Nov. 14, 1967 T. H. Maman 3,353,115: Ruby Laser Syst'S

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Nov. 14, 1967 T. H. MAMAN 3,353,115

Original Filed April 13, 196l 5 Sheets-Sheet 1

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Nov. 14, 1967 m T. H. MAIMAN 3,353,115

Original Filled April 13, 1961 5. Sheets-Sheet 2

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Nov. 14, 1967

Original Filled April 13, 196l.

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Nov. 14, 1967 T. H. MAMAN 3,353,115
original Filled April 13, 1961 5 Sheets-Sheet 4

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Nov. 14, 1967 T. H. MAMAN 3,353,115
Original Filed April l3, 196l 5 Sheets-Sheet
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United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 14, 1967
1. 2
emission and a coherent wave propagating through the
3,353,115 medium. In addition, the frequency of operation of any
RUBY LASER SYSTEMS given gas laser may be effectively tuned only by Stark or
Theodore H. Maiman, Los Angeles, Calif., assignor to Zeeman effects which can provide a tuning range of only
Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, Calif., a cor approximately 5x 1010 cycles per sceond. Further, the
poration of Delaware construction of a gas cell is extremely critical in that the
Continuation of application Ser. No. 102,698, Apr. 13, end plates must be highly reflective and perfectly parallel
1961. This application Nov. 29, 1965, Ser. No. 516,830 so that the many reflections required because of the low
2 Claims. (C. 331-94.5) density gaseous material will be accomplished.
This application is a continuation of my copending O It is therefore an object of the present invention to
application Ser. No. 102,698 entitled, Laser Systems, provide an operable, low noise. 3ficient laser.
filed Apr. 13, 1961, now abandoned. It is another object to provide a laser which is mc
This invention relates to the generation, amplification, chanically stable and of noncritical construction.
and utilization of electromagnetic waves in the infrared, It is another object to provide a laser which operates
visible and ultraviolet portion of the spectrum, and more 5 at room temperature or cryogenic temperatures for addi
spccifically to lasers and laser systerns. A laser, the term tional simplicity and even greater flexibility in design
being an acronym for light amplification by stimulated parameters.
cmission of radiation, is a device capable of generating It is another object to provide a laser which does not
or amplifying coherent light. The principle of operation require critical vacuum or vapor pressure techniques and
is similar to that of a maser and is therefore also referred 20 which operates in a medium of high diclectric constant.
to as an optical mascr. It is another object to provide a laser capable of much
Much effort has been expended in the fields of elec higher power handling.
tronics and physics in attempts to generate or amplify It is another object to provide a laser which is tun
coherent light. Such an achievement, it was known, would able over aproximately a 5X 101 cycles per second range.
make available a vast new region of the electromagnetic 25 It is another object to provide an optical radar sys
spectrum for a multitude of purposes including com tem utilizing the advantages of a laser.
munications and mctrology (measurements) applications. Briefly, these and other objects are achieved in accord
Such coherent light would have the properties of being ance with the prescnt invention in a system including a
monochromatic and of having its component waves prop solid state negative temperature medium.
a gating in phase with each other. Thus, as at radio or 80 In one example a segment of solid state active laser ma
microwavc frequencies, a great deal of encrgy could be terial such as a cylindrical ruby (AlO doped with
concentrated at or cxtremely near to a single frequency CrO3) rod with reflecting coating at each cnd is coaxial
and bc utilized in methods analogous to those at radio ly placed in a helical flash lamp. White light or, prcdonni
frcquencics, nantly, the grcen and blue components thereof, is absorbed
Ordinary techniques of generating or amplifying clec 36 by the ruby; and red light is cmitted there from and cou
tromagnetic waves, including microwave maser tcch pled out of the system through a hole in the reflective
niqucs, cannot be extended usefully into the optical fre coating at one end of the rod. The re?iccting coatings pro
quencies becausc such techniques require components, vide a regencration related to the coupling between the
such as maser cavities, for supporting wave oscillations reflecting wave, traveling back and forth many times, and
which must have physical dimensions of the order of a 40 the emitting atoms. In other words, a resonating, stand
wavclcngth. Obviously, such components can neither be ing wave is provided which derives encrgy from the nega
manufactured nor meaningfully utilized at optical fre tive temperature dielectric. Thus the rod may be con
quicncics where the wavelengths are of the order of sidered as a resonator having different Q's for different
atomic dimensions. When it is attempted to use cavities modes of oscillation. The mode having the highest Q
which have dimcnsions corresponding to a large number 45 corrcsponds to waves traveling incarly parallel to the rod
of wavelengths, many modes are supported, coherence is axis since it supplies the highest degrec of regencration.
degraded, and impracticably large sources of pumping This effect causes the output to be an extremely parallel
powcr arc requircd. beam so that it propagates immense distances without
A lascr has bccn proposed by Schawlow and Townes, spreading. Inherent in the regencration process is the
scc Unitcd States Patent No. 2,929,922, issued March coherent amplification of an extremely narrow band of
22, 1960, which suggests using as the negative tempera frequencies, thus providing a mcnochromatic output.
ture incaiun certain gaseous state materials such as al Additional discussion of principles of operation, of fur
kali metal vapors. Such materials may be shown to have ther objects and advantages, including uses, and of other
energy levels in their atomic systems corresponding to examples will be presented below in connection with a
SS description of the accompanying drawings in which:
appropriatic optical frequencies for absorbing optical
pump cncrgy to invert the population from the stable FIG. 1 is an energy level diagram for the atoms of a
cquilibrium static and thus provide the material with Substance exhibiting laser properties;
what is known as a negative temperature or excited, non FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating optical pump
cquilibrium state. Then by stimulation or spontaneous 80
ing of negative tcmperature laser material;
rciaxation thc atomic system falls back to its normal FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of mcans for optically
cquilibrium state by one or more steps cmitting energy pumping the laser material with sunlight energy;
of certain optical frequencies. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of one enbodiment of
Such proposed gaseous state devices are of great inter the present invention which utilizes a helical gas-filled
est as thcoretical models and represent significant aca 65 flash tube for optical pumping of the laser material;
demic advances, however, they have not been shown to FIG. 5 is a diagram of an alternative embodiment utiliz
provide a nct generation or amplification of light. In addi ing a hollow gas-filled cylinder for optical pumping of ths
tion, the structure of gaseous state systems is complex and laser material;
requires the maint tenance of critical vapor pressures and FIG. 6 is another embodiment of the present invention
temperaturcs. Impurities in the gas is another very serious 70 which utilizes a hollow cylindrical gas-filled optical pump
problem. The inter-atomic spacing of the gas severely ing means which is radially separated from the active
limits the efficiency of coupling between the stimulated laser material by a fluorescent material;
3,353,115 4.
3. 3. Because of the broadness of region 3, doping atoms,
FIG. 7 is an energy level diagram illustrating the which for example may be the chromium atoms, may
method of operation of the embodiment of FIG. 6; accept pumping energy over a correspondingly broad
FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of band. The atoms thus excited may then decay from the
the invention in which the active laser material is a hollow
cylinder surrounding a cylindrical gas-filled flash tube, region 3 back to the ground state or, alternatively, they
centire assembly being surrounded by a second hollow may decay to level 2 corresponding to E2 and thence
cylinder of coolant of a high index of refraction; to ievel 1. The latter course is definitely the favored one
FIG. 9 is a cut-away view of an embodiment of the and the atoms in decaying to level 2 do not emit encrgy.
present invention in which the laser material is refrig In other words, it is a radiationless thermal type of transi
erated; 0. tion which funnels the energy distributed in the board
FIG. 10 is a diagram of a segment of laser material; region 3 into the very narrow region 2. The energy level 2
FIG. 1 is a diagram of a coated segment of laser is in fact a single energy level, or may in the presence of
material; a magnetic field be a doublet, and the atoms of this state
FIG. 12 is a diagram of a segment of laser material of excitation will emit the correspondingly discrete fre
which is surrounded by a coolant having a high index 5 quency van corresponding to the difference between level
of refraction; 2 and level 1 that is E-E, when they are appropriately
FIG.13 is a schematic diagram of a portion of a laser stimulated or triggered to do so. Further, when an ap
system illustrating the use of an interferometer; propriate stimulation does occur, the atons in the par
FIGS.14 and 15 are schematic diagrams illustrating ticular segment of laser material will fall together or emit
additional types of interferometers; 20 their radiated energy coherently with each other and with
FIGS. 16 and 17 are diagrams of a laser system in the stimulating wave. Thus it may be seen that thc mecha
which the optical pump utilizes an exploding wire; and nism is a funneling of cnergy from a broadband inco
FIG. 18 is a schematic diagram of a practical colidar herent source into a discrete frequency that is mono
system utilizing a lascr. chromatic coherent radiation.
The laser to be hercin below described utilizes the 25 Referring to FIG. 2, there is shown a schematic reprCS
interaction of electromagnetic radiation with a material entation of the mechanism of optically pumping theators
having an appropriate set of discrete energy levels. Con such as those of chromium in a ruby rod 10. A light
sider for cxample, a pair of such levels with energies E1 pump 12 emits a high intensity "white" light or, in this
and E where E is greater than E. An electromagnetic examplc, it may be broadly green, toward the ruby rod
wave of frcquency 30 10. The broadband light thus radiated includes at least
some light in the frequency range 31. This light is ab
v E2-El sorbed by the ruby rod and causes the doping atoms to
be excited in the energy state represented by region 3
where h is Planck's constant, coupled to thc system stimu of the diagram of FIG. 1. This cxcitation is cquivalent
lates both absorption and emission. In other words, atoms 35 to an inversion of the population of the chronium atons
in the lower level make transitions to the upper level, each as discussed above. The excited atoms then relax by ther
absorbing energy E=va and similarly upper level atoms mal processes down to the level 2 and may remain thcre
arc stimulated downwardly, each of these giving up energy until stimulated to fall to the level 1 thereby emitting the
to thc wavc by radiating a like quantum of energy. The desired monochromatic light of frcquency v21. This stimul"
inct absorption of the radiating wave interacting with the 40 lation may be by an external source of radiation at fre
system is proportional to N-Na where N1 and Na are quency va, or it may be triggered spontancously as by
respectively the number of atoms in these two levels. optical noise. When the energy at frequency vai is enitted
Since in thermal cquilibrium N is greater than Na the from the atoms in the ruby rod 10 it causes a wave to
indicated difference is positive and a wave propagating propagate through the rod and if the wave is parallel
the icngth of the material is attenuated. 45 to thc axis it may reflect repeatedly from the ends of the
In a substance with a third energy level Es higher rod. If the rod is of an appropriate length a slanding
than eithcr of the other two levels, energy can be supplied wave 14 may be set up. In either cvent the repeated
to the system by a radiating wave of frequency reflections through the material stimulate the emission of
E.-E. substantially all the atoms from level 2 to their ground
vsse h 50 state level 1. The emission of the en regy at frequency v21
combines in phase with the stimulating wave 14 thus
If other paramcters, and, in particular, relaxation times, adding coherently with it. This energy may then be
in the material arc suitably related, an inverted popular coupled out of the rod as a beam 16 which is mono
tion will bc produced such that Na is greater than Ni; chromatic at frequenvy v1 and which is traveling or prop
then the net interaction with a radiating wave of frequency SS agating in a direction parallel to the axis of the ruby
v is emission and thc wave is amplified. Also, by provid rod 10.
ing a feedback mechanism oscillation can be produced. FIG, 3 illustrates an example of the invention in which
Visible light covers the electromagnetic spectrum ap the light pump 12 of FIG. 2 is the sun or some other
proximately 4x 101 cycles per second, that is, red light source of parallel "white" light. The lens 18 focuses the
to approximately 7.5 x 1014 cycles per second which is 60 light so that it is of relatively high intensity in a region
violet light. In substance as described above with energy 20 where an element of active laser material 22 is dis
levels such that vat lies in this frequency range can there posed. An auxiliary mirror 24 may further intensify the
fore amplify or gencrate visible light. light in the region of the laser matcrial. The mirror 24
Referring spccifically to FIG. 1 an energy level diagram may be a spherical reflector which merely sends the un
is illustrated for the atoms of a material such as AlOs 85 absorbed. pumping light back through the focal point of
which may cxhibit laser action in accordance with the the lens 18 and thence through the laser material 22 a
present invention. Level 1 may be considered the ground second time.
state corresponding to E and region 3 in the relatively Referring to FIG. 4, an embodiment of the invention
high encrgy state corresponding to Es which is actually a is shown in which an active laser rod 26 is disposed
broadband of energy levcis rather than a discrete energy 70 coaxially within a helical gas-filled flash tube 28. The ends
level. Thc atoms, or ions, as the case may be, are cxcited of the rod 26 may be suitably plated as by a partial coat
or pumped from the level 1 to the region 3 by means of ing of silver in order to provide thc reptitive reflections
an optical pumping source having the energies or frc of the monochromatic emitted light. The system of stimu
quicncics is corresponding to the difference between the lation is so efficient that a plating 26 which will provide
cncrgy of levcl 1 and those of the levels throughout region 75 approximately 10 percent rcfcction is adequate. One end
3,353,115 6
5. FIG. 10 illustrates schematically a segment of laser
of the rod 30 has a nonreflective opening 32 in the end material 104 for purposes of illustrating internal reflec
plating to provide unobstructed passage of the coherent tions of the stimulating wave when the Segment is not
monochromatic beam 34 as shown. A power supply 36 coated but is merely surrounded by material of a low
provides the flashing energy for the tube 28. An outer en index of refraction, such as air. A ray of energy 106 is
closing cylinder 38 is provided which has a very highly shown as propagating parallel with the axis of the rod
reflecting inner surface for reflecting the pumping energy and therefore never reflects against the side of the segrent
repeatedly through the rod 26 for improved efficiency of
the system as compared with operation when the light 104. A ray 108, however, has a radial component of di
cnergy of the tube 28 is permitted to radiate indefinitely rection and reflects, as shown, off the side bounday of
in all directions causing only a fraction of its energy to 10
the segment 104. Such reflections cause two deleterious
pass through the rod 26. effects. One is that the effective length of the resonating
Referring to FIG. 5, a rod of active laser material 40 segment is greater than that for an axially traveling ray
is shown which again has reflectively coated ends 42, 44 such as 106. Thus the ray 108 may represent a component
with an opening 46 in the plating 44 to permit passage of of energy at a frequency slightly different from the de
the laser output beam 48. The light pump in this example 5
sired or designed frequency of operation. Secondly, the
is a hollow cylinder 50 which is coaxially disposed about ray 108, if it finds its way out of the coupling hole 110
the rod 42 with the radial space therebetween being filled of the segment 104, will cause a spreading of the beam
with a flashing gas 52. Appropriate electrodes 54 and 56 thereby detracting from the otherwise extremely narrow
at opposite ends of the cylinder 50 are energized by a beam of the laser and contributing to its noncoherence. A
power supply 58 to cause the gas 52 to emit high intensity 20 ray 112 propagating in a direction even further removed
"white" light when desired. Again, the inner surface of from that of the axis of the segment may obviously re
the cylinder 50 is highly reflective for added efficiency of verberate substantially endlessly through the scgment
thc light pump mcchanism. causing by its interference with the desired energy a de
FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of the invention in crease in the coherence and narrowness of bandwidth of
which a rod 60 of active laser material similar to rods 26 25 the laser output.
and 42 is disposed coaxially within a hollow flash tube 62. To minimize the deleterious effects of thc rays 108 and
The radial space between the rod 60 and the flash tube 62 112 of FIG. 10 a coating 114 may be applied to an active
is filled with a fluorescent material 64, such as fluorescein. laser segment 116 as illustrated in FIG. 1 1. The coating
The fluorescent material efficiently absorbs the “white" 114 may be chosen to be transparent to the pumping
light emitted by the flash tube 62 and re-emits predomi 30 (energy but highly absorptive of the frequency of light
nantly grecn light which is more efficiently absorbed by energy near to that of the desired laser output frequency
the laser rod 60. Thus, as illustrated in FIG. 7, the broad. So that rays 118 and 120 which are not parallel to the
band "white" light 66 is directed into the fluorescein axis 122 of the segment are absorbed at the boundary by
which re-emits incoherent green light predominantly in the coating 114 and hence do not degrade the desired
the region 3 of the matcrial discussed in connection with 36 characteristics of the output bcam 124.
the description of FIG. 1. Thus the fluorescein effectively FIG. 12 illustrates an alternative system for minimiz
funnels the "whitc" light into green light which energy is ing the deleterious cffects due to the reverberation of non
further funnelcd and subsequently emitted as a single parallel rays of the active laser segment 126. The Seg
frequency or monochromatic light by the laser material, ment is shown surrounded by a coolant material 128 hav
as indicated by the heavy vector 68 between lever 2 and 40 ing a high index of refraction in immediatic contact with
level 1 of FIG. 7. Again in FIG. 6 the inner surface of the surface of the segment 126. Again an axially directed
the cylinder surrounding the tube 62 may be highly Iay 130 which is propagated back and forth along the
polished for cven greater efficiency of pumping. length of the segment 126 can ultimately be couplcd out
Referring to FIG. 8 there is illustrated an example of of the segment resonator as a portion of the laser output
the invention in which the active laser material is in the beam. Nonparallel rays 132, 134 strike the side bon
form of a hollow cylinder 70 within which is coaxially daries of the segment 126 and tend to be transmitted
disposed a cylindrical flash tube 72, Thus when the fash through the material of high indcx of refraction where
tube is encrgized, substantially all of its pumping radia they would otherwise be reflected by the boundary sur
tion is emitted in a radial direction and must therefore face iswith a material such as air. The prime reason for
pass through the laser material. The laser material 70 is 50 this that the critical angle bctween the rays 132, 134
in turn coaxially surrounded by a cylinder 74 filled with a incident upon the boundary is increased in proportion to
Coplant 76. The coolant 76 may be chosen to have a high the ratio of n, to na where n is the index of refraction
index of refraction for the advantages and purposes dis isof defined
the material beyond the boundary. The critical angle
cussed below. Cylinder 74 may have a highly polished in line normalas tothattheangle betwccn thc incident ray and a
eral surface for reflecting energy of the fashtub 55 the energy transmitsboundary at which Substantially all
the boundary instead of being re
back through thc laser material 70.
Referring to FIG. 9, an embodiment of the invention belected by it. It is highly desirable that the critical angle
as large as possible so as to minimize the encrgy
s shown in which the laser material is refrigerated to which is reflected by the boundary. In other words, it is
liquid nitrogen temperatures for the purpose of making
its output bcam even more purely monochromatic be 60 desired to transmit the nonparallel rays 132, 134 out of
cause thclinc width of the laser transition (frequency wat) the laser material where they may be dissipated without
is much sharper in most solids at low temperature. A rod interfering with the laser rcgeneration mechanism a tild
7 of active laser material has plated ends so and 82 with the output beam 130. It is apparent that if n is as large
a coupling hole 84 in the upper cnd for cmitting the laser 65 asing, athere
the critical angle would be 90° and, optically spcak
beam 86. The opposite end of the rod is mounted on a grazing thewould be no boundary. So that even energy
thermally conductivc rod 88 which may be of copper or A practical example wouldsurface be transmitted therethrough.
Sapphire. The major portion of the rod 88 is immersed index of refraction, as well as beinghaving
of a material a suitably high
in liquid nitrogen 90 within a Dewar flask 9. A hollow is diodomethane which has an index of refractioncoolant,
an effective
cylindrical flash tube 94 is disposed coaxially about the 70 which compares to the index of refraction of rubyofwhich 1.75
laser rod 78 and is energized from a power supply 96 is approximately 1.76.
through a set of annular electrodes 9s disposed at op It is useful to provide a coolant for the active laser
posite cnds of the gas tube 94. A further hollow cylinder material in order to control its frequency of opcration
is disposed coaxially about the flash tube 94 and is filled since the magnitude of the Cnergy level 2 in a solid state
with a coolant 102 to cool the flash tube 94. 75 substance is dependent upon temperature. This need not
3,353,115 8
7 parabolic reflectors 189 and 190 are directed toward each
be a disadvantage since it affords a highly useful means other so that the light source
for tuning the device over a relatively broad range, that reflector 189 emits a substantially184parallel at the focal point of
beam of pump
is, approximately 5x10 cycles per second. However, ing light 188 which is collected by the parabolic reflec
it is important in many applications for the frequency to tor 190 and focused to pass through the laser segment
be controlled and constant by controlling or maintain 182. The parabolic surfaces 189 and 190 may be para
ing constant the temperature of the active substance. To bolic cylindrical surfaces as shown or thcy may be para
this end, the active segment may be cooled and the heat
energy of the pump removed by flowing appropriate cool boloidal surfaces of revolution symmetrically disposed
about the line joining their respective foci.
ants over their surfaces. FIG. 17 illustrates an elliptical system for reflecting
FIG. 13 illustrates a system in accordance with the 0. the energy from the light source 184 to the laser segment
present invention which utilizes an interferometer for pro 182 wherein the source 184 is disposed at one focus of
viding even greater coherence and narrow bandwidth. In an ellipse while the laser segment 182 is disposed at the
this embodiment a rod 136 of active laser material does opposite focus; hence, the elliptical surface 192 reflects
not have coatcd ends but rather has prisms 138 and 140 15 substantially all of the energy radiating from the source
coupled to each end of the rod 136. An additional pair 184 and refocuses it through the laser segment 182. The
of mirrors or prisms 142 and 144 are disposed so that a
ray of light 146 which is axially directed through the rod elliptical surface 192 may be an elliptical cylindrical sur
face or it may be an ellipsoid.
136 may propagate along the closed path determined by The light source 184 in either of the above examples
the reflecting surfaces of the 4 mirrors. Disposed be 20 may make use of exploding wire phenomenon in which
tween the mirrors 42 and 144 is an interferometer 148 an extremely high current at low voltage is sent through
which may be a Fabry-Perot interferometer. The inter a wire thereby exploding and vaporizing it. The light en
feromctcr comprises a pair of parallel plates 150 and
152, thc distance between which may be adjusted to ergy tense
emitted by this phenomena may be extremely in
"white" light. Alternatively, the source 184 may
"unc" the regencrative circuit for the ray 146. Thus a 25 be other conventional light sources such as gas-filled flash
ray of the proper wavelength will resonate between the
parallel plates 150, 152 while waves of other frequen tubes, or carbon arc lanps. An advantage of the systems
depicted in FIGS, 16 and 17 is that the light source and
cics will be dissipatcd and lost in the interferomcter. The the active laser material may be independently handled
circuit defined by the reflective prisms and the inter
ferometer is practically non-negotiable for rays of light 30 andReferring
cooled due to their spacing from each other.
which are not propagating cxactly parallel to the axis of application ofto a FIG. 18, there is illustrated a practical
laser in a colidar optical radar system.
thc rod 136. Nonparallel rays 154 and 156 in the figure
illustratics how thcir energy is lost from the system be "Colidar" is an acronym for coherent light ranging. A
laser unit 200 is the colidar transmitter and includes an
cause their direction precludes their traversal of the cir
cuit past the first reflective prisms. Furthermore, even if active laser segment 202. Surrounding the segment 202
is a gas-filled flash tubc 204 which is pulsed from a pump
a ray was almost parallcl to the axis of the rod 136 it power supply 206. A synchronizcr 208 triggers the pump
would not makc a large number of traversals around the power supply which in turn fires the flash tube 204 and
circuit before it would become lost from the cdge of one the laser 200 transmits a beam 210 of monochromatic
of thc prisms. Also the coupling through the interferom
cter may bc made highly directive to further discriminate 40 coherent light toward a target 212, the range to which
against wavcs which are not propagating in exactly the isgersto the be determined. The synchronizer trigger also trig
horizontal sweeps of a pair of oscillographs 214
desircd direction. As shown by rays 154 and 156 emanat and 216. A sample of the lascr output is determined by a
ing from the interferomcter, waves which are not prop photoelectric cell 218 which is coupled to thc oscillograph
agated in the proper direction are lost out the sidcs of
the interferomcter and thereby removed from the system. 214 and presented on the face thereof as a "transmitter"
pulse 220 to indicate the time at which the laser output
The laser output beam 158 may be couplcd out of the
systcm in any appropriate manner such as for example apulse was transmitted. The lascr beam 210 is reflected off
by an appropriate discontinuity in thc reflective face of a target 212 and a minute portion thcreof is received as
parallel beam 210' by the colidar receiver 222. The
thc prism 140. received beam 210 impinges upon a parabolic reflector
FIG. 14 illustrates anothcr type of interferometer in
which thic active lascr segment 160 does not have reflec 50 224 and is focused into a photoclectric ccl! 226. The
tivc cnids. Instcad, mutually parallel plates 162 and 164 clectrical cell of the protoelectric cell 226 is coupled to
arc disposcd perpendicularly to the axis of the segment the receiver oscillograph 216 where it is presented on thc
160 which is the desircd dircction of propagation. The between face thereof as a "receiver" pulsc 228. The time differencc
platcs may be disposca at some distance from the laser the pulses 220 and 228 on the two oscillographs
matcrial; the greater thc distance and the smaller their is, of course, a direct indication of the range from the
size the more the system discriminates against nonparal colidar system to the target 212. The two oscillographs
lel light rays 166 and 168. Again the desired energy may 214 and 216 may alternatively be a dual trace, single oscil
be coupled out of the system through a small opening lograph tube or, as in conventional radar "B-scope" pre
in the reflective plate 164 to provide a laser output beam Sentation, be displayed with a single horizontal trace.
70. 60 The advantages of such a ranging system which may
FIG. 15 illustrates the use of an interferometer simi obviously be extended to other forms of radar, such as
lar in somc respects to the device of FIG, 14. In this ex plan position indicator types, include the fact that the
ample onc of thc reflective plates 172 may be placed di transmitted beam is extremely narrow and may be sent
rcctly on the active laser segment 174 while the other over great distances with very little beam spreading. Also
reflective plate 176 may be axially disposed at some dis 65 the wavelength is so small that extremely high resolu
tance from the segment 174. As shown, the nonparallel tion is obtained. It may also be seen that it is substantially
ray 178 will not be re-reflected between the two reflec impossible to jam a laser radar system because the jam
tive plates 172 and 176 thereby minimizing its deleteri ming equipment would have to be placed precisely in
ous cffccts on the monochromatic output beam 180. line with the transmitter and the target would have to be
FIGS. 16 and 17 illustrate methods of optically pump 70 directed at the receiver and would have to be at precisely
ing thc active laser scgment 182 by a source 184 of broad the proper optical frequency in order to interfere with thc
band light which is disposed some distance from the laser laser receiver. For further improvements in this regard
segment. In each casc the output beam 186 of the laser optical filters 230 may be placed in the receiver 222 to
is directed out of the rod-shaped laser segment in a di
rection parallel to the axis of the rod. In FIG, 16 two 75 discriminate not only against deliberate jamming but also
3,353,115 1O
and coupling means for extracting the monochromatic
against the minute amount of optical noise at the opcrat coherent light beam from said ruby.
ing frequency. 2. A three energy level ruby laser system, comprising:
There has thus been disclosed a laser system in which a ruby having atoms exhibiting a first energy level cor
the active laser substance is solid state and which pro responding to a ground atomic state, a substantially
vides coherent monochromatic amplification and genera discrete second energy level above said ground state
tion of electromagnetic wave energy in the optical or and third energy levels defining a relatively broad
visible spectrum. The invention is effectively an efficient band absorption third region extending above said
device which is mechanically stable and which may be op second level;
erated at room temperature without complex vacuum or broadband optical pumping means directly coupled to
vapor pressure techniques, The invention as disclosed also O said ruby for exciting atoms of said ruby from said
is capable of tuning over a 5x10 cycles per second first energy level to said third energy levels from
range and may handle high powers for practical optical which radiationless energy transition of said atoms
radar and communications utilization. In addition, be takes place to said second energy level to establish
cause it provides light which can be focused extremely a population inversion between said second energy
precisely, the laser opens new possibilities in the investiga 5 level and said ground state; and
tion of basic properties of mater, as well as in medicine light-resonating means coupled to and forming a re
where objects or very minute portions thereof can be generative optical path through said ruby to stimulate
selectively stcrilized or vaporized. radiant energy transitions of said atoms from said
What is claimed is: second energy level toward said ground state to pro
1. A thrce energy lcvel laser comprising: 20 duce a coherent monochromatic light beam having a
a ruby having atoms cxhibiting a first energy level frequency substantially corresponding to the encrgy
corresponding to a ground atomic state, a substantial difference between said ground state and said sccond
ly discretc second energy level above said ground energy level.
state and third energy levels defining a relatively
broadband absorption third region extending above 25 References Cited
said sccond level; UNITED STATES PATENTS
a pumping source of broadband light energy optically
coupled to said ruby for illuminating it and exciting 2,929,922 3/1960 Schawlow et al. --- 331-94.5
atoms thereof to exhibit excitation at said third en
ergy levels from whence they decay without sub 30 OTHER REFERENCES
stantial radiation loss to said discrete second energy Townes ct al.: "Infrared and Optical Masers," Physical
level so as to establish a population inversion between Revicw, vol. 1 12, No. 6, Dec. 15, 1958, pp. 1940-1949.
said discretc second energy levcl and said ground Wieder: "Solid State, High-Intensity Monochromatic
interferometer means optically coupled to said ruby and Light Sources," The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.
tuned to the frequency corresponding to that of the 30, No. 1, November 1959, pp. 995-996.
cnergy difference between said second cnergy level
and said first cnergy level for reflecting light cnergy JEWELL H. PEDERSEN, Primary Examiner.
of said frcquency rcpcatedly through portions of said 40 RONALD L, WILBERT, Examiner.
ruby to generate a coherent light beam; w

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