Hemorrhege= masive bleeding Mark = grade
Halitosis = bad breath Mononucleosis = kissing disease
Humerus= upper arm bone Minute = tiny, small
Hearthburn= pyrosis Malformation = defect
Hearth = cord(corda) Mouth = oral cavity, buccal cavity, stoma, os
Healthy= fit Moisture = humidity
Homogenous = compact Moist = humid, damp
Hearth attack = myocardial infarction Malleus = ciocan
Myositis = inflamation of the muscle Properly = corectly
Medula oblongata = bulb rahidian Posterios = rear
Melano = maro Phlegm = thick mucus
Mild = usor Provide = offer
Mellitus = diabet zaharat Plaque = placa
Main = major Plague = plagă
Mastication = chewing Purulent = pus
Myocardial infarction = heart attack Pain = ache
Posterior = rear
N Phlegm = thick mucus
Nerve cell = neurone Properties = feature
To nourish = to feed Porous = spongy
Narrowing = stenosis Prone to = predispose to
Nausea = greata
Narrow = to constri t R
The neck of the tooth = colet To recur = to reaper
Nose = rhino = nasal Recurrence = recidiva
Region = area
O Radius = forearm bone
Overall = total, general To relieve = to palliate, to soothe, to calm
Osseous = bony Red blood cell = erythrocyte
Obturation = filling Readily = easily
Ovum = egg Rate = speed, frequency
Onset = beginning , start To regulate = to control = to adjust
Ongoing = continuous , permanent Rhinorrhea = runny nose
To occur = to happen = to take place Resilient = flexible
Os = ora Roots = radices
Occlusion = stoppage Ridge = crease = rim
Oil glands = sebaceus glands Remove = eliminate
Overlook = a trece cu vederea Restore = recover
P Sternum = breast bone
Purpose = goal Subspecialty = supraspecializare
Prior to = before, anterior to Squeeze = crowded
Parturition= childbirth Site = place
Peak = summit, apex, top, tip Spoil = destroy
Prescription = medical order Shame = embarrassment
Plentiful = abundant Schedule = timetable
Patella = knee cap Spongy = porous
Pharynx = throat Scapula = shoulder blade
Phalanx = bone of the finger/toe Seizure = attack
Prophypaxis = prevention Stratum = layer
Prone to = susceptible to = likely to Sibling = brothers / sisters
Peripheral -> periferic To supply = to deliver, to provide
Proper = correct, adequate Skin = integument
Prevent = avoid To secrete = to release, to emit, to produce
Padding = lining Sebaceous = oil(gland)
Pit = hole = bore Sudoripherous = sweat gland
Shingles = herpes zoster Upper limbs = membrele superioare
Spermatozoon = male cell
Social status = social standing V
Spinal column = vertebral column = back bone Venules = small veins
Sputum = expectoration Vomit = emesis
To swallow = to ingest Verrucae = warts
Swallowing = deglutition, ingestion
Sclerosis = hardening W
Spit = saliva Wound = injury = hurt
Systole = contraction To wound = to hurt = to injure
Stroke = cerebral infarction = cerebro-vascular Whooping cough = pertussis
accident White blood cell = leukocyte
Socket = alveolus To withstand = to resist
To stain = to mark Womb = uterus
Scope = area, domain
Secondary teeth = permanent teeth
Sharp = pointed
Susceptible to = predisposed to
Symptom = syndrome
To store = to keep
Susceptibility = predisposition
Sample = specimen
Term = semester
Tibia = shin bone, shank bone
Thrombus = blood clot
Thrush = candida
Trachea = wind pipe
To take up = to absorb
Throughout = everywhere
Tough = strong
Teeth = dental
Third molars = wisdom teeth
Tongue = lingua, glossa
Throat = pharynx
Tube = duct
Tarsal = bone of the foot
Thumbs = pollex
Tiny = small = minute
Thigh bone = femur
Tennis elbow = tendonitis
Ulna= elbow bone, cubitus
Uterus = womb
Upper jaw = maxillary , maxilla
To unite = to link
Unlike = as opposed to