The Notice Board Documentation: Table of Content
The Notice Board Documentation: Table of Content
The Notice Board Documentation: Table of Content
Table of content
How the mod works
How to put a new quest note in the Notice Board
How to create new message in the Messages Notice Board
How to properly put Quest Notice Board and Messages Notice Board in your custom place
The quest notes are put in a special container located in a custom cell manny_up_serviceroom. This
container is activated by using special activators placed around the world. This is to make all the notice
board scattered around the world to share the same container.
The name of the activator is manny_up_NoticeBoardActivator. When the cell where the activator is in, the
activator starts all the quest listed in the formlist manny_up_list_quests.
The messages are put in a container which is usually near to manny_up_NoticeBoardActivator placed in the
world. The name of the container is manny_up_MessagesContainer. When the cell where the container is
in, the container starts a quest called manny_up_messagesquest which spawns three random letters per
time and also a fourth one is added (with 30% chance) which is the "merchant note".
Also there is a new system since v1.3 which allows you to make very detailed messages that can be used in
the specific area when the aliases are not enough. There is another activator near the
manny_up_MessagesContainer container and it's manny_up_xLocalActivator and it's linked to
manny_up_MessagesContainer. This will be fully explained in the next pages.
1. If your quest is "one time" only then you have to create an alias NoticeBoard to the special container in
the cell manny_up_serviceroom which points to a specific reference "manny_up_NoticeBoardContainer".
See the picture below:
Now prepare the alias for your quest note and then use the Create Reference Object to your note IN the
Notice Board alias.
You're done.
2. If you make a pure radiant and repeatable quest then you have to:
make sure to use stage 0 as "start up stage"
use stage 10 to display your first objective.
Create an alias NoticeBoard to the special container in the cell manny_up_serviceroom which points to a
specific reference "manny_up_NoticeBoardContainer". See the picture below:
Now prepare the alias for your quest note and then use the create reference to your note IN the Notice
Board alias. For example, see the picture below:
The name manny_up_ri_note is purely used as example, you should use your quest note instead.
NoticeBoard is the alias where you have already made it (explained above). Then attach the script
manny_up_QuestNoteController to him. This script sets the stage to 10 when the Player read it. Also, it
allows the Player to "refuse" the current radiant quest by just dropping the note without reading it and
then the Player goes away. The radiant quest will respawns in another Notice Board in another hold.
Now a recommendation (this is not mandatory but it makes better experiences for radiant quests): Do not
use any stop() in your custom quest when it finished (or failed). Create two aliases: one for the hold location
where the quests has started (example: choose the hold from the questgiver alias); one is for the Player.
Attach manny_up_EndQuestController script to the Player alias and set the property to the above hold alias.
This script ends (stops) the quest when the below conditions are satisfied:
- The quest is completed or failed (not stopped, you have to use the flag "complete" or "fail" in your stage)
- The Player have leaved the hold where the quest has started.
This is extremely useful to eventually avoid your radiant quest to be always related in the current hold
because the Notice Board it can respawns again the quest when it's stopped.
Note: If you already have scripted a Player alias, just merge my script code into yours.
You're done.
Now, you have to add your quest to the formlist manny_up_list_quests in order to be displayed in the
notice board. Add your quest into formlist manny_up_list_quests via Creation Kit and then ask your users to
use the bashed patch (from the tool Wrye Bash) or create another quest (a controller) which have flag "run-
once" and "Start Game Enabled" which have a start-up stage with a script that adds your quest by using the
function AddForm(). Example:
1. The Messages System is based on a quest which runs everytime a Messages Notice Board is loaded in
the cell where the player is in. The quests spawns three random notes in that container.
First, the quest offers many aliases that you can use for your note. This is the list:
Use any of the above aliases to fill your notes (or simply not if you want). Here an example:
See the last line in the letter? <Alias=PersonA>! If you use that sentence, the quest will adds the name of
PersonA alias. Lastly don't forget to add the script manny_up_in_LetterController. This script doesn't
nothing at the moment. Previously was used to immediately delete the note itself when the Player drops it
and leave the area. So I though that maybe someone wants to collect them.
Now you have to add your message to the leveleditem list manny_up_li_messages in order to make your
note(s) displayed in the notice board. There are two ways to make this:
Add your message into leveleditem list manny_up_li_messages via Creation Kit and then ask your users to
use the bashed patch (from the tool Wrye Bash) or create a quest (a controller) which have flag "run-once"
and "Start Game Enabled" which have a start-up stage with a script that adds your note(s) by using the
function AddForm(). Example:
2. Another Message System is used for messages where the above aliases are insufficient to make complex
and unique stories and for specific location.
Example: let's make good stories for Markarth. Create your own messages for Markarth and then put in a
new leveled list (ie: my_cool_messages_for_Markarth).
Now place an activator manny_up_xLocalMessagesActivator near the Messages Board (not the quest
board!) of Markarth then link it to the Messages Board (Linked Ref).
If you want a quest notice board then put the activator (remember, THE ACTIVATOR)
manny_up_NoticeBoardActivator in a town. Now add the static mesh manny_up_xMarkerHeading in THE
SAME CELL where the activator is in. This manny_up_xMarkerHeading is used to spawn the mercenaries
where they're going to read the notice board.
If you want a Messages Notice Board by using the #1 method then just put the container
manny_up_MessagesContainer where you want.
However in order to make the above container working you MUST have these things set in your custom
If none of the above things are done, the quest won't start.
If you want to add them by using the #2 method then you have to read the above instructions about adding
new custom messages.