Activity 3: Society
Activity 3: Society
Activity 3: Society
Activity 3: Society
The term is derived from latin word “Socius” meaning “companionship”. There are two primary
components of a society and it is culture and social structure. Society is also defined as the web of
social relationships. Man is a social being that needs society and enjoys group life. In general the
word society denotes a group of people. However in sociology it refers to the relationships between
It is also a complex of groups in reciprocal relationships that interact upon one another,
enabling people to carry on their life activities, helping each person to fulfil his wishes, accomplish his
interest in association with his fellows and expected to abide by some laws.
Elements of society
The elements of society are mutual interaction of individuals, mutual inter relationship between
individuals, a pattern of system, reciprocal awareness is the most important ingredient, common
propensity “we” feeling, like mindedness, implications of differences/ diversities/ variations,
interdependence and cooperation.
Society is responsible for the mental and intellectual development of its dwellers that confers
safeguard of our cultures and guarantees its transmission to the future generations. Individual and
society interacts with each other and depends on one another. Instability in any of the aspect gives
rise to opposition between the individuals and society. So basically, society and individuals are
complimentary and supplementary to each other’s.
Characteristics of society
Society's dynamic changes take place abruptly or gradually and have its own way of social
control (formal or informal). Each society has its distinct culture, its expression of human behaviour
viz. attitudes, judgements, morals etc. Interdependence is seen among groups, communities,
societies and even nations.
Types of society
1. Tribal society
The common territory and language are nomadic in nature. Blood relationship (Family)
and kinship are the only interconnected of social institutions. Endogamy namely
marriages within the tribe. The political organizations are not defined as all people are
considered to be equal as they virtually have no property and religion is not developed
among these people in to a complex institution believed in spirits. The common name
e.g Bushmen of South Africa, some Eskimo tribes etc.
Features of tribal society are small and homogeneous (20-40 members) in composition.
The main economic activity was hunting and food gathering and there is a division of
labour is minimal, based on gender and age without any specialization. They have no
private property, viz. property is common to all members of the tribe and folkways and
mores are more important means of social control. There is also no competition and
conflict too is minimal as there is no accumulated surplus to fight over.
The dominant economic activity was agriculture and it is the characteristic of rural
communities. It has a minimal division of labour, sense of unity “WE” feeling and the
family plays an important role. The social control is through informal means. Simplicity,
homogeneity and closeness to nature.
3. Industrial society
Industrial society emerges from the modern family and emphasis shifts from food
production to the production of manufactured goods. In preindustrial it uses animal and
human labour, small and slow while in industrial: machines are a lot and fast.
Manufacture and services are the dominant economic activities like factories built in a
city that is why people move to the cities. Urbanization is a concentration of population
in a city.
Society usually refers to group of people who lives and work together or who share social
norms and values. It is simply a web of social relationships. People interact in a defined territory and
share a culture. Today the structure of society has been changed from hunting and gathering
societies and agrarian societies to industrial society. But still we need society from birth to till death
for the performance of social norms.
1. Mundal, P. Society: Essay on the Meaning and Definition of Society (661 Words). society-
661-words/6238 ; Retrieved: November 24, 2020