ASTM International Standards Committee On Homeland Security Applications Response Robots (E54.09)
ASTM International Standards Committee On Homeland Security Applications Response Robots (E54.09)
ASTM International Standards Committee On Homeland Security Applications Response Robots (E54.09)
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 1
Table of Contents
Summary of Meeting and Test Method Validation Exercise ..........................................................3
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 10
Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 23
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Summary of Meeting and Test Method Validation Exercise
Remotely operated robots, including ground, aerial, and aquatic systems, enable emergency
responders to perform extremely hazardous tasks from safer stand-off distances. Standard test
methods help robot manufacturers and users objectively evaluate system capabilities to align with
mission requirements. This improves the safety and effectiveness of emergency responders as
they attempt to save lives and protect property in our communities.
This standards committee meeting and test method validation exercise included 50 test methods
under development to evaluate response robot capabilities for ground, aerial, and aquatic
systems. It was hosted at the Virginia Beach Fire Department Training Facility, home to FEMA’s
Virginia Task Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Team. It was organized by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology’s Intelligent Systems Division with sponsorship from
the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate, Capability
Development Support Group, Office of Standards.
Figure 1: Hundreds of robots have been tested by the committee, ranging in size from small
throwable systems up to 400kg (900lbs) systems. A) The robots demonstrate different
combinations of capabilities and varying reliability across suites of standard test methods. B)
Quantitative comparisons of robot capabilities help compare robots and align them with mission
requirements. For example, the bar chart shows different robot capabilities in a defined class as
compared by their rates of traversal within increasingly complex standard terrain tests. C) These
test methods are always conducted with operators at a remote standoff distance to ensure all
situational awareness is transmitted through the operator interface.
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 3
Roughly 100 people participated each day from Canada, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea, UAE,
UK, USA with many from the local/regional responder communities. More than 30 robots
participated in the exercise, provided by manufacturers, emergency responders, and military
organizations. Each was used by its owner to evaluate their robotic capabilities and operator
proficiencies within the test methods. This is how we validate, standardize, and disseminate the
test methods. Test administrators from collaborating facilities around the world practiced
conducting test trials and helped devise new tests to address emerging requirements.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
set up a new Robotics Standards Committee for their Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) system.
They gathered for the first time at this meeting and exercise. They are tasked with selecting
suites of standard test methods to evaluate ground, aerial, and aquatic systems to purchase for
US&R Task Force equipment caches nationwide. The Virginia Beach Fire Department Training
Facility has several US&R training scenarios that were embedded with standard test methods to
enable quantitative evaluation of robots even within the uncontrolled and very difficult
environmental variables. US&R teams are particularly interested in our aerial test methods for
systems that can conduct wide area surveys of disaster sites. They also want to use the suites of
60cm (24in) wide ground robot test methods to evaluate confined space capabilities to search for
and rescue people from compromised and collapsed structures, tunnels, etc. They are interested
in our aquatic test methods for systems that can inspect the structural integrity of bridges after
large scale disasters, identify underwater hazards in harbors, perform river rescues, etc..
Regional bomb squad technicians participated with their own ground robots to demonstrate new
approaches toward using standard test methods to focus training and measure proficiency for
countering improvised explosive devices (C-IED) and other applications. These test methods
have been validated across the country at several events enabling user communities to measure
and compare operator proficiencies.
Local Navy base attendees affiliated with underwater explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) teams
were shown how underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) can be evaluated side-by-side in
an 18,000 water tank full of draft standard test methods. Also, how to use the standard test
methods to support training with standard measures of operator proficiency. Several commercial
manufacturers operated their ROV systems in the test methods to demonstrate the test methods
and validate the apparatuses, procedures, and performance metrics.
An indoor netted aviary full of aerial test methods was used to evaluate small unmanned aircraft
systems (sUAS). The aerial systems (a.k.a. “drones”) were provided and operated by
manufacturers and responder organizations. Together, they are validating and using our
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 4
standard test methods to safely and effectively incorporate aerial systems into their emergency
response operations.
Dozens of civilian and military bomb squad technicians in the region participated with their own
ground robots to validate new approaches toward standardized robot operator training for
countering improvised explosive devices (C-IED). This suite of 120cm (48in) wide ground robot
test methods have been used across the country at several such events. The test methods have
been replicated in dozens of responder training facilities across the country enabling them to
measure and compare their proficiency against “expert” operators provided by the manufacturers,
or regional/national averages. These test methods will help identify deficiencies in equipment and
training across the country.
Figure 2: Ground test methods in two scales included 120cm (48in) scale in the foreground and
60cm (24in) scale in the background.
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Figure 3: The 60cm (24in) scale tests for A) Crossover Aggregates and B) Crossing Ramp
Figure 4: Dexterity test methods included Inspect, Touch, Rotate, and Extract tasks in low and
high positions. Testing typically occurs flat floor, inclined surfaces, and crossing ramp terrains to
provide increasing orientation complexity for the robot. The objective is to compensate for
maneuvering challenges with coordinated control of the manipulator dexterity.
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Underwater System Testing and Training
Underwater explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) teams from the local Navy base collaborated
with manufacturers demonstrating the newest available remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in an
18,000 gallon water tank with more than a dozen test methods. The repeatable tasks are
conducted in five different fixed orientations, floating on the surface, and on the tank bottom. The
clear water and resulting videos of the tasks being performed provided key insights into
the capabilities of the systems. Especially slow-motion videos of instantaneous actions. Multiple
submerged pumps surrounding the test apparatuses provide constant turbulence while
performing the tasks, encouraging automatic holding of position and orientation to improve
performance. A blackout tarp over the top of the tank provides darkened conditions. Beyond the
obvious training benefits, these test methods help measure important upgrades implemented by
manufacturers and check the readiness of systems after repairs.
Figure 5: The underwater test methods were performed in a rented frac tank.
Figure 6: Some of the underwater test, such as Inspect, Grab, Cut, Hook, and Aim Disruptors, are
conducted in five different fixed orientations and using floating apparatuse.
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Figure 7: The clear water provides an important baseline test environment to analyze the
system capabilities. A) Four submerged water pumps on both sides of each apparatus inject
turbulence into the work volume of the test so auto station-keeping capabilities really
improve task performance. B) Disruptor aiming against an operationally significant target
object should be conducted after a statistically significant set of repetition in the test
apparatus. In this case, the slow motion video captures key details about effective standoff
Indoor and outdoor netted aviaries contained more than a dozen test methods to evaluate small
unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS). These systems were provided and operated by
manufacturers and responder organizations leading the effort to safely and effectively incorporate
these emerging technologies into their fire departments and emergency response operations.
These test methods quantify essential safety features and airworthiness while providing
useful practice tasks that measure proficiency for responders or hobbyists prior to flying in the
national airspace. A wall of fans provides turbulence for the aerial systems, encouraging
automatic holding of position and orientation to improve performance of tasks.
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Figure 8: Aerial test methods in indoor and outdoor netted aviaries. Indoor we use the fan wall to
inject turbulence at each test method (auto station keeping is a must). The outdoor aviary was
near the rubble pile to embed thermal targets.
Figure 9: The outdoor airspace is closed due to proximity to a nearby Navy airfield, so an outdoor
aviary was placed within the training rubble pile. This allowed GPS enabled testing and
identification of embedded targets in the nearby rubble.
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The NIST team that fabricated and set up the exercise apparatuses included: Adam Jacoff, Ann
Virts, Kamel Saidi, Hui-Min Huang, Anthony Downs, Kenny Kimble, Rick Candell, Murat Aksu,
and Donny Boyd.
Key visitors:
Media Pointers:
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 10
• ASTM's President tours our meeting and Exercise:
• Channel 13 news:
Many of the local Virginia Beach fire fighters brought their kids to expose them to the latest
emerging technologies. The smallest 30cm (12in) wide ground robot test methods were their
main focus. They learned about rapidly manufactured robot kits they could build on their own
using 3D printers and laser cut parts to create truly disposable robots for the most hazardous
tasks. Many of the kids managed to get time operating the larger commercial systems within
the standard test methods as well, which was safe for kids and robots. There must have been
many “sick” days called in to local schools, but it appeared well worth it for the parents to inspire
their young engineers of the future.
In summary, this standards committee meeting and associated test method validation exercise
provided a comprehensive overview of 50 test methods for ground, aerial, and aquatic systems.
Each working group pushed their test methods a step closer to ballot with communities of robot
manufacturers, emergency responders, and test administrators all leaning in to help. Everybody
learned how to use standard test methods to inform robot purchases, measure the state-of-the-
science in competitions, focus training events with measures of operator proficiency, and set up
new collaborating test facilities around the world. More information is available on our
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Committee Introductions
• Call to order with reminder that electronic recording of ASTM meetings is prohibited, and
that it will be run in accordance with the ASTM Antitrust Statement (see Appendix).
• Introduction of attendees around the room and online.
• Approval of previous meeting minutes (motion and second required).
• Approval of proposed meeting agenda with schedule of task group discussions and test
method validation exercise in the Appendix (motion and second required).
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USA Central Region
27. Afghanistan: U.S. Dept. of State Anti-Terrorism Assistance Training Facility, Kabul,
Afghanistan (2015)
28. Australia: Western Australia Bomb Response Teams and Curtin University, Perth,
Australia (2015)
29. Germany: Bundeswehr (BAAINBw), Koblenz, Germany (2012)
30. Japan: Japan International Rescue Systems Institute, Kobe/Sendai, Japan (2011)
31. Japan: Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Naraha/Fukushima, Japan (2016)
32. Korea: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Seoul, South Korea (2016)
33. Poland: Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements Warsaw, Poland
34. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Oxfordshire, UK (2016)
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Membership Update
You are not automatically a member of the new Response Robots (E54.09) sub-committee
if you are/were a member of the Operational Equipment (E54.08) sub-committee. So please go
online and either shift or add your affiliation to our new sub-committee prior to the January 30th
meeting. We cannot even call the committee into order unless we have a quorum of members
signed up, and at least 10% of them on site. You do not need to give up your position on any
other sub-committee if your interests remain.
Below is a recent listing of E54.08 Operational Equipment membership. Many of these folks will
likely shift to the Response Robots committee. At this meeting, we need to ensure the balance of
voting members remains equal between manufacturers, users, test administrators, etc.
Producer User Consumer Unclassified Total
Voting Member 12 7 0 17 2 38
Non Official
Voting Member 0 1 0 5 6 12
TOTAL 12 8 0 22 8 50
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• Norfolk/Virginia Beach Bomb Squads and Navy Training Sites
The list of active standards intended to transfer from E54.08 Operational Equipment to E54.09
Response Robots:
ü E2566-08 Standard Test Method for Determining Visual Acuity and Field of View of On-
Board Video Systems for Teleoperation of Robots for Urban Search and Rescue
Status: Overdue See WK42363 (Technical Contact: Hui-Min Huang) Ballot E54 (16-05)
Item 001; Status: Draft In Balloting
Note: Standard needs to be issued to main committee ballot no later than 1 November of
this year and approved by 31 December or it will be withdrawn.
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ü E2803-11 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot
Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes
Status: Ballot Action Required
ü E2830-11 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Mobility Capabilities of Emergency
Response Robots Using Towing Tasks: Grasped Sleds
Status: Ballot Action Required
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ü E2855-12 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot
Capabilities: Radio Communication: Non-Line-of-Sight Range
Status: Review for Ballot
Main/Concurrent Items
E54 (16-05) ITEM 001 WK42363 REVISION of E2566Test Method for Determining Visual
Acuity and Field of View of On-Board Video Systems for Teleoperation of Robots for
Urban Search and Rescue Applications
Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min
Ballot close date: 12-05-16
Approved: 01/01/2017 *** Item Approved *** 70 Affirmatives 0 Neg 100 Abs
Subcommittee Items
ITEM 002 WK33260 NEW STANDARD Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot
Situational Awareness: Navigate Labyrinths/Mazes
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Beals, Donna M
Fluck, Robert R
Walker, Edward
Subcommittee Items
2. E2802-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Obstacles: Hurdles
Status: Overdue
3. E2803-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes
Status: Overdue
4. E2804-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Obstacles: Stairs/Landings
Status: Overdue
5. E2826-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Terrains: Continuous Pitch/Roll Ramps
Status: Overdue
6. E2827-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Terrains: Crossing Pitch/Roll Ramps
Status: Overdue
7. E2828-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Terrains: Symmetric Stepfields
Status: Overdue
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8. E2829-2011 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Maneuvering Tasks: Sustained Speed
Status: Overdue
9. E2830-2011 Test Method for Evaluating the Mobility Capabilities of Emergency Response
Robots Using Towing Tasks: Grasped Sleds
Status: Overdue
10. E2853-2012 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Human-
System Interaction (HSI): Search Tasks: Random Mazes with Complex Terrain
Status: Ballot Action Required
11. E2854-2012 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Radio
Communication: Line-of-Sight Range
Status: Ballot Action Required
12. E2855-2012 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Radio
Communication: Non-Line-of-Sight Range
Status: Ballot Action Required
14. WK33261 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Sensing: Point and Zoom
Cameras (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
15. WK35213 New Standard Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility:
Confined Area Terrains: Gravel (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
16. WK35214 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area
Terrains: Sand (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
17. WK41553 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Space
Terrains: Vertical Insertion/Retrieval Stack with Drops (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
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18. WK42364 New Standard Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Sensors:
Video: Dynamic Range (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
19. WK44323 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Grasp, Lift,
and Place: Surrounding Area (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
20. WK49478 New Standard Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Sensors:
Video: Latency (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
21. WK49479 New Standard Evaluating, Purchasing, and Training with Response Robots Using
DHS-NIST-ASTM International Standard Test Methods (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
22. WK53649 New Standard Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities:
Maneuvering: Align Edges (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
23. WK54271 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Inspect
(Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
24. WK54272 New Standard Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities:
Manipulation: Touch or Aim (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
25. WK54273 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Rotate
(Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
26. WK54274 New Standard Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities:
Manipulation: Extract (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
27. WK54276 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Maneuvering: Grasp
Load, Stow, and Traverse (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
28. WK54278 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Cut Strap
(Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
29. WK54283 New Standard for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Place
Object (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
30. WK54287 New Standard for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Inspect
Underbody (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 20
31. WK54289 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Inspect
Interior of Constrained Space (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
32. WK54290 New Standard for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Manipulation: Break
Panel (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
33. WK54291 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Maneuvering: Angled
Curbs (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
34. WK54402 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area
Obstacles: Pitch/Roll Rails (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
35. WK54403 New Standard for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined
Area Terrains: Mud (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
36. WK54755 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Sensing: Video: Match
Colors (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
37. WK55025 New Standard Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Energy/Power: Endurance
(Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
38. WK55681 New Standard Response Robot Capabilities: Logistics: Identifying and Reporting
the Configuration of a Response Robot System (Technical Contact: Huang, Hui-Min)
Administrative Deadlines
Future Meetings
Event Name: June 2017 Committee Week
Dates: Monday, June 12th 2017 - Wednesday, June 14th 2017
Location: Sheraton Centre Toronto; Toronto, ON CA
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 21
Event Name: January 2018 Committee Week
Dates: Monday, January 22nd 2018 - Wednesday, January 24th 2018
Location: Sheraton New Orleans; New Orleans, LA US
Adjourn Meeting
Motion and second required.
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 22
Appendix 1: Antitrust Statement
ASTM International is a not-for-profit organization and developer of voluntary consensus
standards. ASTM's leadership in international standards development is driven by the
contributions of its members: more than 30,000 technical experts and business professionals
representing 135 countries.
It is ASTM's policy, and the policy of each of its committees and subcommittees, to conduct all
business and activity in full compliance with international, federal and state antitrust and
competition laws. The ASTM Board of Directors has adopted an antitrust policy which is found in
Section 19 of ASTM Regulations Governing Technical Committees. All members need to be
aware of and compliant with this policy. The Regulations are accessible on the ASTM website
( and copies of the antitrust policy are available at the
registration desk.
1200 Lunch served on site, robots continue testing so everybody can watch.
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 23
• Introductions around the room
• Collaborating test facilities worldwide, their particular use cases, and other standard test
method initiatives and adoption stories
• Robot purchases recently specified within our suite of standard test methods
• Response Robot Capabilities Compendium (v2015-16) overview and filtering interface,
bar charts, etc.
• Robot competitions using our standard test methods as challenge tasks to guide
innovation and measure progress in emerging capabilities and autonomy.
• Responder and military training events using our standard test methods to focus training
and measure operator proficiency.
1800 Done.
Robots continue operating in dozens of chosen standard test methods attempting to establish
statistically significant performance for responders to consider.
1200 Lunch served on site, robots continue testing so everybody can watch.
• Mobility
• Dexterity
1800 Done.
ASTM International Standards Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Response Robots (E54.09) Page 24
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Robots continue operating in dozens of chosen standard test methods attempting to establish
statistically significant performance for responders to consider.
• 0900 VIP TOUR of test methods and embedded scenarios with the new President of
ASTM International and other key people from around the world.
1200 Lunch served on site, robots continue testing so everybody can watch.
1800 Done.
Robots continue operating in standard test methods. Systems demonstrated to be reliable in the
test methods can be selected by responders to perform mock deployments into the scenarios.
1200 Lunch served on site, robots continue testing so everybody can watch.
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• Floating: Inspect, Grasp; Hook
• Bottom: Grasp-Relocate-Place
• Oriented: Inspect; Grasp; Hook; Aim Disruptors
1800 Done.
Robots continue operating in standard test methods. Systems demonstrated to be reliable in the
test methods can be selected by responders to perform mock deployments into the scenarios.
1200 Lunch served on site, robots continue testing so everybody can watch.
1600 Done.
(Travel in the evening or celebrate with us and travel the next day!)
Note: *Veggie options will be available for lunches hosted at the test facility.
Dress Code
This event will consist of equal parts meetings and test method evaluations with robots. Some
additional mock deployments into US&R training scenarios will also be conducted later in the
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Responders please wear your insignias so people can know where you're coming from
throughout the US.
Some personal protective equipment (PPE) will be required to take part in the robot testing at the
Virginia Beach Fire Training Center. Minimal PPE consists of the following:
• Long pants
• Long sleeve shirt
• Closed toe shoes
For those deploying robots into training scenarios, additional PPE will be required along with
warmer outdoor clothing .
Driving Directions:
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