CS619 SRS Helping Material 3
CS619 SRS Helping Material 3
CS619 SRS Helping Material 3
Version 1.0
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Revision History
Date Version Description Author
(08/11/2019) 1.0 Online tailoring service for BS150202517
woman provides the facility to
woman’s to get their dress
material stitched without
stepping out of your house. They
can place order by using this
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Table of Contents
4. Usage Scenarios
5. Adopted Methodology
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SRS Document
Scope of Project:
2. This account will help the customer to keep a track of her size profiles.
3. After login, the customer must choose one category from the given categories
from online application:-
I. Shirt
II. Shirt, duppatta, trouser
III. Shirt and trouser
7. After click on NEXT button the Pickup and deliver address form appear. It
contains name, address and phone number filed. After fill address form the
order placed.
8. The admin handles all the customers’ record who registered in the application.
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Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Admin and Customer both will be able to get login into the system.
2. Customer creates online account to place the order.
3. Admin has no need to get register as he has default id and password and has
all rights of database.
4. Customer account profile keeps a track of her size and personal record.
5. Customer will be able to see all categories with respect to their prices.
6. Customer will be able to provide measurement description and also provide
the pickup and deliver address.
7. Customer has the interface to change the password.
8. Admin handle the customer record of all registered customers.
9. System reliability provides the facility of data backup, if system fails.
10. Admin update the price of each category
1. System as user friendly interface, ease to use and has no need of training if
user know a little bit about computer usage.
2. Via login mechanism unauthorized user can’t access the system and thus
system security increase.
3. System can hand large number of users and workload.
4. Having mean times between of failure and repairing also have reliability due
to backup storage of database.
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Use Case Diagram(s):
Usage Scenarios:
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automatically. submitted
successfully than
error generated.
Post Conditions: New user account created successfully and user can get login.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Use Case Title See Profile
Abbreviated User / Customer can see her profile
Use Case Id 3
Description: This use case is about to give user / Customer rights to see her profile.
Pre Conditions: login is required to see profile.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. User / Customer can see her profile in detail & make
necessary changes if required in profile as per desire.
Post Conditions: User / Customer see her personal detail.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Use Case Title Change Password
Abbreviated User / Customer can change her password.
Use Case Id 5
Description: This use case is about to give user / Customer rights change her profile
Pre Conditions: login is required to change profile password.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. User / Customer get login. 1. If password
2. User / Customer can change password. doesn’t
updated then
error message
2. If old and new
password is
same then
error message
Post Conditions: Go back to the profile page.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Author: F1902C59AD
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Use Case Title Measurement Form
Abbreviated User / Customer fill the measurement form about waste, length
Title etc.
Use Case Id 7
Description: This use case is about to give user / Customer rights to give information
about the chosen category like length, sleeves, waste etc.
Pre Conditions: login & category selection is required.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. User filled measurement in numbers 1. Form filling
2. User click the next button to proceed further. other than
numbers are
not allowed.
2. On click next
button all field
are must be
Post Conditions: Customer will be able to fill the pickup & delivery form.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Use Case Title Admin View Record
Abbreviated Admin view all the registered customers’ record.
Use Case Id 9
Description: This use case provides the facility to admin to see that how many
customers are registered on website.
Pre Conditions: Login is required.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Admin login is required. 1. If admin will
login then
won’t be able
to see the
Post Conditions: Admin will see all the registered customers’ record.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Use Case Title Update Category Price
Abbreviated Admin will have right to change or update the price of each
Title category
Use Case Id 11
Description: This use case about to give rights or authority to admin to change or
update the price of each category.
Pre Conditions: Login is required.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Admin should login. 1. If admin id or
password is not
2. Admin change or update the price of each category.
correct then
2. If price not
update then
Post Conditions: Admin update or change the price of desired category.
Unresolved issues: N/A
Authority: Admin
Modification history: 1.0
Author: F1902C59AD
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Adopted Methodology
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(VU Process model). When current phase or pre-phase is improved
according to the instructions and Supervisor then next phase processed and
refer to waterfall model in VU Process Model. So both models i.e Spiral and
Waterfall are blocked into one or single form and that’s VU process model
which will provide errors and bugs free results as each step is completed in
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Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)
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