Low Cost Split Stirling Cryogenic Cooler For Aerospace Applications
Low Cost Split Stirling Cryogenic Cooler For Aerospace Applications
Low Cost Split Stirling Cryogenic Cooler For Aerospace Applications
Cryogenic coolers are usually conjugated with sensitive electronics and sensors of military,
commercial or scientific space payloads. The general requirements are high reliability and power
efficiency, low vibration export, ability to survive launch vibration extremes, and long-term expo-
sure to space radiation.
A long standing paradigm of using exclusively space heritage derivatives of legendary “Ox-
ford” cryocoolers featuring linear actuators, flexural bearings, contactless seals, and active vibra-
tion cancellation is so far the best known practice aimed at delivering high reliability components
for the critical and usually expensive space missions.
The recent “responsive space” tendency calls for developing mini, micro and even nanosatellites
being capable of delivering high definition infrared vision capabilities and meeting tight budget
constraints. This activity has spurred attempts to adapt leading-edge tactical cryogenic coolers to
meet the above space requirements. The authors are disclosing theoretical and practical aspects of
developing a space qualified cryogenic refrigerator based on the Ricor model K527 tactical cooler
and Iris Technology radiation hardened, low cost cryocooler electronics.
The initially targeted applications are cost-sensitive flight experiments, but should the results
show promise, some long-life “traditional” cryocooler missions may well be satisfied by this ap-
Development and deployment of the legendary “Oxford” split Stirling cryogenic cooler was a
major breakthrough in space refrigeration. This success relied on pioneering the concepts of linear
electrodynamic actuation, flexural bearings, contactless clearance seals, motion sensors, indepen-
dent active “magnitude-phase” motion control in both compressor and expander units along with
active vibration cancellation. This compact and reliable cooler fast replaced traditional passive
radiators, bulky liquid or solid cryogens and eventually enabled a massive use of affordable me-
chanical cryogenic refrigeration in space [1-3].
Since then, several generations of cryogenic coolers have been derived from the original “Ox-
ford” legacy. This effort has produced highly reliable cryogenic coolers capable of delivering more
than 10 years of continuous cryogenic refrigeration for a variety of critical space missions. Cost
saving has always been an objective, but it was always thought of as a secondary issue, provided the
in the form of tightly matched piston-cylinder liners manufactured of tribological, wear resistant
Similar principles were applied to the design of a pneumatically actuated resonant “spring-
mass” expander featuring contact clearance seals in the form of tightly matched bushing/plunger
made of the above tribological, wear resistant material.
Figure 2 shows the external layout and the schematics of the pneumatically driven resonant
spring-mass expander of the K527 cryogenic cooler [16].
The feasibility of this approach was proven recently in the course of an accelerated life test
(including temperature extremes) [19] where a similar cooler lasted in excess of 45,000 hours. The
post-test examination revealed that the geometry of the above mentioned critical components (i.e.,
clearance seals in compressor and expander) remained within manufacturing tolerances; no visible
wear was observed.
As to the compressor induced wideband vibration export, reduction in the weight of the mov-
ing mass assembly was critical. Further, application of the combined principle of low frequency
vibration mounting and tuned dynamic counterbalancing, as detailed in [15, 19] produced the effect
of passive wideband vibration cancellation adequate for the most stringent space requirements.
The working point for the cooler optimization was defined so as to produce a total heat lift of
300¶mW@77¶K@0°C with a minimum power consumption. For the purpose of cooler redundancy
and reasonably fast cool down times, the maximum available heat lift was specified to be at least
The K527 cryocooler modeling was performed in a SAGE™ [21] environment, relying on the
above-defined specifications and baseline configuration. It was predicted, in particular, that at the
above working point the power consumption would be 5.2¶W AC.
Cryocooler Performance: Theoretical Prediction versus Experiment
Detailed performance mapping of the K527 cryogenic cooler at different reject temperatures
typical of aerospace applications, namely: 20°C, 0°C and +20°C, was performed in the temperature
regulation mode (77¶K). The self-heatload typical for the used simulation dewar is
130¶mW@77¶K@20°C. Figure 3 shows the experimentally obtained dependencies of the power
consumption on the total heat load at different reject temperatures. The self-heatload typical for the
simulation dewar is 130¶mW@77¶K@20°C.
Figure 3 shows the experimentally obtained dependencies of the power consumption on the
total heat load at different reject temperatures. Superimposed for reference are the outcomes of
theoretical mapping obtained using SAGE software.
From Figure 3, the experimental and theoretical data are in fair agreement, especially at low
heat loads (below 300¶mW). This satisfactory match indicates the suitability of the model to guide
for further optimization of the cooler for different working conditions and for possible upscaling of
the K527 cryocooler for higher power applications.
The deviations observed at high powers may be explained by irreversible compression losses,
insufficient heat rejection from the compression chamber, and oversaturation of the return iron.
This is an area of ongoing investigation.
Figure 4 shows the dependencies of the power consumption (a), overall cryocooler COP (b)
and compressor acoustic COP (c) on the heat lift at different reject temperatures. In particular, as
seen in Figure 4a, the cryocooler is capable of heat lifting of up to 1000mW@77K@20°C. The
cooler COP reaches an impressive maximum of 5% at approximately 300mW of total heat lift,
which is the representative working point, as seen in Figure 4b. It is worth noting that such high
value of the cooler COP (equivalent to 14% of Carnot efficiency) is typical of the best examples of
rotary integral coolers.
Further, the acoustic COP of the compressor was calculated as a ratio of shaft and electrical
powers. In Figure 4c, the acoustic COP is well in excess of 80% over the entire range of working
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a) b) c)
conditions. This can be considered as an excellent outcome, especially for such a miniature com-
pressor. In [22], for example, the authors report on 92% COP observed in a much larger compressor
working in the range 50-100W.
As it was mentioned above, the new generation of mini and micro satellites will use different
detectors and electronics, most probably operating at higher temperatures and lower heat loads. The
K527 cryogenic cooler offers a wide variety of options for such forthcoming applications.
Figure 5 shows the mapping of typical cooler performance at different cold tip temperatures
ranging from 80K to 200K with added heat load ranging up to 1000mW at two reject temperatures:
-40°C (a) and +23°C (b).
The Low Cost Cryocooler Electronics (LCCE), being developed by Iris Technology Corpora-
tion, is focused on providing space-qualified cryocooler electronics for cost-sensitive payloads and
missions. A preliminary conceptual design for the LCCE is shown in Figure 6.
This LCCE is unique from any other cryocooler electronics available in that it will provide a
fully space-qualified, radiation hard to more than 300 krad total ionizing dose solution at an afford-
able price. Since the LCCE has been designed from the bottom up with the eventual recurring cost
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as a priority, the expected cost of the LCCE in small lot production is roughly 1/10th that of “tradi-
tional” space cryocooler electronics. This has been accomplished primarily through designing out
complexity that is not required for many missions, and in so doing achieving tremendous reduction
in radiation-hard parts cost and software. The LCCE, in short, provides tactical cooler electronics-
like function in a space-qualified, radiation-hardened package.
The basic architecture for the LCCE is described in Figure 7. The spacecraft powers the LCCE
directly off a 28 VDC bus; higher bus voltages are permissible with minor changes to the LCCE
and/or the addition of a buck regulator. The LCCE accommodates a simple input command stream
(on/off, temperature set point, operating frequency) and provides a comparably simple output te-
lemetry stream (cold tip temperature, case temperature, motor voltage, etc.). The LCCE drives the
cryocooler to the commanded set-point automatically, following software-programmable “soft start”
power ramp, using the measured and indicated cold tip temperature to close the control loop. It is
anticipated for some applications that additional capability in the cryocooler electronics may be
desired, such as filtering of the low (drive) frequency current ripple, additional command and te-
lemetry capability, additional commandable modes, etc. For these applications, an Advanced
Module containing a programmable FPGA with a soft core processor may be added to the front end.
The LCCE circuits are packaged within a conduction-cooled, vacuum compatible housing.
During Phase I of a recently-completed United States Air Force Program, a brassboard LCCE cir-
cuit was designed and built using commercial off the shelf parts as an initial proof of concept and to
serve as a test bed for the control code development. Initial testing of the LCCE has been recently
commenced. The first step was to assess the quality of sinusoidal drive signal, which was shown to
be very clean with less than 0.03% total harmonic distortion. Amplitude control and sub-milliHz
frequency resolution were successfully demonstrated.
The LCCE is designed to provide in excess of 90% DC-to-AC conversion efficiency from
10 W to 100 W output power with less than 1W standby tare dissipation. The measured power
conversion efficiency against a constant 10-ohm resistive load at 28 VDC input reveals that the
LCCE works optimally at output powers above 50 W, see Figure 8. The LCCE as presently de-
signed is evidently oversized for the K527. The authors expect to develop a slightly modified ver-
sion optimized for lower power to meet a greater than 95% efficiency target over the expected K527
range of operation.
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Figure 9. Iris LCCE brassboard integrated with the Ricor 527 technology demonstrator.
With basic operation demonstrated, the LCCE brassboard was integrated with the K527 cryo-
cooler for a preliminary checkout, see Figure 9. During test, the LCCE unit was powered from an
external DC power supply. Average input power varied from 25W max during cool down to 3W at
the no-load control temperature of 92.2K, where the nominal temperature stability of approximately
+/- 50 mK was achieved, as seen in Figure 10. Given that the LCCE as designed is nominally sized
for a 100 W input power class cryocooler, the demonstrated control of the K527, achieved with no
modification, is remarkable.
The above describes the progress made during Phase I of the sponsoring USAF Program. Phase
II was awarded in March 2011. During Phase II, a radiation hard version of the LCCE will be
designed, fabricated, tested and qualified for spaceflight operations.
Recent progress has been reported in [23], where in a series of experiments, a particular cryo-
cooler control electronics was shown to successfully drive several very different types of cryocool-
ers and simulated cryocooler loads, including a space pulse tube cryocooler and long life tactical
Stirling coolers.
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