BING (Versi Bing)
BING (Versi Bing)
BING (Versi Bing)
(Sustainable City).
Green Architecture is an architectural concept that seeks to minimize adverse effects
on the natural and human environment and produce a better and healthier place to
live, which is done by utilizing energy sources and natural resources efficiently and
optimally. The concept of 'Green Building' refers to structures and uses
environmentally responsible processes and efficient resources throughout the life
cycle of the building: from tread determination to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, demolition renovation, and. This practice expands and complements the
classic building design of economic concerns, utility durability, and convenience.
Sustainable Architecture, is an applied concept in the field of architecture to support
sustainable concepts, namely the concept of maintaining natural resources to last
longer, which is associated with the age of vital potential of natural resources and
human ecological environments, such as planetary climate systems, agricultural
systems, industry, forestry, and of course architecture.
Agenda 21 Sectoral. Sustainable Development Planning,Office of the Minister of
State for the Environment, Jakarta, 2001.
Eko Budiardjo, Djoko Sujarto, Sustainable City,Directorate General of Higher
Education Department of Higher Education and Culture, Jakarta, 1998.
Eko Budihardjo, City Development and Spatial Environment,Andi Publisher,
Yogyakarta, 1997.
Otto Soemarwoto, Environmental Ecology and Development,Djambatan Publisher,
Jakarta, 1989.
Sudharto P. Hadi, Human and Environmental, Publisher Board of Diponegoro
University, Semarang, 2000.