Chapter 5

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Concept related to probability

Define the followings with examples:
Experiment: Experiment is an act that can be repeated under given conditions.

Tossing of a coin or throwing of a die or the drawing of a cards etc, are the
example of experiment.

Outcomes: The results of an experiment are called outcomes.

Random experiment: Experiments are called random experiments if the outcomes
depend on chance and cannot be predicted with certainty.

Example: Tossing of a coin, throwing of die etc are the examples of random experiments.

Sample space: The collection or totality of all possible outcomes of a random

experiment is called sample space. It is usually denoted by S or Ω.

If we toss a coin, the sample space is S = { H ,T } where H and T denote the head and tail
of the coin respectively.

Sample point: Each element of a sample space is called sample point.

Event: Any subset of a sample space is called event. There are two types of event:
Simple event and Compound event

Simple event: An event is called simple event if it contains only one sample point.

Compound event: An event is called simple event if it contains more than one sample

If we toss a coin two times, than the sample space is S = { HH , HT , TH , TT } where H and
T denote the head and tail of the coin respectively.

Here, A = { HH } is a simple event and B = { HH , HT } is a compound event.

Sure event: An event is called sure event when it always happens. The probability of a
sure event is one.

Impossible event: An event is called impossible event when it never happens. The
probability of an impossible event is always zero.

Mutually exclusive events: Two events are said to be mutually exclusive if they have
no common points. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then AB ≠ ø.

Non mutually exclusive events: Two events are said to be not mutually exclusive
event if they have common points. If A and B are two not mutually exclusive events, then
AB ≠ ø.

Complementary event: Let A be any event defined on a sample space S or Ω then the
complementary of A, denoted by A❑is the event consisting of all sample points in S but
not in A.

Equally likely outcomes: Outcomes are called equally likely if one does not occur
more often than the other. In this case the sample points of a sample space are all equal

Exhaustive outcomes: Outcomes of an experiment are said to be exhaustive if they

include all possible outcomes.

In throwing a die exhaustive numbers of outcomes are 6.

Conditional Probability: If A and B are two events in S. Then the conditional

probability of A for given value of B, denoted by P [A | B] is defined by

P [ AB ]
P [A | B] = ; P [B]>0
P [B]

P [ AB ]
Similarly, P [B | A ] = ; P[A]>0

Independent Event: Two events A and B are said to be independent if and only if one
of the following conditions holds:

(i) P[AB]=P[A]P[B]
(ii) P [A | B ] = P[A]
(iii) P [B | A ]= P[B]
Dependent Event: Two events A and B are said to be dependent if and only if one of
the following conditions holds:

(i) P[AB]≠ P[A]P[B]

(ii) P [A | B ] ≠ P[A]
(iii) P [B | A ] ≠P[B]

Definition of probability:

There are four approaches of defining probability. They are

(i) Classical or mathematical or priori definition of probability.

(ii) Empirical or statistical or posterior or frequency probability.
(iii) Subjective probability.
(iv) Axiomatic probability.

Classical or mathematical or priori definition of probability: If there are n

mutually exclusive, equally likely and exhaustive outcomes of a random
experiment and if m of these outcomes are favorable to an event A, then the
probability of the event A, denoted by P[A] is defined as
N [A] m
P[A] = = n ; 0 ≤ P [ A ] ≤1
N [S]

This definition of probability is given by Laplace.

Axiomatic probability: Suppose S is a sample space and A is an event of this

sample space. Then the probability of the event A, denoted by P[A] must satisfy
the following four axioms:

(i) P[A] ≥ 0
(ii) P[S] = 1
(iii) If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then P[AUB]= P[A]+P[B]
(iv) Let A1, A2,………………Ak be a sequence of K mutually exclusive
events, then P[A1UA2U…………UAK]= P[A1]+ P[A2]+… ………+p[Ak]
Laws of Probability

There are two important rules or laws of probability;

(i) Addition laws of probability
(ii) Multiplication laws of probability.

Addition laws of probability are two types

(i) Mutually exclusive events (ii) Non Mutually exclusive events

Theorem: Show that 0 ≤ P ( A )≤ 1 Or Show that the value of the probability

lies between 0 to 1.
Proof: Let A be the event in S (sample space)

Also let, N(S) = n

And N(A) = m

N ( A) m
By the definition of probability, P [A] = = n
N (S )

Clearly, 0 ≤ m≤ n
0 m n
Or, ≤ ≤ [Dividing bots side by n]
n n n

Or, 0 ≤ P ( A ) ≤ 1 (Proved)

Theorem: State and prove additive laws of probability for two non
mutually exclusive events.
Statement: If A and B are two events, then P[AUB]= P[A]+P[B] – P[AB]




It is obvious from the Venn-diagram A = A B ∪ AB

Therefore, P [ A ] = P [ A B ∪ AB]

P [A] = P [ A B] + P [ AB] ……………..(i);

Since AB and A B are mutually exclusive.

Similarly, B = AB ∪ A B

Therefore, P [ B ] = P [ AB ∪ A B ]

P [B] = P [ AB] + P [ A B] ……………..(ii) ;

Since AB and A B are mutually exclusive.

Now, A ∪ B = A B ∪ AB∪ A B

Therefore, P [ A ∪ B ] = P [ A B ∪ AB∪ A B]……………..(iii);

Since A B, AB and A B are mutually exclusive.

Now adding (i) and (ii) we get,

P [ A ] + P [ B ] = P [ A B] + P [ AB] + P [ AB] + P [ A B]

= P [ A B] + P [ AB] + P [ A B] + P [ AB]

= P [ A ∪B ] + P [ AB]
Therefore, P [ A ∪ B ] = P [ A ] + P [ B ]- P [ AB]

(This completes the proof of the theorem)

But if A and B are mutually exclusive, then P [ AB] = 0

In that case, P [ A ∪ B ] = P [ A ] + P[ B ].

Theorem: State and prove additive laws of probability for three non
mutually exclusive events.
Statement: If A, B, C are three non mutually exclusive events then,

P(A U B U C) = P(A) + P(B)+ P(C)- P(AB)- P(AC)- P(BC)+ P(ABC)

Proof: Let, B U C = D; then

P(A U D) = P(A)+ P(D)- P(AD)

Or, P(A U B U C) = P(A)+P(B U C)-P[A(B U C)]

= P (A) + P(B)+ P(C)- P(BC)-P(AB U AC)

= P(A) + P(B)+ P(C)- P(BC)-[ P(AB)+ P(AC)-P(ABAC)]

= P(A) + P(B)+ P(C)- P(AB)- P(AC)- P(BC)+ P(ABC);

[Since, ABAC =ABC]

(This completes the proof of the theorem)

But if A and B are mutually exclusive, then P(AB) = 0, P(BC)= 0, P(AC)=0 and
P(ABC) = 0. In that case, P (A U B U C) = P (A) + P (B) + P(C).

Multiplication law of probability: If A and B are two events, then

P [AB] = P [A] P [B | A] = P [B] P [A | B]

Proof: From the definition of conditional probability, we have

P [ AB ]
P [A | B ] = ; P[B]>0
P [B]

It follows that P [AB] = P [B] P [A | B]………………….(i)

P [ AB ]
Similarly, P [B | A ] = ; P[A]>0

It follows that P [AB] = P [A] P [B | A]………………….(ii)

From (i) and (ii) we have, P [AB] = P [A] P [B | A] = P [B] P [A | B]

(this proves the theorem)

But if A and B are independent events, then P [A] = P [A | B] and P [B] = P [B | A]

Hence, P [AB] = P [A] P [B].

Theorem: If A and A are mutually and exhaustive, then show that

P ( A ) + P ( A )=1

Proof: From the complementary laws of events, we have A ∪ A=S

Therefore, P ( A ∪ A ¿=P(S)

Or, P ( A ∪ A )=1 [By axiomatic definition P(S) = 1]

Or, P ( A ) + P ( A )=1 [since A and A are mutually exclusive]

Therefore, P ( A ) + P ( A )=1 (Proved)

Theorem: State and Prove Bayes’ theorem.

Statement of Bayes theorem: Let B1, B2,………………,Bn be n mutually exclusive and
exhaustive events in a random experiment and A be any event in S., then Bayes theorem
state that P[Bi|A] =
B1 B2 .. .. ... Bn
P [ Bi ] . P [ A /B i ]
; i=1,2 , ............ ,n
∑ P [ Bi ] P [ A /Bi ]
Proof: From the definition of conditional probability, we have

A = AB1 U AB2 U ………………U ABn

P [ A Bi ]
P [Bi | A] = …………… (i)
P [ A]

P [ B i ] . P [ A / Bi ]
= ……… (ii) (Since, P [AB] = P [B] P [A | B])

It is obvious from the venn diagram

A = AB1 U AB2 U ………………U ABn

Therefore, P(A) = P(AB1 U AB2 U ………………U ABn)

= P(AB1)+ P(AB2) + ………………+P( ABn)

Since, AB1 , AB2 …..and ABn are mutually exclusive.

= P[B1]P[A|B1] + P[B2]P[A|B2]+………………..+ P[Bn]P[A|Bn]

(Since, P [AB] = P [B] P [A | B])

P(A) = ∑ P [ Bi ] P [ A/ Bi ]…………………..(iii)

Putting the value of P(A) in equation (ii), we have

P [ Bi ] . P [ A /B i ]
; i=1,2 , ............ ,n
P[Bi|A] =
∑ P [ Bi ] P [ A /Bi ]

(This completes the proof)

Mathematical problem of Bayes’ theorem: In a factory, machines A, B and C

manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the product. Of the total of their
output 5, 4 and 2 percent are defective bolts respectively. A bolt is drawn at random
from the product and is found to be defective. What are the probabilities that it was
manufactured by machine (i) A and (ii) C.

Solution: Let

B1 : An item produced by machine A

B2: An item produced by machine B

B3: An item produced by machine C

A: Defective item produced by the machines.

We have, P [B1]= 25%=0.25, P[B2]= 35%=0.35, P[B3]= 40%=0.40,

And P(A|B1)= 5%=0.05, P(A|B2)= 4%=0.04, P(A|B3)= 2%=0.02,

We have to find, P(B1|A) and P(B3|A)

P [ Bi ] . P [ A /B i ]
; i=1,2 , ............ ,n
According to Bayes’ theorem, P[Bi|A] =
∑ P [ Bi ] P [ A /Bi ]

P ( B1 ) P ( A / B1 )
P(B1|A) =
P ( B1 ) P ( A /B 1 )+ P ( B2 ) P ( A /B 2 ) + P ( B3 ) P ( A/ B3 )

( 0.25 ) ( 0.05 )
( 0.25 ) ( 0.05 )+ ( 0.35 ) ( 0.04 ) + ( 0.40 ) ( 0.02 )

= 0.3623

P ( B3 ) P ( A / B3 )
Similarly, P(B3|A) =
P ( B1 ) P ( A /B 1 )+ P ( B2 ) P ( A /B 2 ) + P ( B3 ) P ( A/ B3 )

( 0.40 ) ( 0.02 )
( 0.25 ) ( 0.05 )+ ( 0.35 ) ( 0.04 ) + ( 0.40 ) ( 0.02 )

= 0.2319

Problem: If P[A] = 0.6, P[B]= 0.8 and P[AB]= 0.50 Find (i) P[ Ā ¿; (ii) P[A U B]
;(iii) P[A |B]; iv) P[B |A] (v) P[ A B]; (vi) P[ A B]; (vii) P[ A B] ;

(viii) P[ A ∪B ¿ ¿ (xi) Are the events A and B independent? (x) Are A and B
mutually exclusive?
Ans: Solution: (i) We know: P ( A ) + P ( A )=1
Here P[A] = 0.6. Hence, P[ Ā ¿ =1-0.6=0.40

(ii)By additive law of probability, we know P[AUB]= P[A]+P[B] – P[AB]

= 0.60+0.80-.50=0.90

(iii)From the definition of conditional probability, we have

P [ AB ]
P [A | B ] = ; P[B]>0
P [B]
= =0.625

P [ AB ]
(iv)Similarly, P [B | A ] = ; P[A]>0

= =0.833

(v)P[ A B]= P [ A ∩ B ]=P[A]-P[AB]

= 0.60-0.50=0.10

(vi)P[ A B]= P [ A ∩ B ]== P[B]-P[AB]

= 0.8-0.50=0.30

(vii) P[ A B]

According to De Morgan’s law, P ¿ A B ¿= P[ A ∩B ¿ ¿]= P[ A ∪ B ¿ ¿=1- P[A U B]

= 1-0.90=0.10

(viii)P[ A ∪B ¿ ¿=1- P[A U B]= 1-0.90=0.10

(xi) Are the events A and B independent?

Ans: The events A and B are independent if P [AB] = P [A] P [B].

Here, P [A] P [B]=(0.60) (0.80)=0.48≠ P [AB]=0.50

Hence the events A and B are not independent.

(x) Are A and B mutually exclusive?

Ans: A and B mutually exclusive if P [AB]=0

Here, P[AB]= 0.50≠0

Hence A and B are not mutually exclusive.

1 3 11
Assignment: If P(A)= , P(B)= and P(A U B)= . Find (i) P( A | B) (iii) P( Ā | B ).
3 4 12

Application Problem: Suppose A and B are two mutually exclusive events with
P[A]=.35 and P[B]=.15. Find (i) P[A∪B] (ii) P[ Ā ] (iii) P[A∩B] (iv) P[ Ā ∪ B̄ ]


(i) According to axiom 3.

P[AUB]= P[A]+P[B]= 0.35+0.15=0.50

(ii) P[ Ā ¿ =1-0.35=0.65
(iii) P[A∩B]=0; Since A and B are mutually exclusive.

(iv) According to De Morgan’s law, A ∪ B=( A ∩ B )

P ( A ∪ B ¿=P ( A ∩B )=1- P[A∩B]=1-0=1

Application problem: The distribution of number of stores according to

size in 3 areas is given in following table:
Area Store size
Large(L) Medium(M) Small(S)
A 30 45 75
B 150 125 275
C 20 130 150
Find the probabilities (i) P(M); (ii) P[BM] (iii) P(B U L) and (iv) P(A | M) (v) Are the
events A and L independent?

Area Store size

Large(L) Medium(M) Small(S) Total
A 30 45 75 150
B 150 125 275 550
C 20 130 150 300
Total 200 300 500 1000
Here total number of stores is 1000.That is N(S)=1000.

(i) Here M is the event of medium size store. Then N(M)= 300
N ( M ) 300
Therefore P[M] = = =0.300
N (S) 1000
(ii) B ∩ M = BM.
N (BM ) 125
P[BM]= = =0.125
N (S ) 1000
(iii) P(B U L)=P[B]+P[L]-P[BL]

N (B) N ( L ) N ( BL )
= + −
N (S) N ( S ) N ( S )

550 200 150

= + −
1000 1000 1000

N ( AM )
p ( AM ) N ( S ) N ( AM ) 45
(iv) P(A | M)= = = = =0.15
P(M) N (M) N ( S ) 300
N (S )
(v) Are the events A and L independent?

Solution: The events A and L are independent if P [AL] = P [A] P [L].

N ( AL) 30
Here, P [AL] = =
N (S) 1000

N (A ) (¿ L) 150 200 30
And P [A] P [L]= ×N ❑ = × = =P[ AL] ¿
N (S) N (S) 1000 1000 1000

Hence the events A and L are not independent.

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