Eye Instillation
Eye Instillation
Eye Instillation
1. Sterile gloves.
2. Sterile canon balls soaked in sterile normal saline.
3. Medication.
4. Dry cotton balls.
5. Dry sterile dressing pad and paper tapes.
6. Kidney tray.
Nursing action Rationale
1. Identify patient and assess for: Identifies contraindication for instillation of medication Into
a. Allergy to medication. eyes.
b. Appearance of eye and surrounding structures.
c. Lesions, exudate, erythema or swelling.
d. Location and nature of any discharge.
e. Level of consciousness and willingness to cooperate.
f. Patient's knowledge about medication.
g. Use of contact lens.
2. Check medication order
a. Check physician's order for preparation, strength of Prevents medication error.
medication, number of drops, frequency of instillation of
medication and eye to be treated.
OD-;--Oculus Dexter (right eye).
OS-Oculus Sinister (left eye).
OU-Oculus Uterque (both eyes).
b. Check expiry date and medication label.
3. Prepare patient for treatment Reduces anxiety and ensures cooperation
a. Check patient's identification and name. Reduces errors.
b. Explain procedure.
c. Assist the patient to a comfortable position-sitting or
lying with head slightly hyperextended.
d. Obtain assistance for immobilizing in case of young Prevents accid t • . · n
en a1 lnJury during medication adminlstratio ·
e. Remove contact lenses, if pr
4. Wash hands
5. Clean eyelid and eyelashes
a. Don sterile gloves
b. Use sterile cotton swab im cretlons on eyelid and
and wipe from Inner cant e eye. Cleaning toward
minants entering into
Chapter 8 Medication Administration W1if ■
preparation fo, na
of dr I me, c;tre"glh, cxph y Checkiny nwcl1c:atlon prevents medication error.
ops n Ct!Sl' of liquids
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patient to look up lo the ( L'llh'CJ. G'IVC l I PL~r~on I<, not likely t o blink if looking up and in this position
sterIIeab so, lH•n1couon b,,11 tlw cnr rw.i is prott•ctecl hy upper lid, A cotton ball can be
u:,ccl to wlpr~ off excess olntmr>nt/ drug from eyelashes after
tower conjunt tivJI s.ic by pl.lciny thumb 0 1 Placmn l111qe1 on th1: bony prominence avoids pressure to the
non dominant h,rnd just below th e eyl~ on th e eyt>billl ,ind prevents person from blinking or squinting.
k arch u1d gently d1 nw down the skin on the
If th t sc.ues ire edemntou!. ' har)cJle
' ·' ti'~
,c 1.issues
refull~ t-> tW01d ddm.iging them {F,gu,e 8 _9(n)].
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Infants often clench the lids tightly closed so, place the drops in the nasal corn er, where the lids meet. The medicaaon
pools in this area and when the child opens the lids, the medication flows onto the conjunctiva.