Lessons Learned 39 Ambush Operations, 11 MAR 64 (OCR)
Lessons Learned 39 Ambush Operations, 11 MAR 64 (OCR)
Lessons Learned 39 Ambush Operations, 11 MAR 64 (OCR)
(2.. I
LL 39
c.l .
MAR 25 1964
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1'..1JLITj:,.~.1.Y j~ SSISti.l/'.! "cnjVIS OHY C",:.'LO·i~r ,
r..:20 143, San .E'-T ~' ncisco, Cri lifornia
11 JEreh 1964
sumiCC'i': Less ons Learned Nwnber 39: .<mbush Opera t i ons (TJ)
'1'0: fJ ee j)istribution
1. (U) i:. tta checl es Inclosure 1 are t :.:'8 10 te dt " Les s ons Learned"
from counte ',~' in su rG8ncy ope:,:'a t ions in the j.le:}u~.J lic of Vietn~ .
2. ( U) ".L'he infoI'j'la -Cion cont a ined in " Les':,ons 1 enrned " is p:rir:lOrily
intended fOT l ',se 'oy ;)"8 ":"l.dvi sor s in Vietn"':J . Lessons rila~r be of value fO"£
di:Lect ap-plicctic:;:'l , or the,)' ii1f: y s i .n) ly rcir!f' orce exis '(j-;'ng' tactics, tech-
niq ues , or doc t.J..~ i ne .
4. (U) Conments , quasti ons i:ncl. r oquests fo:-::- cocnges in dis t r ibuti on
sho~.21d b·.:: a dd r essG\i t o this !l€s dquD rte r s , A'J.1TN : 02~T Di vi sion , USAS ~C .
1 Inc l
_·S·po·;io·l- TLossons Len rna(1 )
SUBJ ~CT: Lessons Lea rnco_ ITc';') ber 39:
are deli bera to aE~bush"~:'s 0110. ambushes of O;?)Ol"'"b,,;:.w. t:". ".l;hG~" can be employed
Bt,'"Binst 'Joth veh.:- culer 811d. purso:1n81 targets.
and to '::2I'n of an a -c-eock.
I.:J_I IS·\t~'J
. \~. . ;-;IJi
0 ·N'
U. ;3. Lit.::f[ Sl~crrIOIT
TTILITA::{Y AS,SIS~!~:j:.. ~rCE i:.DVI SO:~:Y GilOUP? VIgil~TLJI
APO 143, San 1'rancisco, California
See Distribution
b. General.
SUB.n.;CT: lessons Learned Numb er 39: Ambush Operadons (u)
(3) 'rhe s ecurity el ement protects the as s aul t and au ".port ele -
ments and c overs the avenues of approa ch i nto -ehe ambush site that the VC
may us e t o rei nforce the ~ mbus he d force. This element also covers the 17i th-
dra~:al of ' t he assault and su ;Jport elements and secures -che rally point .
(2) Sites. Once th::, area f or ~L' bustl operati ons has been
de terr.li ned t he a ctual sites are sel ected. Ambus he s are roost effective
when the site s elected conf~nes the VC to an a rea where he can be des-
! D
.- ~.
; ", '." ~ .
- - - -- - - - - - -- -.- -
: 'AGAR-O~' (SM)
SU:; JECfr: Lessons IJ8arned l~UJ;:b or 39': il;;)bus h Opcm tions
troyed. Na t ural ohstacl e s nre nU:-,1(:?T OU S in Vie tnaJl1 for 8mbus h positions,
such as cliffs , streams, or.1ba n..\ mc·nts, and norro'.! trails e nd rrr; ds with
canals on e i t he!' side e Ln indi:coct aplJroac b Sh012Jd at? used to enter the
ambus h si te , o t uGl"'lcuse the VC will d etec t the friendl y Movemen t and employ
a n ambush af~ ins t GVN forc Gs . loi.. t t ime s usc of cireui t ous route, ElB.,Y r equire
thro:--, to fou r days to r each the 8nbush s i·ce . it ~trol rnny be forcud to occupy
an or:1Jus h site ')011 ahead of the arl"ivf.ll of '~ bG target . Patience is eSS 0n -
tiel if s oc r e cy is to be rJ2intai ne(~. Jr h8reforu , uni ts must bo prepared to
rOF13 i n in 8r.:l:)ush rn"oClS for a r:rl.nir!1UIn of 0 week r,nd ofte n a s long as 8 mo nth.
f. Ambus h f0112][1 ti ons . Typica l a!n bus h f oroo tions bGi n,~; run,?l oyed
in VIr arG linuar , il1" shope, " V" s r..a~Je , and II Pim"hecl" f or mations . 1' hcse
for!Tlntions Ct.' !1 o e ci" ~)l oycd cffectiv;:;ly os d e li1Jc:;:'D"Ge 81'lbuohos or ar:1bushes
of o ))or t uni 1i,\T . An expl 0l na t :!. on ni th sko tchos of these f O:rrn.::l t i ons is at
InclosnrGs 2 trJ'oEch 5.
(3 )
Cons "t:;:c'u c tj.on of minc-s , f ra fJ'lQnt8t~:...on chn r Cl:: s cnd dcmol -
i tions (F1El ;. n Dnd branch linus) .
--- ~~ . ~ -.
._ - - - - -- -
iIAGAR-O'.i' ( S&A)
SUBJECT : Lcnsons Lcc rnc:o. lTUlnber 39 : Anbush
(4) Plnc or18nt of l!i n" s m Id/or ch(' rgos . ( Nur:lber of mines to
coploy is dO :\Jvnd2nt u pon s iz..:; of w. rgc t.)
j. rTi ght ambush . 'l'he Irinci ~)l os of T·.:::u :Jh OIL")r E: tions di s cussed
a bove a pply to n i g ht 2f!lbushcs 2 S ~{ cll as dey DJ:tbush0S . Hm"leve r , D t ni g ht
80;"',0 modifieD tion s may be requir(;d . ConccBlr,,0nt i s ;.l vntiful G t nig'ht , but
obs c rva-ci.on is limited end firo is l"'; l',~s 8CCU T8 tO. ~h or efor,-" Y,'ea p o ns I!1ust
DO j)ro}JI.: :cly s i tod to ensur e compl u tu covorc, gu of tn.~:, k illing zone rd, th fir e ,
~.,rc:c pon fi'J1 0.s of fiT :.; s hould bL fi x e d by s tr:kcs . Pos j. ti ons shou l d D2 cl oser
toget'.cr f or t -. ttor con L-ol. Ambush posi hons nho:.. lo. :)8 occu<Ji ed n t ni ght
hut DftGr D <U! l light r :_cOllik!is sonC8 if fossi "Dle . r.· lnr,~ s sho'.... ld "til: uS l:d
vrh un e v~ i18') l o to GUF) Ort t;;.o ,>·1b1.,: s h force. Infr2r Gcl VlCo. J:)on si.3·hts may be
us~; d by [L71b~.ls h forces t o view p0rsonn:e:l Di1d objects in the dc r!-q ::;~Dk 0 it
possinl ,,:. -co fir ~ on cp) l'Opri2to w r gc ts ~J t ni Ght; Dnd sond anc'l r,.'c e ivc prc-
o.oton-:linod codo sj_ ~n:: ls by uni ng t~i"" li,.:. < ht SOl.ITCC to tr& ns!1i t e nd the
tG1 0s coPQ to r e cei ve . I f ruquir()d ond cvo ilabl c , 1Ul:~j. nous t.ope or iJa int
!!I8. r l-:ings ?,.8~r bo Esad for idontifico. -'cion.
(3) !11e:thor the DY1 JUsh i s Q::l~) l oy\j d to covor 8 roed, trDil, or
i'T :l t UI"l·)£:Y-, -ell •.) forc,:: nOrIT'l..2 lly d \.;'ucrl,.:s Dnd. tD~;::0 S up c oncon L.JCl positions. Boot
cr0il;:::cn r e~", :~ i n j_n or noc: r tl10ir cr.:: ft , v/hich ,-:ru c8rcful l y conc..::cled . 1:'hc
8 HDU::;h s .:::c urj.'Gy tecn l O:-l der is ::D. dc r Gs ) onsibl... : for svcuri tf of '~ i-h; bonts;
boat Cr tT,-'.:~.h.:n :"'"!r(; und ...:I' his contr ol d u:roing Occuj;o t ion of 3h·.: c.f:1Jush s itu .
WCDUS8 sovore l hours of Hoi tin<-!,' 8 1'U usual ly required nt
the' o::lbush si '~:J , ci1c,ne;cs in l;jvcl ~ nd dire ction of str een fl mi ofte n occur.
'. i.'h0 ambush COni:lD ndc r DUS t n ntici p-_! to thGS C ch.:l n;~:c:s .::! no. p12n hi s c:ntush
[~ rm.lnd th·_:-~ . C ~12i1~::OS i,n t he l ...:vGl of the · \"W . to r d ue: to tides ncy r 2q._-d r c
- - - - - -- -- ,_ .. _ .
; ".GAR- OT (:)M~)
SUBJ.. JCT: Less ons L0~_rnc d !,\~U: l~)Cr 39: An bush O)Ul"'12 'cions (u)
rclDying ~i!\';:Op011S in [t ".?[; tor,'"!,::.,:r OL\·,)llSh. l~t ebb -:~ ido, bonts r.\'~ Y bo strendud,
or sonG "dt hdrc ·.l8 1 r outes :x'. ~t 'v·. eOT.!\..: too she IloH for usc: . T~(.; direction
of 8 Pljr o0.c h ~f 0n c:1Y -bor. t :3 ",' !t! y be J;.-, s ,.:..d on ·~h..; diroction of curren t flo~: •
.~h cs o f [!c to r s nust 2 11 b o cons idercd in choosin:~' the. 10c:J t i on , ti:i:1C: , e nd
' 1c thod of ~' r~:)Ush .
4 . (C!'iHi, ) l£S30RS ill~ R:lC:j) . Tho f oUoliing si ~if icQn t l essons l ec rned
in nubus h opera tions , a 1 t houGh itl? l i0G. in 'ch~ foregoing' discu ssions , :.n:;rrnn t
r ust..'1 t i ng :
IlernEIIIII"" lUTHOlllEI '
~~~QJJ$IXl @W @~~(Q)r&IJ\l})~Oi1V
:""~~, /~~ I
~ t t , ''i, '" I
\ (Point ele.ent sets up .-bush) I
upon detecting elllllllT .,.,..ant ,
\ I
\ I
, I
, . ~ ..
.... (1 /
" "
),Pi:toon lIIOVes to eetablish a
RUle Co (-) BIOve: ~ - -<. CP I I blocIdJIg positiOll.. -
establish a blocking posi-
tion. Ckle platoon is left
for eecurit;yo (Friendly forces)
Iacll . ""
... -
. ,. -'.' "-',, ,Ne' .",", C",' Sh. . " ". ,., ;
,_ 1J.<~ .''
, "-
. ,--_ ~V
-- -
~. ~ -
~~ .
..... . . "
"tt'~'" 1.''''111111,••
_ _ _- -- --. _ __ .J
----.-- . loi • . • _ _ - - --
ao,.d, Trail ----------------~----- --~-----~
or epen Area
----------=======J~~_____ ~.
(R:Ules & Aut~t1c Veapops)
(60 _ Mortar, t,aDes, Booby)
1f t
(Assault and Support Elements)
f t (Traps, Cl.a7JIOre Mines,
. (Grenade Launchers.
Securit7- _Security · ,
(Aut_tic Weapons) (Aut_tic Weapons)
Inel 2
- - _ .. --- - --_ .. _-- _ ...... _ ...
and Enemy
Automatic Weapons
tt i j
• .,,;W
Rifles and
Automat ic Weapons
Incl :3
'tONI 16iftT."
I s;;; ,
'-. '~
,. ...
i '",,-
..... . "
, ':oJ
..... -- - (,J
, ."
*2 5itu.tion
/' " r
/' "- "
*1 IDe. Situation
CD "
0 Ambush leader
In theee ~ituat1ona #1 and 1/2 assault eleant. switch to preselected
alternate poaiti_ _1;O engage the en-.r.
\ i1"
In order to provide support ~ all directions the support ele..nt is
deJ)lo7ed in center of the /IIIlJiish ,poaition. '
o 0 0 0 o 0 o o o o o ~ Artillery Concentrations
o . ...
o ,
, ( . erve 0
Dunit ot 80
o Control
a _
hine 0
VC Deception ~0 f:. t sun) "
t , .' 0
Four. o
o Force o
o ~ o
o o
o o
o o 0 0 0 o 0 Four to six MIl &lllbueh
(Ambush) L J to warn ot direction
( ____ ; _ --./
/ ot VC attack.
J.o4tp.ted 500 .eters to
11'H frOlll each corner
o1'"t he haIIlet •
.'1 ".
- The concept of the plan is to lfrce thevc.~ntj attempting a hasty witldrawal through
the tront gate. It the VC atta;'i:k1ng torce attempts to withdraw through the gate the
ambush element by the gate with arbille1'7. support Will deetroy thea. It the ene~
chooses to breakout to their lett the /llines vUl stop i;belll and they vUl be in a
cross tire trom the blocking and ambuA torce. I.t'the ' l[C 'H"1es to back-out by return-
ing through the breach in the wall he vUl be sto~ \ "'~illery and the outside
~ush force. This type ambush can be Planne.d tor·aAt· ~on or cornerot the hamlet .
l '~_~"8quad can cOlllbat a VC platoon with tllill ettectivi;"PJ,an.
, i
Incl 6
-._- ~=LASSiF:==
1,- '-'
" h ' . .. . • ,
Ambuah Force
- ~
Aabuh Force
~ ~
.," \
t. ~·i~' ,j ':--/ LAS "'"", -I r- ," "
_ :: 11- t. J
~---- -- - '''' -_ /
~~~lW~ -~r-:Jf ~~ ,_
$tr~1f ®rn:lMln~@I?@~<eIt~
I '.
(Set Ambush here)
Block1ng Force
".. ' ,
* PareciOIl Pua4O• .
Road or Trail
'\ ',
Se':uritlrer /'
AutOlll&tic Weapon
t , t
AII~I&Ulift Element aM Support. 1lA!'"lt
--- ......
--- Security-
AutOll&t-.c. Weapon
.~!'.o-':' -
Detonating net_tine
(Wire) HLne (Wire)
VC lIIIIneuver e18lllllnts
Incl 10
;... ..
.:.. -' ,., UNCLASSIFIED
~t;; "
/' .... litH
•. "
Batteri" · ~· ~.)
.,~ .
Mines are pre-wired except for , ~l~t~hlaent to the batt'iriell aDd. CaD be
elllpl.o7ed ~iatelT. Mine is set and., as the soldier IIOftIl to the rev the
wire ill _und. and prepared for f i:rirtg' . '
Inel 11