Let Us Learn!: Lesson 1 Use of Nail Care Tools and Equipment

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The key takeaways are the identification and proper use of nail care tools and equipment as well as important hygiene practices.

The main tools used in nail care include cuticle nippers, nail files, orangewood sticks, and nail clippers/cutters. Their purposes are to shape nails, push back cuticles, remove excess polish, and trim nails.

Important terms related to nail care include bevel, sterilization, antiseptic, cuticle, effleurage, and paraffin.


Use of Nail Care Tools and Equipment

Let Us Learn!
At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:
1.1 Identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail care according to task
1.2 Use tools and equipment according to task requirement
1.3 Observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment

Let Us Try!
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet.
1. A tool that is used to push back or loosen the cuticles.
a. Cuticle remover c. Cuticle nail pusher
b. Nail File d. Emery board

2. An implement that is used to shape the free edges of the nail with the coarse side and
bevel the nail with the finer side.
a. Nail Cutter c. Nail Trimmer
b. Nail File d. Nail Buffer

3. The equipment which is used to sanitize or kill bacteria or micro-organisms in metal

a. Hand Spa Machine c. Solvent
b. Buffer d. Sterilizer

4. The implement with pointed and rounded ends to remove excess polish.
a. Orangewood Stick c. Nail Buffer
b. Nail File d. Emery board

5. The electronic gadget which is used to soothe pain of arthritis, muscle spasms and dry
skin of the hands.
a. Sterilizer c. Hand Spa Machine
b. Foot Spa Machine d. Manicure Table

6. It is used to: smooth out ridges on the nails, give nails a healthy shine and remove
any surface stain.
a. Sterilizer c. Nail file
b. Buffer d. Orangewood stick

7. A type of volcanic rock used to remove callouses.

a. Foot spa basin c. Pumice stone
b. Foot spa tray d. Cotton

8. It is a wheeled cart that is pushed by hand and used for transporting manicuring and
pedicuring tools and materials.
a. Trolley c. Manicure tray
b. Supply tray d. Foot file

9. It is an organic compound used as sanitizer in nail salons.

a. Base coat c. Alcohol
b. Top coat d. Cuticle solvent

10. It is a clear polish applied to the nail plate before the application of colored polish.
a. Base coat c. Alcohol
b. Top coat d. Cuticle solvent

Let Us Study

Definition of Terms
Bevel - a term in manicuring and pedicuring that means to shape the edge of something
Dispose of - to throw away

Hygiene - the science concerned with maintaining good health and cleanliness.

Implements - articles or tools used in manicuring that are durable

Infection - a condition caused by a germ or a pathogen

Pathogen - a microbe or microorganism such as a virus, bacterium, prion, or fungus that

causes disease

Sterilization - a term referring to any process that eliminates (removes) or kills all forms of
microbial life

Radiation - a process in which energy is transmitted in the form of waves or particles that
can be used to destroy micro-organisms

Disinfectant - an agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that destroys, neutralizes, or

prevents the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms

Antiseptic - a substance, milder than a disinfectant, that prevents the growth and
development of micro-organisms

Cuticle - the nonliving epidermis that surrounds the edges of the fingernail or toenail

Moisten - make wet or damp

Nail bed - the portion of the skin upon which the nail plate rests

Effleurage - a French word meaning "to skim" or "to touch lightly on", is a series of massage
strokes used in Swedish massage to warm up the muscle

Spa - a beauty care service where curative minerals are present for beautification

Hand Spa - a beauty care service using natural oils, vitamins and minerals, having curative
effect to the body

Paraffin - a waxy white or colorless solid hydrocarbon mixture used to make candles, wax
paper, lubricants, and sealing materials

Foot Spa - a beauty care service offered by salons to relax and moisturize the feet



TOOLS - are the articles used in any nail care service which are durable or
permanent and are hand-held. Tools are also referred to as implements.

The tools commonly used in giving manicure and pedicure are the following:

Callous Remover is a tool designed to strip off

calluses and corns.

Cuticle Nail Pusher is a tool used to push back and

loosen the cuticles.

Cuticle Nipper is an implement used to cut the cuticles.

Cuticle Scissor is an implement to cut stubborn


Finger or Manicure Bowl is a small bowl used for

soaking the fingers to soften the cuticles.

Foot file is made of metal or sandpaper, with a

rough file on one side to remove calluses and a fine
file on the other to smoothen the feet.

Foot Spa Basin is a large rectangular container
used for bathing and soaking the feet when giving a

Manicure Tray is a flat container where all the

necessary tools and implements are placed for
use by the manicurist.

Manicure Nail Brush is a plastic handled brush with

nylon bristles used to clean dirt and cosmetic residue
from the nail surface and skin.

Mixing bowl is a small open-top, rounded cup-like

container used for mixing the aromatic oils and other
fluids for the hand or foot spa.

Nail Buffer is an implement used for smoothening

and polishing the nails.

Nail Cutter / Nail Clipper / Nail Trimmer

is a hand tool made of metal used to trim
fingernails and toenails.

Nail File is an implement used to shape the free
edges of the nail with the coarse side and bevel
the nail with the finer side.

Orangewood Stick is an implement with pointed

and rounded ends to remove excess polish.

Pedicure Nail Brush is a tool used to remove

cosmetics and cleanse nails.

Plastic Container for Cotton is a small receptacle

where cotton balls are put.

Pumice Stone is a type of volcanic rock, which is actually

frothy lava solidified to form a porous rock to remove dry
and annoying skin of the feet as well as calluses.

Supply Tray is a flat container that holds the

necessary cosmetics and implements.

Trolley is a wheeled cart that is pushed by hand and
used for transporting manicuring and pedicuring tools and

MATERIALS are the cosmetics and supplies that are consumed and should be replaced
from time to time. They are also called consumables.

The following are the materials used in giving manicure, pedicure, hand and foot spa:

Alcohol is an organic compound used as sanitizer.

Antiseptic Solution is an agent that reduces or prevents the

multiplication of micro- organisms.

Apron is an outer protective garment that covers primarily the front of the body to protect
clothes from dirt or stains.

Assorted Colored Nail Polish is a lacquer applied on

fingernails and toenails to decorate and/or protect the
nail plate.

Base Coat is a clear layer of polish applied to the nail plate

before the application of colored polish to smoothen surface for
color and promote healthier nails.

Benzalconium Chloride is a yellow-white powder prepared in an

aqueous solution used as surface disinfectant and topical antiseptic.

Bleaching Soap is a soap formulated to whiten the skin.

Cling Wrap is a thin plastic film used for
sealing the paraffin during a hand spa.

Cotton is a soft white downy fiber for dubbing

or cleaning the nails and removing nail polish.

Cuticle Oil is a mixture of fats and waxes containing lanolin and

petroleum base to soften and lubricate the skin around the nails.

Cuticle Remover is a liquid used to soften nail cuticles and

prepare them to be cut.

Disinfectant is an agent, such as heat, radiation,
or a chemical, that destroys, neutralizes, or
prevents the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms.

Emery board is a wooden, sand paper-like stick with a fine

texture on one side and a coarse texture on the other side
used to gently grind down the edges of the nails.

First Aid Kit is a collection of supplies for use in giving first


Foot Blush is a liquid spray that contains peppermint and alpha

hydroxyl acids derived from fruits that whisks away dead skin cells,
deodorizes and soften the feet, giving it a pinkish glow after use.

Foot Soak is an herbal blend to relax, energize, soothe and deodorize the feet.

Foot Scrub is a mixture of natural ingredients to keep feet soft,

smooth and moisturized.

Garbage bins/bags are plastic disposable bags or trash

receptacles used to contain rubbish to keep the place clean.

Hand Towel is an absorbent cloth for drying the hands.

Lotion is any of various cosmetic preparations that are applied to

soften the skin.

Manicure pillow is a hand cushion that helps a client to

keep her hands steady and relaxed.

Nail Hardener is a liquid applied to the nails to form
a protective barrier to prevent chipping, peeling and splitting of nails.

Nail Polish Remover (Acetone) is an organic solvent used to

dissolve old polish on nails.

Quick Dry is a liquid applied to colored nail polish to dry faster.

Solvent is a substance used to thin out the nail polish when it has

Toe Nail Separator is a soft material where toes are

inserted to keep them apart to prevent a freshly painted
toenail from staining another toe.

Top Coat is a clear nail polish applied to the nails
after the colored polish to protect it from scratches and chips, it
makes nails harder and keep them looking shiny.

Towel is an absorbent cloth for drying the

hands and feet.

Wet Sanitizer is a substance or preparation for

killing germs.

EQUIPMENT are the items which are more or less durable and permanent needed for a
particular activity or purpose.

These are the equipment and furniture or fixtures that are used in a salon:

Chairs are seats with back support which have four legs
and some have rests for the arms.

Foot Spa Machine is an electronic gadget used for
soaking, bathing and massaging the feet during a foot spa.

Foot Spa Stool is a simple seat with three or four legs designed to
provide comfort and elevation during a foot spa.

Hand Spa Machine is an electronic gadget used to

soothe pain of arthritis, muscle spasms and dry cracked
skin of the hands.

Manicurist’s Chair or Stool is the adjustable upholstered seat

fitted over a metal or chrome.

Manicure Table is a furniture especially

for giving manicure. Usually it has a
laminated plastic surface and a drawer for
storing materials. It is often fitted with ball
casters for easy mobility.

Sterilizer is an equipment in a salon used for sterilizing metal
implements to kill micro-organisms.

Timer is a device that can be preset to start or stop something at a

given time.

PPE (Personal Protective

Personal Protective Equipment are the garments designed to protect the wearer’s body from
injury or chemicals or for job-related occupational safety and health purposes.

Glove is a garment covering for the whole hand.

Smock gown is a loose cloak or robe worn to protect the


Mask is a protective face covering for hygienic purposes
and to prevent the face from chemical exposure.

Headband is a band of absorbent material worn on or

around the head across the forehead to keep the sweat
and the hair off the face.

How Much Have You Learned?

Activity 1.1
Read the questions carefully. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do we call the tool that is used to push back or loosen the cuticles?

2. What implement is used to shape the free edges of the nail with the coarse side and bevel
the nail with the finer side?

3. What hand tool is made of metal and is used to trim fingernails and toenails?

4.How do we call the implement used for smoothening and polishing the nails?

5. How is a wooden, sand paper-like stick with a fine texture on one side and a coarse
texture on the other side used to gently grind down the edges of the nails called?

Let Us Practice
Activity 1.2
Classify the following Nail Care Tools and Equipment. Write the letter of your
answer. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.
A. Tools B. Materials C. Equipment

_______1. Cuticle Scissor _________6. Foot spa stools

_______2. Foot Spa basin _________7. Towel

_______3. Rubbing alcohol _________8. Manicurists chair

_______4. Cuticle oil _________9. First aid kit

_______5. Emery board _________10. Foot Scrub

Let Us Practice More
Activity 1.3
Identify the name of the tools or equipment that described below. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.
1. It is the garment covering the whole hand.
2. It is a device that can be preset to start or stop something at a given time.
3. It is a substance or preparation for killing germs.
4. It is a liquid used to soften nail cuticles and prepare them to be cut.
5. It is an absorbent cloth for drying the hands.

Let Us Remember
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. How does knowing about the different nail care tools help you in
your daily life?
2. Why is it important to take care of our nails?

Let Us Assess
Activity 1.4
Read the questions carefully. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How do we call the implement with pointed and rounded ends to remove excess polish?

2. What electronic gadget is used for soaking, bathing and massaging the feet during a foot

3. What do we call the equipment in a salon that is used for sterilizing metal implements to
kill micro-organisms?

4. How do we call the simple seat with three or four legs designed to provide comfort and
elevation during a foot spa?

5. What electronic gadget is used to soothe pain of arthritis, muscle spasms and dry cracked
skin of the hands?

Let Us Enhance
Make a video on how to demonstrate the proper use of nail care tools. Email your
video at debbie.castillon@deped.gov.ph

Materials Tools
Cuticle Remover Nail File
Hand Towel Orangewood Stick
First Aid Kit Cuticle Nail Pusher
Antiseptic Solutions Nail Cutter


1. Demonstrate the proper use of the following tools:

a. Cuticle Nail Pusher
b. Nail File
c. Orangewood Stick
d. Nail Cutter

Criteria Weight
Demonstrated the proper way of using all nail care tools and equipment 15ts
Demonstrated the proper way of using most of the nail care tools and 10pts
Demonstrate the proper way of using some of the nail care tools and 5pts
Failed to demonstrate the proper way of using nail care tools and equipment 1pts

Rating Scale:
15 - Very Good
10 -Good
5 - Fair
1 –Needs Improvement

Let Us Reflect
Try to improve your skill by cleaning your own nails using the different nail
care tools.

Answer key to Activities

Pretest Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2

Activity 1.3 Activity 1.4
1.Cuticle nail 1. A 1.Glove 1.Orangewo
1. C pusher 2. A 2.Timer od stick
2. B 2.nail file 3. B 3.Wet 2.Foot spa
3. D 3. nail 4. B Sanitizers machine
4. A cutter/nail
5. B 4.Cuticle 3.Sterilizer
5. C clipper/nail
6. C Remover 4.Foot spa
6. B 7. B 5. Towel stool
4.nail buffer
7. C 5.emery board 8. C 5. Hand Spa
8. A 9. B Machine
9. C 10. B


Kibbe, Constance V. Standard Textbook of Cosmetology. Milady Publishing Corp: 1984

Moore, Oakley and Franco. The World of Cosmetology. McGraw-Hill Book Company: 1980

Nordmann, Lorraine, et. al. Beauty Therapy – The Foundation. Thomson Learning: 2001

Kibbe, Constance V. Standard Textbook of Cosmetology. Milady Publishing Corp: 1984

Moore, Oakley and Franco. The World of Cosmetology. McGraw-Hill Book Company: 1980


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