Evaluation Problem and Assessment Method of Warehouse Process Efficiency
Evaluation Problem and Assessment Method of Warehouse Process Efficiency
Evaluation Problem and Assessment Method of Warehouse Process Efficiency
Adam Kolinski
Poznan School of Logistics
Estkowskiego Street 6, 61-755 Poznan, Poland
E-mail: adam.kolinski@wsl.com.pl
Boguslaw Sliwczynski
Institute of Logistics and Warehousing
Estkowskiego Street 6, 61-755 Poznan, Poland
E-mail: boguslaw.sliwczynski@ilim.poznan.pl
Scientific paper
Warehouse processes are one of the key elements of material flow efficiency
along the supply chain. In the literature and scientific research is difficult to find a
comprehensive analysis evaluation warehouse processes efficiency. Lack of
unambiguous definition makes it impossible to develop a universal method for
evaluation of warehouse processes efficiency. In addition, element hampering the
standardization of evaluation methods is the specificity of the warehouse processes.
Warehouse processes can focus on ensuring flow continuity of the production or
distribution process. These problems are condition for conducting detailed scientific
research in this area.
Comprehensive analysis of efficiency requires both an operational data relating
to technological process, supported by support processes and service, but also the data
generated by an information system in order to ensure their reliability and timeliness.
For this reason, the efficiency analysis should ultimately affect the warehouse process,
taking into account both the material flow and information flow, as well as the aspects
of warehouse management and existing feedback.
The main aim of researches presented in the article is improving of product
profitability by value and efficiency enhancement of warehouse processes according
to score of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) encompassing cost-efficiency and cost-
effectiveness analysis CE|EA or cost benefit analysis CBA among other. Authors
have made attempts of indicators compilation to assess the warehouse processes
efficiency, including basic assumptions of Balanced Scorecard.
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
chain. The scientific studies of the logistics management, can be found a lot of factors
- the processes and resources - that affect the whole warehouse process. It is therefore
clear that the warehouse management should focus on ways to improve the efficiency
of processes, both internal and external supply chain and continuous monitoring and
evaluation of the results. The research problem identified by the Authors during the
research literature and observations in enterprises have assessed the efficiency of
warehouse process, taking into account the multi-dimensional analysis of the
interrelationships within the process, as well as linkages with other processes affecting
the continuity of material flow.
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The basis of the above picture is conviction that Lean Management concept
concentrates on lowering spendings by, among others, lowering the level of expenses.
Agile Management concept, on the other hand, does not focus on expenses
optimisation. Therefore, the methods of improving efficiency which did not concern
lowering spendings were recognised as characteristic of Agile Management concept.
Theory of Constraints concentrates on two methods of improving efficiency:
improving effects and keeping spendings as well as improving process and lowering
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
spendings (e.g. reducing the supply of work in progress). According to the definition
of diversification (Kolinski, 2010), raising effects is possible thanks to increasing
spendings (e.g. introducing new products or entering new markets).
Literature analysis only confirms the complexity of warehouse efficiency. Most
organizations say they are continually trying to increase their productivity. There are
really four ways of doing this (Waters, 2002):
improve effectiveness with better decisions,
improve efficiency using fewer inputs to achieve the same outputs,
improve performance in some other way such as higher quality, fewer
accidents, less disruption,
improve morale to give more co-operation and incentives.
Nevertheless, it needs to be remembered that aiming at maximising efficiency
can entail numerous threats. The most dangerous traps of maximising
efficiency are:
lack of coordination in realisation of operational aims of individual
departments with strategic aims of a company or a supply chain,
discrepancy between strategic aims formulated by individual companies
which are elements of a supply chain,
discrepancy between operational aims of different departments of a company.
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
Admitting the validity of the thesis that warehouse management has a significant
impact on the functioning of the company, it is clear it should strive to continuously
improve the functioning of the warehouse. The most important factors affecting the
increase of functioning productivity of the warehouse, are:
adjustment of flow into warehouse capacity - the starting point should be to
determine the warehouse capacity. Based on it, working with the businesses,
it should set a schedule for deliveries and shipments to avoid the
accumulation of work during the day and excess loading units flowing
through the warehouse,
the use of storage space - refers to the efficient management of the available
amount of storage area,
rationalization of routes traveled by employees and the goods - this factor is
most important for the process of completion, except that you should strive
to eliminate or shorten the routes traveled by employees without the goods,
use of staff - analyzing this factor should be paid attention to three criteria:
load-time employees, they possess the competence and stability of
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
Source: own study (Fajfer et al., 2014, p. 43)
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
determining the tools for analysis and control, which should be used in a
Using information technology tools of controlling entails many benefits for
efficiency in a company and a supply chain. The most important benefits are (Fajfer
et al., 2014, p. 44):
quick access to managerial information,
obtaining more detailed analyses and, in consequence, obtaining better bases
for making decisions,
possibility to carry out data analyses single-handedly,
monitoring planned task realisation from the area of logistics,
possibility to make a simulation of the influence which made decisions have
logistics functioning.
be named complete when it does not only refer to indicators which apply to past results
but also when it allows to monitor what affects future results. The problem of
complete warehouse efficiency assessment has still not been polished in the matter
subject literature. Taking into account ecological aspect, the problem of warehouse
efficiency assessment can be based on the assumptions of Balanced Scorecard
developed by R. Kaplan and D. Norton. The authors proposed the analysis of
efficiency from four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process, and
learning and growth. Many companies already have performance measurement
systems that incorporate financial and nonfinancial measures. What is new about a
call for a "balanced" set of measures? While virtually all organizations do indeed have
financial and nonfinancial measures, many use their nonfinancial measures for local
improvements, at their front-line and customer facing operations. Aggregate financial
measures are used by senior managers as if these measures could summarize
adequately the results of operations performed by their lower and mid-level
employees. These organizations are using their financial and nonfinancial
performance measures only for tactical feedback and control of warehouse process in
short-term (Kaplan & Norton, 1996, p. 8).
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
On the basis of the plan shown in figure 3 detailed analyses have been carried
out with the aforementioned assumptions taken into account. It needs be remembered
that the system presented in figure 3 is only a model. In reality, there is a lot of
feedback interactions ensuing from, for example, the need for additional
measurements or carrying out analyses just at the stage of working out a decision.
Carrying out an analysis of warehouse efficiency in discussed four perspectives,
we have developed a set of indicators (Corbett, 1998; Sliwczynski, 2011b; Twarog,
2005) which take into account the basic characteristics of efficiency defined by model
(1). Table 2 presents chosen indicators of assessing eco-efficiency of warehouse in a
financial perspective.
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
No. name of indicator characteristic unit
a - net income after tax
2. Return on equity (ROE) %
b - shareholder equity
a - net income
3. Return on assets (ROA) %
b - mode of total assets
a - net profit
4. Return on sales (ROS) %
b- sales revenue
a - material consumption
Ratio of material inventory costs
5. %
turnover b - average stocks of
a - net sales
6. Ratio of worker productivity %
b - salary costs
* Investment, means the money which were spend for buying things which will be
sold (Goldratt & Cox, 2004).
Source: own study based on (Kolinski, 2013)
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski
a - number of defective
Share of defective material material receipt
4. %
receipt to customer b - total number of material
Source: own study
15th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management
October 15, 2015 - Osijek, Croatia
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Evaluation problem and assessment method of warehouse process efficiency
Adam Kolinski, Boguslaw Sliwczynski