Johnson McGinnis 2011
Johnson McGinnis 2011
Johnson McGinnis 2011
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Warehouses are a substantial component of logistic operations and an important contributor to speed and cost in supply chains. While
there are widely accepted benchmarks for individual warehouse functions such as order picking, little is known about the overall
technical efficiency of warehouses. Lacking a general understanding of warehouse technical efficiency and the associated causal
factors limits industry’s ability to identify the best opportunities for improving warehouse performance. The problem is compounded
by the significant gap in the education and training of the industry’s professionals. This article addresses this gap by describing both
a new methodology for assessing warehouse technical efficiency based on empirical data integrating several statistical approaches
and the new results derived from applying the method to a large sample of warehouses. The self-reported nature of attributes and
performance data makes the use of statistical methods for rectifying data, validating models, and identifying key factors affecting
efficient performance particularly appropriate. This article also identifies several opportunities for additional research on warehouse
assessment and optimization.
[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher’s online edition of IIE Transactions for appendices and
additional tables.]
Keywords: Warehouse, facility logistics, data envelopment analysis, outlier detection, two-stage DEA
C 2011 “IIE”
Performance measurement in the warehousing industry 221
the results of applying the adaptations to a large and di- that are used in a multi-attribute utility theory analysis to
verse sample of warehouses. Data on warehouse perfor- determine the best-performing warehouses in a group of 14.
mance collected over a 5-year period (2001–2005) are used De Koster and Warffemius (2005) performed an interna-
to benchmark the performance of each observation against tional comparison across a set of 65 warehouses operating
all other observations in the data set. The purpose of the in Asia, Europe, and the United States in 2000 that used
reported study is twofold: (i) to develop useful methods various performance measures to identify differences in
by which both individual warehouses and groups of ware- performance between warehouses on different continents
houses can be evaluated with regard to technical efficiency; and warehouses operated by third-party logistic providers
and (ii) to identify the operational policies, design charac- or self-operated warehouses. The authors concluded that
teristics, and attributes of warehouses that are correlated performance across countries and operating parties is very
with greater technical efficiency. The results reported are similar. De Koster and Balk (2008) updated De Koster and
reflective of the data set and methods used. To the extent Warffemius (2005) by gathering data in 2004 on 39 of the 65
that the data are representative of general warehouse oper- warehouses in the previous study and analyzed the two sets
ations and the practitioner accepts the assumptions related of warehouses using DEA. Their key finding was that Eu-
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to the models and methods used, the conclusions of this ar- ropean warehouses, which are largely third-party providers,
ticle are reflective of warehousing best practices for general are more efficient than Asian or American warehouses.
warehousing operations. Hackman et al. (2001) developed a model of a warehouse
system using labor, space, and investment as resources, and
broken case lines, full case lines, pallet lines, accumulation
2. Literature review and a derived quantity they termed “storage function” as
services produced. This model was designed to answer three
Surprisingly, the technical literature on warehouse perfor- questions:
mance assessment is meager. Two streams can be identi-
fied: papers that propose a framework for designing or (a) Do larger warehouses perform more efficiently?
analyzing warehouses and those that directly address per- (b) Do capital-intensive warehouses perform more
formance assessment. Rouwenhorst et al. (2000) and Gu efficiently?
et al. (2007) typify the first category. Both address the co- (c) Do non-union facilities outperform their union
ordination problems that arise from the investigation of counterparts?
warehousing subproblems. Rouwenhorst et al. (2000) sug-
gest a framework in which to place these problems, but Data collected for 57 warehouses operating between 1992
it is largely descriptive and does not provide an opera- and 1996 were analyzed using a DEA model to quantify
tional technique to coordinate the design decisions. Gu efficiency. Hackman et al. (2001) concluded that smaller,
et al. (2007) categorize the decision problems associated less capital-intensive warehouses are more efficient, and
with design and operation rather than overall warehouse that unionization does not appear to impact efficiency.
performance assessment. The research reported in this article addresses the coor-
The second category, logistics benchmarking, is used by dination problem by analyzing the warehouse as a single
more than half of the Fortune 1000 companies to improve system and quantifying the performance of the warehouse
productivity and quality (Foster, 1992). However, prior to as a whole. Only then are correlations between the oper-
the start of the benchmarking project discussed in this ational methods for individual components of the ware-
paper (in 2001), relatively few warehouse benchmarking house system and overall warehouse system performance
results are described in the literature. Three notable ex- investigated. We extend the model reported in Hackman
ceptions are Stank et al. (1994), Cohen et al. (1997), and et al. (2001) to test for the statistical significance of each in-
Hackman et al. (2001). Stank et al. (1994) gathered survey put and output. Identifying the most parsimonious model
data from 154 warehousing companies to determine if they that captures the general behavior of the warehouse is im-
employed benchmarking and in what specific areas. The portant because the data requirements for larger models
authors then looked at size and services offered to find cor- grow rapidly (Simar and Wilson, 2008). While Hackman
relations with benchmarking practices and operations. In et al. (2001) considered only three variables that may be
contrast, Cohen et al. (1997) used a variety of performance drivers of inefficiency, two of which are endogenous to
metrics to evaluate service parts warehouses, but their re- the efficiency measure, this article investigates 33 differ-
sults are somewhat confusing when the authors describe ent factors believed to impact warehouse performance. We
the relationship between performance and inventory prac- also introduce a cost-effective data collection methodology
tices. However, they do address the service parts system as that employs self-reporting of data from a very large set of
a whole. warehouses via the internet (Johnson et al., 2010). Our ap-
More recent work includes Collins et al. (2006), which proach reduces the effect of sample selection bias relative to
described the collection of warehouse metrics; i.e., picking Hackman et al. (2001) and increases the importance of out-
and inventory accuracy, storage speed, and order cycle time, lier detection.
222 Johnson and McGinnis
3. Methods and models used to measure productivity and maintains the assumptions about the PPS is used to es-
timate efficiency. Thus, the efficiency estimates from DEA
This section presents the technical details of the assessment are always optimistic in the sense that a unit receives the
model and the methods used to analyze warehouse perfor- benefit of the doubt (Moesen and Cherchye, 1998) and the
mance data. The basic methodology, DEA, is described efficiency estimate is only based on observed warehouse
briefly in Section 3.1. A significant issue, particularly for data.
self-reported data, is the detection of outliers—reported As used in this article DEA encompasses four non-
data that appear to be either artificial or erroneous. Section intrusive assumptions:
3.2 presents a method for testing model specification and
determining the most parsimonious model that explains the 1. The proper orientation for measuring efficiency can be
data. Section 3.3 describes a two-stage method to identify selected;
correlations between efficiency and practices or attributes. 2. The assumptions about the PPS hold;
Section 3.4 proposes a warehouse model and investigates 3. The observations give a good representation of the com-
whether a statistically significant loss of information would plete production technology;
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occur with a reduction in the model’s size. The two-stage 4. The observations are measured accurately.
method is applied to the new warehousing model to identify The following sections support why the four assumptions
correlations between efficiency and three types of proper- are appropriate.
ties: (i) operational policies; (ii) design characteristics; and
(iii) attributes of the warehouse. 3.1.1. Orientation for measuring efficiency
Orientation refers to the direction taken for measuring
3.1. DEA efficiency measurement method the distance from a given observation under evaluation to
the efficient frontier of the PPS; this distance is a mea-
DEA is used widely in applications to measure efficiency sure of the observation’s inefficiency. In the input orienta-
(Emrouznejad et al., 2008). However, its application can tion the distance to the efficient frontier is computed as an
provide misleading results if not performed with a keen equiproportional contraction of all inputs, holding outputs
understanding of the underlying economic assumptions. constant, that moves the Decision-Making Unit (DMU—
Below we review several of the axioms of DEA to verify the in this article, the warehouse) to the efficient frontier. The
consistency of the analysis method with the warehousing proportion of input contraction required is the measure
application described in this article. of inefficiency. Therefore, if a warehouse argues that it has
DEA is a non-parametric efficiency estimation method complete control over the acquisition of inputs but is un-
based on minimal prior assumptions about the production able to influence output levels (demand is exogenous), an
possibility set (Charnes et al., 1978). This is an important input orientation may be justified.
characteristic because the warehousing literature does not Here, the efficiency of warehouse operations is measured
contain strong hypotheses about the warehousing produc- from the warehouse manager’s perspective and the orienta-
tion function, and in production economics, reliable pro- tion is determined based on the following rationale. Ware-
duction function specification tests are not available. In a houses are often considered to be cost centers that typically
DEA approach, the set of observed warehouses is used to do not generate profit but instead aid in the distribution of
approximate the Production Possibility Set (PPS). The PPS goods, preferably at minimal cost. Although the manager
represents all input and output combinations that actually makes decisions about operations, typically he/she has lit-
can be achieved. The boundary of the PPS is called the tle or no control over the outbound flows of goods, which
efficient frontier and characterizes how the most efficient are often influenced by customer demand, advertising, pric-
warehouses trade off inputs and outputs. DEA constructs ing and the like. Therefore, an input orientation is appro-
a weighted productivity measure: priate because the required outputs of the warehouse are
v1 y1 ∗ . . . ∗ v S yS defined externally, and it is the manager’s responsibility to
, (1) fulfill the requirements using minimal resources.
u 1 x1 ∗ . . . ∗ u MxM
where xi is the input usage of input i , yj is the output pro- 3.1.2. Assumptions about the PPS
duction of output j , and u and v are vectors used to aggre- The construction of the PPS is based on several assump-
gate the input and output data. There are M inputs and S tions, some of which are rather weak, yet they have been ac-
outputs. DEA allows each warehouse to determine the vec- cepted for decades. Observe a set of n warehouses, call this
tors u and v individually since in practice warehouses may set R ≡ {(X j , Y j )}nj=1 where X j = (x1 j , . . . , xmj , . . . , xMj ) is
value inputs and outputs differently. These differences may a vector of observed inputs and Y j = (y1 j , . . . , ys j , . . . , ySj )
reflect current stocks of inputs or outputs customer base is a vector of observed outputs. Banker et al. (1984) sum-
for a particular output or the existence of supply relation- marize these assumptions as follows.
ships and contracts allowing further inputs to be acquired
at prices not available to other warehouses. The minimal 1. Data Envelopment (DE): Given R, a set of n warehouses,
convex hull that encompasses the observed warehouse data and the PPS T, then DE implies R ⊆ T
Performance measurement in the warehousing industry 223
In the warehouse setting the assumption of DE implies be identified exactly without observing all production pos-
that each data point has been measured accurately and sibilities. When only a subset of the production possibilities
represents a warehouse with access to a common set of is observed, the result of DEA can be biased if the sample
production technologies. taken is not random. However, as the number of observa-
tions increases, the DEA efficiency estimate converges to
2. Graph Convexity (GC): T = co (T), with:
the true efficiency values.
co(T) ≡ {(λX + (1 − λ)X , λY + (1 − λ)Y ) :
× (X, Y), (X , Y ) ∈ T, λ ∈ [0, 1]} 3.1.4. Accuracy of the measurements
for the convex hull. DEA assumes accurate measurement of all data. Since the
The assumption of convexity in the input and output data set used in this article is self-reported, it is impossi-
space implies that if two warehouses, (X, Y) and (X , Y ), ble to assure accuracy. Hence, we use an outlier detection
are observed to use specified quantities of inputs, X, to method developed by Johnson and McGinnis (2008) to un-
generate specific quantities of output, Y, then it is possible derstand the quality of the data set being analyzed and
for a warehouse to operate using a convex combination of to partially address the need to identify observations that
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the observed warehouses’ input levels, λX + (1 − λ)X , to may be measured inaccurately. We adapt the definition of
generate a convex combination of the warehouses’ output outlier provided by Gunst and Mason (1980, p. 252) “as
levels, λY + (1 − λ)Y . The assumption is often justified on observations that do not fit in with the pattern of the re-
maining data points and are not at all typical of the rest
the basis of time divisibility. The inputs specified (i.e., labor,
equipment and space) are typically measured on an annual of the data.” When an outlier is detected, it is analyzed
basis. Thus, if a convex combination is suggested, its value to determine the reason for its identification. A decision is
can always be achieved only by using the input for some then made to include/exclude the observation from further
of the year (e.g., leasing a machine for 6 months to achieve analysis.
0.5 machines). For a discussion of this standard production Traditional outlier detection models tend to focus on
economics assumption, see, for example, Varian (1992). identifying observations that are over-productive (Wilson,
1995; Simar, 2003). However, in the context of the two-
3. Strong Disposability (SD): T = m (T), with m (T) ≡ stage method overly inefficient observations can also skew
(ωX, ηY) for all (X, Y) ∈ T and ω ≥ 1, η ≤ 1 con- the second-stage results (Chen and Johnson, 2010). The
structing a monotone hull by including input and output method developed by Johnson and McGinnis (2008) mea-
pairs using more input than the observed levels of inputs sures efficiency relative to an efficient frontier, constructs an
and including pairs producing less than the observed inefficient frontier, and searches for outlier relative to the
output using the same level of input in the PPS. latter. If a large percentage of observations are flagged with
SD implies that if a warehouse can meet a given output relatively weak criteria, this may indicate that the model
requirement, with more inputs it still should be able to defining inputs and outputs is poorly specified or that dis-
meet the output requirements. similar production functions were used within the group
Applying the minimum extrapolation principle to the of observations. The use of an outlier detection method
maintained assumptions and defining the production pos- removes dissimilar observations. Note that relative to the
sibility set as the conical convex monotone hull of the ob- null hypothesis, all data are comparable, a Type-I error
servations yields: would imply removing data that were comparable, and a
Type-II error would imply including data that were not
co(m(R)) ≡ (x, y) : x ≥ Xλ, y ≤ Yλ, λ = 1, λ ∈ R+ n
. comparable. Observations that are unique from the re-
maining population of warehouses are identified using a
critical level for the super efficiency scores. The critical
This implies that the PPS identified is the minimum set of level is both the percentage decrease in inputs and the
input/output pairs that includes all observed warehouses percentage decrease in outputs necessary to move an ob-
and is consistent with the maintained assumption that the servation under evaluation into the PPS constructed using
frontier of the production possibility set is monotonic and the other observations in the data set. Larger critical lev-
convex. These assumptions lend themselves to an imple- els increase the likelihood of Type-II errors, while stricter
mentation using linear programming; however, it is also (smaller) critical levels increase the likelihood of Type-I er-
possible to implement DEA using a least-squares regres- rors. This is a necessary trade-off of any outlier detection
sion approach (Kuosmanen and Johnson, 2010). method.
The outlier detection process identifies a set of data with
3.1.3. Representativeness of the set of observations high density over which a production function can be es-
When calculating efficiency estimates via DEA, the dis- timated with confidence. After identifying the set of data
tance from the observation to the efficient frontier is an to be analyzed, a model selection test is performed. The
estimate of the efficiency level. The efficiency level is never sequence of these two tests is arbitrary and there does not
certain because the location of the efficient frontier cannot appear to be any guidance in the productivity and efficiency
224 Johnson and McGinnis
literature to indicate the relationship between outlier or contextual variables. A two-stage method will be used to
detection and model specification methods. This is clearly investigate the effects of these variables on efficiency.
an area for future potential research.
measured using an equipment inventory as shown in Table efficiency, because weights for the inputs and outputs are
A1 in the Appendix online. selected for individual warehouses, and a warehouse with
To aggregate equipment to a single measure, we apply zero value for an output can assign it zero weight.
a cost factor to each equipment category, determining the The data set used satisfies the desirable property that all
value from sources such as costing models provided by inputs are strictly positive to avoid any infeasibility of the
consultants and equipment vendors. The precise values of linear program used to calculate efficiency. For details see
these cost factors are less important than their relative val- Zhu (1996) or Johnson and McGinnis (2009).
ues. The resulting aggregate equipment capital cost is a
measure used to quantify equipment as an input to the
production process in a manner that is consistent across 4. Warehousing data analysis
warehouses, industries, and time. For a variety of reasons
these aggregate values may differ significantly from the ac- The data set consists of nearly 400 warehouse records col-
tual price paid by a specific warehouse at a specific point lected over a 5-year period and is treated as a cross section
in time. Because we are interested in technical efficiency, because the technical progress during the time period is
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the precise value of equipment is not important; rather, believed to be minimal. The data were collected via the
a consistent way of comparing equipment inventories is iDEAs-W web site ( iDEAs-W
important. provides a browser-based interface that allows users to en-
ter data and receive an efficiency estimate based on the
3.4.2. Definition of outputs warehouse data collected to that point. It has been rec-
Outputs are the results of warehousing operations. A ware- ognized by both industry and academia as a pioneering
house typically exists to fulfill orders and to store products. benchmarking tool (Anon, 2002; Dyckman, 2001; Ham-
The orders fulfilled satisfy the downstream customers in dan and Rogers, 2008; Johnson et al., 2010; Thanassoulis
the supply chain, and storage is a service provided to the et al., 2008). Between 2001 and 2003 warehouses using
manufacturers. Orders have order lines (or simply, lines), iDEAS-W entered minimal information on practices and
which may require piece picks (piece lines), case picks (case attributes. After 2003, more significant information was
lines), or pallet picks (pallet lines). It is necessary to des- required; however, users were and are still free to enter
ignate them as different outputs because different types minimal information. Each data record summarizes the
of lines involve different levels of resource commitment. performance of a warehouse for a 1-year period.
The storage function is a metric developed by Hackman Warehouses that lack data entries for any of the inputs in-
et al. (2001) to quantify the capacity of the warehouse to cluded in the reduced warehouse performance model are ex-
store products while considering the different Stock Keep- cluded. When input/output data exist, but practices and/or
ing Units (SKUs) of product: attributes do not, the input/output data are used in the
√ first stage, calculating efficiencies. Hence, the number of
π Number of broken case SKUs + (1 − π) observations used in the second stage is smaller and varies
×(5 Number pallet locations + floor storage sq. ft.) depending on the factor considered.
4.1. Outlier detection results
where π denotes the proportion of lines picked as broken
cases. Very large orders often require assembly before ship- If observations are included in the analysis that have mis-
ment. The accumulation measure quantifies the difference reported data or are not measured correctly this could be
between the total lines shipped and the total orders that detrimental to DEA, which is deterministic and requires all
characterize the order assembly effort. observations be measured exactly. Because this study uses
In industries such as publishing, returns are a substantial online self-reported data, this issue is of particular concern.
portion of warehouse labor requirements (Lindsley et al., The outlier detection method of Johnson and McGinnis
1991). Some warehouses are required to change or assemble (2009) is used with a very loose critical level of 1.5, corre-
the products received/stored, usually referred to as Value- sponding to a 50% increase in inputs, or using the inverse of
Added Services (VAS). Since warehouses with VAS tend the critical level, 1/1.5 = 0.66 ⇒ a 33% decrease in output.
to blur the distinction between warehousing and manufac- If an observation after increasing its inputs is then located
turing systems, we exclude VAS from our model. We also within the PPS constructed by the set of all other obser-
exclude returns processing, because less than 20% of the vations using DEA, it is not flagged as a possible outlier.
warehouse data records included this information. Since Although a stricter criterion can also be chosen, we suggest
both VAS and returns are excluded as output measures, the that a loose criterion is appropriate, given the method of
participating warehouse managers were instructed not to data collection. The same critical level is used to identify
include inputs used in these services in their input measures. overly inefficient observations related to an inefficient
Not every warehouse will produce non-zero output for each frontier. After identifying and removing observations that
output included in the model, but DEA can still estimate are extremely distant from the data set, 216 observations
226 Johnson and McGinnis
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the 390 observations of input and output levels
Average 213 138 6730 032 1395 844 1974 091 1162 764 70 316
Stand Dev. 579 359 127 663 556 2671 443 9855 129 9462 737 315 111
Minimum 3000 2090 8000 0 0 0
Maximum 9000 000 1920 768 21 000 000 176 758 000 176 758 000 5388 632
remain. Summary statistics characterizing the entire data Using these results we choose a three inputs (labor, space,
set and the reduced data set appear in Table 1 and Table 2, investment) by three outputs (broken case lines, full case
respectively. Note that in Table 2 all distributions skew lines, pallet lines) model to estimate the efficiency of each
left, indicating many “small” warehouses in the data set. warehouse in the first stage.
Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 20:47 24 November 2014
Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the 216 observations of input and output levels
Average 177 778 207 365 1352 962 1321 126 219 560 45 668
Stand Dev. 108 829 127 174 729 024 961 589 189 043 34 423
Minimum 17 750 25 330 71 500 389 0 0
Maximum 436 000 515 732 2981 000 4170 539 586 837 110 000
Performance measurement in the warehousing industry 227
Table 3. Variables selected for deletion based on Pastor et al. Table 4. NAIC codes, industry descriptions and total warehouses
(2002) reported
Seasonality Use of RF Dispatching because the space is smaller, order pickers travel shorter dis-
Pick Variability Use of Bar Coding tances and the warehouse can reduce the levels of all inputs.
Planning Horizon Use of Automated Sortation Seasonality (volume in the peak month/average volume
Value-added Services Use of Cross Docking per month, where volume is based on items): Input levels
Response Time Maintenance Expense that fluctuate with seasonal demand make it difficult to
(Percentage of Budget) adjust space and equipment levels; temporary labor may
Multi-story Building Supervision and Management complicate the scenario; warehouses often support input
Expense levels to meet peak period demand at the cost of being less
Rush Order (Percentage of (Percentage of Budget) efficient in non-peak times.
Orders) Total replenishments (includes the replenishment trans-
Rush Order (Percentage of Labor Turnover
actions and is the annual total number of replenishment for
Number of Suppliers Percentage of Temporary all SKUs): Replenishments highly correlate with SKU span
Labor (the total number of SKUs in the warehouse) and also with
lower efficiency levels; while it is expected when inventory
levels can be replenished more often, average inventory lev-
is shown in Table 5. Table 6 shows the factors with the most els can be lower and the SKU span effect dominates the
statistically significant correlations. lower inventory effect.
We note, however, that factors appearing to be insignif- Inventory (average inventory level measured in dollars): It
icant may be so for several reasons. For example, not all can be controlled by the firm through reordering practices.
practices/attributes are effective for all warehouses: some A more efficient warehouse should have better reordering
may adopt and implement a specific practice/attribute practices to fill orders carrying minimum inventory.
while others do not. This implies that warehouses can Cross docking (a zero/one variable indicating the man-
adopt a practice/attribute that is inappropriate, hence ager’s response to the question, “Do you perform cross
reducing the apparent effectiveness. Furthermore, these docking?”): Warehouses that use cross docking can often
reduce space, equipment, and labor, thus creating more ef-
ficiency by eliminating the storage function.
Table 6. Practice or attribute factors highly correlated with SKU span (total SKUs stored in the warehouse annu-
efficiency ally): Warehouses with higher complexity and more SKUs
often have more difficulty locating particular SKUs and
Correlation Significance cannot specialize to the same extent as warehouses with
Observations coefficients level
fewer SKUs.
Seasonality 40 −0.268 ** SKU churn (percentage of SKUs that change from year to
SKU churn 41 −0.193 * year): Allows a greater variety of products to be supplied
SKU Span 29 −0.233 * to customers; however, often more effort is expended in
Inventory ($) 46 −0.26 * removing dead stock and slotting new items that do not
Total replenishment 43 −0.253 * directly contribute to the outputs identified.
Temporary labor 33 −0.413 ***
Inventory turns 36 0.342 **
Cross docking 44 0.246 * 5. Conclusions
Significant at the 90% confidence level.
∗∗ The important subject of warehouse performance assess-
Significant at the 95% confidence level.
Significant at the 99% confidence level. ment has been largely ignored in the research literature.
Performance measurement in the warehousing industry 229
of DEA for warehouse benchmarking. ciency of decision making units. European Journal of Operational
The use of the two-stage method has been shown to Research, 2, 429–444.
be effective for discovering the valid practices/attributes Chen, W.-C. and Johnson, A.L. (2010) A unified model for detecting
that broadly and significantly impact warehouse efficiency. efficient and inefficient outliers in data envelopment analysis. Com-
puters & Operations Research, 37(2), 417–425.
Some factors are clearly beyond the control of the ware- Chen, W.-C. and McGinnis, L.F. (2007) Reconciling ratio analysis and
house or the warehouse manager, implying that any pro- DEA as performance assessment tools. European Journal of Opera-
gram that benchmarks groups of warehouses (e.g., all ware- tional Research, 178(1), 277–291.
houses in a firm) should weigh these factors when compar- Coelli, T., Rao, D.S.P., O’Donnell, C.J. and Battese, G.E. (2005) An Intro-
ing efficiency results. duction to Efficiency and Production Analysis, Springer, New York,
Obviously, a more comprehensive empirical study will Cohen, M.A., Zheng, Y.S. and Agrawal, V. (1997) Service parts logistics:
provide more insights about the factors that affect ware- a benchmarking analysis. IIE Transactions, 29, 627–639.
house technical efficiency, and we suggest a number of Collins, T.R., Rossetti, M.D., Nachtmann, H.L. and Oldham, J.R. (2006)
directions for additional research and development. The The use of multi-attribute utility theory to determine the overall
use of technical efficiency should be augmented with the best-in-class performer in a benchmarking study. Benchmarking, 13
(4), 431–446.
available financial data. It is not yet clear how this could De Koster, M.B.M. (2008) Warehouse assessment in a single tour, in Fa-
be accomplished, especially in light of the “portfolio” ap- cility Logistics. Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Chal-
proach to measuring capital input, nonetheless, it is an im- lenges, Lahmar, M. (ed), Taylor & Francis, Auerbach, NY, pp. 39–60
portant issue; e.g., for firms with many warehouses which De Koster, M.B.M. and Balk, B.M. (2008) Benchmarking and monitor-
may each encounter unique local costs. The need to refine ing international warehouse operations in Europe, Production and
Operations Management, 17(2), 1–10.
models is suggested by our finding that some inputs are De Koster, M.B.M. and Warffemius, P.M.J. (2005) American, Asian and
not easily adjustable; e.g., investment in automation or size third-party international warehouse operations in Europe: a com-
of the warehouse. The use of Johansen’s vintage model parison. International Journal of Operations and Production Man-
(Johansen, 1972) or the use of the directional distance agement, 25(8), 762–780.
function (Chambers et al., 1998) could be helpful in this Dyckman, S. (ed) (2001) On-line assessment tool for better warehousing.
The Distributer’s & Wholesaler’s Advisor, 13(18), April 15.
regard. Emrouznejad, A., Parker, B.R. and Tavares, G. (2008) Evaluation of
It is important to bear in mind that warehouses operate research in efficiency and productivity: a survey and analysis of
in dynamic environments; a given warehouse will usually the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA. Socio-Economic
operate somewhere on the continuum between a startup Planning Sciences, 42(3), 151–157.
situation where there may be considerable excess capac- Foster, T.A. (1992) Logistics benchmarking: searching for the best. Dis-
tribution, March, 31–36.
ity and a mature situation where throughput has grown Fried, H.O., Lovell, C.A.K. and Schmidt, S.S. (2007) The Measurement
to the point that it stresses the available capacity. It is of Productive Efficiency and Productive Growth, Oxford University
critical that future models and analysis should reflect this Press, New York, NY.
reality. Gu, J.X., Goetschalckx, M. and McGinnis, L.F. (2007) Research on
Finally, we suggest that due consideration be given to warehouse operation: a comprehensive review. European Journal of
Operational Research, 177(1), 1–21.
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ditions and practices effect productive performance? Efficient ficiency analysis, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and
nonparametric one-stage estimators. Working paper. Available at Productivity Growth, Fried, H.O., Lovell, C.A.K. and Schmidt, S.S. (accessed November 23, 2010). (eds), Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 251–420.
Johnson, A.L. and McGinnis, L.F. (2008) Outlier detection in two-stage Tompkins, J.A., White, J.A., et al. (2003) Facilities Planning. John Wiley
semiparametric DEA models. European Journal of Operational Re- & Sons, New York, NY.
search, 187(2), 629–635. Varian, H.R. (1992) Microeconomic Analysis, Norton, New York, NY.
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ficiency measure as a solution to infeasibility of super efficiency time, in Passion and Craft: Economists at Work, Szenberg, M. (ed),
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Moesen, W. and Cherchye, L. (1998) The macroeconomic performance of
nations measurement and perception. Discussion Paper. Departe-
ment Economie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belsium. Biographies
Pastor, J.T., Ruiz, J.L. and Sirvent, I. (2002) A statistical test for nested
radial DEA models. Operations Research, 50(4), 728–735. Andrew Johnson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Indus-
Ray, S.C. (1991) Resource-use efficiency in public schools: a study of trial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University. He obtained
Connecticut data. Management Science, 37(12), 1620–1628. his B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech and
Rouwenhorst, B., Reuter, B., Stockrahm, V., van Houtum, G.J., Man- his M.S. and Ph.D. from the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial
tel, R.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2000) Warehouse design and control: and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. His research interests include
framework and literature review. European Journal of Operational productivity and efficiency measurement, warehouse design and opera-
Research, 122, 515–553. tions, material handling, and mechanism design. He is a member of the
Seiford, L.M. and Zhu, J. (2003) Context-dependent data envelopment INFORMS, National Eagle Scout Association, and German Club of
analysis—measuring attractiveness and progress. Omega, 31, 397– Virginia Tech.
Simar, L. (2003) Detecting outliers in frontier models: a simple approach. Leon McGinnis holds the Gwaltney Chair for Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 20, 391–424. in the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology,
Simar, L. and Wilson, P.W. (2008) Statistical inference in nonparametric with faculty appointments in Industrial and Systems Engineering and
frontier models: recent developments and perspectives, in The Mea- Mechanical Engineering. His teaching and research address modeling,
surement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth, Fried, analysis, and design of discrete-event logistics systems, and he leads a
H.O., Lovell, C.A.K. and Schmidt, S.S. (eds), Oxford University number of interdisciplinary and industry sponsored research initiatives.
Press, New York, NY, pp. 421–521. He is a member of IEEE and INFORMS and a Fellow of IIE.