This Study Resource Was: Hubspot Case Analysis
This Study Resource Was: Hubspot Case Analysis
This Study Resource Was: Hubspot Case Analysis
HubSpot was founded to disrupt traditional marketing practices thru’ use of Technology.
strategy tutorials packaged through new Web2.0 Channels – blog, video, social
(Twitter/Facebook), live streams, and podcasts. The focus of the company is to become
the market leader of the inbound marketing space in combination with software and
consulting firms. This blend would allow businesses to attract prospective customers
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through web content, qualify their potential, and convert them into paying customers.
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Overall, HubSpot would help create and manage a customer funnel. The company’s goal
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is to dominate the beginning two stages of said customer funnel, which include lead
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generation, plus the analysis and qualification stages.
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• Unique Product
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HubSpot Case Analysis
Go for both Marketer and Owner segments w/ focus on B2B and CMS
• CLV Analysis for various segments (Owner Ollies and Marketer Marys, B2B and
B2C) was completed with key assumptions. Gross margin of 80% was assumed
based on the industry performance. Salesforce has approx. 81% gross margin
(Source: WikiPedia).
• Marketer Marys segment is clearly high CLV segment w/ $8.0k CLV vs Owner
Ollies w/ $4.2k CLV. This is mainly due to lower churn on this type of customers.
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However, Owners’ segment has larger customer base and hence higher TAM of
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$6.68B vs $4.76B for Marketers’ segment.
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Customer Price / Gross
Segment Mo Margin
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• Since the cost of acquiring an Owner Ollie is 1/5th of that of a Marketer Mary,
HubSpot could afford to charge a lesser monthly fee to Owner Ollies ($250 per
month as compared to $500 per month charged to Marketer Mary). Also, since
Owner Ollies as consumers were more in number than Marketer Marys, the
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HubSpot Case Analysis
reduction in the monthly price charges was made up for by economies of scale.
Therefore, HubSpot has identified its customer segments and serves it according
• The customers using the CMS have an overall churn of just 2.1%. Given the size
of the company as well as their sophistication in Web 2.0, Ollies are 6.5x more
likely to use the CMS than Marys (13% for Ollies vs 2% for Marys). Usage of the
CMS also drives an additional $500 sign-up fee which would offset the CAC by half.
Ollies with CMS have a 2.1% churn have CLV of $9.0k for the $250/Mo price – an
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increase of 117% just by selling through the CMS.
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• The B2B customers had meager experience with Web 2.0 technology and required
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the consultancy services that HubSpot provided along with the effective
provided complex products that made it necessary for their consumers to have a
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thorough understanding of their product before investing in it. This made HubSpot
Based on the analysis HubSpot should continue with both the segment with focus
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HubSpot Case Analysis
• For HubSpot, B2B customers account for 68% of total customers while B2C account
for 32%. Coupled with the low churn rate for the B2B customers of ~2.1% to
~5.5% of churn for B2C customers, Hubspot should focus its feature set
12 months) in order to stop the higher churn of Ollies after a few months and the
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SEO improvements have kicked in. While this would stem the early churn, it would
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have a negative impact for Owner Ollies. Small businesses are very budget
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conscious and forcing them to lock into a 12-month contract, especially for a new
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tool in a category (Web 2.0 marketing) they may have never used before is not
advised. But pushing for annual contracts for Marketer Marys makes perfect sense.
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§ If the customers don’t want to use CMS increase the price to $325 p
month. This is only intended to make customers stick to hosting the site
with HubSpot.
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HubSpot Case Analysis
on monthly contract. This will improve the retention even further thus
attract and retain customers.
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HubSpot should adopt new Product and Pricing Strategy to focus more B2B
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Customers and increase retention thru’ CMS and enhanced Analytics.
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Stay true to Core Value: Inbound Marketing only
uses Outbound Marketing, how will it justify selling Inbound Marketing solutions
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to its clients? It becomes a marketing paradox which may prove harmful to the
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marketing. In this case the cost per lead generated is much more than Inbound
• One key issue that hampers current marketing strategy of Hubspot is that since
they pull customers to them, it becomes very difficult to determine the correct
strategy to implement before they know what segment of customers are finally
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HubSpot Case Analysis
getting attracted towards them. It creates a Catch-22 situation where knowing the
strategy should be implemented on and the latter cannot be determined until the
former is implemented.
• In this, Outbound marketing has a huge advantage over Inbound marketing since,
strategies are formulated and implemented after deciding the target audience. This
kind of marketing also tends to attract a larger and more diverse set of customers.
Hubspot current marketing strategies filters out customers who have a greater
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potential to buy and narrows their focus to target them. This eliminates almost
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50% of the customers from the top of the customer funnel.
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Hubspot is not being stubborn in using Inbound Marketing. Rather, it is an
HubSpot has potential to become the next SaleForce for Marketing and dominate the lead-
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generation and analysis / qualification stages of the customer funnel. They’ll need to focus
on developing a long-term vision and make sure execution is the key to achieve that.
• To retain and engage Owner Ollies, HubSpot must create professional and easy to
use CMS content templates, website grader, and social grader tools.
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HubSpot Case Analysis
• Revisit the customer journeys for both Owners and Marketers segments and
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