Silicon Power Schottky Diodes Model Implemented in SPICE: Jacek Dąbrowski, Janusz Zarębski

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Silicon Power Schottky Diodes Model

Implemented in SPICE
Jacek Dąbrowski, Janusz Zarębski
Abstract – The paper deals with the problem of for a lot of devices [7]. The SPICE built –in isothermal model
modelling d.c. characteristics of silicon power Schottky diodes of the semiconductor diode, can be used to modelling of the
with thermal effects taken into account. The characteristics of power Schottky diodes [8]. The leading
electrothermal model of the investigated diodes was formulated electronic manufacturers, for example ON Semiconductor,
for SPICE and experimentally verified . The evaluation of
make accessible this model parame ter values for Schottky
accuracy of the elaborated model has been performed by
comparison of measured and calculated characteristics of a diodes at their web-sides. Unfortunately, as the preliminary
selected Schottky diode. authors investigations were shown [ 9], the accuracy of the
Keywords – Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs), Modelling, literature models of the investigat ed class of semiconductor
Self-heating, Electrothermal model (ETM), SPICE. devices dedicated for SPICE, is unsatisfactory. So, there is
need to formulate a new electrothermal model of the power
I. INTRODUCTION Schottky diodes with acceptable accuracy, including thermal
The Schottky barrier diodes belong to the class of unipolar effects, appropriated for the SPICE computer progra m.
devices. The fundamental advantage of the silicon SBDs, in In the paper the new electrothermal model of silicon
comparison with pin silicon diodes, is their very high power Schottky diodes for d.c. analysis is presented and
switching speed [1, 2], whereas the most important drawback investigated. This model was formulated in the form of the
is a low value of the blocking (breakdown) voltage, subcircuit for PSPICE. The experimental verification of this
not higher than 250 V [3]. The improvement of properties of model is performed by comparison of results of simulations
the considered power devices is possible by using wide band - and measurements of a selected power Schottky diode.
gap materials, as: silicon carbide (SiC), gallium nitride (GaN) II. MODEL
or diamond (C), in the SBDs fabrication process. Currently,
due to advancement of technology, the most pr omising one is The network form of the model of the silicon power
silicon carbide. Since 2001, 300 V and 600 V SiC Schottky Schottky diodes worked out by the author s is shown
diodes manufactured by Infineon Technologies have been in Fig. 1 [10].
available in the market [4]. Since 2002 also Cree has been
offering SiC SBDs of 1.2 kV blocking voltage [5].
A Electrical
A very important feature of all semiconductor devices, is
influence of the temperature on t heir characteristics. Due to Thermal model
self-heating, resulting from change of device dissipated model TJ
thermal power into the heat at non -ideal cooling conditions,
the inner (junction) temperature, oft en much greater than TJF
the ambient one, affects the device characteristics [6].
In modelling, very important role is played by credible,
experimentally verified lumped models of semiconductor VIGP IGD
devices. Commonly used device models are isothermal ones, TA MID
valid only at a fixed value of the device temperature (the inner GP
device temperature equals the ambient temperature). On the
other hand, the lumped electrothermal models including the
self-heating are formulated as the connection of th e electrical
(isothermal) model and a thermal model describing C
dependence of the device inner temperature on the dissipated Thermal power
thermal power. The characteristics obtained by the isothermal model
and electrothermal models are called isothermal and non -
isothermal ones, respectively [6]. Fig. 1 Network form of the electrothermal model of the silicon
In the process of analysis and designing electronic circuits, power Schottky diodes
effective computer-tools are more and more frequently used.
One of the most popular is SPICE (especially PSPICE), As seen, the elaborated ETM consists of the electrical
possessing built–in models of semiconductor devices and ICs , (isothermal) model, the thermal model, as well as the thermal
including the diode model along with library parameter values power model.
The isothermal model consists of three elements, where the
Jacek Dąbrowski, Janusz Zarębski – Gdynia Maritime University, controlled current source GD describes the main d.c. current
Department of Marine Electronics, Morska Str. 81-87, 81-225 of the diode, the controlled voltage source ERS models the
Gdynia, POLAND diode series resistance, and the independent voltage source

TCSET'2008, February 19-23, 2008, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine

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VIGD of the efficiency equal to z ero, which plays a role of the  

meter of the efficiency of the controlled current source. 1  u  for  u  BRV (T j ) (6)
The controlled current source GD is of the efficiency KAVAL ( u , T j )    BRV (T j ) 
[10, 11]: 
1 for  u
BRV (T j )

I GD (u , T j )  ID (u , T j ) KLOW (u , T j ) KAVAL (u , T j ) 
 (1) where H is the coefficient determining the characteristics
 IBR (u , T j ) hardness, while BRV(Tj) denotes the temperature dependence
of the breakdown voltage of the form:
where Tj – the inner diode temperature, u – the voltage
between A and MID nodes, ID denotes the thermionic BRV (T j )  BRVV 1  TBRVV (T j  TO )  (7)
emission current, KLOW determines the Schottky barrier
lowering effect [12], KAVAL is the avalanche voltage In Eq. (7) BRVV is the isothermal breakdown voltage
coefficient, whereas IBR denotes the avalanche breakdown corresponding to the reference temperature TO, whereas
current. TBRVV is the thermal coefficient of the breakdown voltage.
The thermionic emission current is exp ressed by the The avalanche breakdown current is described by the
formula [10, 11]: following formula [10]:

ID ( u , T j )  S A R T ji exp  

IBR (u , T j )  IB exp
 BRV (T j )  u  q 
T  k T NBR 1  TNBR (T  T )  
 j  (2)  j j O 
 q u  
 exp  1
 k T N ( u , T )   where IB represents the current at BRVV voltage, parameter
 j j   NBR describes the slope of the avalanche characteristic s, and
where TNBR is the temperature coefficient of NBR parameter.
q  B (3) The efficiency of the voltage controlled source ERS is
k described by [10]:

In Eq. (2) following notations are used: S – the device area, U ERS  IVIGD RS (T j ) (9)
AR – the Richardson’s constant, i – the temperature index
(for the ideal diode i = 2), B – the constant proportional to the where RS(Tj) is the diode series resistance dependent on the
barrier height B, expressed in Kelvins, whereas N(u,Tj) temperature, whereas IVIGD is the current of the zero voltage
denotes the emission coefficient. This coefficient is given by source VIGD.
the equation [10]: The diode series resistance is given by the following
equation [10]:
 1  TNF1 (T j  TO ) 
 NF  for u
0 (4)  
RS (T j )  RSW 1  TRS1 (T j  TO )  TRS 2 (T j  TO ) 2 (10)
N (u, T j )    TNF 2 (T  T ) 2 
 j O 

 NR for u  0 where RSW is the diode series resistance at the reference
temperature, and TRS1, TRS2 are the temperature coefficients
where NF is the parameter for the forward biased diode, TNF1 of the diode resistance.
and TNF2 are the thermal coefficients of NF parameter, The thermal model describes the relation between the inner
whereas NR describes the reverse biased diode. device temperature and the therma l power dissipated in the
The Schottky barrier lowering effect occurring in the Schottky diode. The ambient temperature value is de termined
reverse biased diode is described by the exponential function by the potential value of the node TA, whereas the
[10, 11]: independent voltage source VIGP play a r ole of the meter of
the thermal power. The controlled voltage source ETJ limits
k p  the calculated values of the inner diode temperature
 (5) up to 300 oC. The controlled voltage source ERTH models the
KLOW ( u , T j )  exp 
Tj  thermal resistance between the junction and the ambient,
  dependent on the thermal power dissipated in the diode and
the ambient temperature. The efficiency of the voltage
with parameters kSCH and p. controlled source ERTH is described by [10]:
The avalanche voltage coefficient depends on the junction
temperature and is given by the following expression [10]:
RTH 1  k RTH Ta  TO  
  1 A  

TCSET'2008, February 19-23, 2008, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine

Authorized licensed use limited to: NXP Semiconductors. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 14:16:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
where IVIGP is the zero voltage source VIGP current (equals whereas thick lines represent calculation results performed by
the thermal power), LIMIT denotes SPICE standard function, SPICE with the use of the elaborated ETM.
RTH is the junction–to–ambient thermal resistance dependent As seen in Fig. 2, the simulations obtained with the use of
on the ambient temperature Ta, measured at the thermal power the SPICE built-in diode model differ considerably from the
equal to 1 W in the reference temperature TO, whereas kRTH, measurements, whereas the new ETM of the Schottky diode s
α and β are the model parameters. The Eq. (11) was assures a good agreement between calculations and
determined from the measurements carried out in the special measurements of the investi gated diode.
measuring set, designed by the authors.
4.5 measurements
In the thermal power model the efficiency of the current
controlled source GP is described by the formula [10, 11]: ETM

Forward current [A]

3.5 SPICE built-in
3.0 diode model
I GP (u , T j )  I VIGD u ( A, C ) (12)

2.0 25oC
where u(A,C) is the voltage between A and C nodes. o
150 C

To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model described 0.5

in Chapter II, some SPICE simulations of d.c. characteristics 0.0
have been compared to the measurements of the silicon 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

Schottky barrier diode – MBR1045 (Vishay). Note, that the Forward voltage [V]
considered diode has been operated without any heat -sink,
and the proposed mode l was implemented in PSPICE Fig. 2 The forward characteristics of the MBR1045 diode
as a subcircuit of the form of the file with . cir extension.
The important task is estimation of electrical and thermal Next, as seen in Fig. 3 the non-isothermal characteristics
parameters for the elaborated model, to obtain good corresponding to three values of the ambient temperature
agreement between the results of numerical analysis and the much differ from the isothermal ones , whereas the
measurements of the investigated devi ce. With the proposed calculation results based on the authors model and
model a proper procedure of estimation of the elaborated the measured character istics fit very well. On the investigated
model parameters, based on results of measurements of non-isothermal characteristics there are points interpreted as
characteristics of the Schottky diodes, has been performed and the electrothermal breakdown points, at which the device
presented in [10]. The model parameter values for MBR1045 differential resistance changes its sign fro m the positive to
diode, obtained with the use of this estimation procedure, are negative one.
given in Table I.
Reverse voltage [V]
70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
SCHOTTKY DIODE MBR1045 measurements ETM

Reverse current [mA]

SPICE built-in
Parameter Parameter diode model
Value Value 26oC
[unit] [unit] 0.01
B [K] 8260 TRS1 [K -1] 0.0085
S [cm2] 0.0814 TRS2 [K-2] -2 10-5
AR [A/cm2 K2] 112 TNF1 [K -1] -2.273 10-5 1
RSW [m] 15.6 TNF2 [K -2] -2.21 10-6 75oC
NF 1.03 i 1.98
125 C
BRVV [V] 61 TBRVV [K -1] 0.0015 100
NR 1 TNBR [K -1] 0
kSCH [K/V p/4] 90 TO [K] 294 Fig. 3 The reverse characteristics of the MBR1045 diode
p 1.8 RTH [K/W] 66
H 2 kRTH [K-1] 0.0015 One should notice, that the value of the electrothermal
IB [A] 0.3  [K/W] 21 breakdown voltage at the characteristics corresponding to the
highest temperature value equal to 125 oC is much less than
NBR 1 [K/W] 75
the value of the reverse blocking voltage (equal 45 V)
warranted in a catalogue of the diode MBR1045.
The results of the investigations of the MBR1045 diode
in the wide range of temperature changes are presented IV. CONCLUSION
in Fig. 2 – forward range, and Fig. 3 – reverse range. In these
figures, points denote non-isothermal measurements, thin In the paper it has been shown, that the properties of silicon
lines – calculation results performed by SPICE built-in diode power Schottky diodes significantly depend on the
model with the use of the available library parameter values, self-heating phenomenon. The new elaborated electrothermal

TCSET'2008, February 19-23, 2008, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine

Authorized licensed use limited to: NXP Semiconductors. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 14:16:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
model of the power Schottky diode s makes possible to
evaluate the influence of thermal phenomena on properties
of the investigated devices. This model is ver y accurate and
can be use in practice, especially in design of electronic
circuits comprising power Schottky diodes.
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[7] PSpice Reference Guide, Product Version 10.0, June
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[8] M. Shur, "Introduction to Electronic Devices ", John
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[10] J. Dąbrowski, "Modelling of Power Schottky Diodes with
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[11] J. Zarębski, J. Dąbrowski, "Modelling of Non -Isothermal
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pp. 99-102.
[12] S.M. Sze, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices ", John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1969.

TCSET'2008, February 19-23, 2008, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine

Authorized licensed use limited to: NXP Semiconductors. Downloaded on December 19,2020 at 14:16:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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