Activity For Lesson 3 Common Dance Terms
Activity For Lesson 3 Common Dance Terms
Activity For Lesson 3 Common Dance Terms
1. “Abrasete” – girl at the right side, holds R arm of partner with her L hand, free
hands down at the sides. This term is so Spanish origin and is used in
Rigodon and other dances.
2. Arms in Lateral Position – both arms are at one side, either sideward right or left.
This may be done at shoulder, chest, or waist level.
3. Bilao – to turn palms of hands up and down alternately, hands at waist level in front
elbows close to waist.
4. Brush – weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot (the
free foot) after which that foot is lifted from the floor to any direction.
5. “Cabeceras” – when dancers are in square formation, the couples occupying the
width of the hall are called “cabeceras” or head couples. This is of Spanish origin.
6. Clockwise – like the motion of the hands of the clock. R shoulder is toward the
center of an imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the left.
7. Counterclockwise – the reverse direction of clockwise. L shoulder is toward the
center of an imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the
8. “Costados” – when dancers are in square formation, the couples occupying the
length of the hall are called “costados” or side pairs. This is of Spanish origin.
9. Cut – to displace quickly one foot with the other, thus completely taking off the
weight of the body from the displaced foot.
10. Do-si-do (“Dos-A-Dos”) – the vis-à-vis (opposite) both advance forward, pass each
other’s right (or left) side, step across t the right (or left), move backward without
turning around pass each other’s left (or right) side to other places. This is of
foreign origin and is used in many Philippine dances.
11. Free Foot – the foot not bearing the weight of the body.
12. Free Hand – the hand not placed anywhere or not doing anything.
13. “Hapay” – to flourish or offer a handkerchief, hat or glass of wine to somebody as
a sign of invitation.
14. “Hayon-Hayon” – to place one forearm in front and the other at the back of the
waist. This is a Visayan term.
15. Inside Foot – the foot nearest one partner, when partners stand side by side.
16. Inside Hand – the hand’s nearest one partner, when partners stand side by side
17. “Jaleo” – partners turn once around clockwise (with R elbows almost touching) or
counterclockwise (with L elbows almost touching) using walking or any kind
of dance step.
18. “Kumintang” – moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction. This is an Ilocano term.
19. “Masiwak” – to turn the hand from the wrist halfway clockwise, then raise and lower
20. Outside Foot – the foot away from one’s partner, when partners stand by side.
21. Outside Hand – the hand away from one’s partner, when partners stand side by
22. Pivot – to turn with the ball, heel or whole foot on a fixed place or point.
23. Polka – Spanish-introduced dance from Germany.
24. Rigodon – Spanish rigodon, a walk dance usually performed for opening important
social gatherings featuring the who’s who in town.
25. “Salok” – to swing the arm downward-upward passing in front of the body as if
scooping, the trunk is bent forward following the movement of the arm doing the
“salok”. This is a Tagalog term.
26. “Saludo” – partners bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, or to the
neighbors with feet together. This term of Spanish origin and is used in almost all
Philippine dances.
27. “Saroc” – cross the R (or L) foot in front of the L (or R), bend the body slightly
forward and cross the hands (forearm) down in front with the R (or L) hand
(forearm) over the L (or R). This is a Visayan term.
28. Stamp – to bring down the feet forcibly and noisily on the floor (like doing a heavy
step) with or without transfer of weight.
29. Supporting Foot – the foot that bears the weight of the body.
30. Valse – waltz, earlist Spanish-introduced step.
✓ Perform 10 common dance term.
✓ The duration of the video will be minimum of 1 minute and maximum of 2 minutes.
✓ Please be guided according to the rubrics.
✓ Wear proper attire, jogging pants, white-shirt and rubber shoes.
✓ The activity output submission details will be depending or updated by your
Movements is
Technical performed with
Skills great attention Although
Movement is Only some
Proper to quality of remembers
performed with understanding
execution of movement, some of the
attention to of technical
movements. body position, dance, little
most details of elements (ie.
Maintains footwork and attention is
technique. Footwork,
alignment and quality of paid to how
Movements quality of
uses full movement is movements
are mostly big movements and
extension of present are done or
and clear. body positions)
arms, legs and throughout the other details.
body. demonstration.
Show a basic
Shows a Attempts to
Generally understanding
complete keep a rhythm
Rhythm & accurate in of tempo and
understanding but gets off
Timing beat, tempo beat but
of tempo and beat.
Ability to stay ang rhythm. sometimes falls
beat and stays Speeds up or
in time with the Occasionally behind and or
on rhythm fall behind the
music falls of the speeds up in
throughout the music
beat. places.
dance. regularly.
Dancer’s focus
is sometimes at
Dancer’s focus Dancer’s focus focus is never
Focus a high level but
is always a high is mostly at or seldom at a
Energy/ eyes wander.
level with high level with high level.
Attitude Dancer’s
steady eyes, steady eyes, Dancer shows
Energy/ sometimes
high energy and high energy low energy
Attitude show high
presence and presence. and little
energy and