Method of Indirect Proof
Method of Indirect Proof
Method of Indirect Proof
NIM : 4203331001
Class : CESP 2020
Courses : Routine Task of Elementary Mathemathics
Supporting Lecturer : Andrea Arifsyah Nasution, S.Pd.,M.Sc
Contraposition ~ q → ~ p
if it doesn't get wet, it doesn't rain.
We will use the previous example problem to make it easier to understand the
method of proof indirectly.
The contraposition is proven true, meaning that the statement "if 5a + 2 is even,
then a is an even number" is true.
Proof of Contradiction
From the very origin of the word it is clear, "counter" means the opposite or the
opposite. The proof of the contradiction is a bit logical indeed, so I will explain it
Just as the implication is equivalent to a contraposition, it turns out that the
negation of the implication is equivalent to another statement. The following is a
form of statement which is equivalent to the negation of implication.
~ (p → q) ≡ p^~ q
A statement in the form of implication p q has the inverse / negation ~(p →q). if
the implication is true then it is certain that the negation is wrong, right? Or, if
the implication is false then surely the negation is true.
Now in proving a contradiction, we want to prove that the statement p→ q is
true, the way is to prove that the negation is a false statement.
In order to be able to state that the negation is wrong, we first assume that the
negation is correct. then we prove these assumptions and draw a conclusion.
p: 5a + 2 even
q: a is an even number
~q: a is an odd number
√ 3 = p/q
3 = p2/q2
3.q2 = p2
3q2 = p2
3q2 = (3k)2
3q2 = 9k2
q2 = 3k2
Previously, rational numbers were numbers can be expressed in fraction
form where a and b were integers.
If 2 rational numbers are added, call it the first number and the second
number . With a, b, c, d integers.
a c ad +bc
+ =
b d bd
ad is an integer
bc is an integer
bd is an integer.
Since both the numerator and denominator satisfy, every two rational
numbers added must be rational.
3. 0<a<b if only if a2 < b2
1 1
4. 0<a<b if and only if >
a b
1 1 1
If 0 <a <b then ab> 0 and it means > 0. And as a result we have: − =¿
ab a b
b−a 1 1 1 1 1
=(b−a) . >0considering that b−a> 0. So < or > is proven true.
ab ab b a a b
5. If a <b, then a < <b
1 b
we can suppose a and b real numbers. a<b if it’s multiplied by( ), then a<b
2 2
a+b 1 a
satisfies <b .That otherwise if it’s multiplied by ( ), then a<b satisfies
2 2 2
a+b a+ b a+ b
a< . We can change the order be a< < b . So if a<b then a< < b is
2 2 2