Drill Process Monitoring in Percussive Drilling (PDFDrive)

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Drill Process Monitoring

in Percussive Drilling

Division of Mining Equipment Engineering



Hakan Schun12esson
Division of Mining Equip77Zent Engi,neering
Lule&. University of TechnoZogy, Lulea, Sweden


1990 -03- 2 4

Results presented in this thesis are all based on drilling data obtained from
LKAB Kiirunavaara mine, Kiruna, Sweden. Contribution by drilling operators
are therefore greatly acknowledged. I wish to express my thanks to Lars
Hermansson and Ulf Enback, LKAB, for moral support and for providing all
necessary help during the project completion, and also to LKAB mining
company and all other personnel at LKAB/Kiruna that have contributed to this

I wish to express my thanks to my supervisor Prof. Sven Granholm of Luleå

University of Technology (LuTH) for providing the facilities, encouragement
and support throughout the course of this work.

I sincerely thank Dr. Thomson Sinkala (LuTH) for a detailed scrutiny of the
early manuscript of this thesis, especially concerning the drilling aspects and
revision of the English.

I am also indebted to Ingvar Lundholm (IMCS AB) and Lennart Lindqvist

(EMX System AB) for their contribution in all aspects of multivariate analysis
and for their comments on the final version of this thesis.

I wish to express my thanks to Prof Svante Wold of Umeå University for valuable
comments on the manuscript, especially concerning the multivariate theory and
the treatment of data.

Thanks are also due to Torgny Almgren, Hans Wirstam and Stefan Wänstedt, all
of LuTH, for comments on the final version of the manuscript.

I thank Dr. Jonathan Peck, CCARM, Canada, for helpful discussions and
comments on chapter 3.1.3.

I would like to express my thanks to all other members of the Department of

Mining and Underground Construction and friends elsewhere that have
contributed to this work; and also to my family Helena, Malin and Annika for
their patience and understanding throughout my study time.

Finally, I thankfully acknowledge the encouragement and financial support

provided by Gruvteknik 2000.

Luleå, April 1990

Håkan Schunnesson


Information from drill monitoring in percussive drilling, if well interpreted, can

provide a useful supplement to information obtained from other pre-
investigation methods. This thesis attempts to demonstrate the use of
multivariate technique to improve the interpretation and the possibility to
predict properties in the penetrated rock mass.

In a field test i the OSCAR area in LKAB's Kiirunavaara mine, penetration rate,
thrust, torque, rotation speed and air pressure were recorded on a production
drill rig for every 10 mm of hole length.

In the treatment of the drilling data Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used
to locate outliers in the data, to study drilling in rock with different ore grades
and drilling in rock with different mechanical properties. Partial Least Square
(PLS) regression is used to correlate the drilling response with the content of
iron in the rock. To perform a prediction of iron ore grade over a larger area
several different models are used to achieve a reasonable prediction. Finally,
PLS is used to locate the ore boundary from the recorded parameters.

The result shows that for drill monitoring of percussive drilling where all
parameters carry information about the rock and at the same time are inter-
related, PCA provides a substantial simplification of the data analysis.

Using PLS, prediction of rock properties can be done reasonably well even for
small changes in rock response to drilling.



ABS 1 RACT iii




2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Data collection 4

3.1 Past attempts to analysis of drill monitoring data 8
3.1.1 Single parameter response 8
3.1.2 Variable interaction between drilling parameters 8
3.1.3 Pattern recognition 9
3.2 Multivariate analysis of data 10
3.2.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 12
3.2.2 Partial Least Square (PIS) regression 14


4.1 Treatment of outliers 17
4.2 Drilling in ore with different grades 19
4.3 Drilling in rock with different mechanical properties 25


5.1 Introduction 28
5.2 Geological environment 28
5.3 Prediction of iron ore content 32
5.3.1 Prediction of iron ore content in a single hole 32
5.3.2 Prediction of iron ore content in the high
phosphorus area 37


6.1 Introduction 41
6.2 Geology 41
6.3 Data analysis 42

7.1 PCA applications 45
7.2 PIS applications 46

Due to the general interest in large scale mining methods the mining industry
today requires more detailed information about the ore and the surrounding
rock mass.

Overall stability of a mining area has to be secured, which requires more

accurate knowledge of fractures, faults, rock strength etc. More accurately
determined ore boundaries will result in less ore loss and dilution. Due to
increasing demands by customers on ore quality, simple and cheap means of
accurately detecting ore grades is necessary to minimize cost of quality control.

Today the information about the ore is often based on widely spaced core
drilling. In stoping methods the estimation of rock conditions for entire stopes
can therefore be based on few core holes, resulting in high uncertainties for
uncored areas.

Recently, interest has been shown in techniques to derive information from

closely spaced production holes, which give information of rock properties with
higher resolution. Examples of techniques applied are analysis of cuttings and
geophysical logging.

A further step forward is to characterise rock during the actual drilling

operation. One way to do this is by monitoring the drilling process in terms of
parameters such as penetration rate, torque, thrust, rotation speed, air pressure.
A general problem for drill monitoring is to refine the massive data recorded
into useful information for a given application.

Drilling data are often very complex. Several different features may interact, and
random components and measurement errors of different magnitudes may also
be associated with variables in the measured data.

Nevertheless, if the relations between drilling variables can be established and

understood, the drilling parameters can be used to evaluate the rock and specific
features in the corresponding drilling systems.

Monitoring of drill rigs has to date mostly been applied to rotary drilling. In
Sweden where percussive drilling is the commonly used technique, drill
monitoring has hardly been used. The reason for this is partly the increased
complexity of monitoring data in percussive drilling compared to other drilling
methods. As an example, the useful energy that reaches the bit/rock contact
depends on factors such as the impact energy, the transmission efficiency of the
wave through the drill string, the size and shape of the bit, the contact conditions
between the bit and the rock. It is therefore difficult to accurately determine the
amount of energy used for rock fragmentation in a drilling situation where all
these conditions vary. Furthermore, the rock is an extremely inhomogeneous
material. Properties such as rock strength and structure will often vary, thereby
introducing variations in the drilling process.

There is however a great potential in using percussive drilling to characterize

rock, since it is cheap and frequently used both in mining and construction
industries where the need for information about the rock is essential.

This thesis attempts to show how analysis of drill monitoring data from
percussive drilling can be improved by the use of multivariate techniques. These
techniques are used to evaluate drilling data obtained from field drilling tests in
Kiirunavaara, Sweden.



The drill monitoring test was performed in the OSCAR area in the central part
of LKAB Kiirunavaara mine in Kiruna.

The Kiirunavaara ore mainly consists of magnetite, with apatite as the most
significant polluting mineral. The ore body is approximately 4 km long, has an
average width of 80 m and dips about 60 degrees eastward.

In the test area, traditional sub-level caving has been replaced by sub-level
stoping in order to reduce development work. The area is divided into 4 stopes
by intermediate pillars (Figure 1). Each stope is approximately 30 by 30 m in
width and between 60 to 80 m in height.

Sublevel stoping

Heigt: 60-80 m
Raise boring diam: 2 400 mm
Hole length: 45-60 m
Hole diam: 115-165 mm
Max deviation: 1%
Tons of ore/drilled meter: 45-60
Tons/blast: 200 000 (max)
Explosives: Anfo, emulsion

Figure 1. Schematic lay-out of the stopes in the OSCAR area.

All production holes (Figure 2) are drilled downwards from 596.5 m level, using
an Atlas Copco SIMBA 269, a highly automated production drill rig. By the aid
of a TV camera, the rig is monitored and controlled remotely from a cabin
usually located in a separate drift.

The rig was equipped with a 4.5" ITH hammer (COP 42), using 4.5" button bits.
The drill tubes used had an outer diameter of 76 mm and were 1875 inm long.

The applied drilling parameters are controlled by a micro-processor unit

(INCLINATOR Type 93 supplied by Transtronic AB) that also serves to record
drill parameters while drilling.


During the test period, drilling parameters were recorded for every 10 mm of
hole length for 156 holes totalling 5118 m. The recorded parameters are:

- Time when data is recorded

- Drill hole length
- Penetration rate
- Rotation speed
- Thrust
- Air percussion pressure (also used for flushing)
- Torque pressure

The accuracies and resolutions of the measured parameters (Transtronic AB)

are given in Table 1. For more details on the measurement system and data
reduction, see Sinkala (1989).

Table 1. Accuracies and resolutions of the measured drilling


Drilling parameter Accuracy Resolution

Penetration rate 1.05 % 0.008 m/min
Rotation speed 1 rpm
Thrust 2.75 % 303 N
Air percussion pressure 1.05 % 0.2 bar
Torque pressure 0.95 % 0.5 bar

ORT 298
ORT 297
'1' 1
ORT 295 1.

ORT 296..• i
e• •
/ • • I •
e •
ORT 290 ORT 294 / •
• I

ORT 291 ORT 293 •

. I
• •

• • • • •
i •
29024200 •
• •
ORT 289
290211200 • • ••• • • • • • • • • •
• • • •
• • ••• • • • • • • • • •
• • bib. • • • S • • • • • • •

• • • • •

81111 i Il i I I III I 1 I *

• •
• 29308200

• • • • X1
• • d

I. • •
.I .

• •
• •
v rcorehole
• • x
• • „. 29896200
29016100 (29696200
• . • • XX. x K
• f 29093200'291932(4
• rif L. ix
x xir x • X X X •NIC AI • • • • • • • • ••• • • 5 • X X X • • •

• • • 4.4 • • • • X X X • • •
x • x K .4( x. • • II • •

X X X • X X *IN 4. • • • • • • • • ea* • • • • X • X • • •

29089200 29189200 \29389200

(2-9086200 29188200 ‘•29388200

Figure 2. Drilling level in the OSCAR area.

The data output from the drill rig are in matrix form, with 7 columns relating to
the recorded parameters, and a number of rows relating to different data
sampling locations along respective holes, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Example of data output from the drill monitor.

Time Depth Penetration Rotation Thrust Air Torque

rate Speed pressure pressure
hh-mm-ss m/min rpm kN bar bar
163613 0.02 0.391 19 3.2 17.2 9.5
163614 0.03 0.930 19 5.0 17.2 12.5
163615 0.04 0.767 19 5.3 17.0 16.0
163615 0.05 0.538 19 6.3 17.8 18.0
163616 0.06 0.399 16 6.3 18.6 18.5
163618 0.07 0.424 18 5.7 19.0 21.0
163620 0.08 0.253 17 6.3 19.4 17.5
163622 0.09 0.277 18 6.6 18.4 19.5
163624 0.10 0.220 19 6.3 17.8 27.5
163627 0.11 0.253 18 6.9 17.2 20.5
163630 0.12 0.244 18 6.9 18.4 20.5
163632 0.13 0.228 18 6.6 19.2 22.0
163635 0.14 0.261 18 7.5 19.2 24.0
163637 0.15 0.326 19 6.3 18.0 21.5
163639 0.16 0.310 19 6.3 17.4 31.0


To predict rock properties based on the response of the recorded parameters,

many authors, mainly in rotary drilling, divide recorded drilling parameters into
two groups: independent and dependent variables (Griffith, 1983, Barr, 1984 and
Peck, 1989). The independent variables (such as thrust, rotation speed and air
percussion pressure) are directly controlled by the drill operator while the
dependent variables (such as penetration rate, torque) are related to the
response of the drilling system to rock. This division is strictly relevant only for
perfect drilling systems. In reality all parameters are more ore less dependent.

Thrust, for example, is accomplished by oil pressure in the feed cylinder.

However, during penetration the flow of oil into the cylinder has to be
considered, thereby making the aim to keep the thrust constant more dependent
on limitations in the hydraulic system. In reality one can observe that in rock
zones where very high penetration rate is recorded, a reduction in thrust is
registered, Figure 3.

120.0 - Penetration Rate (/2)

100.0 -

80.0 -

60.0 A I A 11
- il Il 1I \ 11 ;1 Rotation peed ' Il
it I It
J \ t1 11 /1‘ /1
11 41 z
I `, 1, it ,
-• i J
J t1s 11: r
40.0- — ti ti I 1 /4 I 1

20.0 -
0.0 1111111111(1 1 I

6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0
Hole Depth (111)

Figure 3. Drilling through a pyrite dike surrounded by magnetite in

hole 29805200 in the Kiinmavaara ore body.

The air to a drill rig is normally supplied from the central air system in the mine.
The air pressure to the rig is therefore dependent on the compressed air
distribution system and air consumption elsewhere in the mine.

During the drilling process the air pressure also varies depending on the flow
resistance in the drill system. The higher the resistance the smaller the flow and
the higher the input air pressure to the system.

Often, the "independent" variables are affected by the "dependent" ones. As an

example the thrust in Figure 3 is to some extent dependent on penetration rate.
Another example is air pressure that is dependent on penetration rate. For
instance, if penetration rate is high, the amount of cuttings increase causing a
high flow resistance outside the drill string and therefore high input air pressure.

Hence, all drilling parameters vary more or less with rock properties while they
also all interact during the drilling process. It is therefore imperative that all the
parameters be considered in the model for predicting rock properties.



3.1.1 Single parameter response

The earliest approach to analysis of drill monitoring data was based on single
parameter response as an indication of rock condition. Normally penetration
rate was used to indicate the quality of the penetrated material.

Morfeldt et al (1973) report early use of this technique for the foundation of high
rise buildings in Stockholm, Sweden. The technique was here used with success
to locate the solid rock under the overburden.

Similar application has been reported by Homer and Sherrell (1977). Here one
also aimed at discovering cavities and othe—r discoiifiriaties in the rock mass. In
order to correlate penetration rate with the rock properties, all other drilling
parameters were as much as possible maintained constant.

This type of data analysis has been applied with success when there is a
substantial difference in rock properties between different geological domains
(for example between solid rock and overburden in surface drilling). However,
when the difference in rock properties between different rock types is small, and
the contribution from the drill parameter interaction become more dominating
this type of analysis is not effective.

3.1.2 Variable interaction between drilling parameters

In order to handle problems with variable interaction a fixed relation between

the drilling parameters (theoretical or empirical) can be used. This has been the
most common type of analysis for drill monitoring data, as shown in the following

Pfister (1985) reports successful practical use of several relations in rotary
drilling based on the required drilling energy.

Brown and Phillips (1977) have extensively reviewed literature on relations for
rotary drilling, and Barr (1984) has tested a few of them in his experiments.
Results obtained have varied from one test to another.

Danell et al (1987) uses a relation between recorded drilling parameters in

rotary drilling in order to calculate uniaxial compressive strength of the rock.
This parameter is reported to work fairly well in coal mining environment.

Leighton (1986) uses a relation between drilling parameters, so called Rock

Quality Index (RQI) in rotary drilling. This parameter reflects the blasting
performance of the rock, and is reported to perform satisfactorily.

However, there is a certain risk of using a fixed relation between drilling

parameters. The existing relations are often based on assumptions of the drilling
process or of the fragmentation of the rock and often calibrated against only a
few rock types.

Let us assume that for a certain rock there is a mismatch between, for example,
the true compressive strength and the predicted compressive strength based on
drilling parameters. This means that the relation used is not very well suited for
the specific type of rock, and has therefore to be re-calibrated. This calibration is
however not always a straight forward matter since not only the contribution
from each parameter involved has to be considered, but normally also the inter-
relation between the parameters. Even if the true properties of the rock are
available for calibration, it is rare to obtain an optimal solution by manual

Use of a fixed relation between drilling parameters can therefore result in a

fuzzy interpretation, and available information in the drill monitoring data may
be hidden.

In all examples above, drill monitoring is applied to rotary drilling where

complexity of the drilling process is less extensive, and the result obtained by the
used relation is adequate for the need. In percussive drilling where the
interaction is more complex one is more dependent on finding the optimal
relation between drilling parameters in relation to the features of the rock mass.

3.1.3 Pattern recognition

The pattern recognition technique is another possible approach to the

interpretation of drill monitoring data.

Griffiths (1983) used the technique to classify different rock types during oil well
drilling. Due to the interaction between drilling parameters he treated the
parameters as fuzzy variables. In the best cases he succeeded to correctly classify
70 % of the rock mass.

Peck and Pollitt (1990) used pattern recognition to classify rock as coal,
mudstone or siltstone based on drill parameter response, in an open pit coal
mine in Canada. In order to separate the different rock types single parameter,
cross- and 3-dimensional plotting was used. In general, the 3-dimensional plot
gave better separation between the three rock types than the other plots. The
technique was very successful in classifying coal and siltstone, but not mudstone
that in terms of rock properties lies between coal and siltstone.

In general, the success of pattern recognition techniques depends on whether or

not the different rock types can be adequately separated from each other in
terms of drilling response. Peck and Pollitt (1990) show that the separation is
more efficient in a three dimensional volume than for single or two dimensional
plots. Better results may therefore be obtained if more than three variables are
used in the plot.

A general problem when trying to separate data groups in a space with more
than two dimensions, is to decide from where to view the data. Viewed from one
direction the different data groups may appear to belong to the same population
while viewed from another direction the differences may clearly be seen. See, for
example, Figure 4.

In general pattern recognition technique appears to be fast and efficient when

classifying rock types with major differences in properties. However, the
capabilities of this technique decreases with the decrease in differences between
rock types.


In Figure 4, three different interacting parameters are considered. Let's assume

that these parameters are penetration rate, thrust, and air pressure. Let us also
assume that the measurements relate to drilling in ore (filled points) and side
rock (unfilled points),

By looking at one parameter at a time (Figure 4a), for example, by using

significance tests, it may be difficult to notice any difference between ore and
side rock.
Low penetration rate, for example, can be the result of the geological properties
Lof rock, but it can also result from inadequate thrust or low air pressure.
Similarly, high penetration rate may—be-caused by optimal thrust or high air
pressure, and not by soft rock.

• 0 • • • CD0 0 0 X
• 0 0 0 • • 0 COO 0 X 2 (a)
• 0 C900 00000 x

• o

(b) (c)

Figure 4. The difference between univariat and multivariate statistics

for three dependant variables (after Ståhle, 1987).

Therefore, it may not be adequate to use a single parameter, such as penetration

rate„ as an indicator of rock properties. The effects of other parameters have to
be considered as well.

In order to use all three variables in the analysis, a three dimensional coordinate
system can be used with x, y, z axes corresponding to penetration rate, trust and
air pressure respectively. Each measurement, involving the three variables, is
marked as a point in the coordinate system (Figure 4b),//

Looking at the points through a window defined by the axes x1 and x2, the
difference between the two groups, ore and side rock, can still not be
distinguished. However, viewing this data from some suitable angle(s) a clear
difference between the groups is observed, as shown in Figure 4c.

The difference between the two groups in figure 4 is distinguished through the
difference in variable interaction, and not through magnitudes of the drilling

If in Figure 4c the coordinate system is rotated so that the first axis coincides t,
with the direction of the largest data variation (called the first principal
component), the second axis coincides with the direction of the second largest
data variation (called the second principal component), and so on, we will have
transferred the three dependent drilling parameters into a few independent
Principal Components, thus capturing the dominating data structure in the
original data set, Furthermore the difference between ore and side rock (in
Figure 4) can now be distinguished through the value of the second principal

This type of analysis is not limited only to 3 dimensions, but can be performed
for any number of dimensions (variables), even though a space with more than
three dimensions may not be as easy to comprehend.

3.2.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

The description above is the ground for Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
PCA normally forms the basis for multivariate data analysis, and is normally
used for simplification of a data table, creating models, noise reduction, outlier
detection, variable and object selection, correlation evaluation, classification,
and prediction of different features (Wold et al, 1987).

The idea of PCA is to find directions in the data space that will indicate typical
features. Unless the swarm of data points is spherical (for a 3 dimensional space)
it is usually possible to identify a dominant direction of the data and with
regression fit a line to the points. In most cases this direction. will not coincide
with any single variable.

The drilling data analysed in this thesis is stored in a matrix X with p columns
relating to the recorded parameters, and n rows relating to different data
sampling locations along respective holes.

In order to weight parameters of different magnitudes and variability, the first

step is to normalize raw data. In this work, the data has been subject to column-
wise normalization using zero mean and unit variance. See, Figure 5.

After normalt;ing, X can be approximated by one n-dimensional column vector t

times one p-dimensional row vector c. The c-vector is usually called the loading
vector, since it contains the contribution of each originally measured variables to
the model. The t vector is called the score vector because the elements in t take
the place of each object in the modeltimes c is a Principle CompAnent mod_el
of X if the sum of squared elements of X -f t times cLilniimlmigqd. This
Principle Component model describes the most important pattern in the matrix
X. t and c are defined for a two dimensional case in Figuré 6.



Figure 5. Data pre-processing. The data for each variable are

represented by a variance bar and its centre. (A) Most raw
data look like this. (B) The result after mean-centering only.
(C) The result after variance-scaling only. (D) The result
after mean-centering and variance-scaling. (After Geladi
and Kowalski, 1986).



Average point


Figure 6. Scatter diagram of a set of data with measurements taken

on two variables (after Ståhle, 1987).

The elements in X are modelled by;

X.• = t•c• + e.• i = 1....n j = 1....p (1)

where the matrix ej contains the residuals not explained by the Principle
Component model.

When model (1) is not sufficient to describe the systematical structure of X, it

may be possible to extract new c and t vectors from the residual matrix. These
new c and t vectors are orthogonal and uncorrelated to the previous c and t
vectors, respectively.

The number of significant dimensions (a), with one t and one c vector for each
dimension, has to be determined. In this thesis cross-validation (Jolliffe, 1986)
has been used.

The entire model of X can then be written;

= E tik cki + eii (2)
k. 1

By plotting the score (t) vectors against each other, one obtains informative 2-
dimensional pictures of the objects configuration in the multi-dimensional data
space. The effect of each originally measured variable on each score point can be
identified by studying the loading (c) vectors together with the score vectors.

A more detailed description of PCA can be found in Wold et al (1987) and

Jolliffe (1986).

3.2.2 Partial Least Square (PLS) regression

Another fundamental problem when predicting rock properties based on drilling

parameters is to establish the relations between the drilling parameters (a
number of dependent variables) and the geological or geomechanical
information about the rock (a number of dependent rock parameters). In order
to find the optimal relation it is necessary to make a regression between the
structures in the multivariate space containing the drilling variables (X-block)
and the multivariate space containing the information about the rock (Y-block).

The technique used here, PLS, is an extension of PCA to include the dependency
structure between sets of variables. The goal is to find a relation between X and
Y such that Y is modelled by X (Ståhle and Wold, 1986).

A PLS model can be considered as consisting of outer relations (X and Y block

individually) and an inner relation (linking both blocks).

Like in PCA, the elements in the X-block can be modelled by

Xij = ti9 + eijx (3)

And the elements in the Y-block by

Yij = uibj + eijy (4)

The inner relation can then be found by looking at a graph of the t-vector against
the u-vector. The simplest model for this relation is a linear one. Thus

U = dt (5)

where d is the regression coefficient

This model, however, is not the best possible since the principal components are
separately calculated for both blocks and have therefore a weak relation between
them. In this model the best possible correlation is obtained by a simultaneous
calculation oft and u in the PIS algorithm, so that the components become
slightly rotated and lie closer to the regression line.

• 1, egg 4(
• z
•r I

Figure 7. Geometrical illustration of the PIS method (after Carlson,


When model (3), (4) and (5) is not sufficient to describe the systematical
structure of X and Y, it may be possible to extract new components from the
residual matrix.

The number of significant dimensions (a) has also here been determined with

For a one-dimensional Y, PLS may simply be thought of as fitting a line to the

data by PCA and then tilting the line slightly so that a better correlation between
the Y-variable and the t-scores is achieved. If Y has more than one dimension,
PLS may be regarded as fitting one Principle Component to X and Y
respectively and then tilting both Principle Components so that the correlation
between the scores is improved (Ståhle, 1987).

Thus, the general properties in PCA and PLS are the same. The main difference
is that in PIS the knowledge about the design of an experiment is allowed to
affect the direction of the components. Differences between a control group and
a treatment group that are of a subtle nature may therefore be detected by PLS
but not by PCA (Stähle, 1987).

When a model has been created for the relation between the X-block and Y-
block, new objects defined by the variables in the X-block can be used to predict
the values in Y. Since both the model and the new object is well defined in the
multivariate space, the distance between them can be calculated. This distance is
called "Distance to Class" (DCL), and indicates how well the data point fits the
model. A small DCL value indicates a high similarity between the point and the
data set used to create the model, and will therefore also indicate a more
reliable prediction. The converse is also true.

The calculations done in this thesis are all performed with a commercial
software package called SIMCA. SIMCA uses the NIPALS method (V/old, 1966)
to calculate components. Different other methods has been studied by Ståhle
(1987) concluding that the NIPALS method is the most convenient, since it
converges rapidly, allows incomplete data and is particular well suited for cross-



Monitoring of a rock drilling process is a demanding activity. The environment

under ground is normally rough, dirty and humid, and the drill rig itself often
exposed to vibrations. Therefore it is necessary to utilize a robust and reliable
measurement instrument.

Drilling data normally contain a substantial portion of measurement errors and

noise, which has to be identified before further analysis.

In Figures 8a and 8b the first two Principle Component score vectors and the
corresponding two loading vectors are plotted, respectively, for a section of hole
29086100. It is observed that the majority of the data points belong to a well
defined group in the lower part of Figure 8a. However, some outliers can
immediately be identified as not belonging to the main part of the data
population in the figure.
PC2 8
6- fl

_ C_
2- DO
• 0 ci
a i U.


11' 1:1 0:1

110. z


—4 1 I
—5 —3 —1 3
Figure 8a. Score plot of the first and second principal component for
hole 29086100.

PC2 1.0

0 Penetration rate
a Torque

Thrust o 0 Rotation peed

o Air pressure

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Figure 8b. Loading plot of the first and second principal component for
hole 29086100.

By a first analysis of the outliers data can be arranged into three different groups
marked (A), (B) and (C). From Figures 8a and 8b the following can be

Group (A) consists of only one data point and is characterised by high torque
pressure and penetration rate. By examining each and every measured point in
the massive raw data for every drilling parameter, it is observed that torque
pressure suddenly increases above the pre-set value in the anti-jamming system,
after which the pressure attains its normal operating level. Here only penetration
rate is observed to be slightly higher than normal.

Group(A) is a clear outlier observed through an abnormal behaviour of torque

Pressure. This data point may therefore be excluded from further analysis, since
this anomaly is likely to be a measurement error,

The data points in group (13) are observed to behave similar to group (A), but
with a tendency towards higher penetration rate rather than tor_que_pressure. By
examining each and every measured point in the massive raw data for every

drilling parameter, it can be shown that the data points in this group are located
on either side of the point at which a new drill tube is added. This behaviour of
the drilling parameters identified just before or drier a drilling tube is added may
be attributed to the function of the drill rig rather than rock, and will therefore
also be excluded before further analysis.

The data points in group_„(C) appear more uniform, indicated by high

penetration rate, low thrust and low rotation speed. The data points are all
located in two zones between 11.0 and 11.5 m along the hole. Since all points are
recorded from the same hole depth region in two consecutive groups of 3 and 4,
it is likely that this data behaviour reflects some geomechanical feature in the
rock mass. These data points will therefore be retained in the data set for further

This pre-evaluation of drill monitoring data serves several purposes:—

Measurement errors can be detected and removed.

(ii)_ Outliers relating to specific features such as cavities and fracture
zones in the rock mass can be identified and evaluated accordingly.
(iii) Lastly, continuously varying properties such as hardness and ore
grades in the rock may then be detected as trends in the major
population of data, after exclusion of outliers.


To study the varying behaviour of the interaction of drilling parameters in

different rock conditions during a drilling operation, three holes in the test area
(LKAB, Kiirunavaara) with variable geology were investigated. These holes were
selected based on differences in occurrence of accessory minerals (Table 3). The
average grades for each hole, based on analysis of cuttings taken during drilling
for each rod, are given in Table 3. The table shows that hole 1 was drilled in low
phosphorus ore with a very high content of iron and a low content of quartz,
while holes 2 and 3 were drilled in the high phosphorus part of the ore. An
important difference between holes 2 and 3 is in the quartz content. Hole 3 also
has higher content of all other polluting substances than hole 2.

Table 3. Mineralogies obtained from three different test holes.

Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3

Substance % % %
SiO2 1.412 1.632 7.870
A1203 0.210 0.157 0.583
MgO 0.737 0.778 2.062
fl a0 0.192 8.446 13.952
P 0.027 2.522 4.136
Fe 69.739 58.831 46.345

The most significant polluting mineral in the Kiirunavaara ore body is apatite, in
which both phosphorus and calcium oxide are present. Figure 9, based on 416
independent cutting analyses in the high phosphorus area, shows that in this area
there is a high correlation between the content of phosphorus and calcium oxide
in the ore. This indicates that the dominating parts of these substances are
bounded in the apatite.
Calcium Oxide Content (%)




15 2



2 4 6 8
Phosphorus Content (%)
Figure 9. The relation between phosphorus and calcium oxide in the
high phosphorus part of the ore.

The drilling parameters obtained from each of the three holes are averaged for
each rod. Drilling with the first three rods from hole collaring is done manually
at rather low thrust. These data will not be discussed here. Of interest is only the
drilling events after the collaring phase. In Figures 10a and 10b the first two
Principle Component score vectors and the corresponding two loading vectors
are plotted, respectively.

PCa 4
. A

2 A e
A di IttAziA
mu al
so la
al II
8° ° o
0 9
o Hole 1
la Hole 2
4 Hole 3

—4 —2 0 2 4.

Figure 10a. Score plot of the first and second principal components for
holes 1, 2 and 3.
F C1 1.0

o Torque
o Thrust

C] Rotation spe d
° Penetration r te

—0.5 -
o Air pressure

—1.0 —0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Figure 10b. Loading plot of the first and second principal components
for holes 1, 2 and 3.

In Figure 10a, the data comprising only 5 input variables from the three different
rock types form three distinct classes. The response of data from hole 3 with high
content of quartz and apatite is clearly different from holes 1 and 2. This
difference is indicated primarily by high torque and thrust and a low air pressure
(Figure 10b). The boreholes 1 and 2 that geologically differ mainly in apatite
content appear to differ as regards the response of penetration rate and rotation
speed (Figure 10b).

A comparison between all the holes in the area shows that the average
penetration rate in the high phosphorus part of the ore is on average 15 % lower
than in the low phosphorus part (Figure 11), indicating a possible difference in
rock response.


Phosphorus ore

11.• Low Phosphorus ore

i F2 P
20 40 60 80 100

Figure 11. Distribution of the average penetration rates in the high and
low phosphorus ore regions, respectively.

To perform a detailed study of the relationship between the drilling parameters

and the geology, a principle component analysis was performed for each of the
three holes by using both the drilling parameters and results from analysis of
cuttings. In Figures 12 (a to c) the loading vectors for each of the holes are

PC2 1.0

cAir pressure
aTorque to Quartz

a Rotation speed Phosphorus

0.0 cr Penetration rate a ci Calcium omide

D Thrust
ca Iron

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 12a. Loading plot of the first and second principal components
for hole 1.
PC2 1.0


a Air pressure
a Quartz
0 Iron
0.0 _
a Calcium o2d.de
a Thrust
a Torque
-0.5 a Rotation speed
a Penetration rate

-1.0 i ,"
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 12b. Loading plot of the first and second principal components
for hole 2.

PC8 1.0

Cl Air presssure
a Torque
a Quartz

Cl Iron

0.0 _
Rotation speed
a a Penetration rate

rt Calcium oxide
C Phosphorus

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 .5 1.0

Figure 12c. Loading plot of the first and second principal components
for hole 3.

For hole 1 in the low phosphorus part of the ore, it seems as if the decreasing
iron content is mostly replaced by quartz, and not apatite (Figure 12a). The
geological effect on penetration rate is not very clear in the figure. However,
since the rock is geologically rather homogeneous dominated by a high content
of magnetite and only a small amount of other minerals, the variation in
mechanical properties of the rock is likely to be rather small. Therefore no
strong conclusions can be made from the figure alone.

For holes 2 and 3 in the high phosphorus part of the ore, the dominating
geological variation is the iron/apatite interaction (Figures 12b and 12c). It can
also be noted that the quartz content appears to be un-correlated to this

Although the correlation between geology and penetration rate is not obvious in
the plots, it seems, however, that the penetration rate is more correlated to
quartz than to the iron and apatite occurring in common.

It has been shown above (Figure 11) that penetration rate in low phosphorus ore
is higher than in the high phosphorus ore. In the high phosphorus ore both the
content of apatite and quartz are high. But since quartz has a greater hardness (7
on Mohs scale) while apatite has a lower hardness (5 on Mohs scale) than
magnetite (5.5 on Mohs scale), the hardness of the two minerals occurring
together is somewhere in between, and the corresponding penetration rate will

probably respond in a similar manner. That is, while penetration rates will tend
to be low in quartz, the rates will tend to be high in apatite. From Figures 12 a-c
it appears generally that quartz has a greater effect on penetration rate than



A sudden drastic change in rock strength changes the drilling conditions. In order
to study this phenomena a hole was core drilled between two production holes in
the OSCAR area (Figure 2). The distance from the cored hole to each of the
production hole was 1.75 m. At the bottom of the core drilled hole, a zone of
breccia with different properties was traversed. Some properties of the ore and
the breccia are given in Table 4.

Table 4. Rock properties from core hole number 29802200.

Uniaxial Tensile Modulus of Poisson's Density

compressive strength elasticity ratio
MPa MPa GPa Kg/m3
Low phosphorus ore 115 10 90 0.24 4878
Breccia 33 7 16 0.29 2843

The low density of the breccia is an indication that the presence of magnetite is

In Figures 13a and 13b, the first two Principle Component score vectors and the
corresponding loading vectors are plotted for data from one of the production
holes close to the cored hole. This group of data is obtained from the lower half
of the bore hole.

The drilling conditions in the breccia are clearly different from the rest of the
hole. This difference is indicated by high torque pressure and rotation speed
(Figures 13a and 13b).

It is likely that the high torque pressure is due to high penetration rates in the
breccia with low compressive strength, resulting in a larger resistance to bit

PC2 4



4 Ii fill i IIII II [
i II I I

—4 —2 0 2 4 6
Figure 13a. Score plot of the first and second principal component for
hole 29800200.
PC' 1.0
El Air pressure


0 Torque
0.0 ci Rotation spe ed

Ei Thrust
0 Penetration rate

—1.0 if

—1.0 —0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0


Figure 13b. Loading plot of the first and second principal component for
hole 29800200.

In Figure 14 the response of drilling parameters is shown for drilling through a
fracture zone. In a fracture zone the bit has a tendency to get jammed, resulting
in an increased torque. The torque increases either until the resistance is
overcome, often indicated by a peak in rotation speed (Figure 14), or until the
anti jamming function is activated to retrieve the bit.


175.0 -

Penetration Rate
150.0 -
125.0 -


75.0 -
iI I
50.0 _I L I;
\t \-ovt , «

25.0 - :, içp
, V v ,,,
,„ reasure ,.... , , s„, v v ,:.%)
Thrust .,- --
ss s, _____„, ....s, .3.,

0.0 F ill' i1 t i 1 IT 1 l i r III 1 1 r I i ( 1 i i ; ii i i I- 1 i r i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 I

9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.5 10.7 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.5
Hole Depth (m)

Figure 14. Response of drilling parameters during the penetration of a

fracture zone in hole 29805200.

Torque is therefore significantly sensitive to changes in rock conditions. Hence,

the parameter can be used to identify zones such as soft and fractured rock that
are potential to instability.



Varying ore grades normally affect the mechanical properties of the rock, and
will therefore also have an effect on the behaviour of the drilling process.

In order to predict single geological or geomechanical properties in the rock

mass from recorded drilling parameter, normal regression methods cannot be
used, since neither drilling parameters nor rock properties are independent


To make predictions of ore grades and other geological properties of the rock,
the drilling response has to be carefully calibrated against the geology in a
number of test holes. In order to do this detailed geological knowledge of the ore
and side rock is necessary.

The ore mineral in the Kiirunavaara ore body is magnetite of varying phosphorus
content. For a more detailed geological description of the Kiirunavaara ore
body, see Frietsch (1978) and Parak (1975).

The OSCAR area is located at the hanging wall side in the central part of the ore
body. The high/low phosphorus contact crosses the area so that approximately
half of the ore is high phosphorus and the other half is low phosphorus.

To get a better and more detailed knowledge of the ore grades in the area,
cuttings were sampled during drilling. The samples were taken for each rod
(1.875 m) from every hole in the middle row of every drift (Figure 2). The
samples were analysed for 13 different substances of relevance to the mining
company. In Table 5 the most important mineral substances are presented for
the high and low phosphorous ores in the test area. The table is based on 416
samples from the high phosphorus area and 495 samples from the low
phosphorus area.

Looking at the average values, the major differences between high and low
phosphorus ores are in the contents of iron, phosphorus and calcium oxide. The
phosphorus and calcium oxide are both present probably as apatite, which is
reported to be one of the dominating polluting minerals in the Kiirunavaara ore
body. The content of iron in the high phosphorus ore is approximately 10 %
lower than in the low phosphorus ore, while the apatite is correspondingly higher
in the high phosphorus part.

Table 5.
High phosphorus ore Low phosphorus ore
°lc) Standard deviation 0/0 Standard deviation
Fe 57.63 (9.87) 68.26 (3.24)
P 2.23 (1.48) 0.03 (0.24)
SiO2 2.18 (8.10) 2.22 (2.24)
CaO 7.48 (4.63) 0.37 (1.02)
MgO 1.07 (0.92) 1.08 (0.60)
A1203 0.18 (1.28) 0.24 (0.23)

The standard deviations indicate that the low phosphorus ore tends to be rather
homogeneous while the compositions of minerals in the high phosphorus part of
the ore have large variations. See, for example, the standard deviation in quartz
content in the high phosphorus part of the ore.

To obtain more information on the composition of minerals in the ore, a

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on all cutting samples in
the area. The analysis was done separately for high phosphorus ore (mainly drift
290, 291 and 293) and low phosphorus ore (mainly drift 295, 296, 297 and 298).
The first two Principle Components score vectors and the corresponding two
loading vectors are plotted respectively in Figures 15a and 15b for the high
phosphorus ore and in Figures 16a and 16b for the low phosphorus ore.


0.0 -I

—2.0 1-

—4.0 —2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
Figure 15a. Score plot of the first and second principal component for
high phosphorus ore.

PC2 1.0

0.5 "Ai2 03
cl Mg0

• o Fe


0 Ca0
-0.5 op

-1.0 Itri-r 11,1 III.

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 15b. Loading plot of the first and second principal component for
high phosphorus ore.

a a o 'a a
3.0 - a
a h m°
o 9:1

2.0 - %
pa a
1.0 - cia a a
a Se coo %
D ° nil a
a a
aa a
jeep te is. aa
El «Fr, a " .
-1.0 - a
ti•4 pia 41410 ° rb a a

° alr 3ao aL,

a a a


-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0

Figure 16a. Score plot of the first and second principal component for
low phosphorus ore.

P C2 1.0 op

0.5 -_

ci A1202
a Fe 0 Ca0
ri Mg°


—1.0 —0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 16b. Loading plot of the first and second principal component for
low phosphorus ore.

In the high phosphorus ore calcium oxide and phosphorus are well correlated
(Figure 15b), which may be verifying the assumption that the two minerals are
contained mostly in apatite. Quartz, aluminium trioxide, and magnesium oxide
are also fairly well correlated, indicating that they may all be belonging to the
same rock type, possibly a side rock (gangue). Thus, Figure 15a in principle
illustrates the interaction between three different rock types.

In Figure 15a the first principal component describes the variation between iron
and other minerals, while the second principal component separates the apatite
from gangue minerals. In the figure the variation along line (1) is an interaction
between only iron and apatite while the variation along line (2) is an interaction
between only iron and gangue minerals. Most of the data points are obtained
from an area where the iron-apatite replacement seems to dominate. However, a
number of data points indicate mainly the iron-gangue interaction. Most of these
data points are located close to the hanging wall, but a few are spread out in the
rest of the test area. There is also a large group of da.L. points (between line 1
and line 2) where both the content of apatite and gangue minerals increases
when the iron content decreases. In the further analysis, this group of data
requires special attention.

In the loading plot for the low phosphorus ore (Figure 16b) the interaction of the
different substances looks slightly different. Calcium oxide and phosphorus do
not correlate, indicating that some of the calcium oxide is not contained in

apatite. Calcium oxide instead correlates well with quartz, aluminium trioxide
and magnesium oxide. In the low phosphorus ore however, the amount of
accessory minerals is less, which may result in lower accuracy and higher physical
disturbances in the analysis of cuttings.

Generally it is complicated to carry out this kind of study in an area of

complicated geological characteristics. The iron phosphorus interrelation seems
to be rather uncorrelated with the content of quartz. And, since quartz has the
largest effect on the drilling process, the prediction of ore grades will be


The effect on drilling parameters can be divided into three basic categories:

(i) Continuous effects due to variations in homogeneously distributed

iron ore content in the ore body, compressive strength, etc.
(ii) non-continuous effects due to fracture zones, cavities, etc.
(iii) measurement errors present in the data.

To make reliable predictions of the iron ore content, features due to non-
continuous properties and measurement errors must be separated from those
related to the variation in iron content.

5.3.1 Prediction of iron ore content in a single hole

The first attempt to predict iron ore content from drilling parameters was made
for a single hole (29896200). The important issue here is to study if the variation
in iron ore content affects the mechanical properties of the rock, and if this effect
is large enough to allow predictions of the ore content on the basis of the
characteristics of only five drilling parameters, namely thrust, torque, penetration
rate, percussive air pressure and rotation speed.

A first PLS run was performed using the five drilling parameters in the X-block
and only Iron in the Y-block, see chapter 3.2.2. The data from the hole was
averaged over every 10 cm, resulting in 447 objects along the hole. The iron
content was measured once for each tube. For the analysis it was assumed that
the samples were taken at the middle of the tube, and a simple interpolation
procedure was used to obtain the iron content every 10 cm between the sample
points. The ti and ui vectors for the first PLS run are shown in Figure 17.

The data in Figure 17 can be separated in several different anomalies, some of

them being rather far from the general trend in the data. The group in the upper
left corner in the figure is characterized by high torque values. These values are
located in a fracture zone or a formation with soft rock. The drill parameters
recorded here behaves significantly different from those recorded in the rest of

the hole. The iron content in this zone may therefore not be well predicted with
the same model used in the rest of the hole.

1.0 a e a
Da 0
ar?cteraa aScloZE Sg3 %.1
a a 13
0.5 - 0 D3 cra3413%eiek, 23rfi afaacie aa

0.0 -

-1.0 - a

-1.5- a

-2.0 -

-2.5 II I II , 1 •1
-3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3'.5

Figure 17. ti versus ui for the initial PLS run.

In order to model the entire hole, the data set was divided in two parts, one part
consisting of the recorded data in the fracture zone between 25 and 31 m in the
hole (64 objects) and one part consisting of the rest of the hole (383 objects).
Two separate models was created for each data set, model 1 for data from the
solid part of the hole and model 2 for data from the fracture zone.

Comparison between results of the prediction using model 1 and the cutting
analysis is shown in Figure 18a. Figure 18b shows a comparison between results
of the prediction using model 2 and the cutting analysis.

Iron Content Os )

45 1 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Hole Length (in)

Figure 18a. Prediction of iron content for hole 29896200 with model 1.

Iron Content (%)


70 - % Cutting Analysis
_ ,---s. ,..'s.__,....."--,
,.........../...—.............. «.... s,... Prediction
inf. . .L.x...i.
65 -

60 - • ..."

55 -

50 -

45 III 111 1111 III I 1 1 1 1 i I I 1 1 r T 1 I I r I- I 1— 1 I I I I I I I III

0 5 10 i15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Hole Length (in)
Figure 18b. Prediction of iron content for hole 29896200 with model 2.

In order to select the best model for each object, the DCL value was utilized. In
Figure 19, the DCL values for both predictions in Figures 18a and 18b are
presented. From the two curves the selection of the model with the smallest DCL
value can be made. From the figure, it can be seen that the DCL value for model
2 is smaller than the DCL value for model 1 only in the fracture zone.


3.0 -

2.5 -_

2.0 -

1.5 -

0.5 -_

0.0 , ii,11 1 ,,ili,,,, r ii,, j ,,I, / ,, I

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3154' 10 ' '415 i 50
Hole Length (rn)

Figure 19. DCL values for the predictions in Figures 18a and 18b.

The final prediction using both models, selected by the size of the DCL value, is
presented in figure 20.

Iron Content (x)

70 Cutting An lysis
Prediction ..

65 -_

60 -

55 -_


45 /111111(1(111f ill111111IIIE1 . 1
0 5 1C) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Hole Length (m)

Figure 20. Final prediction with both model 1 and model 2.

In general the agreement between predictions using drilling parameters and

cuttings is good. However, there is some zones where the differences between
predicted values and cutting analyses are quite large. For example the
differences between the predicted values and the values from cutting analysis is
larger in the contact zones between the fracture zone and the solid rock. It is
possible that the rock in this zone differ from both the solid rock and the fracture
zone and will therefore not be well represented neither by model 1 nor by model
2. There are locally also large miss predictions in the rest of the hole often
associated by large DCL values. This may be due to measurement errors or
minor discontinuities in the rock mass that also are poorly represented by the
models used.

In order to slightly improve the overall prediction, single predictions with large
DCL values may be removed from the final prediction.

The above example verifies that there is a correlation between the iro' n content
and drilling response for the hole, and that the correlation is significant enough
to make predictions of iron content with a reasonable accuracy. However, since
the prediction in this case has been done using the same data that is used for
model development, no conclusions can be made as to how universal the model

5.3.2 Prediction of iron ore content in the high phosphorus area

In this section an attempt is made to make predictions for large areas in the
OSCAR site in Kiirunavaara mine, by developing a model for the ore containing
the high phosphorus. High phosphorus ore is in this case defined by a
phosphorus content exceeding 0.25 %.

Here, the drilling data was averaged over each drill tube since we could obtain
only one geological data sample per tube. Input data with both drilling and
geological information was obtained from 295 tubes in the following 14 holes;

holes 29089200, 29093200, 29096100, 29000200, 29003200, 29010200, 29021200,

29024200, 29188200, 29189200, 29193200, 29388200, 29389200 and 29308200

In this case, half the data set was used to create models for the iron content in
the area, while the second half was used to check the models validity. Every
other 20 points in the initial data set was selected as modeling data set and the
rest as a check data set.

Initially an attempt was made to model the iron content of the entire area with a
single model, (see figure 21a). All drilling parameters including their products
and their squared value (all together 20 variables) are gathered in the X block
(see Section 3.2.2) while the iron content is in the Y block. This first attempt has
been done without rejecting any of the data points.

Single prediction in this case has poor precision, and the model has a tendency to
average the content of iron over the area.

A closer study of the prediction including both quartz and phosphorus contents
(Figures 21b and 21c) indicates that in zones with low quartz content (e.q. tubes
30 to 80) the iron content is in general under-estimated by the model, except for
samples with very high content of phosphorus where the model gives reasonable
predictions. On the other hand the model generally over-estimates the iron
content in zones with high quartz content.

A conclusion from the first prediction is that quartz content has a large effect on
the quality of the prediction. The content of quartz has therefore to be taken into
account when modelling. However, since the interaction between the drilling
parameters varies according to rock, quartz effect on the prediction cannot be
fully described in a single model.

11 1
1 1I1
It 11
if If 1 11
i Ii
Prediction II I

Cutting analysis

O s °lllIIIIiIiI 111111!

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Tubes (index)
Figure 21a Initial prediction of iron content in the check data set.

15.0 -

10.0 -


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Tubes (index)
Figure 21b The quartz content from the check data set.

6.0 -

4.0 -

2.0 -

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Tubes (index)
Figure 21c The phosphorus content from the check data set.

In this case four different models were developed for the high phosphorus zone
of the mining area. The differences between the models, distinguished by the
content of quartz, is given in table 6.

Table 6

Model Quartz content Comments

1 0.0 - 2.5
2 2.5 - 5.0
3 5.0 -
4 20.0 - Hanging-wall

Since the hanging wall has a very high content of quartz and contains hardly any
phosphorous, this zone must be treated separately. However since there were
just a few data points from the hanging wall it was not possible to separate this
zone for modeling and verification purposes. Therefore no hanging wall objects
were present in the check data set.

In Figure 22 the prediction of the iron content in the test data set with four
different models is presented, where the selection of models for individual data
points is based on the DCL value. A substantial improvement in prediction
compered to figure 21a is observed except for a few tubes.

The selection of model for different tubes in different holes for the prediction in
figure 22 is shown in figure 23.

Iron content (%)
65.0 -






Cutting analysis
30.0 -

25.0 ---

20.0 — 11111111111111111l111111111111111111111)11TrillliffT11-11111[FilliiIIIiIII{fil
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Tubes (index)

Figure 22. Prediction of iron content based on four different models.


3.0 - 1
iv> 'Om

2.0 - •••14 4.4.044*** e'er,

1.0 — eeete ele A A II

0.0 tillillIfIllilililli1111111111111FiVIEFT1111j11111111111111111- 1111I1111111111

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Tubes (index)

Figure 23. Selection of models.



Detailed knowledge of the extension of an ore-body is one of the most important

factors for ore reserve evaluation. This factor is often more important than
grades. During production, detailed knowledge of the ore boundary can also
increase ore recovery and minimise dilution.


The rock on the hanging wall side of the Kiinmavaara ore body consists of quartz
porphyry and the foot-wall side syenite porphyry. The hanging wall consists of a
contact zone with varying thickness. Figure 24, shows an example of how the
dominating substances and minerals from a bore hole in the area are changing,
when drilling from the ore through the contact zone and into the side rock. The
Figure is based on cutting samples taken during the drilling operation.



60.0 - ROCK

50.0 -

40.0 -

30.0 -

20.0 -

10.0 -

0 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 40
Hole length (m)

Figure 24. The variation of dominating substances from a reference



In Figure 25, the recorded drilling parameters from a test hole (hole 29024200) is
shown. The hole is drilled from the ore body, almost parallel to the hanging wall,
into the side rock. To make a definite conclusion about the location of the ore-
side rock contact based on the figure would be difficult, and the risk of drawing
the wrong conclusion is obvious.


Penetration Rat
125.0 -


75.0 1-



10 11 12 13 14 15
Hole length (in)

Figure 25. Recorded drilling parameters versus hole length for hole

To analyse the interaction between drilling variables using Principal Component

Analysis (PCA) would substantially simplify the raw data. However, it would still
be difficult to notice the rather subtle differences between the different rock
types penetrated in the bore hole. For this reason, the more sensitive Partial
Least Squares Regression (PLS) has been used for the analysis.

In this case the X-block contained all drilling variables while the Y-block
contained the geological information from the bore hole. For this specific
application it was sufficient to use the iron content as an indicator of the ore
boundaries. The task was then to find the relation between the blocks, so that the
iron content could be predicted based on the drilling parameters.

In Figure 26, the prediction of iron content is shown for bore hole 29024200. In
the figure, the cutting analysis on which the model is based is also included.

Fe-content (%)
60.0 -

Prediction of Fe
content based on
drill parameters s,

Fe content based
on cutting analysis

0.0 ‘„,„„„iliiii-lu,-1-11111111irrri-rfr i ri
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
Hole length (m)

Figure 26. Prediction of iron content for the contact zone between ore
and side rock. The cutting analysis is given as a reference.

It is seen from the figure that the overall agreement between the predicted value
and the cutting analysis is reasonably good, even though the curve of the
predicted iron content appears slightly noisy.

Let us assume that the true iron content in the rock agrees with the prediction
shown in Figure 26. The analysis of drill cuttings may still coincide with the
dashed curve in the Figure 26, due to the fact that samples are collected at the
surface far away from the point where they are generated. Thus, this introduces
substantial mixing and segregation during transportation to the surface.
Therefore analysis of cuttings will always reflect an average of the grades in the
bore hole.

The capability of the PLS method to identify major changes in the rock seems to
be good. The hanging wall contact can clearly be recognised at 5.6 m depth. A
possible streak of side rock between 4 and 4.5 m is also indicated. The thickness
of the contact zone is approximately 3 m (between 6 and 9 m). But since the hole

penetrated the hanging wall at an oblique angle, the true thickness of the contact
zone is probably much less.

Using PLS the positions of different features along the hole have been identified
almost accurately. The hanging wall contact can in this case be identified within
1 cm, which is the length between individual measurement points.

The above analysis is based on the assumption that conditions of the hanging
wall zone does not vary in the area. However, hanging wall conditions such as
geology and geomechanics will in some cases vary substantially, while the ore
often is more defined and properties more uniform.

To solve this problem a model based only on data from ore was created. The
location of ore boundaries was then based only on the DCL value (Figure 27).
With this technique it is not necessary to be concerned with properties outside of
the ore. Rather, it is only needed to identify whether it is different from ore or

3.0 e -content from cutting analysis (/20)

2.5 -

2.0 -

1.5- DCL


0.5 - 1

0.0 III{

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hole length (m)

Figure 27. The DCL value versus hole length for bore hole 29024200.
The model is based only on iron ore.


Geological information can be retrieved from drill monitoring of percussive

drilling if appropriate analysis of the drilling data is applied.

In this thesis it has been demonstrated how multivariate techniques can be used
to treat this type of data.

These techniques can be considered to be a structured way of determining the

optimal relation between a set of recorded variables, or between recorded
variables and properties in the rock mass.

Dominating changes in the rock mass can be distinguished by using other

methods of analysis, see chapter 2.1. However the importance of this
multivariate approach increases when the aim is to derive rock properties of
more subtle nature from the recorded parameters, or when the raw data
becomes more complex.

It has been demonstrated that each recorded variable carries information about
the rock, even if individual parameters have different magnitude and importance
for specific properties in the rock mass. It is therefore important to look at the
total interaction between all the recorded drill parameters in the analysis.

Furthermore, an increased number of drilling parameters will only generate

more information about the rock without any further complication of the
analysis. Variables not contributing to the explanation of specific features in the
rock mass, or variables providing only redundant information on the rock mass,
will easily be distinguished.


In the case of percussive drilling the studied parameters interact in a complex

manner during the drilling process. The data samples are also exposed to a
substantial amount of noise and measurement errors, making analysis of data
often very difficult. See, for example, Figure 25.

To identify outliers is important in any type of analysis. In this case a point with
high penetration rate in combination with high air pressure and low torque can
be an outlier, even though none of the individual drilling parameters show any
abnormal behaviour. Such outliers are normally difficult to detect by using only
one drilling parameter.

However, by using PCA to examine data, identification of measurement errors

and other types of outliers not belonging to any of the groups in the background
model, such as shown in Figure 8a, is significantly simplified.

The score plots provide a substantial simplification of the interpretation of
drilling data compared to ordinary plots of each raw parameter versus hole
length, for instance. The score plots also allow grouping of specific features in
drilling data and the evaluation of similarities and differences between individual
data points or groups from the hole, see Figures 10a and 13a. For example, the
separate locations for each of the three groups in Figure 10a indicate the
difference in relations between the drilling parameters.

In the corresponding loading plots (Figures 10b and 13b) the inter-relations
between all the drilling parameters can be evaluated. In Figure 10b, the
interaction of the drilling parameters for each group of data in Figure 10a, can
be evaluated, and the significance of each parameter in relation to each data
group established.

Principle Component Analysis of drill monitoring data gives a good overall

picture of how the drilling proceeds, and one also obtains an improved
understanding of the total interaction of the drilling parameters in different
drilling conditions.


PLS is an efficient tool to relate specific properties in the rock mass to the
response of drill parameter.

In order to correlate the response of drilling parameter with a specific property

in the rock mass (in this case the iron content) a test data set including both
drilling parameters and the rock property is fundamental.

The difficult step in this analysis is to choose (from the entire test data set)
reliable modelling test sets for different drilling conditions, each accurately
reflecting the properties in the rock mass that one likes to predict. To do this, a
detailed record of this property in the test hole is required, but detailed
knowledge of all other properties likely to affect the analysis is also necessary.

Once reliable test sets has been selected this can be used to predict the iron
content of a new object, for example. The DCL value related to each prediction
gives an indication of how reliable the prediction is, and can therefore also be
used to select the best model, see Figure 19. Furthermore, a persistently high
DCL value can indicate that the hole is drilled into a new type of rock.

Multiple models were also used in the attempt to predict iron content over a
lager area. Here, one rock model was not sufficient to describe the relation
between drilling parameters and iron content for all types of rock. Several
models, each covering a more well defined type of rock, was used to improve the

In order to separate the data population into smaller more uniform groups a first
PCA of the whole data population can be helpful. This separation can also be
based on detailed geological knowledge through the response of drilling
parameters. The latter procedure was followed in this case.

One important task is to decide how many models to use in order to describe a
whole area. The fewer the models the less accurate the rock description will be,
especially for uncommon types of rock properties. Use of many models may
however increase the risk of each model being too specialised. Furthermore, the
risk that the models may overlap leading to wrong prediction in combination
with low DCL value, will generally increase.

The last part of the thesis shows how multivariate technique can be used to
identify the boundaries of the ore body. With this technique this can be done at
low cost and with reasonably high accuracy. The information is also available
almost immediately after completion of the hole. Any other method available
today would be more time consuming.


This thesis mainly presents the multivariate techniques as tools to interpret drill
monitoring logs. The need for further research and practical field applications to
verify the potential of these techniques in different geological environments is
therefore large.

A major problem in this study has been to retrieve detailed information about
the rock that could match the accuracy of the drilling parameters that is
monitored for each centimetre of drilling. The use of geophysical logging in the
monitored hole would provide a more detailed record of the rock properties,
which is likely to improve analysis and predictions based on drilling parameters.

The use of more drilling parameters in the analysis is likely to improve the
accuracy of prediction of different properties in the rock mass. Machine
vibrations is one example that in simple form has been used for this application.
More sophisticated vibration monitoring can probably provide a number of new
parameters reflecting variations in different properties in the rock mass.

The technique to compare recorded drilling parameters with different models

can be used for many applications. For example a frequently occurring problem
in mining is to classify rock types during drilling. If the different rock types can
be uniquely described and modelled, the DCI, value can be used to classify a
new set of drilling parameters in relation to the known models. A set of drilling
parameters that does not belong to any of the known models can also be
distinguished by a high DCL (over a certain range) for all models.


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ISSN 0280-8242

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