Processing of Oils and Fats (FPT 339)
Processing of Oils and Fats (FPT 339)
Processing of Oils and Fats (FPT 339)
(FPT 339)
Lecture 1
Essential oils
Prof. Shahinaz Ahmed Helmy
• Theoretical
• 19/11/2020 2 lectures
• 26/11/2020 2 lectures + quiz1
• Practical
• 23/11/2020 2 sections
• 30/11/2020 2 sections + quiz 2
• 3/12/2020
• Final practical exam
• Oral exam
Classification of oils
• Edible oils(fixed).
• Essential oils.
• Mineral oils.
Aromatic plants contain essential
oils, which are:
• A mixture of organic substances found in
different parts of the plant and gives the
distinctive smell (flavor) and may also have
physiological and therapeutic effects,
• many of the aromatic plants are also
medicinal plants but not vice versa.
• These "essential" oils are volatile and highly
concentrated substances produced by plants ,
or animals (musk & ambergris).
• Volatile oils evaporate on exposure to air at
ordinary temperature, unlike fixed oils. The
easily evaporated essences give plants their
wonderful scents.
• Volatile oils are extracted from flowers, leaves,
stems, roots, seeds, bark.
• The amount of essential oils found in these
plants varies from 0.01 to 18 % of the total.
That's why tons of plant material are required
for just a few hundred pounds of oil.
• Each plant species originates in certain regions
of the world, with particular environmental
Forms of EO
الفلفل االسود
Conifers = الصنوبريات
Perfumes Insect
These oils have potent:
• antimicrobial factors, having wide range of
therapeutic constituents.
• These oils are often used for their flavor and
their therapeutic or odoriferous properties, in a
wide selection of products such as foods,
medicines, and cosmetics.
• Essential oils cannot be substituted with
• Only pure oils contain a full spectrum of
compounds that cheap imitations simply cannot
How do essential oils work?
Essential oils enter the body in
three ways
• Inhaled
• Ingested
• Absorbed through the
Essential oil
• The term essential used here does not mean
indispensable عنه غني الas with the
terms essential amino acid or essential fatty
acid which are so called since they are
nutritionally required by a given living organism.
An oil is "essential" in the sense that it contains
the "essence of" the plant's fragrance
(fragrance characteristic) which it is derived
according to QUINTA ESSENTIA by
Paracelsus (1493). This theory paved the way
for the separation of essential oils.
Wheat (maize, rice) germ oil زيوت جنين
Spoilage: Coconut fruits, palm kernel oil and olives ثمار
resinification rancidity
Chemically complex
1997 chemist had identified 70,000 different types of aromatic
So they are very Concentrated and powerful
Origin and development of
essential oils
• Used for the first time in the Eastern countries
Egypt, Iran and India.
• Turpentine oil was first aromatic oil used via
historical era from (pine trees).
• Descuredis, the Greek scientist, had Greek
armies in his book Medical Materials,
explained that turpentine was used in treatment
of different diseases for 1500 years.
• Until the Middle Ages they used only aromatic
water not essential oil.
• A commercial exchange took place between the
countries of the ancient East and the ancient
Greeks in the odoriferous oils*
• * Aromatic plants soaked in wines or alcohol for
a long time and concentrated to give
concentrated liquid.
The first description of the distillation of
essential oils
• Arnold de Villanova (Italian physician), who surveyed
the oils prepared by distillation, including turpentine,
rosemary and sage, and he introduced the art of
distillation to the perception of European medicine. He
also attended the distilled aromatic water used in
pharmacies in the Middle Ages and later .
• اول وصف فعلي لتقطير الزيوت العطرية الطبيب االيطالي ارنولد دي فيالنوفا
و الذي حصر الزيوت المحضرة بالتقطير منها التربنتين و الحصالبان و
كما حضر.المريمية و هو من ادخل فن التقطير الي ادراك الطب االوروبي
المياه العطرية المستخلصة بالتقطير و التي استخدمت في الصيدليات في
.القرون الوسطي و ما بعدها
باراسيلسسParacelsus 1493
• Ernest Guenther. (The essential oils) six parts,
: for exportation
Availability of transportation