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1.1 Introduction

The primary purpose of this chapter is to clearly and precisely define the main area of the

research study and the motivation for such endeavour. This chapter is organised into the

following sections: introduction, background of study, statement of problem, research

questions, research objectives, general aim of study, justification for current research,

theoretical perspective, and contribution of research, research boundaries, also delimitation

of study and summary of chapter. Accordingly, this chapter also attempts to discuss the

justification of research from various aspects such as justification for selecting Malaysia as

the country of research, justification for the selection of manufacturing as a scope of study,

justification for the selection of electronics firms as an industry of interest and justification

for the selection of supply chain as the area of study. Finally, this chapter provides the

outline of the thesis in detail to provide a clear and holistic view of the study.

1.2 Background of Study

In the past, the evolution in the logistics management was driven by the intention and need

to continuously improve the system and to reduce the total cost. Logistics practitioners

realized that the achievement of lowest total cost or cost tradeoffs is impossible if the cost

improvement plan is carried out in each individual part of the logistics process separately.

This phenomenon has made the world appreciate the concept and application of logistics


Subsequently, companies began to realize that it is important to not only focus on the

improvement of an organization itself, but also essential to include other relevant members

of the respective organization, such as the trading partners, suppliers, distributors and

customers in the effort of optimizing logistics costs. Such integration of business partners

and business processes mainly emphasized in nurturing relationship within the terms of

physical and information flows. This has created a challenging business atmosphere to all

logistics practitioners to foster an integrated logistics performance within and across the

members of organization. Henceforth, the concept and practices of supply chain

management has become essential for business performance and operational success.

The phrase “Supply Chain Management” originated in the early 1980s. Oliver and Webber

(1982) discussed the potential benefits of integrating the internal business functions of

purchasing, manufacturing, sales and distribution. A thorough perusal of numerous

descriptions of supply chain management reveals the common themes: effective flow of

resources [information, finance, product, services] from the source of supplier to the

destination of customer, through various distribution channels and manufacturers (Chopra

& Meindl, 2007; Mohanty & Deshmukh, 2008). As such, the concept and practices of

supply chain management remains as an interest of many stakeholders.

The growing interest in SCM can be attributed to rapid changes in the global business

scenario. Across the world, recent years have seen a marked shift towards customization

and globalization. This has resulted in competition among firms reaching new frontiers.

Therefore, in recent years, supply chain management has acquired immense attention from

both academic and industry circles. Academics as well as practitioners are looking at SCM

as a requisite for firms to compete on a variety of dimensions such as cost, quality, delivery

and flexibility (Chan & Qi, 2003b; Croom, Romano, & Giannakis, 2000; Li, Rao, Ragu-

Nathan, & Ragu-Nathan, 2005; Tracey & Tan, 2001).

Moreover, literatures on the current business trends reflecting the demands being placed on

businesses by their customers are increasing. These demands include: reduced prices,

superior product quality, excellent customer service, increased variety and exceptional

value (Chopra & Meindl, 2007). This necessitates multiple companies to perform their

business functions with the goal of satisfying a given customer’s demand. Firms across the

world are meeting the increased competition by offering a high variety of products at the

lowest costs whilst delivering them quickly. This has resulted in the development of supply

chains with the aim of fulfilling their customers’ demands (Mohanty & Deshmukh, 2008).

In the past, firms targeted improved competitive positions by aggressively pursuing

different methods. This includes such as marketing and financial improvements to survive

and to compete. Since competition is no longer between organisations, but among supply

chains, (Li, Ragu-Nathan, Ragu-Nathan, & Rao, 2006) the chain management (SCM) has

become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving

organisational performance (Chan & Qi, 2003b; Moberg, Whipple, Cutler, & Speh, 2004).

The understanding and practising of supply chain management (SCM) has become an

essential prerequisite for staying competitive in the global race and for enhancing

profitability (Childhouse & Towill, 2003; Moberg, Cutler, Gross, & Speh, 2002; Power,

Sohal, & Rahman, 2001; Tan, Lyman, & Wisner, 2002). The practices of SCM are

proposed to be a multi-dimensional concept, including the downstream and upstream sides

of the supply chain (Li, Lin, Wang, & Yan, 2006). As such, this has been the primary

motive of study to identify the right set of supply chain management practices in electronics

industry in Malaysia.

Besides identifying the right supply chain management practices, the set of supply chain

management practices is expected to perform uniformly as a single entity, and

simultaneously its impact on supply chain performance has to be monitored to ensure the

desired productivity and operational cost efficiency are achieved (Brewer & Speh, 2000).

This implies that, business organisations should measure its performance at various aspect

to achieve sustainable competitiveness (Elmuti, 2002). Chan and Qi (2003b) asserted that,

the relationship between supply chain management practices and performance could better

facilitate the inter organisation understanding and integration among partners in the supply

chain. Above all, implementation of supply chain management practices, enhancing supply

chain integration and improving supply chain performance will be a pre-requisite for the

survival of any supply chain.

Neely, (1997) reiterated that limited agreement achieved on how to monitor and how to

assess the performance of a supply chain, despite the fact that most organisations are able to

track costs and measure revenues. It is of critical importance to identify suitable measures

in cases of continual evolution of supply chains, so as to cope with competition and the

changing environment (Jutter & Maklan, 2011). This is another reason that prompted the

researcher to study the relationship between supply chain management practices and

performance of supply chains in the electronics sector in Malaysia. Measures that are

currently available and being used by supply chains found in developed economies need to

be ascertained on their compatibility to supply chains in Malaysia’s electronics

manufacturing industry.

Thus, this study aims towards fulfilling the need to study and understand supply chain

management practices and its impact towards supply chain integration and supply chain

performance of electronics firms in Malaysia. The study also aims to explore the level of

mediation role of supply chain integration towards the relationship between supply chain

management practices and supply chain performance. Furthermore, it is timely that an

empirical study be conducted to establish facts about supply chain management practices in

developing economies. Currently most of the facts about supply chain management

practices are related to what is being performed in developed economies.

1.3 Statement of Problem

Malaysia is considered as one of the fastest growing economies in the South-east Asia and

Asia Pacific region. The country is perceived as having a steady growth based on the strong

fundamentals of agro-economics and natural resources. The real GDP has been growing

consistently over the 4 percent mark in the last few years and is forecasted to obtain 6

percent in the year 2010. Nevertheless, Malaysia’s growth in recent times has been driven

by the manufacturing and service sectors. This steady growth and economic prosperity has

been a significant contribution through skilled manpower, low cost, political stability and

large influx of foreign direct investment [FDI]. As such, Malaysia was seen as a very

attractive investment destination by global MNCs and other players as well. However a

continuous and sustained economic growth in the long run cannot be based on the low cost

advantage alone; given the rapid expansion of the manufacturing sector in China, India and

Vietnam. Thus, the only way Malaysia can capture more FDI primarily in the

manufacturing sector is to be more productive and cost efficient through excellent supply

chain management practices and integration (Dasa & Narasimhan, 2001; Lager & Horte,


Meantime, globalization has driven many corporations, mainly the manufacturing firms, to

widen their resources and capability enhancement from internal environmental practices to

greater heights. Attention is increasingly shifting towards external collaboration and

networking outside the boundaries of the organisation (Kannan & Tan, 2010; Li, Ragu-

Nathan, et al., 2006). This requirement became essential in order to be competitive locally

and across the border (Lambert, Cooper, & Pagh, 1998; Oliver & Webber, 1982). As to

achieve this, organisation needs to have strong supply chain practices and inter-organisation

integration of its elaborate network of business relationships.

Therefore, there is an imminent need for supply chain management practices in all sectors

across each value chain entity. More recently, in Malaysia, the New Economic Model 2010

has necessitated serious attention on the supply chain management practices particularly in

the electronics manufacturing industry (NEAC, 2010). Indeed, under the 10 th Malaysia

Plan, electronic industry is prioritised as National Key Economic Area [NKEA] which is

classified as an important platform for the implementation of Economic Transformational

Programme [ETP] and Entry Point Project [EPP] (MITI, 2010). Both these ETP and EPP

are two main action based programmes under the Government Transformational Plan


In addition, SCM has captured the interest of many practitioners and scholars in recent

years (Bechtel & Jayaram, 1997; K. Burgess, Singh, & Koroglu, 2006). This popularity has

been due to the fact that supply chain management is a vital element for operational success

(Croom, et al., 2000). Supply chain management is an integration of various business

processes such as demand planning and forecasting, procurement, manufacturing and

assembly, distribution and return of effective and efficient management of flow of resources

from point of origin to point of destination, in order to meet customer requirement

(Lummus & Vokurka, 1999a; Mentzer, et al., 2001; New, 1997). Supply chain

management includes the total connectivity between the upstream [supply and

manufacturing] and downstream [distribution] value chain entities in order to achieve

competitiveness (Boddy, Macbeth, & Wagner, 2000; Hong & Jeong, 2006).

As such, the primary role of SCM is to meet customer requirement in terms of providing

one with the right product (Dale, Lascelles, & Lloyd, 1994) of right quality (Brewer &

Speh, 2000; Carmignani, 2009) and quantity (Chan, Humphreys, & Lu, 2001) from the

right source (Carr & Smeltzer, 1999) at the right price (Chin, Tummala, Leung, & Tang,

2004) and finally utilizing the right technology (Basnet, Corner, Wisner, & Tan, 2003;

Boubekri, 2001). However, in spite of the key role of supply chain practices in the SCM

phenomenon, far limited and scant scholarly investigation has been undertaken to present a

theoretical viewpoint, supported by empirical evidence (Basnet, et al., 2003), on how

supply chain practices to yield performance gains at firm level and total supply chain

performance. As such, an understanding of supply chain management and the execution of

its practices emerge to be of much greater importance to a company to obtain a sustainable

competitive advantage in comparison to its competitors (Moberg, et al., 2002; Power, et al.,

2001; Sezen, 2008).

Moreover, SCM also has been distinguished for its strategic role in coordinating business

processes across trading partners and simultaneously to improve both (1) the performance

of an individual organisation (Stevens, 1990) and (2) the performance of the entire supply

chain (Li, et al., 2005; Wong, Tjosvold, Wong, & Liu, 1999). In order to compete, supply

chain management seeks close integration with internal functions within firm and external

linking with suppliers, customers and other channel members. This could be achieved

through effective construction of various supply chain practices (Kim, 2006b). Despite

knowing the essentials of supply chain, there are still some business organisations who are

clueless and do not know precisely what are the sets of supply chain management practices

to be implemented to improve the performance (Li, Ragu-Nathan, et al., 2006). All these

point to the need for studies that are predicated on supply chain management practices and

their models.

Therefore, this research study has discovered a set of new combination of supply chain

management practices component (variables) which combines component of supply chain

management practices proposed by Li et al., (2006) [comprehensive model] and Min and

Mentzer, (2004) [system approach model] shown in Figure 1.1. The model simply suggests

that depth and breadth of these new sets of SCM practices components adopted are a

function of upstream practices, internal supply chain process practices, downstream

practices, information flow across supply chain practices and system approach practices

which are also an area of potential research as recommended by previous research. This

new model is measured by considering supply chain management practices from within the

whole system (upstream, downstream, internal process, across supply chain and system

orientation). Hence, the new model developed in this study could be viewed as a more

comprehensive concept than the narrow view taken in previous research (Alvarado &

Kotzab, 2001; Basnet, et al., 2003; K. Burgess, et al., 2006; Chen & Paulraj, 2004; Donlon,

1996; Min & Mentzer, 2004; Tan, 2001; Tan, Kannan, & Handfield, 1998).

Comprehensive Model System Approach
by Model
Li et al. (2006) by
 Strategic Supplier Min and Mentzer
Partnering (2005)
 Customer
Relationship  Agreed Vision and
Management Goals
 Information Sharing  Risk and Reward
 Information Quality Sharing
 Internal Lean
 Postponement

Proposed Model
Supply Chain Management Practices
[Measured Simultaneously]

 SSP - Strategic Supplier Partnering

 CRM - Customer Relationship Management
 IS - Information Sharing
 IQ - Information Quality
 ILP - Internal Lean Practices
 PSNT - Postponement
 VISN - Agreed Vision and Goals
 RR - Risk and Reward Sharing

Source: Developed for this study

Figure 1.1:
New Combination of
Supply Chain Management Practices Model

This study has also made an attempt to unveil a conceptual framework of analysis to

establish linkages among supply chain management practices, supply chain performance

and the mediating role of supply chain integration. Additionally, it attempts to explore the

supply chain management practices in light of developments in Malaysia involving the

electronics firms and their cumulative impact on the supply chain integration and supply

chain performance. The outcomes of the analysis will reveal whether the comprehensive

set of supply chain management practices (strategic supplier partnering, customer

relationship management, information sharing, information quality, internal lean practices,

postponement, agreed vision & goals and risk & reward sharing) exist among firms in the

electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia. Additionally, the outcome will identify that

if there are such phenomenon what would be their magnitudes.

1.4 Research Questions

The concept and application of supply chain management has been widely researched.

Nevertheless, this area need considerable new research direction owing to the lack of

empirical evidence on the linkages between supply chain management practices (strategic

supplier partnering, customer relationship management, information sharing, information

quality, internal lean practices, postponement, agreed vision and goals and risk and reward

sharing), supply chain integration, and supply chain performance. Hence, to fill the research

gap on how these sets of supply chain management practices affect the overall supply chain

performance in a developing country, Malaysia specifically in the electronic industry. This

study attempts to empirically examine the link between supply chain management practices,

supply chain integration, and supply chain performance in the electronics industry in

Malaysia. Additionally, this empirical exercise is also intended to enhance the

understanding of the conceptual framework established in this study. Therefore, there are

several important research questions which require in-depth explanation were highlighted in

this study. The research questions for this study are;

1.4.1 What are the supply chain management practices contributing to supply chain

performance in the electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia?

1.4.2 What are the supply chain management practices contributing to supply chain

integration in the electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia?

1.4.3 What dimensions of supply chain performance are related to supply chain

integration in the electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia?

1.4.4 How does supply chain integration mediate the relationship between supply chain

management practices and supply chain performance in the electronics

manufacturing industry in Malaysia?

1.5 Research Objectives

The main objectives of this study are motivated by the work of Li, et al., (2005) and Li, et

al., (2006), who addressed the need for a comprehensive supply chain management

practices. As such, this study develops a research agenda for the area, pointing to the need

to show a comprehensive set of supply chain management practices which could affect the

performance of supply chain. Finally, a conceptual model is created to emphasize the need

for determining the relationship between supply chain management practices, supply chain

integration and supply chain perf

This section introduces the purpose of this study through two main objectives. The first

objective is to identify the set of SCM practices affecting the supply chain performance.

The second objective is to attempt to determine the mediating effect of supply chain

integration between supply chain management practices and supply chain performance.

Therefore, several important research objectives that need to be investigated are addressed

in this study. Among them are:

1.5.1 To determine the factors of supply chain management practices that are

contributing to the supply chain performance in the electronics manufacturing

industry in Malaysia.

1.5.2 To determine the factors of supply chain management practices that are

contributing to the supply chain integration in the electronics manufacturing

industry in Malaysia.

1.5.3 To determine the dimensions of supply chain performance that are related to

supply chain integration in the electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia.

1.5.4 To investigate the mediating affect of supply chain integration on the relationship

between supply chain practices and supply chain performance in the electronics

manufacturing industry in Malaysia.

1.6 Justification for Current Research

The research can be justified on four grounds:-

1) Justification for the selection of Malaysia as the county of study

2) Justification for the selection of the manufacturing sector

3) Justification for the selection of the electronics sector

4) Justification for the selection of supply chain as the research area

1.6.1 Justification for the selection of Malaysia, as the country of study

Malaysia is a developing economy which has experienced vast economic evolution. In the

early 1970’s, Malaysia was popularly known as a resource-rich country and began to adopt

industrial evolution to be a manufacturing export structured economy (Malaysia, 2007). As

a result of its early entry into industrialization, compared to neighbouring economies, in

2003, Malaysia achieved the status of one of the most sophisticated export structured

economy among developing countries, well above the level predicted, based on its income.

Subsequently, Malaysia has shown both rising income and increasing manufacturing

sophistication. This is particularly interesting because it is a rare instance of successful

industrialization in a resource-rich country (Best & Rasiah, 2003).

Currently, Malaysia has revealed the possibility of expanding industrial production in a

resource-exporting economy (Malaysia EPU, 2009). Nevertheless, the success of the above

effort depends whether manufacturing industry in Malaysia could be internationally

competitive. This also depends not just on the manufacturing capabilities, which becomes

less competitive as a result of the birth of new emerging economies (like China and

Vietnam). It depends on the availability of sustainable competitive advantages gained from

organisational collaboration through supply chain management. The Malaysian government

has been strongly been engaged in planning, designing and implementing policies that

concern supply chain. The basis of evident of Malaysian government policies that affect

the supply chain can be seen in the New Economic Model (NEM) (NEAC, 2010).

In conclusion based on the above phenomenon, Malaysia, has successfully survived the

transformational economy from resources export dependent to manufacturing export

dependent which is indeed a rare case. As a consequence, Malaysia has proved to increase

income growth and manufacturing sophistication. This is particularly interesting because it

is a rare instance of successful industrialization in a resource-rich country. Owing to the

above uniqueness, Malaysia offers an interesting case for a middle income economy.

1.6.2 Justification for the selection of the manufacturing sector

Manufacturing or production operations are regarded as leading strategic and tactical

functions of any business organisation (Sohal & Ritter, 1995). Apparently, this strategic

function can be further synergized to realize its full potential if it is managed effectively and

efficiently, throughout the total business process. (Kasul & Motwani, 1995). In addition,

recently, the ever changing and demanding customer requirements has forced

manufacturers to adopt new manufacturing capabilities such as flexibility, adaptability,

responsiveness and innovativeness (Sohal, Burcher, & Lee, 1999). Compounding to it,

globalization with borderless competitive structure has required manufacturers to be more

objective in terms of quality, cost, delivery and flexibility (Davies & Kochhar, 2000).

As a consequence, upon reaching independence in 1957, Malaysia formulated a robust

industrial policy with primarily targeting to promote industrial development, particularly

with foreign direct investment (FDI) performing an essential role. Accordingly, foreign

direct investment inflow to manufacturing will be the gateway for Malaysia to obtain new

technology, capital and expertise as well as access to overseas market. Hence, Industrial

Master Plan was executed in the mid-1980, which in principle aims to enhance the process

of achieving a sustainable and competitive growth in the manufacturing base. This means

setting a strong foundation for a diversified approach through industrial strategy shifted

from an inward-looking approach to an outward-looking, export-oriented one. (Abdullah,


The above phenomenon and scenario provide adequate evidence of Malaysia investing

heavy trust on manufacturing sector for the purpose of developing the economy. Hence, the

manufacturing industry in Malaysia has set an example of a developing country that has

successfully harnessed resource exports for export oriented manufactures. Owing to the

above importance of manufacturing sector, this study aims to identify the right practices for

manufacturing firms’ performance enhancement.

1.6.3 Justification for the selection of electronics sector

Malaysian electronics industry is the significant contributor in terms of manufacturing

output, exports volume and employment opportunity in comparison to other resource based

and non-resource based industry (Salleh & Mohammad, 2005). More specifically, in 2006,

the total output of the electrical and electronics industry is approximately RM214.9 billion.

Further, the export of electrical and electronics products was approximately RM282.2

billion or 61.7% of total manufactured exports. This huge volume of production and

international trading of electrical and electronics products has created 397,553 jobs

opportunities, amounting to 36.6% of total employment in the manufacturing sector (Tan,

Eze, & Teo, 2008). Hence, Malaysia’s electronics manufacturing industry has become an

important contributing sector. This has made Malaysia the leading exporter of semi-

conductor, room air-conditioners, telecommunication equipment, computers and computer

peripherals (FMM, 2004). Furthermore, the electronics industries have relatively developed

higher export capabilities due to FDI. Thus, it is postulated that there would emerge some

spillovers to the other industries within the cluster. Indeed, due to the modular nature of

these industries, technological spillovers would have naturally occurred more in these

industries than in other industries (Best, 2007; Best & Rasiah, 2003; Rasiah, 2008, 2009a,

2009b). As such, these factors have motivated the choice of selecting electronics

manufacturing sector as the area of interest in this research study.

The above phenomenon and scenario provided adequate evidence on the importance of

electronics industry to the growth of Malaysian economy. This implies that the electronics

industry has been a role model for other industries in the non-resource based industry and

resource based industry. Therefore, the electronics manufacturing industry in Malaysia has

set an example for other developing countries which have similar economic development

models. It is therefore essential to study the supply chain management practices and

performance of electronic manufacturing industry in Malaysia in order to provide more

insight to the respective other industries in Malaysia and other developing countries.

1.6.4 Justification for the selection of supply chain as the research area

There are numerous research studies (Basnet, et al., 2003; Berry, Towill, & Wadsley, 1994;

Bhutta, Rana, & Asad, 2007; Holt & Ghobadian, 2009; Khan, Bakkappa, Metri, & Sahay,

2009; A. Lockamy & K. McCormack, 2004; Whipple, Voss, & Closs, 2009; Zhou &

Benton, 2007) that generally indicate supply chain management as a sustainable growing

management network of supply chain members which strategically drives improvement to

financial and non-financial (or operational) performance. Recent research studies

(Baharanchi, 2009; Braunscheidel & Suresh, 2009; Erol, et al., 2010; Fantazy, Kumar, &

Kumar, 2009; Perez, Castro, Simons, & Gimenez, 2010; Svensson, 2010; Wei, Sheen, Tai,

& Lee, 2010), have found the focus of supply chain management for most companies has

shifted from cost reduction to the overall business impact and shareholder value.

Considering the above importance of the supply chain management, the Malaysian

government has intensified the responsibility of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers

(FMM) to bring changes to the local industry by enhancing their competitiveness and

aligning their supply chain (Rajagopal, Zailani, & Sulaiman, 2009). Accordingly, FMM

has engaged in the automation of local industry supply chain management (SCM) processes

with the strategic purpose of preparing local industries to compete globally (Yong, 2002).

In line with the above initiatives, the Malaysian government has launched “Tiger Project”

with a total grant valued at RM5 million. The goals of “Tiger Project” is to facilitate

manufacturers primarily in the local electrical and electronics industry to put into operation

the RosettaNet System which is an internet-based common messaging standard for global

SCM (Rajagopal, Zailani, et al., 2009).

Although it is the key role of supply chain management practices in the SCM phenomenon,

limited empirical research studies and investigation has been carried out to justify on, how

supply chain management practices could yield total supply chain performance (Azar,

Kahnali, & Taghavi, 2008; Basnet, et al., 2003). Therefore, new supply chain management

practices models are required for continual improvement of supply chain performance.

1.7 Contribution of Research

Through a systematic approach to the analysis of supply chain practices, supply chain

integration and supply chain performance; the study is purported to contribute to the new

body of knowledge (theoretically and empirically) generally to the existing literature of

supply chain. It is imperative that one understands more about the influence of supply chain

practices towards the supply chain integration and performance of supply chain, especially

in light of the current industrial policies, industrial master plan and government

transformation plan. As such this study also provides practical and managerial contribution

to current practitioners and industrialist. Hence, this study contributes in the following


1.7.1 Theoretical Contribution

This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by examining the relationships

between extended supply chain management practices, supply chain integration and the

performance of supply chain management in the electronics manufacturing industry in

Malaysia. This contribution is derived from the attempt to test the impact of supply chain

management practices on supply chain performance through supply chain integration.

Previous studies (Koh, Demirbag, Bayraktar, Tatoglu, & Zaim, 2007; Li, Ragu-Nathan, et

al., 2006; Li, et al., 2005), have investigated direct link between supply chain practices and

performance. Therefore, by examining whether or not supply chain management practices

have an impact on supply chain performance in the context of electronics manufacturing;

this study will contribute to the resource-based view [RBV] literature (Caridi, Crippa,

Perego, Sianesi, & Tumino, 2010).

In addition, by combining the extended variables of supply chain management practices and

testing them in a single setting, this would allow the study to generate a comprehensive

framework of the relationships between the variables. Further, this study analyses the

relationship between supply chain management practices, supply chain integration and

supply chain performance in the electronics manufacturing industry. Besides, the study

establishes both theoretical and empirical argument not only to justify that this relationship

exists, but also identified the mediating role played by supply chain integration.

In terms of theoretical contribution, this study also extends previous research conducted in

Western countries (Akintoye, McIntosh, & Fitzgerald, 2000; Christopher & Juttner, 2000;

Croom, et al., 2000; Edum-Fotwe, Thorpe, & McCaler, 2001; García-Arca, Prado-Prado, &

Mejías-Sacaluga, 2007) and advances our understanding of the relationship between supply

chain management practices and supply chain performance in a developing and Asian

economy. Past studies on similar supply chain management practices (manufacturing

context) in Asian countries have tended to study countries such as Singapore (Azar, et al.,

2008; Kheng & Al-Hawamdeh, 2002) and Hong Kong (Chin, et al., 2004).

1.7.2 Managerial Contribution

This research will likely aid practitioners and stakeholders of the industry by fostering a

better understanding of the impact of supply chain practices toward its performance. First, it

will reveal empirical evidence that the right supply chain management practices will lead to

better supply chain integration and subsequently enhance supply chain performance.

Secondly, manufacturers and supply chain practitioners may be able to use the contributing

factors of the performance of supply chain management to identify the industrial critical

success factors. As such, these critical success factors will be identified as the key result

area [KRA] to formulate key performance indicator [KPI] to measure the effectiveness and

efficiency of the organisational resources and supply chain in total.

Finally, this study will highlight the role of mediators [supply chain integration] in gaining

adequate benefit from supply chain practices. The research will, therefore, reveal the

importance of each mediating construct that link between supply chain practices and supply

chain performance. The beneficiaries of this study include firms in the industry,

government, entrepreneurs, policy makers, grant-giving agencies and institution.

Also, another practical contribution of this research is that manufacturing firms that would

like to adopt the supply chain management practices or increase their supply chain

performance will able to apply strategies based on this research. Based on this research the

key supply chain management practices are identified ranging from upstream, downstream,

internal and across supply chain which could better the performance of supply chain of the

electronics industry in Malaysia.

1.8 Research Boundaries

The research boundaries give an overview of the length, width and depth-ness of a research

study. These research boundaries for an extent could justify reason for curtain research

procedures. Therefore, this study will declare the research boundaries in view of scope of

study, unit of analysis and finally time frame.

1.8.1 Scope of Research or Study

In terms of scope of research, this study will constitute only supply chain practices within

the manufacturing sector and selected electronics manufacturing firms. The sample

population is within the electronics manufacturing firms in Malaysia.

1.8.2 Unit of Analysis

This research work is focuses on organisational based [unit of analysis] and not individual

basis. This means the area of study of the research paper cover the perception of the

manager who is representing an organisation in the area of supply chain, operations,

logistics and other related areas.

1.8.3 Time Frame

This cross sectioned study involves sample and data collection for the period of 9 months,

starting from the date of November 2009 till July 2010. Cross-sectional studies involve data

collected at a defined time. This cross-sectional study involves special data collection,

including questions about the past, but they often rely on data originally collected for other


1.9 Organisation of Thesis

This study or research report is organized into seven chapters. The summary of each chapter

is presented graphically in figure 1.2 and followed by a description each. Finally, this thesis

is aggregated with seven chapters and figure 1.2 illustrates the overall outline of the thesis

organisation and flow:

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Introduction Literature The Electronics

Review Industry in

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Research Data Analysis Findings
Design and and
and Result Discussion

Chapter 7

Source: Developed for this study

Figure 1.2:
Outline of the Thesis Organisation

Chapter One, presents the introduction to this thesis, giving the background and the scope

of the research conducted, as well as the contribution of the research to the academia and

practitioners. This chapter also provides the research questions, the research objectives, and

the research theoretical underpinning. Lastly, the chapter provides the outline of each

chapter in this study.

Chapter Two, deals with the review of literature. The chapter details most aspects related to

supply chains and supply chain management, and the development of supply chains. The

aspects of supply chain management practices in the general perspective are covered. Also,

the chapter presents discussion on meaning of supply chain integration and supply chain

performance. The chapter further presents the discussion on the study of various constructs

and the framework proposed for this research, as well as the proposed hypotheses.

Chapter Three, discusses the development of electronics sector in Malaysia. The historical

background of the sector is provided with a focus on its evolution, along with description of

the kind of industries, products, and raw materials used. The chapter also looks into various

practices of supply chain management concept, and the importance of supply chain

integration and performance measurement in this sector.

Chapter Four, presents detailed aspect of research design and methodology. All procedures

in the research design (for example, sampling procedure, identification of target population;

sample size, procedures for development of measurement items) are discussed. Furthermore

this chapter also reveals the data collection, data processing and data analysis techniques.

Chapter Five, discloses the detailed analysis of survey data. The chapter presents results

from the survey conducted during fieldwork in Malaysia the respondents’ profiles and tests

for similarities, or differences in responses. Results of the quantitative analysis performed

using multiple regressions are presented, including relevant tests for the data. Furthermore,

this chapter deals with the case study analysis.

Chapter Six, discusses the results of the analysis of data from survey research. Details of the

results obtained from the data analysis are outlined and further supported with relevant

literature of previous study. The chapter revisits the research questions and highlights the

main discussions of the study. The scholarly discussion was linked to main research

findings (results of the survey) by giving answers to the questions posed earlier on in the


Chapter Seven, concludes the research report by pointing out the implications on the

practical and theoretical aspects. This chapter also discusses the limitations encountered in

the course of doing this research. It also presents suggestions on areas for future research in

this subject of study, and provides the concluding remarks on the research. Finally, this

chapter ends with a presentation of recommendations to various stake holders in the area of

supply chain management, in particular the electronics sector in Malaysia and those vested

with the task of promoting this sector in the country.

In summary, this chapter provides a clear and concise understanding of research purpose

and its direction. The success of identifying the gap of the study is underlined

comprehensively through its problem statement. In addition, this study offers contribution

from various perspectives of theory and managerial practices.


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