3rd Tunable and Polarization
3rd Tunable and Polarization
3rd Tunable and Polarization
Abstract— In this letter, a tunable and polarization- tunable, by a graded thin film deposition [7] and by using the
independent guided-mode resonance filter that has two- masked ion beam etching method [8]. Adjusting the refractive
dimensional crossed grating on a wedged waveguide layer of index of polymer-dispersed liquid crystal by applying the
Ta2 O5 is fabricated and analysed for the communication band.
The wedged waveguide layer is etched by the ion beam etching voltage [9], [10], changing the filling material in the submicro-
technique with a triangle-shaped mask, and the two-dimensional optofluidic channel [11], and obtaining a gradient grating
grating is made by holographic exposure technique. The mea- periods by E-beam lithography [12] also are the effective
sured spectra show that the filter can realize the property of ways to realize the adjustment of the resonance wavelength.
polarization-independence at normal incidence. By the thickness The tunable GMRF can be used as a dispersive element for
gradient of the wedged layer, the filter is tunable in a range
of 1599.9–1621.5 nm over a distance of 9 mm. wavelength detection system [13].
Index Terms— Polarization independent, guided-mode
The tunable filters mentioned above are usually composed
resonance filter, wedged waveguide layer, two-dimensional of one-dimensional grating, which are sensitive to the polar-
grating. ization of the incident light, leading to the resonance of
TE and TM polarization occurs at different wavelengths
I. I NTRODUCTION respectively. Polarization-independent filters play an impor-
Fig. 4. Simulated reflection spectra for three positions of (a) 1 mm, (b) 5mm,
(c) 10 mm, with the corresponding thickness of waveguide layerof 250 nm,
281.1 nm and 320 nm.
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[13] N. Ganesh, A. Xiang, N. B. Beltran, D. W. Dobbs, and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT B. T. Cunningham, “Compact wavelength detection system incorporat-
ing a guided-mode resonance filter,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 90, no. 8,
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ment and to Dai Bo and Fang Chaolong for useful discussion. [14] M. Shokooh-Saremi and R. Magnusson, “Properties of two-dimensional
Special thanks for the editors and reviewers’ comments and resonant reflectors with zero-contrast gratings,” Opt. Lett., vol. 39,
no. 24, pp. 6958–6961, Dec. 2014.
suggestions. [15] S. Peng and G. M. Morris, “Resonant scattering from two-dimensional
gratings,” J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 993–1005, May 1996.
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