Traffic Manual: March 2008
Traffic Manual: March 2008
Traffic Manual: March 2008
March 2008
March 2008 ii
This is an electronic copy in Adobe Acrobat format of the Oregon Department of
Transportation’s Traffic Manual.
Its primary purpose is to provide our customers and new employees with information
regarding practices, procedures, and organization. The manual will also clarify roles
and responsibilities, as well as provide information that may be required when
considering traffic control changes. This manual includes information on where to find
policies, procedures, warrants, and design considerations for traffic related items. The
manual should not be regarded as policy, rather it should be used for information and
Every effort was taken to carefully edit and assemble this manual; however omissions
and errors can occur. If you have any questions or comments on the contents, format or
wording of this document please submit them in writing to the State Traffic Engineer.
Chapter 3—Publications
¾ Removed some outdated publications from the list and updated latest publication
dates to match Traffic—Roadway Section internet site
¾ Revised Section Delegated Authority for Existing Traffic Signals based on
discussion at December 6, 2007 TOLT meeting
¾ Revised Section 6.6 Crosswalks and added text from Technical Bulletins TR06
02(B) Marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations and TR06-04(B) Textured &
Colored Crosswalks
¾ Added new Section 6.9 Highway Advisory Radio based on materials Jan Gipson
brought to TOLT at previous meetings
¾ Added new Section 6.10 Highway Safety Engineering based on newly published
Highway Safety Program Guide
¾ Revised Section 6.32 Speed Zones based on input and editing by Debby Corey,
Jan Gipson, and Scott McCanna
¾ Added new Section 6.37.4 Right-Turn Acceleration Lanes based on text from
Technical Bulletin TR07-11(B)
Chapter 7—Appendices
March 2008 iv
¾ Removed Section 7.5.1 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and
incorporated updated information into new Section 6.10 also referring people to
Highway Safety Program Guide
¾ Moved Section 7.5.3 Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) to new Section 6.10
Highway Safety Engineering
March 2008 v
1 ORGANIZATION ..........................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................1-1
1.2.1 Overview..........................................................................................................1-4
3 PUBLICATIONS ..........................................................................................................3-1
March 2008 vi
4 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS TEAMS ................................................4-1
6.1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Active Bike and Pedestrian Warning Signs At Bridges .......................................... 6-3
6.5.1 Overview..........................................................................................................6-6
6.9.1 Guidelines for the Operation of Highway Advisory Radio and Traveler's
March 2008 ix
6.14.3 Right-Turn Acceleration Lanes.................................................................6-39
6.21 Parking.................................................................................................................6-43
March 2008 x
6.23.2 Added Stop Lanes ......................................................................................6-48
6.30 Signs.....................................................................................................................6-59
6.30.1 Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System ....................6-59
6.32.4 Speed Displays in conjunction with Speed Limit or School Speed Limit
signs 6-68
March 2008 xi
6.33 Traffic Calming....................................................................................................6-69
6.40 Visibility...............................................................................................................6-91
6.41.1 Analysis......................................................................................................6-91
7 APPENDICES ..............................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Definitions..................................................................................................................7-1
7.2.5 Worksheet for Determining the Need for a Reduced Speed Zone for Work
Zones 7-8
7.4.1 Overview........................................................................................................7-12
8 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................8-1
9 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................9-1
1.1.1 Overview
The Traffic Manual focuses on ODOT traffic engineering policies and practices. The
manual also clarifies roles and responsibilities, as well as providing information that
may be required when considering traffic control changes.
Highway design practices and policies are not found in the Traffic Manual. For issues
related to geometric design and roadway engineering, users should consult the Highway
Design Manual maintained by the Roadway Engineering Services Unit of the Traffic—
Roadway Section.
The Traffic Standards and Asset Management Unit has expertise in a wide variety of
installations related to roadway signing, striping, traffic structures, traffic control
plans, and traffic signals. The unit’s primary purpose is to develop and maintain
standards for design and construction, review contract plans, provide training in design
and construction inspection, and asset management of signs, signals, and traffic
structures. The unit also provides standard drawings, special provisions, and
specialized work as needed. This unit consists of four teams providing expertise in the
following areas:
Traffic Signals
Provides engineering expertise for temporary traffic signals, permanent traffic signals,
flashing beacons, ramp meters and some portions of weigh stations. The team also
develops specifications, maintains standard drawings, and maintains qualified products
lists. The team also reviews local agency and developer agreements and plans for traffic
control devices, reviews new products, maintains asset management databases, and
provides annual training and certification for inspectors of traffic signal construction.
The team also produces some designs for Regions on an as requested basis.
Traffic Structures
Provides engineering expertise and designs for sign bridges, cantilever sign supports,
traffic signal poles, illumination poles, VMS supports and other miscellaneous traffic
The Traffic Engineering Services Unit consists of two work teams. The teams provide
engineering services in the following areas:
The group also provides traffic engineering expertise for research studies, legislative
issues, crash analyses, safety reviews, access management issues, review and approval
of traffic engineering delegated authorities, speed monitoring, speed zoning, new
products, highway litigation and tort liability as well as supporting the Speed Zone
Review Panel.
The Safety and Investigations group provides expertise for the development and update
of traffic engineering policies, procedures and ODOT manuals. The group also gathers
and provides input and recommendations for any proposed changes to the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices, maintains and updates the Oregon Supplement to the
MUTCD and works with the Oregon Traffic Control Devices Committee (OTCDC) to
establish statewide traffic control standards.
Signal Operations
The Signal Operations group prepares traffic signal and signal system timing, and
provides engineering expertise in traffic signal operation, installation of traffic signals,
traffic signal approvals, vehicle detection systems, traffic signal software and
communication development, ramp meter system operations and railroad preemption
systems. The Signal Operations team also provides engineering support for
transportation operations research and analysis, HOV lane applications, and signal
mounted preemption system design (for emergency and transit vehicles). The group
also provides expertise for the development of traffic engineering policies, procedures
and proposed legislation.
1.2.1 Overview
A Region Traffic Unit is located in each of the five ODOT Regions throughout the state.
The Region Traffic Unit is part of each Region’s Technical Center and reports directly to
the Technical Center manager. (See ODOT Region Map)
Region Traffic Unit staff provide expertise to the region and district staff on current
traffic policies and procedures. Staff are responsible for overseeing most traffic
engineering design including most signal and sign design for Region projects. Staff
actively participates as members of project development teams to help insure that
traffic related issues are considered early in the process and to provide traffic
information to the team. They also act as the traffic liaison to local agencies on behalf of
Members of the unit conduct field investigations at the request of the public, local
government, or ODOT personnel. When requested, they conduct engineering
investigations, determine appropriate solutions, make written recommendations, and
when necessary, request approval of the State Traffic Engineer for installation of traffic
control devices or modifications to traffic control.
Engineering investigations for changes to traffic control devices often result from safety
concerns and can include requests for signs, signals, striping, parking restrictions and
speed reductions. They also conduct field safety investigations of the sites and make
recommendations for corrective action. Staff also conduct speed zone investigations
and/or oversee consultants performing the work and make recommendations for
changes to the State Traffic Engineer based on the results.
Region Traffic Unit staff oversee design for all Region projects containing traffic
engineering elements including signing, striping, and signals. The units provide
expertise in signal timing, operations, and vehicle detection systems. They may also
provide expertise for the operation of ramp metering systems. Signal system
coordination is done in Regions 1 and 2 by the Region Traffic Unit staff. Regions 3, 4,
and 5 signal coordination is handled by Traffic—Roadway Section staff. Some units
oversee signing, striping and electrical crews for their region.
Staff reviews traffic studies for developments and land use actions for their impacts to
the state highway system and make recommendations regarding access, traffic
mitigation requirements, safety and operation of the State Highway system. They also
review corridor plans and Transportation System Plans (TSPs) for traffic-related issues.
Each Region Traffic Unit has a traffic safety advocate (Region Transportation Safety
Coordinator) who is a technical resource for local safety education and law enforcement
efforts, and provides access to safety grant funds, materials and training. They handle
programs regarding education on child occupant protection, DUII, pedestrian, teen
driving, bicycle, and work zone enforcement. They also work with local safety
committees on traffic issues.
Region Traffic Units often oversee Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) related
activities in their areas. The Traffic Management and Operations Centers monitor and
control traffic operations through the latest Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
technologies to provide real-time transportation system control, communications,
monitoring and information.
The ITS unit is part of the Office of Maintenance and not part of Traffic-Roadway
Section (see ITS unit below).
Region Traffic Unit staff are often involved in the access management programs for
each Region (some regions incorporate Access Management into Traffic other
incorporate it into Planning). Each Region has a Region Access Management Engineer
(RAME) who provides key technical support for access management practices in the
region. The RAMEs also provide a valuable communication link between central staff
and region staff and act as an ODOT advisory group on access management issues,
policies and practices.
The unit also provides standardization for ITS devices, performs strategic planning for
ITS deployment within the state, and helps the ODOT regions in the identification of
local partnerships and the use of ITS technologies. Other activities include researching
of emerging technology, promoting technology partnerships with other public and
private sectors, and supporting ITS deployment by other modes.
Also within the Office of Maintenance and Operations, the Traffic Systems Services
Unit provides expertise in traffic signal testing, turn-on, inspection, and maintenance.
The unit also supports the ODOT Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program
with expert technical support for Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS), Closed-
Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance systems, Fixed and Portable Variable Message
Signs (VMS), and Fiber-optics data communication networks.
The Traffic Systems Services Unit operates the only approved materials testing
laboratory for traffic control products in Oregon. The laboratory operates to ensure
compliance with OAR 734-020-0005 which establishes the manual and specifications for
traffic control devices within the state and Section 00990.70 of Oregon’s Standard
Specifications which describes the testing and turn-on procedures for all new traffic
systems installations.
Employees of the unit have the responsibility for setting minimum maintenance
standards for traffic signal equipment on the state highway system. Employees working
with region/district electricians repair and modify all traffic signals maintained by the
department. TSSU or Region 1 Signal Maintenance Crews are responsible for periodic
inspection and maintenance of signal control equipment at signalized intersections
while Region/District electricians are responsible for performing maintenance on other
elements of the traffic signal system. Inspections will assist the project manager in
assuring compliance with the project plans and specifications.
Employees of the unit have the responsibility for maintaining the following records:
Shop applications also include environmental testing of all traffic signal equipment used
within Oregon. TSSU also provides repair and testing of state maintained control
equipment modules.
Also within the Transportation Data Section, the Transportation Systems Monitoring
Unit is responsible for the Traffic Monitoring Program, which provides vehicle class,
occupancy, and traffic volumes for federal, state, local and private decision makers; they
support the Integrated Transportation Information System (ITIS) with traffic, speed
limit, parking and terrain information.
The goals and objectives of the policies and procedures contained in the ODOT Traffic
Manual are to enhance the safety and efficiency of Oregon’s transportation system by
providing guidance for traffic operations, maintenance and project delivery.
The following table provides a listing of traffic related publications published by the
Traffic—Roadway Section by subject category. Most publications are available on the
internet at the Traffic—Roadway Section web site Some internal publications
are only made available on the ODOT intranet site. The intranet site can only be
accessed by ODOT employees at
For a listing of other publications utilized by the Traffic—Roadway Section, see the
References section in Chapter 8.
Standards for Disabled Parking Spaces January 2001
Traffic Line Manual January 2007
Red Light Running (RLR) Camera Guidelines Traffic Signals May 2004
Leader: AASHTO
Membership: varies
Schedule: varies
Schedule: varies
Membership: State Traffic Engineer representing ODOT and the Oregon Association of
Counties; representatives from the US Forest Service and the Federal Lands Division of
FHWA. Also attending the meetings are the Forest Highway (& Enhancement)
Program Coordinator as well as representatives from AOC, and staff from FHWA and
Focus: This group is the authority that decides how the approximately $18 million in
Federal Forest Highway money is spent in Oregon.
Focus: This group meets to discuss and establish policies and guidance for the safety
programs in ODOT.
Leader: varies
The IKS Software Users Group is a cooperative, interagency team including the City of
Portland, City of Gresham, City of Vancouver, Clackamas County, Multnomah County,
Washington County, Clark County, the Oregon Department of Transportation, the
Washington State Department of Transportation and other users of the Wapiti
Microsystems W4IKS software.
Schedule: Biannually
Focus: In July 1991, the Travel Information Council (TIC) adopted the Historical
Marker Program from ODOT through an interagency agreement, along with other sign
programs of a motorist service nature.
Schedule: Quarterly
Membership: State Traffic Engineer, three city and three county representatives, ODOT
Region Traffic Manager, Oregon ITE representative, OSP representative.
Focus: The Oregon Traffic Control Devices Committee is an advisory group to the state,
cities, and counties in Oregon regarding traffic management issues. The committee
meets to discuss programs, policy and procedures, and various transportation activities
related as they affect local and state governments. The OTCDC meets every other
month to exchange thoughts, ideas, and practices that will guide the direction for the
future regarding transportation related activities as they affect the motoring public.
Focus: The Oregon Travel Information Council (TIC) was founded by the Oregon State
Legislature in 1972 to administer Oregon’s Tourist Oriented Directional Signing
(TODS) program, the Specific Motorist Services Signing (LOGO) Program, and the Off-
interstate Historical and Cultural Sign Program.
Membership: Maintenance Staff, Striping Crew Staff. Region Traffic Managers Staff,
Traffic Devices Engineer
Focus: This workgroup meets to share best practices with the goal of developing and
sharing new practices, materials and policies including maintenance and equipment
practices for pavement markings. Group decisions impact ODOT's QPL for pavement
marking materials and products, Standard Specifications and Traffic Line Manual.
Schedule: Monthly
Focus: This workgroup meets to share best practices with the goal of sharing new
practices, policies improving, design practices for striping and pavement markings.
Group decisions impact ODOT's QPL for pavement markings, Standard Specifications
and Standard drawings for Highway Construction and Striping Design Manual.
Schedule: Quarterly
Focus: This is a working group of traffic investigators to advise staff on setting criteria
and guidance for performing highway safety investigations statewide.
Membership: Traffic—Roadway Section staff, signal timing staff from all regions
Focus: This group meets to discuss traffic signal timing and operations.
Schedule: Quarterly
Membership: County, City, ODOT, State Police, Safety representative and State Traffic
Engineer as Secretary.
Focus: The Speed Zone Review Panel (SZRP) reviews contested speed zone cases. The
panel receives testimony from the local road authority and makes the final
recommendation. The panel is comprised of representatives from the Transportation
Safety Committee, the Oregon State Police, the Association of Oregon Counties, the
League of Oregon Cities, and the Department of Transportation.
Schedule: as needed
Focus: The Statewide Grant Review Committee (SGRC) reviews applications for grants
of access to State Highways.
Schedule: as needed
Membership: TCP Designers in each of the five Tech Centers and the two TCP
Engineers in Salem
Focus: The function of this Team would be to solidify the design practices being used by
the TCP Designers in the Regions. The team would be able to focus on Design
Standards, Specifications, Special Provisions, Standard Drawings, Cost Estimating
details, Traffic Control Devices on the ODOT Qualified Products List (QPL) and other
Temporary Traffic Control issues germane to the development of ODOT Traffic Control
Schedule: Quarterly
Membership: TCPU staff, one TCP Designer from each Region Tech Center, one
representative for Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners, and one or two representatives
from consulting industry.
Focus: Utilized primarily to share technical information across ODOT boundaries. The
make-up of this group will provide valuable perspectives and insights regarding traffic
control design, policy-making, safety and construction techniques, all for the purpose of
helping strengthen our Statewide Traffic Control Plans standards and practices.
Schedule: Quarterly
Membership: Region Safety staff, Transportation Safety Division personnel, and others.
Focus: With a semi-authoritative position, this committee will focus its efforts on
reviewing technologies and policies from other State agencies and businesses to draft,
refine and implement policies, practices and design standards for the Temporary Traffic
Control discipline within ODOT.
Schedule: Quarterly
Schedule: Monthly
Focus: Region Traffic Managers/Engineers from each ODOT Region meet with Traffic—
Roadway Section staff and the State Traffic Engineer to discuss traffic issues, concerns
and operations.
Schedule: Bimonthly
Focus: This workgroup meets to share best practices with the goal of sharing new
practices, policies improving, design practices for traffic signs. Group decisions impact
ODOT's QPL for Sign Materials, Standard Specifications and Standard drawings for
Highway Construction and Traffic Sign Design Manual.
Schedule: Quarterly
Focus: This workgroup meets to share best practices with the goal of sharing new
practices, policies improving, design practices for traffic signal systems. Group
decisions impact ODOT's QPL for traffic signal equipment (also known as “Blue
Sheets”), Standard Specifications and Standard Drawings for Highway Construction
and Traffic Signal Design Manual.
Schedule: Quarterly
Schedule: Monthly
Focus: This workgroup meets to share best practices with the goal of sharing new
practices, policies improving, design practices for Traffic Structures. Group decisions
impact ODOT's Standard Specifications and Standard drawings for Highway
Construction and Traffic Structures Design Manual.
Schedule: Quarterly
The Technical Services Manager authorizes the State Traffic Engineer to act on his/her
behalf regarding the following responsibilities:
1. Establish speed zones on all highways pursuant to ORS 810.180 and in compliance
with rules the Oregon Transportation Commission has adopted.
2. Approve procuring, installing, changing or removing traffic signals subject to the
current warrant requirements and current funding the Oregon Transportation
Commission has approved. 2
3. Designate restricted parking or no-parking zones on any state highway under the
provisions of ORS 810.160 and in accordance with rules the Oregon Transportation
Commission has adopted.
4. In consultation with the Region Manager:
a) Establish construction and temporary speed zones on any segment of the state
highway system when unexpected or unusual conditions require a speed less
than currently permitted.
b) Determine and designate which highways will be designated as through
highways at the intersection of two or more state highways under the provisions
of ORS 810.110. Determine which intersections of any other highway, road or
street with state highways require “STOP” or “YIELD” signs and approve
installing or removing all “STOP” and “YIELD” signs and other traffic markers
in accordance with standards adopted under the provisions of ORS 810.200.
c) Approve installing or removing any sign prohibiting pedestrian traffic on any
portion of the state highway system.
d) Approve installing or removing any sign prohibiting non-motorized traffic on any
portion of a state highway.
e) Approve installing or removing any sign prohibiting non-transportation activities
from any bridge on the state highway system.
f) Approve installing or removing any sign allowing U-turns at signalized
intersections on the state highway system according to rules the Oregon
Transportation Commission has adopted.
g) Designate intersections where turns are prohibited in any direction onto or from
any state highway and exceptions for public transportation vehicles under the
The State Traffic Engineer has been delegated the authority to approve the installation
of traffic control devices on state highways by the Oregon Transportation Commission. 4
This includes the installation of all new signals, selected modifications to existing
signals, and installation of any other traffic control device on state highways.
The following subsections detail the specific Delegated Authorities of the State Traffic
Engineer. Since traffic signals are a more complex type of traffic control device, they are
dealt with in a separate subsection at the end of this chapter. The list of delegated
authorities is regularly reviewed by Traffic—Roadway Section staff and the Traffic
Operations Leadership Team for consistency with Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS),
Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), Letters of Authority, and Delegation Orders from
the Oregon Transportation Commission. The list is revised and updated on an as-
needed basis following consultation with the Traffic Operations Leadership Team.
All delegated authority requests for State Traffic Engineer approval should follow
roughly the same process for approval:
The following is a list of items that require approval by the State Traffic Engineer for
use on state highways:
• Colored Pavements
• Crosswalk Closure 5
• Marked Crosswalks 9
• Roundabouts
• School Crossings 13
• Turn Prohibitions 18
• Bicycle Lanes
• Highway Warning Signs & Systems (i.e., active bike/pedestrian warning, flood
warning, debris warning, etc)
• No Passing Zones 25
• Roadway Illumination 26
• Rumble Strips—Shoulder
• Speed Displays in conjunction with Speed Limit or School Speed Limit signs
• STOP Sign Applications on cross streets that are not State Highways
• YIELD Sign Applications on cross streets that are not State Highways
Traffic signals including those in STIP and OTIA projects require State Traffic Engineer
approval. Approval of new signal locations is not covered by the Oregon Transportation
Commission’s approval of the project. 27
The request should contain the information on the projected warrants, a plan showing
the location of proposed traffic signals, safety concerns, planning issues, etc. Any
Region Traffic Manager’s concerns should be resolved within the project team
environment. Traffic signals approved by the State Traffic Engineer are subject to
conditions noted on the approval. The Traffic—Roadway Section will maintain the
Traffic Signal Approval List.
Applications for new traffic signal installations should follow the procedure outlined in
the Oregon Administrative Rules 28.
The Traffic Operations Leadership Team maintains a list of items associated with
traffic signals that may be approved by either the State Traffic Engineer or the Region
Some items may be approved by the Region Traffic Engineer/Manager provided they are
consistent with ODOT standards and practices set forth in the Traffic Signal Policy and
Guidelines and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The following items
may be approved by the Region Traffic Engineer/Manager provided the appropriate
documentation is sent to the Traffic—Roadway Section justifying and explaining the
type of modification that was made:
• Left and right turn lanes at signalized intersections without phase changes
• Pedestrian pedestals
• Ramp Meters 33
• Signal heads—Change out protected left green arrow only to all arrow, Move or
realign, Programmed, Supplemental
14 Refer to Speed Zone Manual; OAR 734-020-0015; A Guide to School Area Safety
17 Refer to ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines; OAR 734-020-0400 through 0500
Refer to ODOT Guidelines for the Operation of Variable Message Signs on State
31 Refer to ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines; OAR 734-020-0400 through 0500
6.1.1 Overview
• interchange spacing
• signal spacing
• intersection spacing
• reduce crashes,
• reduce delays,
• reduce the urgency and pressure on local governments to build more roads to
balance the effects of mismanagement of the existing facilities. Criteria
Criteria for the Access Management policies and guidelines are covered in the Oregon
Highway Plan and Chapter 734, Division 51 of the Oregon Administrative Rules.
Region Access Management Engineers (RAMEs) play a lead role in individual projects
and the development review process. Providing key technical support for access
management standards, the RAMEs provide a communication link between central staff
and region staff.
They also act as an ODOT advisory group along with central staff on access
management issues, reviewing standards, policies and practices and making
A Grant of Access is required to create a new approach where no right of access (access
control) exists between the highway and a portion or all of a property abutting the
6.2.1 Background
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has installed active warning signs
at the entrance to tunnels on state highways that read "Bicycles in Tunnel When Lights
Flash" The signs have flashing amber beacons that are activated when bicyclists push a
button as they enter the tunnel. The device is timed for the average cyclist to travel the
required distance before the flashers stop. The signs are popular with both drivers and
bicyclists. There are only a few tunnels in Oregon, so their application has been fairly
ODOT also receives requests for the use of these or other similar devices for application
on narrow bridges, for both cyclists and pedestrians. There has been concern over the
widespread application of these devices to bridges, since Oregon has many bridges and
this could represent significant installation and maintenance costs (from $5,000 to more
than $20,000 for each).
6.2.2 Criteria
The following criteria have been developed to help guide decision-makers when a
request for application to a bridge must be considered. A flashing warning system for
bicyclists and/or pedestrians on a bridge should be considered when an engineering
study demonstrates their need and the location meets the following criteria:
a. For pedestrians: the shoulders are less than 3 feet wide and no sidewalk
3. The public support has been demonstrated by a request from a local government
a. Speed;
d. Length of bridge.
7. Funding and maintenance have been agreed upon between the District and/or
locals as to who will pay for maintenance and power.
6.2.3 Considerations
If all the above conditions are met, consider the following factors when providing a
flashing warning system:
1. Historic character of bridge – many older narrow bridges are classified as historic,
and the placement of a large warning sign may have a negative aesthetic impact;
contact Environmental Section as needed.
2. Placement of sign – can it be placed in such a way that it is visible to motorists for
them to adequately see, understand, react and adjust their speed?
3. Placement of push button – can they be placed in such a way that pedestrians
and/or cyclists can access them easily and see that the warning lights have been
5. Beyond the bridge, do pedestrians and/or cyclists have safe and convenient access
to the approach roads? This is especially applicable to freeway interchanges and
bridges that terminate at intersections.
6. Local education of the pedestrian and/or bicyclists on the meaning and use of the
devices may be needed.
Region Traffic should conduct an investigation and analysis of the criteria and
considerations as well as any other pertinent information. Written documentation of
the investigation as well as a recommendation should be provided. A schematic plan
detailing proposed locations and pictures of the area should be included. Support of
Region Traffic and approval of the State Traffic Engineer is required before installation
of the signs.
The Department of Transportation has adopted the AASHTO publication, Guide for the
Development of Bicycle Facilities, to establish bikeway design and construction
standards, to establish traffic control devices guidelines for bikeways, and recommend
illumination standards. Bicycle facilities are covered by OAR 734-020-0055 and OAR
734-020-0060. (Refer also to Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System,
Traffic Line Manual, Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, and OAR 734 Division 56.)
See 6.37.5
A. Study Area Inventory – Observe the road network, lane configurations, lane
widths, lane continuity, availability of auxiliary lanes, roadway grades, general
terrain, intersection and stopping sight distances, adjacent driveways and their
spacing, vehicle platooning, traffic composition, intersection controls, pedestrian
activity, bicycle facilities, transit and railroad facilities, vehicle queuing , etc.
6.5.1 Overview
Crash data is used by transportation engineers to identify and analyze high crash
locations, evaluate engineering measures and identify trends in crash occurrences to
develop solutions that improve safety. The data can be used to develop a better
understanding of the performance of traffic control measures or to study specific sites
where a safety problem may exist.
When locations are identified for crash analyses the first step is to gather all crash data
relevant to the location. Several reports or tools exist to assist in this step (See Crash
Analysis Data Sources). These reports allow data to be summarized by different
characteristics, such as date and time, roadside culture, weather conditions, type of
crash, types of vehicles, and other information. Preparing collision diagrams to identify
patterns can assist the analyst in analyzing the situation. Collecting other data such as
volumes and operating speeds can also be helpful.
Site visits and video logs can assist with familiarizing the analyst with physical
features, roadway geometry and other site characteristics. Crash and fatality rates for
the section should be compared to the statewide average for similar types of highways.
The following discussion identifies data sources for crash analysis. The statistical
treatment of the data and other reference material is contained in Section 7.4. Crash
Analysis is an important traffic engineering tool used to answer questions about road
design, maintenance, and operations. Crash analysis can also be used to learn what
questions to ask. The choice and arrangement of the data depend heavily upon the
nature of the question, availability of pertinent data, and time available.
This is the main database compiled and maintained by the Crash Analysis and
Reporting Unit. It covers all state, county, and city roadways. All crashes reported to
DMV and forwarded to the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit are entered into the
database if there is property damage exceeding a minimum dollar amount, or if there
are any injuries. This data can be queried directly by the Crash Analysis and Reporting
Unit to provide lists that meet very selective criteria.
The most recent ten years of crash data can be accessed on the ODOT Intranet as part
of the Oregon Transportation Management System (OTMS).
This extract from the main database listed above, has been published annually by the
Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit of the Transportation Data Section since 1994.
Previously, these reports were published by Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division.
These tables provide selected crash tallies for statewide, countywide, and, in some
cases, citywide coverage. Subsets for truck, pedestrian, bicycle, and motorcycle crashes
were published until 1987. From 1987 to 1996, the subsets were not published, but
printouts were provided directly to the Traffic—Roadway Section. Beginning in 1989,
additional subsets were generated for crashes on state highways and for fatal crashes
only. The Oregon Traffic Crash Summary book has included all the subsets since 1996.
A separate publication of crash rates on state highways is also available.
This has been produced annually since 1990. This is a database/software combination
for use on a desktop computer to generate reports at the request of the user. The
The TransGIS mapping tool was developed in order to provide a graphical method to
display Category 1-5 segment information, SPIS locations, crash data, street and road
information, and Average Daily Traffic (ADT) information. TransGIS displays this
information on a state map. The user can choose the information that is displayed and
can zoom into the map to increase detail, as well as display city and county maps behind
this data.
The Crash Graph Tool was created to automatically create graphs and summary tables
of ODOT crash data in Microsoft Excel directly from the "Direction (Vehicle)" report
from the State Highway Crash Reports on the ODOT Intranet. The tool is a Microsoft
Excel Add-in and can be downloaded from the ODOT Intranet. External customers
interested in obtaining the Crash Graph Tool should contact the Traffic—Roadway
Section Highway Safety Engineering Coordinator for additional information. Hardcopies
These have been generated by the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit over the years for
the State Highway System. These books are extracts of data from the main database
listed above. Working libraries of these reports are maintained by the Traffic—Roadway
Section and other offices. These books contain lists of crash data for one or five years,
and lists of various crash rates for one or five years. These books are the normal source
of data for those years no longer available directly from the mainframe computer.
These have been published annually by the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit since at
least 1948. Tables in the front of the book list statewide crash rates for several
These have been published annually by the Transportation Data Section since at least
1939. There are no crash data in this book. It contains volume estimates for the entire
state highway system. These volumes can be used for calculating crash rates.
Information provided for automatic traffic recorders can be used in some instances to
learn about seasonal or about weekend vs. weekday crash rates.
6.6 Crosswalks
Uncontrolled location on state highway: A location on the state highway which lacks a
STOP sign, YIELD sign, or Traffic Signal for controlling and stopping traffic on the
state highway. Background
The Oregon Transportation Commission, through ODOT’s Chief Engineer has delegated
the State Traffic Engineer with the authority to designate pedestrian crossings on state
highways. The Traffic Operations Leadership Team (TOLT) has become concerned that
many local agencies have chosen to mark crosswalks across state highways at
uncontrolled locations without a proper engineering investigation or review by the
Region Traffic Engineer and State Traffic Engineer.
Highway Division personnel such as Project Leaders and Consultant Project Managers,
whose duties include project delivery, are expected to coordinate engineering
investigations of marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations with the Region Traffic
Engineer to insure timely delivery of project designs. District Managers are expected to
verify that the marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations being maintained by the
Region striping crew in their particular District have received proper approval by the
State Traffic Engineer.
Project delivery teams shall identify all marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations
during the preliminary scoping process for projects. The project delivery team shall
coordinate an engineering investigation with the Region Traffic Engineer. The
investigation shall document which marked crosswalks were previously approved by the
State Traffic Engineer and which new or previously unapproved crosswalks are
consistent with the guidelines set forth in the ODOT Traffic Manual. Any previously
unapproved marked crosswalks to be included in the project shall be submitted by the
Region Traffic Engineer to the State Traffic Engineer for consideration of approval. Implementation Overview
In an effort to ensure that marked crosswalks are placed where they are needed, specific
engineering studies must be conducted. An engineering study and State Traffic
• There is good visibility of the crosswalk from all directions, or it can be
obtained. Stopping sight distance is a minimum.
• Traffic Volumes should be less than 10,000 ADT or if above 10,000 ADT raised
median islands should be included.
Installations of mid-block crosswalks are discouraged for the same reasons uncontrolled
approaches are discouraged.
Mid-block crosswalks often do not get good compliance from motorists. Only consider
mid block crosswalks when an engineering study demonstrates their need and the
location meets the following criteria:
• Traffic Volumes should be less than 10,000 ADT or if above 10,000 ADT raised
median islands should be included.
• Where a marked crosswalk can concentrate or channelize multiple pedestrian
crossings to a single location.
• Established bus stops where riders need access to the opposite side of road
from the bus stop where the stop can’t be relocated.
When establishing marked school crossings across uncontrolled locations the applicable
criteria for marking crosswalks should be followed. Generally school crossings are
established based on School Route Plans and are sited to take advantage of existing
traffic controls such as traffic signals. Where existing traffic controls are not available
and it is not feasible to require children to walk out of direction a marked crosswalk
may be established. The number and age of the students using the crossing should be
taken into consideration. Adult crossing guards should be considered for established
school crossings at uncontrolled locations where gaps are not sufficient to permit a
reasonably safe crossing.
Continental crosswalk markings provide special emphasis markings, so their use should
be limited to preserve their effectiveness to call attention to special areas. Continental
markings are the standard crosswalk marking for roundabouts and may be used at any
uncontrolled approach or unsignalized approaches of channelized right turn lanes. At
other locations continental crosswalk markings should only be considered when an
engineering study demonstrates their need and the location meets the following criteria:
• Areas where special emphasis is required, i.e., school crossings and mid-block
• Their use should be limited to unsignalized locations
Guidance on the use of In-Street Pedestrian Crossing signs is given in Sections 2B.12
and 7B.09 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Oregon Supplement
to the MUTCD allows only the “STOP FOR” legend to be used in Oregon.
Agencies wishing to install In-Street Pedestrian Crossing signs on state highways are
required to submit a request to ODOT. Region traffic managers/engineers may approve
these signs for installation (with concurrence from ODOT District Maintenance).
Ordinarily the agency agrees to assume responsibility for the costs associated with
installing and maintaining the sign. The agency may enter into an intergovernmental
agreement with ODOT or obtain a special permit to install and maintain the sign.
Before installing signs, each location should be reviewed separately in terms of site
conditions and pedestrian safety. Observe traffic flow to determine the most strategic
location for each sign. Signs should be installed on the centerline and as close as
practical to the marked crossing without placing it in the crosswalk, typically with one
to five feet in advance of the crosswalk.
• Where the posted roadway speed limit is equal to or less than 35 MPH.
Sites to be avoided
• At stop or signal controlled intersections.
• Where there is a left turn lane an on-site investigation may consider placing
the signs in the median if there is sufficient width to provide shy distance of 1
to 2 feet.
• Placing signs outside the fog lines may be considered but consideration should
be given to placing the appropriate pedestrian signing (W11-2) with downward
arrows instead, these signs are much larger and can be legible for a greater
• Narrow streets or streets with parking may pose a problem. There is a certain
amount of “shy distance” needed for signs placed in the street.
• Placing the signs in the crosswalk shall be avoided, it may pose a problem for
pedestrians and a potential hazard for the vision impaired. Criteria for Marking Crosswalks across Channelized Right Turn Lanes
An island separates channelized right turn lanes from other intersection approach
lanes. They are often found at signalized intersections and are typically curbed but may
be paint. The turn lane may be controlled by a traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign or
may be uncontrolled (i.e., “slip lane”).
Crosswalks on unsignalized approaches should be located one car length back (approx.
25 feet) from Yield line, Stop line or gore point of island. Staggered continental
crosswalks may be used across unsignalized turn lanes.
Crosswalks should be marked at turn lanes controlled by a traffic signal or stop sign
where there are crosswalks marked across the other controlled approaches. At other
locations where the turn lane is controlled by a yield sign or uncontrolled, marking of
pedestrian crosswalks may be considered if the location meets all the following criteria:
• There is good visibility of the crosswalk, or it can be obtained. Safe Stopping
distance is required.
• The approach allows for the marked crosswalk to be placed 25 to 40 feet from
the yield line, stop bar, or island gore point at non-signal controlled
channelized right turn lanes to allow for one car length of storage.
Note: Channelized left turn lanes from one-way streets may be handled in the same
manner as above.
Engineering Study
The following considerations should be addressed in an Engineering Study:
3. The roadway design features that influence the pedestrians’ ability to cross the
street, e.g., street width, presence of a median, one-way versus two-way
operation, and geometrics of the highway or intersection being crossed, all need
to be included in the planning of the crosswalk. Other pedestrian design
improvements such as curb extensions and pedestrian refuges should be
encouraged to increase the safety of the crossing.
10. Mid-block and school crossings must be supplemented with crosswalk signs
11. Mid-block crosswalks should not be located immediately down-stream from bus
12. For mid-block crosswalks: are there more reasonable locations pedestrians could
cross, i.e., no more than a block (300 feet) from a location being considered?
Local Jurisdictions
1. Local Jurisdiction Installs - When a local jurisdiction installs marked crosswalks
on State Highways they should be in substantial compliance with these
guidelines and obtain prior approval of ODOT. Ordinarily a local jurisdiction
may install marked crosswalks if the local jurisdiction agrees to enter into an
Inter-Governmental Agreement with ODOT and assumes responsibility for all
costs associated with the marked crosswalks including maintenance.
Continental (or Longitudinal) crosswalk marking is a series of uniform parallel solid
white longitudinal lines that mark the pedestrian’s path (without transverse lines).
Ladder Crosswalk markings combine both the continental and standard crosswalk into
one path with the continental lines providing the rungs of the ladder (typically not used
by ODOT).
Slip Lane is an uncontrolled channelized turn lane separated by an island (no signal or
stop sign).
Standard crosswalk marking is a set of parallel solid white transverse lines that mark
both edges of the pedestrian crosswalk. (See ODOT Standard Drawing TM 535).
Crosswalks shall be marked across all signalized approaches at intersections unless the
crossing is closed by official action. Marked crosswalks may be established across stop
controlled approaches at intersections (at stop signs) or across channelized right turn
lanes. Crosswalks shall be marked at established school crossings. Crosswalks should
be marked at all urban roundabouts. In rural locations where pedestrian activity is
minimal, marked crosswalks at roundabouts are optional and their use may be based on
engineering judgment.
An engineering study and State Traffic Engineer approval are required before
establishing marked crosswalks at locations other than signalized approaches at
intersections, stop signs, channelized right turn lanes or at roundabouts. Marked
crosswalks should only be considered at uncontrolled approaches (other than
channelized right turn lanes) when an engineering study demonstrates their need (See
Criteria for Establishing Marked Crosswalks on State Highways). These include criteria
and considerations for the determination of when a pedestrian crossing should be
Agencies wishing to mark and maintain crosswalks on state highways within their
jurisdiction are required to submit engineering study justifying the marking of each
crosswalk to the Region Traffic Manager.
When used, a crosswalk across a non-signal controlled channelized right turn lane
should be located one car length back (approx. 25 feet) from Yield line, Stop line or gore
point of island. This will allow the driver to deal with one conflict at a time. Staggered
continental crosswalks may be used across unsignalized turn lanes.
Stop lines should not be used with crosswalks at signalized approaches unless it is
desirable to stop vehicles in advance of the crosswalk. The crosswalk marking, either
standard transverse lines or longitudinal lines (continental style) serve as the indication
of where vehicles are required to stop.
Recent studies (Zegeer, 2000) suggest that wider (multi-lane) or higher volumes (above
10,000 ADT) contribute to higher crash risk for marked crosswalk vs. unmarked
From the pedestrian's point of view, a crosswalk is large and clearly marked.
Crosswalks are far less visible to the drivers than to the pedestrians. At speeds greater
than 45 mph, crosswalks are indiscernible at the distance a driver needs to begin
braking to safely stop for pedestrians. It is important to ensure that the crosswalk
markings and pedestrians are highly visible to motorists.
Marked crosswalks are routinely requested to increase the safety of crossing the
highway. The function of the marked crosswalk is to provide guidance to the proper
crossing location and to serve to alert motorists of a pedestrian crossing point. But
unjustified or poorly located crosswalks may not increase safety. Marking crosswalks
unnecessarily or in locations where there are few pedestrians may lead motorists to
disrespect the marking.
A driver who passes over crosswalks marked at every intersection or a location that
rarely has pedestrians may be conditioned to not expect pedestrians and thus loses
respect for crosswalk marking. These crosswalks may increase the crash risk to
pedestrians and motorists alike.
Most experts agree that on a busy highway, marking a crosswalk alone is rarely an
effective safety measure and in some cases may actually increase the pedestrian’s crash
risk. Other measures such as median refuge islands, curb extensions and illumination
should be considered before a crosswalk is marked. Other improvements include
improving sight distance, better access management to reduce conflicts with driveways,
pedestrian signs, etc. Consideration should also be given to the overall environment in
which the pedestrian crossing occurs, beyond the immediate vicinity of the proposed
crosswalk, i.e. sign clutter and visual distractions. (See also Crossing Strategies)
The need for convenient, practical and safe pedestrian crossings of highways is a high
priority for virtually all cities. Dispersed land use and long distances between
intersections make it impractical in most cases to provide grade separation
(over/underpasses) or positive traffic controls (signals). Another common request is for
marked crosswalks.
• Poor visibility
The first two obstacles (high traffic volumes and lack of adequate gaps) are difficult to
resolve with a simple crossing strategy, but there are several ways to mitigate the other
factors. The following measures should be instituted before a crosswalk is marked at a
location other than a traffic signal:
Most conventional “traffic-calming” methods are not appropriate on state highways, but
there are measures a jurisdiction can undertake to alert drivers they are entering an
area with expected pedestrian activity. These include, but are not limited to, sidewalks,
street trees, median islands, bike lanes, visually narrowing the cross-section with better
lane definition, bringing buildings closer to the back of sidewalks, maintaining on-street
parking, etc.
Using good design practices, the roadway cross-section can be reduced by selectively
narrowing or even eliminating unnecessary roadway elements (i.e. travel lanes, turning
lanes, bike lanes or parking). Where on-street parking is present, curb extensions
should be considered.
Assessing a safe and adequate gap in traffic becomes more difficult as the number of
travel lanes increases. Islands can break up the crossing into discrete steps, so the
pedestrian has to deal with fewer conflicts at a time. If the crossing point is at an
intersection with a right-turn lane, an island between the right-turn lane and the
through lanes enables the pedestrian to cross just the turning lane first. This breaks the
crossing into more manageable parts.
The most important island to provide is in the median. This enables a pedestrian to
cross traffic in one direction only, in two easy steps. It can be up to 5-7 times easier to
cross a 4-lane road in two steps than all at once.
Pedestrians rarely knowingly step in front of moving traffic, and drivers don’t purposely
hit a pedestrian they could see and react to in time. Measures to address visibility
include removal or relocation of obstructions (signs, signal boxes, etc), curb extensions
(where on-street parking is present) and illumination. Curb extensions allow
Note: providing visibility should not be carried to extremes; for example, removing all
on-street parking, trees and other vertical elements may have the negative effect of
increasing travel speeds, which is potentially a greater hazard to safe crossing.
• Speed- ODOT and the local jurisdiction should work at slowing traffic speeds
in a realistic manner;
Only after all of the above issues have been adequately addressed should a marked
crosswalk be considered on a busy, multi-lane highway.
A recent research report jointly sponsored by TCRP and NCHRP (TCRP 112 and
NCHRP 562 – Improving Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Crossings) summarizes
engineering treatments to improve safety for pedestrian crossings at unsignalized
intersections, in particular high speed high volume roadways served by public
transportation. The research developed recommended guidelines for selecting
pedestrian crossing treatments, summaries of pedestrian treatments (including many
noted within this manual), and possible revisions to the MUTCD for pedestrian
warrants. Background
In-roadway or in-pavement flashing lights for crosswalks are being touted as a method
to alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians entering or within the crosswalk. The
flashing lights can be activated by pushbutton or with passive detection. Once activated
the lights flash at various rates or remain lit depending on the product characteristics.
Most manufacturers offer various colors of flashing lights. Several cities in Washington
and California, as well as some in Oregon, have installed the devices at marked
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices has a section dedicated to In-Roadway
Lights, Chapter 4L. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specifies flashing
rates, color of the warning lights and placement criteria. Investigation
Observations of these devices by ODOT employees indicate that the devices tend to be
hard to see during the daytime. The low angle and bright conditions tend to wash out
the visibility of the in-roadway lights. The flashing lights did not appear to reduce the
likelihood of a multiple threat crash as some motorists failed to see the lights in daytime
conditions. Pedestrians do not appear to use the devices as an excuse to practice unsafe
behavior, (i.e., walking in front of on-coming vehicles). Nor did the pedestrian push
button activation appear to influence the pedestrian aggressiveness. ODOT would like
to see further research into the safety of these devices (i.e., estimated crash reduction)
as well as suggested guidelines and criteria for their use and their direct comparison to
pedestrian actuated flashing lights mounted above the roadway.
Some jurisdictions, struggling with where to initially install these devices, have
proposed that locations with little or no safety improvements receive the in-roadway
lights first. This assumes that the in-roadway lights provide a safety benefit
While these devices appear to improve pedestrian mobility, they do come at a cost.
Estimates vary depending on the width of the roadway, from $18,000 to more than
$30,000 per crosswalk. Passive detection systems cost even more. Logically their use
should be limited given their initial cost and unknown safety and maintenance record.
CalTrans has adopted a policy that a city may install these devices on state highways if
they agree to assume all costs associated with their installation and operation.
CalTrans is preparing guidelines for the installation of these devices.
ODOT has received several requests to install these devices on State Highways. Until
such time as more experience is developed with these devices and because of limited
funding ODOT should continue to support the installation of proven techniques for
pedestrian safety prior to the installation of these devices. The use of these devices
should be limited to areas where proven pedestrian safety measures have been installed
and additional pedestrian warning is desired. Below are proposed criteria for
installation of these devices on State Highways.
The usefulness of these lights is limited during daylight hours; they are difficult to see
under normal daylight conditions. These devices tend to have a more significant effect
during hours of darkness, rain or fog. Currently there is no confirmation that these
devices reduce crash risk to pedestrians, but there is some supporting evidence that
they increase driver’s awareness of pedestrians. Because of their relatively high
installation costs, potentially high maintenance costs and their unproven safety record
during key periods of pedestrian use, their installation should be limited to locations
where they are justified. Criteria
The in-roadway lights should only be considered when a crosswalk location meets the
following criteria. Limiting the in-roadway lights to the locations listed in the criteria
Engineering Criteria
• A location where special emphasis is required such as mid-block crossings,
crossings with a high percentage of vulnerable pedestrians (predominately
young, elderly or disabled), or a history of pedestrian crashes.
• Proven pedestrian safety measures such as median refuge islands and/or curb
bulb-outs are (or will be) in place.
• The crosswalk crosses a multi-lane roadway (more than one lane in each
direction) with more than 8,000 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume, 6,000
ADT if high percentage of vulnerable pedestrians.
• The crosswalk is not controlled by traffic signal, stop sign or yield sign. There
should be no other crosswalks, traffic signals or stop signs within 250 feet of
the crosswalk.
• Posted speeds should be 35 mph or less, but may not exceed 45 mph.
• The in-roadway lights will meet all standards outlined in Chapter 4L of the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
• The crosswalk has an average of 25 pedestrians per hour (10 pedestrians per
hour with high percentages of vulnerable pedestrians) for any four hours of
the day. The crosswalk has nighttime pedestrian activity (at least half the
volumes above for any two hours during the nighttime).
Local Support
• The installation of in-roadway lights has public support.
• Consideration should be given to installing a pedestrian traffic signal if the
location meets an applicable traffic signal warrant.
• School crossings may not be the best location for in-roadway lights. Most
activity in school crossings should be during daylight hours. Overhead
illumination and/or crossing guards may be better options.
• Downtown areas may not be the best location for in-roadway lights. The
addition of flashing lights in an already cluttered and distracting environment
may do little to enhance pedestrian safety.
• On roadways with bike lanes the outer lights should be placed to avoid the
path of bicyclists. Overview Policy Background
The Oregon Transportation Commission, through ODOT’s Chief Engineer has delegated
the State Traffic Engineer with the authority to designate pedestrian crossings on state
highways. The Traffic Operations Leadership Team (TOLT) has become concerned that
project teams have been specifying textured and colored crosswalks in STIP and OTIA
projects without a proper engineering review by the Region Traffic Engineer and
approval from the State Traffic Engineer. Additionally, some project teams have used
safety funds to pay for these aesthetic enhancements. Textured or colored crosswalk
enhancements have not been documented to improve safety at crossings. Such use of
safety funds to pay for textured and colored crosswalks is inappropriate and reduces the
availability of these funds to pay for other proven pedestrian safety countermeasures
such as curb extensions, raised median islands, illumination, and proper signing. The
ODOT Traffic Manual provides clear guidance on textured and colored crosswalks on
state highways. An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the local jurisdiction is
necessary to ensure these enhancements are installed and maintained correctly. The
IGA should be established with the local jurisdiction prior to letting any contracts for
work involving the installation or maintenance of textured/colored crosswalks. Where
textured/colored crosswalks have been installed without such an IGA, ODOT should
negotiate either (1) entering into an IGA with the local jurisdiction to cover ongoing
maintenance and replacement costs OR (2) removal.
Project delivery teams shall coordinate an engineering review with the Region Traffic
Engineer for all proposed textured and colored crosswalks. The review shall document
the proposed coloring, materials, pattern, funding source, installation, and maintenance
requirements including consistency with the guidelines set forth in the ODOT Traffic
Manual. Safety funds should not be used for coloring or pavement texturing of
crosswalks. Any previously unapproved textured or colored crosswalks to be included in
the project shall be submitted by the Region Traffic Engineer to the State Traffic
Engineer for consideration of approval. Procedure
Colored crosswalks should consist of white or gray coloring. Alternate colors such as
blue, red (brick), or green may be used provided the coloring is muted. Yellow or
fluorescent yellow green coloring shall not be used since these colors are reserved for
transverse lines separating traffic.
All textured or colored crosswalks shall be supplemented with lateral white lines to
increase their visibility to motorists. Texturing or coloring should not be used at
locations where crossings are not established because they might indicate a crossing to
pedestrians (i.e., mid-block between alleys).
• Minimal beveling
Flashing beacons are described in Chapter 4K of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices. These standards should be consulted by anyone considering a request or need
for a flashing beacon. Note that flashing beacons, which include pedestrian crossing
beacons, must be supplemental to the appropriate warning or regulatory signing.
This follows the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices guidelines to limit use so as
to maintain whatever effectiveness these devices may have. Intersection control
beacons are generally installed where there has been a history of crashes, particularly
crashes involving disregard for the existing stop and/or yield signs. A flasher
supplemental to an intersection ahead sign may do more to warn traffic of an upcoming
intersection than an intersection beacon. Several studies have been made to try to
establish the effective uses for intersection beacons. All such studies have been
inconclusive. It does not appear the installation of an intersection beacon alone is an
effective safety measure.
It has been established for ODOT that the most successful intersection beacon
installations have been a part of several steps taken to improve that particular
intersection. It is recommended, therefore, that installation of intersection control
beacons generally be considered only when other improvements can be made. These
improvements should include any of the following that may be relevant:
• Improved advance warning signing such as additional signs, the use of larger
signs and/or more-reflective sheeting
Although each of these improvements can be considered to reduce crashes alone, where
there is a high rate of crashes, combining improvements appears to do more than any
single improvement. The intersection beacon installation should be considered only if
these improvements still leave some doubt as to the visibility of the intersection or
intersection control.
The installation of Intersection Control Beacons requires the approval of the Region
Traffic Manager/Engineer.
Section 7B.11 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices discusses School Speed
Limit sign beacons. Further guidance on the use of these beacons is contained in the
ODOT publication A Guide to School Area Safety. Flashing beacons to indicate children
arriving at or leaving school do not require the approval of the State Traffic Engineer.
Criteria for approval of freeway median crossovers, conditions under which crossovers
may be utilized, and persons authorized to use crossovers are covered in OAR 734-020
0100 through 734-020-0115. The State Traffic Engineer can approve freeway crossovers
if the location meets all criteria and conditions listed in OAR 734-020-0105. All requests
meeting the criteria should be forwarded to State Traffic Engineer for review. However,
if one or more of those criteria are not met, the ODOT Chief Engineer (also called the
Technical Services Manager) with FHWA consultation, considering need and safety,
may approve and order the construction and installation of a freeway median crossover
following and based upon an engineering investigation. The Traffic—Roadway Section
must review the Region’s recommendation and submit them to the Chief Engineer
(Technical Services Manager) with FHWA consultation for approval. Sign Number OR
22-13, “Authorized and Emergency Vehicles Only” should be used at median crossovers
to direct motorists not to use the crossovers.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses state and local agencies and
government-affiliated agencies, such as airport authorities, to use low-power roadside
transmitters to provide motorists with up-to-the-minute travel information via their
AM/FM radios. These systems, which the FCC calls Travelers Information Stations
(TIS), can provide warnings, advisories, directions, or other non-commercial material of
importance to motorists. These licenses are issued under and must be operated in
compliance with federal rule 47 CFR Chapter I, Part 90.242.
TIS operated by ODOT are known as Highway Advisory Radio (HAR). ODOT utilizes
HAR to supplement messages provided on standard highway signs or variable message
signs. HAR are permanently installed at locations where communication with travelers
may be critical and may be temporarily installed in some work zones to provide
travelers with timely information about a construction or maintenance project. Advance
signs are posted to inform motorists about the availability of a HAR.
Messages, which are usually less than a minute in length, are recorded for continuous
repetition. The message length is adjusted to permit the driver to receive the message at
least twice while passing through the station’s coverage zone.
For ODOT HAR, the ISB Wireless Group is responsible for obtaining and maintaining
the FCC licenses. A license is specific to a transmitter location and broadcast area for
permanent HAR installations. For temporary HAR, an area license which allows use on
any state highway or for a specific corridor is required. ODOT does not maintain any
For TIS operated by other state agencies and local agencies with an established FCC
license, advance signs may be posted on a state highway with State Traffic Engineer
approval. Examples of TIS uses other than for state highway information include severe
weather alerts, Port traffic instructions, event management and local road construction
or other detours. These signs must be installed in accordance with the guidelines given
in ODOT’s Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System for the State
Highway System (Chapter 5-12).
6.9.1 Guidelines for the Operation of Highway Advisory Radio and Traveler's
Advisory Radio on State Highways
The Guidelines for the Operation of Highway Advisory Radio and Traveler's Advisory
Radio on State Highways provides all of the guidelines and requirements for installing
and operating HAR stations on state highways. The latest version is available for
download from the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section internet site under the
Publications link.
The federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds that comprise a
majority of the funding for the ODOT Highway Safety Program come from the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
(SAFETEA-LU) signed into law on August 10, 2005. HSIP funds are primarily intended
for infrastructure safety improvements on the state highway system while High Risk
Rural Roads (HR3) funds are primarily intended for infrastructure improvements on
rural county roads. Non-infrastructure highway safety improvements such as education
and enforcement programs are administered by the ODOT Transportation Safety
Division and are typically funded with separate funding from the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),
or state funds.
This Highway Safety Program Guide replaces the former Hazard Elimination Program
(HEP) manual published in October 2002. Federal legislation (SAFETEA-LU) signed
into law on August 10, 2005 established a new Highway Safety Improvement Program
(HSIP, under 23USC148) eliminating the former HSIP (23USC152) which included the
Hazard Elimination Program. Projects eligible for funding include the familiar hazard
elimination type projects plus SAFETEA-LU expanded the eligibility to more types of
infrastructure improvements. Projects Eligible for HSIP Funding
The State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SSHSP) is a SAFETEA-LU requirement and
was developed by ODOT to address engineering, management, operation, education,
enforcement and emergency services elements of highway safety. The SSHSP identifies
highway safety improvement opportunities by addressing engineering, management,
operations, education, enforcement and emergency management in order to focus
resources on areas of greatest need and coordinate with other highway safety programs.
The SSHSP may identify programs of projects, strategies or other key factors to reduce
or eliminate safety hazards. The priorities identified in the SSHSP should be used to
address all Safety and HSIP projects.
In response to the SSHSP requirement, Oregon has adopted the Oregon Transportation
Safety Action Plan (TSAP). The TSAP in conjunction with the safety projects included in
the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) comprise Oregon’s SSHSP.
Because ODOT has officially adopted the TSAP, SAFETEA-LU allows ODOT some
flexibility to use up to 10% of HSIP funds for other highway safety projects typically
administered under Section 402 when all infrastructure safety needs, including those
for highway-rail grade crossings, have been met for a particular year.
ODOT has placed the responsibilities of Highway Safety Program management with the
Traffic-Roadway Section (TRS). ODOT Regions are responsible for fund management
within their own Regions and gathering information in support of the annual reporting
process required by SAFETEA-LU.
The Highway Safety Engineering Committee (HSEC) is set up by the Highway Division
of ODOT to guide and give direction for highway safety engineering needs within the
Department. The HSEC is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations for
strategies and/or projects to be included in the State Strategic Highway Safety Plan and Overview
The Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) is a method developed in 1986 by the Oregon
Department of Transportation (ODOT) for identifying potential safety problems on state
highways. The development of SPIS complied with the federal Highway Safety
Improvement Program (HSIP) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
accepted SPIS as fulfilling the requirements of the HSIP. When Oregon began
developing its Safety Management System in response to the 1991 ISTEA, it identified
SPIS as one of several essential building blocks. SPIS has been recognized as an
effective problem identification tool for evaluating state highways for segments with
higher crash histories.
Several modifications to SPIS were implemented following the study, “An Evaluation of
the Safety Priority Index System (SPIS),” completed by Dr. Robert Layton of the
Transportation Research Institute at Oregon State University. These modifications
were implemented in the 1998 SPIS reports, and were “fine-tuned” in the 1999 SPIS
reports. These adjustments to the calculations created a large difference in the number
of sites located in 1998 in comparison to years past, making it appear that more sites
exist. However, the new calculations and listings are more applicable to both urban and
rural sites, and should allow a better understanding of the reported values. The
Traffic—Roadway Section is planning to implement several further enhancements to
SPIS, including the following:
The SPIS is a method of identifying locations where safety money may be spent to the
highest benefit. The SPIS score is based on three years of crash data and considers
crash frequency, crash rate, and crash severity. A roadway segment becomes a SPIS
The crash frequency indicator value, IVFreq, is a value between 0 and 25 determined
The maximum indicator value of 25% is attained when the total number of crashes
reaches 150 crashes on the same 0.10-mile segment over a 3-year period.
The crash rate indicator, IVRate, is a value between 0 and 25, also determined by using
Again, the maximum indicator value of 25% is attained when the crash rate reaches
The crash severity indicator, IVSeverity, is a value between 0 and 50, which is
The SPIS value is the sum of the above indicator values (IVFreq+IVRate+IVSeverity) for
0.10 mile (0.16 km) sections of urban and rural roads, shifted by 0.01 mile for each new
section. Reports
Each year, the Traffic—Roadway Section generates regional reports of the top 5%
ranked SPIS sites for review by the five Region Traffic Units. The Region staff
evaluates the sites on this “Top 5%” list and considers the safety problems that may be
contributing to the crash history at these locations. If a correctable problem is
identified, benefit/cost analysis is performed on viable options and appropriate projects
are initiated. Regions report the results of these site evaluations, including potential
causes, possible corrections, and estimated costs to the State Traffic Engineer. While
the SPIS reports are computer-generated by the Traffic—Roadway Section, the rest of
the process is manual and is primarily performed by Regional personnel.
Traffic-Roadway Section produces two reports for FHWA each year. The first is a
summary of the Top 5% list and potential remedies to the locations, estimated costs and
impediments to implementation. A second report is produced evaluating the highway
safety engineering program and the effectiveness of Safety Projects at reducing
fatalities and injuries.
An Crash Summary Database is also created annually by the SPIS process for use by
staff in evaluating sections of highway. The interface allows the user to enter a section
of state highway, from milepost ‘x’ to milepost ‘y’. The database then yields information
for that section of highway regarding number and type of crashes, highest and lowest
SPIS values, and traffic volume information. Contact the Highway Safety Engineering
Coordinator for further information.
The Historical Marker Program has been transferred to the Travel Information Council
through an interagency agreement, along with other sign programs of motorist service
nature. The Oregon Historical Marker Committee oversees the program and meets on a
quarterly basis. A staff member of the Traffic—Roadway Section serves on the
6.12.1 Overview
All illumination on State Highways (both temporary and permanent) shall follow policy
set forth in the ODOT Lighting Policy and Guidelines. Additional guidance on
illumination design is provided in the ODOT Traffic Lighting Design Manual. Both
publications are available electronically from the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section web
Determining the need for temporary illumination on construction projects is part of the
illumination design process. The engineer-of-record submits requests to the Region
Traffic Manager/Engineer on highway construction projects where illumination for
temporary protection and direction of traffic is recommended. Staff from the Region
Traffic Unit investigate and approve the amount of illumination needed based on ODOT
Lighting Policy and Guidelines. Any deviation from statewide policies or standards
must be reviewed by the Traffic—Roadway Section and submitted to the State Traffic
Engineer for approval.
A consistent and systematic approach is used which considers, at a minimum, the cost,
safety (traffic, pedestrian and construction worker), traffic volume and speed, geometric
conditions, crash history, weather, length of contract, and the amount and complexity of
stage construction. Attention is given to installing proposed permanent lighting as soon
in the construction project as practical so as to serve for temporary protection and
direction of traffic purposes.
Roadway lighting warrants are covered in the ODOT Lighting Policy and Guidelines.
ODOT does not use specific illumination warrants to determine whether lighting is to be
provided on a project.
The Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) and the crash database are used as tools to
identify potential locations. The percentage of nighttime crashes and total crash history
is considered in the benefits of installing illumination. Sometimes, improvements in
Illumination is reviewed by the Region Traffic Unit for policy agreement and statewide
consistency before going to the engineer-of-record for incorporation into project plans.
Any deviation from statewide policies or standards must be reviewed by the Traffic—
Roadway Section and submitted to the State Traffic Engineer for approval.
The Oregon Highway Plan encourages compact development in urban areas while
supporting mobility on designated highways segments. Expressway classification
supports mobility on designated highways and highway segments by providing for high
speed and high volume traffic with minimal interruption. Special Transportation Areas
(STA’s) promote community vitality and livability in downtown areas by encouraging
compact development and reducing local trips on the state highway and encouraging
more opportunity for walking, bicycling or transit use. Urban Business Areas (UBA’s)
and Commercial Centers improve the connection between the use of the highway and
commercial activity and are used in conjunction with STA’s and expressways to balance
mobility and livability.
See the Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) on the ODOT Planning Section web site for copies
of the OHP and the Implementation Handbook.
6.14 Lanes
Passing lanes are distinguished from climbing lanes. Climbing lanes are generally used
where grades cause unreasonable reductions in operating speeds of some vehicles.
Passing lanes are typically used where there may be inadequate passing opportunities
either because of sight distance limitation or as traffic volumes begin to approach
Passing lanes tend to reduce unsafe passing maneuvers and may aid in
reduction of head-on and sideswipe crashes. The addition of a climbing or passing lane
can break up the formation of queues for a limited distance. Typically, queues begin to
re-form downstream from a climbing/passing lane within a distance of ½ to 1 mile (800
to 1600m). Note that passing and climbing lanes do not actually add capacity to a
Slow vehicle turnouts are not considered adequate opportunities for passing, since they
are ineffective without the cooperation of slower vehicles and are generally too short to
completely break up an established queue. Current ODOT policy does not allow
construction of new slow vehicle turnouts unless allowed by a Roadway Design
The need for a passing or climbing lane may be identified at the District or Region level.
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit should be contacted to help analyze when and
where climbing or passing lanes may be needed. Region Traffic can assist by requesting
or conducting spot speed checks, requesting crash data summaries, and documenting
on-site observations.
See the ODOT Highway Design Manual for more information on climbing or passing
lanes. Climbing and passing lanes are not a delegated authority of the State Traffic
Engineer and do not require the State Traffic Engineer’s approval.
When reducing the number of lanes of traffic, the right lane is normally dropped. This
practice should be followed whenever possible. Uniform signing and striping reduces
driver confusion. In situations where terrain, roadway geometry, or other factors
suggest otherwise, the left lane may be dropped. All lane drops should be signed,
following guidance provided in the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway
System and Section 2C.33 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Supplemental pavement markings, “lane reduction arrows” (see standard drawing no.
TM556), may be used to warn drivers to merge left or right. In cases where there is a
demonstrated problem or there is some confusion over which lane ends, lane reduction
arrows should be used to reinforce the warning to drivers that it is necessary to merge.
See 6.37.4
See 6.37
6.16 Litigation
The State of Oregon is self-insured through the Risk Management Division of the
Department of Administrative Services. If a claim for damages involving ODOT is filed
against the State, Risk Management conducts an investigation to determine whether
the claim should be approved or denied. In some instances, the Risk Management
Specialist in charge of processing the claim will contact one of the Traffic—Roadway
Section’s investigators to request a recommendation and/or documentation, or to clarify
a policy. If documentation is required, the Risk Management Specialist coordinates with
ODOT sections or other public agencies to produce copies of the necessary documents.
Similarly, the Traffic—Roadway Section sometimes acts as a liaison for the Oregon
Department of Justice when a request is made for information and documents by an
Assistant Attorney General who is defending ODOT in a lawsuit. In addition to
collecting documents and other evidence, the Traffic—Roadway Section may coordinate
the acquisition of expert witnesses for testimony at trial. On occasion, a Traffic—
Roadway Section employee may be required to testify, if he or she possesses specialized
knowledge in a relevant area. At the request of the Department of Justice attorney, the
Traffic—Roadway Section may also produce courtroom displays using mounted photo
enlargements, graphics or video presentations.
Claims and lawsuits may result from a crash or construction and maintenance
activities. When there is damage to ODOT facilities, such as a bridge damaged in a
crash, ODOT may pursue damages from the party determined to be at fault.
6.17.1 Overview
Traffic control devices installed on highways within the State of Oregon are required to
conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The list of highways that are required to
conform to the MUTCD includes all state highways and public roadways under the
jurisdiction of cities and counties within the State of Oregon. This requirement is
established by Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) (see ORS 810.200) and Oregon
Administrative Rule (OAR) (see OAR 734-020-0005). To promote uniformity and
understandability of traffic control devices, private property owners are also encouraged
to conform to the MUTCD when installing devices on private property.
The intent of the MUTCD is to enhance road safety and operation by requiring uniform,
understandable, and effective traffic control devices on Oregon highways.
Deviations to the MUTCD are published in the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD and
made for justifiable reasons such as instances where Oregon law deviates from the
MUTCD. These deviations are adopted through the OAR process and by permission of
the FHWA.
The document supplements the 2003 Edition of the MUTCD with Revision No. 1
Incorporated, dated November 2004. Both the Oregon Supplement and the MUTCD
need to be consulted when researching traffic control issues.
The Oregon Supplement conforms to the organization and section numbering of the
MUTCD. The two documents interact as follows:
The MUTCD is available on the internet in electronic format. Printed copies of the
MUTCD 2003 Edition and cost information are available from the American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the American Traffic Safety Services Association
Design details for signs and traffic signals are not included in the MUTCD. They are in
the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System, the Traffic Signal Policy
and Guidelines, and the FHWA Standard Highway Signs manual.
There are no exceptions to the MUTCD. A change may be requested and requires a
request for a change (See 6.17.6).
Changes to the MUTCD are adopted as part of the national standard and are published
by FHWA (See Section 1A.10 in the MUTCD for the process to request a change).
The following guidelines are taken directly from Transportation Commission – 05 policy
for naming highway facilities and are to be case-by-case basis (adopted October 15, 1991
by the Oregon Transportation Commission):
c. The honored individual shall have been deceased for at least one year.
3. The comments of the Oregon Geographic Names Board will be solicited prior to
naming any highway facility. (Any federal recognition will be contingent upon
their approval.)
Testing of many new products is performed in conjunction with the ODOT Construction
Section, Federal Highway Administration, and/or manufacturers. Product testing and
evaluation of traffic control devices and equipment is conducted by the Traffic Systems
Services Unit, Traffic Standards and Asset Management Unit, and the Traffic
Engineering Services Unit. Manufacturers and suppliers can contact the Traffic—
Roadway Section for information related to the proper process to obtain product
All products which are approved for traffic signal construction are contained in the
“Blue” and “Green” sheets. The “Blue” sheets contain field-qualified equipment and
materials while the “Green” sheets list conditional qualified controller equipment.
File Code: MAT 00-02 (Blue & Green Sheet Files) – Traffic Standards and Asset
Management Unit
The State Traffic Engineer, in consultation with the Region Manager and Motor Carrier
Services Manager, has been delegated the authority to designate sections of highways
that allow one-way operation by class or type of vehicle. A field investigation shall be
made and a written report prepared for each section of highway on which one-way truck
and/or bus operation may be required. See OAR 734-020-0125 and 734-020-0130 for
further information and the required field data for the report.
6.21 Parking
See the ODOT Highway Design Manual (HDM) for information regarding the
appropriateness of on-street parking. Diagonal parking may be allowed in designated
Special Transportation Areas (STA’s) when jointly approved by the Roadway
Engineering Manager and the State Traffic Engineer, see HDM for further criteria.
Parking control on highways is covered in ORS 810.160, ORS 810.200, OAR 734-020
0020, OAR 734-020-0080, OAR 734-020-0085, OAR 734-020-0090, and the Letter of
Authority to the State Traffic Engineer. The Traffic—Roadway Section maintains a
database of Parking Prohibitions and Restrictions that have been ordered by the State
Traffic Engineer. The Traffic Engineering Services Unit provides a form for
summarizing engineering investigation data. (See Parking Prohibition Request Form)
• Map or Sketch of the vicinity with the proposed locations clearly marked
Normally, any one, or a combination of the following four justifications, is necessary for
the State Traffic Engineer to consider approving a request to eliminate parking:
• Safety — this usually, but not always, has to do with sight distance for
vehicles entering from a side street or driveway.
• Frequent use of the facility for a purpose not intended — this could be any
number of things (unauthorized vending, dumping of trash or sewage, etc.).
When a Parking Prohibition or Restriction has been approved, the Region Manager will
receive a memo with instructions to have the appropriate signs installed, and to notify
the State Traffic Engineer of the installation date. The State Traffic Engineer will also
send a letter to the Oregon State Police, notifying them of the prohibition or restriction.
See the ODOT Highway Design manual (HDM) for information regarding the
appropriateness of on-street parking. Diagonal Parking may be allowed in designated
File Code: TRA 16 Procedures (Hwy. No. & Milepoint Letters of Approval)
6.22.1 Overview
The State Traffic Engineer has the responsibility to establish a uniform system of
pavement markings. The State Traffic Engineer approves the installation, modification,
and removal of traffic control devices including striping, other markings and pavement
markers on the state highway system.
The traveling public relies heavily on pavement markings for guidance, positioning and
information. Uniform pavement markings make a safer road system. Road users can
respond appropriately and quickly when what they see has a standard, known meaning.
Good application and maintenance of pavement markings is therefore an essential
component of safe and efficient highways.
The standard layouts for striping and marking of new construction or overlay sections
are contained in the ODOT Oregon Standard Drawings, Traffic Section. These
drawings should be consulted for striping and marking of new pavement when striping
plans are not available. The standard drawings are also the basis for the design of
striping plans on construction projects. See the Striping Design Guidelines available
from the Traffic Standards and Asset Management Unit for assistance in developing
striping plans.
The Traffic Line Manual contains the ODOT policy and guidelines for installation of
pavement markings. If markings not conforming to this manual are necessary, they
should be reviewed and approved by the Region Traffic Manager/Engineer or, when
required, by the State Traffic Engineer. It is intended to be used by maintenance crews
and striping contractors to assist them in their daily work. The manual contains typical
drawings based on the standard drawings to assist in the maintenance of pavement
lines, markings and markers.
These guidelines contain the Traffic Line Manual and the Standard Drawings as well as
typical sections and examples to assist designers in the preparation of striping plans.
The guidelines are based on the principles outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices and the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD.
All new construction is required to meet new minimum standards. The standards are in
compliance with 28 CFR Part 36 published by the Department of Justice in the Federal
Different standards for signing and pavement markings have been adopted for
public/private facilities and the state highway system. These standards are available on
the internet at the Traffic—Roadway Section web site. Background
“Multiple threat” crashes are a leading cause of pedestrian fatalities. A multiple threat
crash occurs on multi-lane roads when one driver stops to let a pedestrian cross, but so
close to the crosswalk as to obscure visibility in the adjacent lane. The pedestrian starts
to cross, unaware that traffic behind the stopped vehicle or in the adjacent lane may not
see him or her. Drivers behind the stopped vehicle or in the adjacent lane may not see
the pedestrian and can’t understand why the first vehicle stopped. If they change lanes
or continue traveling in the adjacent lane at a high rate of speed, and the pedestrian
doesn’t see the car, the result is often a fatal or severe injury crash.
Recent research indicates a dramatic drop in multiple threat crashes when drivers are
asked to stop approximately 30 feet back from the crosswalk. At higher distances (40
and 50 feet) stopping compliance rates begin to drop off. At shorter distances (20 feet)
compliance marginally improves, but 20 feet does not provide as much visibility as 30
feet. Vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed may not be able to stop in time, but 30
feet frees up the sight distance triangle enough so the crossing pedestrian can see if a
vehicle is proceeding towards him or her without stopping or slowing down, giving the
pedestrian time to take evasive action. Guidance
Advance stop bars, combined with the STOP HERE FOR PEDS sign (OR 22-25), should
be installed at marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations on multi-lane highway
locations, unless unique circumstances prevent their installation.
Advance stop bars, (24-inch width), should be placed approximately 30 feet in advance
of the marked crosswalk. They may be placed between 20 to 50 feet in advance if
unique circumstances dictate a different location.
No-passing zones are established at vertical and horizontal curves and at other
locations where passing is prohibited because of inadequate passing sight distance. No
pass striping is warranted where the sight distance is less than the minimum necessary
for safe passing at the 85 percentile speed or posted speed, whichever is higher.
Often a request is made to extend no-pass striping to include intersections near the end
of no-pass zones or to provide no-pass striping at intersections. Generally these
requests are denied because existing evidence tends to point to the fact that no-pass
zones at intersections do not increase safety. Also Oregon law (ORS 811.305) states
that it is unlawful to pass at any intersection. As statutory no-pass zones, these
highway segments do not require no-pass markings.
Rural intersections on the other hand typically have sufficient sight distance and the
no-pass zones are ineffective at changing driver behavior. The installation of no-pass in
these areas may contribute to unrealistic expectations on the part of motorists entering
the highway or turning from the highway. If, after all other options have been
exhausted, the intersection continues to have crash experience, a no-pass zone may be
See the ODOT Traffic Line Manual for details and layout of no pass zones.
A two-way left turn lane shall be marked by a single direction, no passing marking on
each edge of the lane. Pavement markings may be used. (Refer to the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Traffic Line Manual)
Pavement markings for yield control can be used to distinguish the point in which
vehicles are required to yield at or behind. These markings should be placed in
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices provides standards for the use of
colored pavements in Chapter 3E. All proposed colored pavement applications shall be
reviewed by the Region Traffic Engineer/Manager and State Traffic Engineer for
consistency with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
See 6.6.8
6.23.1 Overview
Railroad crossings and traffic control devices used within the crossing area are under
the jurisdiction of the ODOT Rail Division. A Railroad Crossing Order for each public
road grade crossing, summarizes the obligations, including, but not necessarily limited
to, design, cost, maintenance, signals, signs, and operational requirements for all
involved parties. Additional information can be found in the Approval Process and
Preemption sections of this manual. Design and operation details are also found in the
following publications:
The following is the procedure for the investigation of added stop lanes for at grade
railroad crossings. The purpose is to determine the need for additional stopping lanes
at railroad at-grade crossings of a state highway when such crossings become involved
in a major reconstruction project.
An additional lane constitutes an alteration (OAR Ch.741) to the grade crossing, which
requires ODOT Rail Division approval as included in a Crossing Order.
Step 1- The Project Leader determines that an at-grade railroad crossing will exist
within the project limits and requests an investigation from Region Traffic Engineer.
Step 3 - The Rail Division Manager considers information submitted by the Region
Traffic Engineer for the required crossing order. Rail Division must have ample
opportunity to provide input and assure proper coordination with the affected railroad
company, and forward copies of Crossing Order to all interested parties.
Step 4 - The Project Leader complies with the terms of the Crossing Order, contacts
Region Traffic Engineer (if any questions arise), and proceeds to develop appropriate
6.25.1 Overview
Roundabouts show promise of reducing crashes and delay. They can be particularly
efficient where traffic volumes are roughly equal on all approaches. But they also have
Since this form of intersection control is still new to the United States, care must be
taken in the placement and use of roundabouts. ODOT has prepared a report “Modern
Roundabouts for Oregon,” Oregon Research Report No. OR-RD-98-17. It includes
documentation of current research and practice on modern roundabouts, comparisons of
advantages and disadvantages, summaries of safety implications, and discussions of
pedestrian and bicycle considerations. Guidelines from other states, software analysis
tools, and recommendations for Oregon are discussed. An additional source of
information is an FHWA publication entitled Roundabouts: An Informational Guide.
See Roundabout Selection Criteria and Approval Process for more details about using
roundabouts in Oregon.
The State Traffic Engineer has been delegated the authority to approve the installation
of roundabouts on State Highways. Formal requests for evaluation of proposed
roundabouts shall be sent to the State Traffic Engineer. Planning level evaluation
requests including TSP and Comprehensive plan proposals shall be sent to the State
Traffic Engineer to insure consistency. Requests for roundabout evaluation shall be
• Should meet acceptable v/c ratios for the appropriate design life.
Refer to ODOT Highway Design Manual for further information regarding geometric
design requirements and considerations. Also refer to FHWA publication Roundabouts:
An Informational Guide.
Once the State Traffic Engineer receives a request, Traffic—Roadway Section staff will
coordinate review with other Technical Services staff and will make a recommendation
to the State Traffic Engineer. If the information provided is insufficient or not
appropriate methodology (as determined by ODOT) the State Traffic Engineer may
request further analysis. The State Traffic Engineer will make the final decision
whether the roundabout will be approved.
Rumble strips may be constructed in three ways: rolled, milled, or formed. ODOT has
experimented with several designs of milled-in and rolled-in rumble strips. Formed
strips in new concrete pavement have not been used by ODOT. Rolled-in strips that
were installed on new bituminous pavement with the use of a static and vibratory roller
had limited success. In ODOT tests, penetration by the roller was minimal in the open
graded “F” mix asphalt surface, which is the primary surface course now being used on
our highways. Milled-in rumble strips have been successfully installed by ODOT on
many miles of highway. Studies have shown that this design is very effective and uses
less shoulder width for installation than previous designs. This design in terms of
depth, width, length, and spacing is used in all of the various ODOT designs (except for
transverse rumble strips). As an alternative, profiled durable pavement markings can
be used to provide a "rumble" effect. However, they are much more expensive and their
effectiveness compared to milled-in rumble strips is not known.
Run-off-road (ROR) crashes account for over a third of all fatal and serious injuries each
year on Oregon highways. The purpose of shoulder rumble strips (SRS) is to reduce the
occurrence of ROR vehicles by alerting inattentive drivers to lane departures. They are
a possible countermeasure when driver fatigue or inattention is the suspected cause of
ROR crashes, particularly on tangent roadway sections. Driver inattention comes in
many forms, including fatigue or drowsiness, daydreaming, competing thoughts or
actions, visual distractions, and alcohol or drug impairment.
Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of shoulder rumble strips in reducing
ROR crashes. Rumble strips will not eliminate all ROR crashes especially those caused
by excessive speed, sudden turns to avoid on-road collisions, or high-angle
encroachments. Because they are intended to alert drivers "drifting" off the road,
shoulder rumble strips are most effective when installed near the edge line adjacent to
relatively wide shoulders. This placement provides motorists leaving the traveled way
at a shallow angle with both time and space to steer back onto the roadway safely. Long
sections of relatively straight roadways that make few demands on motorists are the
most likely candidates for the installation of shoulder rumble strips.
Installations of SRS should leave approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) of useable paved shoulder
for bicycle use as measured from the outside edge of the rumble strip to the shoulder
edge. Regardless, input from the ODOT Bicycle-Pedestrian Program Manager will be
requested on all proposed installations, especially in high bicycle use areas. For
narrower shoulders, ODOT has experimented with a milled edge-line rumble strips
where the paved shoulder was less than 6 feet. This design is approximately ½ the
width of standard SRS and the edge (fog) line is painted over the rumble strip. Contact
the Traffic—Roadway Section for more information. Another alternative is profiled
durable markings.
• On bridge decks;
• Where the distance between the fog line and obstructions such as barrier or
guardrail is 4 feet (1.2 meters) or less;
For maintenance reasons, consider the use of durable striping in conjunction with
milled-in rumble strips. Some of the equipment that ODOT owns for painting has
difficulty in areas where the milled-in rumble strips exist because the wheel track of the
sprayer hits the rumble strips. Please contact the Region Traffic Engineer or Striping
Supervisor to verify the striping equipment available.
No deletion shall be considered unless there is a clear and documented problem. Inform
the Region Traffic Engineer and State Traffic Engineer of decisions to delete existing
rumble strip installations.
Head-on crashes that didn't occur at intersections account for almost 20% of fatal
crashes each year on Oregon highways. The purpose of centerline rumble strips (CLRS)
is to keep vehicles in their lane and prevent head-on and sideswipe meeting crashes
where a median barrier was not feasible. ODOT has installed CLRS on rural highways
in both a 4-16 foot (1.2-4.9 m) striped median. ODOT has also experimented with
placing rumble strips on centerline pavement markings in both passing and no-passing
zones when a median can not be added. While a median is desirable because of the
separation of opposing traffic it is not always feasible.
The effectiveness of SRS in reducing road departure crashes led many states to apply
the same principle between opposing travel lanes. Experience by other states indicates
that CLRS are effective at reducing head-on and sideswipe meeting crashes. The
primary concern with the installation is the effect on a driver making a legal passing
maneuver or attempting to pass in the area where the rumble strips are installed.
Initial experimental application was only in no-passing zones. In the summer of 2003,
CLRS were placed in a passing zone with a modified standard SRS spacing in attempt
to limit the impact to driver’s legally crossing the centerline in passing areas. In
altering the traditional continuous SRS design, it is important to monitor that there will
still be enough noise and vibration to alert the driver.
CLRS will not eliminate all cross-over crashes especially those caused by excessive
speed, loss of control, and most weather related crashes. Because they are intended to
alert drivers "drifting" over the center, rumble strips should be used where crash data
indicate that type of driver error is prevalent. In addition to CLRS, some head-on
crashes may be mitigated by improvements to the shoulder since many head-on crashes
The use of CLRS is still considered experimental. ODOT will monitor our existing
installations with a before-and-after crash study as well as national studies on the topic
to better understand their effectiveness. To be approved for installation, Region Traffic
must submit an investigation to the State Traffic Engineer that documents a safety
problem correctable with the use of milled-in centerline rumble strips. All guidelines
below must be met, or a justification for deviation included.
Milled-in centerline rumble strips (CLRS) can be used on new or existing bituminous
pavement where crash history indicates a large number of head-on or sideswipe-
meeting crashes would be treatable with CLRS. To retrofit CLRS on existing pavement,
the pavement should be in sufficiently good condition to effectively accept the milling
process without raveling or deteriorating. Otherwise the pavement should be upgraded
prior to milling any desired CLRS.
For highways with painted medians, a minimum median width of 4 feet (1.2 m) is
needed for installation. For medians 4 feet (1.2 m) in width, place the rumble strips in
the center of the median. For medians greater than 4 feet (1.2 m) in width, place the
rumble strips 12 inches (300 mm) inside of each median stripe.
For highways without painted medians and where passing is allowed, contact the
Traffic Standards and Asset Management Unit for the allowable CLRS pattern and
spacing standards.
• On bridge decks;
• In the area of intersections with public roads. Stop CLRS 25 feet (7.6 m) in
advance of intersections;
CLRS should not be placed in areas with short distances between access points. If
installed in a passing section, consider the noise impacts to rural residential areas
For maintenance reasons, consider the use of durable striping in conjunction with
milled-in rumble strips. Some of the equipment that ODOT owns for painting has
difficulty in areas where the milled-in rumble strips exist because the wheel track of the
sprayer hits the rumble strips. Please contact the Region Traffic Engineer or Striping
Supervisor to verify the striping equipment available.
Transverse rumble strips are placed perpendicular to the travel direction in the travel
lane. Their primary purpose is to enhance other traffic control devices to warn drivers of
an unusual situation. Transverse rumble strips should not be overused. Potential
adverse effects of rumble strips in the roadway include the noise generated by vehicles
continuously passing over them, the possibility that drivers may be tempted to go
around them by driving into the opposing lane, maintenance concerns with their
durability and concerns by motorcyclists who do not like the rumble strips.
Experience has shown that transverse rumble strips have been effective when used to
warn drivers on the approaches to intersections with poor compliance with STOP signs.
They should be limited to those areas that have a documented history of crashes and
where more conventional treatments have proved ineffective. Other countermeasures
such as oversize signs, higher intensity sign sheeting, STOP-AHEAD legend on the
pavement, and increasing the stop bar width should be tried. Studies have shown that
rumble strips are generally not effective as speed control devices. Rumble strips in
conjunction with speed limit signing were found to be ineffective at increasing speed
zone compliance.
ODOT has, on limited occasions, used the built-up type of rumble strip across the
traveled way for warning drivers of a work zone. Portable rumble strips have been
approved for use in ODOT highway work zones. Their application should be used when
special circumstances justify the need for them. More recently, grooved rumble strips
have been used to warn drivers of changes in the roadway, such as detours or alignment
changes. Typically they have been used to alert drivers to the possible need to take
some action and signing is usually used in conjunction with the rumble strips. Their
placement is strictly for temporary applications.
To be approved for installation, Region Traffic must submit an investigation to the State
Traffic Engineer that documents a safety problem correctable with the use of transverse
rumble strips. All guidelines below must be met, or a justification for deviation included.
The State Traffic Engineer must approve all transverse rumble strip applications (both
permanent and temporary) on State Highways.
Safe speed on curves is determined by Region Traffic using the ball-bank indicator
method as described in the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System.
The safe speed is determined in each direction.
ODOT standard practice is to post horizontal alignment signs for a curve when a
recommended safe speed is less than the posted speeds. An advisory speed plaque on
the sign assembly is required if the recommended safe speed is 10 MPH or more below
the posted speed.
Warning signs for curves with a recommended safe speed equal to the posted speed may
be posted depending on an engineering investigation including road geometry, crash
history, and other factors, and is not required to include the speed rider (See also
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Sections 2C.06, 2C.07, and 2C.46).
Curve signs are used for recommended safe speeds above 30 MPH. Turn signs are used
for recommended safe speeds of 30 MPH or less.
For a full discussion of horizontal alignment signs and their use, see the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices Sections 2C.06 through 2C.11. The standard signs
including freeway signing can be found in the warning sign and construction sign
sections of the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System.
Safety Corridors are stretches of state and local highway with a history of higher traffic
crash rates than the statewide average for similar roadways. These may be signed as
“Safety Corridors” or “Truck Safety Corridors”. In the case of “Truck Safety Corridors”,
the incidence of commercial vehicle involvement is high, due to either truck or
passenger vehicle error.
Typical actions taken in safety corridors to increase safety include more frequent
enforcement, low cost engineering improvements and education efforts such as media
events, brochures and poster distribution. Drivers are asked to pay extra attention and
carefully obey all traffic laws when driving in these areas. The intent is to apply a
Analysis of the safety corridor occurs every year. The corridor is evaluated to determine
its average crash rate. A safety corridor designation is meant to be an interim solution
until such time that the crash rate can be reduced and sustained, or until major
improvements are funded. If enforcement becomes unavailable or a substantial
commitment from local agencies is not maintained the safety corridor may be removed.
For further information regarding the ODOT Safety Corridor Program contact the
Transportation Safety Division.
Sight distance is necessary to ensure safe vehicle operations required for stopping,
intersection movements and passing situations. Simply defined, it is the length of
roadway visible to the driver, either ahead or on intersecting roads. The AASHTO
publication, A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, details the
processes for determining sight distances for stopping sight distance, decision sight
distance, passing sight distance, and intersection sight distance.
Stopping sight distance is the distance required for a driver to recognize an object which
requires a stop, plus the distance required to stop the vehicle. Decision sight distance is
the distance required for a driver to detect and recognize a situation, make a navigation
decision and complete the maneuver. Passing sight distance is the distance necessary to
safely complete normal passing maneuvers. Intersection sight distance is the
unobstructed line of sight sufficient to allow approaching drivers to anticipate and avoid
potential conflict situation at intersections. Improving intersection sight distance can be
one of the most effective safety improvements for intersections with poor sight distance.
6.30.1 Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System
• Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS), Specific Service signs (logo signs),
and Off-Interstate Historical and Cultural signs to the Director, Travel
Information Council, 229 Madrona Avenue SE, Salem, Oregon 97302.
• Signs located off of state right of way that are visible from state highways to
Outdoor Advertising Sign Permits, ODOT Right of Way Project
Administration, Transportation Building RM 409, Salem, OR 97301-3871.
The Region Traffic Unit reviews and designs special signs requested by their District
sign crew supervisors. The Region Traffic Unit approves orders and sends them to the
sign shop for fabrication.
ODOT practice is to not install signs for local city ordinances on state highways.
Examples include but are not limited to the following:
It is sometimes, however, the desire of a local road authority to install these signs.
Agencies wishing to install signs for city ordinances on state highways within their
jurisdiction are required to submit a copy of the specific city ordinance and proposed
wording for the sign to the Region Traffic Manager/Engineer for review. After review,
the Region Traffic Manager/Engineer will forward the request to the State Traffic
Engineer for consideration of approval. The State Traffic Engineer will use the following
criteria to determine if the sign will be approved:
• The proposed wording on the sign shall not conflict with existing Oregon laws
or rules established in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) or Oregon
Administrative Rules (OAR).
• The State Traffic Engineer, in consultation with the ODOT Sign Engineer,
shall have final authority over the design and wording of the sign in
accordance with standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices and the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System.
• The location of the sign shall not conflict with the visibility of another traffic
control device or violate the sign spacing standards found in the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices or Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State
Highway System.
Upon approval, the local jurisdiction will be required to enter into an Inter-
Governmental Agreement with ODOT to assume responsibility for all costs associated
with the sign including sign design, installation, and maintenance. ODOT reserves the
right to remove the sign at any time if the sign is not properly maintained or conflicts
with the visibility of another traffic control device.
“Right-Turn Permitted Without Stopping” (RTPWS) signs have been used in Oregon
since the 1950’s. Research has shown that the RTPWS signs do not contribute to an
increase in crashes and are a viable and safe method of reducing delay at stop sign
controlled intersections with a predominant right-turn movement. The demonstrated
safe operation justifies its use to reduce delay at appropriate stop controlled
intersections. Motorists increasingly disregard traffic controls more restrictive than
necessary for the situation. Allowing free movement for the predominant move will
improve the credibility of stop signs where they are needed for safe operation.
All the following criteria should be met when considering the RTPWS (volume criteria
generally refers to daily volumes):
1. If the intersection approach with the right-turn is a single lane approach (right,
through and left from a single lane) the right-turn volume should be at least 50%
of the total volume for that approach. No minimum volume is necessary if the
approach has a separate right-turn only lane.
2. The right-turn volume should be at least twice the volume of all conflicting
3. The existing right-turn volume should be 25% or more of the total intersection
entering volume within any eight hours of a day.
A RTPWS sign requires the approval of the State Traffic Engineer for installation at an
intersection on a State Highway. If the intersections volumes or movements change
significantly the use of the RTPWS sign should be reconsidered. Refer to the Sign
Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System for further information.
The State Traffic Engineer has been delegated the authority, in consultation with the
Region Manager, to approve installation or removal of STOP signs at intersections of
state highways with any other highway, road, or street. STOP signs should only be used
where justified. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices contains guidelines and
criteria for the use of STOP signs in Sections 2B.04 through 2B.07. STOP signs are
normally posted on the minor street to stop the lesser flow of traffic. The multi-way stop
installation is useful as a safety measure at some locations. It should be used where
volumes are approximately equal.
Requests for installation of STOP signs on state highways should originate from the
Region Traffic Manager. Requests should include an investigation stating warrants for
the STOP control crash history, safety concerns, alternatives or any other
considerations concerning the proposed installation.
A variable message sign (VMS) is a traffic control device (permanent or portable) whose
message can be changed to provide motorists with information about traffic congestion,
traffic crashes, maintenance operations, adverse weather conditions, roadway
conditions, organized events, or other highway features. Installation and location of
VMS on state highways requires the approval of the State Traffic Engineer. With the
approval of the State Traffic Engineer, permanent signs may be used to display public
service messages.
There are several items that should be considered when choosing the location for a
permanent or portable VMS. Signs should be placed far enough in advance of a decision
point (e.g. interchange, major intersection, merge section at the end of a passing lane,
etc.) to allow drivers enough time to read and understand the message before having to
refocus their attention on the driving task. The availability of power and
communications is another concern for permanent VMS installations. As a general rule,
signs should be located at least 1 mile in advance of decision points on non-freeway
installations and 1 ½ to 3 miles for freeway installations.
The Intelligent Transportation Systems Unit prepares project plans, cost estimates,
standard drawings and specifications for variable message signs and other special fiber
optic and LED signs.
According to OAR 734-020-0410 and the letter of authority, the State Traffic Engineer is
responsible for exercising authority with respect to the use of traffic control devices.
Since variable message signs are traffic control devices, their operation is under the
authority of the State Traffic Engineer.
Each Region Traffic Engineer or Traffic Manager has the responsibility to approve
messages to be displayed on variable message signs in his or her region, however the
State Traffic Engineer has retained the authority to approve public services messages
which may be displayed on permanent variable message signs only.
Wrong way movements are fairly rare and sporadic. The Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices Section 2E.50 provides guidance in the placement of signs to discourage
wrong way driving. A combination of ONE-WAY, DO NOT ENTER, and WRONG-WAY
signs is recommended. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices also allows for
lane use arrows and markings.
If a freeway on-ramp or other road is suspected of frequent wrong way movements the
following steps should be taken:
• Verify the extent of the problem by reviewing the crash history, looking
primarily for head on or side swipe collisions.
• Evaluate the geometric design of the intersection: (i.e. Entrance radii, offset
ramp terminals) and determine if modifications should be considered. (See
Highway Design Manual for further discussion).
File Code: TRA 03-01-26 General Information / TRA 16-02-04-04 Striping & Markings /
TRA 16-04-76 Signs
The State Traffic Engineer has delegated authority, in consultation with the Region
Traffic Engineer, to approve installation or removal of YIELD signs on state highways.
The Region Traffic Engineer may authorize the installation or removal of YIELD signs
on cross street that are not state highways. Yield signs can be used to assign right-of-
See 6.22.4
Special events held on state highway right-of-way require a permit, issued by the ODOT
District office with jurisdiction and in accordance with criteria established by OAR 734
056-0030. The applicant shall, at their expense, provide a traffic control plan that
complies with current standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and
with the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD. Signs used in conjunction with special
events must also comply with the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway
System. The Traffic—Roadway Section may be asked to review or provide assistance.
6.32.1 Overview
Speed limits are covered in ORS 810.180 (Designation of speed limits), and ORS 811.100
through ORS 811.111. The establishment of speed zones under normal conditions is
described in OARs 734-020-0014, -0015, -0016, and -0017. The rules for establishing
Interstate Speeds are covered under OAR 734-020-0010. Those speeds are defined in
OAR 734-020-0011. (See Construction Speed Zones, School Speed Zones, and Safe
Speed on Curves.)
In Oregon, the decisions regarding speed zones are made jointly by the Department of
Transportation and the road authority, for example, a city or county.
If the recommended speed is of mutual agreement between the Department and the
local road authority, the speed zone is established. If mutual agreement cannot be
reached, the speed zone decision is referred to the Speed Zone Review Panel. Overview
Extensive national research has shown that retaining the posted speed (i.e., no speed
reduction) through work zones results in the fewest crashes. This holds true except in
some limited conditions. Speeds may be reduced in areas where more than one of the
following conditions exists:
• No shoulder
• Short detour with a reduced safe speed on the end curves of 10 mph or more,
The State Traffic Engineer has the approval authority for a reduced speed in a work
zone or other temporary situation with the above restrictions. Requests may be sent to
the Traffic—Roadway Section, and should include the Region Traffic review, the
Worksheet for Determining the Need for a Reduced Speed Zone for Work Zones and a
copy of the project plans with traffic control plans.
The request to lower the speed zone for a construction project may be made during
project design or after construction begins. In all cases, the Region Traffic Engineer
should be consulted for their recommendation. Submit the written request, Worksheet,
traffic control plans and Region Traffic Engineer comments to the State Traffic
Since any reduced speed is based upon the traffic control plans, the project should be at
least at the Preliminary plans before submitting a request. The letter of support issued
will be specifically tied to the plans as submitted, and provides the basis for including
signs for a reduced speed in the quantities. Include the Unique Special Provision
“00225 – Temporary Speed Zone Reduction” in the project Special Provisions. The signs
are not shown on the plans, although a note directing the contractor to request a written
speed zone order prior to posting signs can be on the appropriate plan sheet(s).
Once the contract is awarded and the contractor and project manager have agreed on
the staging and traffic control to start the project, a written speed zone order can be
requested. If there has been any change in the temporary traffic control or staging since
the plans date in the letter of support, a new set of traffic control plans showing the
changes must be submitted with the request for a speed zone order. Speed zone signs
may be posted as soon as the written order is received by the contractor and project
Each road authority (state, county, or city) determines within their own jurisdiction, by
performing an engineering study, whether a school speed zone is appropriate and the
limits of that zone. The school speed zone should be established as per the provisions of
ORS 811.111 subsection 1(e) and ORS 810.200.
The road authority with jurisdiction establishes all school speed zone exceptions in
statutory and basic speed zones. On local jurisdiction roadways the road authority may
establish school speed zones, including those roadways covered by a speed zone order.
School speed zone exceptions on local jurisdiction roadways are no longer included in
the speed zone orders.
On State Highways inside city limits the local jurisdiction or school district must
request the school speed zoning in writing. For state highways outside city limits, the
request usually comes through the District Manager. The request should include a copy
of the school district’s Pedestrian Route Plan, as described in the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices. The complete report submitted to the State Traffic Engineer
shall include:
• The entire rewording necessary for the new speed zone order.
• A map showing the existing speed zone and the new school zone (if applicable).
The engineering study does not necessarily have to include speed checks but should
establish the school ground or school crossing boundaries according to the standards
On state highway segments covered by speed zone order, the school speed zone must be
approved by the State Traffic Engineer and included on the speed zone order. On state
highway segments not covered by speed zone order (i.e., statutory speed or basic rule
sections), school speed zones may be approved by the Region Traffic Manager.
ODOT has prepared a publication entitled “A Guide to School Area Safety” to assist in
the placement of traffic controls in school areas. This guide is available on the internet
from the Traffic—Roadway Section web site.
6.32.4 Speed Displays in conjunction with Speed Limit or School Speed Limit
The 2003 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices added the option of
using changeable message signs in conjunction with a Speed Limit Sign (See Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices Section 2B.13) or a School Speed Limit Assembly (See
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Section 7B.11) to display the speed at which
approaching drivers are traveling. The installation of Speed Displays on State
Highways may be approved by the Region Traffic Engineer. Considerations for installing Speed Displays in conjunction with Speed Limit or
School Speed Limit signs
Speed Displays used to alert drivers of their speeds may be considered where a greater
emphasis of prevailing speeds is desired. The following considerations should be taken
into account for possible installation of Speed Displays on state highways:
2. 85th percentile speed within the area (Note: For proposed Speed Displays in
conjunction with School Speed Limit signs, the 85th percentile speed should be
measured during the hours children are arriving or leaving school grounds.)
3. Other pertinent factors such as pedestrian activity, roadside character, and land
use within the area. Installation
1. When a Speed Display (“YOUR SPEED XX” sign) is used in conjunction with a
posted speed or School Speed Limit on State Highways, the sign and installation
shall be in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and
prior approval of the Region Traffic Engineer shall be obtained.
3. Speed Display signs that display messages other than speed or are controlled
through an operations center should be evaluated by the Intelligent
Transportation Section of the Maintenance and Operations Division.
4. When Speed Display signs are used in conjunction with School Speed Limit signs
they will generally be more effective if speeds are displayed only when children
are scheduled to arrive and leave school, but may operate in conjunction with
specific periods that the School Speed Limit is in effect.
Traffic calming techniques can be used effectively to encourage drivers to operate their
vehicles at appropriate speeds. The selection of traffic calming strategies must consider
the nature of the street or roadway, adjacent land use, driver population, emergency
vehicle concerns, ease of implementation and other site specific factors. If used
appropriately, the techniques can encourage drivers to drive at desired speeds, improve
the appearance of the roadway, and improve the comfort of pedestrians crossing the
roadway and facilitate other modes use of the facility.
Traffic calming for neighborhood streets may include speed bumps, speed humps and
traffic circles. While these may be effective in reducing speeds, they create additional
neighborhood noise, driver discomfort and hardships for emergency response. Street
closures may also be used, but this forces traffic onto other streets. Traffic calming
should be designed to encourage driving at the legally established speeds. They should
not be designed to physically restrict motorists to slower speeds, in effect establishing
an illegal speed limit and posing a hazard to the motoring public.
Traffic calming on state highways, primarily arterial streets, involves different types of
changes to the roadway environment to cue drivers to the mixed-use environment, of
pedestrians, bicycles and transit. These changes include such items as pedestrian
islands, curb bulb-outs, wide sidewalks, and streetscaping. Roundabouts, used in the
right places, are another strategy for improving driver behavior on arterial streets (see
Roundabouts). Traffic calming techniques will be different for downtown areas versus
transition areas (see Main Street Handbook).
Using traffic control devices such as signals or stop signs for traffic calming is
discouraged, as these are generally ineffective. Inappropriate use of traffic control
devices may cause safety problems and may increase conflicts and speeds due to driver
frustration or indifference. Non-uniform application of devices causes confusion among
Strategies such as narrowing lanes and adding on-street parking may result in lower
speeds, but they often increase safety concerns. On-street parking increases conflicts
between the parking vehicles and bicyclists, as well as other vehicles. It also limits the
sight distance and visibility of vehicles entering the roadway from side streets and other
accesses. While on-street parking can present safety concerns, it can also act as a buffer
between the travel lanes and the sidewalk. Bulb-outs can be used to make pedestrians
more visible to the motorists at crossing points. On-street parking is appropriate for
most downtown business areas, but may not be appropriate in other areas such as
transition areas.
The State Traffic Engineer has been delegated the authority through Administrative
Rule to approve the installation of traffic control devices on state highways. The traffic
signal approval process is established in OAR 734-020-0400 through 734-020-0500. All
traffic signals to be installed on state highways including those in the STIP or in an
OTIA project require the approval of the State Traffic Engineer.
All submittals for approval of a traffic signal on a state highway should come through
the Region Traffic Manager. The Region Traffic Manager should submit a Traffic Signal
Approval Request Form with an Engineering Investigation to the State Traffic
Traffic—Roadway Section staff will review the request. One or more of the eight
Warrants identified in Section 4C of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
must be met unless the traffic signal meets the criteria for special applications. The
satisfaction of a warrant or warrants, however, is not in itself justification for a traffic
signal. The Engineering Investigation must indicate that the installation of a traffic
signal will improve the overall safety and operation of the intersection. See Warrants
for more information about warrants and the criteria for special applications.
If approved, the named intersection will be added to the Traffic Signal Approval List
and the Region Traffic Manager will receive a letter of approval signed by the State
The following does not represent an exhaustive list of considerations but contains the
essential elements that should be included in the Engineering Investigation.
According to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the traffic signal warrants
are minimum conditions under which installing traffic signals might be justified. A
traffic control signal should not be installed unless the Traffic Signal Engineering
Investigation indicates that installing a traffic signal will improve the overall safety
and/or operation of the intersection. Examples of a justification statement are:
In the above examples, the justification for the signal installation should be supported
by appropriate queuing analysis, capacity analysis, or crash analysis, respectively.
Since vehicular delay and the frequency of some types of crashes are sometimes greater
under traffic signal control than under STOP or YIELD control, consideration should be
given to providing alternatives to traffic signals even if one or more of the warrants and
other minimum conditions are satisfied. See Chapter 4B of the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices for a list of possible alternatives. The range of alternatives
should address the primary justification for consideration of a traffic signal.
Traffic Volumes
Using a diagram of the intersection as it currently exists, provide vehicular and
pedestrian volumes for the intersection for which the traffic signal is being requested
and intersections in the surrounding area. Peak AM and PM traffic volumes, based on
14-hour count data should be provided. Describe the traffic that is actually present or
certain to be present when the traffic signal is operational. Estimate future traffic for
at least a 15-year period
When a traffic signal is part of a roadway improvement project, the request should be
based on projected volumes provided or approved by the ODOT Transportation
Planning Analysis Unit or the region’s transportation analysis unit. The Preliminary
Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis form should be utilized. The analysis should
demonstrate that Warrant 1 would be met within three years after construction.
See Warrants for a description of Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices warrants
and additional considerations that may support installation of a traffic signal for special
Conceptual Design
Include a diagram or plan of the proposed intersection layout with identifying
landmarks, unique physical constraints and appropriate lane widths, curb radii, etc.
Include the following:
• Proposed lane usage and signal phasing based on analysis of current and
projected volumes, traffic patterns, and safety and operational considerations.
Refer to the ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines.
• Sight distances.
• Current and proposed land uses of the area adjacent to the proposed traffic
Safety Analysis
Identify any safety concerns and explain how they will be resolved, e.g., sight distances,
alignment, prevailing speeds (design speed for new construction or posted speed if on
system), crash histories, railroad crossings, nearby access movements, etc.
Consider the effect of the proposed signal on existing and future traffic signals and
signal systems and existing levels of service. Consider the need to accommodate transit
and light rails and the need for a railroad interconnect.
If the proposed traffic signal is within 500 feet of a highway-rail grade crossing, provide
information on the impacts of the signal to the crossing. This should include a traffic
impact analysis of present and future traffic queues affecting the crossing. Current
requirements for crossing safety improvements can be obtained from the Rail Division,
Crossing Safety Section. The Rail Division should be contacted early in project
If the proposed location is within ½ mile of an existing or possible future traffic signal
include a traffic signal progression analysis as described in OAR 734-020-0480.
Elements of a proper traffic signal progression analysis include the following for each
requested time period:
• A diagram showing the volumes used at each intersection with the year of the
projection and the hour covered
• A time space diagram labeled with the cycle length, the distance between
traffic signals, the year of projected volumes, and the hour covered. The
diagram should show the green bands for the highway and the progression
• Supporting documentation showing the green splits and v/c ratio for each of
the movements at each of the traffic signals in the system. The inputs such as
saturation rate, heavy vehicles, etc. should also be available. This information
should be labeled to correspond with the correct time space diagram.
Provide information from pertinent transportation plans (local, regional, and state) to
demonstrate consistency between the plan and the proposed traffic signal installation.
Explain discrepancies between the plans and the proposed traffic signal installation.
Provide evidence of support of other agencies for the proposed traffic signal installation.
Provide a description of the proposed funding and maintenance agreements. Include a
description of the public input process and any key correspondence with local
jurisdiction representatives. Modifications
Traffic Signal modifications requiring the approval of the State Traffic Engineer should
be requested using the Traffic Signal Approval Request Form. An Engineering
Investigation that includes the applicable elements required to support the request
should be submitted. Traffic Signal Modifications approved by the Region Traffic
Manager (see Region Traffic Manager/Engineer Authority) should be documented and a
copy of the documentation forwarded to the State Traffic Engineer. Removal
A request to remove an existing traffic signal should be submitted using the Traffic
Signal Approval Request Form. Removal of a signal requires a review of warrants,
public notification and interim control of the intersection. Other conditions may be
applicable. Details are discussed in the ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines. Warrants
The Section 4C of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices establishes traffic
signal warrants as follows:
Details are provided in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices on the analysis
required to demonstrate compliance with these warrants. One or more of the eight
warrants must be met unless the traffic signal meets the special applications criteria.
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and
Guidelines provide for the installation of traffic signals that meet criteria for special
applications. These applications include providing access to fire and other emergency
vehicles, regulating the flow of traffic at a freeway ramp, controlling traffic at a
The Region Traffic Engineer may approve accessible pedestrian signals. Policies set
forth in the ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines should be strictly followed. The
State Traffic Engineer must approve exceptions to the policy.
The ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines provide guidance on standard and
optional practices relating to signal design and operations. The Traffic Signal Design
Manual provides specific guidance on plan layout including standard drawings, and
checklists. An electronic copy of the manual can be found on the internet at the ODOT
Traffic—Roadway Section web site.
The ODOT Traffic Systems Services Unit generally maintains traffic signals on state
highways. Services include annual preventive maintenance inspections of all ODOT
maintained traffic signals. Inspection checklist items guide technicians through a
systematic evaluation of the traffic signal control cabinet and its operational
components that include; field sensors, poles, signals, pushbuttons, signs and striping.
Checks inside the cabinet include; power management components, controller timing
and operation including communication, sensor operation, signal output relays, and
safeguards to prevent equipment malfunctions. Equipment inventories are updated and
entered into the Traffic Systems Information Systems (TSIS) database, which is used to
determine fleet age and locations of features such as those slated for obsolescence.
Signals on state highways within city limits or county boundaries are maintained in
accordance with agreements between the ODOT and the city or county. The agreements
define which agency is responsible for maintenance costs. Signals installed by a private
organization are maintained in accordance with an agreement or permit.
Some cities do not have the capability to maintain traffic signals. At the request of the
signal owner, ODOT may provide regular maintenance for these signals.
See also 2002 Policy Statement for Cooperative Traffic Control Projects Timing
Initial timing of traffic signals and any subsequent change in permanent timing is the
responsibility of the Region Traffic Manager and his/her staff. Staff of the Traffic—
Roadway Section may assist if requested. Signal timing should be reevaluated on a
regular basis. Reviews should be conducted approximately every three years or more
frequently if significant development has occurred, if new signals in the immediate area
have been added, or if complaints are received from the public or ODOT staff.
Temporary timing changes can be made by certified ODOT personnel to compensate for
sudden changes in traffic conditions or malfunctioning traffic signal equipment that
cannot be repaired or replaced immediately. All temporary timing changes are to be
recorded on the timing sheet in the cabinet. The Region Traffic Manager is to be notified
of any temporary timing changes as soon as possible.
The official timing record is programmed in the controller in the cabinet at the
intersection. The cabinet should have a timing sheet that reflects the current timing in
the controller. A copy of the timing sheet should be at the Region and the Traffic—
Roadway Section. Portable
The ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines are for the use of individuals involved
in the design, operation or maintenance of traffic signals on the state highway system.
They are compiled and prepared by the Traffic—Roadway Section in cooperation with
the Oregon Traffic Control Devices Committee (OTCDC). An electronic copy of the policy
and guidelines can be found on the internet at the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section web
Traffic signal preemption systems are traffic control devices that interrupt the normal
operation of traffic signals to give priority or preference to special vehicles (trains,
emergency vehicles, buses, etc.). Two types of preemption systems are employed in
Oregon: failsafe systems and signal preemption device systems.
Failsafe systems are hard wired to the signal controller and operate independently of
any other signal function. The default state of a failsafe system is preemption. These
systems are used by heavy rail and drawbridge operations, and have priority over signal
preemption device systems.
Signal preemption device systems require the installation of a signal preemption device
at the intersection that reacts to a traffic control signal operating device fixed to, or
carried within, a vehicle. The default state of a signal preemption device system is
normal traffic signal operation. Emergency, transit, and traffic signal maintenance
vehicles use signal preemption device systems.
Details can be found in the ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines and OAR 734
020-0300 through OAR 734-020-0330.
Ramp meters may be provided at any freeway entrance ramp regardless of traffic
volumes. The purposes of freeway entrance ramp control (ramp metering) include (1)
reducing merge area turbulence by regulating vehicle flow entering the facility, and (2)
regulating total freeway traffic flow through downstream bottlenecks.
There are currently no warrants for freeway entrance ramp traffic control signals,
however the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices identifies general guidelines
for successful application of ramp control. It is recommended the engineering study for
ramp meter installation include discussion of pertinent geometric elements; ramp and
mainline traffic volumes; crash history; and operating speeds, travel time and delay on
the freeway and alternate surface routes.
The Traffic Standards and Asset Management Unit must approve designs for ramp
meters. The ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines provide guidance on standard
and optional practices relating to ramp meter design and operations. The Traffic Signal
Design provides specific guidance on plan layout including standard drawings.
Effective April 1, 2005, all traffic signal and electrical construction on state highways
will require construction inspection by personnel certified by ODOT as Certified Traffic
Signal Inspectors (CTSI). The CTSI are in addition to and do not eliminate the need for
certified electrical inspection in compliance with electrical permits issued by local
ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section provides Traffic Signal Inspector Certification training
to ODOT staff, local agency staff, and consultants. Those who successfully complete the
class are certified for three years.
• Class locations vary according to demand, but typically classes are held in
Salem, Portland, Roseburg, and LaGrande each year
• Each CTSI is given a laminated pocket card listing name, certifications, and
expiration dates
A current listing of Certified Traffic Signal Inspectors (CTSI) can be found on the
internet at the ODOT Technician Certification Program web site.
The Future
The CTSI certified project inspections combined with supplemental inspections from
ODOT electricians has greatly increased the quality of electrical installations. The
requirement for a CTSI inspection includes, but is not limited to, traffic signals,
illumination, variable message signs, road and weather information systems, video
camera systems, and other intelligent transportation systems.
The turn on of new or modified traffic signals will be coordinated through the Traffic
Systems Services Unit and the Region Traffic Manager. Following construction and
prior to scheduling the turn-on, ODOT electricians and a Certified Traffic Signal
Inspectors (CTSI) must complete an inspection of all signal and field wiring. Before
turn on, the contractor will be responsible for all necessary corrections prior to the
signal being placed in service.
The traffic signal turn on consists of a series of tests and checks to insure that the signal
is ready to be activated. Once the tests are satisfactorily completed, timing data is
installed and the signal is put into operation. Operation is observed during different
traffic conditions and adjustments are made as necessary.
Each ODOT Region may have specific procedures with regard to signal turn on. Often,
the Traffic—Roadway Section will provide preliminary and/or final timing. This may be
provided on timing sheets or electronically installed on the “prom board” of the
controller. Traffic—Roadway Section staff may also provide traffic signal system timing
data. Regions are expected to provide sufficient advance notice to allow for the
preparation of all timing.
Occasionally the Region Traffic Manager or Traffic Signal Manager will request the
Traffic—Roadway Section to provide for the traffic engineering functions when a new
traffic signal is placed in service. Such personnel should work closely with the Traffic
Systems Services Unit technicians and project inspectors to assure all elements of the
plans have been executed. This, in addition to proper signal timing, includes proper sign
legends, correct sign placement, proper crosswalk locations, adequate pavement
markings, etc. The correct operation of the signal should be observed for the appropriate
period(s) of the day.
The Traffic—Roadway Section may be asked to review Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) as
part of the developmental review process. A TIS typically describes, in detail, how a
specific development will affect local, or perhaps, regional, transportation systems.
Many communities as well as ODOT require a TIS before highway approach permits are
granted. A TIS may also precede zoning changes, approvals of site plans or subdivision
maps, or the preparation of environmental documents. The Institute of Transportation
Engineers recommends that a TIS be prepared for any project that generates more than
100 peak hour trips, or when a development is likely to cause other significant traffic
flow impacts. ODOT has established rules covering access management issues. Specific
detail on when a TIS is required and the necessary documentation can be found in OAR
734, Division 51, and in the Development Review Guidelines available on the internet
from the ODOT Transportation Planning Section.
The authority to designate truck routes or prohibit truck operation is given to the road
authority under the provisions of ORS 810.040. On state highways the Oregon
Transportation Commission (OTC) designates truck routes. The State Traffic Engineer
has been given the authority to prohibit truck (large or heavy vehicles) operation under
the provisions of ORS 810.030. Based on the outcome of a recent Supreme Court case,
ODOT has established a procedure to guide staff and local jurisdictions in establishing
truck routes.
6.36.1 Background
Prior to 2002, designation of local truck routes was allowed per ORS 810.040
Designation of Truck Routes. In general, the statute says that a road authority can
designate any of its highways as a truck route and prohibit the operation of trucks upon
any other of its highways that serves the same route or area served by the truck route
As the result of a 2002 Supreme Court decision, ORS 810.040 has been preempted to the
extent that in an addition to receiving a delegation of state authority to proceed, the
local jurisdiction now has to also establish a bona fide safety reason to create the truck
route and that burden was not created by ORS 810.040. For decision-making purposes,
it is necessary to characterize “bona fide safety reasons” and determine how local
jurisdictions can show that designation of a local truck route is warranted.
6.36.2 Procedure
To establish a truck prohibition, a request from the Region Manager must be forwarded
to the State Traffic Engineer. The request must have the concurrence of the Motor
Carrier Services Manager and have followed the procedure outlined by the Motor
Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD). A summary of that procedure is outlined
below. City inquires about a local truck route designation and submits letter of request
City staff meets with Region staff to discuss the request. Region staff provides city staff
with a Local Truck Route Request Packet from the MCTD which includes a flow
diagram for OTC approval, templates used to collect data, Impacts to Consider Prior to
Designating a Local Truck Route and Oregon Revised Statutes Pertaining to Truck
Any city requesting approval from ODOT for a local truck route that diverts trucks from
a state highway shall submit a letter of request along with the completed templates.
As stated in the Background section above, before the Department approves of a local
truck route, the city must provide objective safety reasons for the designation of a local
truck route. For the purpose of this procedure, the term “safety” shall pertain to safety
associated with pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers but not structures. In the letter of
request, the city must make a plausible argument that there is a prospective safety
concern. In outlining its case, the city can refer to events and changes that occurred in
The roles and responsibilities at the Region pertaining to the review of the local truck
route will be identified by the Region Manager. The Region needs to involve MCTD
staff in their review process. The Freight Mobility Section of ODOT should have the
opportunity to provide comments as well.
If application appears reasonable, the Region sends a memo to the city asking them to
prepare an LTRIP (Local Truck Route Implementation Plan) which describes what
improvements, if any, are needed to the local truck route. This effort needs to be
coordinated with ODOT Region and MCTD staff. The LTRIP is a detailed description of
all of the improvements needed to the local streets that need to occur prior to the
opening of the local truck route. The LTRIP should include a schedule as to when the
necessary street, intersection, signal improvements and truck route signage installation
will occur. During development of the LTRIP, it may be appropriate for the city to do a
limited outreach with stakeholders.
If the recommended improvements and schedule in the LTRIP are appropriate, the
ODOT Region sends a memo to the city stating so. City meets with stakeholders to determine support for truck route
City notifies public and holds a hearing on the proposed local truck route. The staff
report should include a discussion on the need for the local truck route, the impacts of
the truck route and a draft ordinance to implement the local truck route. Depending on
In the staff report, the city should indicate the reason for the local truck route and the
impacts of the truck route. It would also be helpful to identify any cost associated with
improvements needed for the truck route and estimated street maintenance costs due to
the truck route.
A draft IGA between the city and ODOT needs to be prepared. The IGA should outline
the issues to be addressed including LTRIP improvements, maintenance and
enforcement issues.
If the city council does not approve of the truck route, the Region will notify the
appropriate individuals and either file the truck route request or work with the city on
resolving the outstanding issues that ODOT has responsibility for.
A summary of the city’s action along with the information on the proposed local truck
route is provided to ODOT stakeholders including the Oregon Trucking Association,
county, MPO and others as appropriate.
If there appears to be consensus on the request for a local truck route, the packet will be
prepared as a consent calendar item. The packet should include a summary of the
application, summary of the city’s action, summary of discussion with the stakeholders
and a map. If the highway involves a state highway freight route, an amendment to the
OHP needs to be included in the packet.
The request for a local truck route designation is presented. As mentioned above, the
OTC also needs to take action on the OHP amendment if the highway is part of the
State Highway Freight System.
After the OTC approval, the city will (if needed) complete all street, intersection and
signal improvements as described in LTRIP. Once these improvements are in place,
Region staff will review and determine if they are consistent with the LTRIP.
Truck route opens after public outreach including coordination with MCTD and OTA
and truck route signage is installed. In some cases, the city may need to complete an
update of its Transportation System Plan (TSP) so that the local truck route is
consistent with the plan. Any requests for truck prohibition signing on the state
highway would be forwarded from the Region Manager to the State Traffic Engineer for
Left turning vehicles can cause delay, have a major impact on intersection operations,
and be a source of conflict with other maneuvers. Left-turn treatments range from
prohibiting such movements, to shared lanes, to exclusive left-turn bays and two way
left-turn lanes. Left-turn treatments should be considered where turning volumes, crash
experience or general safety is of concern. For safety reasons, exclusive left-turn bays
should be considered at all high-speed rural intersections. Traffic studies have shown
exclusive left-turn bays increase safety at most intersections. On rural facilities
exclusive left-turn bays can greatly reduce rear end collisions and reduce delay to
through traffic.
See ODOT Highway Design Manual and Standard Drawings for guidance on the design
of turn treatments. The current ODOT Left Turn Lane Criteria is available on the
internet from the Transportation Planning web site that presents criteria and
considerations for when left-turn lanes may be appropriate.
The ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines provide guidance for left-turn
signalization and warrants for phasing at intersections (see Left-Turn Signal
Warrants). Separate signal phases for left-turn movements reduce the amount of green
time available for other movements and so requires careful analyses. Also refer to
sections on Multiple Turn Lanes, Right-Turn Lanes, and Two-Way Left Turn Lanes.
Single left-turn lanes at unsignalized intersections, that meet the following, have
standing approval of the State Traffic Engineer:
General policy and criteria for multiple right or left turns at highway intersections are
provided in OAR 734-020-0135 and OAR 734-020-0140 respectively. Such turns will
only be authorized on the basis of an engineering study to review any accident or safety
problems that might result. The study may include the following:
• In most cases multiple left turn lanes require protected-only left-turn phasing.
• The design of multiple turn lanes and their interaction with pedestrian
crosswalks should be carefully considered. Such consideration may include
special traffic signal displays, non-conflicting phase assignments or crosswalk
• The local jurisdiction should be notified of any multiple turn lane proposals
involving roadways under their jurisdiction.
The installation of multiple turn lanes requires the approval of the State Traffic
Engineer. The Traffic—Roadway Section maintains files on all new approved locations.
Proposed locations involving traffic on the side streets at the approach to state
highways will have as a part of the file a written notification of intent to the local
ORS 810.130(4) allows the Oregon Transportation Commission (as the road authority)
to require and direct that a different course than that specified for usual turning
movements, be traveled by vehicles at or proceeding through intersections. To make this
effective, appropriate traffic control devices (such as signs and/or pavement markings)
must be placed within or adjacent to the intersection. The usual course for turning
movements is specified in ORS 811.340, 811.345, and 811.355. Also refer to sections on
Left-Turn Lanes, Right-Turn Lanes, and Two-Way Left Turn Lanes.
Right-turn lanes are often considered in the geometric design of intersections. Such
lanes provide storage as well as a deceleration area for vehicles to safely negotiate the
turn. The storage function is particularly useful at railroad grade crossings during
preemption of the traffic signal by rail operations. Right-turn improvements are
commonly categorized by three designs:
2. Channelizing island for traffic turning right without a separate right turn lane,
A direct taper (a taper without any full width turn lane) may be sufficient where
through traffic volume is moderate and turning volumes are low. This treatment is not
generally used at signalized intersections. Standard design of taper offsets and lengths
are based on traffic speeds. Research has shown that a direct taper will not measurably
decrease the speed differential. It will however, reduce the exposure time for which
following vehicles will be exposed to the high-speed differential.
Adding right-turn lanes reduces crashes and the time motorists are delayed in traffic.
Regions are encouraged to add right-turn lanes at signalized intersections where
excessive pedestrian clearance times will not result. An engineering investigation
should be conducted for each site where a right-turn lane is being considered. The
investigation should include a crash history and identification of the type of crash that
might be occurring, as well as an examination of prevailing speeds, pedestrian volumes
and crossing times, and the percent of turning traffic in the total approach volume.
Sight distance, alignment and cross-section of the roadway may also be factors to
consider. Turning volumes, functional class of vehicle, and expected queue length in the
through travel lane(s) are the main consideration for the queue storage length of the
turn lane.
See the Highway Design Manual and Standard Drawings for guidance on the design of
turn treatments. The ODOT Right-Turn Lane Criteria that presents criteria and
considerations for when right-turn lanes may be appropriate is available on the internet
from the ODOT Transportation Planning web site. The Traffic Signal Policy and
Guidelines provides guidance for right turn signalization and warrants for phasing at
intersection (see Right Turn Signal Warrants). Also refer to sections on Left-Turn
Lanes, Multiple Turn Lanes, and Two-Way Left Turn Lanes.
Right-Turn Acceleration Lane: An added lane for right-turning vehicles joining the
traveled way of the highway from a side street for the purpose of enabling drivers to
make the necessary change between the speed of operation on the highway and the
lower speed of the turning movement.
Rural Expressway: A subset of state highway classifications that are defined in the
Oregon Highway Plan and located outside of city limits. Their purpose is to provide for
high speed, high volume travel between cities and connections to ports and major
recreation areas with minimal interruptions.
Volume to Capacity (V/C) Ratio: The ratio of traffic flow rate to capacity of the road to
handle that traffic flow, calculated using the ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual
The Oregon Transportation Commission, through ODOT’s Chief Engineer has delegated
the State Traffic Engineer and State Roadway Engineer with the authority to install
traffic control devices (State Traffic Engineer) and determine roadway design standards
(State Roadway Engineer) on state highways. The Traffic Operations Leadership Team
(TOLT) and Roadway Leadership Team (RLT) have become concerned that project
teams have been requesting design exceptions for non-standard acceleration lanes as
part of STIP and OTIA projects. Additionally, developers have been requesting right-
turn acceleration lanes as mitigation to traffic impacts associated with residential and
commercial development along state highways.
In response to these concerns, both the TOLT and RLT, in consultation with the
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit, have developed the following criteria for when
right-turn acceleration lanes can be considered (all of the criteria must be satisfied):
2. The V/C ratio of the right-turn movement without the acceleration lane shall
exceed the maximum value listed in Tables 6 and 7 of the OHP for the corresponding
highway category and location.
c. Exception 2c: If crash data in the vicinity of the intersection shows a history of
crashes at or beyond the intersection attributed to right-turning vehicles entering the
highway, then the V/C criteria may be waived.
3. The peak hour volume of right-turning vehicles from the side street onto the
state highway shall be at least 10 vehicles/hour for Rural Expressways and 50
vehicles/hour for all other highways.
4. No other access points or reservations of access shall exist on either side of the
highway within the design length, taper, and downstream from the end of the taper
within the decision sight distance, based on the design speed of the highway.
The State Traffic Engineer shall determine if a right-turn acceleration lane proposal
meets the above criteria. Proposals should be submitted to the State Traffic Engineer
and include an engineering investigation with data supporting the above criteria and a
drawing encompassing the intersection and design length of the acceleration lane
showing all access points and reservations of access to the highway. Only proposals for
right-turn acceleration lanes from public streets will be considered. If the State Traffic
Engineer determines that a right-turn acceleration lane proposal meets the above
criteria, the proposal will be forwarded to the State Roadway Engineer for consideration
of design standards. All right-turn acceleration lane proposals shall require the joint
approval of the State Traffic Engineer and State Roadway Engineer.
The signing and pavement markings for the acceleration lane shall be according to
standards found in the Traffic Line Manual.
Free-flow acceleration lanes may be considered in rural or suburban areas provided the
turning radius is tightened and the angle of approach is kept as close to a right angle as
possible. These combined elements will force right-turning drivers to slow down and
look ahead, where pedestrians and bicyclists may be present, before turning and
accelerating onto the roadway.
Several cities in Oregon have been using shared bike and right-turn lanes with good
results, and ODOT has been experimenting with them. Shared bike and right turn
lanes are used where widening an intersection is not possible due to physical, right-of
way or financial constraints. The use of the shared lanes is generally limited to
locations where right-turn speeds and volumes are fairly low. In locations with higher
volumes and speeds of turning vehicles, widening the intersection to include bike lane to
the left of the right-turn lane may be necessary.
On preservation projects with bike lanes, where it may be outside the scope of the
project to widen the intersection, shared lanes may be considered to carry the bicycle
lane through the intersection. A shared lane is not the preferred design, but it provides
some direction to both motorists and bicyclists. Decisions regarding the use of shared
bike lanes should be made only after a careful examination of the facts. The following
factors need to be considered:
• The shared lanes may not be suitable for use at signalized intersections and
should not be used where there is separate right-turn signalization.
• The use of the shared lanes should be limited to locations where turning
vehicle speeds are close to the speed of the bicycles.
Shared lanes at state highway intersections require Region investigation and approval
by the State Traffic Engineer. Definitions
A two-way left turn lane (also known as a TWLTL, special left turn lane or continuous
two-way left-turn lane, CTWLTL) is a type of median reserved for the exclusive use of
vehicles turning left. The TWLTL shall not be used for passing and overtaking or travel
by a driver except to make a left turn (ORS 811.345 and 811.346).
TWLTL’s are used in areas where crashes, primarily caused by left turning vehicles, are
correctable or where turning movements from the through lane are decreasing capacity
of the facility. These areas are usually characterized by frequent accesses. If TWLTL’s
are considered in higher speed areas, caution should be taken to assure that vehicles
using the TWLTL are unlikely to meet head-on at high speeds (spacing and location of
accesses are critical). TWLTL’s emphasize access and can encourage direct connections
to the highway. A non-traversable median with openings at select local streets can
encourage private access to the local street system. See the Highway Design Manual for
further discussion of medians.
On facilities with existing TWLTL’s, the median should not be converted to a painted median
until all private accesses have been removed. This is generally only true on limited access
Also refer to sections on Left-Turn Lanes, Multiple Turn Lanes, and Right-Turn Lanes.
See 6.22.4 Signs
See Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System
The State Traffic Engineer, in consultation with the Region Manager, has been
delegated the authority to approve turn prohibitions involving the use of traffic control
devices. This includes designating intersections where turns are prohibited in any
direction, signalized or unsignalized, but does not include intersections where raised
medians are used as a positive means of enforcing the allowable movements. An
engineering investigation is required. OAR 734-020-0020 describes the warranting
conditions for turn prohibitions and section 2B.19 in the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices describes the use of turn prohibition signs.
• The signal operation consists of three or more phases, with protected only left
turn phasing.
• A traffic engineering investigation shows the need for the U-turn movement.
In December, 1996, the following policy was adopted in accordance with ORS
810.130(3), ORS 810.200, and ORS 811.365:
(Source: Sign Policy and Guidelines for the State Highway System)
6.40 Visibility
Visibility distance for traffic control devices is closely related to sight distance and the
primary consideration for placement of traffic control devices. The Manual of Traffic
Control Devices (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) contains visibility
requirements for many traffic control devices. Although there are some set criteria for
visibility of traffic control devices, it is still more of an art than a science.
There are many considerations when placing traffic control devices. Critical elements
are vertical and lateral placement, as determined by typical driver eye position. The
geometry of the roadway, including vertical and horizontal alignments, design speed for
the facility and obstructions should all be considered. Where requirements of the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices cannot be met, suitable supplemental
devices may be used to warn the approaching traffic. Traffic control devices should be
placed so that they do not obscure each other or are hidden by obstructions. Traffic
control devices requiring decisions by the driver should be visible from a sufficient
distance or placed sufficiently prior to the decision point so the required decision may be
made and safely acted upon.
6.41.1 Analysis Overview
• If a roadway can be closed, during what times and for how long?
As one may assume from the topics listed above, Project Teams (PT) will generally
require some traffic analysis, no matter how small the project. Traffic—Roadway
Section duties as an internal consultant become a major concern on all projects where
staging and/or detours become necessary.
For such projects, delays can be reduced by the PT requesting an analysis at early
stages of the design process. For example, construction projects between Salem and
Portland on Interstate 5 must contend with high Average Daily Traffic (ADT), resulting
in complicated staging, which will in turn require extensive analysis to determine if the
staging will work without lengthy and costly delays to the traveling public. Procedures
There are a number of questions that arise where standard traffic analysis methods do
not give either meaningful or practical answers. Any questions that can be answered by
standard analysis techniques are detailed under the Capacity Analysis section of this
manual and will not be dealt with here.
The Highway Capacity Manual is used where applicable, but little concrete research
has been done on traffic flow patterns and capacities under construction conditions.
Those studies that have been undertaken apply only to freeway conditions. Further,
since the individual geometric characteristics of each project and the traffic conditions of
the surrounding area are all unique to each project, it is doubtful that any fixed
standard will ever be available.
Theoretic calculations for some common conditions have been made and may be used as
a starting point for analysis and are listed below:
Lane Capacity
1. Freeways, 1400 PCE (Passenger Car Equivalents)
Temporary Closures
Maximum of 75 cars in queue or 20 minutes duration. (Refer to Standard Specifications
for Highway Construction)
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas
Holidays that fall on a Monday have restrictions from the preceding Friday at noon
through midnight of the following Monday/Tuesday evening. Holidays that fall during
the workweek have restrictions that run from the noon of the day before to midnight of
the holiday. For those holidays that fall on a Friday, restrictions extend from noon the
Thursday before, to midnight of the following Sunday/Monday evening.
A portable traffic signal is a temporary signal that can be set up without a permanent
foundation. There are several types of installations, including temporary poles, trailer-
mounted units and self-supporting units. They may be powered by electrical hook-up,
battery, solar or some combination of power sources. For portable signals approved for
use, by type of use, see the ODOT Qualified Products List (QPL) published by the ODOT
Construction Section.
A device that complies with the adopted guidelines for portable traffic signals found in
OAR 734-020-0034 may be used at intersections or for construction projects or other
situations where a temporary signal is needed for 24 hours or longer. Use of a portable
signal requires the approval of the State Traffic Engineer. All such devices are subject
to testing by the Traffic Systems Services Unit and shall be certified as having passed
ODOT laboratory tests. Timing of all signal intervals must be approved by the Region
Traffic Engineer, State Traffic Engineer or designated representative.
A device that meets the specifications for temporary portable signals for work zones in
TM Drawings No. 113, 114, and 115 and the policy and guidelines contained in the
Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook may be used for controlling a lane closure
on two-lane, two-way highways in work zones or other areas where use is limited to less
than 24 hours at a time. This is a pilot program at this time. Only approved devices on
the QPL may be used. A special permit is required for contractor or utility use on state
highways. The timing and inspection of the signal installation is subject to the
specifications and the terms of the permit. For state forces work, the Region Traffic
Engineer or designated representative will approve the timing and installation. The
specifications and drawings are available from the Traffic—Roadway Section.
This Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook provides a reference for the
principles and standards for temporary traffic control zones in place continuously for
three days or less on public roads in Oregon. It is based on the principles set forth in
Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and is an Oregon Supplement
to the MUTCD.
For work requiring devices in place longer than three days, a site specific traffic control
plan based on the principles in Part 6 of the MUTCD is required. In addition, OR-OSHA
has the authority to set and enforce worker safety standards.
This handbook is applicable to all public roads in Oregon. Each road jurisdiction (City,
County, or State) may have additional or more restrictive requirements, and will
generally require permits to work in their public right of-way. The appropriate road
jurisdiction should be contacted prior to planning or beginning any work within their
The primary function of temporary traffic control is to provide safe and efficient
movement of road users through or around work zones while protecting workers and
emergency response personnel. There are safety concerns for workers while setting up
and taking down traffic control zones. As a result, this document is based on the
premise that simplified traffic control procedures are warranted for shorter term
7.1 Definitions
Ball-bank Indicator - A curved level, which is used to determine the safe speed
around a curve, as indicated by trial speed runs. The indicator measures the centrifugal
force on the vehicle. The ball-bank indicator is designed to show the combined effect of
the vehicle body roll angle, the centrifugal force, and the superelevation angle of the
Bench Repair - Repairs made to signal control equipment in a shop that specializes in
the repair and testing of traffic signal control equipment.
Bicycle lane - [ORS 801.155] That part of the highway, adjacent to the roadway,
designated by official signs or markings for use by persons riding bicycles except as
specifically provided by law.
Bicycle path - [ORS 801.160] A public way, not part of a highway, that is designated
by official signs or markings for use by persons riding bicycles except as specifically
provided by law.
Commercial vehicle - [ORS 801.210] A vehicle that: (1) is used for the
transportation of persons for compensation or profit; or (2) is designated or used
primarily for the transportation of property.
Crossover - A roadway crossing the median and located generally at right angles to,
between and connecting the inside or median shoulders of the separate through
roadways of a freeway.
(a) The connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks, shoulders or a combination
thereof on opposite sides of the street or highway measured from the curbs, or in the
absence of curbs, from the edges of the traveled roadway; or
(b) The prolongation of the lateral lines of a sidewalk, shoulder or both, to the sidewalk
or shoulder on the opposite side of the street, if the prolongation would meet such
sidewalk or shoulder.
(2) If there is neither sidewalk nor shoulder, a crosswalk is that portion of the roadway
at an intersection, measuring not less than six feet (ED. 1.8 meters) in width, that would
be included within the prolongation of the lateral lines of the sidewalk, shoulder or both
on the opposite side of the street or highway if there were a sidewalk.
DUII - Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. (See Impaired Driving Victim
Memorial Signing.)
• Confusing indications
Emergency Call Out - For traffic signal maintenance, a high priority response.
Emergency vehicle - [ORS 801.260] A vehicle that is equipped with lights and sirens
as required under ORS 820.350 and 820.370 and that is any of the following:
Failsafe preemption system - preemption systems that are hard wired to the signal
controller and operate independently of any other signal function. The default state of a
failsafe system is preemption.
Freeway Median - The space between inside shoulders of the separated one-way
roadways of a divided highway (typically separating opposing directions of travel).
Highway - [ORS 801.305] Every public way, road, street, thoroughfare and place,
including bridges, viaducts and other structures within the boundaries of this state,
open, used or intended for use of the general public for vehicles or vehicular traffic as a
matter of right.
Intersection - [ORS 801.320] The area of the roadway created when two or more
roadways join together at any angle, as described in one of the following:
(1) If the roadways have curbs, the intersection is the area embraced within the
prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines.
(2) If the roadways do not have curbs, the intersection is the area embraced within the
prolongation or connection of the lateral boundary lines of the roadways.
(3) The junction of an alley with a roadway does not constitute an intersection.
(4) Where a highway includes two roadways 30 feet (ED. 9.1 meters) or more apart, then
every crossing of each roadway of the divided highway by an intersection highway is a
Median – A continuous divisional island which separates opposing traffic and may be
used to separate left turn traffic from through traffic in the same direction as well.
Medians may be designated by pavement markings, curbs, guideposts, pavement edge
or other devices. (See also Non-Traversable Medians and Traversable Medians)
Non-Emergency - For traffic signal maintenance, a situation, which does not seriously
impede the flow of traffic and does not appear to pose a serious problem to the public as
determined by the Region Traffic Manager. These are regular work priority responses
and are responded to as resources are available. Listed below are some examples that
should be classified as non-emergency situations.
Occupancy - (1) The amount of time motor vehicles are present in a detection zone
expressed as a percent of total time. This parameter is used to describe vehicle density,
a measure of highway congestion.
(2) The number of passengers in a vehicle, which when used in conjunction with
vehicular volume, provides information on the total number of persons accommodated
on a transportation link or within a transportation corridor.
On Call - Personnel designated by the TSSU manager, Region Traffic manager, District
manager, or Region manager to be on call and prepared to respond to traffic signal
trouble calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Qualified Personnel - ODOT personnel are certified for the types of signal work being
performed in the control cabinets. There are four levels of certification administered by
TSSU that are required in order to perform work on traffic signal control equipment in
the field. A higher level certification qualifies a person to perform the maintenance and
operations functions of a lower level certification.
Road authority - [ORS 801.445] The body authorized to exercise authority over a
road, highway, street or alley under ORS 810.010.
Special Event - Any planned activity that brings together a community or group of
people for an expressed purpose, including, but not limited to, parades, bicycle races,
road runs and filming activity that may result in total or partial closure of state
highways or state highway sections.
2. Any device that remotely controls by electrical, electronic, sound or light signal
the operation of any device identified in subsection (1) of this section and
installed or operated under authority of ORS 810.210.
3. Any stop sign that complies with specifications adopted under ORS 810.200 that
is held or erected by a member of a highway maintenance or construction crew
working in the highway.
Previous editions of the ODOT Traffic Manual included various forms in the Appendix
of the manual. The ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section is in the process of automating
many of its forms and posting them on the internet to the ODOT Traffic—Roadway
Section web site. For specific information about a particular form, check the
information listed below. If the form is not listed, contact the ODOT Traffic—Roadway
Section for more information.
7.2.1 Signs
The ODOT Roadside Inventory Form for “Signs” (F) is available on the internet in the
Highway Design Manual, Appendix D published by ODOT Technical Services.
Contact the Traffic Operations Engineer in the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section for a
copy of this form.
Contact the Traffic Operations Engineer in the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section for a
copy of this form.
This form is available on the internet from the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section web
7.2.5 Worksheet for Determining the Need for a Reduced Speed Zone for
Work Zones
This form is available on the internet from the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section web
This form is available on the internet from the ODOT Traffic—Roadway Section web
The Administrative Management Section maintains files for use by the Traffic—
Roadway Section. These files include Subject Files with appropriate coding to
differentiate between files. The two main codes used for Traffic—Roadway Section
documents in the Subject Files are TRA (Traffic Engineering and Safety) and TSO
(Transportation Systems Operations). The major codes in these files are listed below.
Individual files often contain extensive additional levels of code beyond those listed.
Code Topic
TRA 16-10
7.4.1 Overview
Crash analysis is an important traffic engineering tool used to answer questions and to
determine what questions to ask. The choice and arrangement of the data depend
heavily upon the nature of the question, availability of pertinent data, and time
The principle of crash analysis is to identify the patterns of crash types which will lead
to identification of solutions. Dominant crash types provide the most reliable guide to
the remedial action since they are likely to be indicative of some problem. Crashes are
generally a rare event and the patterns exhibited by crash tend to vary greatly so
statistical techniques are required to help differentiate between true differences in
crash data and the routine variation that should be expected in normal operations.
Crash analysis data sources are discussed in Section 6.5.2. (Metric equivalents for
information provided in the following discussion were not available.)
An easy way to diagnosis crash problems is to create tables that sort crashes into
general types to help visualize driver’s performance on part of a roadway. Crashes can
be summarized according to a range of environmental or other characteristics such as:
• By vehicle movements
• By contributing circumstances
• By environmental conditions
Various proportions, e.g., percentage of daytime crashes, can be compared to tallies such
as in Summary of Oregon Traffic Crashes, and summaries generated by the SPIS Crash
Summary Database for similar or extended sections of highway. The Traffic—Roadway
Section has created a simple tool to create summaries of crash data on the ODOT
intranet for any state highway.
• Environmental conditions
• Severity
The collision diagram is very helpful for identifying patterns or movements that are key
problems at a location. The Transportation Data Section has developed a beta test
version of a desktop collision diagramming software which should be available in the
fall of 2003. Collision diagram can also be requested from the Crash Analysis and
Reporting Unit.
GIS has the ability to display spatial data in map format. Since the ODOT GIS Unit
produces a map file of all crashes on the state highway system, it is possible to overlap a
variety of other variables that are mapped and studied to recognize patterns correlating
to the following attributes:
• Curves
• Speed limits
• Alcohol-related (bars)
Contact the Highway Safety Engineering Coordinator for more information on this
Section Crash Rates (CR) compares assorted highway locations with each other and
typically requires some effort to standardize the data. Relatively simple ratios can be
used, such as “crashes per mile per year.” The most widely used ratio is the crash rate.
This standardizes section length, time, and traffic volume. The most common crash rate
for highway sections is derived as follows:
CR = = = Crashes per million vehicle miles
(ADT)(365)(Length (mi))(Years)
As section lengths approach zero, the crash rate can give unreasonable numbers.
Evaluate crash rates for short sections by trying small changes in the number of
crashes. If the changes in crash rate are dramatic, then either this type of crash rate
should not be used, or its use should be accompanied with a warning.
Intersection Crash Rates (ICR) uses nearly the same equation as section crash rates.
(Crashes)(1,000,000) (Crashes)(1,000,000)
ICR= = = Crashes per million entering vehicles
(ADT)(Years)(365) Total entering vehicles
Length has been omitted, and the volume of the intersecting road has been included.
The entering volume equals half the sum of the ADT’s of all the legs. Some reports have
been published stating that ODOT considers all intersection crash rates above 1.00
crashes/mev to be significantly high. There is no such department policy. A September
1994 memorandum from Eric Bonn to the Region Traffic Managers includes the results
from a sample of 413 intersections on the state highway system. This sample may not
fully represent highways in Oregon because it included only the intersections for which
sufficient data were readily available. Several sub-groups of data were evaluated. Cutoff
points for the top ten percent of crash rates were predicted at values ranging from 0.65
to 1.25 crashes / mev, depending upon the sub-group selected.
Crash rates on the state highway system can be compared to statewide rates for similar
sections. Simply exceeding the statewide rate should not be interpreted as proof that a
section is “hazardous”. The Rate Quality Control method was developed to identify
sections that have a significantly high crash rate:
Ra 1
Rc = Ra + K + , where Rc = Critical rate (or the rate above which the local crash
m 2m
rate should be considered significant), Ra = Average rate which can be obtained from the
State Highway Crash Rate publication by the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit (e.g. Background
At the request of the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs, the 1947 Oregon
Legislature adopted a resolution designating certain state highways as Blue Star
Memorial Drives. The legislature further resolved that ODOT shall erect along said
highways suitable tablets and ornamentations to perpetuate the resolution.
This is a program put in place to honor and memorialize men and women of Oregon who
served in the armed forces of the United States. This program began in the 1940’s and
was inspired by the blue stars that mothers put in their windows to signify that they
had a son or daughter serving in WW II. The program is part of a national program
that is sponsored by the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. The original
designation consisted of one transcontinental east and west route and seven north and
south routes and was normally assigned one to a state. They were designated
throughout their length, or for a considerable distance, generally involving more than
one state. These were through routes rather than short sections in one state only.
The following is a list of highways that have been adopted by the Oregon Transportation
Commission and are referred to as Blue Star Memorial Highways. Included are the
highway routes and their adoption dates by the commission.
Highway Name Route
The Blue Star Memorial Highways are commemorated with a bronze marker mounted
on a support post. The local garden club that sponsors the marker usually enhances the
landscape with a small garden at the foot of the marker. The program currently has
about 30 markers in place.
ODOT has historically been responsible for installing the marker and the Oregon State
Federation of Garden Clubs has been responsible for the furnishing and maintaining
the marker/ landscaping.
The site for new markers along these routes is to be worked out with the maintenance
district. Common practice has been to place markers in areas of high visibility, such as
a highway rest area, which promotes higher visibility and reduced vandalism. The
landscaped areas provide rest and relaxation for the weary traveler. Overview
Upon the request of the family of a victim of an impaired driving crash and when
certain requirements are met, a sign can be installed on the State Highway System at
the site of a fatality caused by an impaired driver. Background
ODOT established its own Impaired Driving Victim Memorial Signing Program in 1995.
The first sign was installed in October 1995 in Tillamook County. As of September 2004,
33 signs have been installed. Guidelines
1. A sign can be installed at the site of a fatal crash that was caused by a driver
who has been convicted of Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter in the first or
second degree and was driving under the influence of intoxicants (blood alcohol
content of 0.08 or greater). A sign can also be installed at the site of a fatal crash
that was caused by a deceased driver who had a blood alcohol content of .08
percent or greater.
2. Signs installed will be black on white, 36” X 48” with a legend which reads
“DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE”, below which will be a 36” X 12” plaque with the
message “IN MEMORY OF (Victim’s Name).” Normally up to three names can
be listed, but more than one name will require a larger plaque.
5. Signs will not be installed on the interstate system, freeways, or their ramps.
6. ODOT has no jurisdiction on county roads or city streets and thus cannot provide
signs along these roadways.
7. The sign must be requested by the family of the victim or other sponsor and be
paid for by the victim’s family or the sponsor. The sponsor need not be a family
member, but any proposed installation must include agreement with an
appropriate member of the victim’s family. If a given crash resulted in more
than one fatality, and those fatalities were from different families, the applicant
must contact the families of those other victims before application is made, in
order to gain written concurrence on whether the sign should even be applied for,
which names should appear on the sign, and how much each family will
contribute toward the cost of the sign. Only one sign will be installed for any
given crash.
8. Signs will cost $600. This amount is intended to cover expenses incurred, such
as time spent on review of the application by the program coordinator,
investigation of the proposed site by Region personnel, manufacture of the sign
by the ODOT Sign Shop, and installation by the Maintenance District sign crew.
Only one $600 check or money order will be accepted as payment for any
successful application.
9. Region Traffic Operations staff will investigate all proposed installation sites and
make a recommendation to the State Traffic Engineer regarding sign placement.
If the investigation determines that a location other than the one requested in
the application is more appropriate, a distance of as much as one half mile away
will be acceptable, with variations as approved by the State Traffic Engineer. In
no case, however, will the alternate location be on a highway other than the one
on which the crash occurred.
10. The State Traffic Engineer will approve or deny requests received and sign an
agreement with sponsors and family members on those that are approved.
11. Signs will remain in place until they are weathered (usually seven to ten years).
At that time, they will be removed. If a sign in serviceable condition is stolen,
vandalized, or otherwise badly damaged, it will be replaced one time at ODOT
expense. After a sign has been removed due to weathering, the original applicant
may renew installation of the original sign by paying another $600.
Persons wishing to sponsor a memorial sign should submit a written request to:
3. Date and location of the crash — This should include the highway name or route
number, as well as direction and distance in feet from the nearest green milepost
paddle, and distance and direction from any other nearby landmarks (such as an
intersecting road, or a bridge over a named stream).
5. Proof of conviction (unless driver is deceased) and blood alcohol or drug level of
driver (from court, police, or Medical Examiner’s records)
References are made throughout this manual to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and
Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR). Several items of particular, general interest are
highlighted below:
7.6.1 Crosswalks
ORS 801.220 defines crosswalks, ORS 811.010 and ORS 814.040 also apply to
crosswalks and pedestrians. ODOT contains guidelines for determining when it is
appropriate to mark crosswalks.
The proper use of emergency vehicle preemption (traffic control signal operating)
devices is described in ORS 815.440. The standards for installation, operation and use
are defined in OAR 734-020-0300 through 734-020-0330.
The process and criteria for establishing freeway median crossovers is provided in OAR
734-020-0100 through 734-020-0115.
OAR 734-020-0145, OAR 734-020-0147, and OAR 734-020-0150 provide direction for
the management of incidents or related activities. These OAR’s establish procedures for
removal of spilled vehicle loads and wrecked vehicles from the travel portion of state
highways; procedures for the removal of disabled, abandoned, or otherwise unattended
vehicles on state highways; and procedures for the closure of highways when weather or
road conditions constitute a danger of highway damage or a danger to the driving
public, respectively.
7.6.6 Jurisdiction
ORS 810.010 designates the bodies responsible for exercising jurisdiction over
highways when the vehicle code requires the exercise of jurisdiction by the road
authority. This section does not define maintenance responsibility.
The criteria for establishing multiple right and left turns at highway intersections are
provided in OAR 734-020-0135 through 734-020-0140.
ORS 810.130 allows road authorities to designate specific lanes or highways where
vehicle traffic must proceed in one direction at all times or at times indicated by traffic
control devices. This section also allows the designation of locations where public transit
vehicles may proceed in a direction prohibited to other traffic.
Each road authority has the authority to regulate, control and prohibit parking
according to ORS 810.160. The process for establishing parking prohibitions or
restrictions is defined in OAR 734-020-0020 and OAR 734-020-0080 through 734
ORS 810.030 allows the road authority to impose restrictions on highway use, by any or
all vehicle types or weight classes, in order to protect the highway from damage or to
protect the interest and safety of the general public. Restrictions or limitations imposed
under this section must be imposed by proper order. This section does not grant
authority to impose speed restrictions. Related administrative rules include OAR 734
020-0045, OAR 734-020-0080, and OAR 734-020-0100 through 0115 which prohibit
non-motorized vehicles on certain highways; establish restrictions on overnight parking
(non-emergency) on state highways; and provide for the use of freeway median
crossovers, respectively.
ORS 810.180 and ORS 811.111 cover the establishment of school speed zones. ORS
811.124, ORS 811.106, and ORS 811.235 also apply to school speed zones. ODOT’s A
Guide to School Area Safety provides further information regarding school area safety.
ORS 810.180, ORS 811.100 through ORS 811.111 and OARs 734-020-0014, -0015,
0016, and -0017 cover the establishment of speed zones in the State of Oregon (See also
ODOT’s Speed Zone Manual). Low volume roads and non-hard surfaced roads may be
delegated to local jurisdictions.
The appropriate driver response to traffic signal indications, including circular and
arrow indications whether steady or flashing, lane direction control signals, stop signs
and yield signs is provided by ORS 811.260. Turns made against a red indication are
The Process that establishes consideration and approval for installation or removal of
traffic signals on state highways is defined in OAR 734-020-0400 through 734-020
ORS 810.140 allows a road authority to designate bus or HOV lanes. Any restriction
imposed must be imposed by proper order. OAR 734-020-0035 through 734-020-0043
contain the orders establishing such lanes. The only order currently in effect is OAR
734-020-0043 for the I-5 HOV Lanes in North Portland. Two such orders have been
repealed - OAR 734-020-0035 for the Barber Boulevard (US 99 W Portland) Transit
Lanes in 1977 and OAR 734-020-0040 for the Banfield (I-84 nee I-80N Portland) HOV
Lanes in 1975. Both were repealed in September 1983. A third order – OAR 734-020
0042 - establishing temporary HOV Lanes on I-5 and I-205 during emergency repairs to
the Interstate Bridge in the summer of 1997 expired in October 1997.
ORS 810.200 and ORS 810.210 provide for the establishment of uniform standards and
placement of traffic control devices. The Oregon Transportation Commission adopts the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD,
and the Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook by OAR 734-020-0005.
California Department of
CalTrans Traffic Manual
ODOT Traffic—Roadway
Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Addendum to Chapter 6,
Roadway Lighting Handbook “Designing the Lighting
Charles V. Zegeer,
Safety Effects of Marked vs. University of North
Unmarked Crosswalks at Carolina Highway Safety November 2000
Uncontrolled Locations Research Center, Chapel
Hill N.C
ODOT Roadway
Standard Drawings
Engineering Section
Integrated Software
Translink May 1999
Solutions, Inc.
ODOT Transportation
Transportation Volume Tables
Data Section
Washington State
WSDOT Pedestrian Facilities
Department of
Washington State
WSDOT Traffic Manual Department of
Acronym Meaning
DR Dead Reckoning
Fax Facsimile
FO Fiber Optic
IM Incident Management
IP Internet Protocol
ND Negative Declaration
RF Radio Frequency
ROR Run-off-road
SP Standards Publication
Two Way Left Turn Lane (or CTWLTL for Continuous Two Way Left
Turn Lane)