Serbian Road Design Manual: 5. Functional Road Elements and Surfaces
Serbian Road Design Manual: 5. Functional Road Elements and Surfaces
Serbian Road Design Manual: 5. Functional Road Elements and Surfaces
Publisher: Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282, Belgrade
PE Roads of Serbia i
Serbian Road Design Manual Interchanges and junctions
The ramps themselves are by the rule Meaning of key terms is presented in Fig.
executed with reduced elements in 5.2.1.
comparison to the roads on open routes,
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Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Out of settlements
In settlements
to be selected in view of the distances between centres of traffic potential (the greater the
distance, the higher the vpot)
wid. (widening in intersections), equ. (complete traffic equipment), min. (minimum traffic
without (without traffic equipment – traffic sign only)
to be selected in view of spatial conditions and continuity
lower Vzasn to be selected only where the environmental impacts undoubtedly affect the driver,
and the speed limitation is to be marked with an additional board "At rain"
2 PE Roads of Serbia
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Serbian Road Design Manual
Interchanges and junctions
Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual
Due to a high level of services offered by Generally, in junctions exits must be located
motorways, and due to high speeds and before entries. Interweaving operations
evermore increasing traffic density, the should preferably be foreseen at median
conditions indicated above are of extreme ramps than on the road running through a
importance. Generally, those conditions are junction. It is also reasonable to increase or
fulfilled in the following ways: decrease the traffic lane number, depending
- Identification of a junction or an on the anticipated traffic loading.
interchange is achieved by their repeated
marking with distinctive and timely placed As traffic forecasts are often uncertain,
traffic signs; The points where traffic flows particularly concerning the turning traffic
get separated or connected must be flows, this must be considered when
explicitly and clearly marked primarily by designing junctions, by providing a possibility
conducting individual elements; Moreover, of executing additional lanes at least for
they shall be additionally marked with turning flows.
directional boards and road markings;
- Visibility of a junction or an interchange is Junctions and interchanges must be so
ensured if the individual elements of great designed as to balance the traffic and traffic-
traffic importance are provided with safety effects with the construction costs.
sufficient sight distance and visibility field
(view of the situation on other parts Traffic flow-rate
approaching the element foreseen for a
traffic operation); As the traffic flow-rate of junctions and
- Comprehensibility of a junction or an interchanges has not yet been completely
interchange is achieved by a standardized investigated, approximate critical values can
execution of individual elements of an be indicated for individual elements only;
interchange where several traffic flows are these values also depend on the entire traffic
4 PE Roads of Serbia
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happening, traffic habits, and traffic minimum distance up to the next junction or
anticipations in a broader area (in our case, interchange, and has an essential influence
in the territory of the entire country). over the selection of the system of junctions
or interchanges. Therefore, the possibility of
Therefore, in this as well as in the placing signpost boards must already be
subsequent chapters where graphs for the considered at the conception stage of both
traffic dimensioning of individual elements classification and selection of junctions and
are presented, lower values should be interchanges.
assumed i.e. it is required, if feasible in view
of the given values, to increase dimensions
of the individual elements by one degree. 5.2.3 BASIC PARAMETERS
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junction, thus enabling the same speeds. In and 5 presented in Fig. 2 are designed, full
certain cases it is also possible to reduce the junctions to the primary road are abandoned.
speed, if so required for traffic safety reasons These connections must be compensated by
due to highly loaded exits, entries, and parallel roads.
interweaving zones.
If L<L minimum admissible
For determination of ramp elements at the
ramps of junctions, the lowest design speeds
will be assumed. To achieve the same driving
conditions at different junctions, the speeds
indicated in figures and tables in the
subsequent chapters of these SRDM will be Then:
assumed for the individual types of ramps.
6 PE Roads of Serbia
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Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual General
8 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Design Manual Interchanges and junctions Trumpet
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Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual Fork Triangle
10 PE Roads of Serbia
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Figure 5.2.11: A cloverleaf with different conduction of ramps and median ramps in individual
In the four quadrants in Fig. 5.2.11 different indispensable at the entry to the median
possibilities of execution of inner indirect ramp, although the area consumption is
ramps and median ramps are presented: the same as in a circular ramp.
- Circular ramps in quadrants I and III - A stretched form of indirect ramp
enable a uniform drive over the entire (quadrant IV) is recommended in cases
ramp length, and give opportunity to where we wish to achieve a greater
introduce the greatest radii at the same interweaving length on the median ramp,
area consumption. This ramp type may be or a just a greater length of the ramp as
introduced on condition that sufficient such due to excessive longitudinal falls.
interweaving length is ensured. - Directly conducted ramps for right
- With an adapted (compressed) shape of turnings (quadrant I) allow high speeds,
the inner indirect ramp (quadrant II), the however larger areas are required.
interweaving length at the median ramp - Ramps adapted to right turnings
can be increased. However, some (quadrants II, III, and IV) require less
problems with uneven driving conditions space, and, as a rule, shorter legs of the
along the ramp can be noticed as a junction. Adaptation of these ramps is
consequence of unequal radii of the ramp more economical, and it allows lower
with an intermediate straight line. The speeds. When the adaptation method
ratio of radii may not exceed using arches and counter-arches at the
R1:R2=1.25:1. A relatively small radius is ramp is introduced, certain problems with
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Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual Semi-cloverleaf
14 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Design Manual Interchanges and junctions General
Figure 5.2.22: ”Diamond” with inner parallel
lanes for left turnings If possible, individual traffic lanes which
merge or diverge in grade separated junction
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or pavement have to be designed along the 1. ramps linking together two motorways
unchanged alignment or grade level element. (grade-separated – grade-separated); and
Where this is impossible or technically or 2. ramps linking together a highway and a
economically unacceptable, then primarily secondary road (grade-separated – at-
the traffic lanes of a secondary road are grade).
Division of ramps by types is indicated in Ramps
With respect to the method of conduction, Groups and types of ramps ramps can be divided in freely conducted
ramps, and adapted ramps.
There are two groups of ramps:
Concave curve radius Rconcave [m] 250 500 750 1000 1400 2000
In Fig. 5.2.25, types of both groups of ramps Fig. 5.2.25 shows the recommended design
are shown, including approximate design speeds for different ramp groups and types.
The ramp design cannot fully retain the
In Table 5.2.3, the elements are presented characteristics which apply to an open road
for shaping of both the alignment and the alignment (designing of both the alignment
grade level with respect to the design speed. and the grade level in space). Only the
design criterion regarding a sufficient sight Design elements of ramp distance must be preserved. It is often
alignment and grade level necessary to advisedly design the ramps
incoherently in order to emphasize the Bases minimum elements that cannot be avoided in
junctions and interchanges.
For both groups and by individual types,
elements for designing both alignments and The minimum elements of the alignment and
grade levels are indicated in Table 5.2.3 with the grade level are used only for shaping of
regard to the design speed (Vdes = 30-80 ramps of the junctions and interchanges. For
km/h). elements at-grade, provisions dealing with
the design of grade intersections apply.
16 PE Roads of Serbia
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The ramps’ lengths depend on the alignment Before connected to a secondary road, the
conditions, sufficient spatial and time exit ramps should be so conducted as to
distances between individual points (exits, ensure the sight distance in the length of at
entries, interweaving), traffic signs, traffic least 50 m. Otherwise, adequate signalisation
division, etc. for grade intersections on a subordinate road
should be already placed before or on the
The greatest lengths of parallel ramps should ramp.
not exceed 200-300 m in order to avoid the
impression of a multiple lane road.
Median ramp
PE Roads of Serbia 17
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Curve radius
18 PE Roads of Serbia
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ramps, but only in cases where the The size of radii of vertical curves should be
considered ramp is conducted as stretched in taken from Table 3. Those radii can also be
horizontal alignment. However, attention smaller, provided that the requirements of
should be paid to sufficient twisting length, so sufficient visibility for the stopping distance at
that the resulting falls remain within the the foreseen design speed are met.
permitted limits. Cross-section elements
In order to achieve a satisfactory ramps’
drainage, we must take into consideration Normal cross-section
that at twisting points the minimum
longitudinal fall of the ramp should be equal Group of ramps 1 (grade-separated –
to or greater than the fall of the twisting ramp. grade-separated)
The cross-section NPP1 is used when
Twisting is executed around the ramp axis to permitted by both length and traffic loading of
be selected with regard to the normal cross- a ramp (graph in Fig. 29). Independently from
section (NPP) of the ramp, as indicated in the ramp length such cross-section is always
Fig. 5.2.28. The ramp axis selected in this foreseen in loops, except in three-leg
way ensures, with respect to the alignment junctions and interchanges, as well as at
and grade levels, correct fitting of ramps onto junctions with median ramps.
and from main directions of a junction or
interchange. Moreover, twisting around this The ramp length is the distance between
axis ensures proper conducting of ramps both splitter islands of entry and exit, or
from and onto the main roads of a junction or between splitting and connection of the
interchange. ramps in the interchange area where traffic
conditions remain unchanged. This criterion
also applies to interweaving lanes.
road axis
road axis
road axis
The type NPP2 is applied when this is way, possibility of overtaking is achieved with
required by the length and traffic loading a greater length of the ramp.
respectively (refer to graph in Fig. 29). In this
PE Roads of Serbia 19
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The type NPP3 is to be applied in case of If the main directions of an interchange are
traffic loading exceeding 1,200 vehicles per executed with cross-section elements that
hour on the considered section of the ramp. are weaker than determined for NPP2 and
NPP3, the same cross-section will be used
Application of types NPP2 or NPP3 is for continuous ramps as well.
recommended for median ramps.
Interweaving lanes are always added to the Group of ramps 2 (grade-separated – at-
basic ramp’s cross-section. Where no grade)
sufficient space is available to execute a full For this type of ramps cross-sections NPP1,
two-lane ramp cross-section with one NPP2, and NPP4 may be used. In cases
interweaving lane, then a one-lane ramp with where special median lanes are foreseen on
one interweaving lane is executed. two-way ramps, the ramps can be of different
cross-sections composed of the elements of
At a three-leg junction or interchange of the NPP2 cross-section. Access points to a
roads of the same ranking (a star), ramps minor road will be designed in compliance
running directly between the main directions with the Road Design Manual, part
will be executed with cross-sections of the Interchanges and junctions. Both exits from
main directions, or NPP2 and NPP3. and entries into the main directions must be
designed according to types NPP1 or NPP2.
At exits from and entries into the main The NPP2 cross-section is suitable especially
directions, the same cross-sections as on the in cases where more than one lane is
other ramp parts will be executed. Narrowing required for the connection to a secondary
required for traffic operations will be executed road (changing lanes at a grade intersection).
by means of road marking. In this way, the jam effect on the priority road
is prevented at the at-grade access point.
NPP3 two-lane 0.50
section with
emergency Ramp length (m)
NPP4 two-lane 0.50 0.50 For ramps shorter than 125 m, a splitter
cross- island is recommended.
section with
* 1.0 m in cuts
** For R≤130 m, in compliance with Item where widening of pavement is required
Where a one-lane cross-section is sufficient, with a median lane between them. When the
the NPP1 can be selected for each direction parallel traffic course is longer than 125 m, a
20 PE Roads of Serbia
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The minimum fall of the twisting ramp is To the exit design, in addition to the traffic
indicated in Table 3. As a rule, twisting is operations of reducing the speed and exiting
executed at the transitional curve length. the main direction, two properties are
essential as well: identification capability and
For both exits and entries one may traffic flow-rate. Therefore, exits must
exceptionally omit the rule that parallel lanes generally be designed with parallel
should have the same direction and fall as deceleration lanes.
the main directions. If twisting, for reasons of
conduction of ramps’ grade levels or for other An emergency lane in the deceleration lane
reasons, is required at both exits and entries, area is executed only in exceptional cases;
a wedged surface of a fall of maximum 5% at however, the shoulder extending up to the
the triangle side can be allowed between the safety barrier should be sufficiently wide to
main direction and deceleration or allow vehicles to stop without any substantial
acceleration lane at the beginning of the obstacles for the traffic.
splitter island. In this way, twisting of the exit In the area of the deceleration lane and in the
or entry can be extended up to the end of the area of the exit, a durable road marking
transition to the deceleration or acceleration should be executed.
PE Roads of Serbia 21
Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual Types of exits from main point of this type of exit is aggravated
direction orientation, and it is therefore
recommended to place a directing board
Selection of the exit type depends on the exit with inner illumination. A wide (0.5 m)
ramp cross-section. The types of exits are interrupted line representing a
presented in Fig. 30. continuation of the splitter island should
- A one-lane exit ramp with a single not be shorter than 150 m. In this way, the
deceleration lane should be designed in vehicles that wrongly changed lanes are
compliance with the I1 type. The exit ramp still allowed to continue to move in the
cross-section is NPP1. driving direction.
- A two-lane exit with a single deceleration
lane should be designed according to the Types of exits from ramps
I2 type, if the exit ramp is of NPP2 type.
The traffic flow-rate of such a type can be The type of exit from a ramp depends on the
very high, particularly if a two-way exit in required cross-sections of ramps both before
the main direction is timely and correctly and after the exits. The minimum distance
marked. To achieve better flow-rate the between successive exits from a ramp
exit opening should not be too curved; this (distance between the splitter island and the
would allow higher speeds, and primarily beginning of island road marking of the
greater optical safety. The alignment subsequent exit) is 180 m for IR1 and IR2
elements should ensure the same design types, and 260 m for IR3 and IR4 types
speed as on the main route, or the speed (interweaving). The types of exits from ramps
on the main route should be reduced are presented in Fig. 32.
before the exit. - The IR1 type with a single-lane exit from a
- The I3 type represents a solution for a single-lane ramp is used if both ramps are
two-lane exit ramp according to the NPP3 executed with a NPP1 cross-section. In
cross-section with a double deceleration the deceleration lane area the NPP2 type
lane. It is used only when the exiting can also be executed, if the required
traffic is very intensive, i.e. when its widening and narrowing of the main ramp
volume exceeds the traffic volume of the can be executed in an optically favourable
main direction. This type of exit requires manner.
marking by portals. - The IR2 type is a simple fork used in
- The I4 exit type represents a solution longer ramps (exceeding of the given
where a two-lane exit ramp of NPP3 distance requires a two-lane cross-
cross-section is used, and where the main section), or when this execution is
direction consists of three or more lanes, favourable for conduction of the ramp
thus, after the exit, the number of lanes alignment (e.g. in twisted median ramps).
can be reduced by one, taking account of - The IR3 type represents a one-lane exit
the traffic loading. In this type, one lane of from a two-lane ramp. It is used in cases
the main direction passes directly into the where a short and less loaded ramp
turning ramp. To this lane, a deceleration (NPP1) branches off from a long or highly
lane is added on the right side, flowing loaded main continuous ramp with a
into the second lane of a two-lane turning normal cross-section NPP2 or NPP3.
ramp. Marking with portals on the main - The IR4 type represents a two-lane exit
direction is also required with this type; from a two-lane ramp. It is designed in
the portals should be supplemented by cases where the turning traffic flows are
road markings – arrows. heavier than the traffic remaining in the
- In I2, I3, and I4 types, the exit ramps are original direction. The exit is fork-shaped.
executed as one motorway direction, if it
passes directly into the other direction Recommendations for placement of traffic
without an exit (three-leg motorway marks:
interchanges I5). - for IR2, IR3, and IR4 types, traffic signs
- The exit type I5 is a variant of the exit type on portals are used;
I4. This type is recommended in cases of - for IR2 and IR4 types (forks), additional
extremely significant traffic flows turning road markings (arrows) are required;
to the right, thus relieving the extreme - for IR1 and IR3 types, directional signs
right lane prior to the exit. Directing traffic placed after the splitter island (detail A)
signs on portals are mandatory. A weak can be introduced.
22 PE Roads of Serbia
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Cross-section H
Cross-section NPP1
250 m (out of settlement)
detail A 160-190 m (in settlement)
Road axis
Cross-section H
Cross-section NPP2
Road axis
detail A
Road axis
Cross-section H
500 m (out of settlement)
Cross-section NPP3
210-260 m (in settlement)
detail A
Road axis
PE Roads of Serbia 23
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Detail A
24 PE Roads of Serbia
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detail A
Cross-section H
detail A
Cross-section NPP1
Cross-section point
of both ramps'
Alternative at straight-line
conduction of the
carriageway left edge
detail A
NPP2 or NPP3
70 m at NPP2
150 m at NPP2 140 m at NPP3
200 m at NPP3
Cross-section H alternative
detail A
NPP2 or
NPP2 or NPP3
70 m at NPP2
140 m at NPP3
Cross-section H
NPP2 or
PE Roads of Serbia 25
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value fT adm) Dimensioning of deceleration s [%] longitudinal fall of the road grade
lanes level
u [-] coefficient of air resistance
Deceleration lane lengths depend on the (dynamical air resistance)
lengths required for speed reduction (driving
dynamics), as well as on the lengths 2
necessary to perform the traffic weaving V
u = 0, 461 ⋅ 10 −4
manoeuvre. It is evident from researches 3,6
performed abroad that calculations generally
provide insufficient lengths, and that they To acceleration and deceleration lengths
signify a massive simplification of relatively calculated in this way a length to perform the
complicated and heterogeneous topic, which manoeuvre, and a length to change the LZ
can only be comprehended by statistical width from Table 3 should be added. The
processing of observations of the integral calculation of the manoeuvring length should
traffic operation. This results in a length of take into account the vehicle speed which
deceleration lanes of 250 m for one-lane should be the same as on the main road.
exits and 500 m for two-lane exits According to the assumptions from the
respectively. literature, vehicles should carry out the
manoeuvre in three (3) seconds.
In special cases (substantial longitudinal fall)
it is reasonable to carry out a length control In case of execution of I1 and I2 types,
following the dynamic patterns, however only deceleration lanes can also be longer than
taking into account the lengths greater than 250 m, if the main direction consists of more
those indicated in the paragraph above i.e. than two lanes or in case of a substantial
that the lengths presented in Fig. 5.2.30. share of freight traffic in the traffic in general.
However, the deceleration lane length should
FORMULA: generally exceed 500 m. Execution of the
widening for additional traffic lanes can also
Lz = L1 + L2 be shorter than the lengths indicated in Fig.
30 when this is reasonable due to the limiting
V0 factors (structure). Such reduction must not
L1 = ⋅ tr
3,6 exceed a half of the normal length. The
beginning of the widening should be clearly
1 V marked (detail A, Fig. 31), which contributes
3,62 ⋅ g V∫
L2 = dv
s to a higher flow-rate and better safety of the
1 fT (V) + + u(V)
100 traffic course.
26 PE Roads of Serbia
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rounded off only if the execution with raised Types of entries
curbs is foreseen. The surface behind the
island cusp should be at the same height as Types of entries to main
the pavement, if feasible. directions
For shaping of entries in the main direction The admissible traffic loading on an entry
and entries to the ramps within the ramp with regard to the traffic loading of the
interchange area, it is essential to achieve main direction and to different speed ratios,
the smallest possible speed differences thus can be read from the diagram in Fig. 5.2.34.
better safety and higher flow-rate. Therefore,
acceleration lanes should be foreseen at all
Road axis
Cross-section H
Road axis
Cross-section H
Road axis
NPP1 or
Cross-section H
Road axis
in U4 type
600 m (out of sett.) min. 500 m
300 m (in the sett.) to the end
of 3rd lane
Cross-section H b1 = 375 in the HW direction
b1 = 350 at ramp
b2 = 250 in the HW direction
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The U1 type represents an entry with a one- The U3 type represents a one-lane entry with
lane ramp and one acceleration lane. The convergence of traffic lanes in the main
one-lane ramp of NPP 1 cross-section of direction. It is used where the entry ramp is
5.00 m width can be narrowed by a directing executed with NPP1 or NPP2 cross-sections,
traffic area located before the splitter island and where interweaving is no longer feasible
of the entry to the acceleration ramp traffic on the one-way acceleration ramp due to the
lane width, which should be equal to that in large traffic volume in the main direction.
the main direction.
The U4 and U5 types represent an execution
The admissible traffic loading is given in the with a two-lane ramp and a NPP3 cross-
diagram in Fig. 5.2.35. section, and with double acceleration lanes.
The left traffic lane of the entry ramp is added
The U2 type represents an entry with one to the main direction, whilst the right one
acceleration lane, and a two-lane entry ramp merges into the acceleration lane – U5 type.
with the NPP2 cross-section; the ramp is In cases where a three-lane road is not
narrowed to a one-lane ramp reduced to an necessary, the third, added lane may be
acceleration lane before the entry. This width cancelled, however not before than 500 m
reduction is carried out by a directing traffic after the termination of the U4 type
area on the left lane of the two-lane ramp, so acceleration lane. The end of the additional
that a one-lane weaving is achieved. In lane should be timely marked.
ramps with insufficient sight distance at the
entry, and where the length of the prescribed If a two-lane entry ramp passes directly into
directing traffic area is not sufficient for timely the main direction (three-leg motorway
identification of the narrowing, the directing interchange), the ramp is executed as a one-
traffic area should be extended. way motorway.
28 PE Roads of Serbia
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U1 + U2 Consecutive entries and if the traffic loading in the main direction,
as well as on entry ramps meets the
Where, in special cases, more consecutive requirements of the graph indicated in Fig.
entry ramps are conducted one by one 5.2.34.
towards the main direction, the ZU entry
types shown in Fig. 5.2.36 should be The ZU1 and ZU3 types are applied if either
introduced. of the entry ramps is executed with the NPP3
In the interchange area, such ramps should
be connected and conducted in a Entry details should be designed as in the
concentrated way (by one entry) to the main types of single entries. To achieve higher
direction. traffic flow-rate and better safety of entries,
higher values as those indicated in Fig.
The ZU1 type is used if both entry ramps are 5.2.36 should be targeted.
executed with NPP1 or NPP2 cross-sections,
PE Roads of Serbia 29
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road axis
road axis
In type U4
min. 500 m
up to the end
of 3rd lane
road axis
In type U4
min. 500 m
up to the end
of 3rd lane Types of entries into ramps The UR2 type represents a solution with
summing up of two ramps, when they are
For the design of these types of entries, executed according to NPP1 or NPP2 types,
cross-sections of ramps before and after the and where a two-lane ramp of types NPP2 or
entry are decisive. Executions are possible NPP3 is required after the entry due to length
with acceleration lanes or by convergence of or the traffic loading.
lanes from both ramps (uniting of ramps).
The distance between two successive entries The UR3 type is used when a ramp of NPP1
should be equal to or greater than the values or NPP2 type should be connected to a two-
indicated in Fig 5.2.37. lane ramp of NPP2 or NPP3 type, and if the
interweaving traffic is of a secondary
The UR1 type represents an entry ramp with importance.
one traffic lane and one acceleration lane.
We use it when the traffic running after the A direct or tangential connecting of entries to
entry does not exceed the conditions for the the main direction should be avoided.
U1 type of the entry to the main direction.
30 PE Roads of Serbia
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NPP1 or NPP2
cross-section H
NPP1 or NPP2
NPP2 or NPP3
50 m at NPP3
NPP1 or NPP2 100 m at NPP2
cross-section H
PE Roads of Serbia 31
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cross-section I- I
32 PE Roads of Serbia
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34 PE Roads of Serbia
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Figure 5.2.44: Execution of points of access at a “diamond” with inner lanes for left turning; the
lanes can be either successive or parallel (refer also to Figs. 5.2.21 and 5.2.22). Roundabouts may
be used instead of channelled intersections.
Figure 5.2.45: Execution of points of access at a “diamond” with outer lanes for left turning (refer
also to Fig. 5.2.24)
applied, particularly to certain parts: Entries, Sight distances exits, interweaving lanes and minimum
elements that suddenly appear along ramp General alignment due to restricting conditions.
In junctions and interchanges all the Basically, it is necessary to comply with the
requirements in view of the sight distance are Road Design Rulebook and its provisions
relating to sight distances.
PE Roads of Serbia 35
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In the entry area, the entering sight distance Figure 5.2.46: Chords of the entering sight
must be ensured from the entry island to the distance
acceleration lane end. This sight distance
represents a safety sight distance. To
achieve the highest possible flow-rate of an When an entry is exceptionally situated at
entry, the sight distance should be ensured in right curve of either the main direction or the
the approach area. ramp, the visibility field for sufficient entering
sight distance extends out of the road profile.
For the control of the upper sight distances, a Figure 47 presents the ratio between the
height of 1.0 m is assumed as the height of curve radius of the main direction and the
the eyes of passenger vehicles' drivers. For required chord height which ensures the
goods vehicles, the height of 2.0 m should be necessary entering sight distance.
Special attention must be paid to the entering
In the access areas of ramps to a minor road, sight distance at locations of convex vertical
the same regulations regarding the sight curves.
distances at grade intersections are to be
applied. When a sufficient entering sight distance
cannot be ensured, the speed in the main Entering sight distance direction or on the ramp must be limited by
traffic signs.
The entering sight distance is the distance
that must be provided for a driver who is
forced, for any reason, to stop his vehicle at
the entry point or anywhere on the
acceleration lane, in order to enter the
preferential traffic lane or median ramp
without any danger, and to equalize the
speed with the speeds of vehicles driving on
the traffic lane to which the driver is entering.
Whenever possible, the entering sight
distance must be also ensured by a view in
the side mirror. Entering sight distance
control is performed for passenger cars.
36 PE Roads of Serbia
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This sight distance is the distance that must Minimum distances are used only in cases
be available to the vehicle approaching the where no other solutions are economically
entry to the main direction or the ramp. With acceptable.
regard to both course of the alignment and
the grade level, it can be provided either by a Junctions on two-lane roads
direct view on the main direction or the ramp,
or, at a parallel course, by the side mirror of On two-lane roads with very intensive traffic
vehicles approaching the entry. flows and of high speeds as well, it is
reasonable – in view of the traffic loading – to
Sight distance in the approach area serves apply a junction, if for well-established
the following purposes: reasons it is not possible to use any other
- it allows a vehicle approaching the entry type of grade intersections.
to timely perceive the preferential road or
ramp, as well as the entering location; When junctions are applied on two-lane
- it enables an entering vehicle to timely roads, it is also necessary to execute the
assess the traffic situation on the main exclusion and inclusion lanes in addition to
direction or the ramp, and to adjust the right turning lanes, if the entries are located
driving mode accordingly, especially the on an ascending section, or when they are
speed; connected to a preferential road of higher
- it enables placing of traffic signs and ranking at a very sharp angle. The lengths of
execution of road marking on the such inclusion lanes should be minimum 150
pavement. m for speeds of v≥70 km/h, and 250 m for
speeds of v≥90 km/h.
The required visibility field for the
approaching sight distance is evident in the It is particularly important to examine the
Fig. 5.2.48. This figure also indicates the overtaking conditions for the reasons of traffic
minimum admissible visibility field. safety. Namely, researches have proven it
reasonable to prescribe and mark within the
junction area where overtaking is permitted,
and where it is not.
PE Roads of Serbia 37
Interchanges and junctions Serbian Road Design Manual
The principles of the traffic engineering imply In creation of technical documentation for
that construction, design and utilisation of the interchanges, appropriate landscaping must
road traffic should be determined as a whole; be considered at all stages, and impacts of
also, the traffic equipment design should be the junction or the fork to the cultural
worked out parallel to the junction or landscape of a broader area should also be
interchange design. verified.
38 PE Roads of Serbia