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Strategies for Reactive Power Control in Wind Farms with

Francisco Dı́az González1 , Marcela Martı́nez-Rojas2 , Andreas Sumper12 ,
Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt12 , Lluı́s Trilla1
IREC Catalonia Institute for Energy Research
Josep Pla 2, B3, ground floor. 08019 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: +34 933560980
Centre d’Innovaciò Tecnològica en Convertidors Estàtics i Accionaments (CITCEA-UPC)
E.U d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona - Dept. Ingenierı́a Eléctrica
C/ Comte d’Urgell, 187. 08036 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: +34 934137432

Abstract. This paper presents three strategies for reactive power control in wind farms with STATCOM. First, the
STATCOM system and its applications in electric power systems and wind farms are shown. Second, the modeling done of the
wind farm, the STATCOM and the network are presented. Finally, control strategies for reactive power delivered by the park
to the network when required are shown. The result of the implementation of each control strategy is shown by simulation.

Key words

Wind farm, reactive power control, DFIG.

1 Introduction
Wind energy has experienced a great increase in the last few decades. Currently, in the European Union there are
34 gigawatts of installed capacity in wind farms. This represents more than 5 times the installed power 20 years
ago. The technology has evolved significantly while the cost of power generated has decreased. The objective of the
EEC in 2020 is to achieve 12% of all energy produced from the wind power. This development rises from a global
need for cleaner energy and a more away from fossil fuels. The ratio of greenhouse gases emitted by a wind farm,
both onshore and offshore, are around 10 − 30kgCO2/M W h of energy. In plants using fossil fuels the greenhouse gas
ratio is around 400 − 500kgCO2/M W h of energy [1]. The growing importance of wind power in the current energy
system depends on structural and legislative changes in the energy sector, increased environmental awareness, and
technological development of wind power generation systems and their integration into the electricity grid.
Technological development in the wind power field is an important challenge for its evolution. The fluctuation
of wind causes fluctuations in the power delivered by the wind farm to the electricity network. Therefore, the
development of systems to improve voltage stability, frequency stability and power quality [13] is an important line
of research in the wind power field. The incorporation of Doubly Feed Induction Generators (DFIG generators) in
wind turbines, improves stability and frequency of the voltage through their decoupled control of active and reactive
power. However, the power delivered by the wind farm to the electricity network presents many defects. Below are
some of them:

• Flicker, which is understood to be the sensation that is experienced by humans when subjected to changes in
illumination intensity. The human maximum sensitivity to illumination changes is a frequency range between
5Hz to 15Hz. The fluctuating illumination is caused by amplitude modulation of the feeding alternating
voltage. It is particularly important in weaker grids. Wind variations cause power variations [13],[4].

• Frequency fluctuations due to power fluctuations.

• Harmonic emission due to the presence of electronic power converters in wind turbines.
• Voltage fluctuations due to aerodynamic aspects of wind turbines [3].

In order to promote the integration of wind farms into the electrical network, Flexible AC Transmission Systems,
FACTS, are widely used. The FACTS STATCOM system is one of them. Numerous studies have shown that transient
and steady state stability can be improved by controlling the voltage of the connection point of the wind farm to the
Rtr Ltr
C DC vb
AC vc

Figure 1: STATCOM description

network, [7]. The STATCOM system stimulates voltage stability by reactive power regulation. STATCOM provides
or absorbs reactive power to or from the grid to compensate small voltage variations at the connection point of the
wind farm with the grid. STATCOM is also used when a voltage dip occurs. Many studies show that STATCOM
helps the wind farm to stabilize voltage especially after a voltage dip occurs [10].
Compared with other reactive compensation systems such as shunt capacitors, FACTS systems are more expen-
sive. In [15] a comparative table is presented. In this table we can observe that the cost of a shunt capacitor is
8$/kV Ar, while the cost of the STATCOM is 50$/kV Ar. Nevertheless, FACTS systems provide faster and smoother
response to changes in wind farm voltage. On the other hand, shunt capacitors give a poor response and it is not
possible to control voltage on its point connection to the wind farm [14]. Compared with other FACTS systems
connected in parallel with the generation system such as FACTS SVC [4], it is possible to guarantee that both are
similar on their reactive compensation capacity. The advantage of a STATCOM is that the reactive power provision
is independent from the actual voltage on the connection point. However, STATCOM is a bit more expensive.
STATCOM systems have been introduced in many applications. In [12], a ±100M V Ar STATCOM is installed in
a 161kV distribution line. The function of STATCOM here is to respond quickly to maintain the voltage at a certain
threshold level, preventing voltage collapse in situations of voltage disturbances. In [11], a ±80M V Ar STATCOM is
installed to improve the power transmission capacity of the distribution line. In [4] STATCOM is used to mitigate
the effect of flicker. In [16] a ±50M V Ar STATCOM is installed in a 220kV substation to improve the stability and
the power transmission capacity of the distribution line. In [9] STATCOM is used to solve power quality problems on
transmission lines. In [8], the benefits of installing a STATCOM in a wind farm to improve the behavior of the park
when facing fault ride through situations. In [5] the benefits of installing a STATCOM in a wind farm to improve
the stability and the power quality are shown. In [3], the positive effect of STATCOM to mitigate distortions in the
energy supplied by the wind farm caused by the aerodynamics of wind turbines is studied.
In this paper we show various control strategies for reactive power delivered by a wind farm, which has a
STATCOM system. This is considered a 9-bus model network, a wind farm model consists of DFIG generators and
a model of STATCOM. Numerous dynamic simulations are shown.

2 STATCOM description
According to the IEEE, STATCOM system is a static synchronous generator operated as a static compensator
connected in parallel whose output current (inductive or capacitive) can be controlled independently of the AC
system voltage.
A charged capacitor acts as a source of direct current. This current feeds an AC/DC power converter, which
produces a set of outputs with controllable three-phase voltages. Also, the frequency of these voltages is the AC
system frequency. The AC/DC power converter is controlled by PWM techniques, so the output voltages achieved
are practically sinusoidal. These controllers are possible by the high switching frequency of the IGBT, GTO, IGCT
or IEGT transistors of the power converter [17]. The system connects to the grid via a transformer, Figure 1.
The system is characterized by a rapid response time and its ability to provide a control voltage to the connection
point through reactive power compensation. It can be used for filtering harmonics, improving transient and dynamic
stability, dynamic over voltages and under voltages, voltage collapse, steady state voltage, excess reactive power flow
and undesirable power flow [6]. This enables that the wind farm, for instance, to have a better response in voltage
dips as well as more stable system.
Usually, STATCOM is installed at the MV bus in the wind farm. Its aim is to help the wind farm in situations
of voltage dips, voltage regulation, power factor control and power flow stabilizing.

3 STATCOM modeling
The operating principle of STATCOM is as follows:

• If v = vs (pu values), no current flows through Rtr and Ltr .

i i
v vs

v vs

Capacitive Inductive
current: v>vs current: v<vs icapacitive iinductive

Figure 2: Operating principle and operation area of STATCOM

10 MVA

Bus 8: 230kV
Bus 7: 230kV
Bus 2: 30kV

Bus 9: 230kV
Load B: 90MW,

Z=0.2+j1 Ohm/km

Bus 3: 13.8kV
Z=0.2+j1 Ohm/km
65km 85km

New Load A

55 MVA Z=0.2+j1 Ohm/km Z=0.2+j1 Ohm/km

30 kV / 230 kV 50km 75km
εcc 12%
150 MVA Synchronous
230 kV / 13.8 kV generator:
εcc 8.79% 200MVA,
Bus 5: 230kV Bus 6: 230kV

Wind farm: 7 wind turbines DFIG Z=0.2+j1 Ohm/km

Load C: 125MW, Load D: 160MW,
5.8MVA / 690V 80km
Lines impedance:
Bus 4: 230kV
Z=0.335+j0.132 Ohm/km

250 MVA
230 kV / 16.5 kV
εcc 14.4%

Bus 1: 16.5kV

~ generator:

Figure 3: System description

• If v > vs , current flows through Rtr and Ltr . As the impedance is essentially inductive, the current phasor is
perpendicular to vs and v voltages. STATCOM injects reactive current to the grid (capacitive current).
• If v < vs , current flows through Rtr and Ltr . This time the current flow is opposite to the previous, which
implies that STATCOM absorbs reactive power from the grid (inductive current).

Figure 2 shows a summary of the operating principle exposed. Inductive or capacitive currents appear according
to the module of v and vs voltages.
STATCOM reactive current is determined by the difference between grid voltage and power converter voltage.
Reactive current is independent of the voltage of the connection point of STATCOM and is limited by the capacity
of the power converter and grid voltage variation. The operation area of STATCOM is determined in Figure 2. The
maximum inductive current is not assumed until a certain lower limit of the voltage. This is because the voltage
drop across the coupling transformer.

4 System description
With DIgSILENT software [2], a 9-bus network with synchronous generators, various loads and a 41M V A wind farm
which has a 10M V A STATCOM has been modeled. Figure 3 shows the overall scheme.
The characteristic parameters of STATCOM, DFIG generators and wind turbines are as follows:
Table 1: Characteristics parameters of STATCOM
Parameter Value
Rating power 10M V A
Phase voltage 30kV
Transformer voltages 30kV /3.3kV
Transformer short circuit voltage 10%
Capacitor 7000uF

Table 2: Characteristics parameters of DFIG and wind turbine

Parameter Value
Rating power 5.8M V A
Stator voltage 0.69kV
Rotor side dc voltage 1.15kV
Stator resistance Rs 0.002929p.u.
Stator reactance Xs 0.125p.u.
Magnetizing reactance Xm 2.5p.u.
Number of pole pairs 2
Connection Y
Blade radius 50m
Rotor inertia of turbine 6.1 · 106 kg·mm2
Shaft stiffness 83 · 106 N m/rad
Shaft torsional damping 1.4 · 106 N ms/rad
Nominal turbine speed 18rpm

5 Strategies for reactive power control

The aim is to show the performance of STATCOM, DFIG generators and the network during a voltage fluctuation
at one point of the grid. To do this, at a specified time a 60M V Ar new load has been connected to the network.
The introduction of this new load causes a sharp drop in the voltage in all buses of the network.
In order to compensate this voltage fluctuation the wind farm can provides reactive power. The reactive power
referenced by the wind farm control is proportional to the voltage deviation at the connection point of the wind farm
about a constant set point. The demand for this power can be supplied by the generators or by the STATCOM.
Accordingly, we present the following control strategies:

• STATCOM is the only element of the park that delivers reactive power, wind turbines are working with a unity
power factor.
• A proportional dispatch of reactive power between wind turbines and STATCOM.

• Wind turbines deliver reactive power when the STATCOM system reaches its maximum capacity.

5.1 STATCOM is the only element of the park that delivers reactive power, wind
turbines are working with a unity power factor
The introduction of a new 60M V Ar reactive load in the system causes a sudden voltage drop at its buses. It
has a demand for reactive power proportional to voltage deviation experienced by the bus where the wind farm is
connected. This reactive power is referenced to local control of STATCOM. Figure 4 shows that the STATCOM
reactive power helps to raise the voltage level during the transition caused by the introduction of the new load on
the system.
At the wind farm connection point there is greater compensation. In particular, the provision of reactive power
helps to reduce the deviation of bus voltage level from 0.946p.u. (in a situation where there is no supply of reactive
power) to 0.979p.u.
This contribution of reactive power has implications for the voltages and currents of the turbines, as shown in
Figure 5. Voltage and current peaks are significantly damped.
Figure 6 shows the reactive power supplied by STATCOM. It is observed at the initial instant of the transient,
delivering approximately 10M V Ar.





-0,100 19,92 39,94 59,96 79,98 [s] 100,00

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example

Con STATCOM - Tensiones otros RETOCADO Date: 4/12/2010
(a) In solid lines are
DIgSILENT plotted the system voltages (pu values)
Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu
with injection of STATCOM
3ph fault = 150 ms Annex: 2 /32
reactive power. In dashed lines are plotted the system voltages (pu values) with no injection
of STATCOM reactive power. Green lines: wind farm bus






3,000 22,40 41,80 61,20 80,60 [s] 100,0
Bus 2: WF with reactive power compensation of STATCOM: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.
(b) Voltage (pu values) at wind farm connection point with (green line) and without (blue
Bus 2: WF: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.

line) reactive power injection of STATCOM

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example CON STATCOM - TENSIONES Date: 4/8/2010
Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu 3ph fault = 150 ms Annex: 2 /19

Figure 4: Voltage with and without reactive power injection of STATCOM








3,00 23,00 43,00 63,00 83,00 [s] 103,00
G1d: Stator voltage in p.u., with reactive power compensation of STATCOM
G1d: Stator voltage in p.u.
G1d: Active power in p.u. (base 5,00 MW) with reactive power compensation of STATCOM
Figure 5: In solid lines are plotted the wind turbine generators magnitudes with injection of STATCOM reactive
G1d: Active power in p.u. (base 5,00 MW)
G1d: Stator current in kA, with reactive power compensation of STATCOM

power to the system. In dashed lines are plotted the wind turbine generators magnitudes with no injection of
G1d: Stator current in kA

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example CON STATCOM - MECANICA Date: 4/12/2010

STATCOM reactive power. In blue lines
Add. Rotorthe stator
Resistance = 0.1 pu generator voltages 3ph faultare shown (pu values). In red lines the active
= 150 ms Annex: 2 /17

power of the generators are shown (pu values). In green lines the stator generator currents are shown (pu values).






3,00 13,00 23,00 33,00 [s] 43,00
PWM Converter/1 DC-Connection: Reactive power provided by STATCOM (Mvar)

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example CON STATCOM - reactiva Date: 4/8/2010

Figure 6: STATCOM reactive power
Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu
in M V Ar
3ph fault = 150 ms Annex: 2 /22






3,000 22,40 41,80 61,20 80,60 [s] 100,0
Bus 2: WF: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.
Bus 2: WF with reactive power compensation of STATCOM: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.
Bus 2: WF with proportional reactive power compensation between STATCOM and wind turbines: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.

Figure 7: Voltage at wind farm connection point.Doubly-fed In blue line - Example

Induction Generator the voltage withTENSIONES
PROPORCIONAL no reactive power injection is shown Date: 4/8/2010
DIgSILENT Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu
(pu values). In red line the voltage with reactive power injection of3phSTATCOM fault = 150 ms
is shown (pu values). In green line Annex: 2 /23

the voltage with proportional dispatch of reactive power between STATCOM and wind turbines is shown (pu values).

5.2 A proportional dispatch of reactive power between wind turbines and STATCOM
In this strategy, a proportional dispatch of reactive power between STATCOM and turbines is performed. The
dispatch function D is:

D= Pn (1)
QmaxST + k=1 QmaxW T
Q∗ST = D·QmaxST (2)
Q∗W T = D·QmaxW T (3)
Thus, wind turbines and STATCOM receive a reactive power reference that depends on total demand and the
capacity of each element.
The reactive power delivered as a whole is the same as in the previous case, thus the voltage of the system buses
do not have a different behavior. Figure 7 shows the voltage at the connection point of the wind farm. Shows the
curves that correspond to the situations described above.
However, voltage and current of DFIG generators experience a change from the previous strategy (Figure 8).
Make a reactive power control of the generators helps to keep their voltage levels, since practically does not suffer a
significant variation during the transient caused by the connection of new load to the system. Delivered active power
is also suffering only a minor variation, but the stator currents are significantly higher due to the reactive current






3,00 13,00 23,00 33,00 [s] 43,00

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example PROPORCIONAL MECANICA Date: 4/12/2010

DIgSILENT Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu 3ph fault = 150 ms Annex: 2 /22

Figure 8: In solid lines are plotted the wind turbine generators magnitudes with proportional dispatch of reactive
power between STATCOM and wind turbines. In dashed lines are plotted the wind turbines generators system
voltages with injection of STATCOM reactive power. In blue lines the stator generator voltages are shown (pu
values). In red lines the active power of the generators are shown (pu values). In green lines the stator generator
currents are shown (pu values)

5.3 Wind turbines deliver reactive power when the STATCOM system reaches its
maximum capacity
In this case, a new 100M V Ar load has been introduced on the system. Thus, the lowering of the voltage in the
system buses is higher than in the previous cases. Therefore, the reactive power to be supplied by the wind farm to
the network is greater than 10M V Ar for several seconds. During this time, the STATCOM is delivering its maximum
power (10M V Ar) and the mills meet the remaining demand. Figure 9 shows the voltage of the bus 2 when there is
no supply of reactive power, and when the turbines and STATCOM inject reactive power according to the explained
As shown, all buses experience a slighter decrease on their voltage level when a new load is introduced in the
system. Specifically, the bus that experiences a lower deviation is the one that the wind farm is connected to. When
the new load is connected, STATCOM and the turbines provide reactive power, allowing a voltage level decrease of
only 0.9783p.u. This voltage level is much higher than in the case of an absence of reactive power compensation,
After a few seconds, as reactive power demand drops STATCOM can supply all the demand. The turbines
reactive power reference is now QW T = 0. Figure 10 shows the reactive power provided by STATCOM and a wind
turbine in both situations.
As noted, the contribution of reactive power by STATCOM not only helps to restore voltage at the wind farm
connection point, but it helps at all system buses. The system is more stable. This can be seen in the PV curves.

6 Voltage stability: PV curves

Voltage stability refers to the ability of a power system to maintain steady voltages at all buses in the system after
being subjected to a disturbance. PV diagrams are an essential tool for analyzing the voltage stability of power
systems. PV curves are generated by increasing the active power of one load or of a certain number of loads by
keeping the power factor constant. The loads are increased until the load flow doesn’t converge any more. In this
case, variations in the load A Bus 8 are applied. Initially a 10M W load with 0.85 power factor is considered. As the
system approaches the maximum loading point or voltage collapse point, both real and reactive power losses increase
rapidly. This phenomenon can be seen from the plots, commonly referred to as P-V curve. The maximum load that
the system can be supplied before entering to the collapse point or nose point is called loading margin (LM). Figures
11 and 12 show PV curves for bus system where there are loads, and the bus which is connected wind farm. It can
be seen as the loading margin of all buses is increased to 4.5% of its value in a situation where there is no reactive
power compensation by wind farm.






3,000 22,40 41,80 61,20 80,60 [s] 100,0
Bus 2: WF: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.
Bus 2: WF with reactive power compensation of STATCOM and wind turbines: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u.

Figure 9: VoltageDIgSILENT
at wind farm connection point with
Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu
Inductionno reactive
Generator - Example powerCONJUNTO injection
3ph fault = 150 ms
TENSIONES line, pu values) and with
Date: 4/8/2010
Annex: 2 /26
reactive power injection by STATCOM and wind turbines (red line, pu values).






3,00 13,00 23,00 33,00 [s] 43,00
G1d: Reactive power provided by wind turbine (Mvar). Strategy: reactive power compensation of STATCOM and wind turbines
PWM Converter/1 DC-Connection: Reactive power provided by STATCOM (Mvar). Strategy: reactive power compensation of STATCOM and wind turbines

Doubly-fed Induction Generator - Example CONJUNTO REACTIVA Date: 4/8/2010

Figure 10: ReactiveDIgSILENT

power injected to the grid by STATCOM (green line, in M V Ar) and wind turbines (red line, in
Add. Rotor Resistance = 0.1 pu 3ph fault = 150 ms Annex: 2 /29

M V Ar)

Figure 11: P-V curves. With no reactive power injection of STATCOM. x-axis, power in M W . y-axis, voltage in
Figure 12: P-V curves. With reactive power injection of STATCOM. x-axis, power in M W . y-axis, voltage in

7 Conclusions
This paper presents three strategies for reactive power control in wind farms with STATCOM. A 9-bus network with
synchronous generators, various loads and a wind farm which has a STATCOM has been modeled. A new purely
reactive load has been connected on the system to cause a voltage fluctuation at all system buses. Three strategies
for STATCOM and wind turbines reactive power control have been considered to compensate this sudden voltage
drop. The first of these strategies consists on wind turbines working with a unity power factor while STATCOM
delivers its reactive power to the grid. In the others two strategies STATCOM and the wind turbines assume the
demand of reactive power. If wind turbines inject reactive power, they suffer a lower voltage drop at their connection
point, but their stator currents are higher due to the injection of reactive current. Future work will evaluate the
losses in generators and in the park due to the increased current. PV curves have been plotted to study the effect on
voltage stability of the reactive power added to the network by STATCOM. It has been shown that loading margin
(LM) in the system buses improves significantly.

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