School Life - A Day in My Life - Reading Task
School Life - A Day in My Life - Reading Task
School Life - A Day in My Life - Reading Task
READING Practice your English with Read the messages from two different friends.
Example: Li and Sandy study in the morning. 2.
Example: Sandy watches TV in the evening but Li doesn’t 2.
have time to watch TV.
COMPREHENSION PART 2 You have some questions for Li and Sandy. Using the information from the messages, write L
for the questions that match Li and S for the questions that match Sandy.
LISTENING One of your e-friends is Fred from London and he was interviewed for the school newspaper about his daily
routine. Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.
SPEAKINI It’s your turn to describe a normal day in your life. Make an oral presentation and remember to:
Include information about your routine, free time activities, and likes and dislikes.
Name some of the places you visit during your routine or free time activities.
Use appropriate pronunciation and vocabulary.
Remember to use proper greetings and farewell to start and finish your oral presentation.