Reviewer For Third Periodic Exam: A C O L P E O Acolpeo
Reviewer For Third Periodic Exam: A C O L P E O Acolpeo
Reviewer For Third Periodic Exam: A C O L P E O Acolpeo
Liturgical Calendar
o A-dvent, C-hristmas, O-dinary Time (Short), L-ent,
P-aschal Triduum, E-aster, O-rdinary Time (Long)
Start of the Liturgical Year
Preparation for the Birth of Christ (the second coming)
Awaiting the Messiah
4 weeks
Symbolized by the Advent Wreath
Color: Violet and Pink (3rd Sunday or Gaudete Sunday)
Feast of Incarnation
“In Carne” – Flesh
Incarnation – enfleshment of Jesus (Mystery of being God to Man)
Birth of the Emmanuele/Messiah
Emmanuele – Means the “God is with us
Starts at December 25 and ends at the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
Color: White
o Ordinary Time (Short)
A season before lent that centers on the life and teachings of Christ
Color: Green
o Lent
Season of Repentance
Centers on Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving
40 Days (commemorates the 40 days of temptation of Jesus by Satan at the
Starts at the Ash Wednesday
Color: Violet and Pink (5th Sunday or Laetare Sunday)
o Paschal Triduum
1 commemoration of the PASCHAL Mystery divided into 3 Days
(TRIDUUM) during the Holy Week.
Paschal Mystery – Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ
3 Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday
o Easter
Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ
Starts at Easter Sunday
Ends at Pentecost
Pentecost – celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit and the Birth
of the Church
Goes for 50 days and the 50th day is Pentecost
Pente – Greek means 50
Color: White
o Ordinary Time
A long ordinary season that centers on the life and teachings of Christ.
Ends at the Solemnity of Christ the King
Also the end of the Liturgical Year
o God’s presence – Sacred
A loving presence – true experience of God, exp of love
Visible and Tangible – Experience of the human senses
Our life here now – experience of God today, while we are alive, and just after we
o Efficient invisible signs of graces.
Sign – visible symbols of invisible realities
(E.g.) In baptism, visible sign is water, invisible reality is thr Holy
Efficient – they make effective the invisible reality they represent.
o Sacraments vs. Sacramentals
Sacraments – Instituted by Jesus Himself and cannot be altered or changed.
(E.g. 7 sacraments)
Sacramentals – Instituted by The Church and can be changed. (E.g.
Blessings, rosary…)
o The Seven Sacraments
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
Intiation rituals. Make us full members of the church.
Easter Vigil – Adult catechumens receive all 3 sacraments.
Sacraments of Healing
Reconciliation – heals our relationship with God and each other
Anointing of the Sick – heals our body, mind and soul
Sacraments of Vocation
Vocation – calling. Where God calls us.
Matrimony – called to share our life with another person
Holy Orders – called to dedicate our life in service to Christ and
community as clergy.
Also called as sacrament of commitment, committing oneself to a way
of life.
Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
Corporal Works of Mercy
Corporal from the Latin “corpus” meaning body.
These are works that mainly concerns with helping our neighbors
in their material and physiological need.
These are: Feed the hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Clothe the
naked, Give shelter to the homeless, visit the sick, visit the
imprisoned and bury the dead.
Spiritual Works of Mercy
These are works that mainly concerns with helping others with
their emotional and spiritual needs.
To instruct the ignorant, To counsel the doubtful, To admonish
sinners, To bear patiently those who wrong us, To forgive
offenses, To console the afflicted, To pray for the living and the
Social Justice
Our commitment to living according to the example of Jesus in all social
situation with the guidance of the 7 principles of Social Justice.
Principle 1: Human Life and Dignity
Every Human life and his/her identity is valuable and treated
Value ones own life and other life. Value the ones unique identity
and value others.
Principle 2: Family, Community and Participation
People have the right and duty to participate in the society, seeking
the common good
Be an active citizen, help those who have difficulty in participating
and include people who are left out.
Principle 3: Rights and Responsibilities
Everyone has a right to life and dignity as everyone has a
responsibility to protect the life and dignity of others.
Treat self well, stand up for others when their dignity is threatened,
support those who defend life and dignity of others.
Principle 4: Option for the poor and vulnerable
Everyone has the right to be safe and healthy. Support those who
cannot care for themselves.
Appreciate own comfort and wealth, donate to the poor and
vulnerable, support those who assist the poor and vulnerable.
Principle 5: Dignity of Work and Right of Workers
Work is aslo a way to participate in God’s continuing creation.
Workers should have fair wages, be allowed to organize union
and possess private property
Appreciate fair work conditions, but things not made in
sweathshops and support those who seek fair working conditions
Principle 6: Solidarity
We are one human family spite of our differences. We should
resolve conflicts in ways that value life and dignity.
Appreciate stories and perspectives of others,contribute to make
society welcome, seek solutions to problems that value life and
Principle 7: Care for God’s Creation
All humans are part of God’s creation and we should respect all
of creation by being good stewards of our planet.
Learn how our choices addect the environment, choose and
promote to reuse, reduce, recycle, and support those who make
our planer cleaner in their effort.