MAPEH G-10 4th Quarter
MAPEH G-10 4th Quarter
MAPEH G-10 4th Quarter
CONTENT STANDARDS The Learner… 1.demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of 20th and 21st century opera musical
play, ballet and other multimedia forms. 2. demonstrates understanding of the relationship among music,
technology, and media.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Learner... . 1. performs selections from musical plays, ballet, opera in a satisfactory level of performance. 2.
creates a musical work using media & technology.
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner… 1. how theatrical elements (sound, music, gesture, movement, and costume) affect the creation
and communication of meaning in a theater play/performance incorporated with media 2. theater and
performance as a synthesis of arts
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Learner... 1. create appropriate costumes, props, set accessories, costumes improvised lighting and other
décor for Philippine plays 2. create/improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, and movements for a chosen
theatrical composition 3. participate in an original performance inspired by local Philippine stories, myths, and
events relevant to current issues
V. Principles of Art
17. Rhythm,
Movement design with a group Activity 3: An original
18. Balance the visual Individual stage play Service
19. Emphasis components of a Presentation performance Oriented
20. Harmony, Unity, school play (stage Diligent in
and Variety design, costume, Studies
21. Proportion props, etc.)
VI. Process
22. Designing for
stage, costume, and
props of a selected
theatrical play
23. Choreographing
movement patterns
and figures assume the role of a Multiple
character as an Intelligence Service
actor/performance, or Oriented
production staff Diligent in
(director, Studies
choreography, light
designer, stage
accompanying sound Idividual Task Service
and rhythm needed in Oriented
the effective delivery Diligent in
of an original Studies
performance with the
use of different media
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner . . . demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner . . . maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community practices
healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner . . . demonstrates understanding of the concepts in planning a health career
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner . . . prepares an appropriate plan of action in pursuing a health career