Cash Audit Program
Cash Audit Program
Cash Audit Program
The company has the following general ledger accounts that are classified in the cash caption of
the balance sheet.
General Ledger Bank Authorized
Account Number Description Account Number Check Signer
A. Cash exists and is owned by the client (assertions E/O and
B. Cash balances reflect a proper cutoff of receipts and
disbursements (assertions E/O, C, and V/A).
C. Cash balances as presented in the balance sheet properly
reflect all cash and cash items on hand, in transit, or on deposit
with third parties (assertions E/O, C, and P/D).
D. Cash balances are properly classified in the financial
statements, and any restrictions on the availability of funds are
properly disclosed (assertions R/O and P/D).
Practical Considerations:
¯¯ The check number, date written, payee, and amount of each
outstanding check in lieu of the frequently received adding
machine tape.