Manual Mill
Manual Mill
Manual Mill
License agreement............................................................................................................. 1
Getting started................................................................................................................... 2
Tutorial 1.......................................................................................................................... 4
Tutorial 2............................................................................................................................ 13
Tutorial 3............................................................................................................................. 17
Tutorial 4............................................................................................................................. 20
Tutorial 5.............................................................................................................................. 24
Tutorial 6............................................................................................................................... 28
Tutorial 7.............................................................................................................................. 32
Tutorial 8.............................................................................................................................. 35
Tutorial 9.............................................................................................................................. 41
Customizing CAPSmill
Tutorial 10............................................................................................................................... 44
Tutorial 11............................................................................................................................... 47
Tutorial 12................................................................................................................................48
License agreement
You have a non-exclusive right to use the software. This software can only be used on a single
computer. You may physically transfer the software from one computer to another, provided that the
software is used on only computer at a time. You may not electronically transfer the software from one
computer to another over a network. You may not distribute copies of the software and its
documentation to others. You may not modify, reverse engineer or translate the software or the
documentation without the prior consent in writing from the publishers Cadem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
hereinafter referred to as Cadem.
You may make one copy of the software solely for the purpose of backup. You must reproduce and
include the copyright notice on the backup copy. You may not transfer, sell, or lease the license to
another party without prior written consent from Cadem.
The software and the documentation contain proprietary information, which is protected by copyright.
You may not copy the software or its documentation except for backup purpose and to load the
software on a computer as part of executing the software. All other copies of the software and its
documentation are in violation of the copyright.
The software is provided “AS IS’” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and
performance of the software is assumed by you. Cadem does not warrant, guarantee or make any
representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, the software in terms of its
correctness, accuracy, reliability, current ness or otherwise and you rely on the software and its results
entirely at your own risk.
CADEM does warrant to the original licensee that the physical media on which the software is recorded
be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 3
months from date of delivery evidenced by a copy of your receipt.
Cadem’s and its distributor’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be replacement, or at
Cadem’s sole discretion, refund of purchase price. If the failure of the media has resulted from abuse,
virus or physical damage, then Cadem shall have no responsibility to replace the media under this
limited warranty.
This the only warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, with regard to the contents of the
software and its documentation, its merchantability, or fitness for a particular use.
Limited Liability
In no event shall Cadem or anyone else who has been involved in creation, production or delivery of
this software be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages / loss arising out of
the use, the results of use, or inability to use the software and its documentation.
This license agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India.
CADEM acknowledges MS-WINDOWS as registered trademark of their respective owners.
Reference jobs
The program is shipped with pre-made sample jobs. You can open these and view the tool path
simulation, generate NC programs or cycle times, etc.
Customize CAPSmill
Before starting to seriously use the outputs, you must first customize it to suit your requirement. If you
are evaluating the program and do not intend to use its output to cut parts, this step is not required.
Posts may need to be configured so that the NC programs generated conform to your programming
practices and the format acceptable by your machines. This program is shipped with a number of posts
for popular controllers. These must be tweaked to include your machine data and codes. This is easy to
do. You can do this yourself or contact us or our resellers for help in making the posts.
When you want to generate outputs from the program, you must first select the machine from a list.
You must customize this list so that only your machines appear in it.
Get started
You can either use the Wizard or the regular interface. The Wizard is easier to use, but does not have
some advanced features like Single motions and Subprograms. We recommend that you use the wizard
initially, but switch over to the regular interface once you are proficient in the use of the program.
Part drawing
Work setup
Work setup icon The Work setup dialog box appears automatically
when you start a new part.
Setup data
• Enter the following data, leaving the rest
For Units select ‘MM’.
For Work piece material select any
• Click on the Documentation tab and enter
suitable data.
Draw blank
Draw rectangle
• Select Draw > Shapes > Rectangle(Center –
Length – Width).
• Enter the following data:
Length = 200
Define blank icon Breadth = 150
Corner radius = 0
Rotation angle = 0
• Click on OK.
• At the prompt Specify the center point of the
rectangle, enter the coordinates 0,0 through
the keyboard and press the Enter key or Done.
Draw part
Face milling
Select the operation
Face milling icon
• Select Operations > Milling > Face mill.
• Click on OK.
• Select Operations> Hole > Drilling.
Select a machine
Whatever you did so far (Work setup, Geometry
definition, Machining) is independent of any
Further functions like the NC program, cycle time,
etc. require the machine to be selected since they
use the machine’s mechanical data like feed rate
and spindle speed limits, spindle power, etc.
Select Machine.
Click on a machine from the list.
Select machine icon
Click on Select.
NC program
Power graph
Tools list
Part drawing
Machining operations
Face milling
Select the Face mill operation.
• Select an appropriate face mill.
• Select the blank contour as the area to be
Face milling icon • In the operation dialog box, for Process select
Roughing, for Work surface Z enter 0, for
Material thickness enter 5.0
Pocket milling
• Select the Pocket milling operation.
• Select a 32.0 dia. end mill.
Pocket milling icon • Select the small rectangle as the area for
pocket milling.
• In the operation dialog box, for Process select
Roughing, for Work surface Z enter 0, for
Pocket depth enter 10.0, for Side allowance
after roughing enter 0.5.
Select a machine
Select machine icon
Part drawing
Draw part
Draw blank
Define blank
Machine part
Part drawing
Machining operations
Face milling
Select the Face mill operation.
• Select an appropriate face mill.
• Select the blank contour as the area to be
Face milling icon • In the operation dialog box, for Process select
Roughing, for Work surface Z enter 0, for
Material thickness enter 5.0
Pocket milling
• Select the Pocket milling operation.
• Select a 32.0 dia. end mill.
Pocket milling icon • Select the small rectangle as the area for
pocket milling.
• In the operation dialog box, for Process select
Roughing, for Work surface Z enter 0, for
Pocket depth enter 10.0, for Side allowance
after roughing enter 0.5.
Machining a part on a rotary table on Horizontal machining center with operations on two faces.
Part drawing
Draw part
Draw blank
Define blank
Machine part
Define machining locations
• Double click on Machining location in the
Operation view. In the Table rotation tab click
on Add and enter these data:
Retract Z = 60.0
Table rotation angle = 0
Retract Z = 60.0
Table rotation angle = 180
• Do the drilling operation on the 4 X12.0mm
diameter corner holes and select the
machining location XY-T180-W2.
• Do the drilling operation on the 8 x 20.0mm
Drilling icon diameter holes on the PCD and select the
machining location XY-T0-W1.
Part drawing
Draw part
Draw blank
Define blank
X coord = 0
Y coord = 300
Z coord = 0
• Similarly add 2 more local coordinate systems
with X, Y and Z coordinates as (300, 0, 0) and
(300, 300, 0).
• Click OK to exit.
Face milling
Face milling icon • Add the following machining locations:
Counter boring
Counter boring icon Same as above.
Part drawing
All the hole machining operations are done on the same set of holes.
These hole locations will be defined as a subprogram which is called for each operation.
Machine part
Define sub programs
• Select Operations > Subprogram > Define.
• Enter ‘Tappoints’ as the subprogram name.
• For Subprogram type select ‘Subprogram of
Click on OK.
• At the prompt Select the points to be machined
click on any one of the points. All the points
get selected. Click the right mouse button and
select Done.
• At the prompt Do you want to omit any holes?
• Select No.
• Select the Countersinking operation and a 45
deg. Countersink tool.
• At the prompt Select the points to be machined
press ‘C’. Select the subprogram ‘Tappoints’
and click on OK. Click the right mouse button
and select Done.
Countersinking icon
• At the prompt Do you want to omit any holes?
Select No.
• In the operation dialog box, for Work surface Z
enter 0, for Chamfer diameter enter 10.0, and
for Dwell at bottom enter 2 spindle rotations.
• Select the Tapping operation and M10.0 X 1.5
• At the prompt Select the points to be machined
press ‘C’. Select the subprogram ‘Tappoints’
and click on OK. Click the right mouse button
and select Done.
Tapping icon
• At the prompt Do you want to omit any holes?
Select No.
• In the operation dialog box, for Work surface Z
enter 0 and for Hole depth enter 10.0.
Part drawing
Machine part
Define subprograms
Part drawing
Machine part
The file Caps.mdb contains the library. It is stored in the folder in which CAPSmill is installed.
Whenever you create a new tool library it gets stored in Caps.mdb file. To create a tool library you can :
1. Create a new tool library and enter all the tools, tool materials and cutting parameters from
scratch, OR
2. Create a new library, copy the data from an existing library into it, then modify this library.
You can define your own tool types to make tool selection easier. Tool types in turn belong to tool
classes, which are fixed within CAPSmill..E.g., You can define Twist drill and Insert drill under the Drill
tool class.
Cutting parameters are specified for each combination of Work piece material-tool type-tool material.
Type 1
Example :
Feed rate
Dia. range = 3; Feed rate = 0.05
Dia. range = 5; Feed rate = 0.07
Dia. range = 20; Feed rate = 0.1
Cutting speed
Dia. range = 3; Cutting speed = 13
Dia. range = 5; Cutting speed = 15
Dia. range = 20; Cutting speed = 18
This means,
Feedrate = 0.05 mm/rev. for drills up to dia. 3.0
0.07 mm/rev. for drills larger than dia. 3 up to dia. 5
0.1 mm/rev. for drills larger than dia. 5.0
Type 2
Similar to type 1, but additionally has depth of cut.
Adding a tool
Add a machine
• Ensure that the postprocessor file (.gpt file) for the machine is in the folder in which CAPSmill is
• Click on Add.
• Enter the machine name.
• For Output folder specify the folder in which you want the machine’s NC programs to be saved.
Ignore the prompt if you want the files to be saved in the CAPSmill folder.
• For Machine data file select the postprocessor file for the machine.
Modify a machine
Deleting a machine
Anything in angular brackets is a variable. E.g., <#PROGRAM_NUM>.
# outputs the NC word with its address.
$ outputs the NC word without its address.
The address is specified in NC words.
To include a variable in a block format, click on the List variables button and select a variable.
Any text that is in a block format that is not a variable will appear as it is.