Municipal Planning & Development Office (MPDO) : SWOT Analysis
Municipal Planning & Development Office (MPDO) : SWOT Analysis
Municipal Planning & Development Office (MPDO) : SWOT Analysis
Competent personnel (job hire and Limited Manpower resulting to work Available outside training/seminar COVID 19 Pandemic
permanent employee) that can backlogs (Technical and Clerical) Support of NGOs, NGAs and other Deterioration of Office Equipment
multi-task Competent job hire personnel has no sectors due to wear and tear
Available Budget for Operation and security of tenure Networking cooperation with other Limited office supplies with
Overqualified job hire employee offices regards to processing of Bidding
other Programs of the Office.
Un-updated Organizational Structure Upgrading of eligible Job hire Documents
Linkage and cooperation with the
Limited filing/storage (Filling personnel to permanent/plantilla Reassignment/transfer/retirement
other Office/Department Cabinet/Shelf) for the documents position
Available Equipment for the Aging of personnel
resulting to sometimes miss Reorganization of Office
everyday operation of the Office. Contract Termination of Job-hire
management of Office documents organizational Structure (Creation of
Cooperation and understanding of Delayed /limited monitoring and needed position)
Management of attendance in
co-employees in the office. evaluation of projects (limited Support of other offices must
trainings and seminars
Presence of Information Technology manpower/inactive monitoring and especially of the LCE
Functional Local Special Bodies evaluation committee. Projects funded by the NGAs Implementation of
Displaced Personnel Early submission and approval of programs/projects not stipulated
Lack of adequate office space to Plans (AIP, APP & Others) and 20% in Annual Plans
accommodate clients/visitors/co- Development Programs/Projects Non-quorum in scheduled meeting
employee. means early implementation. of Local Special Bodies
Support and assistance of other Manual process/Absence of
NGA’s Program or Automation