Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1
Group 04, 1:00 – 7:00 PM Fridays, E610, BSPSY 2 -1, Department of Psychology,
College of Social Sciences and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
To be presented on January 4, 2019 at E610, College of Social Sciences and
Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
a. Reagents
The reagent that they used in the experiment is faucet water from the PUP lab.
They used the water for the experiments: volume measurement and temperature
d. Experimental Procedure
1. Mass Measurement
Using a platform balance, we weigh it separately three pieces
of old one-peso coins. They recorded the mass of each coin and
put all the old one-peso coin on the pan and weighed them and
then recorded the total mass of the three pieces of old one-peso
coins. And by using the same platform balance once again,
weighed separately the three pieces of new one-peso coins and
lastly recorded the mass of each coin then, they put all the new
one-peso coin on the pan and weighed, finally recorded the
total mass of the three pieces of new one-peso coins.
2. Volume Measurement
i. Regular Shaped Solid
Using a metric ruler they measured the length of each of the
edges of a standard sized notebook next, record these values
(length, width and thickness) and lastly calculated the volume
of the irregular shaped solid.
ii. Irregular Shaped Solid
They placed a 40-ml water (initial volume of H₂O) in a
graduated cylinder then immersed the pebble (the irregular
solid) into the graduated cylinder. Then read the rise of the
level of the water, recorded the initial and the final volume and
lastly, calculate the volume of the irregular shaped solid.
3. Distance Measurement
They used a string, encircle the 50-ml, 100-ml and 250-ml
beakers individually to measure the circumference and marked
the overlapped string around each beaker. Next, they measured
the distance between the marks of the string to get the
circumference of each beakers and recorded the values. Then
they measured the diameter of the beakers by putting two
notebooks on the sides of the beaker and then measure the gap
using the metric ruler then recorded the diameters of each
beaker. The experimenters then made a graph of the
circumference of the beakers (y-axis) versus their diameter (x-
axis). They used a ruler, draw a line through the plotted point
and picked the points (P₁ (x₁y₁) and P₂ (x₂y₂) that will be used
to calculate the slope of the line. And lastly determine the slope
of the line.
4. Temperature Measurement
They placed approximately 50-ml of water in a 250-ml beaker
And carefully place the thermometer into the water and
recorded the temperature in ℃, ℉, and K.
Results and Discussions
a. Mass Measurement
At first, the experimenter had a slight problem with our platform balance.
It doesn’t seem to stabilize. After some time, an experimenter mastered the
adjustments of the platform balance to use it in its optimal form. The three
one-peso coin that was made in three different time table (2010, 2014 and
2018) was weighted separately and together with the platform balance.
The results:
One-Peso Coin Results
2010 5.45 g
2014 5.3 g
2018 6.1 g
TOTAL 16.85 g
Table #1: Mass measurement
The Result:
TOTAL 16.8074 g
The result of the experiment was a success. There was only a 0.05
difference between the total result of the platform balance and analytical
b. Volume Measurement
i. Liquid
The results:
Liquid Volume Beaker Graduated Cylinder
50-ml 50-ml 38-ml
250-ml 250-ml 213-ml
Table #2: Volume measurement
The gap between the volumes of the two equipment is quite big, assuming
how significant accuracy is in the field of scientific measurements. According to the
references we’ve searched, the graduated cylinder is more accurate in measuring liquid
substances than beaker. Another factor for consideration that the experimenters observed
was the slightly inclined table used during the measuring procedure.
The Results:
V= 3.5 inches x 2.1 16.8021 cm ³ inches x .9 inches
V= 6.615 inches
0.001 L
L=16.8 c m 3 x =0.168 L
1 c m3
1 gal 4 quarts
0.168 Lx x =2 x 10−8 quarts
3.7854 L 1 gal
iii. Irregular Shaped Solid
The Result:
Initial Volume Final Volume Volume of the Irregular
Shaped Solid
38 ml 41 ml 3 ml
Table #3: Distance measurement
c. Distance Measurement
The results:
Circumference of beakers
50-ml beaker 13.5 centimeters
100-ml beaker 15.4 centimeters
250-ml beaker 22.6 centimeters
Table #3: Distance measurement
Diameter of beakers
50-ml beaker 4.5 centimeters
100-ml beaker 5.5 centimeters
250-ml beaker 7.5 centimeters
Table #3: Distance measurement
Δy y 2− y 1
Δx x 2−x 1
16.4 cm−22.6 cm
5 cm−7.5 cm
0 5 10 15 20 25
1. The distance between carbon atoms in ethylene is 134 picometers. Which of the
following expresses that distance in meters
1 meter
134 x 1 picometers x = 1.34x10−10 meters
2. The average distance from Earth to the Sun is 150 megameters. What is that
distance in meters?
150 mgm x = 1.5x 10−8 meters
1 mgm
3. The mass of a sample is 550 milligrams. Which of the following expresses that
mass in kilograms?
1 gram 1 kg .
550 mg. x x = 0.00055 kilograms
100 mg. 1000 g .
1 centiliters
35 microliters x = 0.0035 centiliters
10,000 microliters
5. In an average year the American chemical industry produces more than 9.5
million metric tons of sodium carbonate. Over half of this is used in the
manufacture of glass while another third is used in the production of detergents
and other chemicals. How many pounds of sodium carbonate are produced
1 pound
9,500,000 metric tons x = 2,092,511,013 lbs.
0.000454 metric tons
1 cm.
15 inches x = 38.07 cm.
7. The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is 240,000 miles. Express
this distance in kilometers
1 km .
240,000 miles x = 38,627,343.43 km.
8. The area of a 15-inch pizza is 176.7¿ .2. Express this are in square centimeters.
21,54 cm.
176.7 ¿ .2 x = 448.818 cm 2
9. The speed need to escape the pull of Earth’s gravity is 11/3 km/s. What is this
speed in mi/h?
10. The density of the mercury, the only metal to exist as a liquid at room
temperature, 13.6 g. /cm3. What is that density in pounds per cubic inch?
Our sincerest gratitude to our dear teacher, Ma’am Lacsa. Thank you ma’am,
we’ve learn a lot of things. Using those lab equipment made as really seem like
professionals in the field of science, with all these lab gowns and glass wares, Oh! what a
sight! Kidding aside, ma’am your guidance and welcoming vibe really helped us to be
open in matters of chemistry that we don’t understand. You’ve always had answers for
any questions we give. Thank you also for the staffs of PUP who handles taking care and
lending those lab equipment and apparatus. Thank you Polytechnic University for the
Lab experience!
PUP Chemistry Laboratory Manual
__________________ _____________________
Shem Andrew Pelayo Gerard Escober Mendoza
__________________________ _________________
Vince Frederick Estrada Dulay Leizl Sayo. Trinidad
______________ __________________
Jericho Martinez Francis Ryan Peralta
December 14, 2018
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