Module 1 - Unit 2: Understanding Media and Information Literacy
Module 1 - Unit 2: Understanding Media and Information Literacy
Module 1 - Unit 2: Understanding Media and Information Literacy
Media and
Information Literacy
• Defining information, media and literacy
• Exploring the importance of the media and
other information providers
• Describing key learning outcomes of media
and information literacy
At the end of this module teachers should be able to:
• Identify key learning outcomes/elements of media
and information literacy
• Understand media and information literacy, and its
importance and relevance in the lives of students
and teachers today
• Explore the roles of media and other information
providers such as libraries, archives and Internet
• Explore these roles in a variety of media and
information texts
The ability to identify, understand, interpret,
create, communicate and compute, using printed
and written materials associated with varying
contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of
learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve
their goals, develop their knowledge and potential,
and participate fully in their community and wider
The physical objects used to communicate
with, or the mass communication through
physical objects such as radio, television,
computers, film, etc. It also refers to any
physical object used to communicate
Media Literacy
The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
create media in a variety of forms. It aims to
empower citizens by providing them with the
competencies (knowledge and skills)
necessary to engage with traditional media
and new technologies
A broad term that covers processed data,
knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or
Information Literacy
The ability to recognize when information
is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information in its
various formats
Technology Literacy
The ability of an individual, either working
independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological
tools. Using these tools an individual can
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information.
Media and Information Literacy
The essential skills and competencies
that allow individuals to engage with
media and other information providers
effectively, as well as develop critical
thinking and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active citizens
• Media and other information providers play a central role in
information and communication processes. They are one
way of communicating information, although their role is
much broader than that. For the purpose of the MIL
curriculum, media are defined (irrespective of the nature and
technologies used) as sources of credible and current
information created through an editorial process determined
by journalistic values whereby editorial accountability can be
attributed to a specific organization or a legal person. To the
extent that media are an important part of every society’s
communication system, their institutional make-up can mesh
with a variety of non-media information providers, such as
libraries, museums, archives, Internet information providers,
other information organizations and citizens who produce
their own content.
Media play several roles. They:
1. act as channels of information and knowledge
through which citizens communicate with each
other and make informed decisions
2. facilitate informed debates between diverse
social actors
3. provide us with much of what we learn about the
world beyond our immediate experience
4. are means by which a society learns about itself
and builds a sense of community
Media play several roles. They:
5. function as a watchdog of government in all its
forms, promoting transparency in public life and
public scrutiny of those with power through
exposing corruption, maladministration and
corporate wrong-doing
6. are essential facilitators of democratic processes
and one of the guarantors of free and fair
7. are a vehicle for cultural expression and cultural
cohesion within and between nations
8. function as an advocate and social actor in its
own right while respecting pluralistic values
The proper use of information made available by media and
various information providers depends on people’s abilities to
understand their information needs, and to locate, retrieve and
evaluate the quality of the information they can access. Today,
there is an extremely wide and diverse selection of
information material, content, and resources available,
particularly on the Internet, varying greatly in accuracy,
reliability, and value. In addition, this information exists in a
variety of forms (e.g. as text, image or statistic, electronically
or in print), that can be made available through online
repositories and portals, virtual and real libraries and
documentary collections, databases, archives, museums, etc.
• The most important factor, however, is that the quality of
this information can range from ‘very good’ to ‘very bad’.
• Before evaluating information sources, it is important to
think about what the information is for. This will help you
to identify credible information sources. The key questions
might be:
• What source or what kind of source would be the most
credible for providing information in this particular case?
Which sources are likely to be fair, objective, lacking
hidden motives, showing quality control?
We can think of information as being held by media and other information
providers, such as libraries, museums, archives and the Internet. These
information providers have a number of roles, including to:
1. inform
2. educate
3. facilitate teaching and learning processes
4. provide access to all types of information (often free of charge,
plural, reliable and without restrictions)
5. serve as a gateway to information
6. promote universal values and civil rights, such as freedom of
expression and information
7. serve as society’s collective memory
8. gather information
9. preserve cultural heritage
10. entertain
Survey the media to find resources or media texts that are
examples of the functions listed above. Identify texts that
illustrate these roles on a local, national and global level.
Survey college/university or public libraries to find books
or other resources available which provide information
about democracy, other parts of the world, different
cultures, social and economic life, etc. Explore questions
such as: Who decides on the level of resources that
should be allocated to libraries? Who decides which
books should be included in the library and which should
be excluded? Who decides which books are more
important than others? Are libraries serving their
purposes? (A similar activity could be organized for
museums or archives.
The media play an important role in helping to encourage
the development and building of a nation. Discuss how
undue restrictions that might be imposed on media can
prevent the media from exercising this function.
• Think about the content of media in your country. How
many different points of view can you find on
development, nation building and national interests and
from which perspective?
• Search the web to find stories relating to the deliberate
destruction of libraries, museums or archives or certain
books due to war, ethnic conflicts, etc. How can you
verify that this story is true?
• Given that this is the first unit, teachers may not have
been exposed to the requisite skills to answer this
question, so should not spend too much time on it but
move on to the other questions.
• How could the destruction of media, libraries, archives
and other information providers, resources available and
services offered by those institutions affect people, their
history or culture?
• What are some other implications, based on your
observation, of such actions?
• What is public domain information? Research how public
domain information is treated by two government
institutions in your country.
• Does access to information laws exist in your
country? Are these being used? What are citizens’
entitlements as mentioned in Article 19 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
• Based on the answers provided from the activity
suggested above, indicate the outcomes for media and
information literacy (what the media and information
literate person should be able to do). What does each
individual term mean?
• Make a list of media that are present in the daily lives of
students and teachers today. What are the key roles and
functions that each of these media perform? What do you
think it means to be ‘literate’ when it comes to using the
media and other information providers? What knowledge,
skills and attitudes are necessary?
• Keep a journal for one day in which you record your daily
use and interaction with media and information providers,
such as public and private Internet information providers.
What patterns emerge in your personal use? How many
hours do you spend engaged with media and technology
such as the Internet, television or radio? What roles are
these media and other information providers playing in
your life?
• Imagine that you wake up one day and there are no more
media, libraries, Internet and cell phones. In addition, all
newspapers, magazines, radio stations and TV channels have
disappeared. Analyze in small groups what would happen to
1. How would they be informed now?
2. How would they communicate news, facts, and events?
3. What would happen with the decisions you usually make?
4. What would you – personally – most miss in such a
5. What would society lose with this kind of problem?
• Write a ‘letter to the editor’ with your conclusions on the value
of the media and information in a democratic society.
Media and information literacy (MIL) brings together
disciplines that were once separate and distinct. MIL
is concerned with giving people an understanding
of the importance of media and other information
providers in order to:
• make informed decisions
• learn about the world around them
• build a sense of community
• maintain public discourse, and
• engage in lifelong learning
• Consider the following terminologies linked to different literacies
relating to MIL and being used by various actors around the world:
– Media literacy
– Library literacy
– Computer literacy
– Freedom of expression literacy
– Internet literacy
– Digital literacy
– News literacy
– Cinema literacy
– Games literacy
• Using the Internet or a library, research various definitions of each of
these terminologies.
• What do you observe about the relationship between and among these
individual terminologies or notions of MIL? Write one paragraph
describing what would be your rationale for combining media literacy
and information literacy as MIL.
Unit 3: MIL and Civic Participation
• Functions of media and other information providers
such as libraries, archives and the Internet
• What citizens should expect from media and other
information providers such as libraries, archives and
the Internet
• MIL and its Importance to democracy and good
• Freedom of expression, editorial independence of
media, plurality and diversity in media and other
information providers
After completing this unit, teachers will be able
• understand and describe the functions of media
and other information providers as these relate
to access to information and knowledge, self
expression, and participation in democratic
processes, and
• identify the conditions needed for media and
other information providers to perform those
• Journalism and media sources are important in
every society. Without journalists and the news
media, there would be no ‘window on the
world’- we would have little way of knowing
what was happening in our communities or in
the world beyond our immediate experience.
There are several key factors that journalistic
practices should respect, and that citizens
have come to expect of journalism:
1. Organizing knowledge – making chaotic
information organized and comprehensible, and
going behind official positions to uncover special
2. Truthfulness – in the media, sources of
information should be clearly stated so that
citizens can judge relevance, reliability and
potential biases; important unanswered questions
should be noted with an expectation of a follow up
if controversy exists
3. Public interest – in the work they do,
journalists can do much to further the public
interest by equipping citizens with the
information they need to take part in public
4. Independence – it should be clear that the
citizen debate should take place over and
above personal biases; commentators must
examine ‘both sides of the coin’ (i.e. discuss
ideas they both agree and disagree with); and
journalists must show independent thinking in
their work
5. Forum for public criticism and problem solving –
the media should offer several channels for public
interaction (letters, e-mail, phone contact or public
forum); citizens also expect that the media give
them access to space or airtime to allow
conversations in their own ‘language’ with fellow
citizens; further, they expect that a broad
representation of views and values is visible in
news coverage
6. Accountability – the media should monitor all
those who exercise power, not only governments,
but also important public and private bodies; by
holding the powerful to account, the media can
inform community thinking
7. Proportional and relevant news – citizens have
a need for timely knowledge of important
issues and trends; reports should not
overstate or understate the true nature of
threats and risks
8. Balancing privacy and the right to know –
citizens expect media professionals to balance
the public right to know with the personal right
to privacy (cf. Fackson Banda, UNESCO, 2009)
Access to information is essential for both democracy and
development. Citizens have the right to free speech and
the right of access to public information. This information
is equally the property of citizens. Media and other
information providers such as libraries, archives and the
Internet should help to ensure the right to freedom of
information for each citizen.
The role of media and other information providers is
changing with the rapid spread of technologies, such as
information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICTs
provide access to information and knowledge almost
instantaneously. Media and information providers, such as
libraries, archives and the Internet, are able to provide new
services and are becoming more than just resource
centres or information providers.
• These new possibilities offer new opportunities for
effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of citizens
for life-long learning, research and entertainment, and
for connecting communities. Media and information
providers have several key functions, which include:
• providing open access to information resources without
any racial, gender, occupational and religious
restrictions; public libraries, in particular, provide
access free of charge
• protecting readers’ privacy and confidentiality in terms
of content consulted on the premises or online
• providing access to diverse and plural information
resources, based on professionalism and without
political, religious or moral bias
• collecting and preserving information for future
• Using relevant library and Internet resources, research
between 5 and 10 news stories of the past year on a
national or global level. Identify which of the
expectations listed above are met in each of the stories.
What are the key elements in these stories that make
them effective examples? For any of the stories that
didn’t meet these expectations, suggest changes that
could have been made to improve them.
• Write a short essay arguing that readers have an
obligation to approach the news with an open mind and
not just with a desire that the news reinforce existing
• Select coverage of a local issue or story and examine it
closely. Part of being media and information literate is having
the awareness of, and the ability, to apply the above criteria
to the coverage that various issues receive. To what extent
were citizens’ expectations being met in the local example?
What impact did the coverage have on the local community?
Where citizens’ expectations were not being met, what
recourse did citizens have to address problems? What roles
can media and information literacy play in supporting
• Do you agree that the well informed citizen is better equipped
to make decisions and to participate in a democratic society?
Why? Write an editorial expressing your opinion.
• Discuss: How is the role of information viewed and valued in
your society? What do you think is the relationship between
information and knowledge and between information and
• Freedom of information and expression underpin media and
information literacy. In this context, the use of the related term
freedom of information refers to access to public information.
‘Information is key to our understanding of the world around
us, our ability to find a meaningful role in it, and our capacity to
take advantage of the resources available to us. When
information is concentrated in the hands of a few or only in the
hands of elites, the public’s ability both to make decisions and
to assess the decisions is greatly reduced. An ethical and
pluralistic media can ensure transparency, accountability and
the rule of law.’ (UNESCO Freedom of Expression Tool Kit)
Independent media draw their power from reporting
responsibly on the communities they serve.
Freedom of expression is the freedom to express and exchange
views and opinions without fear of threats or punitive action.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. The right to
freedom of expression protects not only freedom of speech but
any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas,
regardless of the medium used. Freedom of the press is a
necessary underpinning of this right as it enables free expression
to be public and shared, and is thus essential to the building and
supporting of communities and civil society. Freedom of
expression can promote a true sense of ownership within society
by allowing ordinary individuals to examine and express different
thoughts and opinions. Freedom of expression is an integral part
of civic responsibility, and essential for critical thinking.
Restrictions to freedom of expression are allowed only when such
restrictions are necessary to protect the freedoms of others.
Limitations, such as the laws preventing ‘hate speech’, should be
narrowly defined to avoid misuse.
A pluralistic media sector – one that crosses media
platforms (print, broadcast, online), locale (national,
provincial and community) and political perspectives –
helps societies to better reflect on themselves. When media
operation is dispersed into many hands, opinions that are
not popular can often still find a forum. An effective mix of
international, national and local media outlets can give
people the means to participate in democratic processes.
The widest possible dissemination of information from
diverse and antagonistic sources contributes to people’s
welfare. While separately owned newspapers and
broadcasters generally criticize each other’s content, the
concentration of media under common ownership is far
from offering mutual criticism and could lead to
promotional or advocacy media.
• Editorial independence refers to the
professional freedom entrusted to editors to
make editorial decisions without interference
from the owners of the media or any other state
or non-state actors. Editorial independence is
tested, for instance, when a media organization
runs articles that may be unpopular with its
owners or advertisers.
• Using the Internet and library resources, research the
ownership and control of today’s major media
companies and government monopolies. List their
major holdings. What impact might this ownership have
on access, choice and freedom of expression?
Research the laws that are in place in your country or
community to regulate media ownership and control.