CES 25 - 2013, Concrete Sewer Pipes
CES 25 - 2013, Concrete Sewer Pipes
CES 25 - 2013, Concrete Sewer Pipes
Ethiopian Standard
First Edition
Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency
CES 25
This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Concrete
and concrete products (TC 36) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).
ii © ESA
This standard specifies requirements for concrete pipes to be used for underground conveyance of
sewage, industrial wastes and storm water with gravity flow and atmospheric pressure.
Concrete pipes shall be classified as follows:
- Unreinforced normal strength concrete sewer pipes (NCP)
- Reinforced extra-strength concrete sewer pipes (RCP)
The nominal diameter, thickness and length of reinforced and unreinforced concrete pipes shall be as
specified in Tables 1 and 2.
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CES 25
4.1 Diameter
The permissible tolerance on the nominal internal diameters of all classes of pipes shall be as specified
in Table 3.
4.3 Length
The tolerance for the length of pipes shall not exceed +1% of the nominal length.
The materials used in the manufacture of pipes shall comply with the following requirements:
- The c ement shall be Portl and cement c omplying with the requirement of ES C.D5.201 or ES
- The a ggregates shall b e a mi xture of P ortland c ement a nd aggregates together with c lean
water which shall be free from deleterious substances.
- The reinforcements s hall be fr ee fro m loose r ust, o il, grease and any other coating liable to
impair bonding with concrete.
6.1 The aggregates shall be properly graded, proportioned and thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer with
such proportions of cement and water as to produce a homo geneous concrete mixture. The
proportion of Portland cement in the mixture shall not be less than 350 k g/m3 of concrete for
CES 25
unreinforced an d 400 k g/m3 for reinforced concrete pipes. In the process of manufacturing,
concrete pipes shall be fu lly compacted by ta mping, pressure, vibration, centrifugal action or other
effective method.
6.2 Rei nforcements may be butt-welded o r lapped, i n which c ase the minimum lap shall not be less
than 50 times the diameter of the bar. All reinforcement shall be correctly placed to insure
adequate concrete cover during the manufacture of pipes.
6.3 The pipes shall be cured for at least 7 days so that the concrete will develop the specified strength
requirement at 28 days o r les s. Co ncrete pipes may be cured b y co vering w ith w ater saturated
material, by a system of mechanical sprinklers, porous hose or any other suitable method that will
keep the pipes moist.
7.1 General Requirements
Concrete pipes shall be such that the form and dimensions of the finished work are accurate, the
surface and edges are clean and homogeneous.
7.2 Load Bearing Strength
Unreinforced and reinforced c oncrete pipes shall sustain, without collapse, the minimu m bearing
load specified in Tables 1 and 2.
7.3 Hydrostatic Pressure
All classes of concrete pipes shall withstand an internal hydrostatic pressure of 1.0 kgf/cm2 without
sweating or fissure.
7.4 Permeability
Concrete pipes when tested for permeability according to clause 9.5 shall show no moist or damp
spots at the end of the test period. Seventy per cent of the pipes sampled shall pass this test.
7.5 Water Absorption
The water absorption, expressed as a percentage of the dry mass, shall not exceed 15 percent for
all cla sses o f co ncrete pipes. All p ipes of t he sa me class a nd no minal in ternal d iameter sha ll b e
deemed to comply with this requirement if not less than 80 percent of the test pieces pass the test.
Three samples shall be taken at random from a batch of 100 pipes.
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CES 25
9.3.2 Procedure
The test sample and the bearing blocks shall be accurately centered so as to secure symmetrical
distribution of the test load.
The te st loa d shall be applied vertically along th e centre line of the sample throu gh th e upper
bearing block as shown in the Figure below and shall be increased at a continuous rate of about
15 to 50 kgf per second until the minimum be aring load specified either in Table 1 o r 2 is
reached. The test loa d shall be mai ntained on the sample f or no longer t han is necessary t o
observe and record the load and to examine the pipe for cracks.
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9.4.2 Procedure
The s ample, supported in a horiz ontal pos ition in a s urface dry c ondition, s hall be closed by sealing-
ends. It sh all then be filled w ith water and the air expelled. The water pressure shall be brought up to
0.7 kgf/cm in one minute and held at this pressure f or 10 minutes. The surface of the sample under
test shall be examined and any sweating or fissure shall be recorded.
9.5.2 Procedure
A section of the pipe shall be placed, with the spigot end down, on a soft rubber mat, and shall be filled
with w ater to a lev el of th e base of the socket. Appr oximately 15 min utes a fter filling , the initial
inspection shall be made. If moist or damp spots appear on the outer surface of the pipe, the tests shall
be c ontinued f or a period not e xceeding 2 4 h ours. The pipe s hall b e ex amined during th e exte nded
period for the existence of moist or damp spots.
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9.6.3 Procedure
The test piece shall be dried in a v entilated oven, at a temperature of 85 to 95 0C. A test piece shall be
considered d ry if two successive weightings at an interval of 2 hours show loss of mass not greater
then 0.2% of the previously determined mass. The dry test piece shall be placed in a suitable container,
covered with distilled or rain water and boiled for 5 hours. Th en it shall be a llowed to cool for not less
than 16 hours, removed from the container, wiped with damp cloth, and weighed immediately. The
water absorption percent shall be calculated as follows:
M 2 M 1
absorption (%) = 100
M1 is the dry mass of the test piece
M2 is the mass of the saturated test piece after 5 hour immersion in boiling water and cooling
for not less than 16 hours.
Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring o f Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia ( QSAE) w hich was
established in 1998.
More Information?
Contact us at the following address.
The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.