VFM Technical Guides: Collecting, Analysing, and Presenting
VFM Technical Guides: Collecting, Analysing, and Presenting
VFM Technical Guides: Collecting, Analysing, and Presenting
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A key feature of good quality value for money reports is a comprehensive analysis of
data. Study teams already use a range of quantitative techniques to collect, analyse,
and present information from various sources.
Software can assist in a number of ways and the purpose of this guide is to:
z data collection;
z presentation;
This guide provides practical advice and points to watch for in using software. It is
not intended to make vfm staff experts, and often they will need to consult
specialists either in-house - such as members of the Technical Advisory Group
(TAG) - or externally.
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Part 1 - Introduction
Key stages in analysing data
Who to go to for advice and help
Part 2 - How software packages can assist in vfm work
Selecting the most appropriate software
Data transfer
Other specialist software
Part 3 - Data collection techniques
Downloading data
Part 4 - Analysing data
Initial data analysis
Index numbers and performance measures
Association between two variables
Time series
Modelling techniques
Financial reporting
Part 5 - Presenting data
Pie charts
Bar charts
Component bar charts
High-low charts
Graphs showing trends
XY (scatter) charts
Diagrams and organisation charts
Part 1 Introduction
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A significant factor in the quality of the NAO’s value for money (vfm) work is the
soundness of the analysis and interpretation of data supporting our conclusions and
Data analysed in NAO reports are very varied. Typically they will include expenditure
trends; staff statistics; indicators of resource utilisation; throughputs, for example,
hospital bed occupancy; number of claims processed; geographic distribution of
resources; measures of client satisfaction; and a range of other performance
Increasingly, our studies are making use of information from a wider range of
sources. Audited bodies are producing more sophisticated data and this should
continue as they develop new performance measures. We now draw more on
information published by academic institutions and other centres of excellence. And
by commissioning surveys we include totally new and independent information in our
Seek expert help. Consider the need for expert help in determining the analysis
required and in carrying it out either internally - for instance, members of the
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) - or externally. Members of TAG and their fields of
expertise can be found in a leaflet which is distributed by the central vfm team. The
leaflet will be updated regularly.
Relevance to study objectives. The way in which the proposed analysis will help
achieve the study objectives should be well thought out and demonstrated at the
study design stage.
Cost and resource implications. Consider the cost and resource implications of
the proposed approach and whether it is affordable.
Reliability. Obviously, we should have sufficient confidence that the data on which
the analysis is based are reliable, and this may require some validation checks
which can be carried out by a TAG expert such as Janet Snelling (ext 7149) or
Fahera Sindhu (ext 7850).
Presentation. Careful thought should be given to the best way to present the results
of analysis in order to get messages across simply and effectively.
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The guide assumes that the reader has no prior statistical or computing knowledge.
It explains how the different software packages can be applied and the
circumstances when study teams may need more specialist assistance.
The table below shows who to contact for advice and help in using software on vfm
z Quality
z Ease of access
2 Seek expert help
z Consider the need for expert help either internally - for example, members of
the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) - or externally in determining the analysis
required and in carrying it out.
3 Relevance to study objectives
z How will data and the analysis of data meet study objectives?
4 Type of analysis
z Will raw data be in a form suitable for analysis or will they need to be converted
to a different format?
5 Convince the audited body
z Demonstrate to the audited body that the approach and analysis is relevant
and will give added value.
6 Data collection
z How are the data to be collected eg file examination, survey, electronic transfer
to NAO software?
7 Cost and resource implications
z Consider the cost and resource implications of the proposed approach and
whether it is affordable.
8 Reliability
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9 Interpretation
z Have the results been fully reviewed to validate them, using expert opinion
where appropriate?
z Does the presentation of the results of the analysis communicate the key
messages clearly?
Microsoft Office (MS Office) includes the word processing application Word; the
spreadsheet Excel; the database system Access; and PowerPoint for graphics
Excel is suitable for much of the data analysis and presentation required in vfm
studies. Access is better for handling large volumes of data and text data.
Three other packages are also available with a number of features which make them
particularly useful for vfm work. They are:
• IDEA. This can handle much larger data files and facilitate a range of different
• SNAP. This is useful for designing questionnaires and analysing survey results.
Several of these packages can be used to undertake the same analysis but often
one is best for a particular task. The choice of software in each case will be
influenced by the type and volume of data and the analytical approach required.
Part 2 gives brief summaries of the features of each package and how they can
contribute to vfm work. Parts 3, 4, and 5 then focus on their use in collecting,
analysing, and presenting data.
The chart ‘Selecting the most appropriate software’ provides an overview to the
most suitable software depending on the type of vfm data collection, analysis, or
presentation required.
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* appropriate
** most appropriate
z Association between * * **
two variables
z Multivariate analysis ** **
z Decision theory **
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z Network analysis **
z Simulation * **
z Linear programming **
z Queuing theory **
z Graphs ** * * * *
z Drawing diagrams,
objects, organisation ** *
z Visual presentations **
as screen shows
* appropriate
** most appropriate
* More advanced software required. Consult Technical Advisory
Group (extension 7150) or Specialist Software Resource (extension
Excel is the MS Office spreadsheet application. It is easy to use and has many
powerful features.
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Ease of use
Simple to advanced skills are required depending on the type of analysis, but
generally the software is easy to use.
• In a study of Health and Safety in the NHS, Excel was used to examine data on
accidents occurring in a sample of NHS Trusts. The type and rate of incidence was
analysed and the sample results extrapolated to estimate likely levels of accidents
for all Trusts.
• Excel has also been used to analyse information on the type of work carried out by
Inland Revenue offices, filtering and sorting it by type, region, and size of office to
select a sample for more in-depth examination.
• The maximum number of rows in a spreadsheet is 16,000, so files with more than
16,000 records have to be analysed using another package such as Access or
• All spreadsheet work must be clearly documented and easy to follow and review.
• Calculations and totals should be checked to ensure that they include the correct
cells of data.
• Building in checks, and checking formulae through the auditing function and the
formula view should all be used to validate spreadsheet work.
• One workbook should not hold too many large worksheets as this can slow the
work down and the risk of losing data from corrupt files can increase (it is usually
best to keep up to six worksheets).
Contact point
Access can be used for a range of vfm work, from administrative tasks such as
tracking the examination of a large number of files and recording the results, to
interrogation and detailed analysis of large data files. Access is particularly suitable
for studies requiring large volumes of data to be collected, interrogated, and
summarised in a standard and secure manner.
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z Handling non numeric data (Access is probably the best package for
dealing with narratival information).
Ease of use
In a study of Health and Safety in the NHS Access was used to compile a database
of accidents at a number of NHS trusts. Data on the type of accident, its cause and
location etc were input to Access, sorted, and initially analysed.
• Access is excellent for holding large volumes of data, but it is less appropriate for
one-off ad-hoc vfm analysis because setting up an Access database can be time
consuming. Careful advanced planning and preparation are required. Technical
advice and assistance is usually needed to create, manage, and interrogate Access
databases reliably.
• Always consider the analysis required and ways to build in checks on the data, for
example checks for any duplicate entries.
Contact point
PowerPoint is a useful tool for producing graphics for reports and presentations.
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z Sets of slides for each presentation are held in one file where they
can be created, edited, re-ordered, and re-styled easily and quickly.
Ease of use
• Screen shows on an audio visual unit (AVU) are an effective way of demonstrating
the justification for carrying out a study or presenting findings to a range of
audiences - including client departments, members of the Committee of Public
Accounts, senior management, and other interested parties. PowerPoint can assist
in enhancing visual displays as well as producing high quality graphics for reports.
Unit E used Powerpoint to give a presentation to the Society of British Aerospace
Companies on the NAO report on Initiatives to Reduce Technical Risks.
Contact point
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Ease of use
• Metropolitan Police Service: Responding to Calls from the Public (HC 753, 1994-
95) used IDEA to interrogate a large data file on telephone calls made to the police.
Approximately one million records holding information on the source of the call, type
of call, and response time were interrogated to extract information by types of call.
• Contracting for Acute Health Care in England (HC 261 1994-95) IDEA was used to
select a sample of general practices from six health authorities for more detailed
examination. A sample was drawn based on the number of general practitioners
working in each practice.
• Because of the high volume of data that is often analysed using IDEA, large files
can quickly take up computer space. Good housekeeping is needed to ensure that
only essential files are retained.
• Training in IDEA is available for vfm staff, covering the software’s basic use and an
awareness of the data formats. IDEA can be self-taught but it is advisable to attend
the vfm IDEA training course if you intend to use the application or need to
understand its capabilities. All course members are provided with a manual (IDEA:
Beginner’s Guide to Auditing with IDEA version 5) produced by Clark Whitehill.
The CAATs team can assist staff with downloading data into IDEA and any complex
data interrogation.
Contact point
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All survey work can be processed in one package with the following
Ease of use
NAO have used SNAP since 1992 for a number of surveys, for example:
• University Purchasing in England (HC 635, 1992-93) included a postal survey and
around 40 completed questionnaires were analysed.
• NHS Outpatient Service in England and Wales (HC 359 1994-95). Some 750
responses from a postal survey of General Practitioners were analysed.
• Handling Small Claims in the County Courts (HC 271 1995-96). A survey was used
to assess the quality of service provided by County courts in handling small claims.
Some 700 questionnaires completed by plaintiffs and 250 by defendants were
In many of the surveys the data were processed externally and then analysed in-
house using SNAP.
• SNAP can handle only short textual responses to questionnaires etc; for surveys
involving larger textual responses another package such as Access should be used.
• Training is available on how to use SNAP. Course members are provided with
more detailed SNAP course notes and the SNAP User Manual.
Contact point
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Staff wanting to use SNAP should contact Janet Snelling (extension 7149).
SPSS is used mainly for statistical analysis. SPSS is a WINDOWS package and
includes a large number of statistical analytical techniques.
Ease of use
• HM Customs and Excise: Writing Off VAT Arrears (HC 209 1994-95) SPSS was
used to analyse the distribution of VAT write-offs; a sample of 4700 traders with VAT
debts written off was analysed by type and size.
• Contracting for Acute Health Care in England (HC 261 1994-95) A survey of
general practices from six regions was selected on the basis of a sample
proportional to the number of GPs in each practice. To do this the team required
data on both the number of GPs and patients at each practice. However, one region
only provided data on patient numbers. Regression analysis was used to determine
the strength of the relationship between the number of GPs and patients in five
regions. Because there was a direct correlation, patient numbers were used in place
of the likely number of GPs in the sixth region. The survey data were processed
externally and transferred from a data processing agency in SPSS format for further
examination in-house and were analysed mainly using frequency tables and cross-
While SPSS is relatively easy to use a good knowledge of statistics is still needed to
analyse data correctly and interpret the results. Vfm training is available for basic
data analysis but more sophisticated analysis will usually require specialist help.
Contact point
Staff wanting to use SPSS should contact Janet Snelling (extension 7149).
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Data transfer
Data can often be transferred from one software package to another. This may be
necessary to facilitate more detailed analysis, for example down-loading a
department’s data file into IDEA to select a sample and then trans-ferring the sample
into Excel for further work. Or the analysis might be partly done in Excel and partly in
SPSS. Transfers can be made in a variety of ways and staff should seek advice
from Ron Cooke (IDEA) (extension 7167).
The software covered by this guide is capable of carrying out most types of analysis
required for the NAO’s vfm work. But there may be circumstances when staff need
to undertake more advanced analyses requiring other software. For example, as
part of the preliminary study on the Mothballing of Defence Equipment, the team
used the London School of Economics’ decision analysis program, HIVIEW. This
enabled them to evaluate the potential impact of a range of options including leasing
or selling equipment surplus to current operational requirements.
A number of more advanced packages are held by Unit A’s Specialist Software
Resource Centre (extension 7167).
Training is available in the use of all these packages on vfm work. Unit C’s IT
Resource Centre provides introductory and advanced training in Microsoft Office
applications. The vfm central team offers courses on the use of Excel and
PowerPoint, IDEA, SNAP, and SPSS for data collection, analysis and presentation
in vfm studies. Staff interested in attending these courses should consult the
Training Programme.
• Sampling.
A summary of the key points to bear in mind when using these data collection
techniques is provided in the following pages.
This has the advantage that the study team has access to the data at any time,
allowing quicker and potentially less time-consuming examination. The audited body
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is also less inconvenienced as NAO staff do not have to access their systems
directly or request a large number of reports or interrogations.
• Relevant data files, records, and fields to be downloaded should be specified and
agreed with the audited body.
• The data transfer method and format should be precisely defined and agreed with
the audited body.
• Once data has been transferred to NAO software it should be verified to ensure
that the correct data was sent and was not corrupted during the transfer.
Transfer medium
The method of data transfer depends on the size of the computer file(s). Small files
can be transferred by diskette. For larger files:
• The IT Help Desk provides specialist support for data transfer using backup tapes
or direct PC to PC links. Other transfer methods using modems and networks may
be possible.
Transfer format
Standard formats such as Excel, Access files, Lotus 123, or Dbase are the best
and easiest computer transfer formats.
The best format for transferring large files is ASCII (ASCII stands for American
Standard Code for Information, a standard text file which is easy to transfer and
read). The data file can be in fixed length or variable length format. Fixed length
records are easier to transfer but they take up more disk space. With variable length
records the fields are separated by delimiters, usually commas. Variable length
records are sometimes more difficult to transfer but they are often preferred as they
make more efficient use of disk space.
Data verification
• The confidentiality of data should, in the first instance, be cleared with the audited
body. Further concerns over the sensitivity of data, particularly under the Data
Protection Act, should be cleared with Ian Petticrew, the NAO Computer Security
Officer (extension 7267).
• Any diskette should be checked by the IT Resource Centre for any potential
• Placing verification checks on fields, looking for outliers and missing results in the
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data; running check totals and reconciliations to test the consistency of data and to
identify errors or anomalies.
• Data transfer can be time-consuming if the process goes wrong. Incorrect transfer
can occur for a number of reasons such as poor specification, out-of-date
information, and file corruption during transfer. These risks can be minimised by
careful planning, clear specifications, and seeking appropriate technical advice.
• Data must be ‘cleaned up’ at data transfer and data collection stages. Checks for
completeness and reliability of the data must be made.
Contact point
Vfm studies often use sampling. It is not practicable or necessary to examine every
transaction, for example, in an expenditure programme, or every recipient of a
benefit. Conclusions drawn from sample examinations can, with various degrees of
confidence, be applicable to a larger population. The software Excel, IDEA, and
SPSS are particularly suited for selecting and analysing samples. The NAO
publication Use of Sampling - Value for Money Studies 1992 provides more detailed
advice, but a number of key points are summarised below.
Planning to sample
• Seek specialist advice. When using sampling you should seek statistical
assistance to check that your approach is valid and to advise on interpreting the
result. In more complex cases, it may be appropriate for specialists to undertake the
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However, subjective samples may prevent the results from being extrapolated to
form judgements about the whole population.
• Use of software programs. IDEA can be used to select samples using any of
these designs. SPSS is better for simple random or interval sampling, Excel has the
flexibility to design any random or interval sample.
• Interpreting sample results. When analysing sample results you will need to
allow for some uncertainty. The results from a sample examination can be used to
calculate a best estimate for the whole population, but the result may be subject to
sampling error. The confidence interval allows us to say with a specific degree of
confidence that the true figure lies within a range of values.
• Sample size. When determining the sample size, as a general rule you should aim
for a statistical sample large enough so there are at least 30 cases in each sub-
group you wish to analyse.
• Contracting for Acute Health Care in England (HC 261 1994-95). Probability
proportional to size design was used to select a sample of general practices for
more detailed examination. This method was adopted to ensure that the sample was
biased more towards larger practices with a higher number of doctors.
• Department of Trade and Industry’s Support for Innovation (HC 715 1994-95). This
report included a survey to gauge industry’s awareness of, and views on, the
changes made to the Department’s support for innovation. To demonstrate the
degree of reliability that could be placed on the results the sampling errors for the
overall survey were explained in the report as + or - 3 to 4 per cent at 95 per cent
Contact point
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Surveys are now widely used in NAO studies to collect both quantitative and
qualitative data. Study teams usually commission market research agencies to carry
out large surveys, but some smaller surveys are managed in-house.
The software package SNAP can be used to help in designing surveys and
analysing the results. Survey data collected by agencies using SNAP can be
transferred to SNAP for in-house analysis.
The NAO publications Designing and Carrying out a Survey 1991 and Designing,
Commissioning and Analysing Surveys 1995 provide more detailed advice but a
number of key points are summarised below.
• Seek specialist help. Even if the study team, and not an agency, is to carry out
the survey it is important to seek specialist help.
• Determining the type of survey. The main quantitative survey methods are
(self-completion) questionnaires, personal interviewing, and telephone interviewing.
Computer-assisted methods to support these techniques are: computer-assisted
data input (CADI); computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI); and computer-
assisted telephone interviewing (CATI).
• Validating results. In some cases, after completion of the survey, it may be worth
holding a series of discussions with some respondents to validate the results of the
survey and to obtain additional perspectives.
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Study teams have used a number of market research firms to carry out surveys.
These firms often specialise in a particular field such as health. The Market
Research Society Yearbook provides a complete list of firms who have experience
in undertaking surveys and a copy is held in the NAO library.
The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (HC 138 1993-94). British Market Research
Bureau (BMRB) surveyed a sample of users of the laboratory to assess their views
on its facilities.
Overseas Trade Service: Assistance to Exporters (HC 293 1995-96). BJM Research
and Consultancy Limited undertook a telephone survey of existing and potential UK
exporters to four South-East Asia countries.
The central vfm team maintain a database of recent NAO surveys. All study teams
are asked to register surveys they carry out with the Central vfm team and also with
the Government’s Survey Control Unit (SCU) using NAO Form 163. The database
includes information on who conducted the survey, its cost, estimates of interview
times involved where appropriate, and the response rate achieved, and can be
accessed by all staff. Information provided to the Survey Control Unit informs
departments about the NAO’s survey work. In return the Unit provides information
on surveys carried out by departments as well as advice on best practice.
For larger surveys carried out by market research agencies it is important that the
study team obtain assurance that the agency has formal data processing
procedures and quality control standards.
The survey method, the size of the sample and the purpose of the survey should be
fully explained and discussed with the audited body.
Contact point
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Analysing data
Software can help in analysing data, using a range of quantitative techniques. This
section briefly summarises the following typical techniques which may be
• Time series
• Modelling
• Financial analysis
All analysis begins with an exploratory stage to check the data for reasonableness,
bias, abnormalities, outliers, and missing information. The next stage should focus
on the profile of the data to explore patterns, trends, and relationships in the
• Collating data into groups so that the magnitude of the numbers can be
understood, and arranging the data in numerical order so that the lowest and highest
values can be seen at a glance.
• Determining the spread of data – the difference between the maximum and
minimum values and the distribution of the data.
• Plotting simple time series, for example to show the costs of a service over a
number of years.
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Excel and SPSS can undertake all of these simple techniques, and SNAP can be
used for survey analysis. In addition, SPSS can be used for more complex analyses.
Highways Agency: The Bridge Programme (HC 282, 1995-96). Often the results of
initial data analysis can be presented in reports as descriptive background to put the
study into context and set the scene for subsequent more detailed analysis. Here is
an example:
Interest rates quoted by eight banks and building societies to United Bristol
Healthcare NHS trust on a day in December 1993
• Initial data analysis should start with simple techniques, to avoid wasting time in
carrying out more sophisticated analysis which may not be appropriate or be based
on inaccurate data. Often the most simple analyses are the most telling.
• Outliers should always be investigated to check that they are true values and not
errors. The reason for this is that outliers have a very strong effect on many derived
statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient.
• The main drawback of using the mean is that it is affected by extreme values,
whether outliers or errors, which can distort the message conveyed.
• Some terms, such as ‘standard deviation’, are not widely understood other than by
statisticians, and therefore need to be carefully explained in layman terms.
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In presenting data in reports it is often important to show the change in the value or
price of a commodity over time and also to compare variables of different units or
size. A base period is selected, usually a year, and all subsequent values,
commodities, or other units of measurement etc are scaled against the base value to
produce index numbers.
The main advantage of index numbers is that percentage increases from the base
year can be seen at a glance, and that the numbers shown are of a manageable and
understandable size, making it easier for the lay reader to understand the trend over
several years.
There are various methods for compiling index numbers. The most common is a
simple price index showing the change in prices or costs over time. There are a
number of well known indices which are used in vfm studies: the Retail Price Index,
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator, and the Financial Times Share Index.
Audited bodies’ performance measures, used for internal management or published
in annual reports, are sometimes based on index numbers.
Composite index numbers cover a larger number of items, which can be weighted
so that the indices take account of their relative importance. For example, in a
typical basket of goods prices can be weighted by the quantities in the basket to
produce indices such as the Retail Price Index (RPI).
Forecast accuracy
Notes: (1) Average for specific forecasts derived from the model
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The Registers of Scotland: Service to the Public (HC 330 1993-94). This is an
example of index numbers being used to show the movement in land registration
fees in real terms over twelve years.
This figure shows that the average house price in Scotland increased by 18 per cent
in real terms from 1981 to 1993, but that the corresponding land registration fee fell
by one per cent in real terms.
• While index numbers are a useful tool they can be misleading if care is not taken.
• Any year can be used as the base but the choice should be carefully considered as
it can make a difference to the way the trend is perceived, for example if the base
year was in any way atypical.
• In constructing a composite index, the choice of items, the weights applied and the
method of calculation can all affect the trend.
• When items are excluded or new items included in an index, there may be drastic
movements in the series which do not reflect major changes in prices or quantities,
but merely the changed composition of the index.
In vfm studies we are often interested in looking at the association between two
variables. This might be between staffing levels and achieved workload at local
offices or the take up of benefits or grants and the number of eligible recipients.
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association between the number of police officers allocated to solve crimes and the
clear up rate was low, this might suggest that more police were needed or that they
could be better deployed.
The most common techniques for examining association between two variables are:
• Scatter diagrams. These show two variables together, one on each axis. The
values of the variables are plotted as a point on the graph, for example claims
processed against staff resources by location. If the plot forms a straight or a curved
line it indicates a clear relationship and can be measured using a correlation
• Chi-squared test. This is a useful tool for analysing the results from opinion
surveys. It can be used to determine whether there is any association between the
answers given to a pair of questions. For example, two questions might be asked:
what age group are you in (16-24, 25-34 etc) and how many times have you visited
a museum in the last three years (0, 1, 2-3, 4 or more). A chi-squared test could
determine if there was a statistical association between the two sets of answers, and
hence whether age group had any possible influence on visits made.
Excel and SPSS can both produce scatter diagrams. SPSS, Excel, and SNAP can
calculate chi-squared tests.
The Registers of Scotland: Service to the Public (HC 330 1993-94). This is an
example of a study using a scatter diagram to examine the relationship between
fees charged by solicitors and the value of houses purchased. While fees and
property values are shown to increase together, there is no discernible difference in
the fees between registers.
Solicitors fees
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• The chi-squared test should only be used for the frequency of occurrences (eg
responses to a question) and never for percentages.
• Applying the chi-squared test and interpreting its results may require some
specialist assistance. Contact Janet Snelling (extension 7149) for advice.
Time series
• Time series models. A wide variety of factors may influence values over a period
of time. Some will not be continuous or particularly significant but create ‘noise’ in
the picture which makes it difficult to see underlying patterns and trends. Seasonal,
cyclical, and random factors are examples of this. Smoothing can be applied to
remove the impact of such transient events so that the underlying trend can be seen
more clearly. Time series models, based on simple moving averages and other
methods, can be used to achieve smoothing.
A simple moving average involves looking at relatively small sections of the data,
finding an average, and then moving on to another section. The series of averages
is then plotted.
Time series models can also be used to make predictions by extending the trend
line into the future. Predictive models vary in their complexity and usually require
some weighting to reflect that recent data may have more influence than older data.
Applying this approach usually requires specialist advice but it can be used in
studies to determine the likely financial impact of a procedure or programme over
Excel and SPSS can be used to carry out time series analysis and construct more
complicated models.
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The graph shows that typical VOPformulae currently in use escalate faster than the
• Over a number of years the definitions of information and the methods of collecting
data can change, so it is important to ensure that like is compared with like.
• Where such changes have occurred they should either be acknowledged or, if
possible, adjusted for.
• If the time series covers more than two years, all monetary data should be shown
in real terms, that is after adjusting for inflation (see ‘Financial reporting’).
• Analysis of time series data is based on the assumption that the behaviour of data
in the past will be a good guide to its behaviour in the future. This may be valid, but
there will be cases where data are susceptible to change. In these circumstances
time series analysis on its own will not be able to predict what the new figure is likely
to be.
Modelling techniques
Vfm teams should have some basic awareness of the different types of models:
• be aware of the circumstances when audited bodies should be using them to assist
in the management of their operations; and
• where such techniques are used by audited bodies, to have sufficient knowledge to
appraise whether the techniques have been used appropriately and are likely to give
reliable results.
• Regression. This is the most common modelling technique, which ranges from
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Practical application for vfm. The technique can be particularly useful in vfm
studies. Multiple regression can assist in assessing the strength of any association,
and hence the influence of, for example, the size of classroom, number of teachers,
level of resources invested in education etc on schools’ performance in terms of
examination pass rates. Regression can also be used to assess the influence of
various inputs on different outputs, for example the number of staff and the number
of claims or grants processed or reductions in sick absences in local offices.
Practical application for vfm. One relevance of this type of modelling to vfm work
is in its appropriate use by audited bodies in determining the most cost-effective
location, for example of ambulance centres, local offices etc.
• Decision theory. This can be used to determine the best choice from a number of
options. Various techniques are available but essentially all options are assessed
using the same set of criteria. Relative costs and probabilities are attached to the
criteria for each option. These can be determined subjectively, based on
expectations and past knowledge, or objectively using empirical data from past
performance. The ‘best choice’ is then calculated. This approach is applicable for
making decisions on which equipment to purchase or capital project or schemes to
Practical application for vfm. Decision theory can be used to re-assess a range of
projects managed by audited bodies to determine whether the most cost-effective
options were selected. Also, in designing vfm studies it can assist teams in
determining which cases or projects to examine.
• Network analysis. This breaks down the timing and resourcing of a project, or
area of work, into smaller tasks. The most efficient order and sequence of tasks is
then determined to make the best use of time and resources. Network analysis can
be used to help manage large equipment procurement projects, research and
development, and construction projects.
Practical application for vfm. Network analysis could be used in vfm studies to
assess how well a department had managed a major project and whether they had
made optimum use of time and resources. For projects experiencing major cost and
time overruns the technique could assist in identifying the causes of the poor
performance. Network analysis can also be used to plan more complex vfm studies.
• Simulation. This type of modelling can be used to solve ‘what if’ problems. A
model can be constructed consisting of a range of components, some of which will
be constant and others variable. Various different assumptions can be applied and a
simulation program can be used to show a range of possible outcomes.
Practical application for vfm. Simulation models can be used to show the potential
impact of changes in key factors on a programme or project. This would be
important if initial evidence suggested that major components such as sub-
contractors’ work were likely to be delayed or significant design changes were
necessary with significant cost implications. Conversely, where a study had
identified significant management weaknesses which had resulted in cost overruns,
simulation models could be used to indicate a ‘what if’ the project had been a better
managed scenario.
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Practical application for vfm. Study teams may face circumstances when they
have to evaluate the reliability with which audited bodies have allocated resources.
Teams may also need to examine the potential implications of different resource
allocation assumptions; linear programming could assist in this.
• Queuing theory. This can be used to model, for example, waiting times in
processing tax returns or response times in dealing with letters from the public.
Models can be constructed to reflect expected demands, the time needed to service
demands and the resources available to do so.
Practical application for vfm. Study teams might use queuing theory to model the
impact of different efficiency assumptions or improved productivity on the resources
needed to process claims or to treat patients etc.
Simple models can be set up on spreadsheets using Excel. Regression models can
be built using SPSS. More complex models require advanced programs. In most
cases specialist advice is usually needed.
A number of NAO studies have used modelling techniques as part of their analysis:
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Manpower (HC 358 1989-90). This used multiple
regression to identify Foreign and Commonwealth Office overseas posts where
staffing appeared high in comparison to reported workload. The Department were
asked to give possible explanations why staffing identified by the multiple regression
model was higher or lower than expectations.
Metropolitan Police Service: Responding to Calls from the Public (HC 753 1994-95).
The study used linear regression to determine optimum staffing levels based on a
line of ‘best fit’ between hourly average scheduled staff and 999 incident numbers.
Optimum staffing was compared to actual staffing to identify significant differences.
The regression model used is illustrated below
Number of 999 communications room staff against number of incidents recorded for
Force Z
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The line of ‘best fit’ gives an optimum staffing level of one for every 19 incidents
recorded each hour with a minimum of 12 staff each hour.
Department of Trade and Industry’s Support for Innovation (HC 715 1994-95).
Assisted by consultants the team developed a model based on decision theory to
compare the cost effectiveness of eight schemes to support innovation. The model
consisted of seven criteria and 12 performance indicators,which were used to rank
schemes as illustrated by the table.
The table shows the scores achieved by each scheme on each of the 12 most
important performance indicators. In particular it shows the relatively poor scores
achieved by LINK compared with the relatively high scores achieved by the
Teaching Company Scheme.
• Modelling techniques are useful tools but their appropriateness for vfm studies
needs to be carefully thought out and justified. They should only be used when they
are likely to provide added value and not for their own sake.
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• The assumptions on which the model is based need to be clearly understood and
• The conclusions drawn from the model need to be carefully explained and any
caveats highlighted.
Financial reporting
All NAO reports should show financial values in real terms when comparing more
than two years of data. Actual values are deflated to show the underlying trend in
real terms, after adjusting for the effects of inflation. As a general rule, the GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) deflator is used to adjust cash prices to real prices.
Other financial calculations typically included in studies are net present value,
internal rate of return, simple and compound interest, depreciation, and percentage
growth rates.
HM Customs and Excise: Checking Claims for Repayment of VAT (HC 703 1994-
95). The report examines claims over the period 1989-90 to 1994-95. All monetary
values are adjusted to 1989-90 prices the first year in the time series, using the GDP
Comparison of the yields from credibility work and assurance visits, 1989-90 to
1994-95 at 1994-95 prices (1989-90 = 100)
After 1989-90, the yield from credibility work showed an initial sharp decline,
followed by an upturn in 1993-94 and 1994-95. By comparison the yield from
assurance visits has declined each year between 1989-90 and 1993-94, before
rising in 1994-95.
Net expenditure
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The figure shows that net expenditure in cash terms has increased in each year
since 1990-91 but is targeted to reduce in 1994-95. After adjustments net
expenditure in 1993-94 was the lowest in this four year period.
PSA Services: The transfer of PSA Building Management to the Private Sector (HC
130, 1995-96). This is an example of calculating net present values.
calculated using a commercial loan rate of 9 per cent – the base rate at 1 October
1993 plus 3 per cent.
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• There will be exceptions where it may not be possible or appropriate to deflate the
• The retail price index is more appropriate than the GDP deflator when deflating
prices related to individuals, such as employees’ income.
• Deflation indices are sometimes compiled for specialist subjects; for example civil
construction indices may be more appropriate for some studies than the broad GDP
deflator or Retail Price Index.
Presenting data
For reports to communicate clearly their conclusions and recommendations, and the
analysis supporting them, it is very important that the data they contain are well
presented. There are many ways of presenting data, including tables, graphs,
charts, and a range of diagrams. The choice depends on the type of data and the
messages the illustration is intended to convey.
Most of the software discussed in this guide can present data in several different
formats. Data can in some cases be analysed in one package and then transferred
to another to present the results in the most appropriate format, whether a graph, a
chart, or a diagram.
Excel has a range of charts and a flexible editing facility and is usually the best
package for producing graphs for final reports.
PowerPoint is better for diagrams, symbols and non-standard charts, and can also
be used to prepare handouts, slides, and screen shows. To include a diagram in a
draft report it is simply copied (‘cut and paste’) from the software which produced it
into the correct position in the word processing document.
The following pages show the type of presentations which the software can produce.
The NAO Guide Presenting Data in Reports (November 1991) provides more
detailed advice on design and format. For further advice and specialist assistance
contact the DTP Section (extention 7553).
Pie charts
A pie chart is simply a circle divided into segments to provide a clear visual
summary of the relative sizes of component parts to the whole. Each segment
represents the percentage or quantity of the total. A pie chart should have only six,
or at most eight, segments before looking too crowded. Two or three pie charts can
be used together to show changes over time or to illustrate differences between
The segments of a pie chart should be placed in logical order, ideally by size or
order of importance.
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The figure shows that most investments made by the six trusts were for periods of
one week or less.
• Three dimensional pie charts should be avoided as they can sometimes distort the
presentation and provide no extra information.
• Pie charts should be shown as a circle: no more than one segment should be
exploded and then only to emphasise its difference.
• Where a series of pie charts is used their size should be kept constant and the
segments of different charts kept in the same order.
Bar charts consist of a series of vertical solid bars. If more space for labelling is
needed, horizontal bars may be used. The length of the bars is proportional to the
measurement they represent - the width is common. A simple bar chart is used to
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compare totals, groups, changes over time, and the component parts of a group
(each part presented as a single bar). A bar chart should be used in preference to a
pie chart when there are more than six components to display.
This is a form of simple bar chart used to display frequencies. It is the graphical
equivalent of a frequency table. A histogram should be used when the shape of the
frequency distribution is important, for example to illustrate a skewed distribution.
In a histogram, the area of each bar represents the number of observations in each
class interval. The bars of a histogram are drawn adjacent to each other, not at the
discrete intervals seen in most bar charts.
Excel and PowerPoint can both produce bar charts. Excel and SPSS can both
produce histograms.
Metropolitan Police Service: Responding to Calls from the Public (HC 753 1994-95).
This is a good example of a histogram. The chart shows the distribution of incidents
graded ‘immediate’.
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• Bar charts using shading and depth can distort the presentation and should be
• Three-dimensional charts (that is, with three axes) should be used with care to
ensure presentation is not distorted.
• Bars should be measured against a scaled axis. A visual comparison of the bars
against each other and the axis should provide sufficient inform-ation, but
sometimes it may be necessary to show the actual numbers on top of the bars. The
key message is keep the presentation simple.
A more complex bar chart divides the bars into groups or component parts.
Component bar charts should be used to show changes in the components of a
group over time, or to compare related groups. Percentage component bar charts
should be used to show proportions of a total.
Excel, PowerPoint, and SPSS can produce component and group bar charts.
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Highways Agency: The Bridge Programme (HC 282 1995-96). This is a good
example of a percentage component bar chart. There are four groups, representing
four levels of severity. The bars represent the years 1988 to 1994.
The average severity ratings for key bridge elements, 1988 to 1994
The Highways Agency has kept the proportion of key bridge elements with severe
defects to less than two per cent between 1988 and 1994.
• Component bar charts become less clear as the number of components increase;
ideally no more than four components should be used.
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• Only use percentage bar charts when the actual values are not important.
• Think carefully about the correct order for the component parts or groups. The
components should follow a natural sequence or be placed in order of size following
the sequence of the first bar.
• If there is no required order, make the component bar chart easier to follow by
placing the most variable component on the top layer of the bars and the least
changeable component on the bottom layer.
High-low charts
This type of chart shows the spread of groups of data being compared. It charts the
range of data within each group, with the minimum, maximum, and average points
plotted. High-low charts can typically be used to show the longest, average, and
shortest time to process, for example, claims, grants, or passports over different
periods. Their primary function is to analyse data, but they can also be used to
present information in reports.
Note: The horizontal boxes show the extent of variations between district registries,
while the vertical line indicates the average level for all registries.
There were large variations between district registries in the extent of local
management involvement, and the percentage of cases which proceed to formal
monitoring and trials is low.
• Plotting data in a high-low chart requires clear labelling and supporting explanation
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• For presentation in reports, high-low charts are only useful if there are clear
extremes in the distribution of the data.
The line graph is the most appropriate method for illustrating changes over a period
of time for one or more series of data. This could be, for example, the level of stocks
held by an organisation over a number of years or the change in workload over a
number of months. In comparing the trend in related data, mixed graphs can be
effective with one series shown as a line and the other as bars.
Excel, PowerPoint, and SPSS can produce line graphs. Excel can produce mixed
BBC World Service (HC 811 1994-95). This is an example of a mixed chart that
uses only one scale. The bars represent cash prices and the trend line shows prices
in real terms based on 1990-91 prices.
In the five years 1990-91 to 1994-95 the value of the grant-in-aid has risen by 7.5
per cent in real terms; by the end of the current triennium the increase since 1990-
91 will have dropped to 2.8 per cent.
Metropolitan Police Service: Responding to Calls from the Public (HC 753 1994-95).
This is a good example of a line graph; having just two lines results in a very clear
A comparison of actual with optimum levels for the New Scotland Yard central
communications during weekdays and at the weekends between 6 June 1994 and 3
July 1994.
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The figure shows that whilst staffing broadly matches the optimum levels calculated,
there remains some under and over staffing.
• Five lines are the maximum that should be used before the graph becomes too
• Avoid using two different scales for two lines on one graph as they can show
misleading comparisons. If two scales have to be used ensure that each axis
includes zero and finishes at the maximum point in the series and the related line is
clearly labelled. Alternatively, convert both sets of data to index numbers so that
they can be compared on the same scale.
X-Y charts are used to show the relationship (if any) between two measures - such
as performance achieved against number of staff - by plotting the figures for a
number of cases.
The Management of Sickness Absence in Her Majesty’s Land Registry (HC 94,
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• When there are only a small number of plotted points, these should be labelled
directly on the graph.
• X-Y charts are better for the analysis of data during fieldwork and are only shown
in reports if the plotted points are clearly presented and illustrate an important
Tables are used when it is important to provide the actual figures and to highlight
small variations. Tables can show summary statistics, time series, and frequencies.
Excel, SNAP, SPSS, and Access can produce tables, Excel can prepare any form of
table for presentation in reports.
HM Customs and Excise: Checking Claims for Repayment of VAT (HC 703 1994-
Comparison of the yields from credibility work and assurance visits, 1989-90 to
1994-95 (at 1994-95 prices)
Financial year Total Value of Total yield from Total yield from
VAT repayments all credibility assurance visits
£m checks on to all traders
VATrepayments (excluding
£m credibility visits)
1989-90 24,000 349 947
1990-91 25,800 252 912
1991-92 27,500 221 833
1992-93 27,300 212 813
1993-94 25,800 241 804
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• The figures should be rounded wherever appropriate: usually two effective digits is
Diagrams can often portray important messages in a simple and eye-catching way.
Charts illustrating organisations and systems can show basic or complex structures
and procedures efficiently and clearly.
Entry into the United Kingdom (HC 204 1994-95). The examples show an
organisation chart and a diagram illustrating the various stages of immigration
control in the United Kingdom.
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Maps are often included in NAO reports to show the geographic distribution of
offices, assets, or the recipients of economic assistance or overseas aid.
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• Be clear on the point(s) and message which the map is intended to communicate
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