars in tissue (2). The symptoms of the infection are
linked to the number and the location of the trapped eggs. The main symptoms

S.haematobium: urinary problems including blood in urine, painful urination
, and reduced bladder capacity (2).
Other Schistosoma: intestinal problems including diarrhoea, enlarged liver
and spleen, and intestinal pain (3).
Occurrence in age-groups: S.haematobium is most common in 10 to 14
year olds; S.mansoni has a peak prevalence at 10 to 24 years; and
S.japonicum does not seem to have a typical age-distribution (16)
Severity : the severity of the infection is usually related to the number of flukes causing

the infection (16). S.japonicum is in general more severe than the other
Schistosoma (73). In the majority of cases the infection is not severe, but
(fatal) complications do occur (2)
Incubation period : the incubation period is variable (73)
Duration : the flukes normally live for 3 to 5 years, but some survive for up to 30 years
. Reinfection will often occur though
Communicability : people with infections can release eggs (infective to snails) for over 10 years,
or the time the infection lasts. Snails remain infected for life and can release
infective cercariae for up to 3 months (3)


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Transmission cycle (73)

Penetration Urine or
of skin faeces

through direct contact
with contaminated Animal
surface water (S.japonicum)
(e.g. through playing,
wading, washing)
snail Fresh surface water

Pathogen emerges Penetration

from snail of the snail

Transmission : The eggs of persons infected with S.haematobium leave the body through
urine. The eggs of the other Schistosoma leave the body through faeces (73).
In fresh water, the eggs can turn into miracidia, which can infect specific
freshwater snails that serve as intermediate hosts. In the snails the miracidia
will multiply, and turn into cercariae (this process takes a few weeks) (2). One
single miracidium can multiply into many thousands of cercariae (16). The
cercariae emerge from the infected snails; S.heamatobium and S.mansoni
at mid-day to late afternoon, and S.japonicum late in the evening. The longer

the period between emergence from the snail and infection of a person, the
smaller the chance of successfully infecting a person (73). Cercariae are able
to survive for up to 48 hours in water (16). The pathogen needs water
temperatures between 10°C and 30°C (73). People are infected when a
cercarium penetrates the skin which is in direct contact with infective fresh
water (2)
Reservoir : S.haematobium: humans are the only reservoir.
S.mansoni: humans are the main reservoir, though animal hosts are possible.
S.japonicum: humans are an important reservoir, but in addition animals can
serve as a reservoir to the pathogen. Some important reservoirs are dogs, A1
cattle, pigs, rats, and water buffaloes.
Children are particularly important as reservoirs as the infection is most
common in this age-group and because of their behaviour (16)
Vector/int. host : freshwater aquatic snails are the intermediate hosts for schistosomiasis. The
genera that act as intermediate host:
S.haematobium: the genus Bulinus (preferring still, or very slow moving water).
S.mansoni: most commonly the genus Biomphalaria (which can live in slow
flowing water, generally occurring in streams and irrigation systems).
S.japonicum: usually the genera Oncomelania (an amphibious snail) and
Tricula (15).
Usually only 1 to 2% of the snails are infected. As these snails discharge high
numbers of cercariae (up to 3,000 per day), the potential to infect people
remains high (73). The snails which transmit Schistosoma can survive for up to
months outside water, which takes the infection from one wet season to
another (16,73). The snails can reproduce themselves very rapidly; one snail
can grow out into an infective colony within 60 days (73)


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Water-related : the infection is water-based. The pathogen penetrates the skin in contact
with contaminated fresh surface water (15)
Excreta-related : S.haematobium is excreted by urine. The other Schistosoma are excreted
through faeces (73)
Environment : the infection is most common in rural areas of developing countries, but is
not limited to this environment (16). As the snails adapt themselves easily,
they can be found in a wide variety of water bodies. From lakes and seasonal
or temporary ponds, to rice-fields or slow-flowing streams (73).
The infection has become a large problem around many man-made structures
like artificial lakes and irrigation schemes (15)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be an urgent problem in an emergency (47)
Remarks : the dynamics of transmission can change rapidly in an endemic area where
a water resource development scheme is taking place (16). The distribution of
the pathogens in a mass of water is not necessarily regular; while the pathogen
may be present in one zone, it may be absent in another. The distribution
depending on the presence of snails (73). It is estimated that 200,000,000
persons are infected worldwide (16), and that the infection could cause up to
1,000,000 deaths per year (59). In many regions the occurrence of the infection
is on the rise (15)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Reducing water contact (through health and hygiene promotion
and water supply) (+++) (29)
Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)

Control of freshwater snails (through engineering, biological and

chemical measures) (73)
Mass treatment of infections (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (73)

The effect of improving sanitation is often limited as only a few infected persons need to contaminate
the surface water to maintain an infected snail population (73).

As the snails can reproduce very quickly, the use of chemical control of snails as only measure will
usually not be very effective. It can be effective however where the environment can be controlled,
and in combination with treatment of infected persons (2)

Epidemic measures : mass treatment (73), reducing the contact of the population with contaminated
water (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 144 17/03/2003, 15:40


Fasciolopsiasis, Giant intestinal fluke infection

An infection which has to go through two water-based intermediate hosts: a freshwater snail and a
freshwater plant. Reservoirs of the pathogen are pigs and people, who are infected when ingesting
the cysts which are found on uncooked freshwater plants.

Pathogen : Fasciolopsis buski (15) (Helminth)

The fluke causing the infection is up to 7.5 cm long and lives in the upper
parts of the small intestine (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs in the south of China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand,
Malaysia, Borneo, Myanmar and Sumatra (16)
Symptoms : usually the infection is asymptomatic (16). Symptoms are diarrhoea alternated
with constipation, and swelling of face or legs. Sometimes flukes are passed
in stool or vomit (3). If the infection is heavy (hundreds - thousands of worms),
symptoms may be more severe. Children over 5 years of age are most affected

Severity : in heavy infections the flukes can cause severe health problems (16)
, and in
weakened children the infection may be fatal (73)
Incubation period : 3 months (73)
Duration : around 1 year (3)
Communicability : if untreated, eggs are probably shed for around 1 year (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces

Transmission: Human
freshwater plants eaten
raw, or peeled with the
teeth or lips Pig (dog)

Fresh surface water

Transmission : the eggs of the fluke leave the body through faeces. The eggs will produce
miracidia after a development of 3 to 7 weeks in fresh water (3). These miracidia
can infect freshwater snails. The pathogens multiply in the snail, and are
released as cercaria. The cercaria form cysts on water plants (e.g. water
caltrop, water chestnut, water bamboo) (73). If these plants are eaten raw, or
peeled with teeth or lips while still raw, the cysts can be ingested, and infection
can follow (3)
Reservoir : reservoirs of the pathogen are pigs, humans, and occasionally dogs (3)
Vector/int. host : the pathogen has to go through developmental stages in two intermediate
hosts. The first is a freshwater snail of the genus Segmentina. After a
development in the snail the pathogen has to form a cyst on freshwater
plants (73)


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Water-related : the intermediate hosts of the pathogen are water-based (15)

Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the host through faeces (15)
Environment : the infection is most common where human and animal excreta are used to
grow freshwater plants (2), and where these plants are eaten raw (16) or the
raw plants are peeled with the teeth (73). The infection is more common where
pigs are kept (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be a problem in case of a disaster (3)
Remarks : where the infection is endemic, it can be expected that around 20% of the
population is infected (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving sanitation (+) (73)
Not using human and pig excreta to enrich ponds from which
freshwater plants are harvested (16)
Improve the hygiene in the preparation of freshwater plants (drying
or submerging the plants in boiling water will kill the cysts) (3) (+++) (73)
Control of pigs. Pigs should be kept away from cultivation ponds (73)

and should not be fed freshwater plants (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : improve sanitation, identification of plants that play a role in transmission,

and health and hygiene promotion (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 146 17/03/2003, 15:41


Fascioliasis, Sheep liver fluke infection

An infection with two water-based intermediate hosts: a freshwater snail and freshwater plant. Infection
follows the ingestion of uncooked water plants.

Pathogen : Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica (helminths)

F.gigantica is less common than F.hepatica. The infection is caused by 3 cm
long flukes living in the bile ducts (3)
Distribution : F.hepatica occurs in South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia,
Australia and Europe.
F.gigantica is found in Africa, the western parts of the Pacific, and Hawaii (3)
Symptoms : pain in the liver region, enlargement of the liver, jaundice (3)
Severity : the infection can cause considerable liver damage (73) and serious anaemia

Incubation period : the incubation period is variable (3)

Duration : the infection persists (3)

Communicability : prolonged (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


freshwater plants
eaten raw Herbivore

Freshwater Freshwater
plant snail

Fresh surface water

Transmission : the pathogen leaves the body through faeces in the form of eggs. These eggs
release miracidia after a development of 2 weeks in fresh water (3). The
miracidia infect freshwater snails (73), in which they go through a development,
multiply, and form cercariae. These cercariae will attach to freshwater plants
and become cysts. Infection follows the ingestion of freshwater plants
containing these cysts (3)
Reservoir : the reservoirs of F.hepatica are usually sheep, cattle and goats (73). The
reservoirs of F.gigantica are cattle, water buffalo, and other large herbivores.
People are infected accidentally and do not play an important role as reservoir

Vector/int. host : the intermediate hosts of the pathogen are freshwater snails (Lymnaea spp.)
and water-plants living in fresh water (73) (e.g. watercress) (2)
Water-related : the intermediate hosts are water-based (73)
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the host through faeces (73)
Environment : the infection is more common where sheep or other reservoir animals live in
close association with humans (73)


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Risk in disaster : the infection is not a problem in disasters (3)

Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Care in disposal of faeces of reservoir animals (faeces should not be
used to fertilise water plants) (3)
If appropriate, control of freshwater snails (3)

Care in consumption of water plants (e.g. watercress) (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : the source of infection should be determined and dealt with (3)


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Clonorchiasis, Chinese liver fluke disease, Oriental liver fluke disease/

Opisthorchiasis, Cat liver fluke infection

Two similar infections with two water-based intermediate hosts: freshwater snails and freshwater fish.
People are infected by eating poorly cooked fish.

Pathogen : Clonorchiasis is caused by Clonorchis sinensis (Opistorchis sinensis) (73). The

fluke causing infection is 10 to 25 mm long (2).
Opistorchiasis is caused by Opisthorchis felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini
. These flukes are around 10 mm long.
The pathogens are helminths which live in the bile passages (2)
Distribution : C.sinensis: can be found in South-east Asia, China, Japan, Taiwan and Korea
O.felineus: occurs in Eastern Europe; mainly Poland and Russia (2).
O.viverrini: is found in South-east Asia, especially in Thailand (3)
Symptoms : most infections show no specific symptoms (16). Symptoms are diarrhoea,
abdominal discomfort, and loss of appetite. In a later stage, liver problems
can occur.
Where C.sinensis is endemic, it is most common in adults over 30 years of
age (3)
Severity : the infection is usually mild, but complications are possible (3)
Incubation period : months (73)
Duration : the duration of infection of clonorchiasis can be up to 30 years or longer (3)
Communicability : Clonorchis can survive for 20 to 50 years in an infected person. During this

time eggs are passed in stools (4)

Transmission cycle (73)

Oral Faeces

Transmission: Human
freshwater fish
eaten without
adequate cooking Animal

Freshwater Freshwater
fish snail

Fresh surface water

Transmission : the infected host sheds the eggs from the pathogen through faeces. When
these eggs are ingested by a freshwater snail, the pathogen will multiply in
the snail, and cercariae will be released in the water (3). The cercariae will
actively seek freshwater fish, and encyst in its flesh or under its scales (73).
When people ingest the infective fish raw or undercooked, infection occurs
. Smoking or pickling the fish will not necessarily kill the pathogen (73)
Reservoir : the reservoirs of the pathogen are humans, dogs, cats, pigs, rats, and other
animals which eat fish (3)


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Vector/int. host : the intermediate hosts are freshwater snails (Bulimus spp., Bithynia spp.
and Parafossarulus spp.) (73) and freshwater fish (many species are potential
intermediate hosts) (3)
Water-related : the intermediate hosts are water-based (15)
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the host through faeces (73)
Environment : where fish is eaten without adequate preparation
Risk in disaster : the infections are not a problem in disasters (3)
Remarks : an estimated 30,000,000 are infected with C.sinensis (73) and over
20,000,000 people are believed to be infected with Opisthorchis (16). In parts
of Northern Thailand, over 50% of the population is infected with O. viverrini.
Pla ra, fermented fish eaten in Northern Thailand, will not transmit the
pathogen (2)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving sanitation (if possible human and animal sanitation) (3)
(+) (73)
Where possible the practise of raising fish in ponds receiving excreta
as fertiliser should be prohibited (3)
Improve preparation practices of freshwater fish (+++) (73)
Control of domestic animals (reservoir animals should be kept away
from fishponds)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : search for the source of the outbreak, and eliminate it (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 150 17/03/2003, 15:41


Tapeworm (fish) Diphyllobothriasis

A usually mild infection transmitted to humans through poorly prepared freshwater fish.

Pathogen : several species of Diphyllobothrium (15) (Helminth)

The pathogen is a tapeworm of up to 10 metres long (44) living in the intestines

Gen. description : the infection occurs in sub-arctic, temperate and tropical regions. In general
infections are asymptomatic. Persons frequently carry several worms, and
occasionally infections of over 100 worms do occur (16). Even though these
worms take an important amount of nutrients, the main problem is the
absorption of vitamin B12 by the pathogen (73). In 1 to 2% of the infections
this develops into a deficiency of vitamin B12 (44) which can lead to anaemia.
The tapeworms can survive for several years (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Oral Faeces

Transmission: Human
freshwater fish
eaten without
adequate cooking Animal

Freshwater Freshwater
fish copepod

Fresh surface water

Transmission : the pathogen leaves the body through faeces. When the eggs come in contact
with water, a coracidium emerges, which is ingested by a copepod. When the
copepod is eaten by a fish, the pathogen works its way into the muscles of A1
the fish. Infection of people follows when this fish is eaten without proper
cooking (73)
Reservoir : the most important reservoir of the pathogen are humans (16). Other reservoirs
are dogs, cats (73), pigs, other fish-eating mammals (3), and birds (16)
Vector/int. host : the intermediate hosts are freshwater copepods (species of Cyclops and
Diaptomus) and freshwater fish (e.g. pike, salmon, perch, turbots) (3)
Water-related : the intermediate hosts are water-related (16)
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the host through faeces (73)
Environment : the infection is generally found in cooler regions, close to lakes (73)
Remarks : it is believed that 13,000,000 are infected worldwide (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 151 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving sanitation (+) (73)
Correct preparation of freshwater fish (the pathogen is killed at
56o for 5 minutes or –18o for 24 hours) (73) (+++) (73)
Mass detection and treatment of infections (16)

health and hygiene promotion (16)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 152 17/03/2003, 15:41


Paragonimiasis, Lung fluke disease

A pathogen which has to go through two water-based intermediate hosts: a freshwater snail and a
freshwater crustacean (freshwater crab, crayfish, or shrimp). Infection occurs through eating
inadequately prepared infective crustaceans.

Pathogen : Paragonimus spp. (3) (Helminth)

the pathogen is a fluke with a length of about 10 mm living in the lungs (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs in the far East, South-east Asia, Oceania, West Africa (2),
and South, Central and North America. The infection is most common in Asia

Symptoms : the symptoms are coughing, chest pain, and sputum (lung secretions) with
orange-brown flecks (3). The infection can be mistaken for tuberculosis (2)
Severity : the infection can be severe if the flukes develop in other organs than the
lungs (2), and deaths are reported (16). In the lungs, only heavy and repeated
infections will cause problems in the lung function (2)
Incubation period : variable, but normally long (3)
Duration : the flukes may live for up to 20 years (16)
Communicability : eggs may be discharged by a person for up to 20 years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces/Sputum

Transmission: Human
freshwater crustacean
(crab, crayfish, or shrimp)
eaten without adequate Animal

Freshwater Freshwater
crustacean snail
Fresh surface water

Transmission : eggs leave the body through sputum or faeces. Miracidia are released from
the eggs after 2 to 4 weeks. These miracidia infect freshwater snails. In the
snail a development of around 2 months will take place before cercariae
emerge. The cercariae penetrate the body of crabs, crayfish (3), or shrimps (16)
and form cysts. When infected crustaceans are eaten without proper cooking,
infection can follow (3). Ingestion of the cysts during preparation of the
crustaceans is possible (16)
Reservoir : the main reservoirs of the infection are wild and domestic cats (16). Dogs can
play an important role as reservoir too (73). Other reservoirs are humans, pigs
and wild carnivores (3)
Vector/int. host : freshwater snails (Semisulcospira, Thiara, Aroapyrgus and other genera) (3),
and freshwater crabs, crayfish (73) and shrimps are the intermediate hosts of
the pathogen (16)
Water-related : the intermediate hosts are water-based (2)
Excreta-related : the pathogens leaves the body through faeces if sputum is swallowed (73)


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Environment : the infection is likely to occur in endemic regions where freshwater crabs,
crayfish or shrimps are eaten without adequate cooking
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : in China around 10,000,000 people are believed to be infected. In Ecuador
the number of infections is estimated at 500,000 (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)
Safe disposal of sputum (3)

Improve preparation of freshwater crustaceans (crabs, crayfish

and shrimps) (16) (+++) (73)
Control of reservoir animals (3)

Control of freshwater snails where appropriate (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

As carnivores play an important role as reservoir, the effect of improved sanitation as only measure is
limited. The most effective preventive measure is correct preparation of Crustaceans. Pickling processes
are often not effective in killing the pathogen (2).

Epidemic measures : the source of the infection should be determined and dealt with (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 154 17/03/2003, 15:41


Hookworm disease, Ancylostomiasis, Necatoriasis

A very common infection; ¼ of the world’s population is estimated to be infected with this pathogen.
People become infected when larvae which developed in soil penetrate bare skin.

Pathogen : Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, and Ancylostoma ceylanicum

Hookworms are 5 to 13 mm long worms which live in the small intestine.
Every worm taps 0.03 to 0.3 ml of blood per day (44)
Distribution : A.duodenale and N.americanus cover jointly more or less the entire world,
but are most common in tropical and subtropical zones. A.ceylanicum is
found in South-east Asia (3)
Symptoms : light infections are usually asymptomatic (3). Symptoms are tiredness,
breathlessness, pain in muscles, and pale skin (2) caused by anaemia (low
levels of haemoglobin in the blood) (3)
Severity : the severity of the infection depends on the number of worms; the more
there are, the higher the blood loss they cause (16). Light infections are usually
no problem. Heavy infections can lead to severe disability, death is uncommon
however (3). The infection poses the biggest health threat to growing children
and pregnant women (73)
Incubation period : weeks to months (73)
Duration : the worms can survive in the human body for 5 to 6 years (16), reinfection will
be common
Communicability : eggs can be passed for several years (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Penetration of
skin (ingestion)
Transmission: Human
contact of bare skin to
contaminated soil for
5 to 10 minutes

Eggs develop
into larvae

Warm, moist soil

Transmission : the eggs excreted by an infected person will develop into larvae in the soil.
These larvae cause infection in humans by penetrating (intact) skin. A contact
time of 5 to 10 minutes of the skin with the infected soil is necessary for
successful penetration (44). In addition to penetrating the skin, Ancylostoma
can be transmitted by ingestion of the developed larvae (3)
Reservoir : man is the only reservoir for A.duodenale and N.americanus (16). Dogs and
cats are reservoirs for A.ceylanicum (3). In warm and damp soil the infective
form can live for several months (73) though up to 2 years is mentioned (16)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the body through faeces (2)


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Environment : the infection is common where inadequate sanitation occurs in a warm and
wet climate (3). The ideal environment for the pathogen outside the host is
moist, shaded, humus-rich soil at a temperature of 25°C to 30°C (73). In
cooler or drier climates transmission may be seasonal in the hot or wet
season (16). Where the climate is unfavourable, the infection can occur where
conditions are warm and humid, for example in mines (3). If human faeces
are used as fertiliser, the risk of infection is high (16). Latrines must be kept
clean; if excreta can soil the floor of latrines, these can become foci for
transmission of hookworm (9,57)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be an urgent problem in a disaster (3)
Remarks : it is believed that around 25% of the world’s population is infected with
hookworm (4)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improvement of sanitation (sanitation should be clean) (+++) (73)
Care should be taken in use of excreta as fertiliser (16)

Wearing closed shoes (2)

Mass treatment (effective in reducing the number of cases quickly,

not in preventing reinfection) (73) (+++) (26)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

The number of eggs released by a single female worm can be up to 35,000. Persons with heavy
infections can be host to 1,000 worms (16). This means that the potential of contamination of the
environment is huge. As it is unlikely that everybody will use the sanitary structures correctly, improved
sanitation as only preventive measure is usually not very effective if many people remain infected.
Improved sanitation as preventative measure is very important to reduce the reinfection of people
though, and a combination of mass treatment and improved sanitation is very effective in reducing
the infection in a population (a reduction of 80% is mentioned) (26).

Epidemic measures : a combination of mass treatment, health and hygiene promotion and
improvement of sanitation (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 156 17/03/2003, 15:41


Threadworm infection, Strongyloidiasis,

A pathogen which leaves the body through faeces, and develops in warm and moist soil. The pathogen
can either go through its reproductive adult form in the human body, or in soil.

Pathogen : Strongyloides stercoralis, S. fülleborni (3) (Helminth)

The adult worms are 2 mm long and live in the small intestine of people, or
in soil (2)
Distribution : (roughly) worldwide (3)
Symptoms : most infections are asymptomatic (16). Symptoms are upper abdominal pain,
diarrhoea (2), nausea (3), and loss of weight (2)
Severity : most infections are mild (2). Hyper-infection does occur in rare cases, and
can be fatal (44). Most at risk are people who are undernourished or suffer
from other illnesses (16)
Incubation period : variable (73)
Duration : the infection can last decades if autoinfection occurs (40 years is mentioned)

Communicability : as long as the infection lasts (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Penetration of Faeces
skin (injestion)
contact of bare skin to

contaminated soil, Human

in the soil

Warm, moist soil

adult worms


Transmission : the eggs hatch in the intestine of the person (4), to form rhabditiform larvae
which leave the body through faeces. Either the rhabditiform larvae develop
directly into infective filariform larvae, or they start a free-living cycle. The
free-living cycle occurs when the larvae are in warm and moist soil (2). The
larvae will become adults which can reproduce (73). This cycle outside the
human body can be repeated many times (2).
People are usually infected by filariform larvae in soil which penetrate the
skin (44). Autoinfection can occur: rhabditiform larvae penetrate the intestinal
mucous membrane without leaving the body. Faecal-oral transmission is also
possible (73)
Reservoir : humans and soil are the most important reservoirs. On rare occasions dogs
and cats do transmit a similar infection to humans. In Africa, primates can
be a reservoir for S.fülleborni (3).
Infective larvae can remain viable in suitable soil for many weeks. Larvae will
not survive in dry conditions, or temperatures under 8o, or over 40o (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 157 17/03/2003, 15:41


Vector/int. host : none

Water-related : no, though the risk of faecal-oral transmission is probably slightly reduced by
improving handwashing practise
Excreta-related : larvae leave the body through faeces. Faecal-oral transmission is possible,
but this is not the usual way of spreading (44)
Environment : The infection flourishes in warm and wet regions (3) with overcrowding (16).
Although the pathogen can be found in an environment similar to hookworm
, Strongyloides prefers wetter conditions (2)
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a risk in disasters (3)
Remarks : the disease is common in parts of tropical Brazil, Colombia and South-east
Asia (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improvement of sanitation (sanitation should be clean) (+++) (73)
Wearing closed shoes (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (73)

Epidemic measures : the infection is not epidemic (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 158 17/03/2003, 15:41


Roundworm infection, Ascariasis

A very common disease; one billion people are estimated to be infected. The pathogen leaves the
body through faeces. Infection occurs through ingestion of contaminated soil. The eggs are very
resistant and can survive for years in suitable soil.

Pathogen : Ascaris lumbricoides (15) (Helminth)

The cream-coloured worms are 15 to 40 cm long, and live in the small
intestine. The worms feed on the contents of the intestines (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : most infections are asymptomatic. Sometimes worms are excreted. Children
between 3 and 8 years old are usually most affected (3)
Severity : the infection is normally mild. The severity will depend on the number of
worms causing the infection (2). The worms take up nutrients which should
have benefited the infected person (73); and heavy infections will worsen
nutritional insufficiencies (3).
In 0.05 to 0.2% of the infections more severe (potentially fatal) complications
occur (44)
Incubation period : 10 to 20 days (73)
Duration : adult worms usually live around 1 year, but up to 2 years is possible (3).
Reinfection is likely to occur
Communicability : people shed eggs as long as infection lasts (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces
contaminated soil or
food, fingers or dust Human
contaminated with soil

Eggs have to go through

a development in soil Warm, moist soil

Transmission : female worms discharge around 200,000 eggs per day (2). These eggs leave
the body through faeces. Eggs become infective after a development of 2 to
3 weeks (3) in warm (44), shady, and damp soil (16). A person is infected after
ingestion of eggs from contaminated soil. Infection can occur when children
play around the house (16) or when food gets contaminated by soil. Hands
contaminated with soil play an important role in transmission too (16). Feet
can take contaminated soil into the house. Contaminated dust can also play
a role in transmission (3). Outbreaks have occurred where raw sewage or
waste-water were used for irrigation, and where contaminated vegetables
were imported (16)
Reservoir : humans. The infective eggs are very resistant to drying or cold (73) and can
remain infective for years in soil (3). Temperatures over 45°C or direct sunlight
will kill the eggs (16).
A similar infection of pigs (A.suum) can infect humans (2), but this is rare (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 159 17/03/2003, 15:41


Vector/int. host : cockroaches and other animals can serve as mechanical vectors by ingesting,
and excreting viable eggs (16)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : eggs leave the body through faeces (2)
Environment : the infection is most common in moist, tropical zones (3) in a population with
poor personal hygiene, inadequate sanitation, and poor food hygiene (73).
Where the climate is drier, the period of transmission is limited to the rainy
season (16)
Risk in disaster : roundworm infection will not be a priority in a disaster (3)
Remarks : the infection is very common, and it is estimated that one billion people are
infected worldwide (73). In parts of Africa 95% of the population are infected

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improve handwashing practise (++) (73)
Improvement of sanitation (+++) (73)
Care should be taken in use of excreta as fertiliser (16)
or contact
with composted excreta (57)
Improving food hygiene (+) (73)
Mass treatment (especially of children) (2)
(+++) (26)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Increased water availability has been associated with a reduction of 12 to 37% in hookworm infection;
improved water availability combined with improved sanitation with a reduction of around 29%; and
improved water availability and sanitation in combination with mass treatment has been associated
with a reduction of 80% in roundworm infection (26). Mass treatment alone will result in a short term
reduction in the number of infections, but will not be effective on the long run, as the cause of
infection has not been removed.

Epidemic measures : mass treatment, health and hygiene promotion, and improved sanitation (2, 3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 160 17/03/2003, 15:41


Whipworm infection, Trichuriasis

A very common, usually mild, infection. The pathogen leaves the body through faeces, develops in
soil into an infective form, and infects people through the oral route.

Pathogen : Trichuris trichiura (15) (Helminth)

The greyish-white (16) worm is 2 to 5 cm long and lives in the large intestine,
where it feeds on tissue juices (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : most infections are asymptomatic (2). Symptoms are abdominal pain and
diarrhoea (4).
Because of their behaviour children are most at risk of infection (16)
Severity : the infection is usually mild. In heavy infections dysentery (bloody stools with
mucus), rectal prolapse (the rectum comes out of the anus), and retarded
growth can occur (3)
Incubation period : no incubation period can be given (73). It takes the worms 3 months to mature
after being ingested (2)
Duration : the duration of the infection can be several years (3)
Communicability : several years (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Oral Faeces

contaminated soil, stale Human
faeces, fingers, food

Eggs have to go through

a development in soil Warm, moist soil

Transmission : the pathogen leaves the human body through faeces. In warm, moist soil the A1
eggs will become infective after a development of 2 weeks (2). Infection occurs
when the infective eggs from stale faeces or contaminated soil are ingested
by a person. Transmission is often through hand to mouth contact (16), or
through contaminated food (73)
Reservoir : primarily humans and soil. The eggs in the soil are resistant to low
temperatures, but need moisture to survive (16). Pigs can be infected with a
similar worm (T.suis) which is able to infect humans (2,16)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : the eggs leave the body through faeces (73)
Environment : the infection is common where poor sanitation is combined with high rainfall
and humidity, and dense shade (16). In urban slums the infection can become
a public health problem (2). Persons who handle pigs have a higher incidence
of the infection (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a problem in disasters (3)
Remarks : the infection is very common, and over 500,000,000 people are estimated
to be infected (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 161 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (+) (29)
Improve handwashing practise (3)
Improvement of sanitation (+) (73)
Improving food hygiene (+) (73)
Mass treatment (16)
(if the infection is a severe problem)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : the infection is not epidemic (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 162 17/03/2003, 15:41


Tapeworm (beef), Taeniasis

A mild infection which is transmitted through eating poorly cooked beef.

Pathogen : Taenia saginata (15) (Helminth)

The infection is caused by a tapeworm which lives in the small intestine, and
which can become up to 10 m long (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3)

Symptoms : the infections are usually asymptomatic (16). Symptoms are insomnia, loss of
weight, abdominal pain, and finding segments of worms in faeces (3). People
who are infected will often carry several worms (16)
Severity : the infection is usually mild (73)
Incubation period : 10 to 14 weeks (73)
Duration : worms may survive for 30 years or longer (3)
Communicability : the period of communicability is as long as the tapeworm persists, which can
be over 30 years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces


raw or undercooked beef

Body tissue

Transmission : the eggs leave the host through faeces, either individually, or in complete
segments of the worm (2). Cattle is infected by ingesting the eggs. After
ingestion, the pathogen will implant itself in the flesh of the cow as cysticerci
. Cattle can become infected when its pastures are polluted with human A1
faeces, or by drinking water contaminated with sewage (73). Birds can play a
role in taking the pathogen from sewage outflows to pastures (2). Possibly
domestic flies can play a role in the transmission of the eggs to cattle (73).
People are infected through ingesting raw or undercooked beef containing
the pathogen (3)
Reservoir : humans are the only definitive host of the pathogen (16). The eggs can survive
for months in the environment (3)
Vector/int. host : cattle is the intermediate host of the pathogen (2)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the human body through faeces (2)
Environment : the pathogen is often found in areas of cattle breeding (44). The infection is
common in poorer areas where beef is eaten raw, or without proper cooking

Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in disasters (3)

Remarks : it is estimated that over 60,000,000 people are infected worldwide (73). The
infection is very common in the highlands of Ethiopia (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 163 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving sanitation (assuring cattle can not come in contact with
human excreta, care in disposal of sewage) (+++) (73)
Correct preparation of beef (beef will be safe after a minimum of 5
minutes at over 56°C (4) or 7 to 10 days at -20ºC (44)) (+++) (73)
Inspection of meat (+) (3)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 164 17/03/2003, 15:41


Tapeworm (pig) , Taeniasis, Cysticercosis

This pathogen causes two different infections. The first infection is by the adult tapeworm which is
transmitted through eating improperly cooked pork. Although this infection is mild, the hosts and
their contacts are at serious risk of cysticercosis. Cysticercosis is the second infection caused by the
pathogen. It is caused by the larvae of the worm, is transmitted through the faecal-oral route, and is
potentially a severe disease.

Pathogen : Taenia solium (15) (Helminth)

The adult tapeworm can become up to 7m long (45) and lives in the small
intestine (2). Humans can be infected by the larvae of the tapeworm which
can form cysts anywhere in the body (3)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3); but is common in Africa, India, Indonesia,
Mexico, Chile and Russia (73)
Symptoms : people can have two forms of infection: infection by the adult worm, or by
the larval stage of the pathogen which causes cysticercosis (cysts in body
Infections by the adult worm are usually asymptomatic (16). Symptoms are
insomnia, loss of weight, abdominal pain, and finding segments of worms in
faeces (3).
Cysticercosis can be asymptomatic. When the brain is affected, epilepsy (2)
and psychiatric problems can result (3)
Severity : the infection with the adult worm is mild (2), but the hosts and people close to
them are at risk of cysticercosis (16).

Cysticercosis is potentially a severe and dangerous infection (2)
Incubation period : infections with adult worms: 8 to 12 weeks (73). Cysticercosis has an incubation
period which ranges from days, to over 10 years (3)
Duration : worms may survive for 30 years or longer (3)
Communicability : as long as the tapeworm persists, which can be over 30 years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Oral Faeces
raw or undercooked
e.g. food, water,
Body tissue (a)
Human (fingers)
: cysticercosis

Transmission : the eggs leave the human body through faeces (2). Pigs are infected by ingesting
these eggs through eating human faeces, or ingesting water or food
contaminated with human faeces or sewage. The ingested eggs will implant
themselves in the flesh of the pig as cysticerci. People are infected with the
adult tapeworm when raw or undercooked pork containing the pathogen is
eaten (3).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 165 17/03/2003, 15:41


The eggs excreted by a person are directly infective through the faecal-oral
route. This results in cysticercosis. The eggs can either infect the host carrying
the adult worm, or persons around the host (73)
Reservoir : humans are the only definitive host of the pathogen (16). The eggs can survive
in the environment for months (3)
Vector/int. host : the intermediate host of the pathogen is the pig. In cysticercosis people
function as intermediate host (though they are a dead end in the transmission
cycle) (2)
Water-related : cysticercosis is water-washed (3) and water-borne (73)
Excreta-related : the pathogen leaves the human body through faeces (2). Cysticercosis is spread
through the faecal-oral route (73)
Environment : the infection can occur where pigs have access to human faeces, or to food
or water contaminated by human faeces or sewage, and where pork is eaten
without adequate preparation
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : pork tapeworm is less common than beef tapeworm (2)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Cysticercosis: improving water availability
Cysticercosis: improve handwashing practise (3)
Improving sanitation (pigs and humans must not have access to human
faeces (either direct, or through sewage)) (+++) (73)

Correct preparation of pork (pork will be safe after a minimum of 5

minutes at over 56°C (4) or 7 to 10 days at -20ºC (44)) (+++) (73)
Inspection of meat (+) (3)
People with the infection should be treated (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 166 17/03/2003, 15:41


Weil’s disease, Leptospirosis

A usually mild infection which is mainly transmitted through skin contact with water or other material
contaminated with urine of infected animals.

Pathogen : Leptospira spp. (15) (Bacterium)

Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (15)
Symptoms : the majority of the infections are asymptomatic, or too mild to diagnose (3).
Symptoms will often be similar to influenza (16): fever, headache, chills, malaise,
muscular pain in legs, and vomiting (3). Severe cases can result in jaundice
and kidney failure (16)
Severity : severe infections are rare (16), but can be fatal (3)
Incubation period : 4 to 18 days (73)
Duration : the duration of the illness ranges from some days to 3 weeks, though longer
is possible (3)
Communicability : communicability is usually up to 1 month after illness, but can possibly be
up to 11 months. Animals which are carriers can be infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Direct contact with

broken skin, oral

Urine, body
e.g. water, soil, Animal
vegetation, direct
contact, food (air)

Urine, body
Direct contact with
broken skin, oral
Fresh water (respiratory) A1

Transmission : transmission occurs mainly when abraded or broken skin, or mucous

membranes, come in contact with water, moist soil, or vegetation
contaminated with the urine of infected animals. Direct contact with urine or
body tissue of infected animals can transmit the pathogen too. Sporadically
transmission occurs through food contaminated with urine of rats carrying
the infection, inhaling droplets of contaminated fluids (3) or the bite of an
infected rat (16). Transmission from person to person is uncommon (3)
Reservoir : rats and rodents are the main reservoir (73) and pose the largest risk for
transmission to humans. However, most mammals can become carriers and
spread the infection (16). Some other important reservoirs are pigs, cattle,
dogs, and many wild mammals. Humans are not important as reservoir (3).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 167 17/03/2003, 15:41


The pathogen can survive for longer periods in a moist, non-acidic environment.
In fresh water with a pH of about 7, survival of Leptospira can be up to 4
weeks. In a pH of 5, the pathogen will survive for up to 2 days. Leptospira will
not survive in saline water (16) and is sensitive to chlorine (73)
Vector/int. host : the disease is spread through animals (the main risk comes from rats); these
are final hosts and not vectors or intermediate hosts
Water-related : water contaminated with infected urine plays an important role in the
transmission of the disease (3)
Excreta-related : the pathogen is mainly spread through contact with urine from infected animals

Environment : the infection is common where rats are numerous and the environment is
favourable (73). The infection is a hazard to people in direct contact with fresh
water, urine, or body tissues of animals (3), and is linked to specific occupations
like workers in sugar-cane plantations or rice-paddies, mine workers, farmers,
people working with fish, in canals, or in sewerage systems (73)
Risk in disaster : the infection could be a potential problem in regions with a high water table,
or where flooding has occurred (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of water people come in contact with; workers
who come in contact with fresh surface water must be properly
protected (+++) (29)
Improving food hygiene (protection of food from rats) (++) (73)

Control of rats and rodents, especially where transmission is likely

(where food is stored, animals butchered, where domestic animals
are kept) (73)
Control of domestic animals (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Care should be taken with the disposal of urine of patients (4)


Epidemic measures : the source of infection should be determined and, if possible, dealt with (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 168 17/03/2003, 15:41


Guinea-worm infection, Dracunculiasis, Dracontiasis

Guinea-worm is the only pathogen transmitted exclusively by drinking contaminated water (all other
water-borne infections can be transmitted in several other ways). The infection can result in severe
complications. In the past decade the number of infections in the world has reduced strongly.

Pathogen : Dracunculus medinensis (15) (Helminth)

The infection is caused by the female worm which can be over 1m long (2)
Distribution : the WHO reports in 1999 the presence of guinea-worm in: Benin, Burkina
Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
and Yemen (84)

Symptoms : fever and localised complaints like swellings, itching, and local pains (2). A
blister containing a worm will appear (3), usually on the legs. Worms which
are not removed will calcify in the body (2).
Most affected are people in the age group of 15 to 40 years (16)
Severity : the infection can be the cause of severe illness and disability (44). Worms
entering in joints may cause arthritis. Adequate removal of the worm will
reduce the risks of complications (2). In up to 50% or more of the cases (16)
secondary, potentially life-threatening infections of the blister can occur (2)
Incubation period : around 12 months (3)
Duration : several weeks if no complications occur
Communicability : people who harbour the worm can contaminate water from the moment the

blister bursts to (generally) 2 to 3 weeks after. Copepods are infective for
around 3 weeks after infection, then they will die (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Larvae of the worm are

discharged when the worm,
through the blister, comes
Oral in contact with water
drinking water which Human A1
contains infected
Body Oral

Fresh water

Transmission : the blister containing the female worm will burst when in contact with water
. The worm emerges, and discharges its larvae into the fresh water. When
these larvae are ingested by Cyclops, infection of the copepod can follow (73).
In Cyclops the pathogen has to go through a development of 12 to 14 days
before it can infect humans (3). People become infected when they drink
water containing the infective Cyclops (73). Most infections occur during a few
months of the year (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 169 17/03/2003, 15:41


Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir of the infection (3)

Vector/int. host : the intermediate hosts are copepods of the genus Cyclops (2). These are
small crustaceans (water fleas) which are barely visible to the eye.
Water-related : the intermediate host is water-based (73) and the pathogen is water-borne
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection is associated with small water sources in semi-arid countries
. Usually the pathogen is found in rural areas (44) where stagnant surface
water is used as source of water (3). Water sources where people have to
stand in the water are particularly unsafe (2).
In arid regions transmission occurs in the rainy season when there is an
availability of surface water. In wet regions transmission is most common in
the dry season, when only a limited number of water-sources are available

Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in a disaster. If the pathogen is present in the
population, control of the infection could be started when the emergency
phase is dealt with (47)
Remarks : the infection typically appears in the agricultural season (84). As a large part
of the farmers may be disabled by the infection, the agricultural production
may be severely reduced because of the disease (16).
Progress is being made in the WHO programme of eradication of guinea-
worm infection (2), therefore the geographical distribution of the infection is
likely to change in the years to come. In 1989 the number of cases were
estimated at 1,000,000; in 1997 it was estimated at less than 80,000
cases (84)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving the quality of drinking water (the water can easily be filtered
as Cyclops is rather large (a mesh size of 0.1mm is sufficient (3), the
same side of the filter should always be ‘up’)) (+++) (26)
Water sources for drinking water should not allow used or spilt water
to flow back (73)
Persons with the active infection should not enter into water used

for drinking water (3)

Control of Cyclops with the insecticide ‘temefos’ (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : search for sources of infection and deal with them; health and hygiene
promotion, assure drinking water quality (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 170 17/03/2003, 15:41



Infections which affect the eyes and are transmitted through direct contact. Large outbreaks are
possible where the population has poor personal hygiene and lives in overcrowded conditions.

Pathogen : the infection can be caused by several types of bacteria (acute bacterial
conjunctivitis); adenoviruses (adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, adenoviral
haemorrhagic conjunctivitis) and picarnoviruses (enteroviral haemorrhagic
Distribution : the infections occur worldwide (3)
Symptoms : acute bacterial conjunctivitis: irritation, purulent discharge from the eye (4),
swelling of the eyelids. Children under 5 are most affected.
keratoconjunctivitis: sudden onset, swelling of the eyelids, pain, photophobia,
and blurred vision.
haemorrhagic conjunctivitis: swollen eyelids, bleedings on the eyes (3), eye
discharges are clear (4)
Severity : most infections are not severe (3)
Incubation period : acute bacterial conjunctivitis: 1 to 3 days
keratoconjunctivitis: 5 to 12 days or longer
haemorrhagic conjunctivitis: 12 hours to 12 days (3)
Duration : the conjunctivitis lasts between some days and some weeks (3)
Communicability : communicability of the infection is variable; normally up to 2 weeks, or as
long as the infection lasts (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Direct contact Discharges from

eye or nose
e.g. hands, clothing, toilet
articles, domestic flies,
eye gnats Human

Discharges from Direct contact

eye or nose

Transmission : the pathogens leave the body through discharges of the eyes or nose. These
discharges can transmit the infection to a susceptible person through hands,
contaminated material (especially if used around eyes), or domestic flies
and eye gnats. The importance of domestic flies or eye gnats in transmission
is not entirely clear (3). Epidemics can take place where the environment is
favourable to transmission (73). Attack rates of up to 50% in the population
are possible (3,47)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir of the pathogens (3)
Vector/int. host : domestic flies and eye gnats can be mechanical vectors (3)
Water-related : the infections are water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : not directly; poor sanitation may increase the population of domestic flies


cpd-annexe1.pmd 171 17/03/2003, 15:41


Environment : the infection occurs especially where crowding, poor personal hygiene (as
well poor handwashing as inadequate hygiene of clothes and other materials),
exposure to wind and dust, and poor sanitation (risk of domestic fly breeding)
are found (47)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be a priority in a disaster. Epidemics are possible where
overcrowding is combined with poor personal hygiene (47)
Remarks : it may be necessary to provide separate treatment facilities during outbreaks
Chlamydial conjunctivitis (which is not trachoma) is an infection which is
transmitted sexually, or from mother to new-born baby. Obviously the
transmission cycle and preventative measures of this infection will be different

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (+++) (29)
Improve handwashing practise (3)
Hygiene of clothes and other objects used around eyes (73)

Improvement of sanitation
Control of domestic flies or eye gnats (where these are suspected to
play a role in transmission) (3) (for control of domestic flies, see
Annexe 3)
Children with active infection may have to be barred from school (3)

Treatment of cases (3)

If possible, overcrowding should be avoided (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : make sure that people have access to water and soap to allow adequate
personal hygiene. Cases and close contacts must be treated rapidly, if
necessary in separate facilities. Health and hygiene promotion, and where

appropriate, control of domestic flies (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 172 17/03/2003, 15:41



An infection affecting the eye. The disease is the most common cause of preventable blindness in the
world. Transmission is through direct contact with contaminated hands, domestic flies, clothing, or
other objects.

Pathogen : Chlamydia trachomatis (3) (Bacterium)

Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3)
Symptoms : the infection starts of as keratoconjuntivitis (73), followed by scarring of the
conjunctiva. Severe cases can develop deformed eyelids. The eye-lashes are
turned inward, which can, over time, lead to blindness (3). The highest rate of
infection is in young children (44)
Severity : frequent reinfection is needed to create severe lifelong disease (3)
Incubation period : 5 to 12 days (73)
Duration : single infections can last for some years. The infection can be continuous
through reinfection (3)
Communicability : the period of communicability can be a few years (3). The disease is not
infectious in its later stages (73)

Transmission cycle (3)

Direct contact Discharges from

eye or nose

e.g. hands, clothing, toilet
articles, domestic flies

Discharges from Direct contact

eye or nose

Transmission : the pathogen is found in eye (73) or nasal discharges. Infection occurs through
contact with these discharges (3). Transmission of the infection is through
hands, clothing or other objects, and domestic flies. A common way of
transmission is rubbing infected eyes of a child with a cloth or hands. The
pathogen is carried over when the cloth or hand is used on a susceptible
person without proper cleaning or washing. Where the infection is endemic,
up to 90% can be infected by the age of 3 years (73)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir (3)
Vector/int. host : domestic flies are a mechanical vector for the pathogen (16)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : not directly; inadequate sanitation can increase the domestic fly population

Environment : the infection is most common in poor, rural communities (3). The typical
environment for trachoma is: poor personal hygiene, crowded conditions, a
dry and dusty environment, and inadequate sanitation (human and animal)
which results in a large domestic fly population (16)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 173 17/03/2003, 15:41


Risk in disaster : the infection is not an urgent problem in case of a disaster (3)
Remarks : trachoma is the most important cause of preventable blindness in many
regions in the world (44). It is believed that 150,000,000 people are affected
by the infection. Around 5,500,000 people are estimated to be blind, or at
risk of becoming blind because of the infection (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improve handwashing practise and washing of face (3)

Hygiene of clothes and other objects used around eyes (29)

Improvement of sanitation (+) (29)

Control of domestic flies (29)

Search for cases and their treatment (4)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : health and hygiene promotion in combination with improved water availability,
improved sanitation, and mass treatment.


cpd-annexe1.pmd 174 17/03/2003, 15:41


Yaws, Frambesia tropica

An infection which can be crippling and disfiguring. Transmission occurs when pathogens from the
infectious skin papules of an infected person come in contact with abraded skin of a susceptible

Pathogen : Treponema pallidum, subspecies pertenue (3) (Bacterium)

Distribution : the infection occurs in Africa, Asia and South-America. The occurrence follows
roughly the equator, with additional pockets in India and South-east Asia (73)
Symptoms : the infection starts with one papule (nipple-like structure) on the skin. The
papule disappears, and after a period of weeks to months more papules
emerge all over the body (73). In 10 to 20% of untreated cases large destruction
of skin and bones will occur 5 years or more after initial infection (3).
The infection affects mostly children between 2 and 15 years of age (16)
Severity : the disease is rarely fatal, but can be very crippling and disfiguring (3)
Incubation period : 2 to 8 weeks (73)
Duration : the disease will last years, with symptomatic and asymptomatic periods (3).
The effects of the disease can be lasting (73)
Communicability : the papules secrete a liquid which is highly contagious. Communicability will
be as long as these papules exist (73). In the later (destructive) phase of the
disease, communicability has usually ceased (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Contact with cut Discharges from
or abraded skin skin papules
Transmission: Human
e.g. direct skin contact,
fingers, clothing or other
contaminated material,
domestic flies Human

Discharges from Contact with cut

skin papules or abraded skin

Transmission : the pathogens are found in the liquid which is discharged from the papules.
This liquid is highly contagious and infection can occur when it is brought in
contact with damaged skin (73). Transmission occurs either by direct skin
contact, by infected material, or domestic flies. The pathogen can not
penetrate intact skin (16)
Reservoir : reservoirs are humans and possibly primates (73)
Vector/int. host : domestic flies are possibly a mechanical vector (16)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : not directly. Inadequate sanitation can increase the number of domestic flies
Environment : the infection is found in the warm and humid tropics. It is most common in
rural areas (16) in large crowded families with poor personal hygiene (73). In
endemic zones infectious yaws is more common in the rainy season (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be a priority in a disaster (3)
Remarks : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 175 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improving handwashing practise
Improve hygiene of body and clothes (73)

Improvement of sanitation (reduction of domestic flies)

Control of domestic flies (73)
(see Annexe 3)
Infected persons and their contacts should be treated (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Cases and their contacts should be searched for and treated. When the active disease occurs in over
10% of the population, treatment of the entire population is justified (3).

Epidemic measures : provide mass treatment and surveillance (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 176 17/03/2003, 15:41


Leprosy, Hansen’s disease

An infection which can potentially be very disabling and disfiguring. As the transmission route, and
the role water plays in prevention of the infection are not clear, a summary listing is presented.

Pathogen : Mycobacterium leprae (3) (Bacterium)

Gen. description : an infection which occurs in Asia, tropical Africa, and South America (3). The
infection is often asymptomatic. If symptoms develop: nerve and skin damage
. Leprosy can result in serious disablement and disfigurement.
The incubation period is 1 to 20 years.
The infection is associated with poverty, crowding (2), close contact with infected
persons (3), and poor personal hygiene (73)
Transmission : how transmission occurs is not entirely clear. Probably via close contact with
infected persons (3) (50% of the cases have had close contact with an affected
person (4)). Nasal discharges could play a role in transmission (3). If there are
more than 10 cases per 10,000 people, leprosy is seen as an important
public health problem. Transmission in a population is believed to stop if
there are less than 5 cases per 10,000 persons (2)
Reservoir : humans, in rare occasions armadillos (2). Mycobacterium appears to be present
in soil (4)
Water-related : the infection is possibly water-washed (29)
Risk in disaster : the treatment of leprosy takes years and should be continuous; disasters
can disrupt the treatment scheme (2)
Remarks : in 1997 the WHO estimated the number of cases at 1,150,000 (84)

Preventative measures Potential effect
Improving water availability is mentioned (29)

Improved hygiene of the body is mentioned (73)

Active detection of cases and their treatment (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 177 17/03/2003, 15:41


Scabies, Sarcoptic itch, Acariasis

An infection which affects the skin. The disease is linked to poor personal hygiene and crowding.
Transmission is through direct contact.

Pathogen : Sarcoptes scabiei (3) (mite)

The infection is caused by a mite of 0.3 to 0.4 mm long (16) which makes
burrows in the skin (73)
Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (47)
Symptoms : symptoms are small linear burrows dug by the mite (3), raised spots or small
blisters on the skin (especially on wrists and hands), and itching (73). Secondary
infections are common (2). ‘Norwegian scabies’ is a form of the infection with
extensive scaling and crusting (3).
Children are most affected (16)
Severity : though very uncomfortable, the infection itself is not severe (3). Complications
can be caused by secondary infections though (47)
Incubation period : 2 to 6 weeks (73) for people infected for the first time. Persons who have been
infected before will show symptoms 1 to 4 days after being infected (3)
Duration : months
Communicability : the infection is very contagious (47). The infected person can spread the
pathogen until treated successfully (3)

Transmission cycle (3)


Skin Skin

e.g. direct skin contact,
clothing, bedding

Skin Skin

Transmission : the infection is spread by a fertilised female mite (16). The skin of an affected
person is infective. Direct skin to skin contact will be the most common way
of transmission. Transmission through clothing or bedding occurs, but is less
common as the mites can only survive for a short period of time outside the
human body (4). An exception is ‘Norwegian scabies’, where the risk of
transmission through clothes and bedding is high. It takes mites 2½ minutes
to ‘dig’ into the skin (3)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : no


cpd-annexe1.pmd 178 17/03/2003, 15:41


Environment : the pathogen is most common in conditions of poverty, overcrowding (3), and
poor personal hygiene. The infection occurs in all climates, but is widespread
in the tropics (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a potential problem, especially in conditions of overcrowding
and poor personal hygiene (47)
Remarks : A fully developed case of scabies may be infected with as little as 20 adult
mites or even less (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (+++) (29)
Improving hygiene of body, clothes and bedding (73)

Searching for cases and their contacts and treatment of these (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Treatment of individual cases is not enough, and all contacts (e.g. school, village) should be treated
. Where possible, ‘Tetmosol soap’ should be used (3).

Epidemic measures : mass treatment and health and hygiene promotion (3). If the infection is an
important public health problem distribution of soap may be useful (47)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 179 17/03/2003, 15:41


Ringworm, Tinea (capitis, favosa, corporis, barbae), Dermatophytosis,


A fungal infection spread by direct and indirect contact.

Pathogen : Microsporum spp., Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton floccosum (3) (Fungi)


The infection is caused by several fungi (moulds) adapted to live on human

skin (16)
Distribution : the infections occur worldwide (3)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections do occur (44). Tinea corporis (ringworm) is found on
the body, with a growing, ring-shaped mark. Tinea capatis occurs on the
scalp in the form of small raised spots (3), scaling, and baldness. Tinea favosa
shows as yellowish, cup-like crusts. Tinea barbae occurs on bearded area (44)
and results in scaling and baldness (3)
Severity : the infection is not severe
Incubation period : 4 to 14 days (73)
Duration : -
Communicability : as long as symptoms remain (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Skin Skin

e.g. direct skin contact,
clothes, seats, toilet articles Human

Skin Skin

Transmission : transmission occurs when the skin of a susceptible person comes into contact
with the pathogen. Transmission can be direct through skin contact, or indirect
through contaminated floors, seats, benches, toilet articles (3), or clothes (73)
Reservoir : reservoirs are humans, dogs, cats, cattle, other animals, and soil.
Contaminated material can stay infectious for long periods (3)
Vector/int. host : none
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : common in most tropical countries. Especially in an environment with high
humidity (16) and elevated temperatures (3).
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 180 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improved hygiene of body and clothes (29)

Care in contact with domestic animals (3)

Search for cases and treatment (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : health and hygiene promotion and improvement of personal hygiene (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 181 17/03/2003, 15:41


Yellow fever

An infection transmitted by mosquitoes. There are two transmission cycles, the first occurs in the
jungle and involves monkeys and forest mosquitoes, people become infected incidentally. The second,
epidemic, cycle can occur when infected persons or mosquitoes are introduced in an urban

Pathogen : Yellow fever virus (73) (virus)

Distribution : sub-Sahara Africa, Southern and Central America (44). Because of control of
Ae.aegypti, epidemic urban yellow fever has not occurred in America since
decades (16).
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common, especially where the infection is
endemic (16). Symptoms are fever, headache, backache, nausea, vomiting,
and jaundice (3). In severe cases internal bleedings can occur (73).
In endemic areas the infection occurs mainly in childhood (16)
Severity : where the infection is endemic the case fatality rate is under 5% (3). In
epidemics the case fatality rate can be 50% (73)
Incubation period : 3 to 6 days (73)
Duration : a mild attack will last some days. The severe form may last up to 2 weeks (44)
Communicability : people are infective for mosquitoes during the first 3 to 5 days of the illness
. Lifelong immunity to the pathogen follows after infection (16). Mosquitoes,
once infected, remain infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (73)


Mosquito injects
pathogen while Jungle, or sylvatic, cycle



Infected person
goes from jungle
to the city


Infected forest mosquito
feeds on person in the city

(A. aegypti)
Transmission to
Urban, epidemic, cycle


cpd-annexe1.pmd 182 17/03/2003, 15:41


Two transmission cycles exist: the sylvatic cycle and the urban, epidemic, cycle. The sylvatic cycle
occurs in the jungle. This cycle involves monkeys and forest mosquitoes. Monkeys are usually not
affected by the infection (if monkeys start dying however, it could be an indication that the infection
will spread to humans soon) (73). Man does not play an essential role in the sylvatic cycle (3). In this
cycle people are infected incidentally when they get bitten by infected forest mosquitoes, either
because they went into the jungle and got bitten (most common), or because forest mosquitoes
leave the jungle (73). When an infected person goes back to the city, or when infected forest mosquitoes
infect someone in the urban environment, the urban, epidemic, cycle can begin. This cycle involves
humans and the mosquito Aedes aegypti (3). Large outbreaks can occur where Aedes aegypti is found
in large numbers with many non-immune persons (16).

Transmission : mosquitoes are infected when they feed on the blood of a person or monkey
who carries the infection (73). At 37°C mosquitoes will become infective 4
days after biting an infected person; at 18°C this will be prolonged to 18
days (16). Transmission to a person occurs through the bite of an infected
mosquito (73).
Reservoir : monkeys are the reservoir for the rural cycle. The reservoir for the urban cycle
are humans (73). As infected mosquitoes can pass the pathogen to their
offspring, they too are a reservoir of the pathogen. This transmission from
mosquito to its young ensures that the infection can be passed on between
the rainy seasons (83)
Vector/int. host : mosquitoes are the vector of the disease: in rural environment in Africa Aedes
spp. serves as vector; while in America Aedes spp. and Haemagogus spp.
are the main vectors. In urban environment Aedes aegypti is the main vector

Water-related : the infection is spread by a water-related insect vector (15)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection occurs in the tropics. In the rural, or sylvatic, cycle the infection
is most common in males working in forested areas (3). By cutting forests
man encourages transmission of the infection to humans (16).
Epidemic or urban yellow fever can occur where the mosquito Aedes aegypti
and enough non-immune people are present. The infection is linked to the
rainy season (44)
Risk in disaster : the infection could be a problem in disasters (47)
Remarks : the WHO estimates that there are 200,000 cases of yellow fever per year A1
resulting in 30,000 deaths (83)
One confirmed urban case is considered an outbreak (83) and occurrence of
the infection should be notified to the WHO (3).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 183 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Urban epidemic yellow fever:
Control of Aedes aegypti (see Annexe 3) (+++) (2)
Immunisation (3)
Patients should be isolated from mosquitoes (16)

Health and hygiene promotion

Rural of sylvatic yellow fever:
Immunisation (3)
Avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes (3)

Patients should be isolated from mosquitoes (16)

Health and hygiene promotion

To prevent an epidemic, at least 80% of the population must be immunised (83)


Epidemic measures : mass immunisation and vector control (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 184 17/03/2003, 15:41


Dengue fever, Dengue haemorrhagic fever, Breakbone fever

A mosquito-borne infection. The infection is seen as the most important Arbovirus (arthropod-borne
virus) worldwide and can cause large, explosive outbreaks. Dengue fever is less dangerous than
dengue haemorrhagic fever which can have a case fatality rate of 50%.

Pathogen : Dengue virus (15) (virus)

There are 4 different serotypes of dengue viruses, which can all cause dengue
fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever (3).
The cause of dengue haemorrhagic fever is not entirely clear as it is caused
by the same viruses as dengue fever. It is believed that the disease occurs as
a reaction of the body to a new serotype of dengue virus in people who have
been infected with another serotype of virus before (2)
Distribution : dengue fever occurs more or less worldwide
Dengue haemorrhagic fever occurs in South and South-east Asia, China,
India, and Central and South America (3)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common (47). Symptoms for dengue fever are
fever, headache, severe joint/muscle pain (2), minor bleedings, and skin rashes
. In endemic areas the infection affects mostly children (16).
The symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever are fever, shock and bleedings
. The infection is most frequent in children under 10 years of age (4)
Severity : Dengue fever is normally not fatal (4). The disease is usually more severe in
adults than in children.
Contrary to dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever is a potentially fatal

disease which, if untreated, can have a case fatality rate of up to 50%. With
adequate treatment this can be brought down to 1 to 2% (3)
Incubation period : 3 to 15 days (73)
Duration : the infection normally lasts for up to some weeks (44)
Communicability : people can infect mosquitoes as long as fever persists. After infection people
become immune to the serotype which infected them, but not to the other
serotypes. Mosquitoes, once infected, remain infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

The mosquito injects the A1

pathogen while feeding Blood


(Aedes) Oral
Transmission to offspring

Transmission : Mosquitoes become infective 8 to 12 days after feeding on a person carrying

the virus (3). People are infected through the bite of an infected mosquito (73).
Large, explosive, outbreaks are possible (3). Especially where Aedes aegypti


cpd-annexe1.pmd 185 17/03/2003, 15:41


occurs in urban zones with high population densities (2). In epidemics attack
rates of susceptible people are often 40 to 50%, but can be up to 90% (83).
As there are 4 serotypes of viruses which can all cause epidemics in a
population, previous outbreaks do not necessarily mean that the population
is immune to the infection (16)
Reservoir : humans are the main reservoir of the pathogen (2). Monkeys can be reservoirs
in South-east Asia and West Africa (3). It seems that mosquitoes can transmit
the pathogen to their offspring, but the role of this in the transmission of the
pathogen is not clear (16)
Vector/int. host : Mosquitoes are the vector of the infection. Different species of Aedes are
vectors, with Aedes aegypti being the most important (3). Ae.albopictus and
Ae.scutellaris are other important vectors of the infection (73)
Water-related : the infection is spread by a water-related insect vector (15)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : transmission occurs throughout the year. In many areas there is an increase
of cases in the rainy season (16). Outbreaks are possible where the vectors
are present in a susceptible population. Outbreaks occur as well in urban as
in rural environment (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection can be a risk in case of a disaster (47)
Remarks : the WHO estimates the number of cases per year at 50,000,000 (83). Dengue
fever is seen as the most important arthropod-borne viral disease (Arboviral
infection) of the moment. It is expected that in the future the number of
cases will increase (47)

Preventative measures Potential effect


Control of Ae.aegypti (16)

(see Annexe 3)
Patients should be isolated from mosquitoes (16)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of mosquitoes (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 186 17/03/2003, 15:41


Filariasis, Bancroftian filariasis, Malayan filariasis, Elephantiasis

A mosquito-borne infection. Severe infections can result in elephantiasis.

Pathogen : Wuchereria bancrofti causes bancroftian filariasis Brugia Malayi causes

Malayan filariasis (15) (Helminths)
The worms causing the infections are up to 10 cm long and live in the lymphatic
system (2)
Distribution : W.bancrofti : the infection occurs in Asia, Africa, the Pacific islands, South
and Central America (3)
B.Malayi : the infection can be found in India, South-east Asia and China (15)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common (3). Symptoms are intermittent attacks
of fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and swellings that do not recede. Severe
cases can develop elephantiasis (permanent enlargement of scrotum, leg,
breast, or arm) (2)
Severity : the infection is rarely fatal, but can cause severe disability. Malayan filariasis
is usually less severe than bancroftian filariasis (2)
Incubation period : 3 to 12 months (73)
Duration : the life span of the worms is up to 12 years (73), but 20 years is mentioned
. The disease can cause permanent disfigurement and disablement (2)
Communicability : the time the worms continue to shed microfilariae is not clear. Periods
mentioned are from 2½ years (73) to 20 years (it is the microfilariae which
infect the mosquitoes) (16)

Transmission cycle (73)

When an infected mosquito

feeds, larvae are deposited
on the skin. The larva enters
the body through the
wound of the mosquito-bite Human

(Malayan fil.)


Transmission : the worms in the lymphatic system produce microfilariae which are present
in the blood of an infected person. When a mosquito ingests microfilariae in
a blood meal, it will become infected (73). The mosquito becomes infective to
people from 10 days after the infective blood meal (16) up to 21 days in
colder temperatures. When an infected mosquito bites a person, the larva of
the worm will emerge and be deposited on the skin. The larva will have to
find its way (generally through the wound of the mosquito bite) in the human
body. It is estimated that around 15,500 infective bites are needed to result
in a reproducing couple of worms (73).


cpd-annexe1.pmd 187 17/03/2003, 15:41


In general no more than 40 to 50% of the population is infected (16)

Reservoir : W.bancrofti : humans are the only reservoir (3)
B.Malayi : reservoirs are humans, rodents, monkeys (15), and cats (3)
Vector/int. host : mosquitoes are the vector of the infection.
W.bancrofti : in the urban environment the main vector is Culex quinque-
fasciatus (2). In rural environment in Asia and Africa Anopheles is the main
vector. In the South pacific islands Aedes is an important vector (16).
B.Malayi : the main vector is Mansonia. In towns Anopheles plays a role in
transmission (2). Aedes plays a role in the transmission of the infection too (3)
Water-related : the infection is transmitted by a water-related insect vector (15)
Excreta-related : W.bancrofti : one of the mosquitoes transmitting the infection is an excreta-
related insect vector (Culex quinquefasciatus) (73)
Environment : the infection occurs mainly in hot and humid climates (16). The temperature
range for transmission is between 17°C and 32°C, with an optimum of 26°C
. Pollution of freshwater and inadequate sanitation are favourable for the
urban vector of bancroftian filariasis Culex quinquefasciatus (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be a priority in case of a disaster (3)
Remarks : it is estimated that 250,000,000 people are infected with W. bancrofti
worldwide (73). 90% Of the infections occur in Asia (2)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Installation of piped water supplies and its adequate maintenance (+) (29)
Excreta in sanitary structures should be inaccessible to mosquitoes (73)

(C.quinquefasciatus in bancroftian filariasis) (+) (73)


Control of mosquitoes which are responsible for transmission (73)

(see Annexe 3)
Mass treatment is the main method of control (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Vector control methods will only show a reduction in infections after 2 to 3 years. Where Anopheles
is the vector, mosquito control will have to be maintained for 10 years, or mass treatment for at least

5 years, for the infection to disappear.

Where Culex is responsible for transmission, control is more difficult. This because Culex is more
easily infected with the pathogen than Anopheles. A limited reduction in exposure to mosquitoes can
be effective in reducing infection in a population (73).

Epidemic measures : mass treatment and vector control (16) (it will take time before the effects will
show) (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 188 17/03/2003, 15:41


Encephalitis (Mosquito-borne arboviral): Japanese encephalitis/ Murray

Valley encephalitis/ St. Louis encephalitis/ Rocio encephalitis/ Eastern
equine encephalitis/ Western equine encephalitis/ Venezuelan equine

A group of mosquito-borne infections. The infections can be severe, and can present as encephalitis.

Pathogen : several arboviruses (arthropod-borne viruses) named after the infection they
cause (3)
Distribution : Japanese encephalitis (J.E.): South-east Asia, East Asia, India, Sri Lanka,
former USSR (73), and the Pacific islands.
Murray valley encephalitis (M.V.E.): Australia and New Guinea.
St. Louis encephalitis (S.L.E.): Trinidad, Jamaica, Panama, Brazil, and North
Rocio encephalitis (R.E.): Brazil (3).
Eastern equine encephalitis (E.E.E.): North America, Central America, South
America, and the Caribbean islands.
Western equine encephalitis (W.E.E.): North America, Central America, and
South America.
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (V.E.E.): northern South America, Central
America, the Caribbean, and the USA (73)
Symptoms : most infections are asymptomatic. In J.E.: 1 infection in 1,000 is symptomatic
; E.E.E.: in adults 1 out of 4-50 infections are symptomatic, in children

this is 1 out of 2-8; W.E.E. in adult less than 1 in 1,000 infections are
symptomatic, in children 1 in 8-50 (16).
Symptoms are headache, high fever, and coma (73). Severe cases will develop
encephalitis (3)
Severity : the case fatality rate for J.E. can be up to 50% (16), M.V.E. up to 60% (73), for
E.E.E. it can be 50 to 80% (44), while for W.E.E. the case fatality rate is 10%
. Children and older people are most at risk (73). V.E.E. can be fatal, and
the infection is especially dangerous in the malnourished (16)
Incubation period : all infections have incubation periods of 5 to 15 days except for V.E.E. which
has an incubation period of 2 to 6 days (3,73) A1
Duration : V.E.E. usually lasts 3 to 5 days (3)
Communicability : only in V.E.E. will people be infectious to mosquitoes. For all these infections
mosquitoes remain infective for life (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 189 17/03/2003, 15:41


Transmission cycle (3)

The pathogen is injected

when the mosquito feeds; with
V.E.E. person to person
airborne transmission
is possible

Human Only in V.E.E.

does the
from person to
mosquito play a
role in the cycle

to offspring

Transmission : mosquitoes are infected by feeding on an infected host, or by receiving the

pathogen from their parents (3). The normal transmission cycles of all these
infections are between animals and mosquitoes (2). Infections in persons are

accidental, as are infections in horses for J.E., E.E.E., W.E.E., and V.E.E. (16).
With all infections, except V.E.E., it is unusual that humans (or horses) infect
mosquitoes (3). In J.E. birds can spread the infection from the rural to the
urban environment. Human infection occurs if there is a high density of
mosquitoes. In W.E.E. outbreaks in horses often precede outbreaks in humans
The pathogens are transmitted to people when an infected mosquito takes a
blood meal.
With V.E.E. mosquitoes can be infected by people and horses, and
transmission is possible from person to person through air-borne droplets (3)

Reservoir : J.E.: birds and pigs (3)

M.V.E.: birds
S.L..E.: birds
R.E.: not certain, possibly birds (73)
E.E.E.: wild and domestic birds (16) and rodents (73)
W.E.E.: wild and domestic birds (16)
For these infections humans do not play a role as reservoirs. For J.E., E.E.E.,
and W.E.E. horses can develop the infection, but are not important as reservoir
V.E.E.: mainly rodents. Contrary to the other infections, people and horses
do play a role as reservoir for the pathogen for this infection (3). Over 150
animal species can be infected with the pathogen (16)
Vector/int. host : Mosquitoes are the vectors of the infection.
J.E.: Culex tritaeniorhynchus is the main vector of the infection in North Asia
and Japan. In the eastern parts of the former USSR the main vector is
C.pipiens, in Malaysia C.gelidus, and in India C.vishnui (16)
M.V.E.: Culex annulirostris


cpd-annexe1.pmd 190 17/03/2003, 15:41


S.L..E.: Culex tarsalis, other species of Culex

R.E.: probably mosquitoes (73)
E.E.E.: Culiseta melanura, c.morsitans, Aedes sollicitans, Ae.taeniorhynchus
, and species of Culex (73)
W.E.E.: Culex tarsalis, and Culiseta melanura where C.tarsalis does not occur

V.E.E.: species from Culex, Anopheles (16), and others (3)

Water-related : the infection is transmitted by a water-related insect vector (73)
Excreta-related : some Culex spp. are excreta-related insect vectors
Environment : J.E. is associated to rice fields and to keeping pigs (73). E.E.E. has been
linked to a presence of salt marches and swamps (16)
Risk in disaster : the infections are probably not a risk in disasters (3)
Remarks : E.E.E. can cause a high mortality in wild and domestic birds. Most infected
horses die within a few days (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of mosquitoes (3)
(see Annexe 3)
Keeping domestic animals at a distance from living quarters
(birds, pigs) (3)
For J.E. immunisation is possible (47)

For J.E. immunisation of pigs is a possibility (3)

For V.E.E. immunisation of horses could be an option (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : vector control (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 191 17/03/2003, 15:41


Arboviral fevers mosquito-borne: Rift valley fever/ West Nile fever/

Bwamba virus disease/ Group C virus fever/ Oropouche virus disease

Mosquito-borne infections. The infections usually present themselves as fevers. Some of these
infections can result in outbreaks.

Pathogen : the infections are caused by arboviruses specific to the infection (3)
Distribution : Rift valley fever (R.V.F.): Africa (73)
West Nile fever (W.N.F.): Africa, South-east Asia, and France (2)
Bwamba virus disease (B.V.D.): Africa
Group C virus fever (G.C.V.F.): occurs in the tropical parts of South America,
Panama, and Trinidad (3)
Oropouche virus disease (O.V.D.): South America and Trinidad (73)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common (3). General symptoms are headache,
fever and, malaise (73). Often a light form of conjunctivitis will occur. Infections
of R.V.F. may show eye problems, meningitis, and bleedings (3). In W.N.F. a
skin rash is common; and inflammation of the brain and its membranes
(meningoencephalitis) may occur. Meningoencephalitis is possible in O.V.D..
In endemic areas the infections are most common in children (73)
Severity : variable (3)
Incubation period : 3 to 12 days (73)
Duration : usually up to one week (3)
Communicability : mosquitoes remain probably infected for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection through the bite of

an infected mosquito; in
addition R.V.F. through
handling infected animals





Transmission : people get infected through the bite of an infective mosquito. R.V.F. and
O.V.D. can cause larger outbreaks (3)
Reservoir : R.V.F.: domestic animals (73) (e.g. sheep) (3)
W.N.F.: birds (73)
B.V.D.: unknown
G.C.V.F.: rodents (3)
O.V.D.: monkeys, sloths, and birds (73)
Vector/int. host : the vectors of these infections are mosquitoes:
R.V.F.: several species of Aedes (Ae.caballus (73), Ae.mcintoshi (3)), and Culex
(C.quinquefasciatus, C.theileri) (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 192 17/03/2003, 15:41


W.N.F.: Culex spp. (73)

B.V.D.: Aedes spp.
G.C.V.F.: species of Aedes and Culex (3)
O.V.D.: possibly Culicoides (73)
Water-related : the infections are transmitted by water-related insect vectors (3)
Excreta-related : Culex quinquefasciatus is an excreta-related insect vector
Environment : the infections are most common in rural areas; though outbreaks have
occurred in urban areas with R.V.F. and O.V.D.. R.V.F. is often linked to the
butchering of infected animals (3)
Risk in disaster : usually the infections will not be a risk in disasters (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of mosquitoes (3)
(see Annexe 3)
Cases should be isolated from mosquitoes (3)

For R.V.F.: care should be taken in handling infected animals (3)

For R.V.F.: sheep, goats and cattle can be immunised (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of mosquitoes; for R.V.F. immunise sheep, goats and cattle (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 193 17/03/2003, 15:41


Arboviral arthritis mosquito-borne: Chikungunya virus disease/ O’nyong-

nyong/ Sindbis virus disease, Ockelbo virus disease/ Mayaro virus
disease/ Ross river fever

Mosquito-borne infections. Typical symptoms of these infections are fever and arthritis.

Pathogen : arboviruses specific to the infections (3)

Distribution : Chikungunya virus disease (C.V.D.): Africa, India, Sri Lanka, South-east Asia
, and the Philippines (3).
O’nyong-nyong (O.N.N.): sub-Saharan Africa (2).
Sindbis virus disease (S.V.D.): throughout the old world and Australia.
Mayaro virus disease (M.V.D.): occurs in the northern parts of South America
Ross river fever (R.R.F): the Pacific islands, Australia and New Zealand (73)
Symptoms : symptoms are fever with arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Skin rashes
are common. In India and South-east Asia C.V.D. can cause bleedings (3)
Severity : -
Incubation period : 3 to 12 days (73)
Duration : the arthritis can last days to months (3)
Communicability : mosquitoes are infective for life (2)

Transmission cycle (3)


Infection occurs when an

infective mosquito feeds on
a susceptible host


Humans are
possibly the
Animal reservoir for

infection in
Transmission Oral
to offspring

Transmission : mosquitoes either receive the pathogen from their parents, or are infected
when feeding on an infected host. People are infected when bitten by an
infective mosquito. R.R.F. can cause major outbreaks (3)
Reservoir : C.V.D.: rodents, baboons, monkeys and bats
O.N.N.: possibly humans (73)
S.V.D.: birds (3)
M.V.D.: -
R.R.F.: rodents (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 194 17/03/2003, 15:41


with most of these infections mosquitoes can transmit the infections to their
offspring, which makes them reservoirs of the pathogens (3)
Vector/int. host : the vector of these infections are mosquitoes:
C.V.D.: Aedes aegypti, Ae.africanus, Ae.luteocephalus, Culex spp. (73)
O.N.N.: species of Anopheles (3) (A.gambiae, A.funestus) (73)
S.V.D.: Culex spp.
M.V.D.: Mansonia spp. and Haemagogus spp.
R.R.F.: Culex annulirostris, Aedes vigilax, Ae.polynesiensis, and other Aedes
spp. (3)
Water-related : the infections are transmitted by water-related insect vectors (3)
Excreta-related : some may be excreta-related insect vectors
Environment : where the right mosquito vector is found
Risk in disaster : these infections will not be a priority in case of a disaster (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of mosquitoes (3)
(see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of mosquitoes (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 195 17/03/2003, 15:41



A mosquito-borne infection. Every year an estimated 300,000,000 cases occur (73). Large outbreaks
are possible in non-immune populations.

Pathogen : Plasmodium falciparum (P.falc.), Plasmodium vivax (P.viv.), Plasmodium

malariae (P.mal.), and Plasmodium ovale (P.oval.) (protozoa) (73)
Distribution : P.falc.: worldwide in the tropics and subtropics (3).
P.viv.: worldwide in temperate zones, the subtropics, and the tropics (73). The
infection is rare in sub-Sahara Africa (16).
P.mal.: in most areas where malaria occurs (16). The pathogen is most common
in Africa (44).
P.oval.: rare outside West Africa (16)
Symptoms : where malaria is common, people will have built a resistance to the pathogen,
and many infections will be light or asymptomatic. Some of the general
symptoms of a malaria attack are shivering, peaks of fever, anaemia, enlarged
spleen, and jaundice.
P.falc. can cause severe jaundice, delirium, convulsions (2), shock, and coma.
Infections of P.viv., P.mal., and P.oval. show recurrent peaks in fever with 1,2,
or 3 day intervals (3).
If untreated, relapses can occur. Attacks of P.falc. can reoccur in the year
following the initial infection. Relapses are possible for over 30 years with
P.mal.. Relapses of P.viv. and P.oval. may occur for up to 5 years, even if the
infection was treated (2)

Severity : attacks of P.falc. are usually the most severe, and almost all deaths and
severe illnesses are caused by this pathogen (16). Most at risk are young
children who have not yet developed an immunity, pregnant women, and
non-immune people (73). In non-immune persons the case fatality rate for
P.falc. is over 10% (3). Severe disease with P.viv., P.mal., and P.oval. are unusual
; still, fatal infections can occur in weakened people (3)
Incubation period : P.falc.: 7 to 14 days (3).
P.viv.: 12 to 17 days. In temperate climates the incubation period may be
prolonged to up to 9 months.

P.mal.: 18 to 40 days (73).

P.oval.: usually 8 to 14 days. The incubation period may be delayed with 10
months or longer (3)
Duration : usually the illness will last for one week to one month. Relapses can occur
though (3), especially if the infection was not treated (2)
Communicability : mosquitoes can be infected by humans for a relatively long period if the
infection was not treated: P.falc. for up to 1 year, P.viv. for 1 to 2 years, P.mal.
for up to 3 years. Mosquitoes remain infective for life (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 196 17/03/2003, 15:41


Transmission cycle (73)

The mosquito injects the

pathogen in the blood


Transmission : Anopheles mosquitoes pick the pathogen up when feeding on an infected

person. The time it takes before the mosquito becomes infective varies with
temperature. The colder the environment, the longer the mosquito takes to
become infective:
P.falc. takes 9 days at 30°C and 20 days at 20°C.
P.viv. takes 7 days at 30°C and 16 days at 20°C.
P.mal. takes 15 days at 30°C and 30 days at 20°C.
This should be compared to the average life expectancy of a mosquito which
is shorter than 30 days (73).
A person is infected when bitten by an infective mosquito.
People will build up a resistance to severe malaria if they are regularly exposed

. Where transmission rates of P.falc. are high, local adults will never develop
severe malaria. Where transmission rates are lower, severe illness will occur
at all ages (16). The immunity which is built up will be lost in some years if the
individual does not come into contact with the pathogen during this time (2).
If transmission is possible all year round, endemic malaria will occur. If
transmission is only possible every few years (e.g. because of exceptional
climatic circumstances), there will be a large risk of outbreaks (73)
Reservoir : people are the only important reservoir for malaria (3)
Vector/int. host : the vectors of the infection are Anopheles mosquitoes (3).
How effective the mosquito is in transmitting the pathogen depends on its A1
length of survival, its preferred source of blood (only man, or preferably animal
and incidentally man) and other factors. All anopheles feed at night-time,
making this the dangerous period. Mosquitoes can adapt to long-term changes
in environment, like lighting and use of insecticides (73).
Water-related : malaria is transmitted by a water-related insect vector (73)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : transmission occurs only at temperatures between 16°C and 33°C and at
altitudes below 2,000 metres (16). Temperatures below which the pathogen
can not be maintained: P.falc. below 19°C, P.viv. below 17°C, P.mal. below
20°C (73). High humidity is favourable to the vector. Malaria is often a seasonal
infection with a peak in the rainy season. If the rains are too intense the
number of mosquitoes will reduce though. Transmission of malaria is
influenced by many factors related to the population, the vectors, and the
environment. Changes in use of land and deforestation can have important
effects on transmission (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a risk in case of disasters (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 197 17/03/2003, 15:41


Remarks : every year an estimated 3,000,000 people are killed by malaria (73). Most of
these deaths are children in Africa. The number of cases of malaria in the
world is increasing (16). P.falc. has in many areas built up a resistance to
commonly used anti-malarial drugs (44).

Preventative measures Potential effect

Installing piped water and maintenance of the system (+) (29)
Control of mosquitoes (see Annexe 3) (+++) (47)
Health and hygiene promotion (73)

The most effective measures of vector control will depend on the mosquitoes which transmit malaria,
the environment in which transmission occurs, and the population affected. A good understanding of
the local circumstances will be needed to plan an appropriate mosquito control programme (73).

Epidemic measures : vector control and treatment of cases (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 198 17/03/2003, 15:41


Trypanosomiasis (African), Sleeping sickness

Infections transmitted by the tsetse fly. Two types of infections exist, a more chronic infection which
is found in tropical western and Central Africa, and an acute infection found in tropical eastern and
southern Africa. Both infections will lead to death if untreated.

Pathogen : Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T.b.gam.) and Trypanosoma brucei rhode-

siense (T.b.rhod.) (3) (Protozoa)
Distribution : T.b.gam.: occurs usually in tropical western and Central Africa (3).
T.b.rhod.: is found in tropical eastern and southern Africa (2)
Symptoms : T.b.gam. is a more chronic disease than T.b.rhod., which is an acute infection
. Sometimes there is a boil resulting from an inflammation at the site of
the bite (less common in T.b.gam.). Symptoms of T.b.gam. are fever, enlarged
lymph glands, change in behaviour, restlessness followed by almost continuous
sleeping, coma, and death. T.b.rhod. shows similar symptoms, but evolves
much quicker (2)
Severity : with both infections the host will die of the illness if not treated (3)
Incubation period : T.b.gam.: several months to years.
T.b.rhod.:3 days to some weeks (3)
Duration : T.b.gam.: sometimes the infected person dies after a short period (2), but
usually death comes after years (47)
T.b.rhod.: death will follow in weeks to months (44)
Communicability : as long as the pathogen can be found in the blood, the fly can become
infected when feeding on a host. The fly becomes infective 12 to 30 days

after the infective bite. The tsetse fly remains infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3,73)

The tsetse fly injects the
pathogen while feeding Blood


Tsetse fly A1

T.b. gambiense


Wild game/

Tsetse fly

T.b. rhodesiense


cpd-annexe1.pmd 199 17/03/2003, 15:41


Transmission : when a tsetse fly feeds on an infected person or animal, it can become
infected. When the fly feeds on a susceptible person, the pathogen will be
transmitted (73).
In endemic regions 0.1 to 2% of the population can be infected. In epidemics
this can be up to 70%. Outbreaks can occur when infected persons or flies
move into a new zone, or when contact between humans and tsetse flies is
intensified (3). Outbreaks in T.g.rhod. are less common (2), but an indication
that one is developing is when children and women start being affected (73).
Reservoir : T.b.gam.: humans are the main reservoir. Pigs and other animals are possible
reservoirs, but their role in transmission is minor (2).
T.b.rhod.: the normal reservoir are wild game and cattle. Humans are less
important as reservoirs (3)
Vector/int. host : the vector for the infections is the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) (3).
T.b.gam.: is transmitted by tsetse flies which breed and live in forest which
edges rivers; the riverine tsetse flies of the Glossina palpalis group (2). People
or animals coming close to the river are attacked.
T.b.rhod.: is transmitted by tsetse flies that move in open forest and savannah;
mainly Glossina morsitans, which are not confined to water.
The percentage of infected flies is usually small (73)
Water-related : T.b.gam. has a water-related insect vector (16)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : T.b.gam.: is usually linked to rivers (water collection points, washing sites,
river crossings) (16), or lakes. The flies occur in forest galleries (up to 20 metres
from the river banks) along rivers, streams or lakes (2). Women are often most
affected because of their contact to this zone (e.g. washing clothes) (73).

Transmission occurs particularly at the end of the dry season.

T.b.rhod.: is linked to open forest and savannah (16). Most affected are people
who are in contact with forest and savannah; usually men who work there (73)
Risk in disaster : the infection could be a problem when people move into a place where the
vector and the pathogen are present (73)
Remarks : the total number of cases of African trypanosomiasis (T.b.gam. and T.b.rhod.
totalled) is estimated at 20,000 to 50,000 per year (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect


Reducing the need for people to come in contact with the river (install
a convenient alternative source of water). Only effective against
T.b.gam. (+++) (29)
Active search for cases and their treatment (2) This is more effective in
outbreaks of T.b.gam. than in outbreaks of T.b.rhod. as the infection is
less acute (++) (2)
Control of tsetse flies (see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion (47)

Epidemic measures : active case finding and treatment, and control of tsetse flies (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 200 17/03/2003, 15:41


Leishmaniasis cutaneous and muco-cutaneous (Oriental sore)/ Visceral

leishmaniasis (Kala-azar)

Infections transmitted by sandflies.

Pathogen : Leishmania spp. (3) (Protozoa)

Different species of Leishmania will cause different types of leishmaniasis.
The types of leishmaniasis are cutaneous leishmaniasis (cut.l.), muco-
cutaneous leishmaniasis (muc.l) and visceral leishmaniasis (vis.l.) (73)
Distribution : cut.l.: Africa, South and Central America, southern Europe, Middle-East to
India (73), and China (3).
muc.l.: Central and South America (73).
vis.l.: Africa, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South and Central America, China,
southern Europe, and the southern parts of ex-USSR (2)
Symptoms : cut.l.:a papule which turns into an ulcer (3).
muc.l.: the disease evolves out of cutaneous leishmaniasis (3) and affects the
mucous membranes in the nose (73).
vis.l.: fever, sweating, enlargement of spleen and liver, anaemia (2), and
progressive weakness (3)
Severity : cut.l. and muc.l.: the infections can result in disfigurement (73).
vis.l.: has a case fatality rate of 90% if not treated. If treated, the case
fatality rate drops to below 10% (4)
Incubation period : cut.l. and muc.l. : have an incubation period of one week to months.
vis.l.: the incubation period is usually 2 to 6 months (3), but can be anything

between 2 weeks and years (2)
Duration : cut.l. and muc.l.: the infection can last for years (3,73)
vis.l.: persons can survive for over 2 years (2)
Communicability : untreated persons can be infective to sandflies for up to 2 years, or as long
as the infection lasts (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

The pathogen is injected by

the sandfly when feeding A1





Transmission : the sandfly takes up the pathogen when feeding on an infected animal or
person. It takes a minimum of 8 days for the sandfly to become infective (3).
A person will be infected by the bite of an infective sandfly. Sandflies usually
bite in the period between dusk and dawn (2), or in shady or overcast conditions
The infection is usually sporadic (73) but outbreaks do occur (2)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 201 17/03/2003, 15:41


Reservoir : reservoirs are humans, rodents, dogs, jackals, foxes (73), and sloths (3). The
importance of the reservoir in the transmission cycle varies from region to
region (2)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the infection is the sandfly; in Africa, Asia and Europe:
Phlebotomus spp., in South and Central America: Lutzomyia spp.. Adult
sandflies live for around 2 weeks. Sandflies stay low to the ground, and can
not fly in windy conditions (73). Sandflies breed in moist and dark places (like
cracks in masonry, caves, termite mounds, rubble) (2). Usually they will not be
found more than 200 m from their breeding place (2), but wind can take them
further (16)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection is more linked to a rural environment than to an urban
environment. In Central and South America the disease is connected to people
working or living in forested areas (3)
Risk in disaster : can be a problem if a population enters an endemic region (47)
Remarks : Every year there are an estimated 1,500,000 cases of cutaneous
leishmaniasis and 500,000 cases of visceral leishmaniasis (85)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Adequate solid waste management (in Africa, Asia and Europe) (3)

Control of sandflies (3)

(see Annexe 3)
Control of reservoir animal (dog, rodents) (3)
(+++) (16,73)

Systematic case finding and treatment (+++) (16)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Sandflies are very susceptible to residual insecticides.

Like other vector-borne infections, occurrence of leishmaniasis in the population is the result of a
dynamic interaction between persons, vectors, reservoir animals, and the environment. Control of the
disease by active case finding and treatment has been very effective in some areas, and unsuccessful
in others (16). Control of dogs or rodents have proven very effective in some places (3,73), but may be

inappropriate in others. A good understanding of the dynamics of transmission will be needed before
effective control of the infection is possible.

Epidemic measures : treatment of cases, and control of sandflies and animal reservoirs (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 202 17/03/2003, 15:41


Bartonellosis, Oroya fever, Verruga peruana, Carrión disease

An infection transmitted by sandflies. The infection occurs in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador in mountain
valleys. The infection has two distinctive forms.

Pathogen : Bartonella bacilliformis (3) (Bacterium)

Gen. information : the infection occurs in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador (16) in mountain valleys of
the Andes (3) at altitudes between 800 and 3,000 metres above sea level.
The infection is most common between January and April (16). Asymptomatic
infections do occur. The illness is milder in children than in adults (3).
The disease can show itself in two distinctive forms. Oroya fever, with as
symptoms malaise, anaemia, and severe pains in head, joints, and bones
. The case fatality rate of Oroya fever is 10 to 90% (3). The other form is
Verruga peruane, which often follows Oroya fever. The symptoms are severe
pains, fever, and eruptions of the skin (16). Verruga peruane is rarely fatal (3).
The two forms of disease can occur at the same time (16). The incubation
period is usually 16 to 22 days (73), but can be as much as 4 months. People
can be infective to sandflies for years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection occurs with the

bite of an infected sandfly



Transmission : the sandflies are infected when biting a person carrying the pathogen. The
pathogen is transmitted when the sandfly feeds on a person (3). Outbreaks of
the infection can occur (16) A1
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir. Where the infection is endemic, 5% of the
population may be asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen (3).
Vector/int. host : the vector of the infection is the sandfly (Lutzomyia spp.). The flies feed at
night (16)
Risk in disaster : could be a problem if people are placed in an endemic area (16)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoiding endemic areas at night (3)

Control of sandflies (3)

(see Annexe 3)
Infected persons should be isolated from sandflies (3)

Health and hygiene promotion

Epidemic measures : search for cases and control of sandflies (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 203 17/03/2003, 15:41


Arboviral fevers sandfly-borne: Sandfly fever, Phlebotomus fever/

Changuinola virus disease/ Vesicular stomatitis virus disease

Infections transmitted by sandflies. The illnesses last only some days and are not fatal. Outbreaks are
possible if non-immune people enter endemic areas.

Pathogen : several arboviruses (3)

Gen. description : the infections occur in the Mediterranean, the Middle-east (16), Africa, Asia
towards Myanmar and China, and Central and South America. They can be
found in the (sub)tropics with hot and dry seasons (3). The infections occur in
the warm period (45). The incubation period is 3 to 6 days (73), and the period
of illness usually last 2 to 4 days (44). Symptoms are fever, malaise, nausea,
headache, and pains in limbs and back. The local population is relatively
resistant to the infections (3). The infections are not fatal (16)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection occurs with the

bite of an infected sandfly


Transmission Oral
to offspring

Transmission : sandflies are infected either through biting an infected person, or by receiving
the infection from its parents (16). Sandflies become infective one week after
biting an infected person. People are infected by the bite of an infective

sandfly (3). Outbreaks can occur when non-immune people enter into an
endemic area (16)
Reservoir : the main reservoirs are humans and sandflies. Sandflies can transmit the
pathogens to their offspring (16). Rodents can be potential reservoirs (3)
Vector/int. host : the main vector is the common sandfly (Phlebotomus papatasi). This sandfly
bites at night. The sandfly Sergentomyia spp. is a probable vector. In Central
and South America the vectors are sandflies belonging to Lutzomyia. Sandflies
remain infective for life (up to one month) (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Adequate solid waste management (in Africa, Asia and Europe) (3)

Control of sandflies (3)

(see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion

Epidemic measures : control of sandflies and health and hygiene promotion (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 204 17/03/2003, 15:41


Onchocerciasis, River blindness

An infection transmitted by blackflies. The infection is associated with fast-flowing rivers. The pathogen
can cause blindness. The socio-economic consequences of the disease are important as it has
pushed people to abandon fertile areas.

Pathogen : Onchocerca volvulus (15) (Helminth)

The worms are up to 50 cm long and live under the skin, either free-living or
in nodules (2)
Distribution : the infection occurs in tropical Africa, southern Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela,
Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Yemen (3). More than 95% of the cases occur
in Africa, and over 30% in Nigeria (16)
Symptoms : adult worms will usually not cause any symptoms other than creating nodules.
It is the microfilariae shed by the worms which cause symptoms. Mild
infections may be asymptomatic. Symptoms are itching and skin rash; heavy
infections will lead to loss of pigment and loss of elasticity of skin (2). Infections
can result in blindness, but this may take up to 20 to 30 years before it
occurs. Not every case will develop damage to the eye (44).
Men in working age are most affected (16)
Severity : the infection can cause blindness (3)
Incubation period : 6 to 12 months (73)
Duration : worms can survive for up to 20 years (2)
Communicability : man can be infective to the blackfly for up to 15 years (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

The blackfly leaves the

pathogen with the
person during feeding Skin

Blackfly A1

Transmission : the adult worms shed microfilariae which are found in the skin of the host.
When blackflies feed on a person microfilariae will infect the vector (3). It will
take around 7 days before the fly will become infective to humans (16). When
an infective fly feeds on a person infection can take place (3)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir of importance (3)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the infection is the blackfly (Simulium spp.) (73). The flies lay
their eggs in fast-flowing, oxygenated rivers (turbulent, ‘white’ rivers). And
can travel long distances, normally 5 to 10 km from the river. The chances of
being bitten are largest close to breeding sites. The flies feed at dusk and
dawn (16)
Water-related : the infection is transmitted by a water-related insect vector
Excreta-related : no


cpd-annexe1.pmd 205 17/03/2003, 15:41


Environment : close to turbulent streams. During the rainy season flies may search for new
sites to breed. In the dry season they stay close to permanent streams (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection will not be a priority in a disaster (3)
Remarks : it is estimated that around 18,000,000 people are infected, with around
360,000 people permanently blinded by the disease. Up to 15% of the
population living near fast flowing rivers may be infected (16). The disease has
a big socio-economic impact on society as it has often pushed people to
abandon fertile soils (3).

Preventative measures Potential effect

Supply the population with an alternative source of water (avoid
contact to river) (+) (29)
Control of blackflies (73)
(see Annexe 3)
Search for cases and treatment (3)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

As the blackfly can travel great distances (up to 80 km in a day), control measures using chemical
vector control will need to cover large areas and be conducted over longer periods to have a lasting
effect (2,16).

Epidemic measures : treatment of cases, control of blackflies (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 206 17/03/2003, 15:41


Loiasis, Loa loa infection, Eye worm disease, Calabar swelling

A mild infection transmitted by tabanid flies. The public health importance of the pathogen is limited.

Pathogen : Loa loa (15) (Helminth)

Gen. description : loiasis is an infection caused by 30 to 70 mm long worms which live under
the skin (2). The infection is found in West and Central Africa (73). The infection
is relatively mild (2), with usual symptoms being localised itching and transient
swellings (‘Calabar swelling’) (3). Occasionally the worm can be seen passing
through the eye under the conjunctiva (which is harmless) (73). The incubation
period is usually years, but can be 4 months (3). Worms can survive in the
body for 17 years or more (16), and can be infective for Chrysops for the same
time (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

The infection occurs with

the bite of a deer fly

Deer fly


Transmission : Chrysops is infected when it feeds on the blood of a person carrying

microfilariae shed by a fertilised worm. After 10 to 12 days the fly becomes
infective to humans. Human infection occurs when the pathogens enter the
body through a bite of the fly (3)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir (3)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the pathogen is the tabanid fly (73) or deer fly (Chrysops spp.) (3). A1
Breeding sites of the flies are linked to forest streams. Biting will generally be
within 200 m of the breeding site. The flies attack during the day but not in
the open sun (2)
Water-related : the vector is a water-related insect vector (2)
Environment : it is a rural disease (73), occurring in rain forests, or swamp forest areas (16)
Remarks : In some villages in the Congo River basin up to 90% of the population is
infected with the pathogen (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of the flies (chemical vector control is usually not efficient,
control by avoidance of the flies is more effective) (3,16)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 207 17/03/2003, 15:41


Trypanosomiasis (American), Chagas disease

An infection spread by reduviid bugs. The infection is associated with poor quality housing (poverty).
The pathogen only occurs in Central and South America. The disease commonly results in disability
and death.

Pathogen : Trypanosoma cruzi (15) (Protozoon)

Distribution : Central and South America (73)

Symptoms : asymptomatic infections are common (2). Symptoms are fever, malaise,
affected lymph system, and enlarged liver and spleen (3). Many people will
initially not show any symptoms, but will develop complications years after
the infective bite occurred (2)
Severity : the infection commonly results in disability or death (73)
Incubation period : 5 to 14 days (3)
Duration : the duration of the infection is variable; months to years (44)
Communicability : as long as the infection lasts the bug can take up the pathogen. Infected
bugs remain infective for life. The bugs can live for up to 2 years (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

While feeding, the bug will excrete

infected faeces; infection follows
after contact of the faeces

with broken skin, mucous

membranes, or conjunctiva Blood



Reduviid bug


Transmission : A bug becomes infected when feeding on a host. The reduviid bug will become
infective to people 10 to 30 days after biting the host. When feeding, the
bug will excrete, and it is in these excreta that the pathogens are found.
Infection occurs when the excreta of the infected bug come in contact with
broken skin (e.g. the bite wound), mucous membranes, or conjunctiva (3). It
is possible that excreta from bugs are infective when ingested (73), this route
of transmission will not be very common though
Reservoir : reservoirs are humans and many wild or domestic animals. Dogs can introduce
the pathogen from the ‘wild cycle’ which occurs outside the house to the
‘domestic cycle’ which occurs inside the house. In Central America the rat is
an important reservoir (73). In Argentina goats may play a role in transmission.
Animals which can be infected, but whose role in the transmission cycle are
limited, are cats, pigs, cattle, and horses (16)


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Vector/int. host : the vector is the reduviid bug (Reduviidae spp.), also called kissing bug or
assassin bug (2). The bugs live in rural (poor) houses; cracked mud walls and
thick palm roofs are ideal hiding places (16). One single hut may contain
thousands of reduviid bugs (2)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection is linked to poverty (73). The quality of the housing and the
presence of bugs are related. Walls with cracks, thatched roofs (16), and
reservoir animals living in or close to the house (73) are all risk factors
Risk in disaster : the infection will normally not be a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : it is estimated that 10,000,000 people are infected with the pathogen (44)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of reduviid bugs (3)
(see Annexe 3)
Control of reservoir animals living close to man (dogs, rats) (73)

Adapt housing of people (2)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of reduviid bugs and reservoir animals (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 209 17/03/2003, 15:41


Plague, Yersinia pestis

A flea-borne infection. The disease is severe, and outbreaks can occur. In many regions the disease
is naturally present in a wild rodent–flea cycle, where this cycle is disturbed, people can get infected.

Pathogen : Yersinia pestis (3) (Bacterium)

Distribution : southern, eastern, and western Africa, Asia, South America, USA (73)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections do occur. Different forms of plague exist (47):
Bubonic plague (Bub.P.): fever, chills, pains in muscles, formation of bubo
(inflamed lymph nodes) which swell, are tender, and may burst and discharge
pus (3). 90% Of the cases with plague will develop this type of infection (16).
About 5% of those who develop Bub.P. will progress into pneumonic plague
Pneumonic plague (Pne.P.): affects the lungs.
Septicemic plague (Sep.P.): can evolve out of other types of infections, the
infection affects other organs through blood (3)
Severity : Bub.P. :
has a case fatality rate of 50 to 60% (3); with adequate treatment this can be
reduced to below 5% (4).
Pne.P. and Sep.P. are always fatal if untreated (47)
Incubation period : 1 to 7 days (3)
Duration : death follows after some days in Pne.P. and Sep.P. (73)
Communicability : pus coming out of bubo is infective. Fleas can remain infective for months (3)

Transmission cycle (3,73)

Transmission : the normal transmission cycle takes place between wild resistant rodents


The pathogen Human

is transmitted Droplets are
by an inhaled
infected flea

5% of people with
bubonic plague
evolve towards
Animal pneumonic plague
(usually rats)

(Rat) flea

Wild rodent




cpd-annexe1.pmd 210 17/03/2003, 15:41


and fleas, this is the sylvatic or rural cycle (3). When domestic rats enter into
this cycle, infected fleas can colonise them. As these rats are less resistant
to the infection than wild rodents, they will die, leaving the fleas without a
source of food (73) (a sudden die-off of domestic rats can be an indication
that a human outbreak is going to occur) (16). Domestic rats live normally
close to humans, and the infective fleas will search for new sources of blood,
transmitting the infection to people when feeding on them (73).
Domestic animals may take wild rodent fleas into the human environment (3).
Another way of transmitting the infection is through direct contact with body
tissues of infected animals (3). Pne.P. can be spread through air-borne
transmission and is highly contagious (47)
Reservoir : the domestic black rat (Rattus rattus) and the brown sewer rat (R.norvegicus)
are the main reservoirs which transmit the infection to humans (16). Other
animals which can play a role as reservoir are mice, other rodents, dogs,
camels, monkeys, rabbits (73), cats, and wild carnivores (3). Over 340 animal
species can be infected with the pathogen (73).
The pathogen can survive for months in the cool, damp environment of animal
burrows. In dry conditions they may survive for a few days, but longer in dried
blood or secretions. They are killed after being for 15 minutes at 56°C or by
being exposed to direct sunlight for 4 hours (16)
Vector/int. host : fleas are the vector of the infection. The most important is Xenopsylla cheopsis
(a rat flea) (3), though X.brasiliensis and X.astia are implied too (73). In the
Andes region in South America the human flea (Pulex irritans) plays a role in
transmission (3).
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)

Excreta-related : no
Environment : presence of the pathogen in the rural cycle is obviously a risk factor (73). The
infection is more likely to occur in rural areas. Crowding and unhygienic
conditions are risk factors, as are occupations like hunting or trapping (3).
The disease is associated with war and civil disturbance (73). Most cases
occur in the warm and dry season (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a risk where the disease is endemic, in conditions of
overcrowding and poor environmental hygiene (3)
Remarks : the infection should be notified to the WHO (3). Sporadic cases in endemic
areas do not necessarily indicate an outbreak. The pathogen occurs in the A1
rural cycle between wild rodents and fleas in many regions. In some of these
regions, humans are not infected while in others outbreaks have occurred (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 211 17/03/2003, 15:41


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improving hygiene of body and clothes (73)

Control of fleas (47) (see Annexe 3)

When dealing with refugees or displaced people, new arrivals should be
dusted against fleas (people and their luggage) (47)
Cases and contacts of cases should be dusted with insecticide against
fleas (47)
Control of rats (after successful flea control! If rats carrying infected
fleas are killed, the disease can spread easily to people) (73) (see
Annexe 3)
Improving solid waste management and storage of food (rat control) (3)

Care in handling dead animals that could be infected (3)

People or animals that died or are suspected to have died of plague

should be buried or burnt, and handled in a safe way (73)
Persons with pneumonic plague should be strictly isolated (3)

Contacts of people with pneumonic plague should receive treatment (47)

Workers at risk should be protected against fleas (3)


Health and hygiene promotion (73)

Epidemic measures : search for cases and treat them, health and hygiene promotion, flea control,
control of rats after successful control of fleas, protection and/or treatment
of contacts, protection of workers against fleas (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 212 17/03/2003, 15:41


Typhus (murine) fever, Flea-borne typhus, Endemic typhus fever

A flea-borne infection which should not be confused with epidemic louse-borne typhus fever or scrub
typhus. The infection is generally endemic, and has a low mortality.

Pathogen : Rickettsia mooseri (73) (Rickettsia)

Distribution : the pathogen is found worldwide (3)

Symptoms : fever, rash (73), headache, and chills (3)

Severity : the case fatality rate is 1% to 2% (16)
Incubation period : 1 to 2 weeks (73)
Duration : the illness lasts 7 to 10 days (73)
Communicability : infected fleas remain infective for life (fleas can live for up to 1 year) (3)

Transmission cycle (3,73)

Infection occurs through direct

contact of infective faeces
or crushed flea body with broken
skin (e.g. flea bite), mucous
membranes; or through inhalation Blood


Rat (mouse)

(Rat) flea
Excreta of fleas/crushed flea body

Transmission : fleas become infected by feeding on a host (73). It is the excreta of the fleas A1
which contain the pathogen. The infective excreta can infect a person by
contaminating the flea bite or other wound (3), mucous membranes, or
conjunctiva. The faeces are infective too if inhaled by a person. Which
transmission route is most common is not clear. In addition, the body of the
flea is infective, and crushed fleas are as dangerous as their faeces. Crushing
fleas between teeth can result in infection (73).
The infection is generally an endemic infection, with sporadic cases occurring

Reservoir : the main reservoirs of the pathogen are the domestic black rat (Rattus rattus)
and the sewer brown rat (R. norvegicus) (73). Mice can play a role as a reservoir
for human infection. Rodents do not suffer seriously from the infection (16). In
addition to rodents, the infection occurs in cats, opossums, shrews, and
skunks, their role as a reservoir of the infection is minor though (73)
Vector/int. host : the main vector of the infection is the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopsis) (3). Other
vectors which have been found to carry the pathogen are the human flea
(Pulex irritans), lice (this is not epidemic louse-borne typhus), mites (this is


cpd-annexe1.pmd 213 17/03/2003, 15:41


not scrub typhus), and ticks. These will generally not be very important in the
transmission of the infection (73). In some places cat fleas (Ctenocephalides
felis) could be the vector of a similar infection, the importance of this vector
will be limited though (3)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection is linked to an urban environment (73) where people and rats (or
mice) live in close association (3). People in close contact with rats or mice
are most at risk (e.g. workers in granaries, food stores, breweries, shops, or
garbage workers). The domestic environment may be a risk too (16)
Risk in disaster : where people and rats live closely together cases are likely to occur (3). The
infection will not be a priority in the initial emergency phase (47)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (73)
Improving hygiene of body and clothes (73)

Control of fleas (3) (see Annexe 3)

After successful flea control, control of rats and mice (3)
(see Annexe 3)
Buildings should be rat-proof (73)
; especially grain-stores and other
food-stores (16)

Workers at risk should be protected against fleas (e.g. garbage

workers) (16)
Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of fleas (3)

, after successful control of fleas, control of rats/mice (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 214 17/03/2003, 15:41


Typhus (epidemic louse-borne) fever, Louse-borne typhus,

Classic typhus fever

A louse-borne infection with a high case fatality rate. Where people live in crowded conditions, have
poor personal hygiene, and are infested with lice, the infection can cause outbreaks. Where these
conditions exist, preventative measures should be taken before an outbreak occurs. The infection
should not be mistaken for endemic typhus fever or scrub typhus.

Pathogen : Rickettsia prowazekii (3) (Rickettsia)

Distribution : the infection occurs worldwide (3)
Symptoms : mild infections do occur (3). Symptoms are headache, continuous high fever,
shivering, general pains (73), and skin rash (3)
Severity : the severity of the disease ranges from mild to fatal (3). Untreated cases have
a case fatality rate of 10 to 60% (44)
Incubation period : 1 to 2 weeks, shorter if the infecting dose is large (73)
Duration : the duration of the illness is around 2 weeks (3)
Communicability : people are infective to lice probably up to 2 to 3 days after fever has
disappeared (3). Long-term carriers of the pathogen probably exist (16) in the
form of recurrent typhus, or Brill-Zinsser disease. The infected person can be
a carrier for decades (73).
The lice will die of the infection 2 weeks after the infective bite (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Infection occurs through broken
skin (e.g. wound of the bite),
conjunctiva, or by inhalation Blood of a person with
the active disease

Body louse
Excreta of body louse/crushed body
of the louse Oral A1

Transmission : lice are infected when feeding on a person with the active disease. As well
the excreta as the body of the louse are infective. If infective louse faeces, or
crushed lice, come in contact with broken skin (e.g. the biting wound), infection
can follow (3). Crushing lice between teeth is dangerous. Inhaling dried faeces
of lice is a potential transmission route, as is contact of the conjunctiva with
the infective excreta of the lice (73)
Reservoir : humans are probably the only reservoir (73).
Rickettsia in dead lice can remain infective for weeks (3). The pathogen can
remain viable for over 100 days in louse faeces (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 215 17/03/2003, 15:41


Vector/int. host : the main vector transmitting the infection is the body louse (Pediculus
humanus corporis). Other lice (Phthirus pubis and Pediculus humanus capitis)
are possibly involved in transmission.
Body lice live between underclothing and body, and lay eggs in the seams of
clothing. Adult lice which have no access to a blood meal die within 10 days,
and clothes which have not been worn for 1 month will be free of adults and
eggs. Body lice can not survive if clothes are frequently washed or changed.
Ironing, and washing clothes at over 60°C, will kill the lice. Lice do not support
high ambient temperatures (73)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (3)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : epidemic louse-borne typhus fever is a risk where a combination of crowding
, cold weather (people wear more clothes), poor personal hygiene, and
infestation of the population with body louse occurs (3). The infection is
associated with mountainous areas (cold weather) (15), war, and famine (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a serious risk in circumstances of overcrowding, poor personal
hygiene, and if body louse is present in the population. If people carry body
louse, the population should be treated against the vector before the first
cases occur (47)
Remarks : the infection is under surveillance by the WHO (73)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improve water availability (++) (29)
If appropriate, soap can be made available


Improve hygiene of clothes and body (73)

Control of body louse (3)

(see Annexe 3)
If displaced people are infested with lice they should be treated with
residual insecticides. This should be done before cases occur (47)
Refugees and displaced people entering camps should be checked for
lice if the risk of an outbreak is present (47)

Cases, contacts, and their clothes and houses should be

deloused (221, 241)
If possible, contacts of cases should be put under observation (3)

People at risk can, if appropriate, receive preventative treatment (16)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of body louse, search for the source of the outbreak (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 216 17/03/2003, 15:41


Relapsing louse-borne fever

A louse-borne infection. The infection usually occurs in outbreaks and can have high case fatality
rates. The infection is a risk in places of overcrowding, poor personal hygiene, and where the population
carries lice. Preventative measures against lice should be taken before an outbreak occurs. The
infection should not be mistaken for tick-borne relapsing fever.

Pathogen : Borrelia recurrentis (15) (Bacterium)

Distribution : the infection occurs in Africa, Asia, and South America (3). Endemic areas are
the highlands of Ethiopia, Burundi, North-west Africa, East Africa, China,
India, Peru, and Bolivia (16)
Symptoms : asymptomatic infections do occur (16). Symptoms are chills, high fever,
headache, and vomiting (4). If the infection is not treated relapses can occur
(normally 1 to 2) (2)
Severity : the case fatality rate in untreated persons is usually 2 to 9%, though in
epidemics case fatality rates of up to 70% have occurred (16)
Incubation period : 5 to 15 days, usually 8 days (3)
Duration : the total duration of the illness is 13 to 16 days (3)
Communicability : lice remain infective for life (which can be up to 40 days) (3)

Transmission cycle (73)

Infection occurs through broken

skin, mucous membranes, and
possibly through unbroken skin The blood of a person
with the active disease

Body louse
Crushed body of louse

Transmission : Lice take up the pathogen by feeding on a person who is ill (73). Lice will
become infective 4 to 5 days after biting the host (3). The pathogen is present
in the body of the louse, which must be crushed and brought in contact with
the bite wound, an abrasion (3), or mucous membranes for infection to take
place. Possibly the pathogen can cause infection through unbroken skin.
Crushing lice between teeth or fingernails is dangerous.
Outbreaks of louse-borne relapsing fever occur under similar circumstances
as outbreaks of epidemic louse-borne typhus, and sometimes the two
infections occur at the same time (73).
If relapsing fever is transmitted by lice, it is usually epidemic (contrary to
tick-borne relapsing fever which is endemic) (3). Endemic occurrence of the
infection is possible though (2)
Reservoir : humans are the only reservoir (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 217 17/03/2003, 15:41


Vector/int. host : the main vector is the body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis) (2).
Body lice are maintained between clothing and body. Eggs are deposited in
the seams of clothing. Body lice will not survive if clothes are frequently
washed or changed. Ironing clothes and washing them at over 60°C will kill
the lice. Body louse does not support high ambient temperatures (73).
The head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) can play a role in transmission
, but this is rare (2)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (47)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection is one of overcrowding, poor personal hygiene, and cold climate
(people wearing clothes). In the tropics it is encountered in mountainous
areas (16)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a major risk in disasters. If people carry body lice, the population
should be treated against lice before the first cases occur (47)
Remarks : the infection is under surveillance by the WHO (3)

Preventative measures Potential effect

Improve water availability (++) (29)
If appropriate, soap can be made available (47)

Improve hygiene of clothes and body (73)

Control of body louse (3)

(see Annexe 3)
If displaced people are carrying lice: treatment with residual

insecticides. This should be done before cases occur (47)

Refugees and displaced people entering camps should be checked for
lice if the risk of an outbreak is present (47)
Cases, contacts, and their clothes and houses should be deloused (3)

People at risk can, if appropriate, receive preventative treatment (16)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of body louse (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 218 17/03/2003, 15:41


Trench fever

A usually fairly mild louse-borne infection. Occurrence of the disease is an indication of a risk for
outbreaks of epidemic louse-borne typhus or louse-borne relapsing fever.

Pathogen : Bartonella quintana (Rochalimaea quintana) (3) (Bacterium) (73)

Distribution : the infection is found in Ethiopia, Burundi, North Africa (3), Mexico (16), Bolivia,
Canada, Poland, former USSR (3), China, and Japan (16)
Symptoms : mild infections are common. Symptoms are fever, headache, malaise, pains,
enlarged liver and spleen, and sometimes a skin rash (3). Recurring attacks
may occur for up to 10 years (4)
Severity : the severity of the infection is variable (3) but usually fairly mild (16). The disease
is not fatal (3)
Incubation period : 7 to 30 days (73)
Duration : the duration of the illness varies, and relapses are possible (3)
Communicability : humans can infect lice for years. Body lice stay infective for life (lice live
approximately 5 weeks after hatching) (3)

Transmission cycle (3,4)

Infection occurs through broken

skin or conjunctiva


Body louse
Excreta of the louse

Transmission : lice are infected by ingesting blood containing the pathogen. Their excreta A1
become infective 5 to 12 days after their infective blood meal. People are
infected when infective louse-faeces come in contact with broken skin (e.g.
the bite-wound) (3), or the conjunctiva (4)
Reservoir : humans are the reservoir of the pathogen (3). Though it is possible that rodents
act as a reservoir (16)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the pathogen is the human body louse (16) (Pediculus humanus
corporis) (3)
Water-related : the infection is water-washed (73)
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection occurs where people have poor personal hygiene, live in
overcrowded circumstances, and are carriers of body louse (3)
Risk in disaster : there is a risk where louse-infested people live in crowded conditions (3)
Remarks : -


cpd-annexe1.pmd 219 17/03/2003, 15:42


Preventative measures Potential effect

Improving water availability (++) (29)
Improving hygiene of clothes and body (73)

Control of body louse (3)

(see Annexe 3)
Health and hygiene promotion

If trench fever occurs in a population, there is a risk of outbreaks of epidemic louse-borne typhus
fever and louse-borne relapsing fever (3). If body louse is a problem in a population, a rapid control of
the vector is very important (47)

Epidemic measures : control of body louse (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 220 17/03/2003, 15:42


Typhus (mite-borne) fever, Scrub typhus, Tsutsugamushi disease, Rural


An infection transmitted by the larvae of mites. The infection occurs in Asia, and is generally very
localised in ‘typhus islands’. The infection is often severe and can cause large outbreaks if susceptible
people are brought into these ‘typhus islands’.

Pathogen : Rickettsia tsutsugamushi (Rickettsia orientalis) (3) (Rickettsia)

Distribution : the pathogen occurs in Central, eastern, and South-east Asia (3), and Australia

Symptoms : a skin ulcer will form where the larval mite was attached. Other symptoms
are fever, malaise, headache, enlarged spleen, conjunctivitis, rash, delirium,
and deafness (2)
Severity : the case fatality rate in untreated cases is 1 to 60 % (3)
Incubation period : 1 to 3 weeks (73); usually 10 to 12 days (3)
Duration : around 2 weeks (3)
Communicability : mites remain infective over several generations (2)

Transmission cycle (73)

Infection occurs through the

bite of an infective mite


Wild rodent

Larva of mite

Transmission to offspring Oral


Transmission : mites acquire the pathogen either from their parents, or by feeding on an
infected rodent (73). The rodents and mites live together in specific zones:
‘typhus islands’ (3). The extent of this ‘community’ is limited to where the
rodents are present (73). When people enter into these zones they can get
infected if bitten by the infective larva of the mite (2). In military operations up
to 50% of the soldiers have been infected (3)
Reservoir : reservoirs for the pathogens are wild rodents (16). Mites are important as
reservoirs as they can pass the infection to their offspring. The infection can
be maintained in mites without reinfection from an infected rodent for several
generations (2)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the infection are the larvae of mites (Leptotrombidium akamushi,
L.deliensis and related species) (3). The mites live in transitional or fringe
zones (73)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 221 17/03/2003, 15:42


Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : the infection occurs in rural zones where the pathogen, mites, and rodents
coexist. These areas can be small (measured in some square metres) (3) or
large. They are almost always created by human activity (73); e.g. where jungle
has been cut and been replaced by scrub (2) (jungle grass) (16). Infection
occurs to an altitude of up to 3,500 metres above sea level (3)
Risk in disaster : the infection is a risk if people are placed close to ‘typhus islands’ (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoiding known ‘typhus islands’ (47)

Personal protection against the mites (wearing covering clothing

impregnated with insecticides or repellents (73), repellents to skin (3)
If a ‘typhus island’ must be rendered safe, the undergrowth or scrub
should be cleared and burnt; and left to dry completely (73) or treated
with residual insecticides (2)
Health and hygiene promotion

Control of rodents does not have a direct effect as the mite transmits the pathogen to its offspring (2)

Epidemic measures : control of mites by personal protection and clearing of areas containing the

mites (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 222 17/03/2003, 15:42


Relapsing tick-borne fever

A tick-borne infection which should not be confused with louse-borne relapsing fever. The infection is
endemic in Africa.

Pathogen : in Africa caused by Borrelia duttoni; elsewhere other species are responsible
Distribution : the infection occurs in the whole of tropical Africa (3), where the infection is
endemic (73). The infection occurs in foci in northern Africa, the Middle-east,
and Central Asia up to China, Central America, South America, Spain, Portugal
, and northern America (3)

Symptoms : infections may be asymptomatic (2). Symptoms are fever and headache, usually
lasting 4-5 days. An attack of fever will reoccur after an interval of 2 days to
3 weeks (16) (usually 7 to 10 days) (73). These attacks will repeat themselves 3
to 6 times (in Africa up to 11 times) (16).
Where the infection is endemic, it is mainly a disease of babies, young children,
and pregnant women (73)
Severity : the case fatality rate of the infection is low (16)
Incubation period : 3 to 10 days (73), though may be up to 14 days (16)
Duration : illness lasts for as long as relapses occur
Communicability : ticks remain infective for life (3) (they can live for over 5 years (73))

Transmission cycle (73)

Endemic domestic
Infection occurs through African cycle
tick bite, or contact of tick
body fluids with skin or
mucous membranes Blood
Human A1

Alternative cycle Soft tick

(O. moubata)

to offspring
Wild rodent

Soft tick


cpd-annexe1.pmd 223 17/03/2003, 15:42


two transmission cycles occur: in Africa the infection is endemic and the cycle is between people and
domestic ticks. Elsewhere an alternative cycle exists; the infection is normally transmitted between
rodents and ticks, and people are infected by chance. If contact becomes more intense a cycle
similar to the African endemic cycle may occur (73).

Transmission : Ticks are infected by feeding on infected blood, or receive the infection from
their parents (73). The infection is transmitted to humans through the bite of
an infective tick (3). Body fluids of the ticks are infective too, and infection
can occur through contact with mucous membranes, conjunctiva, or intact
skin (16). Limited outbreaks are possible (16)
Reservoir : in the endemic domestic African cycle reservoirs are humans and ticks (73). In
the alternative cycle the normal reservoirs are wild rodents and ticks. The
ticks transmit the pathogen to their offspring (3), and the infection can be
maintained in ticks for at least 5 generations (2)
Vector/int. host : in the endemic domestic African cycle the vector is the soft tick Ornithodorus
moubata which lives in cracks and fissures in houses. The ticks can survive 5
years without blood, which means that empty houses can remain infested
with ticks for years (73).
For the alternative cycle; in Africa: O.hispanica; in the Near East and Middle
East: O.tholozani; in Central and South America: O.rudis and O.talaje; and in
the USA: O.hermsi and O.turicata. The ticks usually feed at night (3)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : in the endemic domestic African cycle the infection occurs in houses which
allow ticks to hide in cracks in walls and floors. In the alternative rodent-tick

cycle people become infected in caves or shelters which are inhabited by

rodents, or close to rodent burrows (73)
Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in a disaster (47)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Chemical and environmental control of ticks (3,47)

Using personal protection methods (repellents (3)

, mosquito net (73))

Structures should be made rodent-proof to prevent rodents and their

ticks from settling (3)
Houses of cases should be treated against ticks (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Once ticks have infested a house it is very difficult to get rid of them (73)

Epidemic measures : control of ticks (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 224 17/03/2003, 15:42


Typhus – African tick, Boutonneuse fever, Kenya tick typhus, India tick
typhus, Mediterranean tick typhus, Mediterranean spotted fever/
Siberian tick typhus, North Asian tick fever/ Queensland tick typhus

Infections spread by ticks.

Pathogen : African tick typhus (Afr.T.T.): Rickettsia conorii and closely related Rickettsia.
Siberian tick typhus (Sib.T.T.): Rickettsia sibirica.
Queensland tick typhus (Que.T.T.): Rickettsia australis (3) (Rickettsia)
Distribution : Afr.T.T.: Africa, the Mediterranean, the Middle-east, India (16), and possibly
Sib.T.T.: the Asian parts of the former USSR, Mongolia, and China.
Que.T.T.: Australia (3)
Symptoms : mild infections do occur. Occasionally a small black ulcer is visible where the
tick was attached (3). Other symptoms are a skin rash and fever (2)
Severity : the infections have a negligible case fatality rate (210,221)
Incubation period : Afr.T.T.: usually 5 to 7 days.
Sib.T.T.: 2 to 7 days.
Que.T.T.: 7 to 10 days (3)
Duration : in some cases the illness can last up to 2 weeks (3)
Communicability : the ticks remain infective for life (about 18 months) (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection occurs through the
bite of an infective tick; or
through contact of broken
skin or mucous membranes with
body tissue or faeces of the tick Blood




Transmission to offspring Oral

Transmission : the tick can either receive the infection from its parents, or by feeding on an
infected animal. People are usually infected when a tick bites. Crushed ticks,
or tick excreta, can cause infection when in contact with broken skin or
mucous membranes. The tick must be attached for at least 4 to 6 hours
before the pathogen is able to cause infection (3)
Reservoir : the reservoirs for all infections are rodents (2,3), dogs (3,16), and other animals.
Ticks are a reservoir as they can transmit the infection to their offspring (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 225 17/03/2003, 15:42


Vector/int. host : the vectors for these infections are ticks:

Afr.T.T.: Haemaphysalis leachi, Amblyomma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus
appendiculatus, Boophilus decoloratus, Hyalomma aegyptium. In the
Mediterranean the vector is the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus).
Sib.T.T.: Dermacentor spp. and Haemaphysalis spp..
Que.T.T.: Ixodes holocyclus (3)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : where people are at risk of ticks
Risk in disaster : the infections will normally not be a problem in disasters (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Control of ticks (3)

The entire body should be searched every 3 to 4 hours in a risk area (3)

Clothing should cover skin, repellents can be used (3)

Avoiding areas with many ticks (3)

Removing ticks from dogs (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control and avoidance of ticks (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 226 17/03/2003, 15:42


Typhus (tick-borne) fever, Rocky mountain spotted fever

An infection transmitted by ticks. The pathogen causes a potentially dangerous illness. The infection
only occurs in South, Central, and North America.

Pathogen : Rickettsia rickettsii (3) (Rickettsia) (73)

Distribution : the infection can be found in South, Central, and North America (73)

Symptoms : sudden onset of fever, malaise, headache, muscle pains, and skin rash (73)
Severity : the case fatality rate is between 13 and 25%; with adequate treatment this
can be brought down to below 5% (3)
Incubation period : 3 to 13 days (73)
Duration : the illness lasts several weeks (44)
Communicability : ticks remain infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3,73)

Infection occurs through the

bite of an infective tick; or
through contact of broken
skin or mucous membranes with
body tissue or faeces of the tick Blood




Transmission to offspring Oral

Transmission : ticks can pass the pathogen to their offspring, and are either infected in this
way, or when feeding on a host (73). Humans are infected by the bite of a tick
(a tick must be attached for at least 4 hours to transmit the pathogen), or
through contact of tick faeces, or a crushed tick, with broken skin or mucous
membranes (3)
Reservoir : rodents and other small mammals are the main reservoir (45). Dogs are a
potential reservoir (3). As the ticks transmit the infection to their offspring
they serve as a reservoir to the pathogen (16)
Vector/int. host : the vector of the infection are ticks: in Central and South America the main
vector is Amblyomma cajennense (3); in Mexico: Rhipicephalus sanguineas
. In the USA, the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), the Rocky
Mountain wood tick (D. andersoni) and occasionally the Lone Star tick
(Amblyomma americanum) play a role in transmission (3)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : where contact with ticks is likely


cpd-annexe1.pmd 227 17/03/2003, 15:42


Risk in disaster : the infection is not a priority in a disaster (3)

Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoidance of tick-infested areas (73)

Search the entire body regularly when in an area at risk (3)

Control of ticks (3)

Control of dogs (73)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of ticks (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 228 17/03/2003, 15:42


Haemorrhagic fevers: (Tick-borne arboviral), Crimean-Congo

haemorrhagic fever, Central Asian haemorrhagic fever/ Omsk
haemorrhagic fever/ Kyasanur forest disease

Infections transmitted by ticks. Severe cases can show bleedings.

Pathogen : Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus and
Kyasanur forest disease virus (3)
Distribution : Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (C.C.H.F): tropical and South Africa, the
former USSR, the southern parts of eastern Europe, Middle-east, Pakistan,
and China (3).
Omsk haemorrhagic fever (O.H.F.): the Omsk region in Siberia (16).
Kyasanur forest disease (K.F.D.): the Kyasanur forest in India (3)
Symptoms : C.C.H.F.: asymptomatic infections do occur (16). Symptoms are fever, malaise,
pains, skin rash, possibly bleeding from gums, nose and intestines (3). In
Africa cases with bleeding are rare (16)
O.H.F. and K.F.D. : symptoms are chills, headache, fever, pains, conjunctivitis
is common, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Severe cases may develop bleeding.
Cases of K.F.D. sometimes develop problems in the central nervous system

Severity : C.C.H.F.: the case fatality rate is between 2% (3) and 30% to 50%. The higher
fatality rates tend to occur in outbreaks. In Africa deaths due to the infection
are uncommon.

O.H.F.: the case fatality rate is 1% to 3% (16).
K.F.D.: the case fatality rate is estimated at 1% to 10% (3)
Incubation period : C.C.H.F.: transmission through a tick-bite: 1 to 3 days (with a maximum of 9
days); transmission through contact with infected blood, secretions, or body
tissues: 5 to 6 days (with a maximum of 13 days) (83).
O.H.F.: usually 3 to 8 days (3).
K.F.D.:3 to 12 days (73)
Duration :the illnesses may last for weeks. Complete recovery may take a long time (3)
Communicability : ticks remain infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3,16)


C.C.H.F. can be transmitted Human

through contact with blood or
secretions of infected persons
Infection occurs through tick-bite; Blood
C.C.H.F. can be transmitted
through contact with blood or
secretions of infected animals;
O.H.F. can be transmitted
through direct contact with Tick
infected muskrats

Transmission to offspring


cpd-annexe1.pmd 229 17/03/2003, 15:42


Transmission : ticks are infected either through their parents, or by feeding on an infected
host. The infections are transmitted to people through the bite of an infective
tick. C.C.H.F. can be transmitted through contact with blood and secretions
of infected persons or reservoir animals (3). Persons commonly acquire O.H.F.
through direct contact with infected muskrats. The possibility of air-borne
transmission is suspected with C.C.H.F. and O.H.F..
Outbreaks are possible with all of the infections. Epidemics of C.C.H.F. can
occur in endemic areas. For O.H.F. there is risk of an outbreak if there is a
high mortality in muskrats (16)
Reservoir : C.C.H.F.: hares, birds, and domestic animals (sheep, goats, cattle) (3).
O.H.F.: the main reservoir is the muskrat, but other rodents serve as reservoirs
too (16).
K.F.D.: probably rodents, shrews, and monkeys (3).
Ticks transmit the pathogens to their offspring, and are therefore reservoirs

Vector/int. host : ticks are the vector of these infections:

C.C.H.F.: Hyalomma marginatum, H.anatolicum, possibly other ticks (3).
O.H.F.: Dermacentor pictus and D.marginatus (16).
K.F.D.: probably Haemaphysalis spinigera (3)
Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : C.C.H.F.: most cases occur in persons working closely with animals, medical
personnel working with infected persons, and close contacts of cases (3).
O.H.F.: most at risk are trappers and people working in water-courses (16).
K.F.D.: the infection occurs mainly in the dry season in young men who come

in contact with the forest (3)

Risk in disaster : the infections will not be a priority in disasters (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoidance of tick-infested areas (3)

Search the entire body regularly when in an area at risk (3)


Control of ticks (3)

With C.C.H.F. people at risk can be vaccinated (73)

Patients with C.C.H.F. must be kept in strict isolation (16)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of ticks (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 230 17/03/2003, 15:42


Encephalitis (Tick-borne arboviral): Far eastern tick-borne encephalitis,

Russian spring-summer encephalitis / Central European tick-borne
encephalitis/ Powassan virus encephalitis

Infections transmitted by ticks. The pathogens occur in the former USSR, Europe, and northern

Pathogen : a group of closely related arboviruses (3)

Distribution : Far eastern tick-borne encephalitis (F.E.E.): mainly in the far eastern parts of
the former USSR.
Central European tick-borne encephalitis (C.E.E.): mainly in Europe.
Powassan virus encephalitis (P.V.E.): Russia, the USA, and Canada (3)
Symptoms : symptoms are fever, headache, disorientation, and meningitis. F.E.E. can
result in epilepsy and paralysis (3)
Severity : F.E.E.: the case fatality rate can be up to 30%.
C.E.E.: the case fatality rate is around 3% (16).
P.V.E.: has a case fatality rate of around 10% (3)
Incubation period : 7 to 14 days (73)
Duration : illness will last several weeks (3)
Communicability : infected ticks remain infective for life (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection occurs through the bite
of an infected tick; C.E.E. has
been transmitted by raw milk

Tick A1

Transmission to offspring

Transmission : ticks are infected either by receiving the pathogen from their parents, or by
feeding on an infected host. Humans are infected when an infective tick
feeds on them. C.E.E. has been transmitted by ingesting raw milk (3). Outbreaks
can occur after periods in which voles have been numerous (16)
Reservoir : the reservoirs of the infections are rodents, other mammals, and birds (3).
Infected ticks can pass the pathogens to their offspring and are therefore a
reservoir (221, 241)
Vector/int. host : the vectors of the infections are ticks: in the eastern parts of the former
USSR mainly Ixodes persulcatus, in the western parts of the former USSR
and Europe the main vector is I.ricinus, and in the USA and Canada I.cookei


cpd-annexe1.pmd 231 17/03/2003, 15:42


Water-related : no
Excreta-related : no
Environment : F.E.E. occurs mainly in spring and early summer, and is an infection of the
forest and taiga. C.E.E. is associated with forests and occurs in late spring to
early autumn (16). P.V.E. can mainly be found in rural or forested zones (3)
Risk in disaster : the infections will not be a priority in a disaster (3)
Remarks : -

Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoidance of tick-infested areas (3)

the entire body should be regularly searched for ticks when in an area
at risk (3)
Control of ticks (3)

Immunisation is possible (3)

Where C.E.E. occurs milk should be pasteurised (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of ticks (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 232 17/03/2003, 15:42


Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis

An infections transmitted by ticks. The pathogen occurs in the former USSR, China, Japan, Europe,
and northern America.

Pathogen : Borrelia burgdorferi (3) (Bacterium)

Gen. description : an infection which occurs in the former USSR, China, Japan, Europe, and
northern America. Symptoms are: an expanding red mark (ring-shaped) at
the place of the tick-bite, malaise, fever, headache, and pains in muscles.
Weeks to months after the bite, problems in the nervous system may arise
. Intermittent arthritis will occur in 60% of the cases (45). The incubation
period (for the red mark) is 3 to 30 days (73). If untreated, the infection can
last for years and result in severe chronic health problems (3)

Transmission cycle (3)

Infection occurs through the bite

of an infected tick




Transmission to offspring

Transmission : ticks are infected either through their parents or by feeding on an infected A1
host. Humans are infected through an infective tick-bite. In tests ticks had to
be attached for over 24 hours to animals before transmission of the pathogen
occurred (3)
Reservoir : the reservoirs of the infection are rodents and other animals. Dogs, cattle,
and horses can develop the illness. Ticks serve as reservoirs as they can
transmit the pathogen to their offspring (3)
Vector/int. host : the vectors of the infections are ticks: in Asia Ixodes persulcatus, in Europe
I.ricinus, and in the USA I.pacificus and I.scapularis (3)
Environment : infection usually occurs in summer (when the ticks are most active) (3)


cpd-annexe1.pmd 233 17/03/2003, 15:42


Preventative measures Potential effect

Avoidance of tick-infested areas (3)

Regularly search the entire body for ticks when in an area at risk (3)

Control of ticks (3)

Health and hygiene promotion (3)

Epidemic measures : control of ticks (3)



cpd-annexe1.pmd 234 17/03/2003, 15:42


Annexe 2

Summary tables of infections related

to water and environmental sanitation
(excluding vector-borne infections)



cpd-annexe2.pmd 235 17/03/2003, 12:12

A2 Annexes

Table A2.1: Faecal-oral infections

Occurrence Measures of control

y s

a i lit m
ic ng ni es
er l ity il ab hi ne a fli
m a a s n g ie ic
.A qu av io ic
S ir r r wa t at hy e st e st
Infection or r vo te te nd ni od Additional
/ se wa wa ha sa fo d om d om
nd re g g measures
la in in i ng i ng i ng l of l of
a ra al ov ov ov ov ov
c t m pr pr pr pr pr n tro n tro
A fri A sia en A ni Im Im Im
C Im Im Co Co

Faecal-oral diseases ! ! ! p ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ p p

Diarrhoeal diseases ! ! ! p ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ p p

Campylobacter enteritis ! ! ! ! ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ –

Bacterial enteritis* ! ! ! p ++ +++ +++ + ++ – –

Salmonellosis ! ! ! ! ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ n.s. –

Yersiniosis ++ +++ +++ + ++ n.s. –

! ! ! !
Bacillary dysentery – ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ – n.s.
! ! !
Cholera care in handling, and burial,

17/03/2003, 12:12
– +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ – n.s.(a)

! ! ! of the dead
+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; p: possible, depending on the pathogen ;
- : no, or not effective

: where contaminated wastes are present

*caused by E.coli
Table A2.1: Faecal-oral infections (continued)

Occurrence Measures of control

y s
a ilit al
ic y b n g e i m es
er lit ila hi n en an fli
m a a s i
.A qu av wa tio h yg tic tic
Infection ir er er ta d es es Additional
o rS r vo t t nd ni o m m
d/ se wa wa ha sa fo do do measures
n e g g ng f f
la lr i ng i ng vin vin i lo lo
a ov ov o o ov ro ro
ri ca ia n tra i m pr pr pr pr pr nt nt
Af As Ce An Im Im Im Im Im Co Co

Rotaviral enteritis ! ! ! – ? ? ? ? ? – ?

Epidemic viral gasteroenteropathy – n.s. +? n.s.? + + – –

! ! !
Amoebiasis ! ! ! – n.s. ++ ++ ++ + – n.s.

Giardiasis – ++ ++ ++ + + – –
! ! !
Cryptosporidiosis n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. –
! ! ! !
Balantidiasis ! n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. –
! ! !

(para-) typhoid fever ! ! ! – +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ – n.s. control of food handlers

17/03/2003, 12:12
Hepatitis A and E ! ! ! – n.s. +? n.s.? + + – –

Poliomyelitis ! ! – – – +? n.s.? n.s. + – – immunisation: +++

+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; ?: uncertain - : no, or not effective

A2 Annexes
A2 Annexes

Table A2.1: Faecal-oral infections (continued)

Occurrence Measures of control

y s

a ilit al
ic y b n g e i m es
er lit ila hi n en an fli
m a a as i
.A qu av tio h yg tic tic
Infection ir er er dw ita d es es Additional
o rS r vo t t n n o m m
d/ se wa wa ha sa fo do do measures
n e g ng ng of of
la lr i ng i ng vin i i l l
a ov ov o ov ov
ri ca ia n tra i m pr pr pr pr pr n tro n tro
Af As Ce An Im Im Im Im Im Co Co

Hymenolepiasis ! ! ! – n.s. + + + ? n.s.(a) –

Pinworm infection ! ! ! – – + + n.s. – – – hygiene of bedding and clothes

Hydatid disease ! ! ! !(b) – ++ ++ n.s.(b) n.s. n.s.(b) –

Cysticercosis – – ++ ++ n.s. n.s. – –

! ! !
+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; - : no, or not effective

: possibly mice
: dogs

17/03/2003, 12:12
Table A2.2: Water-based helminths (schistosomiasis and water-based helminths
with 2 intermediate hosts)

Occurrence Measures of control

n s
a io a ils al
ic t t m
er ac a ra r sn a ni
m nt n te ic
A o t io ep a t
S. r rc ita pr es t
Infection r v oi te n od s hw en Additional
/o er sa fo f re d om m
d s wa t measures
an re ng i ng i ng l of l of ea
a l al ci ov tr
c t ra m u ov tro tro s
fri sia ni ed pr pr n n as
A A C en A R Im Im Co Co M

Schistosomiasis ! ! ! !(a) +++ + – n.s. – n.s.

Fasciolopsiasis – ! – ! – +(b) +++ – n.s.(b) –

Fascioliasis ! ! ! ! – n.s.(c) n.s. n.s. n.s. –

Clonorchiasis/Opisthorchiasis – ! – ! – + +++ – n.s. –

Diphyllobothriasis ! ! ! ! – + +++ – – n.s.

Paragonimiasis ! ! ! ! – + +++ n.s. n.s. – care in disposal of sputum


+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; - : no, or not effective

17/03/2003, 12:12
: for S.japonicum
: pigs
: domestic animals

A2 Annexes
A2 Annexes

Table A2.3: Soil-transmitted helminths

Occurrence Measures of control

a lit
ic bi g
er ila h in ne s
m a n g ie oe
.A av as io sh
S o ir r dw t at hy d t
Infection rv te n ni od en Additional
/ or e wa ha sa o se m
nd es g fo cl measures
ng ng ng at
la a lr i vin i i g tre
ca tra m ov o ov ov rin s
ri ia n i pr pr pr pr ea as
Af As Ce An Im Im Im Im W M

Hookworm disease ! ! ! – – – +++ – +++ +++

Strongyloidiasis ! ! ! – – – +++ – +++ –

Roundworm infection ! ! ! – ++ ++ +++ + – +++

Trichuriasis ! ! ! – + + + + – n.s.

+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness
– is not specified;
– - : no, or not effective

17/03/2003, 12:12
Table A2.4: Beek and pork tapeworm

Occurrence Measures of control

er ne
m n g ie
.A r io
S t at hy n

Infection oi ni
/ or e rv od c tio Additional measures
sa fo
a nd r es g g s pe
a r al al o vin o vin t in
ric ia nt im pr pr ea
Af As Ce An Im Im M

Beef tapeworm ! ! ! – +++ +++ +

Measures against cysticercosis can be found under
Pork tapeworm ! ! ! – +++ +++ + faecal-oral infections

Table A2.5: Leptospirosis and guinea-worm infection

Occurrence Measures of control

a al
ic l ity t i m
er ua t ac e ne an
Am q on gi
. r t er c hy tic
rS oi er es
Infection /o rv wa at od om Additional measures
e g w fo
nd r es in g fd
a r iv n lo

a r al al ov rce cing
p ou o r o
ric ia nt im Im t s du pr nt
Af As Ce An a Re Im Co

17/03/2003, 12:12
Leptospirosis ! ! ! ! – +++ ++ n.s. control of rodents

Guinea-worm infection (a)

! – – +++ n.s. – – control of Cyclops spp.

+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; - : no, or not effective

: in Yemen

A2 Annexes
A2 Annexes

Table A2.6: Infections transmitted through direct contact

Occurrence Measures of control

y od

a i lit b
ic ab ng of es
er il hi th
e fli
m a s wi i c
.A r av wa i en
g s t es
Infection S oi t er n d yg es c as
o r r v a h a
e i
lin mal
o m Additional
d/ e wa h g of
an es g g in es d an of d nt measures
l a lr v in v in r ov oth e in tic l e
a ra o o p cl ar es ro tm
ric ia nt im pr pr Im nd C om nt ea
Af As Ce An Im Im a d Co Tr

Conjunctivitis ! ! ! – +++ n.s. n.s. – n.s. n.s.

Trachoma ! ! ! – ++ n.s. n.s. – n.s. n.s.

Yaws ! ! ! – ++ – n.s. – n.s. n.s.

Leprosy ! ! ! – p – p – – n.s.

Scabies ! ! ! – +++ – n.s. – – n.s.

Tinea ! ! ! ! ++ – n.s. n.s. – n.s.

+++: very effective; ++: effective; +: some effect; n.s.: extent of effectiveness is not specified; p: possibly effective - : no, or not effective

17/03/2003, 12:12

Annexe 3

Summary tables of vector-borne infections,

vectors and their control



cpd-annexe3.pmd 243 17/03/2003, 12:12

A3 Annexes

Table A3.1: Vector-borne infections with their vectors (3,73)

Infection g
bu e
to fly d us
ui e fly fly fly vii lo

o sq e ts nd a ck er du ea dy ite k
M Ts Sa Bl De Re Fl Bo M Tic

Yellow fever Ae

Dengue fever Ae
Ae; Cu;
Ma; An
Mosquito-borne arboviral encephalitis Cu

Mosquito-borne arboviral fevers Ae; Cu
Ae; Cu;
Mosquito-borne arboviral arthritis Ma; An

Malaria An

Sleeping sickness !

Leishmaniasis !

Bartonellosis !

17/03/2003, 12:12

Sandfly-borne arboviral fevers !

River blindness !

Loiasis !

American trypanosomiasis !
Mosquito: Ae (Aedes spp.); Cu (Culex spp.); Ma (Mansonia spp.); An (Anopheles spp.)
Table A3.1: Vector-borne infections with their vectors (continued) (3,73)

Infection g
bu e
to fly d us

ui e f ly k fly f ly vii lo
o sq e ts nd ac er du ea dy ite k
M Ts Sa Bl De Re Fl Bo M Tic

Plague !

Murine typhus fever ! Oc. Oc. Oc.

Louse-borne typhus fever !

Louse-borne relapsing fever !

Trench fever !

Scrub typhus !

Tick-borne relapsing fever !

… tick typhus !

Tick-borne typhus fever !

17/03/2003, 12:12
Tick-borne arboviral haemorrhagic fever !

Tick-borne arboviral encephalitis !


Lyme disease !

… tick typhus: African tick typhus, Siberian tick typhus, Queensland tick typhus
Oc.: occasional transmission is possible.

A3 Annexes
A3 Annexes

Table A3.2: The vectors and their characteristics (rats have been included) (from 61,67,77,80)

Vector I/O(a) D/N(b) Breeding sites Resting sites Range Additional information

Mosquito I/O D water bodies with most species outdoors, 0.1-0.8 km eggs can withstand
Aedes spp. fluctuating water levels, but Aedes aegypti in and desiccation for
containers in refuse, water around houses months.Generation cycle:

storage tanks, usually 8-10 days
clean water
Mosquito I/O N organically polluted water: indoors and outdoors in 0.1-0.8 km Generation cycle: 8-10
Culex spp. latrines, sceptic tanks, sheltered, shaded places days
blocked drains
Mosquito I/O N water bodies with usually outdoors ?
Mansonia spp. permanent vegetation:
swamps, ponds, canals
Mosquito I/O N lakes, pools, puddles, indoors and outdoors in 2 km Generation cycle: 10-14
Anopheles spp. slow-flowing streams; sheltered places days

often in sunlight and with
vegetation, clean water
Tsetse fly O D in shaded moist soil: under in shaded places in 2-4 km Generation cycle: 60
(Glossina spp.) bushes, logs, stones, leaf forests, vegetation days
Sandfly I/O D/N humus-rich damp soil; shaded, sheltered, humid 200 m Generation cycle: 6-8
(Phlebotomus spp.; deep cracks in soil, rodent places weeks
Lutzomyia spp.) burrows, termite hills
Blackfly O D fast-flowing, shallow, outdoors 10 km Generation cycle: 2-3
(Simulium spp.) ‘white water’ in rivers and weeks

17/03/2003, 12:12

Reduviid bug I N cracks in walls, other cracks in walls or floors, 10-20 m The bugs can survive for
(Triatoma spp.) indoor hiding places furniture, thatched roofs up to 4 months without a
blood meal. Generation
cycle: 6-24 months

I/O: the biting place is indoors (I) or outdoors (O)
D/N: the time of activity is during the day (D) or during the night (N)
n/a: not applicable
Table A3.2: The vectors and their characteristics (continued) (from 61,67,77,80)

Vector I/O(a) D/N(b) Breeding sites Resting sites Range Additional information

Flea I D/N close to sleeping and animals, beds, clothing n/a vector fleas are associ-

(Xenopsylla spp.; resting place of the host; ated with rats; may
Pulex irritans) in cracks in walls or floors, survive for up to 1 year in
animal burrows vacant houses. Genera-
tion cycle: 8 weeks
Body louse n/a D/N seams in clothing clothes n/a can only survive for up to
(Pediculus humanus 1 week off people.
corporis) Generation cycle: 3
Mite O D often artificially created often artificially created n/a
(Leptotrombidium environments: where environments: where
jungle has been replaced jungle has been replaced

by scrubs, jungle grass by scrubs, jungle grass
Tick I/O D depending on the sort indoors: cracks in walls, n/a different ticks can act as
(many different types) floors and furniture; vector of different
outdoors: sheltered places diseases
Domestic fly n/a D organic material: faeces, outdoors and indoors 5 km domestic flies are
(Musca spp.) corpses, food mechanical vectors.
Generation cycle: 7-14
Cockroach n/a N sheltered, warm and damp sheltered, warm and damp ? Generation cycle: 2-3
(several types) places places months

17/03/2003, 12:12
Rat n/a N buildings, burrows, sewers, buildings, burrows, sewers, 50-80 m Generation cycle: 3-4
(Rattus spp.) refuse dumps refuse dumps months

I/O: the biting place is indoors (I) or outdoors (O)
D/N: the time of activity is during the day (D) or during the night (N)
n/a: not applicable

A3 Annexes
A3 Annexes

Table A3.3: Preventative measures against vectors (rats have been included) (adapted from 21,61,67,73,77,78)

ne n
, g ie e n io ity
t s y a st g e i o t at
h t oc es

e n es l o n e w r a a g e l l ur
ll h a ti o g t ve ve s
Vector ts on i ta n ag o lid t st s in ge w n tro ea
r e pe clot e r s n a i s n d u v e i c o o
dn pe sa dr o d at fl lm
of ive be ve e fo ho qu g lc
f v e v e v e p ro gem ve v e l an a g in i ca o na
s e ect
o o o o o o r r s iti
U rot e pr pr pr Im ana pr pr ea ea an em ap d
p Us Im Im Im m Im Im Cl Cl Ch Ch Tr Ad

Mosquito: Aedes ++ + – + ++ ++ – ++ + + +(1) ++ – (a)

Mosquito: Culex ++ ++ – ++ ++ ++ – ++ + + +(1) ++ –

Mosquito: Mansonia ++ ++ – – + – – ++ – ++ +(1) – – (b)

Mosquito: Anopheles ++ ++ – – ++ – – ++ + + +(1) ++ – (b), (c)

Tsetse fly + – – – – – – – ++ – – + ++

Sandfly ++ ++ – n.s. n.s. n.s. – ++ ++ – – ++ – (d)

Blackfly ++ – – – – – – – – +(2) ++ – (e)

++ : effective; + : limited effect; n.s. : extent of effectiveness is not specified; - : not effective

17/03/2003, 12:12

: increasing velocities in streams, rivers, channels
: modifying streams so that the creation of ‘white’, turbulent water is avoided
(a): fill up, remove, cover or repair all ‘vessels’ in the domestic area (e.g. old tyres, buckets, domestic water storage reservoirs, barrels, gutters, holes in
construction blocks, old cars or machines)
(b): introduce larvivorous fish
(c): it is sometimes possible to divert mosquitoes to domestic animals
(d): destruction of rodent colonies; avoiding places where sandflies rest or breed
(e): avoidance of areas where the blackfly is abundant (e.g. rapids in streams)
Table A3.3: Preventative measures against vectors (continued) (adapted from 21,61,67,73,77,78)

ne n
, g ie e tio ity
s h y a st ge i on ta s
n t s
l o n e w r a a t g e l oc l re
ll e the a ti g id o g t v e u
ts on na st in ge ve w tro as
Vector e pe clo
n e r s n ita a i s ol nt d u s v e t i c l o o n e

sa o f l m
of ive ed pe dr ve e fo ho nd ua g lc
fb ve ve ve p ro gem ve v e la aq g in i ca na
s e ect
o o o o a o o r r s tio
U rot e pr pr pr Im an pr pr ea ea an em ap di
p Us Im Im Im m Im Im Cl Cl Ch Ch Tr Ad

Reduviid bug – + – – – n.s. – ++ n.s. – – ++ –

Flea ++ – n.s. – – ++ – ++ – – – ++ – (f)

Body louse – – ++ – – – – – – – – ++ – (g)

Mite ++ – – – – – – – + – – ++ – (h)

Tick ++ ++(3) – – – – – n.s.(3) n.s. – – ++ – (i)

Domestic fly – ++(4) – ++ n.s. ++ n.s. + – – – ++ ++

Cockroach – ++(4) – n.s. n.s. ++ n.s. + – – – n.s. n.s.

Rat (5) – – – n.s. n.s. ++ n.s. ++(a) n.s. – – ++ ++

++ : effective; + : limited effect; n.s. : extent of effectiveness is not specified; - : not effective

17/03/2003, 12:12
: only effective against soft ticks (the vector of tick-borne relapsing fever) which live in the house
: correct use of fly-nets will prevent flies and cockroaches from reaching food or babies

: where flea-borne infections (plague, murine typhus fever) are present, or a risk, fleas must be successfully controlled before rat control begins
(f): improve hygiene of the house
(g): clothing has to be cleaned and treated with insecticide; mass treatment is necessary; treatment of bedding
(h): avoid ‘mite islands’
(i): check body after visiting tick-infested areas; treating domestic animals with insecticide

A3 Annexes


cpd-annexe3.pmd 250 17/03/2003, 12:12


Annexe 4

Chlorination of drinking-water



cpd-annexe4.pmd 251 17/03/2003, 12:14


Chlorination of drinking water

In this annexe we will show how the chlorine demand of water can be determined,
and how to calculate the amount of chlorine that should be added in the treatment
of a batch of water, and in a continuous supply.

Materials needed:
! Turbidity tube (preferably)
! Chlorine-generating product (e.g. HTH)
! Tablespoon (or other object which contains around 15 ml)
! Measuring jug
! Non-metallic vessels (e.g. plastic buckets) with a volume of 5 litres or more
! Syringe (without needle)
! Pooltester with DPD1 tablets
! A watch
! Possibly a calculator

Assessing whether the raw water can be chlorinated directly

The water which is going to be treated should be relatively limpid (transparent).
Suspended matter in the water can protect pathogens from the effect of chlorine,

and chlorination will only be effective if the water contains little suspended

The amount of suspended matter in the water can be determined by measuring its
turbidity. This can be done with a turbidity tube. A turbidity tube is a closed tube
with a mark on the bottom. The tube is completely filled with water and the mark
is observed through the water in the tube. The water is tipped out in small
quantities until the mark is just visible. The turbidity of the water is determined by
reading up to where the water comes on the scale on the side of the tube.

If no turbidity tube is available, the turbidity is probably acceptable if a small

black cross on a white background is visible through about 0.6 metres of water
(this is a turbidity of roughly 5 NTU).

Although chlorination is relatively effective at a turbidity of up to 20 NTU, the

water should normally have a turbidity below 5 NTU (21). If the turbidity of the
water is higher, than some form of treatment (e.g. sedimentation, rough filtration,
coagulation) will be necessary to remove the suspended material.

It should be remembered that the turbidity of surface water will normally fluctuate
with the seasons.


cpd-annexe4.pmd 252 17/03/2003, 12:14


The mother solution and chlorine-generating products

The most appropriate way of chlorinating water is usually by adding a mother
solution to the raw water. A mother solution is a solution with a specific percent-
age of chlorine. Often a mother solution with a chlorine content of 1% (containing
10 grams of chlorine per litre) is used.

The mother solution is made by mixing the chemical which generates chlorine
with water. How much of the chemical is needed to make a 1% solution will
depend on its chlorine content. Table A4.1 present some common chlorine-
generating products with their form, their chlorine content in percentage, and how
1 litre of mother solution of 1% chlorine can be made.

Table A4.1. Common chlorine-generating products with some of their characteristics

Product Form Chlorine How to make 1 litre of mother

content solution

High Test Hypochlorite granules ± 70 % Mix 15 gram (± 1 tablespoon (a)) with

(HTH) 1 litre of water

Bleaching powder powder ± 30 % Mix 33 grams (± 2 tablespoons (a))
with 1 litre of water

Liquid laundry bleach liquid ±5% Mix 200 ml of liquid bleach with 800
ml of water

: 1 tablespoon has a volume of 15 ml

If other chlorine-generating products are used, the quantity of product needed to

make one litre of a 1% mother solution can be calculated with the formula:

Qty = 10 x ( Clcont

Qty : amount of product needed to make 1 litre of a 1% mother solution (in

grams or ml)
Clcont : chlorine content of the product (in %)

Thus if stabilised tropical bleach would be used with a chlorine content of 25%, the
amount that would have to be dissolved in 1 litre of water to make a 1% mother solution
is (10 x 100/25) = 40 grams.


cpd-annexe4.pmd 253 17/03/2003, 12:14


Chlorine-generating products do not support being exposed to light, air, metal, or

high temperatures. They should therefore be stored in dark, covered, non-metallic
containers in a cool place. As they can emit chlorine gas, the storage room should
be well ventilated.

Determining the chlorine demand of the raw water

The amount of mother solution that is needed to chlorinate the raw water will have
to be determined by experimentation.

A number of non-metallic vessels (e.g. plastic buckets or jerrycans) are filled with
a known amount of the raw water (e.g. 4 buckets filled with 10 litres of water).
Specific amounts of mother solution are added to each of the buckets with a
syringe (e.g. 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml, 1.5 ml and 2 ml). The water is well mixed, and left for
30 minutes.

After 30 minutes no more chlorine should be lost to consumed or combined

residual chlorine, and the content of free residual chlorine of the water can be
determined with a pooltester. A DPD1 tablet is added to the water in a pooltester,
and the tester is closed and vigorously shaken to dissolve the tablet. Chlorine in
the water will turn the water pink; the more chlorine there is, the darker the colour.

The content in free residual chlorine is determined by comparing the colour of the
water with a colour scale. We are looking for the dose which results in a free
residual chlorine content of 0.2-0.5 mg/l.

Imagine that our series would give the results:

Bucket Mother solution added to 10 litres Free residual chlorine (in mg/l)

1 1.5 ml 0 mg/l
2 2.0 ml 0 mg/l
3 2.5 ml 0.1 mg/l
4 3.0 ml 0.5 mg/l

In this case a dose of 2.7 ml to 3.0 ml of mother solution per 10 litres of raw water would
normally be adequate to reach a free residual chlorine content of 0.2-0,5 mg/l.

This method gives a rough indication of the chlorine demand of the raw water.
The free residual chlorine should be 0.2-0.5 mg/l at the point of distribution. As
the content of free residual chlorine may reduce during distribution, we may want


cpd-annexe4.pmd 254 17/03/2003, 12:14


to have a higher content of free residual chlorine when the water leaves the
treatment plant.

The content of the free residual chlorine in chlorinated water will have to be tested
continuously to make sure that treatment is still adequate. The chlorine demand of
the raw water will often not be constant over time.

Chlorinating a batch of water

If a batch of water has to be treated, the amount of mother solution that is needed
can be calculated with the formula:

Msbat = ( Volbat
) x Mstest

Msbat : the amount of mother solution required to chlorinate the batch of raw
water (in ml)
Volbat : the volume of the batch of water which has to be treated (in litres)
Voltest : the volume of water that was used in the test (in litres)

Mstest : the amount of mother solution which was required to chlorinate the
water in the test (in ml)

Thus, if in our example we need a free residual chlorine content of 0.5 mg/l, and we want
to treat the water in a reservoir of 15m3 (15,000 litres), the amount of mother solution
we would have to add would be (15,000/10 x 3) = 4,500 ml (= 4.5 litres).

Chlorinating a continuous supply of water

If a continuous supply of water has to be chlorinated, the amount of mother
solution that has to be added per unit of time can be calculated with the formula:

RateMs = ( Flowsup
) x Mstest

RateMs : the rate at which mother solution has to be added to the supply (in
Flowsup : the flow of the supply of raw water (in litres/second)
Voltest : the volume of water that was used in the test (in litres)


cpd-annexe4.pmd 255 17/03/2003, 12:14


Mstest : the amount of mother solution which was required to chlorinate the
water in the test (in ml)

If we would want to treat the raw water of our example in a system with continuous supply
which has to deliver 1.67 litres/second (100 litres/minute), the mother solution would
have to be added to the raw water at a rate of (1.67/10 x 3) = 0.5 ml/second.


cpd-annexe4.pmd 256 17/03/2003, 12:14


Annexe 5

Sizing pits for pit latrines and

determining their infiltration capacity



cpd-annexe5.pmd 257 17/03/2003, 12:14


Calculating the size of pits for latrines, and assessing

their infiltration capacity
In this annexe we will look at how we can calculate the size of a pit of a pit latrine,
and we present a method for assessing how much liquid could be discharged in the

Materials needed:
! Ruler which allows to measure in mm
! A transparent jar with cover
! A watch which indicates seconds
! Possibly a calculator

Determining the required size of a pit

The liquids in the pit will normally infiltrate into the soil, and excreta and anal
cleansing material will decompose over time. What stays behind in the pit are
decomposed solids.

To determine what volume a pit will have to be, we have to know how much of
these solids (sludge) will accumulate during its period of use. Table E.1 presents

estimates on how much solids will accumulate in pits used under different
circumstances. These are the sludge accumulation rates.

Table A5.1. Approximate sludge accumulation rates in pit latrines (30)

Anal cleansing material Wet pit (a)

Dry pit (b)

Water 40 l/p/y 60 l/p/y

(0.04 m3/p/y) (0.06 m3/p/y)

Solid material 60 l/p/y 90 l/p/y

(e.g. stones, corncobs) (0.06 m3/p/y) (0.09 m3/p/y)

: a pit in which the excreta are in the (ground)water
: a pit in which the excreta are not in liquid

l/p/y : litres per person per year

m3/p/y : cubic metres per person per year

The values presented in table A5.1 are values that can be used when designing a
latrine which will be used for several years.


cpd-annexe5.pmd 258 17/03/2003, 12:14


It takes time for the solids to decompose, and the sludge will accumulate at a
higher rate over the short term. If a latrine is designed for short term use, the
accumulation rates from table E.1 will have to be multiplied by 1½.

The volume of the sludge that will accumulate over the design life (i.e. the total
time over which the pit will be used) can be calculated with the formula (30):

Vs = R x P x N

Vs : approximate volume of sludge that will be produced (in m3)

R : estimated sludge accumulation rate per person (see table E.1 (in m3/p/y))
P : the average number of people using the latrine over the design life
N : the design life of the pit (in years)

A family of 6, who would build a latrine with a dry pit, and who would use water for anal
cleansing, would accumulate over a period of 15 years a volume of around (0.06 x 6 x
15) = 5.4 m3.

Two additional things have to be taken into account when sizing the pit that has to

be dug: the pit should be taken out of use when the level of the sludge in the pit has
reached 0.5 metres below the slab (57), and if the pit needs to be lined, the lining
may take an important volume.

Thus, if in our example a rectangular pit would be dug of 1.6 x 1.4 metres, and it would
have to be lined from the bottom to the top1 with blocks 0.1 metres wide, the pit would
only have an effective size of around 1.4 x 1.2 metres (we lose the width of the blocks on
two sides). The horizontal surface of the pit would be (1.4 m x 1.2 m) = 1.68 m2. To be
able to contain 5.4 m3 of sludge, the pit would need to be (5.4 m3/1.68 m2) = 3.2
metres deep. As the top 0.5 metres of the pit can not be used, the total depth of the pit
should be (3.2 m + 0.5 m =) 3.7 metres.

Determining the infiltration capacity of the pit

To avoid that a structure will flow over, the infiltration capacity of the pit needs to
be sufficient to allow all the liquid to seep away. The infiltration capacity of a pit
depends mainly on the type of the liquid, the surface area which allows infiltra-
tion, and the soil type.

The liquid that seeps out of a latrine pit will cause a partial blockage of the pores
in the soil. This means that the infiltration capacity of a pit used for excreta will be
Only the top 0.5 metres of a lining should be completely sealed. Below this, the lining should have sufficient openings
to allow the liquid to seep into the surrounding soil


cpd-annexe5.pmd 259 17/03/2003, 12:14


much lower than the infiltration capacity of an identical pit used for clean water.
The figures we present here take into account this reduced capacity of infiltration
of the soil.

The bottom of the pit will most probably clog up and become impermeable.
Therefore only the vertical sides of the pit will be used to calculate the infiltration
capacity (30).

The area of the pit which allows infiltration is the surface area of the bare soil. An
impermeable lining (e.g. bricks, blocks, concrete) hinders infiltration. Only the
openings in the lining should therefore be used to determine the surface of the
infiltration area.

Liquid infiltrates into the soil because its hydraulic gradient is higher than that of
the water in the surrounding soil. Therefore only the surface of the pit above the
water table should be used to calculate the infiltration area (57).

In other words, the effective infiltration area is all bare soil on the vertical sides of
a pit which are above the groundwater table (and below 0.5 metres under the slab).

In our example the actual size of the pit is 1.4 x 1.2 x 3.7 metres. As the top 0.5 metres
of the pit should not be used, the effective depth of the pit is 3.2 metres. The pit will thus
have two sides of 1.4 x 3.2 metres, and two sides of 1.2 x 3.2 metres. This gives a total
surface area of ((2 x (1.4 x 3.2)) + (2 x (1.2 x 3.2))) = 16.6 m2. If the blocks are laid in
a honeycomb structure which leaves ¼ of the soil exposed, the effective area of
infiltration will be (¼ x 16.6 m2) = 4.2 m2. As the pit is dry, all this area is used.

(However, if during the wet season there is 1.5 metres of water in the pit, the effective
depth of the pit would be (3.2 – 1.5 m) = 1.7 metres. The effective size of the pit would
be ((2 x (1.4 x 1.7)) + (2 x (1.2 x 1.7))) = 8.8 m2, and the area of infiltration (¼ x 8.8
m2) = 2.2 m2).

To estimate the potential infiltration capacity of the soil the following method can
be used.

A transparent jar is half filled with soil, and topped up to three quarters with water.
The jar is shaken vigorously to bring all soil in suspension and to break up all soil

(no lumps of soil should be left). The jar is placed on a flat surface and the time
taken. A mark is made to where the particles have settled after 25 seconds; this
part are stones and sand. A second mark is made after 60 seconds, this part is silt.
After 24 hours, clay will have settled out.


cpd-annexe5.pmd 260 17/03/2003, 12:14


If the sample contains sand, silt and clay, three layers will have been identified. An
estimate of the percentages of the different categories of particles can be found
with the formula:

Perlay = ( Thlay
) x 100 %

Perlay : percentage of the specific category of particles

Thlay : thickness of the specific layer (in mm)
Thtot : total thickness of all layers (in mm)

There are four possibilities (adapted from 249,268,281):

Sand Silt Clay Infiltration capacity

(in litres per m2 per day)

- - over 40% under 10 l/m2/d

- over 50% 20-40% around 10 l/m2/d
over 50% under 50% under 20% around 25 l/m2/d

over 90% - - around 33 l/m2/d
- : percentage is unimportant

If we would find in our test a layer of sand of 31 mm, silt 20 mm, and clay 6 mm (total
thickness of all layers: 57 mm), than the percentages of the different particles would be:
sand ((31/57 mm) x 100%) = 54%; silt ((20/57 mm) x 100%) = 35%; and clay ((6/57
mm) x 100%) = 11%. This would mean that the infiltration capacity of our soil would
probably be around 25 l/m2/d.

The infiltration capacity of a pit can be calculated with the formula:

Icpit = Apit x Icsoil

Icpit : infiltration capacity of the pit (in litres/day)

Apit : effective surface of infiltration of the soil (in m2)
Icsoil : the infiltration capacity of the soil (in litres/m2/day)

In the latrine of our example, the pit could deal with a supply of around (4.2 m2 x 25 l/m2/
d) = 105 litres per day. This means that if the local water usage is around 15 litres per
person per day, it would be acceptable for the 6 users to dispose of their wastewater in
the latrine. If the water supply would be upgraded though, the latrine would probably not
be able to cope with the wastewater.


cpd-annexe5.pmd 261 17/03/2003, 12:14



cpd-annexe5.pmd 262 17/03/2003, 12:14


Annexe 6

Designing a simple drainage

system for stormwater



cpd-annexe6.pmd 263 17/03/2003, 12:15


Designing a simple stormwater drainage system

In this annexe we present a method to estimate how much stormwater a catchment
area will produce, and how a drain can be sized to remove this water.
This method can be used to design a simple drainage system, or to determine
whether a proposed drainage system is realistic.

Materials needed:
! A map of the catchment area with gradient lines, or a study of the catchment
area from which it is possible to calculate its gradients and boundaries
! Ruler
! Paper with gridlines
! A calculator with the option ‘y to the power x’ (yx)
! Preferably the IDF-curves (intensity-duration-frequency curves) of the zone

Analysis of the catchment area

First the catchment area with its boundaries will have to be identified on the map.
A catchment area is the entire surface that will discharge its stormwater to one
point (the discharge point). As water always flows from high to low, it is possible

to identify the catchment area on a map with the aid of the gradient lines. Once the
catchment area is identified, its surface must be estimated. This can be done by
transferring the contours of a catchment area on paper with gridlines, and count-
ing the grids.

Now the average gradient in the catchment area has to be identified. This can be
done on the map with the aid of the gradient lines and the horizontal distances.
Figure A6.1 shows how to determine the gradient in a terrain. Usually the average
gradient of the terrain can be taken.

Surface Gradient =
in altitude)

(Horizontal distance)

Figure A6.1. The gradient of a terrain


cpd-annexe6.pmd 264 17/03/2003, 12:15


The next step is to assess the surface of the terrain. This information is needed to
determine the runoff coefficient of the area. The runoff coefficient is that part of
the rainwater which becomes stormwater; a runoff coefficient of 0.8 means that
80% of the rainfall will turn into stormwater. The runoff coefficient depends on
the type of terrain, and its slope. Future changes in the terrain must be anticipated
in the design of the drainage system to avoid problems at a later date. If no other
values are available, the values from table A6.1 can be used.

Table A6.1. Runoff coefficients of different types of terrain (these values are
approximate figures assuming a low soil permeability) (adapted from 49).

Terrain type Runoff coefficient

Gradient < 0.05 Gradient > 0.05

(flat terrain) (steep terrain)

Forest and pastures 0.4 0.6

Cultivated land 0.6 0.8

Residential areas and light 0.7 0.8


Dense construction and 1.0 1.0
heavy industry

Determining the rainfall intensity for which the system is designed

If no local IDF-curves (intensity-duration-frequency curve) are available, a rain-
fall intensity of 100 mm per hour can be assumed (this value is for tropical
countries, with catchment areas smaller than 150 ha) (17). If no IDF curves can be
found, the reader can skip directly to the section Calculating the amount of water
the catchment area will produce

If the IDF curves of the area can be obtained, these should be used. IDF curves
show the rainfall intensity (in mm per hour) against the duration of the rains (in
minutes) for specific return periods. Several curves from different return periods
may be presented in one graph. A curve with a return period of 1 year will show
the worst storm that will on average occur every year, a curve with a return period
of 2 years is the worst storm that can be expected in a 2 year period, and so on.

To know which value to take from the IDF curve, the time of concentration has to
be calculated. The time of concentration is the time the water needs to flow from
the furthest point in the catchment area to the point where it will leave the area (the


cpd-annexe6.pmd 265 17/03/2003, 12:15


discharge point). The time of concentration is determined with the formula (49):

Tcon = 0.02 x ( Lmax )0.77 x ( Sav )-0.383

Tcon : the time of concentration (in minutes)

Lmax : the maximum length of flow in the catchment (in metres)
Sav : the average gradient of the catchment area

If the furthest point of our catchment area is at a distance of 500 metres from the
discharge point, and the difference in altitude between this point and the discharge point
is 10 metres, than the time of concentration would be around (0.02 x (500)0.77 x (10/
500)-0.383 =) 11 minutes.

The curve with the appropriate return period is chosen (for residential areas often
the curve with a 2 year return period (39)).

We look for the rainfall intensity on the chosen curve, at the duration of a storm
equal to the time of concentration which we calculated.

Calculating the amount of water the catchment area will produce

The amount of stormwater the catchment will produce can be determined with the
formula (adapted from 49):

Qdes = 2.8 x C x i x A

Qdes : the design peak runoff rate, or the maximum flow of stormwater the
system will be designed for (in litres per second)
C : the runoff coefficient (see table F.1)
i : the rainfall intensity at the time of concentration read from the chosen
IDF curve; if no IDF curves are available, a value of 100 mm/h can be
taken (in mm/h)
A : the surface area of the catchment area (in ha (10,000 m2))

Thus, if our catchment area would be a residential area, with a surface of 12 ha, a
gradient of 0.02, and a rainfall intensity of 100 mm/h, than the design peak runoff rate
would be around (2.8 x 0.7 x 100 x 12 =) 2350 litres per second.

It should be remembered that this figure is not a fixed value. Every once in a while
storms will occur which produce more water than the drainage system can deal
with (normally, on average, periods just above the return period). The larger the


cpd-annexe6.pmd 266 17/03/2003, 12:15


capacity of the system (the longer the return period the system is designed for) the
less often it will overflow, and the higher its costs.

Sizing a drain to cope with the design peak runoff rate

With the design peak runoff rate known, we will have to plan where the drains will
be installed. A drainage system must be planned together with other structures like
roads and buildings to assure they are all adapted to one another.

Unlined drains are at risk of erosion, and should therefore have a relatively low
gradient to control the velocity of the stormwater. Gradients in unlined drains
should probably not exceed 0.005 (1 metre drop in 200 metres horizontal dis-
tance). In less stable soil unlined drains should be made with a slope less steep
than 1/2 (see figure A6.2), in more cohesive material a steeper slope could be used

The size of the drain can be calculated with the formula (17):

( A x (R) x (S) 0.5

Q = 1000 x


Q : the capacity of discharge of the drain (in l/s)

A : the cross section of the flow (in m2)
R : the hydraulic radius of the drain (see figure F.3, in m)
S : the gradient of the drain
N : Manning’s roughness coefficient: for earth drains, 0.025; brick drains,

Slope =


Figure A6.2. Section of an unlined drain in less stable soil


cpd-annexe6.pmd 267 17/03/2003, 12:15


the hydraulic radius is the surface area of the cross section of the flow/the total length of
the contact between water and drain;

Hydraulic radius = (a x b) / (a + b + c)

a c

Figure A6.3. The hydraulic radius


A completely filled, rectangular, smooth concrete drain of 1.5 m by 0.7 m, with a

gradient of 0.005, can in ideal circumstances discharge around (1000 x ((1.5 x 0.7) x
((1.5 x 0.7/(1.5 + 0.7 + 0.7))0.67 x (0.005)0.5 ) / 0.015) = 2500 litres per second.

This calculation will probably have to be repeated a number of times to find the
adequate size of drain (17).

Some reserve will be needed so that the drain is not completely filled with water,
and because the calculated discharge rate does not take into account deposited
solids, and lack of maintenance, which will usually reduce the efficiency of the
system (39).


cpd-annexe6.pmd 268 17/03/2003, 12:15


Annexe 7

Minimum emergency standards



cpd-annexe7.pmd 269 17/03/2003, 12:15

A7 Annexes

Priorities and standards in emergency situations
In this annexe we present the requirements for survival, and the minimum standards in service in WES required by a
population living in an unstable situation (e.g. after a natural disaster, internally displaced persons, refugees).

Survival level
Table A7.1 presents the minimum requirements so that healthy people can survive in the short term. This is an absolute

minimum, and a rapid improvement, possibly within days, will be necessary to prevent a rapid deterioration of the health
situation in a population. The survival levels do not cover the special needs of the sick, the wounded, or the

Table A7.1. The minimum immediate requirements for survival of healthy people in an emergency

Water and personal hygiene Sanitation Environmental sanitation Other possible needs

! A water supply of 3 to 5 litres Drainage ! Adequate protection from the
per person per day is needed, ! People must be located so that elements (blankets, clothing,
providing water of reasonable stormwater or floodwater is not a material to make shelters) (47)§
quality, accessible to all (21). direct threat to them. Adequate supply of food
! Every household should have ! Cooking pots and fuel (66)
water containers which provide ! People must be located so that
a storage capacity of 3 litres they are not under direct threat
per person or more. (e.g. hostile population, landmines)
If the water supply is unreli-
able, or access to water poor,

17/03/2003, 12:15
Parallel to survival

people will need a larger ! Setting up of a co-ordination

storage capacity. system to deal with the emergency.
! Assessment of the situation (47)
The minimum standards of service in emergencies
Certain standards of service must be provided to limit the health risks of people in an emergency. Table A7.2 presents the
standards that should be aimed for in WES in an emergency. These standards must be achieved as quickly as the situation

Medical personnel will have to set up a surveillance system of disease to identify oncoming epidemics and important

health problems in the population. Emergency supplies needed in the case of epidemics have to be present locally, and
local medical personnel have to be trained in advance on how to cope with outbreaks.

Table A7.2. The minimum standards in water and (environmental) sanitation in an emergency

Water and personal hygiene Sanitation Environmental sanitation

Water supply ! People must be discouraged from defecating Drainage

! Existing water sources must be protected. in, or close to, streams, ponds, any other ! The site must have adequate drainage which
! A water supply of 15 litres per person per source of water, or on agricultural land with rapidly removes stormwater (66).
day should be accessible to all. crops (64). ! An adequate system of dealing with waste
The maximum distance to the water points ! Structures that deal with the excreta will water from water points, leakage, domestic
should be <150 metres. have to be installed. waste water and waste water from communal
The maximum number of people per tap Usually it is not possible to construct structures must be present.Waste water from
should be: 200-250. adequate structures in sufficient numbers water points can usually be led into vegeta-
The maximum number of taps per distribu- immediately, and therefore the situation will tion.
tion point: 6-8. have to be improved gradually.
The maximum number of people per

17/03/2003, 12:15
handpump: 500-750.

A7 Annexes
A7 Annexes

Table A7.2. The minimum standards in water and (environmental) sanitation in an emergency (continued)

Water and personal hygiene Sanitation Environmental sanitation

! The water quality must be reasonable to ! The sanitary structures that can be used (in ! If waste water containing solids is led into a
start with, and be improved as soon as order of low preference (but ease to install) soakaway, it must be strained or led through a
possible. to high preference (but more demanding to silt trap. If the waste water led into a
It is often better to have enough water of install)): soakaway contains grease or soap, it should

intermediate quality than to have little water be led through a grease-trap.
of high quality.At the beginning of the – open defecation fields ! No unwanted open water should be present
distribution system, a free residual chlorine – trench defecation fields close to, or in, the camp.
content of 0.6-1.0 mg/litre is usually – communal trench latrines
! Tools needed to maintain the drainage system
adequate to obtain water with a free – communal pit or borehole latrines
should be provided (47).
residual chlorine content of 0.3-0.5 mg/litre – household pit latrines (21)
at the distribution point (47).
Solid waste management
Gradually the structures will have to be
! Where domestic refuse is not buried or burnt
Water storage improved, depending on the feasibility (e.g.
‘on-plot’, waste will have to be collected every

! Every household must have a minimum of 2 start with trench defecation field, than
day, or every other day, to avoid attracting
water collection vessels of 10-20 litres and communal pit latrines, than household pit
flies or rats.Every 10 households will need
an additional storage capacity of 20 litres. latrines).
one container of 100 litres to collect and
The vessels should have a narrow neck and In communal structures personnel for
store the waste.
be covered. cleaning and maintenance will have to be
The container should be within 15 metres of
the dwelling. If a communal waste pit is used,
The sexes should be separated in communal
it should not be more than 100 metres from
structures, and the issues of safety to
the dwelling.
women must be addressed.
Public latrines must be installed in public ! There have to be adequate waste collection
places. points on markets and slaughtering areas.

17/03/2003, 12:15

All structures need some kind of water These wastes should be collected daily (66).
source for handwashing, anal cleansing, ! Wastes should be disposed of in a pit. Every
cleaning of the structure and flushing. day it should be covered by at least 0.15
metres of soil, and the ultimate layer of soil
should be at least 0.5 metres thick.
Table A7.2. The minimum standards in water and (environmental) sanitation in an emergency (continued)

Water and personal hygiene Sanitation Environmental sanitation

Personal hygiene ! The latrines should be technically sound and ! Medical wastes must be properly disposed of
! A minimum of 250 grams of soap must be acceptable to all users. by incineration and/or disposal in a deep
available per person per month. Initially 1 latrine, or metre of trench, per 50 protected pit.
to 100 users must be installed (47), as soon

! If household bathing facilities are not
available, communal facilities will be needed. as possible this must be improved to 1 Disposal of the dead
These should be culturally acceptable, and latrine per 20 users. ! Usually the health hazard associated with
the sexes must be separated. Latrines should if possible not be further dead bodies is negligible (66), but during
Communal laundry facilities may be required. away than 50 metres from dwellings (66). epidemics of cholera, plague, or louse-borne
Women must be able to wash undergarments Water sources used for drinking should not typhus fever, dead bodies must be dealt with
and sanitary cloths in privacy. be at risk from sanitary structures. adequately (21).
A minimum of 1 washing basin per 100 ! Often anal cleansing material will have to be ! Graveyards or mass graves should be located
people is needed (66). provided. In defecation fields, soil to cover at least 30 metres from a groundwater source
faeces may have to be given to users. used for drinking.

! Cemeteries should be planned early. Possibly
" If diarrhoeal diseases are a risk, Oral cloth or other material needed for burial or
Rehydration Therapy (ORT) units must be set cremation have to be provided to the family
up.The minimum is one ORT unit per health (66)
structure. In case of a diarrhoeal outbreak,
decentralised ORT units are needed (47). Vector control
! Where the population is infested with body
louse, they must be deloused.
! Where possible the environment should be
made unfavourable to vectors or intermediate

17/03/2003, 12:15
hosts (e.g. through drainage and solid waste

! If adequate and feasible, people have to be
supplied with material that allows them to
protect themselves against vectors (e.g.
impregnated mosquito nets) (47).

A7 Annexes


cpd-annexe7.pmd 274 17/03/2003, 12:15



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cpd-references.pmd 280 17/03/2003, 12:16


Alphabetical index of diseases

Acariasis ........................................................................................................................... 178
Acute poliomyelitis ............................................................................................................. 135
Acute viral gastroenteritis ............................................................................................ 120,122
Amoebiasis ....................................................................................................................... 123
Ancylostomiasis ................................................................................................................. 155
Arboviral arthritis (mosquito-borne) ...................................................................................... 194
Arboviral fevers (mosquito-borne) ........................................................................................ 192
Arboviral fevers (sandfly-borne) ........................................................................................... 204
Ascariasis ......................................................................................................................... 159

Bacillary dysentery ............................................................................................................. 115

Bacterial enteritis ......................................................................................... 107,109,111,113
Bacterial enteritis (caused by Escherichia coli) ...................................................................... 109
Balantidiasis ..................................................................................................................... 129
Bancroftian filariasis .......................................................................................................... 187
Bartonellosis ..................................................................................................................... 203
Bilharziasis ....................................................................................................................... 142
Boutonneuse fever ............................................................................................................. 225
Breakbone fever ................................................................................................................ 185
Bwamba virus disease ........................................................................................................ 192

Calabar swelling ................................................................................................................ 207

Carrión disease ................................................................................................................. 203
Campylobacter enteritis ...................................................................................................... 107
Cat liver fluke infection ....................................................................................................... 149
Central Asian haemorrhagic fever ........................................................................................ 229
Central European tick-borne encephalitis .............................................................................. 231
Chagas disease ................................................................................................................. 208
Changuinola virus disease .................................................................................................. 204
Chikungunya virus disease .................................................................................................. 194
Chinese liver fluke disease .................................................................................................. 149
Cholera ............................................................................................................................ 117
Classic typhus fever ........................................................................................................... 215
Clonorchiasis .................................................................................................................... 149
Conjunctivitis .................................................................................................................... 171
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever ..................................................................................... 229
Cryptosporidiosis ............................................................................................................... 127
Cysticercosis ..................................................................................................................... 165

Dengue fever .................................................................................................................... 185

Dengue haemorrhagic fever ................................................................................................ 185
Dermatomycosis ................................................................................................................ 180
Dermatophytosis ............................................................................................................... 180
Diarrhoea ...................................................................................... 107,109,111,113,120,122
Diphyllobothriasis .............................................................................................................. 151
Dracontiasis ...................................................................................................................... 169
Dracunculiasis ................................................................................................................... 169
Dysentery (amoebic) .......................................................................................................... 123
Dysentery (Balantidial) ....................................................................................................... 129


cpd-x-index.pmd 281 17/03/2003, 12:52


Eastern equine encephalitis ................................................................................................ 189

Elephantiasis .................................................................................................................... 187
Encephalitis (Mosquito-borne arboviral) ................................................................................ 189
Encephalitis (Tick-borne arboviral) ....................................................................................... 231
Endemic typhus fever ......................................................................................................... 213
Enteric fever ...................................................................................................................... 131
Enterobiasis ...................................................................................................................... 139
Eye worm disease .............................................................................................................. 207

Far eastern tick-borne encephalitis ...................................................................................... 231

Fascioliasis ....................................................................................................................... 147
Fasciolopsiasis .................................................................................................................. 145
Filariasis ........................................................................................................................... 187
Flea-borne typhus .............................................................................................................. 213
Frambesia tropica .............................................................................................................. 175

Gastroenteritis .............................................................................................. 107,109,111,113

Giant intestinal fluke infection ............................................................................................. 145
Giardia enteritis ................................................................................................................. 125
Giardiasis ......................................................................................................................... 125
Group C virus fever ............................................................................................................ 192
Guinea-worm infection ....................................................................................................... 169

Haemorrhagic fevers (Tick-borne arboviral) ........................................................................... 229

Hansen’s disease .............................................................................................................. 177
Hepatitis A, Infectious hepatitis ........................................................................................... 133
Hepatitis E, non-A non-B hepatitis ....................................................................................... 133
Hookworm disease ............................................................................................................ 155
Hydatid (cystic) disease ...................................................................................................... 140
Hymenolepiasis ................................................................................................................. 137

India tick typhus ................................................................................................................ 225

Japanese encephalitis ........................................................................................................ 189

Jaundice ........................................................................................................................... 133

Kenya tick typhus .............................................................................................................. 225

Kyasanur forest disease ..................................................................................................... 229

Leishmaniasis cutaneous and muco-cutaneous (Oriental sore) ............................................... 201

Leprosy ............................................................................................................................ 177
Leptospirosis ..................................................................................................................... 167
Loa loa infection ................................................................................................................ 207
Loiasis ............................................................................................................................. 207
Louse-borne typhus ........................................................................................................... 215
Lung fluke disease ............................................................................................................. 153
Lyme borreliosis ................................................................................................................ 233
Lyme disease .................................................................................................................... 233

Mediterranean tick typhus .................................................................................................. 225

Mediterranean spotted fever ............................................................................................... 225
Malaria ............................................................................................................................. 196
Malayan filariasis ............................................................................................................... 187


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Mayaro virus disease ......................................................................................................... 194

Murray Valley encephalitis .................................................................................................. 189

Necatoriasis ...................................................................................................................... 155

North Asian tick fever ......................................................................................................... 225

Ockelbo virus disease ......................................................................................................... 194

Omsk haemorrhagic fever ................................................................................................... 229
Onchocerciasis .................................................................................................................. 205
O’nyong-nyong .................................................................................................................. 194
Opisthorchiasis .................................................................................................................. 149
Oriental liver fluke disease .................................................................................................. 149
Oriental sore ..................................................................................................................... 201
Oropouche virus disease ..................................................................................................... 192
Oroya fever ....................................................................................................................... 203
Oxyuriasis ......................................................................................................................... 139

Paragonimiasis .................................................................................................................. 153

Paratyphoid, Paratyphoid fever ............................................................................................ 131
Phlebotomus fever ............................................................................................................. 204
Pinworm infection .............................................................................................................. 139
Plague .............................................................................................................................. 210
Polio ................................................................................................................................ 135
Powassan virus encephalitis ................................................................................................ 231

Queensland tick typhus ...................................................................................................... 225

Relapsing louse-borne fever ................................................................................................ 217

Relapsing tick-borne fever .................................................................................................. 223
Rift valley fever .................................................................................................................. 192
Ringworm ......................................................................................................................... 180
River blindness .................................................................................................................. 205
Rocio encephalitis ............................................................................................................. 189
Rocky mountain spotted fever ............................................................................................. 227
Ross river fever .................................................................................................................. 194
Rural typhus ...................................................................................................................... 221
Russian spring-summer encephalitis .................................................................................... 231
Roundworm infection ......................................................................................................... 159

Salmonellosis ................................................................................................................... 111

Sandfly fever ..................................................................................................................... 204
Sarcoptic itch .................................................................................................................... 178
Scabies ............................................................................................................................ 178
Schistosomiasis ................................................................................................................ 142
Scrub typhus ..................................................................................................................... 221
Sheep liver fluke infection ................................................................................................... 147
Shigellosis ........................................................................................................................ 115
Siberian tick typhus ........................................................................................................... 225
Sindbis virus disease .......................................................................................................... 194
Sleeping sickness .............................................................................................................. 199
Strongyloidiasis ................................................................................................................. 157
St. Louis encephalitis ......................................................................................................... 189


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Taeniasis .......................................................................................................................... 163

Tapeworm (beef) ................................................................................................................ 163
Tapeworm (dwarf) .............................................................................................................. 137
Tapeworm (fish) ................................................................................................................. 151
Tapeworm (pig) .................................................................................................................. 165
Threadworm infection ......................................................................................................... 157
Tinea (capitis, favosa, corporis, barbae) ............................................................................... 180
Trachoma ......................................................................................................................... 173
Trench fever ...................................................................................................................... 219
Trichuriasis ........................................................................................................................ 161
Trypanosomiasis (African) ................................................................................................... 199
Trypanosomiasis (American) ................................................................................................ 208
Tsutsugamushi disease ...................................................................................................... 221
Typhoid ............................................................................................................................ 131
Typhus (African tick) ........................................................................................................... 225
Typhus (epidemic louse-borne) fever .................................................................................... 215
Typhus (mite-borne) fever ................................................................................................... 221
Typhus (murine) fever ......................................................................................................... 213
Typhus (tick-borne) fever .................................................................................................... 227

Unilocular echinococcosis ................................................................................................... 140

Venezuelan equine encephalitis ........................................................................................... 189

Verruga peruana ................................................................................................................ 203
Vesicular stomatitis virus disease ........................................................................................ 204
Viral diarrhoea ................................................................................................................... 120
Viral enteritis ..................................................................................................................... 120
Viral enteritis (epidemic) ..................................................................................................... 122
Viral gasteroenteropathy ..................................................................................................... 122
Visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) ........................................................................................ 201

Weil’s disease ................................................................................................................... 167

Western equine encephalitis ............................................................................................... 189
West Nile fever .................................................................................................................. 192
Whipworm infection ........................................................................................................... 161

Yaws ................................................................................................................................ 175

Yellow fever ....................................................................................................................... 182
Yersiniosis ......................................................................................................................... 113
Yersinia pestis ................................................................................................................... 210


cpd-x-index.pmd 284 17/03/2003, 12:52


Other titles in this series

Emergency Sanitation
Assessment and programme design
Peter Harvey, Sohrab Baghri and Bob Reed
This book is designed to assist those involved in planning and implementing
emergency sanitation programmes. The main focus of the book is a systematic
and structured approach to assessment and programme design. It provides a
balance between the hardware (technical) and software (socio-cultural, institu-
tional) aspects of sanitation programmes, and links short-term emergency re-
sponse to long-term sustainability. The book is relevant to a wide range of
emergency situations, including both natural and conflict-induced disasters, and
open and closed settings. It is suitable for field technicians, engineers and hygiene
promoters, as well as staff at agency headquarters. Included free with each book is
a mini CD and an ‘aide-memoire’ to the process of planning and implementation.
384pp. (250/176) 2002
Price: £29.95 ISBN: 1 84380 005 5

Emergency Vector Control Using Chemicals

Christophe Lacarin and Bob Reed
The control of vectors that transmit diseases in emergencies is critical to the
prevention of epidemics. This handbook describes how such vectors can be
identified and controlled using chemicals. Aimed at non-specialists such as
logisticians, engineers and health workers, it provides advice on identifying the
responsible vector, selecting the appropriate control chemical and the means of
application, together with advice on planning an implementation programme.
134pp. (250/176) 1999
Price: £19.95 ISBN: 0 906055 65 2


cpd-x-index.pmd 285 17/03/2003, 12:52


Emergency Water Sources

Guidelines for selection and treatment
Sarah House and Bob Reed
These guidelines have been designed to help those involved in the assessment of
emergency water sources to collect relevant information in a systematic way, to
use this information to select a source or sources and to determine the appropriate
level of treatment required to make the water suitable for drinking. The book is
relevant to a wide range of emergency situations, including both natural and
conflict-induced disasters.
320pp. (250/176) 2000
Price: £25.95 ISBN: 0 906055 71 7

Out in the Cold

Emergency water supply and sanitation for cold regions

Mark Buttle and Michael Smith

During the 1990s, events in the Balkans, countries of the former Soviet Union,
Afghanistan and Northern Iraq have demonstrated that humanitarian disasters are
not confined to ‘the South’ but may strike anywhere in the world. As a result,
relief agencies have been tested in ways previously unimaginable. Aid workers
have to be ever more adaptable in order to provide life-saving water supply and
sanitation facilities in areas where freezing conditions occur.

This revised handbook is designed for aid workers working in cool temperate or
cold regions. It is designed to provide specific supplementary information that
can be used together with the information given in more general emergency
120pp. (250/176) 2002
Price: £19.95 ISBN: 0 906055 91 1


cpd-x-index.pmd 286 17/03/2003, 12:52

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