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Engleza AN I+II(recapitulare+completari)


Abrasion=erosion, laceration
Additional= supplementary Backboard=gurney
Air passages=air ways Backflow=regurgitation, reflux
Air pockets=air sacks Bed=cot
Allergy=hypersensitivity Benign=curable
Alopecia=hair loss, baldness Bile=cholecyst
Alveolus=air sac Bleeding=blood loss, hemorrhage
Ambulation=walking Blood flow=bloodstream
Ambulatory care=outpatient care Blood group= blood type
Anamnesis=case history Blood platelet=thrombocyte
Angina pectoris= breast pang, chest pain Body=corpus
Anterior (view)=frontal Bone=os
Anticonvulsant= blood thinners Bore=hole
Appliance=device Boundary = Limit, margin, extremity
Appropriate=adequate Branch=division, ramus
Arcus=arch Brittle(bones)=fragile
Arteriosclerosis=vascularsclerosis Bruise=ecchymosis
Articulation =Joint Bulge=prominence, swelling
Asphyxiation=suffocation To bind= to link, to unite, to merge, to combine,
Asses=evaluate to connect, to attach
Atrium=auricle To block=to obstruct
To absorb=to take in To branch=to divide
To alleviate=to ease To break down=to decompose
To alter=to modify To breath out= to exhale
To assay=to test, to trial, to attempt To breathe in=to inhale
To assist=to aid, to help To bring about=to cause, to determine, to
To augment=to maximize happen, to stir
Calcaneus=heel bone To cleanse=to clean
Cancerous= malignant To constrict=to narrow
Candidosis=candidiasis, moniliasis To cure = to heal
Caput pancreatis=head of pancreas To cut down =to reduce
Carpal = bone of the wrist To cut off=to block
Carry out = Perform
Casualty department=emergency Dead cells=necrosis
department(UPU) Debilitating=weakening
Cauda pancreatis=tail of pancreas Debris=waste
Cavity=socket, acetabulum (restricted use: the Dents=teeth
hip joint) Dermis=corium, derma, cutis, skin
Characteristic=tarte, feature Diaphoresis =sudation, sweating
Check the pulse=feel the pulse Digestive system=digestive tract
Cheek= buca Disease=affliction, illness, sickness, trouble,
Cheekbone =zygomatic bone ailment, malady , EUPHEMISMS: problem,
Chest=pectus condition
Chewing = mastication Dizziness=giddiness, lightheadedness
Clavicle=collar bone Dormant=inactive
Clotting=coagulum Drops= instillation
Cluster=group, bundle Drowsy =sleepy
Coccyx=rump bone, tailbone Duct =tube
Compulsory = mandatory , obligatory ,required Dyspepsia=indigestion
Conduct= behaviour Dysphagia=hard to swallow,aglutition
Congestion=obstruction Dyspnea=shortness of breath, air hunger,
Constriction=stenosis breathlessness
Contagions = infectious, catching , To decrease=to minimize
communicable, transmissible To deliver=to give birth
Conversely=alternatively To diffuse=to spread
Correction=rectification To discontinue=to interrupt, to stop, to cease
Cough=tussis To dispense with, to eliminate
Antitussive=cough suppressor To dispense=to distribute
Bout of coughing=fit of coughing To dispose of=to discard, to get rid of,
Cranium=skull To distinguish=to differentiate
Crossed eyes=squint
Cut= laceration, incision (daca e facuta de
Hollow cough=dry cough
Productive cough=wet cough, phlegmy cough
Effective=efficient Habit-forming=leading to addiction
Epistaxis = nosebleed Hallux=great toe
Erratic=chaotic Hazardous waste=toxic waste
Esophagus=gullet Hazardous wastes= toxic wastes
Evidence=proof Head=caput
Expiration date=sell-by date Healthy=Fit
Eye=oculus, ophtalmus Heart attack=myocardial Infarction
To ease the pain=to relieve the pain Heart rate=heart frequency
To encircle=to surround Heartburn =pyrosis
To enhance=to intensify, to bust Hectic=disorganized
To enlarge = to dilate, to expand, to widen Hemorrhage=severe/massive bleeding
To excise=to remove Herniated disk=ruptured disk/slipped disk
Hoarseness=rough/husky voice
Failing memory=pour memory Homogeneous=compact
Faint pulse=weak pulse=feeble pulse Humerus=upper arm bone
Fatigue=tiredness, exhaustion Humongous=tremendous
Fellowship =companionship, specialty
Femur=thigh bone Impairment= disability
Fever=febris, pyrexia Inactive = inert
Fibula=calf bone, splinter bone Incapacitating =disabling, crippling
Finally=eventually, ultimately Incisura=notch
Flu=influenza Indigestible=undigestible
Food poisoning=foodborne Indulgence=tolerance
Foot=pes (Self-indulged=comod)
Foramen=opening, perforation = hiatus Infectivity= infectiousness
Forensic evidence=medicolegal evidence Intestine=bowel, gut, enteron
Foxglove=digitalis To impel out=to push out
Fungus=mold (mucegai) To increase=to bust
Further=additional To induce=to provoke
To flunk=to fail To indulge in=to permit
To furnish=to provide
Kidney= nephros, ren
Gum=gingiva Larynx =voice box
Gallbladder=cholecyst Life=vita, bios
To give off=to emit Likelihood=probability
Lining=padding, mucosa (a tapeta)
Lower jaw=mandible
To line=to pad
Mark=grade Nagging pains=durere sacaitoare
Medulla oblongata=bulb rahidian Pain threshold=prag dureros
Macula=spot Paleness =pallor
Minute=tiny, small Panniculus=layer
Mouth = Oral Cavity, buccal cavity, stoma Paralysis=palsy
Moisture=humid, damp Parturition=child birth
To masticate=to chew Patella=kneecap
To maintain=to preserve Patient=health care consumer
Peak=summit, apex, top, tip
Narrowing=stenosis Peculiar=strange, typical
Nasal congestion=nasal stuffiness Peristaltic movement=ventricular movement
Neck=collar Phalanx=bone of the finger/toe
Neoplasm =new growth Pharmacist=chemist, apothecary, druggist
Nerve cell=neuron Pharmacy=drug store, apothecary
Network=reticule Pharynx=throat, jugulum
Newborn=neonate, infant Phlegm=thick mucus
Nose=nasal passages Plentiful =abundant
Nostril=naris Pocket=pouche
To nourish=to feed Poisonous=venomous, toxic, toxiferous
Posterior (view)= rear
Ongoing care=unremitting care Potency=efficacy
Ongoing=continuous, permanent Precordial pain=precordialgia
Onset=beginning, start, commancement Predisposition=susceptibility
Open wound=gaping wound Prescription =medication order
Opening=aperture Prior to=before, anterior to
Osseous=bony Prior=previous
Outer=external Proctology =colorectal surgery
Overall =total, general Profession=vocation, occupation, job
Ovum=egg Prone to =susceptible to, likely to, predispose to
Orbit=eye socket Prophylaxis=prevention
To occur=to happen, to take place Prospect=drug leaflet
To oversee=to supervise To postpone=to put off, to delay
To prod=to give an impulse
Pain=dolor, ache To protect=to shield
Painkiller=pain reliever, analgesic
Aching pain=dull pain
Acute pain=fast pain, extreme pain
Boring pain=piercing/terebrant pain
Darting pain=sharp pain
Sudden pain=lightning pain
Pulsating pain=throbbing pain
Pain stimulus=nociceptive stimulus
Radius=forearm bone Stuffy nose=congestive nose
Rate=speed, frequency Sudoriferous=sweat (gland)
Rattle=noise (rattle snake=sarpe cu clopotei) Swallowing=deglutition
Readily=easily Sweat=perspiration, hyperhidrosis
Red blood cell=erythrocyte Swelling= inflammation
Relapse=recurrence Symphysis =fusion
Resident =trainee to furnish
Residue=waste To secrete=to release, to emit, to produce
Response=reaction To slip=to glide
Rhinopharyngitis=postnasal drip To slough off=to discard
Rhinorrhea=runny nose To stick=to adhere
Rhombencephalon =hindbrain To store=to deposit
to calm, to comfort To supply=to deliver, to provide , to give,
To reassure=to quiet To suture=to stitch
To regulate=to control, to adjust To swallow =to ingest
To relieve=to palliate, to soothe, to alleviate,
To require=to request
Teenagers=adolescents, youngsters
Scant=superficial Tendon=sinew
Scapula=shoulder blade Term=semester, name
Schedule=timetable Testicles=testis
Sclerosis= hardening Therefore=thus
Sebaceous=oil (gland) Thin=slander
Semen=sperm Thoracic cavity=thorax
Shoulder girdle=pectoral girdle Throat=pharynx
Site=place, locus Thrombus=blood clot
Situs=site Tibia =shin bone, shank bone
Skin=integument To take up=to absorb
Sleepiness=drowsiness To transpire=to sweat
Smooth=striated To trigger= to set off
Spectrum=range, variety Tongue=glosa, lingua
Spermatozoon=male sex cell Tooth=dents
Spinal column=vertebral column, back bone, Trachea = wind pipe
spine Trunk=body
Spittle=saliva Ulna=elbow bone, cubitus
Splenic=lienal Uterus=womb, matrix
Sputum=expectoration Upper jaw=maxillary, maxilla
Steady=constant Urocyst=urinary bladder
Sternum=breast bone To weaken=to debilitate
Stomach=gaster, ventriculus To withstand =to resist
Strain=over exercise To wound=to hurt, to injure
Stratum= layer Vision= eyesight
Vocal cords= vocal folds
Wear‑and‑tear= consumption
White blood cell=leukocyte
Whooping cough=pertussis(tuse compulsive)
Widespread=frequent, common
Wound=injury, hurt
Abductor #adductor Smooth # rough
Acute #chronic Sterile #contaminated
Adverse # benefic Sterility # fertility
Attach # detach Strengthen # weaken
Beneficial # detrimental Superficial # deep, profound
Contraction # relaxation Symmetrical # asymmetrical
Donor # recipient Systole # diastole
Exocrine #endocrine Thin # thick
Flabby # muscle tone To constrict# to dilate
Formation # malformation To improve # to worsen , to deteriorate
Function #dysfunction To increase # to decrease, to reduce
Harmful # harmless To inhibit # to excite
Harmful #harmless To supply # to receive
Healthy# unhealthy/sick/ill Transient # permanent, long-lasting
Heterogeneous # homogeneous Used blood # cleansed blood
Hypertension #Hypotension Utopia # dystopia
Hyperventilation # hypoventilation Vascular # avascular
Indication # contraindication Ventral # dorsal
Innervate # denervate Anterior # posterior
Internal # external Front # rear
Intra # extra Exhale # inhale
Intracellular # extracellular Inspiration# expiration
Intravenous # intravenous To breathe in # to breathe out
Localized # widespread
Loose# dense, tight
Malignant #benign
Mild # severe,strong
Mild # strong
Moist # Dry
Normal # abnormal
Outer # inner
Outer-most # inner-most
Overexposure # underexposure
Painful # painless, pain free(pt pacienti)
Prescription drugs # non-prescription drugs
Rhythmic # arrhythmic
Rigid # soft
Scarce #abundant, plentiful
Sepsis # asepsis
Balance # imbalance, unbalance, disequilibrium
Mature # immature
Mobile # immobile
Moral #immoral
Mortal # immortal IN-
Movable # immovable, fixed Ability # inability(incapacitate)
Movable # immovable disability(handicap)
Partial # impartial Active # Inactive
Permeable # impermeable Accurate # in accurate
Probable #improbable Animate # inanimate
Properly # improperly Adequate # inadequate
Pure # impure Appropriate # inappropriate
Compatible # incompatible
IR- Curable # incurable
Recoverable # irrecoverable Edible # inedible
Regular # irregular Effective # ineffective
Reparable # irreparable Efficient # inefficient
Reducible # irreducible Frequent # infrequent
Relevant # irrelevant Organic # inorganic
Replaceable # irreplaceable Soluble #insoluble
Sensible # insensible
DE- Sane # insane
Compose # decompose Visible # invisible
Congestant # decongestant Voluntary # involuntary
Hydration # dehydration
Oxygenated # deoxygenated DIS-
To humidify # to dehumidify Articulation # disarticulation
Equilibrium # disequilibrium
Function # disfunction
A- Infect # disinfect
Cellular # acellular Infest # disinfest
Septic # aseptic Junction # disjunction
Symptomatic # asymptomatic Member #dismember
Vascular # avascular Organization # disorganization
Orientation # disorientation
Placement # displacement
To articulate # to disarticulate
To continue # to discontinue
To infect # to disinfect
Use # disuse
ANTI- Contagious # noncontagious
Body # antibody Infectious # noninfectious
Coagulant # anticoagulant Inflammatory = non-inflammatory
Diuretic # antidiuretic
Emetic # antiemetic
Febrile # antifebrile UN-
Inflammatory # anti-inflammatory Able # unable
Malarial #antimalarial Anesthetized # unanesthetized
Microbial # antimicrobial Authorized # unauthorized
Mycotic # anti-mycotic Available # unavailable
Pyretic # antipyretic Avoidable # unavoidable
Septic # antiseptic, aseptic Common # uncommon
Toxic # anti-toxic, non-toxic Conscious # unconscious
Tussive # antitussive Coordinated #uncoordinated
Fit # unfit
MIS- Healthy # unhealthy
Diagnose # misdiagnose Motivated # unmotivated
Interpret # misinterpret Myelinated # unmyelinated
Leas # mislead Natural # unnatural
To conduct# to misconduct Paired # unpaired
Treat # mistreat Palatable #unpalatable
Understand # misunderstand Preventable # unpreventable
Use # misuse Recommended # unrecommended
Related # unrelated
NON- Restrained # unrestrained
Addictive #nonaddictive Safe # unsafe
Alcoholic # non-alcoholic Stable # unstable
Allergic # nonallergic Steady# unsteady
Cellular #non-cellular Stressful# unstressful
Communicable #noncommunicable Structured # unstructured
Compliant # noncompliant
Invasive # noninvasive
Living # nonliving
Prescription # nonprescription
Reactive # nonreactive
Responder # nonresponder
Smoker # nonsmoker
Specific # nonspecific, unspecific
Steroidal # nonsteroidal
Surgical #nonsurgical
Viable # nonviable
Vital # nonvital
UM-A Patella – patellae
Spectrum- spectra Aorta-Aortae
Bacterium – bacteria Trachea - tracheae
Stratium-stratia Ulna - ulnae
Collum-colla Vena - venae
Epithelium - epithelia Pleura - pleurae
Periosteum-periostea Vertebra - vertebrae
Sacrum-sacra Larva - larvae
Atrium-atria Alga - algae
Corium-coria Formula - formulae
Cranium-crania Fibula - fibulae
Stratum-strata Alumna - alumnae
Septum-septa Lacuna - lacunae
Sputum - sputa Vena cava-venae cavae
Curriculum - curricula Maxilla – maxillae
Sporangium-sporangia Bursa-bursae
Cilium-cilia Flora-florae (plant or bacterial life): intestinal
Mediastinum-mediastina flora
Ischium-ischia Scapula-scapulae
Ilium-ilia Costa-costae
Cecum-ceca Vesica-vesicae
Ovum-ova Causa-causae
Sternum - sterna Celulla-cellulae
Myocardium - myocardia Incisura-incisurae
Pericardium- pericardia Axilla-axillae
Compendium-compendia Canulla- canullae
Cerebrum-cerebra Cauda-caudae
Cronium-cronia Cochlea-cochleae
Acetabulum-acetabula Corona-coronae
Calcaneum-calcanea Coxa-coxae
Duodenum-duodena Fistula-fistulae
Residum-residua Fascia-fasciae
Centrum-centra Lamina-laminae
Endocardium-endocardia Lingua-linguae
Hilum-hila Macula-maculae
Labium-labia Medulla-medullae
Medium-media Sequela-sequelae
Periodontium-periodontia Tibia-tibiae
US-I [AI] Sarcoma-sarcomata
Bacillus – bacilli Stoma-stomata
Bronchus-bronchi Schema-schemata
Thrombus-thrombi Stigma – stigmata
Esophagus - esophagi Carcinoma-carcinomata
Fungus-fungi Hematoma-hematomata
Villus-villi Trauma-traumata
Alveolus - alveoli Melanoma-melanomata
Calculus - calculi Edema-edemata
Locus - loci Emphysema-emphysemata
Coccus - cocci Enema-enemata
Focus-foci Scotoma-scotomata
Nucleus - nuclei
Radius - radii X-GES ( consoana inainte de x)
Humerus - humeri
Stimulus - stimuli
Alumnus – alumni
Phalanx – phalanges
Talus-tali (the entire ankle)
Vagus – vagi
Ventriculus -ventriculi
Sulcus (sant)-sulci
Papyrus-papyri X-CES[iz](vocala inainte de x)
Carpus-carpi Thorax – thoraces
Digitus-digiti Appendix-appendices
Neonatus-neonati Cicatrix-cicatrice
Oculus-oculi Matrix - matrices
Calcaneus-calcanei Cervix-cervices
Cubitus-cubiti Radix-radices
Lobus-lobi Varix-varices
Malleus-mallei Pollex-pollices
Metacarpus-metacarpi Vortex-Vortices
Musculus-musculi Faex-faeces
Nervus-nervi Fornix-fornices
IS-ES[i lung]
Diagnosis - diagnoses
Thesis - theses IS-DES(itis-itides)
Synthesis - syntheses Bursitis-bursitides
Basis - bases Epidermis-epidermides
Prognosis - prognoses Hepatitis-hepatitides
Pelvis-pelves Myositis-myositides
Neurosis-neuroses Epiglottis-epiglottides
Aponeurosis-aponeroses Iris-irides
Psychosis-psychcoses Arthritis-arthritides
Pubis-pubes Dermatitis-dermatitides
Symphysis -symphyses Enchephalitis-encephalitides
Crisis - crises Epididymis-epididymides
Testis - testes Meningitis-meningitides
Dialysis - dialyses Gingivitis-gingivitides
Paralysis - paralyses Nephritis-nephritides
Analysis-analyses Otitis-otitides
Peristaltis-peristaltes Pharyngitis-pharyngitides
Echymosis-echymoses US-ORA
Corpus – corpora
Epiphysis-epiphyses US-ERA
Epistaxis-epistaxes Genus - genera
Metastasis-metastases Viscus-viscera (A main organ that is situated
Prophylaxis-prophylaxes inside the body-internal organ)
Pubis-pubes Ulcus-ulcera
Sclerosis-scleroses Latus-latera
Sepsis-sepses Crus-crura
EN-INA Ganglion - ganglia
Stamen-stamina Criterion – criteria
Semen-semina Protozoon-protozoa
Foramen - foramina Spermatozoon - spermatozoa
Lumen-lumina Phenomenon – phenomena
Limen-limena Mitochondrion-mitochondria
Abdomen-abdomina Encephalon-encephala
IRREGULAR Raman la Fel
Apparatus- Apparatus
Ductus- Ductus
Tractus- Tractus
Hiatus- Hiatus
Meatus- Meatus
Species- Species
Stapes- Stapes
COR-CORDA Regulate
GENU-GENERA fetus-fetuses
MARGO-MARGINES virus-viruses
VAS-VASSA Se acepta si formele:
STAPES-STAPEDES algae / algas
criterion / criterions
foramen / foramens
fungi / funguses
larvae / larvas
matrices / matrixes
nuclei / nucleuses
radii / radiuses
sarcomata / sarcomas
thoraces / thoraxes
vertebrae / vertebras
Noun Adjective Verb
treatment therapeutic
diet dietary
fever feverish/febrile
prevention To prevent
prescription To prescribe
absorption To absorb
extension To extend
clavicle clavicular
humerus humeral
rib costal
pubes pubic
blood bloody/sanguine
vessels vascular
gland glandular
thyroid thyroidal
saliva salivary To salivate
enzyme enzymatic
stomach gastric
bile biliary
nutriment nutritive/nutritional
urethra urethral
spleen splenic/lienal
pharynx pharyngeal
tissue tissular
mucus mucous
tendon tendinous
ligament ligamentous
cartilage cartilaginous/condral
collagen collagenous
matrix matricial
network reticular
bone bony/osseous
valve valvular
thorax thoracic
septum septal
axes axial
homeostasis homeostatic
synapse synaptic
brain cerebral/encephalic
lipids/fats fatty
anomaly abnormal
ovaries ovarian
uterus uterine
medulla medullary
saviour To save
pus purulent
referral to refer
diagnosis To diagnose
apex apical
artery arterial
vein venous
varix varicose
sclerosis sclerotic
ventricle ventricular
wall parietal
intestine intestinal

benignancy benign
brittleness brittle
malignancy malignant
nausea nauseous
body/corpus bodily/corporal
lens lenticular
ear/auris otic/auricular
anxiety anxious
dystrophy dystrophic
ganglion ganglionic
nephros Nephric/renal
syphilis syphilitic
dormancy dormant
restoration restorative
aneurysm aneurysmal
cremation To cremate
spasm spasmodic
diaphoresis /sudation Diaphoretic/sudorific
Combining forms
Muscle :MYO- Cheek : BUCCO-
Joint :ARTHRO- Chin : MENTO-
Arthritis: RHEUMATO- Lip: CHEILO-
Cartilage :CONDRO- Gland: ADENO-
Bone :OSTEO- Dermis: DERMO-
Skull :CRANIO- Tissue: HISTO-
Column:SPINO- Cancer: ONCO-
Vertebra :SPONDYLO- Uterus: HYSTERO-
Elbow :OLECRANO- Breast: MASTO-
Fibula:PERONEO- Rapid: OXY-
Mouth: ORO- Black: MELANO-
Saliva: SIALO- Yellow:XANTO-
Pharynx: PHARYNGO- Fluid: HYDRO-
Stomach: GASTRO- Nervous system: NEURO-
Midgut: MESENTERO- Spinal cord: MYELO-
Liver :HEPATO- Root: RADICO-
Pancreas: PANCREATO- Pus: PYO-
Kidney :RENO-/NEPHRO Foot: PEDI-
Stone: LITHO- Male: ANDRO-
Heart :CARDIO-
Blood vessel :ANGIO-
Bile vessels:CHOLANGIO-
Arteries: ARTHEO-
Venules: VENO-
Nose: RHINO-
Medical suffixes
-centesis = surgical puncture
-clasia = crushing, breaking up
-desis = surgical fusion of two parts, binding, stabilization
-odynia = pain
-algia= pain
-ectomy = surgical removal
-ostomy = surgical opening, creating a hole
-otomy = cutting into, incision
-tome=surgical instrument used in making an incision
-pexy = fixing, lifting, securing
-plasty = modifying, reshaping
-rrhaphy = strengthening with suture
-rrhexis = breaking, rupturing, splitting
-rrhea=flow, discharge
-ptosis=displacement of
-megaly=growth, enlargement
-pathy=referring to a disease
-oma = tumor
-osis=abnormal condition
-logy= study of
-genic=originating in
-oid= resembling to
-opsy = looking at
-oscopy = viewing of
Myositis=inflammation of the muscle
Tendonitis/tendinitis= inflammation of a tendon
Gingivostomatitis= inflammation of the mouth and gums
Periimplantitis = inflammation of the tissue surrounding dental implants
Valvulitis= inflammation of a valve
Phlebitis = inflammation of a vein
Thrombophlebitis= inflammation of a vein associated with formation of a thrombus
Endocarditis= inflammation of the endocardium
Lymphadenitis= inflammation of one or more lymph nodes
Osteomyelitis= inflammation of bone marrow
Myotenositis= inflammation of muscle and tendon
Polymyositis=inflammation of many muscles

Sialoadenotomy =surgical incision of a salivary gland
Rhinotomy =surgical incision of the nose
Phlebotomy = removal of blood from a vein with a cutting instrument
Arthrotomy =surgical incision in a joint.

Vestibuloplasty =surgical reconstruction of the oral vestibule
Otoplasty =surgical reconstruction of the ear
Septoplasty = surgical reconstruction of a sept
Mentoplasty = surgical reconstruction of the chin
Genioplasty = surgical correction of the bony contour of the chin.

Myalgia=muscle pain
Gastralgia= stomach pain
Fibromyalgia= widespread muscle pain
Mastopexy=breast lifting
Splenopexy=surgical fixation of the spleen
Patellapexy=surgical fixation of the patella
Scapulopexy= surgical fixation of the scapula
Ophtalmology=study of the eye
Cardiomegaly=enlarged heart

Arthrocentesis=joint aspiration
Pericardiocentesis= surgical puncture of the pericardium to remove fluid
Bursocentesis= surgical puncture of a bursa
Arthrography= x-ray imaging of the joint
Angiocardiography= x-ray imaging of the valves and vessels
Angiography= x-ray imaging of vessels
Phlebography= x-ray imaging of a vein
Electromyography=record of the electrical activity of muscles

Adenectomy =surgical removal of a gland
Adenoidectomy =surgical removal of the adenoids
Appendectomy =surgical removal of the appendix
Arthrectomy = surgical removal of a joint of the body
Bunionectomy =surgical removal of a bunion
Bursectomy =surgical removal of a bursa, a small sac filled with synovial fluid
Cholecystectomy =surgical removal of the cholecyst/gallbladder
Colectomy = surgical removal of a part of the colon
Cystectomy = surgical removal of the urinary bladder . It also means removal of a cyst
Diverticulectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a diverticulum
Diskectomy= surgical removal of a herniated intervertebral disk
Duodenectomy = surgical removal of the duodenum
Endarterectomy = surgical removal of inner layer from the lining of the artery otherwise constricted by
a buildup of fatty deposits.
Fundectomy = surgical removal of the fundus of an organ, such as the uterus or the stomach.
Ganglionectomy = excision of a ganglion
Gastrectomy = partial or full removal of the stomach
Hemorrhoidectomy = surgical removal of a hemorrhoid
Hepatectomy = surgical resection of the liver
Hysterectomy = surgical removal of the uterus
Jejunectomy = surgical removal of all or part of the jejunum
Keratectomy = surgical removal of the cornea of the eye.
Laminectomy = trimming or surgical removal of the lamina , portion of the spinal vertebrae.
Laryngectomy = surgical remnoval of the larynx
Lumpectomy = surgical removal of a breast tumor
Mastectomy = surgical removal of one or both breasts
Meniscectomy= removal of the meniscus
Myectomy = surgical removal of a portion of heart muscle
Necrosectomy = surgical removal of necrotic tissue
Nephrectomy = surgical removal of a kidney
Neurectomy = surgical removal of a nerve
Oophorectomy = surgical removal of the ovary
Orchiectomy = surgical removal of the testicles
Pancreatectomy = surgical removal of part or all of the pancreas
Pneumonectomy = surgical removal of a lung
Pulpectomy = surgical removal of all the material in the pulp chamber and root canal of a tooth
Rhinectomy = surgical removal of part or all of the nose
Salpingectomy = surgical removal of the Fallopian tube
Septectomy = surgical removal of the septum
Splenectomy = surgical removal of the spleen
Stepedectomy = surgical removal of ossified stapes bone from the ear that is then replaced by a
Thrombectomy = surgical removal of the thrombus (blood clots).
Thymectomy = surgical removal of the thymus gland.
Tonsillectomy = surgical removal of the tonsills
Tumorectomy = surgical removal of the tumor
Tympanectomy = surgical removal of the tympanic membrane
Uretectomy = surgical removal of the ureter
Vitrectomy = surgical removal of some or all of the vitreous humor from the eye
Arthroscope=instrument to view the joint
Hysteroscopy=viewing of in interior of the uterus
Spirometer= instrument for measuring the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs
Discogram= recording a disc
Hemarthrosis= abnormal condition of blood in the joint

Gastroptosis=displacement of the stomach

Subhepatic=under the liver
Cephalic=relating to the head
Cardiomiopathy= disease of the heart muscle
Pyarthrosis=the presence of pus within a joint
Arthrodesis= surgical fusion of a joint
Osteoclasis=surgical breaking of a bone/ intentional fracture of a bone to correct deformity
Vocabular(le stiti din rom pe maj,fiti atenti la scriere !!!)
Sialolithiasis = salivary calculi
Leukoplakia =white patch developing in the mouth
Malunion=incomplete healing after a fracture
Palate=roof of the mouth
Fracture=cracking/breaking of a bone
Palatoschisis=fissure or split of the roof of the mouth
Percutaneous=through the skin
Transluminal=passing across a lumen/central opening
Secondary=due to another disorder
Controlled=therapeutically corrected
Edema=swelling of body tissues due to the presence of excess fluid
Dyspnea=difficult or labored breathing
Ischemia=local deficiency of blood supply
Infarction=tissue death
Stenosis=constriction or narrowing of an opening
Cyanosis=bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen
Thrombosis=development of a blood clot within a vessel
Heart failure=inability of the heart to maintain adequate circulation of blood
Syncope=temporary loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain
Fibrillation=spontaneous, quivering and ineffectual contraction of muscle fibers, as in the atria or the
Fibrillation= ineffective quivering of muscle
Defibrillation =cardioversion
Murmur=abnormal heart sound
Dysrhythmia=abnormal heartbeat
Stroke=cerebrovascular accident
Hypertension=of higher than normal blood pressure
Embolism=obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot or other matter carried in the circulation
Embolus=a mass carried in the circulation,usually a blood clot
Aneurysm=localized dilatation of a blood vessel
Atheriosclerosis=accumulation of fatty material in the vessels
Ductus arteriosus= ductus arteriosus
Phlebostasis=stoppage of blood flow in a vein
Pericardiolysis= separation of adhesions between the visceral and parietal pericardium
Cardiac tamponade= compression of the heart caused by fluid in the pericardium
Cardioplegia= deliberate arrest of the action of the heart, as by hypothermia or the injection of
chemicals, to enable complex heart surgery to be carried out
Dextrocardia= abnormal location of the heart in the right side of the chest
Osteogenic sarcoma/osteosarcoma= malignant bone tumor
Osteoarthritis = progressive deterioration of joint cartilage with growth of new bone and soft tissue in
and around the joint.
Ankylosing spondylitis= joints become inflamed and later fuse
Chondrosarcoma= malignant tumor of cartilage
Gout = acute arthritis caused by deposit of uric acid salts in the joints.
Osteoporosis= reduction in bone density( common in white women past menopause)
Osteomalacia= softening and weakening of the bones due to vitamin D deficiency or other disease
Herniated disk= protrusion of the centre of an intervertebral disk into the spinal canal
Pott’s disease = inflammation of the vertebrae, usually caused by tuberculosis
Ankylosis= immobility and fixation of a joint
Paget’s disease= (osteitis deformans) thickening and softening of bones and bowing of long bones
Exostosis= outgrowth of bone
Osteopenia= deficiency of bone tissue
Malleolus= bone projection at the ankle
Myelopoiesis= formation of bone marrow
Spondylolisthesis= displacement of a vertebra
Rachiocentesis= spinal tap
Subluxation= partial dislocation
Avulsion= forcible tearing away of a part
Rhabdomyoma= muscle tumor
Myokinesis= muscle movement
Dystonia= faulty muscle tone
Aponeurosis= flat, sheetlike tendon
Ataxia= lack of muscle coordination
Torticollis= wryneck
Tetany= muscle spasm due to a metabolic imbalance
Periosteum =structure surrounding bone
Intervertebral disk=pertaining to between vertebrae
Syndactyly=process of joined fingers or toes
Polydactyly=process of many fingers or toes
Achondroplasia =condition of formation of no cartilage
Endosteum= tissue lining the medullary cavity of a bone
Baker’s cyst= cyst of synovial fluid in the popliteal area of her leg.
Heberden’s nodes= abnormal bone growths in the matacarpo-phalangeal joints
Greenstick fracture= partially bent and partially broken bone
Plantar fascitis= inflammation of the fascia on the sole of the foot
Kyphosis= extreme posterior curvature of the thoracic area of the spine
Lordosis= anterior concavity in the curvature of the lumbar and cervical spine as viewed from the side
Scoliosis= side-to-side curvature of the spine
Parkinson’s=shaking palsy
Rubella=german measlesa(rubeola)
Urticaria=hives, nettle rash,heat spots
Mumps=infectious parotiditis(oreion)
Mononucleosis=kissing disease, glandular fever
Shingles=herpes zoster
Eructation=burp, ructus ,belching
Halitosis=bad breath, fetor oris
Housemaid's Knee =prepatellar bursitis
Tennis elbow=tendonitis,tenositis, epicondylitis
Herpes simplex=cold sore
Infusion bottle→intravenous drip
Nosocromial infection=hospital-acquired infection
Charge nurse=ward sister(as. sefa de sectie)
Head nurse =as. sefa
Nursing home=home for the aged
GP=family practice physician
To send for the doctor=to call in the doctor
To get over an illness=to recover from an illness
To succumb to an illness=to die from an illness
Intensivist=critical care physician(ICU)
Coronary ICU=cardiac ICU
High dependency unit(HDU)=step-down/progressive intensive recovery units
Iatrogenic disorder=condition caused by the physician’s treatment
Idiopathic=without ant recognizable causes
Hoarseness=rough voice/husky voice
Sexually transmitted diseases=venereal diseases
Strain of a muscle = pulled muscle
Closed fracture = simple fracture
open fracture =compound fracture
Ankylosing spondylitis=marie‑strümpell arthritis
Arthritis =articular rheumatism
Gout =gouty arthritis
Osteoarthritis = degenerative arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis=arthritis deformans
Rickets =rachitis (rahitism)
Thyroid lodge= lojă tiroidiană
Atentie scriere!!!!
(Definition to Combining Form)


abdomen abdomin/o

abdomen; front side ventr/o

abdominal wall lapar/o

acetabulum acetabul/o

adrenal glands adren/o

adrenal glands adrenal/o

air pneum/o

albumin; protein albumin/o

alveolus alveol/o

amnion amni/o

aneurysm aneurysm/o

animal (man) zo/o

ankle bones; flat of the foot tars/o

anus an/o

anus; rectum proct/o

aorta aort/o

appendix append/o

appendix appendic/o

arteriole arteriol/o

artery arter/o
artery arteri/o

attraction to; tendency toward phil/o

away from dist/o

back dors/i

back dors/o

back poster/o

bacteria bacteri/o

band of fibrous tissue fasci/o

base bas/o

bearing phor/o

beside; beyond; abnormal par/a

beside; near par/o

bile bil/I

bile chol/e

birth nat/o

black melan/o

bladder; sac; cyst cyst/o

blood hem/o

blood hemat/o

blood clot thromb/o

blood serum ser/o

blue cyan/o

body corpor/o
body somat/o

bones oste/o

bones of the fingers and toes phalang/o

brain encephal/o

brain; cerebrum cerebr/o

breakdown lys/o

breast mamm/o

breast mast/o

breathing pne/o

bronchus bronchiol/o

bronchus; airway bronch/o

burn caus/o

burn caut/o

bursa burs/o

calcium calc/i

calcium calc/o

calyx; calyces cali/o

calyx; calyces calic/o

cancer carcin/o

cartilage chrondr/i

cecum cec/o

cell cyt/o

cerebellum cerebell/o
cervix cervic/o

cheek bucc/o

chemical reaction chem/o

chest pector/o

chest thorac/o

child ped/o

child pedi/a

childbirth toc/o

circular; ciliary body cycl/o

clotting coagul/o

coal anthrac/o

coccyx coccyg/o

cold cry/o

collarbone clavicul/o

colon col/o

colon colon/o

color chrom/o

color chromat/o

conjunctiva conjunctiv/o

cornea corne/o

cornea of the eye kerat/o

cortex cortic/o

crooked bent scoli/o

cul-de-sac culd/o

darkness scot/o

development; nourishment troph/o

diaphragm phren/o

digestion peps/o

distance; end tel/e

double dipl/o

drug; medicine pharmac/o

dry xer/o

dull, dim ambly/o

duodenum duoden/o

dura mater dur/o

dusky phe/o

ear aur/o

ear auricul/o

ear ot/o

eardrum myring/o

eardrum tympan/o

egg; ovum o/o

elbow olecran/o

electrical; electricity electr/o

embryonic stage of development blast/o

enlarged megal/o
epididymis epididym/o

epiglottis epiglott/o

equal is/o

esophagus esophag/o

eustachian tube salping/o

extremity acr/o

eye ocul/o

eye ophthalm/o

eye; vision opt/o

eye; vision optic/o

eyelid blephar/o

eyelid palpebr/o

fallopian tube salping/o

false pseud/o

fat lip/o

fat steat/o

fatty ather/o

feeling; sensation esthesi/o

femur femor/o

fetus fet/o

few; little; scanty olig/o

fiber fibr/o

fibrous growth kel/o

fibula fibul/o

fire; heat pyr/o

fish-like; scaly ichthy/o

flesh sarc/o

foot ped/o

foot bones metatars/o

form; shape morph/o

formation; development plas/o

formation; development plast/o

four tetr/a

front anter/o

fungus fung/o

fungus myc/o

gallbladder cholecyst/o

ganglion ganglion/o

gland aden/o

glans penis; glans clitoridis balan/o

glassy vitre/o

glomerulus glomerul/o

granules granul/o

gray matter of the nervous system poli/o

gray; silver glauc/o

green chlor/o
groin inguin/o

gums gingiv/o

hair pil/o

hair trich/o

hand bones metacarp/o

hard scler/o

hard; hard tumor scirrh/o

hard; horny kerat/o

head capit/o

head cephal/o

hearing acous/o

hearing audi/o

heart card/o

heart cardi/o

heart coron/o

heel bone calcane/o

hidden crypt/o

humerus humer/o

humpback; pertaining to a hump kyph/o

ileum ile/o

ilium ili/o

immune; protection immun/o

infection sept/o
inner ear labyrinth/o

internal organs viscer/o

intestine enter/o

iris ir/o

iris irid/o

iron; steel sider/o

ischium ischi/o

jejunum jejun/o

joint arthr/o

joint articul/o

ketone bodies ket/o

kidney nephr/o

kidney ren/o

kneecap patell/o, patell/a

lamina lamin/o

large macr/o

larynx laryng/o

leg; thigh crur/o

lens phak/o

lens of the eye phac/o

ligament ligament/o

light phot/o

lips cheil/o
liver hepat/o

loins; lower back lumb/o

luminous fluor/o

lungs pulmon/o

lungs; air pneum/o

lungs; air pneumon/o

lymph lymph/o

lymph gland lymphaden/o

man; male; masculine andr/o

mandible (jaw bone) mandibul/o

mastoid process mastoid/o

measure metr/o

meatus meat/o

meninges mening/o

menstruation men/o

middle medi/o

midwife obstetr/o

milk lact/o

mind ment/o

mind phren/o

mind psych/o

mouth or/o

mouth stomat/o
movement kinesi/o

mucus muc/o

muscle muscul/o

muscle my/o

nail ungu/o

nail (finger or toe) onych/o

navel omphal/o

navel umbilic/o

near proxim/o

neck cervic/o

nerve neur/o

neuroglia; gluey substance gli/o

new; recent ne/o

night noct/i

night noct/o

night; darkness nyct/o

nitrogen azot/o

nose nas/o

nose rhin/o

nucleus kary/o

nucleus nucle/o

of or relating to usage nom/o

old age presby/o

one; single mon/o

order tax/o

out of place ect/o

outward ex/o

ovary oophor/o

ovary ovari/o

ovum, egg ov/o

oxygen ox/o

pain alges/o

pancreas pancreat/o

paralysis; stroke pleg/o

parathyroid glands parathyroid/o

pelvis pelv/i

perineum perine/o

peritoneum peritone/o

pertaining to a physician or treatment iatr/o

pertaining to birth nat/i

pertaining to fat adip/o

pertaining to the abdomen celi/o

pharynx pharyng/o

pleura pleur/o

poison; toxin tox/o

poison; toxin toxic/o

polyps polyp/o

potassium kal/i

pregnancy gravid/o

pressure bar/o

prostate gland prostat/o

pubis pub/o

pupil cor/o

pupil pupill/o

purple purpur/o

pus py/o

radiation radi/o

record graph/o

rectum; straight rect/o

red erythr/o

red; rosy eosin/o

relating to mucus myx/o

relating to the sclera scler/o

renal pelvis pyel/o

resembling a nipple papill/o

retina retin/o

rhythm arrhythm/o

rhythm rhythm/o

ribs cost/o
root radicul/o

root rhiz/o

rose-colored rose/o

round; sphere spher/o

running drom/o

sacrum sacr/o

saliva; salivary gland sial/o

scales squam/o

sebum seb/o

secrete crin/o

semen semin/i

sex glands gonad/o

sheath; case; receptacle thec/o

shoulder scapul/o

side later/o

sigmoid colon sigmoid/o

sinus sinus/o

skeleton skelet/o

skin cutane/o

skin derm/o

skin dermat/o

skull; cranium crani/o

sleep narc/o
small micr/o

smaller mi/o (mei/o)

smooth lei/o

smooth muscle leiomy/o

sodium natr/i

sodium natr/o

softening malac/o

sound son/o

sound; voice phon/o

sour; bitter acid/o

speech phas/o

sperm sperm/o

sperm spermat/o

spinal cord; bone marrow myel/o

spine rach/i

spine spin/o

spine; vertebra spondyl/o

spleen splen/o

split; division schiz/o

stapes staped/o

starch amyl/o

star-shaped astr/o

sternum stern/o
stiff ankyl/o

stomach gastr/o

stone; calculus lith/o

straight; correct; normal orth/o

striated muscle; skeletal muscle rhabdomy/o

string; cord chord/o

sugar; sweet gluc/o

sugar; sweet glyc/o

swayback lord/o

sweat hidr/o

swelling; mass; tumor onc/o

tail caud/o

tear sac dacryocyst/o

tears dacry/o

tears lacrim/o

teeth odont/o

temples of the head tempor/o

tendon tend/o

tendon tendin/o

tension; tone ton/o

testicle orch/o

testicle orchi/o

testicle orchid/o
testis, testes test/o

thirst dips/o

thymus gland thym/o

thyroid gland thyr/o

thyroid gland thyroid/o

tissue hist/o

to clump agglutin/o

to cut; section; layer tom/o

to eat; ingestion phag/o

to know gnos/o

to produce gen/o

to throw embol/i

to view scop/o

tongue gloss/o

tongue lingu/o

tonsils tonsill/o

tooth dent/o

trachea; windpipe trache/o

tree; branches dendr/o

unequal anis/o

upper jaw maxill/o

ureter ureter/o

urethra urethr/o
urinary bladder vesic/o

urine ur/o

urine urin/o

uterus hyster/o

uterus metr/o

uterus metri/o

uterus uter/o

vagina colp/o (kolp/o)

vagina vagin/o

varied, irregular poikil/o

vas deferens vas/o

vein phleb/o

vein ven/o

ventricle of the brain ventricul/o

ventricle of the heart ventricul/o

vertebra vertebr/o

vessel angi/o

vessel vas/o

vulva episi/o

vulva; covering vulv/o

water hydr/o

watery aque/o

white albin/o
white leuk/o

widen mydr/o

within es/o

woman gynec/o

wrist carp/o

yellow xanth/o

yellow; tawny cirrh/o

MG II - limba engleză
Seminar 21 - săptămâna 6-10 aprilie 2020

Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach,
edited by A.M. Brady, C. McCabe, M. McCann,
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2014, pp. 105-123

Surgery is a medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a
person to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve
bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas.
The act of performing surgery may be called a surgical procedure, operation, or simply
“surgery”. Surgery usually spans minutes to hours, but it is typically not an ongoing or periodic
type of treatment. The term “surgery” can also refer to the place where surgery is performed, or,
simply the office of a physician, dentist, or veterinarian.

to operate - a opera; a manipula, a manevra

to operate on (syn.) to operate upon - a opera pe cineva
operating - de operaţie
operation - operaţie, intervenţie, intervenţie chirurgicală
operational - de operaţii; operaţional, funcţional
operative - operativ, operator, chirurgical
pathologic (syn.) pathological - patologic
pathologist - anatomopatolog
pathology - patologie
bodily - corporal, fizic
rupture - ruptură, rupere; hernie
ruptured - rupt; herniat
span - interval de timp; interval de măsurare
to span - a cuprinde, a acoperi; a măsura
ongoing (syn.) unceasing - neîntrerupt; în desfăşurare; continuu

Surgery, whether elective or emergency, is a stressful, complex event that may be performed
for a variety of reasons. It may be:
• diagnostic (e.g. biopsy specimen, exploratory laparotomy);
• curative (e.g. excision of a tumor mass);
• reparative (e.g. repair of wounds);
• reconstructive or cosmetic (e.g. facelift);
• palliative (e.g. pain relief).

Surgery may also be classified according to the degree of urgency involved:

• emergency (when there is a life-threatening crisis which demands immediate action, e.g.
tracheotomy, which is done to enable a patient to breathe);
• urgent (requires prompt but not immediate action);
• required (the patient needs to cure a particular health problem but which can be postponed
for weeks or months);
• elective (can correct a condition but it is not necessary to the health of the patient, e.g.
middle-ear surgery to correct a hearing loss);
• optional (performed primarily for cosmetic rather than health reasons).

elective - opţional, electiv

diagnosis (pl. diagnoses) - diagnostic
diagnostic - diagnostic, de diagnosticare
curative - curativ, vindecător
cure - cură, remediu; vindecare; polimerizare (în stomatologie)
reparation - reparaţie; îndreptare
reparative - reparator
reconstruction - reconstrucţie, reconstruire; restaurare chirurgicală
reconstructive - reconstructiv
palliation (syn.) mitigation (syn.) alleviation - paliare, alinare, atenuare, liniştire
palliative - paliativ
middle ear (syn.) auris media - urechea medie
optional - facultativ

When patient care involves positive interventions and/or treatments to promote the
restoration of health, much of the perioperative care concerns itself with preventing harm during the
procedure. The process of consent is the first in a series of risk assessments that take place during
the patient episode. The decision of the patients to consent to surgery is in itself a risk assessment.
This risk assessment weighs the benefits of the treatment against the risks of failure, postoperative
infection and potential disability (any loss of function). In order to make this assessment, the
surgeon seeking consent will usually indicate what percentage risk exists for that specific procedure
while the patient is in his or her care.

restoration - restaurare, restauraţie

restorative - reparator; tonic
to restore - a restitui; a restaura; a restabili
perioperative (syn.) paraoperative – perioperatoriu, perioperator
PARA- prefix cu sensul de lângă, dincolo de, opus
PERI- prefix cu sensul de împrejur, în jurul, aproape
harm - rău, pagubă, prejudiciu
to harm - a dăuna, a face rău (cuiva)
harmful (syn.) injurious (syn.) deleterious - periculos, vătămător
harmless (syn.) innocuous - inofensiv, nevătămător
consent - consimţământ, acord
informed consent - consimţământ informat
to assess - a evalua, a aprecia
assessment - evaluare, apreciere
preoperative (pre-op) medical assessment - examen medical preoperator
risk assessment - evaluarea riscurilor
POST- prefix cu sensul de după, ulterior
postoperative (post-op) - postoperatoriu, postoperator
procedure - procedeu; metodă

Surgeons are also duty-bound to discuss alternative treatments and their associated risks.
The patient will then make a balanced judgement of these and whether proceeding with any given
treatment justifies these risks.
Surgery can be very dangerous. Even with modern techniques and advanced simulator
training, when one pares surgery down it is largely carried out by human beings and with sharp
implements. This takes place at a point when a significant proportion of the body’s natural coping
mechanisms are modified by anesthesia, and the body’s most important defence against infection
(the skin) has been breached. Success is entirely dependent on the skill of the surgeon,
anesthesiologist and theatre practitioners.

to be duty-bound – a avea obligaţia de serviciu

balance (syn.) equilibrium - echilibru, stabilitate
balanced - echilibrat, stabilizat
balancing - cântărire; balans; echilibrare
unbalance - instabilitate, labilitate
unbalanced - instabil, labil
imbalance - dezechilibru, tulburare de echilibru; nepotrivire
to proceed - a acţiona, a urma o procedură; a continua
proceeding - acţiune, procedeu; continuare
trained - educat, instruit
training - instruire, formare; pregătire, antrenament
to pare down – a reduce, a micşora
to carry out – a duce la bun sfârşit, a efectua
implement – articol, obiect; ustensilă
to cope – a se descurca, a face faţă unei situaţii
coping – înfruntare a problemelor
coping mechanism – mecanism de adaptare
breach – breşă, ruptură; separare
to breach – a face o breşă

Before deciding the type of anesthetic that the anesthesiologist will deliver, a number of
variables need to be considered:
- the patient’s preoperative medical / surgical condition;
- the type and length of surgery;
- postoperative considerations.

Preoperative assessment
The aims of the preoperative assessment are to determine whether the patient is fit for
anesthesia, to optimise the patient’s condition before anesthesia and to establish the most suitable
anesthetic technique. Currently, the majority of patients attend for elective operative procedures as
‘day case’ or ‘ambulant surgery’, i.e. the patient is admitted and discharged on the same day. This
changes the way in which the preoperative assessment is undertaken.

anesthesia - anestezie
anesthesiologist - anestezist, medic specialist în anesteziologie
anesthesiology - anesteziologie
anesthetic - anestezic
to deliver - a naşte, a asista o femeie la naştere
delivery - naştere, parturiţie, travaliu; livrare
PRE- prefix cu sensul de înainte, anterior
pre -operative (pre -op) (syn.) presurgical - preoperatoriu
to attend - a îngriji, a avea sub îngrijire; a frecventa, a fi prezent
attendance - îngrijire, servicii; prezenţă; auditoriu
attendant - însoţitor; asistent, ajutor
attended - însoţit; îngrijit
attending - îndrumător, coordonator
attending physician - coordonatorul programului de rezidenţi
admission - admitere, intrare, acces; internare
admission file - fişă de internare
admission to (a) hospital (syn.) hospital admission - internare în spital
to admit (to a hospital) - a interna, a spitaliza
discharge - excreţie; secreţie; descărcare; ieşire din spital
to discharge - a emite; a descărca; a externa din spital
to undertake – a iniţia, a experimenta
Elective surgery patients who have pre-existing or complex medical and/or surgical
problems are usually admitted prior to the day of their operation to determine a care plan that will
take into consideration their coexisting problems. This assessment may utilize a multidisciplinary
approach to patient care.
Preoperative information is, however, often limited for emergency patients due to the
condition in which they present and the urgency that this creates. The emergency patient may be
unconscious, confused or otherwise temporarily incapacitated. Assessment usually follows a trauma
assessment protocol, with resuscitation and immediate treatment of life-threatening injuries being
the priority.

approach - acces, abordare, cale

abdominal approach - abord abdominal (chirurgical)
urgency - urgenţă, situaţie urgentă
urgent - urgent, de urgenţă
unconscious - inconştient; leşinat
unconsciously - inconştient
unconsciousness - pierderea stării de conştienţă, inconştienţă
incapacitant - agent de incapacitare
incapacitating (syn.) disabling - incapacitant, invalidant
incapacitation (syn.) incapacity - incapacitate
trauma (pl. traumata) (syn.) traumatism - traumă, traumatism; leziune
protocol - protocol
clinical protocol (syn.) medical guideline (syn.) therapeutic protocol - protocol clinic,
protocol terapeutic
to resuscitate - a reanima, a resuscita, a readuce la viaţă
resuscitation - reanimare, resuscitare, readucere la viaţă
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - resuscitare cardiorespiratorie
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (syn.) kiss of life - resuscitare gură la gură

Preparation of the environment

Planning and preparation are key to the successful delivery of the anesthetic care. The
theatre and anesthetic room are checked to ensure that the temperature, lighting and humidity are
within safe parameters. Both areas need to be cleaned in line with the hospital policy (based on the
national guidelines), and all disposable items should be checked for their availability and integrity.
The anesthetic machine is one of the most important pieces of equipment that needs to be cleaned,
checked and calibrated. Although it is imperative that the anesthetic machine is checked for
functionality, it is equally important to have a secondary means of delivering oxygen and
ventilating the patient in the event of machine failure during the operation.

parameter - parametru, constantă; indice

physiological parameter - parametru fiziologic
parametrial - relativ la parametru; juxtauterin
parametric - parametric
area (pl. areae) - arie, regiune, câmp, zonă
area of surgery - zonă operată
painful area - regiune dureroasă
policy - politică; metodă
health policy - politică sanitară
guideline - indicaţie; directivă
disposable - de unică folosinţă
disposal - aşezare; eliminare, evacuare
to dispose - a aşeza
to dispose of - a îndepărta, a scăpa de
machine - maşină; aparat, mecanism
anesthetic machine - aparat de anestezie
to calibrate - a calibra, a etalona, a grada
calibrated - calibrat
calibration - calibrare, etalonare, gradare
calibrator - calibrator, dispozitiv de etalonare

The scrub and circulating staff also assess perioperative risk prior to the surgery – for
example, tissue viability is a concern to the perioperative nurse as patients are required to be
immobile for the duration of surgery. Positioning of the patient for surgery is primarily to enable
access to the site of surgery, with the important secondary concern of protecting the pressure areas.
It is therefore highly important that an accurate pressure sore risk assessment takes place prior to
and during the operation. Typically, bony prominences will be supported by pressure-dispersing gel
pads during surgery.

scrub - spălare cu peria; spălarea (toaleta) mâinilor (înainte de operaţie)

scrub staff – personalul implicat în activitatea de anestezie şi operatorie
scrub suit - costum de sală
to scrub - a freca, a spăla, a curăţa
viability - viabilitate
viable - viabil
immobility - imobilitate, nemişcare
immobilization - imobilizare
to immobilize - a imobiliza, a opri
immobile – imobilizat, nemişcat
position - poziţie; prezentaţie; funcţie
positional - poziţional
positioning - poziţionare
site (syn.) situs - loc, situs, poziţie
sore - rană, loc sensibil
sore - dureros, inflamat
prominence (syn.) prominentia (pl. prominentiae) - proeminenţă; protruzie
pad - pad, tampon; burelet
pressure-dispersing gel pads - paduri cu gel pentru o distribuţie mai bună a greutăţii
pacientului în timpul intervenţiilor chirurgicale

The risk of deep vein thrombosis leading to pulmonary embolus is given similar attention.
Immobile patients are susceptible to the formation of blood clots within the lower legs. Treatment
to prevent these forming can be medical (low molecular weight heparins) or mechanical.
Mechanical means usually take the form of compression boots that intermittently inflate to
compress the calf muscles, resulting in a passive pumping action that reduces the likelihood of
venous stasis in that area.

thrombosis (pl. thromboses) - tromboză

arterial thrombosis - tromboză arterială
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - tromboză venoasă profundă
vein thrombosis (syn.) venous thrombosis - tromboză venoasă
thrombotic - trombotic
thrombus (pl. thrombi) (syn.) blood clot - tromb, cheag de sânge
embolus (pl. emboli) - embolus, embol
embolic - embolic
emboliform - emboliform
embolism (syn.) embolia - embolie
heparin (syn.) heparinic acid - heparină
high molecular weight heparin – heparină cu greutate moleculară mare
low molecular weight heparin – heparină cu greutate moleculară mică
compress - compresă
to compress (syn.) to compact - a comprima, a compacta
compressed - comprimat, condensat
compression - compresiune, comprimare, condensare
compression boots – cizme de compresie secvenţială
calf (pl. calves) (syn.) sura - pulpa piciorului; gambă
pump - pompă
to pump - a pompa; a umfla
pumping - pompare, umflare
stasis (pl. stases) - stază
venous stasis (syn.) venostasis (syn.) phlebostasis - stază venoasă, venostază, flebostază

A further risk to the surgical patient is posed by inadvertent hypothermia. An anesthetized

patient cannot effectively compensate for heat loss due to drug interference with their autonomic
nervous system and because of a reduction in muscle tone that prevents heat generation by
shivering. In addition, the patient’s ‘central heating system’, the circulatory system, will have
slowed down (as shown by a decreased heart rate and blood pressure on induction of anesthesia)
and may be cooling down due to the introduction of intravenous fluids at room temperature.

inadvertent – accidental; neglijent

hypothermal (syn.) hypothermic - hipotermal, hipotermic
hypothermia - hipotermie
accidental hypothermia (syn.) inadvertent hypothermia - hipotermie accidentală
compensated - compensat
compensating - de compensaşie
compensation - compensaţie; compensare, echilibrare
compensatory (syn.) compensative - compensator, care compensează
tone - tonus, ton
heart muscle tone - tonus muscular cardiac
muscle tone (syn.) myotony - tonus muscular
shiver - frison, tremurat
to shiver - a frisona, a tremura, a dârdâi
shivering - tremur, fior
to induce - a induce, a provoca, a declanşa
induction - inducţie
inductive - inductiv, de inducţie

A patient receiving regional anesthesia via a spinal or epidural route will have a lesser or
greater degree of vasodilation, a mechanism the body effectively uses for losing heat. Patients may
also be subject to a rapid infusion of fluids in order to manage a sudden drop in blood pressure (a
common side effect of a spinal or epidural anesthetic). Consequently, before patients have even
entered the operating room, they are significantly compromised in terms of maintaining their own
body temperature. Studies indicate that hypothermic patients (<35.5°C) take longer to recover from
anesthesia, experience greater pain and are more susceptible to postoperative wound infection. It is
therefore imperative that the patients’ temperatures are accurately recorded before, during and after

spinal anesthesia - anestezie spinală; absenţa sensibilităţii cauzate de o leziune spinală

epidural anesthesia (syn.) peridural anesthesia (syn.) epidural block - anestezie
epidurală, anestezie peridurală
route - cale, rută, curs
route of administration - cale de administrare
vasodilation - vasodilataţie
vasodilating (syn.) vasodilator (syn.) vasohypotonic - vasodilatator
vasodilator (syn.) vasodilator agent - vasodilatator, agent vasodilatator
to infuse - a infuza; a injecta
infusible - infuzabil, infuzibil
infusion - infuzie; injecţie, injectare
drop - picătură; cădere; scădere; (pl.) picături de medicament
to drop - a picura; a scădea, a diminua

Patient safety
When admitting the patient to the care of the anesthesiologist, it is important to establish
that the correct patient is received, for the correct procedure, and that the consent has been obtained
in an appropriate manner. The anesthesiologist introduces himself to the patient and confirms the
- the patient’s name and how they would like to be addressed;
- that the patient has been sufficiently prepared for anesthesia in terms of fasting;
- surgical site marking;
- that any other information that may impact on the patient’s care is articulated.

safe - sigur, în siguranţă; nevătămat; inofensiv

safely - fără riscuri
safety - siguranţă, securitate
margin of safety - margine de siguranţă, zonă maneabilă, diferenţa dintre doza terapeutică
maximă şi doza terapeutică minimă
drug safety (syn.) pharmacovigilance (PV, PhV) - farmacovigilenţă
fast (syn.) fasting - post
fast day - zi de post
fasting blood sugar (syn.) fasting glycemia (syn.) fasting glucose - glicemie à jeun,
glicemie pe nemâncate, glicemie bazală
fast - ascuţit; solid; iute
to fast - a ţine post, a posti
impact - impact, şoc, ciocnire
impact trauma (syn.) impact injury - traumatism prin impact
to impact - a presa, a înţepeni; a influenţa
impacted - impactat, inclus
impaction - impactare, incluziune
articulate (syn.) articulated - articulat, clar, limpede
to articulate - a articula, a pronunţa; a uni
MG II - limba engleză
Seminar 22 - săptămâna 13-17 aprilie 2020

Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach,
edited by A.M. Brady, C. McCabe, M. McCann,
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2014, pp. 105-123

There are a number of ways in which an anesthetic can be delivered - as general, regional or
local anesthetic. The anesthesiologist will have made plans for how to maintain the patient's airway.
For most surgical procedures, this will be achieved by using either a laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
or an endotracheal tube (ETT).
Once all the equipment has been prepared and checked, the anesthesiologist will start to
preoxygenate the patient. Therefore, if there is a period during which the patient loses
consciousness and stops breathing, there will still be a reserve of circulating oxygen available.
Having preoxygenated the patient, a combination of drugs will be administered. Patients are
rendered unconscious by the administration of an induction agent delivered intravenously or by the
inhalation of an anesthetic vapor (gas induction). Prior to the induction agent being administered,
the anesthesiologist will often give an opiate, usually fentanyl. This is to prevent the normal
sympathetic response to laryngoscopy, i.e. the patient’s response to a painful stimulus.

airway - tract respirator, cale aeriană, cale respiratorie; tub pentru intubaţie
airway constriction - constricţie a căilor aeriene
airway obstruction - obstrucţie a căilor respiratorii
laryngeal mask airway (LMA) - mască laringiană (dispozitiv supraglotic)
endotracheal tube (ETT) - tub endotraheal
to preoxygenate - a preoxigena
preoxygenation - preoxigenare
to render - a restitui, a înapoia; a preda, a da; a face, a cauza
to render unconscious - a adormi (despre medicamente)
induction - inducţie
induction agent - agent de inducţie
induction period - perioadă de inducţie
inductive - inductiv, de inducţie
fentanyl - fentanil, analgezic opioid sintetic utilizat ca anestezic general şi în tratamentul
durerilor cronice şi severe
laryngoscope - laringoscop
laryngoscopic -laringoscopic
laryngoscopy - laringoscopie

Analgesia is required to prevent the patient’s sympathetic nervous system from responding
to the painful stimulus. This is often overcome by administering opioid analgesia on induction.
However, the amount of drug and the speed at which it is metabolized may not be adequate to
prevent a response to the surgical stimuli. The use of intravenous paracetamol is on the increase,
and this is often given in the anesthetic room on induction. An opiate is routinely administered in
the theater, whether this be incremental doses of morphine or a continuous infusion of remifentanil.
Remifentanil is administered by continuous infusion as part of the total intravenous anesthesia
technique, whereby a continuous infusion of propofol is delivered via a syringe pump in tandem
with the remifentanil.
analgesia - analgezie
regional analgesia - analgezie regională
surface analgesia (syn.) topical anesthesia - analgezie de suprafaţă, anestezie topică
analgesic - analgezic
analgesic - analgezic; insensibil la durere
to overcome - a înfrânge (oboseala), a se vindeca ( o boală), a-şi depăşi (o teamă), a trece
increment - increment, creştere
incremental - care creşte, care sporeşte
remifentanil - opioid extrem de puternic, folosit în anestezie, cu degradare rapidă, astfel că
poate fi administrat doar continuu (perfuzie)
pump - pompă
syringe pump - pompă de seringă (pentru controlarea ratei şi volumului de perfuzie)

The anesthesiologist (or patient or surgeon) may decide against the use of a general
anesthetic. There may be a number of reasons for this including:
• the patient’s choice;
• the patient’s medical family history (e.g. a history of malignant hyperpyrexia);
• physiological conditions;
• known problems with a difficult airway.
Alternative techniques include regional anesthesia. This technique will use one of the
• a spinal anesthetic;
• an epidural anesthetic;
• combined epidural and spinal anesthesia.

history - istoric, antecedente

case history (syn.) anamnesis - anamneză
familial history (syn.) family history - antecedente familiale, antecedente heredocolaterale
hyperpyretic (syn.) hyperpyrexial (syn.) hyperthermic - hiperpiretic, hipertermic
hyperpyrexia (syn.) hyperthermia - hiperpirexie, hipertermie
malignant hyperpyrexia - şoc hipertermic; hipertermie malignă

If patients are non-ambulant, this poses significant health and safety risks to both
themselves and the theater personnel. This risk has been reduced over the last decade or so, with the
trend towards
ambulatory (day case) surgery enabling a shift towards more patients receiving treatment on
operating trolleys, thus reducing the need for the staff to employ manual handling techniques. Even
for those patients not requiring a transfer from trolley to table, however, positioning for optimal
access may be required. Most of the risk posed here is to the theater personnel, and predictably this
risk is higher where the risk is unforeseen, for example with the presentation of a morbidly obese
patient. The minimum number of theater personnel required to move or position an adult patient is
four, based on European Manual Handling directives indicating that male staff should move a
maximum load of 25 kg and female staff a 15 kg maximum. Careless positioning of the surgical
patient can cause considerable harm. Even the most basic surgical position – supine – carries risks.
Risks can, however,
be reduced by positioning the patient as far as possible in alignment and by continuous monitoring
at-risk areas.
nonambulatory (syn.) nonambulant - care nu se deplasează (despre pacienţi)
ambulatory (syn.) ambulant - ambulatoriu, ambulant
to pose - a prezenta, a pune în discuţie, a ridica o problemă
shift - schimb, tură; deviaţie
trolley - cărucior
day surgery trolley - masă de operaţie cu roţi destinată intervenţiilor minore
drugs trolley - cărucior pentru medicaţie
handle - mâner, braţ, coadă
to handle - a mânui, a manipula
handling - manevrare, mânuire, manipulare
unforeseen - neprevăzut, neaşteptat
obese (syn.) corpulent - obez, corpolent
obesity (syn.) corpulence (syn.) corpulency - obezitate, corpolenţă
morbid obesity (syn.) clinically severe obesity - obezitate morbidă, obezitate severă
supine - supin, culcat pe spate
to align - a alinia
alignment - aliniere, aliniament
at risk - în pericol iminent, vulnerabil, predispus

The assessment of infection risk takes into account the site of the surgery (e.g. bowel), the
existing bacterial activity and the tissue that will be breached (bone infection, for example, being
very difficult to manage). Contact infection is managed by the creation of a ‘sterile field’. An
additional infection risk may be present via reusable equipment that has been inadequately
disinfected. Examples of this are operating tables, suction units and diathermy machines –
particularly where staff members handle diathermy pedals that are in regular contact with the floor.
Gel pads and operating table supports can also have similar contact with a soiled theater floor and
must be disinfected carefully between patients.
field - câmp, regiune; domeniu de activitate, sector
to disinfect - a dezinfecta, a curăţa; a deparazita
disinfectant - dezinfectant
disinfected - dezinfectat, curăţat; deparazitat
disinfecting - dezinfectant, de dezinfectare
disinfection - dezinfecţie, deparazitare
suction - sucţiune; aspiraţie
suction unit - unitate de aspiraţie chirurgicală
diathermic (syn.) diathermal - diatermic
diathermy (syn.) transthermia - diatermie, transtermie
diathermy machine - aparat de diatermie
soil - sol, pământ; murdărie; îngrăşământ
to soil - a murdări, a păta; a mânji

Where specimens are taken for pathology examination, a risk of misdiagnosis exists. The
biggest risk is error in labelling specimens. This should not occur if labelling takes place in real
time, checking takes place and the specimen is dispatched as soon as documentation has been
The soiled theater floor presents multiple risks that include the spread of infection via
discarded equipment coming into contact with used irrigation, skin preparation and bodily fluids
(usually blood). There is also a slip hazard relating to these items. The management of these risks
involves mopping between cases, but this poses an additional slip risk as it takes place at a time
when the members of the staff are preparing the operating room for the next case.
misdiagnosis (syn.) error in diagnosis (syn.) diagnostic error - eroare de diagnostic
label (syn.) tag - etichetă, inscripţie
to label (syn.) to tag - a eticheta, a aplica etichete; a marca
labeling - marcare, etichetare
to dispatch - a trimite, a expedia
to discard - a elimina, a arunca; a renunţa la
slip - alunecare, deplasare; scăpare
to slip - a aluneca, a glisa; a se desface; a slăbi (despre o persoană sau despre memorie)
slipped - alunecat
hazard - întâmplare, hazard; risc, pericol, primejdie
health hazard (syn.) health risk - risc pentru sănătate, pericol pentru sănătate
occupational hazard - risc profesional
hazardous - riscant, periculos

Role and responsibilities of the scrub nurse

✓ Checks prior to commencement of the operating list:
• Cleanliness of the theater environment
• Temperature and humidity levels, and efficient air-conditioning, taking the appropriate
action if necessary to adjust the levels
✓ Preparation of instrument sets and accessories:
• Swabs
• Needles
• Extra instruments
• Accessories (e.g. sutures and dressings)
✓ Scrubbing-up procedure: wash hands and arms, don sterile gown and gloves
✓ Preparation of instrument trolley and Mayo stand
✓ Passing instruments to the surgeon
✓ Anticipation of the surgeon’s needs
✓ Maintenance of the sterile field
✓ Swab, needle and instrument checks
✓ Handling and passing of instruments
✓ Specimens
✓ Documentation (electronic and hard copy)
✓ Cleaning between surgical procedures and at the end of the operating list

Role and responsibilities of the circulating nurse

✓ Assisting the scrub nurse in the preparation of the instrument sets, accessories, swabs,
needles and instruments
✓ Preparation of sterile surgical gowns and gloves
✓ Tying donned sterile gowns
✓ Opening instrument sets
✓ Passing accessories to the scrub nurse
✓ Maintenance of the sterile field
✓ Swab, needle and instrument checks with the scrub nurse
✓ Anticipation of the scrub nurse’s needs
✓ Safe practice in placing specimens into appropriately sized specimen containers (with the
correct medium)

commencement (syn.) beginning - începere, început

cleanliness - curăţenie; puritate
swab - tampon
sterile swab - tampon steril
suture - sutură; sinfibroză propriu-zisă
to dress - a pansa, a bandaja, a aplica un pansament
to dress a wound - a aplica un pansament pe rană, a bandaja o rană
dressed - îmbrăcat; bandajat, pansat
dressing - pansament, bandaj; pansare, bandajare
to don - a îmbrăca, a pune
gown - halat, rochie, robă
surgical gown - halat chirurgical
stand - suport, stand; poziţie
Mayo stand - masă instrumentar chirurgical Mayo
medium (pl. media) - mediu; mijloc; agent; metodă, procedeu
aqueous medium - mediu apos
contrast medium (syn.) contrast agent - mediu de contrast, agent de contrast
culture medium (syn.) growth medium - mediu de cultură
container - recipient; container, ladă
specimen container - recipient steril pentru prelevarea şi transportul probelor

After checking the operating list, the scrub and circulating nurses ensure that all the
necessary instruments and accessories are available for each surgical procedure. Preparation
following basic principles and good communication between members of the theater staff are the
key to effective clinical practice, safe patient care and a lack of delay in the operating list.
The circulating nurse opens the instrument set using an aseptic technique, and the scrub
nurse opens and prepares the instruments for the surgical procedure. The scrub and circulating
nurses check the swabs, needles and individual instruments for all instrument sets against the
instrument checklist. Any missing or faulty instrument is identified on the checklist. The quantities
of swabs, needles and accessories are noted on a white board to highlight the number of each used
in the surgical procedure and for checking purposes when the wound is opened and before it is
closed to ensure nothing has been left in the wound at the end of the surgical procedure. The
surgeon is told when a correct check has been confirmed.
It is of paramount importance to complete all the documentation accurately at the end of the
surgical procedure. It is the responsibility of the scrub nurse to ensure that the correct information
has been written on the operating list, patient care plan, operation register, specimen container and
histology request form. The same rigor must apply to the documentation held electronically on the
electronic patient system.
accountability - responsabilitate, (tragere la) răspundere
accountable for - răspunzător (pentru, de)
to hold accountable - a trage la răspundere
checklist - listă de verificat, listă de urmat punct cu punct
fault - defect, imperfecţiune; greşeală
faulty - defect, defectuos; greşit
to note - a însemna, a fi atent la, a observa; a nota
wound - plagă, rană
paramount - extrem, suprem
patient care plan - plan de îngrijire a pacientului
operation register - registru de intervenţii chirurgicale protocol operator
rigor - rigor, rigiditate; frison; rigoare
MG II - limba engleză
Seminar 23 - săptămâna 20-24 aprilie 2020

Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach,
edited by A.M. Brady, C. McCabe, M. McCann,
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2014, pp. 105-123

The sterile field

The area around the operating table and the patient covered in sterile surgical drapes is
known as the sterile field. Only members of the scrub staff can enter this area. Maintaining the
sterile field is of paramount importance to prevent exposing the patient to a risk of infection. The
scrub and circulating nurses have to follow their duty of care and acknowledge if they break the
sterile field. For
example, circulating personnel who are not wearing sterile gowns and gloves could accidentally
the sterile drapes and possibly cause contamination.
All members of the surgical scrub staff will undertake a surgical hand-scrub and put on
sterile gloves before they enter the sterile field and before preparation of the surgical instruments
and accessories.

drape - câmp operator, cearşaf chirurgical

to drape - a drapa, a înconjura cu cearşafuri câmpul operator, a pregăti câmpul operator
scrub staff - personalul de sală (personalul implicat în activitatea de anestezie şi operatorie)
contaminant - contaminant
air contaminant (syn.) air pollutant - aerocontaminant, poluant atmosferic
chemical contaminant - contaminant chimic
to contaminate (syn.) to infect - a contamina, a infecta
contaminated (syn.) infected - contaminat, infectat
contaminating - contaminant
contamination - contaminare
airborne contamination - contaminare pe calea aerului
cross contamination - contaminare încrucişată
risk of contamination - risc de contaminare

Surgical sutures
Each type of suture material is coded by a standard colour for easy identification. The
information on the front of each suture identifies the type and length of the suture material, the date
manufacture, the expiry date, the type of needle and its sterility status.
Absorbable Non-absorbable
Natural or synthetic Resists the body’s attempt to dissolve it
Short-term wound support May be removed after the surface incision has healed
Decomposes; degrades as the wound heals Used for suturing fat, muscle and skin
Used on internal tissues
Also for subcutaneous suturing of skin

sutural - sutural
suture - sutură; sinfibroză propriu-zisă
absorbable surgical suture - sutură resorbabilă
nonabsorbable surgical suture - sutură neresorbabilă
absorbable - absorbabil, resorbabil
nonabsorbable - neabsorbabil, neresorbabil
support - suport; sprijin; întreţinere
to decompose - a descompune, a (se) dizolva; a putrezi
to degrade - a (se) degrada, a descompune, a deteriora

Surgical needles
Surgical needles are identified by their shape and size. Surgical needles vary in size, shape
(straight, curved or J-shaped) and type so the doctor can choose the relevant needle and suture for
surgical incision. As an alternative to suturing the skin, surgeons can use skin staples to close the
wound. These are applied using a skin closure unit that works in a similar way to a paper stapler.

needle - ac
biopsy needle - ac de biopsie
needle biopsy (syn.) aspiration biopsy - biopsie cu ac, biopsie prin aspiraţie
blunt point needle - ac cu vârf bont
curved needle - ac curbat
disposable needle - ac de unică folosinţă
eye of the needle - ureche de ac
needle-holder (syn.) needle forceps - port-ac
injection needle - ac pentru injecţie
J-shaped needle - ac în forma literei J, ac tip schior
round point needle - ac cu cap rotund
straight needle - ac drept
suture needle - ac pentru sutură
needleless -fără ac
needle-shaped (syn.) acicular - în formă de ac, acicular, aciform
staple - capsă, bridă
medical staple - agrafă chirurgicală
to staple - a capsa
stapler - capsator
medical stapler - capsator medical

Surgical dressings
The surgical dressing acts as a physical barrier between the wound and any microorganisms
and sources of infection, and also protects the delicate healing tissue. There are many different
dressings, each of which has its own properties.
Passive – a traditional dressing that provides cover over the wound (gauze);
Interactive – a polymeric film that is mostly transparent, permeable to water vapor and oxygen,
and non-permeable to bacteria (hydrogels and foam dressings);
Bioactive – a dressing that delivers substances active in wound healing, such as hydrocolloids and
alginates, and collagens.

dressing - pansament, bandaj; pansare, bandajare

passive dressing - pansament pasiv, cu funcţie doar de protecţie
gauze - tifon
interactive dressing - pansament interactiv, pansament superabsorbant, care creează o
barieră împotriva bacteriilor (cu hidrogel şi cu spumă poliuretanică)
film - peliculă, strat; film; folie
bioactive dressing - pansament bioactiv sub formă de tampoane spongioase liofilizate
sterile, adjuvant în procesele fiziologice de vindecare a plăgilor
hydrocolloid - hidrocoloid
alginate - alginat
Surgical drains
Surgical drains are used by the surgeon to remove fluid (blood or serum) from the surgical
wound. The surgeon secures the drain tubing with surgical sutures. Dressings are placed around the
tubing to help prevent contamination from the wound dressing.

drain - dren
to drain - a drena; a evacua, a vida, a elimina lichidul dintr-o cavitate
to drain an abscess - a drena un abces
drainage - drenaj, drenare; vidare
incision and drainage - incizie şi drenaj
drainage tube - tub de drenaj
draining - drenare, vidare, secare
secure - sigur, în siguranţă; solid, tare, trainic
to secure - a asigura, a garanta; a lega; a prinde
tube - tub; trompă; sondă; structură anatomică cilindrică
tubing - tubaj; tub

Surgical instruments
The surgeon uses surgical instruments to dissect, resect or alter tissues during the surgical
They should only be used for their intended purpose.

Sponge-holding forceps ☛ To hold a swab used in prepping the patient

or swabbing a wound
Scalpel/blade ☛ To make an incision
Tissue forceps – with teeth at the end of the forceps ☛ To hold or grasp soft tissue
Artery forceps – curved or straight ☛ To clamp or dissect arteries or veins, and to
hold small swabs (pledgets)
Dissecting forceps ☛ To hold tissue when the surgeon is suturing
or dissecting it
• Non-toothed (internal tissues)
• Toothed (external tissues – skin or muscle)
Dissecting scissors – curved ☛ To dissect tissue
Scissors – curved or straight ☛ To cut tissue or sutures
Needle holder ☛ To hold and support the suture needle
Retractor ☛ To retract tissue
Towel clip & Tapes ☛ To hold surgical drapes in place
Suction ☛ To remove blood, debris or fluid

to dissect - a diseca, a secţiona, a rezeca; a analiza

dissecting - disecant
dissection - disecare, disecţie; rezecţie; obiect al disecţiei, piesă anatomică
to resect - a rezeca, a face o rezecţie; a exciza
resectable - rezecabil
resection (syn.) excision - rezecţie, excizie, extirpare a unui segment dintr-o structură sau
forceps - forceps, pensă, cleşte
artery forceps - pensă arterială
curved forceps - pensă curbă
cutting forceps - pensă pentru tăiat
dissecting forceps - forceps de disecţie
dressing forceps - pensă pentru pansament
sponge holding forceps - pensă port tampon
tissue forceps - pensă anatomică
scalpel - bisturiu
blade - lamă, lamelă
knife blade - lama bisturiului
clamp - clamp, clampă, clemă, pensă, agrafă
to clamp - a clampa, a lega, a încleşta
pledget - tampon mic, compresă mică
non-toothed - nedinţat
toothed (syn.) serrated (syn.) serrate - dinţat, zimţat, ca de fierăstrău
retractor - depărtător
clip - clamă, agrafă, clemă
debris - debriuri, rămăşite; eschile osoase

Following surgery, all the patients are admitted to a recovery area – the post-anesthesia care
(PACU) – where they will be cared for in the immediate postoperative period. Practitioners
working in the PACU will deliver one-to-one patient care. They will receive a comprehensive
handover from the anesthesiologist that should include:
• the patient’s name;
• the operation or procedure that has been undertaken;
• the type of anesthetic delivered – spinal, epidural or general anesthetic;
• the intraoperative management in terms of airway management, observations (vital signs
recordings), positioning, warming devices, prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis, and the
drugs and fluids administered;
• information relating to immediate postoperative care, for example surgical drains and
wound care;
• post-anesthesia instructions for PACU;
• postoperative instructions for the ward.
While obtaining the handover, the practitioner will be observing the patient’s airway and
recording their vital signs every 5 minutes for 20–30 minutes.

to recover - a se însănătoşi, a se vindeca

to recover consciousness - a-şi recăpăta cunoştinţa
to recover from - a se însănătoşi după/în urma
recovered - restabilit, însănătoşit
recovery - recuperare, vindecare, însănătoşire
full recovery - restabilire completă
recovery period (syn.) recovery time - perioadă de recuperare
post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) (syn.) post-anesthesia recovery (PAR) - cameră de
supraveghere post anestezică (CSPA)
handover - transfer, predare
to manage - a administra, a conduce; a gestiona
management - administraţie, conducere; gestiune
case management - gestionarea cazului
hospital management - conducerea spitalului
pain management - gestionarea durerii

Pain management is often addressed and planned prior to surgery so that pain is managed
proactively rather than reactively once the patient is out of the theater. However, patients do not
always respond to pain in the same way, so pain management regimens are dependent on using
effective communication skills to elicit information on how much pain patients are suffering and
what type of pain it is. It is important to obtain a detailed handover to establish whether the patient
has had an analgesic in theater and if so what type, for example an opiate, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug or paracetamol.
Not all pain experienced in recovery can be attributed to surgery; other factors contributing
pain - headaches, bladder distension, pain from positioning, etc. - may need to be considered. It is
important to assess the nature and cause of any pain, and a number of tools have been devised to
establish the severity of the pain, including visual and verbal pain scales. As with any drugs that are
administered to a patient, there are a number of issues to consider, including what analgesic drugs
are available, the pharmacology of these drugs, their indications and contraindications, and also
their interactions.

to elicit - a reuşi să obţină un răspuns, a provoca (o reacţie); a smulge, a extrage

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) - antiinflamator nesteroidian (AINS)
to distend - a întinde, a (se) dilata; a (se) umfla, a balona
distended - întins, dilatat; umflat, balonat
distension - distensie, întindere; umflare, balonare
abdominal distension - distensie abdominală; balonare abdominală
bladder distension (syn.) full bladder - glob vezical
distent - dilatat; întins
to devise - a inventa, a născoci, a imagina
scale - scală, scară gradată, gradare; solz; crustă
visual analogue scale (VAS) - scala vizuală analogică (SVA)
verbal numeric scale (VNS) - scala numerică verbală (SNV)

Patients who have been administered opioids will need to be closely monitored for a longer
period of time in recovery as opioids can have a number of adverse effects, including respiratory
depression and nausea and vomiting.
Any drugs administered in the recovery area should be documented in the patient's recovery
plan. Details required include the drug administered, the dose of the drug, the route by which it was
delivered and the time at which it was delivered. This record will then be signed by the person who
administered the drug. Specific criteria from PACU are often utilised in recovery and should be met
prior to the patient returning to the ward. These criteria are variable and are adapted for individual
recovery areas, often depending on the types of patient and the surgical procedures undertaken.
They offer guidance on the minimum safe requirements for vital signs, including:
• conscious level;
• oxygen saturation levels and respiratory rate;
• blood pressure;
• heart rate;
• temperature;
• pain and PONV scores;
• urine output in catheterized patients.

nausea - greaţă, senzaţie de vomă

postoperative nausea - greaţă postoperatorie
nauseant - emetizant, care provoacă greaţă
to nauseate - a simţi greaţă, a-i fi greaţă
nauseous - greţos, care provoacă greaţă
to vomit - a vomita, a avea vărsături, a voma, a vărsa
vomiting (syn.) emesis - vomitare, emesis, vărsătură
PONV (postoperative nausea and vomiting) score - scor de greaţă şi vărsături
output - producţie, productivitate, randament; debit, ieşire a unui sistem
Medicină II – limba engleză
Seminarul 24 – săptămâna 27 aprilie – 1 mai 2020


In medicine, a surgeon is a person who performs surgery. Surgery is a broad category of

invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body, whether human or animal, for a
specific reason such as to remove a diseased organ or to repair a tear or breakage. Surgeons may be
physicians, dentists, podiatrists or veterinarians.

surgery –chirurgie; operaţie, intervenţie chirurgicală; cabinet medical

surgical - chirurgical
to perform surgery (syn.) to do surgery (syn.) to operate on - a opera
to undergo surgery - a suferi o operație
to remove (syn.) to excise (syn.) to cut out - a scoate
-ectomy – sufix referitor la excizia unui organ sau a unei părți dintr-un organ
-rrhaphy - sufix referitor la sutură chirurgicală
stones (syn.) calculi (sg. calculus) - pietre, calculi

1. Excision surgery names often start with the name of the organ to be excised and end in –
ectomy (e.g. alveolectomy, radectomy, gangliectomy)
2. Procedures involving cutting into an organ or tissue end in -otomy (e.g. glossotomy,
septotomy, sialoadenotomy)
3. Procedures for the formation of a permanent or semi-permanent opening called a stoma in
the body end in -ostomy (e.g. pancreatostomy, apicostomy, pericardiostomy)
4. Reconstruction, plastic or cosmetic surgery of a body part starts with the name of the body
part to be reconstructed and ends in -oplasty (e.g.alveoloplasty, genioplasty, pharyngoplasty)
5. Reparation of damaged or congenital abnormal structures ends in -rraphy (e.g.
palatorrhaphy, glossorrhaphy, herniorraphy)
6. Surgical fixation ends in – pexy (e.g. gastropexy, pericardiopexy, splenopexy)

alveolectomy - alveolectomie; rezecție a peretelui osos al unei alveole dentare

radectomy (syn.) radicectomy - scoaterea rădăcinii (unui dinte, nerv)
gangliectomy - gangliectomie, scoaterea unui ganglion
glossotomy - glosotomie, incizie la nivelul limbii
glosso- formă combinatorie referitoare la limbă
-otomy - sufix referitor la incizie
septotomy - septotomie
septo- formă combinatorie referitoare la sept
sialoadenotomy – sialoadenotomie, drenajul unui abces al glandelor salivare
sialo- formă combinatorie referitoare la salivă
adeno- formă combinatorie referitoare la glandă
pancreatostomy - pancreatostomie, crearea unei fistule care să permită comunicarea canalului
pancreatic cu exteriorul
pancreato- formă combinatorie referitoare la pancreas
apico- formă combinatorie referitoare la apex, vârf
pericardio- formă combinatorie referitoare la pericard
genioplasty (syn.) chin augmentation - genioplastie, augmentarea bărbiei
mentoplasty (syn.) chin reduction - mentoplastie, reducerea bărbiei
-plasty - sufix referitor la modelare, corectare
pharyngo- formă combinatorie referitoare la faringe
palatorrhaphy - palatorafie, sutură a vălului palatului
glossorrhaphy - glosorafie, sutură a limbii
herniorraphy - herniorafie
gastropexy - gastropexie, fixare chirurgicală a stomacului deplasat
pericardio- formă combinatorie referitoare la pericard
splenopexy - splenopexie, fixarea chirurgicală a splinei

General surgery, despite its name, is a surgical specialty that focuses on abdominal organs, e.g.
intestines including esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile
ducts, and often the thyroid gland (depending on the availability of head and neck surgery
specialists). It also deals with diseases involving the skin, breast, and hernias.

intestine (syn.) bowel - intestine

intestinal – intestinal, referitor la intestine
esophagus (pl. esophagi) (syn.) gullet - esofag, gâtlej
esophageal - esofagian, de esofag, al esofagului
stomach (syn.) gaster - stomac
stomachal (syn.) gastric - stomacal, gastric
liver (syn.) hepar - ficat
hepatic - hepatic
hepatitis (pl. hepatitides) - hepatită
pancreas (pl. pancreata) – pancreas
pancreatic – pancreatic, referitor la pancreas
gall bladder (syn.) cholecyst - vezică biliară, colecist
bile (syn.) gall - bilă, fiere
biliary – biliar
skin (syn.) integument - piele
epidermis (pl. epidermides) - epiderm
epidermal (syn.) epidermic - epidermic
dermis (syn.) corium (pl. coria) - derm, tegument adevărat, corium
dermic (syn.) dermal - dermic, cutanat, dermal
subcutis - fascie subcutanată, hipodermă
subcuticular - subcuticular
glandular - glandular
mammo- formă combinatorie referitoare la sân
masto- formă combinatorie referitoare la sân

Cardiothoracic surgery is the field of medicine involved in the surgical treatment of diseases
affecting organs inside the thorax (the chest), generally the treatment of conditions of the heart
(heart disease) and lungs (lung disease). Cardiac surgery (involving the heart and great vessels) and
thoracic surgery (involving the lungs and any other thoracic organ) are separate surgical specialties,
except in the USA, where they are frequently grouped together, so that a surgeon training in the
cardiothoracic specialty will receive a broader but less specialized experience in both fields.

thorax (syn.) rib cage - cutie toracică

thoracic (syn.) thoracal (syn.) pectoral - toracic, pectoral
lung (syn.) pulmo (pl. pulmones) - plămân, pulmon
pulmonary (syn.) pulmonic (syn.) pneumonic - pulmonar
pneumo- formă combinatorie cu sensul de respirație, plămâni, aer, pneumonie
pneumono- formă combinatorie cu sensul de plămân
pulmono- formă combinatorie cu sensul de plămân
cardio- formă combinatorie cu sensul de inimă
angio- formă combinatorie cu sensul de vas
vaso- formă combinatorie cu sensul de vas

Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine dealing with disorders of the rectum or anus. The field is
also known as proctology, but the term is outdated in the more traditional areas of medicine.
Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery involving the surgery of fetuses, infants, children,
adolescents, and young adults.
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and
function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of
reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.

subspecialty – supraspecializare
to subspecialize - a se supraspecializa
fetus (pl. fetuses) - fetus
fetal - fetal
infant – infant, copil sub vârsta de 1 an
hand surgery - chirurgia mâinii
pedo- formă combinatorie cu sensul de copil
morpho- formă combinatorie cu sensul de formă

Vascular surgery is a specialty of surgery in which diseases of the vascular system, or arteries and
veins, are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures, and surgical
reconstruction. The specialty evolved from general and cardiac surgery. The vascular surgeon is
trained in the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting all parts of the vascular system
except that of the heart and brain. Cardiothoracic surgeons manage surgical diseases of the heart
and its vessels. Neurosurgeons manage surgical disease of the vessels in the brain (e.g. intracranial

artery (syn.) arteria (pl. arteriae) - arteră

arterio- formă combinatorie cu sensul de arteră
vein (syn.) vena (pl. venae) - venă
phlebo- formă combinatorie cu sensul de venă
encephalo- formă combinatorie cu sensul de creier
brain (syn.) encephalon (pl. encephala) - creier, encefal
intracranial - intracranian
extracranial - extracranian
cranium (pl. crania) (syn.) skull - craniu, cutie craniană
skull fracture - fractură de craniu
skull injury - plagă craniană

Transplant surgery is the division of medicine that surgically replaces an organ that is no longer
functioning with an organ from a donor that does function.
Trauma surgery. Trauma surgeons are physicians who have completed a residency training in
general surgery and often fellowship training in trauma or surgical critical care. The trauma surgeon
is responsible for the initial resuscitation and stabilization of the patient, as well as ongoing
evaluation. The attending trauma surgeon also leads the trauma team, which typically includes
nurses, resident physicians, and support staff.

donor - donator
recipient - beneficiar, receptor; destinatar; recipient
residency training (syn.) specialty training - rezidențiat
resident (syn.) specialist-in-training - rezident
fellowship – bursă de cercetare, post ocupat într-o universitate de beneficiarul unei burse de
to nurse - a nutri, a hrăni, a alăpta; a îngriji un bolnav
nurse - asistent medicală; doică
chief nurse - asistentă șefă
nurse’s aide - infirmieră

Breast surgery is a form of surgery performed on the breast. Types include: breast reduction
surgery, augmentation mammoplasty, mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast-conserving surgery, a less
radical cancer surgery than mastectomy and mastopexy.
Surgical oncology is the branch of surgery which focuses on the surgical management of cancer.
The specialty of surgical oncology has evolved in steps similar to medical oncology, which grew
out of hematology, and radiation oncology, which grew out of radiology.
Endocrine surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to achieve a hormonal or anti-
hormonal effect in the body. The commonest operation is thyroidectomy.
Skin surgery. Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases, a
unique specialty with both medical and surgical aspects.

breast reduction surgery – operaţie de reducţie mamară

augmentation mammoplasty – mamoplastie de augmentare
lumpectomy - lumpectomie, excizia unei tumori mamare; tumorectomie, excizia unei tumori
breast conserving surgery – chirurgie conservatoare a sânului
mastopexy (syn.) breast lift surgery – mastopexie, lifting mamar
thyroidectomy - tiroidectomie
medical specialty (syn.) non-surgical specialty – specializare medicală

Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose and throat) is the branch of medicine that specializes in the
diagnosis and treatment of the ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders. The full name of the
specialty is otolaryngology-head and neck surgery.
Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving
the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and non-surgical means to treat
musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital

otorhinolaryngology (syn.) ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialty - otorinolaringologie

otorhinolaryngologist (syn.) ENT specialist - otorinolaringolog
to diagnose (syn.) to make a diagnosis - a diagnostica
injury - leziune, rană, traumatism; ofensă, jignire; lezare
light injury - rană ușoară
to injure - a (se) răni, a leza, a avaria, a dăuna
injured - rănit, lezat, lovit

Neurosurgery is the surgery focused on treating structural diseases and the spinal column, the
central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system amenable to surgical intervention.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the visual
pathways, including the eye, hairs, and areas surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system and
Podiatric surgery is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of
disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg.
Urology is the surgical specialty that focuses on the urinary tracts of males and females, and on the
reproductive system of males. Medical professionals specializing in the field of urology are called
urologists and are trained to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with urological disorders.

spinal column (syn.) vertebral column (syn.) rachis (pl. rachides) (syn.) backbone - rahis,
coloană vertebrală, șira spinării
central nervous system (CNS) - sistem nervos central
peripheral nervous system - sistem nervos periferic
visual pathways - căi vizuale

Gynecology and Obstetrics. Examples of procedures are hysterectomies and abdominal or

laparoscopic myomectomies. Obstetrical procedures include cervical cerclage, amniocentesis,
cesarean section, circumcision, and forceps and vacuum-assisted vaginal deliveries.

hysterectomy - histerectomie, extirparea uterului

myomectomy (syn.) fibromectomy - miomectomie, fibromectomie, excizia unui fibrom
cerclage - cerclaj al colului uterin; metodă de fixare a fragmentelor osoase
amniocentesis - amniocenteză
cesarean section - cezariană, operaţie cezariană
circumcision - circumcizie; tăiere împrejurul unei părţi anatomice
delivery - naştere, parturiţie, travaliu, delivrenţă; livrare, predare
forceps delivery - naştere cu ajutorul forcepsului
vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery (syn.) obstetrical vacuum extraction - naştere vaginală
vacuum asistată, extracţie vacuum
Medicină II – limba engleză
Seminarul 25 – săptămâna 4-8 mai 2020


Oral and maxillofacial surgery is surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and
defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. It
is a recognized international surgical specialty.
The specialty of oral and maxillofacial pathology encompasses identification and management
of diseases in the mouth and surrounding structures.

oral and maxillofacial surgery - chirurgie oro-maxilo-facială, bucomaxilofacială (BMF)

jaw - falcă
upper jaw (syn.) maxilla - maxilar
lower jaw (syn.) mandible – mandibulă

Dentoalveolar surgery deals with the following:

Extraction of teeth
➢ Periodontal disease
➢ Pulp disease
➢ Pathologic lesions surrounding the teeth
➢ Crown and root fractures
➢ Malposition of teeth
➢ Impacted teeth
➢ Supernumerary teeth
➢ Third molar removal
➢ Root canal infections
➢ Reduction of genial tubercles
➢ Vestibuloplasty
➢ Bone grafting

extraction – extracţie
tooth extraction (syn.) extraction of a tooth (syn.) dental extraction - extracţie dentară
lesion - leziune, rană; schimbare patologică
crown (syn.) corona (pl. coronae) - coroană; coroană dentară
crown fracture (syn.) coronal fracture - fractură de coroană dentară, fractură coronară
root (syn.) radix (pl. radices) - rădăcină, radix
root fracture - fractură radiculară
malposed - în malpoziţie
malposition (syn.) dystopia - malpoziţie, distopie
malposition of jaw (syn.) jaw malposition - malpoziţie mandibulară
malposition of teeth (syn.) irregular teeth position - malpoziţie dentară
to impact - a presa, a înţepeni, a împinge în
impacted - impactat, inclus, împins
impaction - impactare, incluziune, retenţie
dental impaction (syn.) dental inclusion - impactare dentară, incluziune dentară
supernumerary (syn.) epactal - supranumerar, epactal
removal - mutare; îndepărtare, extirpare; transfer
GENI(O)- formă combinatorie cu sensul de bărbie
genial - genian, referitor la bărbie, mentonier
tubercle (syn.) tuberculum (pl. tubercula) - tubercul, folicul tuberculos
vestibuloplasty - vestibuloplastie
grafting - grefare, inserţie a unei grefe
bone grafting - transplantare de os

Infections of the oral and maxillofacial region include:

➢ Odontogenic infections
➢ Osteomyelitis of the jaw
➢ Dental fistulae
➢ Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
➢ Periimplantitis
➢ Infection of the maxillary sinus
➢ Oroantral communication and fistula
➢ Suppurative arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
➢ Complications of the maxillofacial infections
➢ Candida infections
➢ Oral and perioral viral infections (primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, herpes labialis,
recurrent herpetic ulceration, chickenpox, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis)

fistula (pl. fistulae, fistulas) - fistulă

dental fistula (syn.) alveolar fistula - fistulă dentară, fistulă alveolară
Vincent's disease (syn.) necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) - boala Vincent, gingivită
periimplantitis - periimplantită
arthritis (pl. arthritides) – artrită
suppurative arthritis (syn.) purulent synovitis - artrită supurativă, sinovită purulentă
gingivostomatitis – gingivostomatită
primary herpetic gingivostomatitis - gingivostomatită herpetică primară
chickenpox (syn.) varicella - varicelă, vărsat de vânt
herpes zoster (syn.) shingles - herpes zoster, zona zoster
kissing disease (syn.) infectious mononucleosis (syn.) glandular fever - “boala sărutului”,
mononucleoză infecţioasă, febră glandulară

Oral pathologic lesions

➢ Odontogenic cysts
➢ Non-odontogenic cysts
➢ Odontogenic tumors
➢ Benign tumors
➢ Leukoplakia
➢ Erythroplakia
➢ Oral lichen planus
➢ Oral cancer
➢ Salivary gland disorders (sialolithiasis)
➢ Salivary gland tumors

cyst - chist; veziculă

non-odontogenic cyst - chist neodontogen
odontogenic cyst - chist odontogen
leukoplakia - leucoplakie
erythroplakia - eritroplakie
sialolithiasis (syn.) ptyalolithiasis - sialolitiază, ptialolitiază, litiază salivară
SIAL(O)- formă combinatorie cu sensul de salivă

Trauma involves traumatic dental injuries, midfacial fractures, mandibular trauma and
soft tissue trauma.

Traumatic dental injuries

➢ Crown fracture
➢ Root fracture
➢ Concussion
➢ Subluxation
➢ Lateral luxation
➢ Extrusive luxation (extrusion)
➢ Intrusive luxation (intrusion)
➢ Avulsion

concussion - contuzie, izbitură; comoție

subluxation - subluxaţie
extrusion - extruzie
intrusion - intruzie
avulsion - avulsie, avulsiune, smulgere

Midfacial fractures are fractures of the hard palate, fractures of the zygomatic bone, fractures
of the orbit, subfrontal fractures and fractures of the frontal bone.

hard palate (syn.) palatum durum - palatul dur

cheek bone (syn.) malar bone (syn.) zygomatic bone - os malar, os zigomatic
frontal bone (syn.) os frontale - os frontal
orbit (syn.) orbital cavity (syn.) eye socket - orbită, cavitate orbitală

Mandibular trauma refers to the complications of mandibular fracture repair (infection,

malunion, non-union, nerve injury). Soft tissue trauma includes abrasion, laceration, hematoma and

malunion (syn.) vicious union - malunire, calus vicios

nonunion - neconsolidare a fracturii
nerve injury (syn.) nerve damage - leziune de nerv
abrasion (syn.) abrasio - abraziune; julitură, zgârietură; şlefuire
laceration - laceraţie, lacerare; sfâşiere, rupere în bucăţi

Dentofacial deformities
➢ Cleft lip and palate
➢ Reconstruction of maxillary defects
➢ Mandibular reconstruction
➢ Tissue engineering and reconstruction
➢ Cosmetic facial surgery
lip (syn.) labium (pl. labia) – buză
cleft lip (syn.) cheiloschisis - despicătură labială, cheiloschizis
palatoschisis (syn.) cleft palate - palatoschizis, despicătură de palat
tissue engineering - inginerie tisulară
reconstruction - reconstrucţie; restaurare chirurgicală
tissue reconstruction - reconstrucție tisulară

Temporo-mandibular joint disorders

➢ Disc derangements
➢ Inflammatory and non-inflammatory disorders
➢ Ankylosis and fracture
➢ Local myalgia
➢ Myospasm
➢ Myositis and tendonitis
➢ Muscle contracture
➢ Muscle neoplasia

derangement - dereglare, disfuncţie; tulburare psihică

disc derangement - deranjament discal
myalgia (syn.) myodynia - mialgie, miodinie
myositis - miozită
tendonitis - tendinită

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