Conditional Probability (Contd )
Conditional Probability (Contd )
Conditional Probability (Contd )
As we have already seen the conditional probabilities may also be used as tools for
computing unconditional probabilities.
Suppose that B1, B2….Bk are k mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events and
at least one and not more than one of them must have happened, but it is not known which
one. Suppose also that an event A may follow any one of the events Bi, with known
probability and that A is known to have happened. What is then the probability that it was
preceded by a particular event Bi?
The answer to this is given by Bayes’ theorem.
Statement: Let B1, B2….Bk be a partition of the sample space S and let A be any arbitrary
event associated with S such that P(A)>0. Then we have,
1. The probability P(B1)…P(Bk) are typically subjective probabilities which represent our
opinion about the nature prior to any experimentation and are termed as ‘apriori
probabilities’. As they exist before we gain any information from the experiment itself
2. Probabilities P(A/Bi), i=1,2,3….k are called ‘Likelihood probabilities’.
3. The probabilities P(Bi/A) i=1,2,3….k are called ‘posteriori probabilities’ as they are
determined after the results of the experiments are known.(after the event A observed
to occur)
4. Since Bi’s are a partition of S one and only one of the events Bi occurs. Hence Bayes’
theorem gives us the probability of a particular Bi given that the event has occurred. In
order to apply this theorem we must know the values of P(Bi)s. Quite often these values
are not known and this limits the applicability of the result.
Independent Events:
Quite often we want to know, for what events A and B, it is true that P(A/B)=P(A)?
In other words, for what events A and B, it is true that the occurrence of B provides no
information about the chance that A will occur?
The answer is, P(A/B)=P(A).
i.e. P(A∩B)/P(B)=P(A)
i.e. P(A∩B)=P(A).P(B) A .
Thus we say that two events A and B are independent iff A holds.
Note 1: A & B are disjoint then P(A∩B)=P(ɸ)=0, so that A and B cannot be independent
unless either P(A)=0 or P(B)=0.
Prove it!
Definition: (Mutual independence of n events) If A1,A2,….An are n events, then for their
mutual independence we should have
P(Ai1∩Ai2 ∩…..∩Aik )=P(Ai1)P(Ai2)…..P(Aik) k=2,3,4…n.
i.e. we should have
i) P(Ai∩Aj)=P(Ai)P(Aj) ; (i≠j, i,j=1,2,3,4.....n)
ii) P(Ai∩Aj ∩Ak)= P(Ai)P(Aj) P(Ak) ; (i≠j≠k; i,j,k=1,2,3….n)
Theorem: A and B are two events with nonzero probabilities. If they are mutually
exclusive then they cannot be independent and conversely.