Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
of Spacecraft Design
ELEC399 Lecture
Law 1
“Engineering is done with numbers. Analysis
without numbers is only an opinion.”
– This is why engineering students spend so much time
learning math.
– Engineering success must usually be quantifiable.
– My system is faster. How much faster?
– My system is cheaper. How much does it cost?
– My system is simpler. How do you measure simplicity?
Law 2
“To design a spacecraft right takes an infinite
amount of effort. This is why it's a good idea
to design them to operate when some things
are wrong .”
– Do not design a system that requires 100%
• Examples of failures: Deep Water Horizon, Fukushima
– Aircraft control
• 3 way logic checking
Law 3
“Design is an iterative process. The necessary
number of iterations is one more than the
number you have currently done. This is true
at any point in time.”
– Good designs are never finished.
– See some of the following laws for more insight.
Law 4
“Your best design efforts will inevitably wind up
being useless in the final design. Learn to live
with the disappointment.”
– Bhargava’s Law: Only 1 out of 10 research ideas
make it into industrial practice.
– The biggest commercial success is not the best
technical design.
• Nokia N95 versus the first generation iPhone
Law 5 (Miller’s Law)
“Three points determine a curve.”
– You will always find a pattern in any set of data.
– Just make sure that your pattern is due to the
underlying phenomena that you are studying and
not due to the measurement noise.
• Academics and graduate students are particularly fond
of ignoring this rule.
Law 6 (Mar’s Law)
“Everything is linear if plotted log‐log with a fat
magic marker.”
• Bigg’s Law: “Don’t fall in love with your
mathematical tools. They will not love you
• Don’t over‐fit your data.
Law 7
“At the start of any design effort, the person
who most wants to be team leader is least
likely to be capable of it.”
– Dilbert cartoons are based on actual experiences
in Engineering firms, only mildly exaggerated.
– Some aspects of leadership may be natural but a
good deal of leadership must be learned.
– Sometimes managers fail to ‘respect the business.’
• Ask any industrial engineer about MBAs
Law 8
“In nature, the optimum is almost always in the
middle somewhere. Distrust assertions that
the optimum is at an extreme point.”
– Standard example: Optimal power transfer.
– Worked example: optimal sensor resistance.
Law 9
“Not having all the information you need is
never a satisfactory excuse for not starting the
– Just be sure to know what values you want to give
a more complete analysis.
Law 10
“When in doubt, estimate. In an emergency,
guess. But be sure to go back and clean up the
mess when the real numbers come along.”
– You are being trained as engineers not surgeons.
– Quality thinking is more important in this
profession than fast thinking.
Law 11
“Sometimes, the fastest way to get to the end is
to throw everything out and start over.”
– Learning when you need to do this can take years.
– Many industries are full of cases when this should
have been done but wasn’t
• Russian manned spy space station: Almaz
– Brilliant technical design
– Made obsolete by computer controlled spy satellites the year
after it was launched.
– Early ‘automobiles’
Law 12
“There is never a single right solution. There are
always multiple wrong ones, though.”
– Keep an open mind.
– Engineering is not a religion.
• Technical apostasy is perfectly acceptable.
– Example: Mechanical automatic computation
• Leading method in World War 2.
• It took until the 1960s for digital hardware to really take
over the field.
Law 13
“Design is based on requirements. There's no
justification for designing something one bit
"better" than the requirements dictate.”
– Clients really don’t like paying for capabilities they
do not need.
– Find the required reliability for your application
and design for that reliability level.
• Easier said than done.
Law 14 (Edison’s Law)
“‘Better’ is the enemy of ‘good’.”
– Actually a quote of Voltaire
– You need to recognize when you have achieved a
system that is good enough.
• You can always make a system better since perfection
requires infinite resources.
• See Law 13.
Law 15 (Shea's Law)
“The ability to improve a design occurs primarily
at the interfaces. This is also the prime
location for screwing it up.”
– There are a lot of engineers/technicians who
understand one system really well.
– It is rare to find someone who understands two
different systems really well.
• e.g. Systems with complex hardware and software
interactions usually go wrong at the interfaces.
Law 16
“The previous people who did a similar analysis
did not have a direct pipeline to the wisdom
of the ages. There is therefore no reason to
believe their analysis over yours. There is
especially no reason to present their analysis
as yours.”
Law 17
“The fact that an analysis appears in print has no
relationship to the likelihood of its being
• Famous opinion from the 1970s:
– “1200 baud is probably about as fast as telephone
modems can go.”
• Known as the “Coding is dead” talk of 1970.
• Trellis coded modulation got this rate up to 50 kilobaud
by the 1990s
Law 18
“Past experience is excellent for providing a
reality check. Too much reality can doom an
otherwise worthwhile design, though.”
Law 19
“The odds are greatly against you being
immensely smarter than everyone else in the
field. If your analysis says your terminal
velocity is twice the speed of light, you may
have invented warp drive, but the chances are
a lot better that you've screwed up.”
Law 20
“A bad design with a good presentation is
doomed eventually. A good design with a bad
presentation is doomed immediately.”
The Avro C102 – The world’s second commercial Jetliner (by 13 days)
(Cancelled to support development of the Avro Arrow)
Law 21
“Half of everything you hear in a classroom is
crap. Education is figuring out which half is
– Your professors are not trying to waste 50% of
your time.
• We are guessing what techniques you will need in
rapidly changing and evolving fields.
– Example: Quantum computing.
• Either vital knowledge to work as an Engineer in the
next 20 years, or it will be of only academic interest
until the 2030s.
Law 22
“When in doubt, document. (Documentation
requirements will reach a maximum shortly
after the termination of a program.)”
– If you cannot solve a problem, do not hide your
• Document what is causing the problem.
• Maybe someone else can figure out how to solve the
Law 23
“The schedule you develop will seem like a
complete work of fiction up until the time
your customer fires you for not meeting it.”
Law 24
“It's called a ‘Work Breakdown Structure’
because the Work remaining will grow until
you have a Breakdown, unless you enforce
some Structure on it.”
Law 25 (Bowden's Law)
“Following a testing failure, it's always possible
to refine the analysis to show that you really
had negative margins all along.”
– Example: Canadian Transportation Accident
Investigation and Safety Board and Federal
Aviation Administration accident reports.
– Some failures are caused by a lack of imagination
(Paraphrasing Frank Borman).
– Engineers are forgiven for making mistakes. They
are not forgiven for hiding mistakes.
Law 26 (Montemerlo's Law)
“Don't do nuthin' dumb.”
– A surprisingly hard rule to follow in engineering
– Don’t forget the fundamentals.
– Keep your priorities clear to yourself.
Law 27 (Varsi's Law)
“Schedules only move in one direction.”
– Leave yourself room for problems and difficulties.
• Testing failures.
• Later in life: family emergencies
– Do not forget that others may be late in delivering
the required products to you for no fault of their
– Always leave yourself and your team some space
in the schedule.
Law 28 (Ranger's Law)
“There ain't no such thing as a free launch.”
Law 29 (von Tiesenhausen's Law of
Program Management)
“To get an accurate estimate of final program
requirements, multiply the initial time
estimates by pi, and slide the decimal point on
the cost estimates one place to the right.”
Law 30 (von Tiesenhausen's Law of
Engineering Design)
“If you want to have a maximum effect on the
design of a new engineering system, learn to
draw. Engineers always wind up designing the
vehicle to look like the initial artist's concept.”
Law 31 (Mo's Law of Evolutionary
“You can't get to the moon by climbing
successively taller trees.”
– It is useful to understand the fundamental
limitations of your technology/approach.
Law 32 (Atkin's Law of
“When the hardware is working perfectly, the
really important visitors don't show up.”
Law 33 (Patton's Law of Program
“A good plan violently executed now is better
than a perfect plan next week.”
• Errors in the industry: waiting for the ‘perfect’
– While you are waiting, your competition will take
the market.
Law 34 (Roosevelt's Law of Task
“Do what you can, where you are, with what
you have.”
• There is no point designing for non‐existent
technology unless you are a science fiction
Law 35 (de Saint‐Exupery's Law of
“A designer knows that he has achieved
perfection not when there is nothing left to
add, but when there is nothing left to take
Law 36
• “Any run‐of‐the‐mill engineer can design
something which is elegant. A good engineer
designs systems to be efficient. A great
engineer designs them to be effective.”
– Elegant design: Standard city water system.
– Efficient design: New York water system.
– Effective design: Indigenous civilizations’ irrigation
systems in North/South America. (Some still
functioning after 1000s of years)
Law 37 (Henshaw's Law)
“One key to success in a mission is establishing
clear lines of blame.”
– Take responsibility for your actions and decisions.
– Don’t trust an engineer (or anyone else for that
matter) who refuses to do so.
Law 38
“Capabilities drive requirements, regardless of what
the systems engineering textbooks say.”
• The key is to recognize what new capabilities are
being developed:
– 1950s: Transistors
– 1960s: Integrated circuits
– 1970s: Microprocessors
– 1980s: Home computers
– 1990s: Internet
– 2000s: Wireless/mobile computing
Law 39
The three keys to keeping a new manned space
program affordable and on schedule:
1. No new launch vehicles.
2. No new launch vehicles.
3. Whatever you do, don't decide to develop any
new launch vehicles.
– Avoid the temptation to believe a completely
new product will always be better than an
evolution of an old product.
Law 40
“Space is a completely unforgiving environment. If you
screw up the engineering, somebody dies (and there's
no partial credit because most of the analysis was
– Big engineering control disasters:
• Fukushima, Cherynobl
• De Havilland Comet (Why windows have rounded corners on
commercial airliners)
• Eastern Airline Flight 401 (Autopilot guided a commercial jetliner
into the Everglades)
• Therac‐25 (Canadian radiation treatment machine)
– Paraphrasing Richard Feynman:
• “Nature cannot be fooled.”