Ian Taig - Aircraft FEM Notes

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RULES FOR MODELLING STRUCTURES CONTENTS Introduction . Selection of Geometry .. 1. 5 oe 2) Appliccation to model 111021211177 ea Idealisation and Interpretation ...._ os General ....... tee , ae Fuselage Frames 2.111) )1 211! BY Machined frames 12.111)!!! + 10 Pressure bulkheads...) 1.1.0. 1121! + 10 Note on the use of CSHEAR elements | +22 Understanding non-rectangular panels + 13 Use of PARAM NOELOF for edge loads . 15 Floors... eee Wings - ribs, spars, skins Fuselage skins ........,, Trailing edge idealisation |) Composite panel idealisation Single anisotropic panel . Multiple QUADd elements ..1.1 11! The Nastran PCOMP facility |. Through thickness CFC modelling Honeycomb idealisation .. Joints and hinges ...... Mechanisms .......002 220211] Holes and reinforcements . Symmetry ....... Solid modelling 1222122) Strain Gauge elements; Rigid load paths ........000.20221 011 Removal of potential singularities Enforcing local displacements ...... Very stiff items of structure . Merging a change in mesh size | Obtaining average motions eee Distributing loads to a structure - Changing the global D.O.F. ........ trees 44 a Note on dependant and independant freedoms . 45 | Exchanging freedoms in RBEl’s ..... 45 Constraints and supports . . oe » 46 Statically determinate supports . 46 Boundary constraints ......... . 47 t Imposition of deflected shapes 2 48 Imposition of plane sections ..... . 49 | Multi-point constraints using MPC’ s » 50 Errors in Nastran elements ....., + 51 : Straight cantilever beam tests ee i Rectangular plate test ............. 2! a. 54 Methods of avoiding errors in modelling + 55 i Application of loading ......, Description of common cards used Definition of loading . +: 58 Ghecking the loading 02002020222 2TDIDITIDI 2g Symmetric and antisymmetric components. 111! 29 Unit cases ........0....0. Rigid body movement. cases Point loads ., . Distributed loa jing Pressure loads ...- Fuel pressures |... Inertia loads Balanced cases ... Loading balance shee Section 3b RULES FOR MODELLING STRUCTURES Introduction The idealisation of the real structure into an acceptable geometrical grid, set of elements, sizes, constraints materials, loading etc. has but one purpose, to enable the REAL structure loads, stresses and deflections to be calculated. The idealisation should thus represent all the load paths and realistic loading distributions set up. Ag the stage of formulating the size and scope of the analysis, decisions will be made which force the idealisation of the structace along fairly recognisable paths. For example in the modelling of « fuselage a coarse mesh with skin panels bounded by major franes would imply the use of shear and rod elements for the skins Unless the idealisation is carried out keeping in mind the full Eegugrements, pitfalls are numerous. Overkill of the mesh size may Greate a dinausaur with no future; over simplification can leave gut load paths which may be critical. The use of pre-processors Such as Patran gives the engineer the ability to generate complex Srrpeferes with ease, but this does not necessarily mean that they will be more accurate. intrinsically the solution of the stiffness matrix, application gf joading and constraints, the generation of displacements, and the back substitution to obtain loads and stresses is an accurate MATHEMATICAL process. This does not imply that the results from any model are correct. Accuracy should not be confused with correctnee The correctness of the result is in the hands of the usec. Qverall accuracy, no doubt, remains linked to the source and guality of the information available. It is pointless setting up a complex analysis based on preliminary scheme drawings, approximate loading and uncertain materials. The question "How accurate is the available data?” is rarely asked, and if qualified would generally lead to suprising tollerances on the results. The process of idealisation requires geometry to be defined and element sizes to be calculated which satisfy area or stiftness requirements, and only rarely both. Thus in most instances the model is a compromise, and the subsequent interpretation to the real structure is treated differently Phe stress engineer should not use analysis results blindly Modelling, loading and constraint errors should be eliminated is the checking process, but may still be present. Thus be on guard for unexpected results. The ser should only launch into the idealisation process having first determined for himself a clear method of approach and a good understanding of the total requirements SELECTING THE GEOMETRY There are two stages in determining the model geometry, locating the source, and its application to the model. Both of these stages have several options. Source of geometry :- The source can play a vital part in the Scope of an analysis, not only in the accuracy but in the elapsed time to definition. A wing analysis, for example, would require a greatly extended time scale if the surface geometry was not available. If key diagrams for a structure are not available a complex analysis should not be undertaken since by implication the results would be approximate. a) Defined explicitely drawings giving all the required geometry. This may be input directly into Nastran or Patran. . b) Scale drawings .. these may be interpreted several ways gyhand measurement, using a digitiser, or if available on Anvil by conversion into a mesh via Patran. ¢) Key diagrams .. giving the intersect points of major items ribs/spars etc. The mesh may be created using Anvil and gonverted to a Nastran set of points or passed to Patran for further refinement. d) Surfaces .. available on Anvil or Catia. These are used to form up the basic model using intersects as patch boundaries which are then put to Patran for further refinement, or to generate profile geometry by project- ing a previously defined 2-D mesh of points onto the surface. @) Solid geometry .. Catia items. The process of conversion to an analysis grid is currently being studied and remains a specialist activity. ‘ng tore RE RRR RR Me corm enemy nate zee pene Application to model :~ The geometry may be used directly in some cases, but in other cases should be modified to represent the best interccts of accuracy or expediancy to the user. Some comments are given below. a) Flying surfaces, wings etc .. are relatively thin structures and thus in order to keep the skin membrane loading and stiffness correct, the mid skin thickness geometry should be used. There is a proceedure within the Optimisation routines which will carry out this task automatically. >) Fuselage shells .. a decision should be made on the geometry profile which should be consistant, ie. at the outer CPL, the inner skin point, or the mid skin point. Rules approach. ¢) Puselage frames .. sloping frames should be converted to jocal axes so that the in plane stiffness is not lose due to small kinks. PPS offers an automatic conversion @) Fuselage floors, shear webs .. ensure the geometry is planar, convert to local axes if nesessary. ¢) Ring frames .. modelled as shear webs and rods, geometry at skin points and internal points (observe 3 abave). jpetgdelied as bar elements, geometry as 2 above and use offset vectors to section N/A. £) Longerons/spars .. ensure that these follow the correct (straight) lines. Geometry errors which create kinks both reduce the effective stiffness and impose unreal loads on the support points. 9) Offset joints .. beware of setting up joints involving offsets from the main load paths unless the offset the geometry of the hinge points must be set up co-linear in order to avoid ‘locking up’. Use « Fl stem with the hinge line axis nearest to the basic x, y, or z direction. See the section on the modelling of Hinges. “SIRL yanop Tm ss3yLs WwLIe = ayor yHy NIXS Yo Noys9NOT NING santos mrs J Asaayan 24 avo 380 SAMOS JILL 1y0gSHYNL = SLNIOE Lasda0 ‘Newa9NOT NI SSINISLS 40 S501 ST yory7 AvimoaD e2 ane ayor TWayNe "224 SyniynynD OL 3ne \ sevor avy /auvnd se AYL3HO3S NI SYRIM atony “i229 Sas SHOTTHNOT “ANULSNoD BVNIEYO-0g NO ANIAYH S9xy TIF oN! 2oJ ~ AYZIHOFT WH SUNIX aLOnY SsaNssl1s ws“ 40 301 ord oe avant TT vO SYD ae “1 SUIM BINS “Soong Sanwa NOTE & NOLLYSITWIe! ve = yo i Antod pas. Hoy YOLIIN 238430 NoLYSI3a1 Hooa/73NVd JYIHS -1 S3HWIS Nig j sien XS NIxs AYLINOIN LNVLSISNCD 350 - STS BW ISNT SSINISLS NODS ENY -gNIaYOT a NOS S7AYISTW = MIdIT NES GIN LW KIHOZD i — : <3 Sonim TW3tOW OL NolLWaWdy - LYLanog5 & IDEALISATION - RULES FOR MODELLING STRUCTURES GENERAL 7 jhe, idealisation of the real structure into fodel should, as previously stated. only be und. full purpose and scope of the analysia has been the Nastran lertaken when the determined, What should be clear is ;- The size of the grid The position of all major load paths The interface points to other componants or between frames and shell etc. The loading and support requirements. Additional points may have to be created, jasccan is a displacement method program — it solves for Gisplacements at grid points. thus che general aim in the idealisation process is to model the CORRECT STIFFNESS. This dormelly requires the specification of the correct thick fon Semen, {temss but in many instances tnece are modif ‘oa compromise in the selection of the geometry, fastran element forces and stresses balance the applied joading, however STRESSES are ont The following page illustrate. and interpretation methods. i “FYGALIMYSLS FHL op 1 PONVHD Yo “scoH13u NoLYSMUad! as NY AYLIHOID YOS ONILIZVYCI NAHM LORY TUE NI JY SIoyoS JyMLINYZs 1W3Y TINY 2NZHIID BSyasNZ w2SNW yISNn Biyyaooy si BUS LNIHBIS 2H. ayZHM (q atte W392) 9H2 4° qoyiNad 3H 20 SI AY29N0FD FHL 3YSHM (v SBINVISNI M3d YO NI BUNUAMMS TW3Iy BH2 YOS BLYyMIW AINO BUY SISS3¥LS NVISYN YIABmMoy ONiqyol TaN Bw WNVWE S9ssIVls ANY S|dy0g ININII"A SANIQg aN LY SLNGHSNASIE Yyos SINS - WYyH OY, TOHLIW ANIHBIWVIWSIC Y SI NYYSUN & “SNOLWIMDIGD | ss3¥is Wise BONWIUa Tania (SSaN Aa 'way¥) = BIS Ww AdAL LN9N313 YLaN0|Yy “sunzzevis 1Y3Y 9H2 No Sinns3y¥ assay ¥e? Btinovd °L QASYIAZY 3 rasow sey ~ 39NZIWAINDA IWyOLoNVis BML 9NINIZA3T OL SHOLYIZZ0 TYUYOY 3° VIMMAN Yo SanrenrT SLINSSY 4 NOWVLAYYILN| & eo NOLYSIIN ACT Houle YINGLSYS + Holld ' S¥Eta1SWy 4° YIEHAN @ N "HL9NI7 TaNW you, N oe 7 SUvET BusHS +o ‘gvaus aoaa~ 4% aust AVG Ye L3MI STON YSNa1Sy3 my 44 SONY. TWHLDy 92 easter 49 OLY CHV Smo1y IOUS SW -13 ueyy CaNILRO s3sS3S prozy SV VINE 3ML07443 MOYs TAMIYLEO SqVOI EK zoo 530% Mm Logna IOs Usyy GaNINse savor -YuaKS Sauer anus say “Wyrg 2 ke NaMS St ssous Ieaine aw Sweat aT sayy TG Faves on aasn sa aw bay en Say ay aay ay ny 7 + stamy on eyed an Me gua wm wd Svan vey ang 353425 LNVLSNOg eal Wied = NO¥sO NOY NI @yoy Siwy £10 WRONA THT ang a yo syvanse z ae 7S sewer Ling S ovey on syuaz parang eters aa 1 W2 2! aN ees tans eo) SLUBWHINT “YS SAYS i elon SyoT NOLDSVE ey Fig + A mora wane ny Fe 5 STUS WANS 3909301 44a aemeentia % i —=— v|| ues | | 4 ty | 1 ib — 2 wo dye ae “1 s1aNY) WIngnVLoay yes ‘SQVOT Qa ANY S¥vaHS 39c7 MNO ex sHozayte B9C7 TANG FHL curt TIMVSIY Angi ago YO 350 t ‘ v 7 SOW agua MI TINY 49 WANG NH NaRI9 sayeT Taw, “'STANVE NI S99909 $ayre9 Name savas a9e3— 7 Svanva NI sazveq yyatsa c “AUUSSITIN YY SNOLLIIWICT ON APAYVCD BY SISSINNIINL IBN aHY SUIVY Boy e3aINOgy (a9) seve (rma) wyans> SauWa TANOWH Note on the use of CSHEAR elements Tye pCSHEAR element normally carries shear loads only and thus should be surrounded by ROD elements to carry end loads‘ in the equivalent areas. If this extensional stiffness is not panel will be singular and would probably lead to a FATA or excessive displacements. A facility to give the shear element extensional stiffness pores eg ctrection exists using the Fl and/or F2 factors. {see PSHEAR description). 1 Fl rods s-~ FOL Ne, Fl = factor for areas 1 1 on sides 1,2 and 3,4 we ti F2 cods i we a F2 = factor for areas i ' on sides 1,4 and 2,3 land elie et Tf Fl or F2 are set to 1.0 the equivalent rods would be set to areas of 1/2.t.Wi or 1/2.t.W2 ... ie. fully effective for end low If the panel is less than fully effective, two methods of approach are possible. a) F< 1,01, the areas are set to 1/2.F1.t.wl or 1/2.P2.t.W2 -.. a function of the panel wIDT 2 1, the areas are set to 1/2.Fl.t or 1/2.F2.0°.. +++ @ function of the panel THICKNESS. b) Fou. USE These factors can be used to remove the singularity for --- ting frames across the frame depth. use Fl or F2 to create equivalent rods across frame. flange RODs e AND gh calculating flange areas the web thickness componint ~~ Aw/6 can be included using the F factors by setting the required F factor to 1/3, WARNING ... Using Fl or F2 = 1.0 would lead to an over stiff bending section. DIRECT LOADS IN PANELS .. The only method of determining the end joads carried in the SHEAR panel when an F factor is used ts to look at the corner forces F-PROM-4 F-FROM-2 etc. Without F factors the corner forces are of equal magnitide and ammount to the shear loading on the edges. With F factors the UNDERSTANDING NON-RECTANGULAR PANELS . For rectangular panels the GPFB output can be easily used to calculate the shear and end lo i jad components of the panel loading, For ynon-rectangular panels the GPFB output can be used to EAleulate the edge loads provided the output is transfosued into ene S48e directions and components from adjacent edges reswvene Consider the example below. 25830 263+10 foamy GPFB loads AT coRNegs a eee eS x —e Bsa 552041 “se wat fossa 7 P aes — 595-34 —+ ass EDGE 3-4 7 de&07 = COMPONENT oF EDGE S-% LoAD X f-sse 3 + 57534 Nass (248-52) -— SUBTRACT S-4 Gon fonENT SHEAR conTRIBUTION + fh sun IB 3-4 ao = 2-48 mmm EDGE 6-3 hayes y 2 hes” 2683 fp— a Salt = aubes, tr y= 38S won by ea sor $13 oe EdGE S-6 ~ 2804 7¥38kR ae — fee ee SHEAR CONTRIBUTION = 2 Sunt ° c face, 13-2697 ’ en 200 n2fo-4 -254-0 . Ye 22 25-99 wm oO Encl 4-5 263-1 foes ¥ * LET fue DIRECTIONS BE pe \ Se ee tclas 6. gp son 4 so RESOLUING GFFR LOABS INTO HV AXES GIVES -2IS-S og PN 206-8 ay Ne s25:7 REMOVING ADTACENT EDGE COMPONENTS cen cae YT . SHEAR CONTRIBUTION Qe FOrllp ren Noa | \ \g37 I 663-6 F + MBI2 68-25 whe iG FO ee q FINAL @ANEL EDGE SHEARS SINR PANEL EDGE SHEARS 599 ————— (ANEL SHEAR FRoH QUAd¢ ovTfuT 345 = S37 fan. BIS / zee CALE OLA Tion PANEL END LoADS ENR to PANEL END LOADS CAN BE CALCULATED USING THE «fy ABouE EDGE LoArS _.. Vp DIFFERENCE oN EACH GAD. fj M1 THIS END LoAD IS THEN EFFEETWE OVER HALE sow a tee THE PRNEL WIDTH AND THUS WAXINUR AWD | MINIMUF, STRESS LEVELS ean 3é cALcULATED AT i! ad ae THE NID size_ Points uf * eslace Weyl EXTRACTING END LoA> awp SHEAR Teens FRon CPFB. ) RECTANGULAR PANELS 9 +TF GEOWETRY IS NoT ORTHOGONAL -to GLOBAL AKES RESOLUE INTO EDGE DIRECTIONS aie oF, ears Fie, SHEAR CONTRIBUTION 1S /2 Son 2 2 Fi-Fe ae FA EL. CONTRIBUTION 1s Jo DIFFERENCE 2 2 PANEL EDGE SHEAR 4 = firFa wHERE 2 is 4-2 LENGTH 2 =F, waERE w 1S PANEL Awe WIDTH NORHAL To 1-2, ENS THICKNESS Hip EDGE E.L. STRESS o = 2) NON- RECTAN GOLAR PANELS * FoR EACH EDGE RESOLVE LoAss INTo EDGE DIRECTIONS + REMOVE ANY GoMPONANTS FRor1 ADTACENT EDGES + PROCEED AS ABOVE v, h : en at 7 : \\, a ‘ys \ o Af A lee x GPREB RESOLVE INT: Xe Sones EDGE DiReeTIONS REMOVE Con TRIBUTLONS FRoH ADTACENT EDGES USING X, AND Xa PRoceen AS IN 1) [NOTE : USE oF PARAM NoELOF 1 witt ooTtPuTt % AND Xe LoADs DIRECTLY RUT oF opposite | SIGN 2 3 feeecere mune see uuu 2563] 307 | Use of PARAM NOELOF to obtain panel edge loads GPFB output is presented at the corner grids of panels with forces given in the GLOBAL directions for the grids concerned” crevgbe, the Panel edges are orthogonal to the global directions can Ge GPFB terms be used directly to calculate the edge shears aed Gisect loads. 1£ the panel is skewed a complex process such ac an the previous pages is necessary to deduce the edge loads. There exists within Nastran a facility to output edge loads directly, and from these the shears and direct loads acc easily calculated using the 1/2 sum and difference method. The output is requested by using a PARAM card in the BULK DATA PARAM NOELOF 1 The panel/element loads in the edge axes are output ina similadi ganner to the GPFB. Loads are positive in the direction of the teference point to the load point. Vector wise these are opposite feeche GPEB loads. This is because the EIF forces are Eement internal Forces and thus balance the GPFB loads. | A typical example of output for the previous example is shown below. UI EIilelnraetr wTteletMlaltSetrlotatetetalae Veleetatetett SCENE tetmal Lelie PadntacrtaBeSsSuis fo" Bua MoO," § MTS ‘ELEMENT ELEMENT REFERENCE ‘REFERENCE, ft cio ree "Roierer once romenr-a | "botNcS —roneese | 2 guns 2 $ -2.00sse90. | 5 gue é SESE 3 fe £ rs) 3 ie é $ 32 ROO 6 8 t 3 ass 3 zaastesevoe 5 ; 3 Sx 3 ETRE 3 i Bi 3 ESSE & i 3 ans 4 -s.1ez093e002 6 _zss0s93e002 t $ gue ¢ TUSERESE 1B i 13 eo SSSR 5 E it foo : : i BiB ae & i 2 ane 3 _z.onessoeso2 7 5 guns 2 -Henccestses BE gesstet08 3 Mize 5 TECSRSSEEESGE ab T§s3ER2E28:82 ¢ aioe uo} S “Heseveteves it Reo 2 12 foo 3 i 3 HS + S:2heee18 & 2 kw nO SeeESESet : rato 254.0 i = ol E \e ake EDGE oADS FR IANEL 3 " s FRoM ABOVE poTPUT, 3 aD4+ 3 THESE ARE IDENTICAL To THoSé ft Qu E CALCULATED ON PREVIOUS PAGE. Nec NB : — . FLOORS Usually these can be regarded as being fully ereeseeze, in end load and shear, and may be requi ved ty carcy SHEAR cleme nee eye normed idealisation is by using oD acd SHEAR Clements, ‘the ROD elements representing any seiffece: areas plus the effective panel areas. tg the panel has any significant stiffener offsets and/or is subject to pressure loading, BARS should be used with offset vectors, leaving the RODS only for tne Panel end load paths. for inttial project work the pressure effects can be added in the detail stressing, the model reduced te sc plane effects only and thus no rotational D.0.F. are needed” BASE. BF“ cto * CSHEARs as RosS FoR EFFECTIVE PANEL ESE, Otis F NSS SEES 3S 7 OFFSET BARS foR sripreneRs . Heel. NG re Tes Tee Bi Reecep Smita | | WINGS - RIBS, SPARS, SKINS Wings, fins etc. are thin structures domonated by bending loading for the skin design and shear loading for the internal spar/rib construction. Thus the idealisation should aim at providing the correct stiffness for these items The geometry should be set up at the mid depth of the skins, thus the loading and stiffness will be correct. The spac/ rib idealisation should aim at obtaining the correct moment of inertia - in a similar way to that for heavy ring frames. The skins should be idealised as QUAD4 elements, the: spar/ rib webs as SHEARs and the flanges as RODs. Since the CSHEAR element only has ROD elements along the skin edges, some stiff— Ness must be given in the through thickness direction, thus use the appropriate F factor on the PSHEAR card. Alternatively use RRODs, linking only the through thickness D.0.F. between top and bottom skin grid points. If one of these methods is not used excessive displacements will be generated since the webs will be near singular. > ee WINGS ere. - RIBS Awa SPARS TDeauisatioy Sound REPRESENT SEeTion STIFFNESS auane At auang ev | "eRe? CRod AREAS ARE bis CALCULATED To GIVE errectwe $] eogeeer nonent oF SHEAR =) xNERTIA OF SPAR Tatexness 9 cRoD guart 6f uae Aa GEOMETRY 1S SET UP AT SKIN HD DEPTH - QUADS LOADS ARE ACCURATE IF SIZES ARE coRRecT TDEALISED ROD AREAS CALCULATED FRon :- Ala? + Ay se = I SPAR/RiB MOMENT oF INERTIA Ary, = A2Ye cos MAINTAINING NLA. POSITION HENCE Ar AND Ad STRESS IN UPPER FLANGE IS GWEN BY Sys oar(4-3) Sr AND IN \oWwER FLANGE BY Os ona. 3 5 Se Nore :- USE PSREAR Fi oR F2 FACTOR To Give THROUGH — THICKNESS SPAR/RIB END LoAD STIFFNESS. FUSELAGE SKINS The idealisation of fuselage skins is probably the most difficult to model correctly in that the modelling is dependant on several factors :- ) the size of the mesh ) the frame support ) the skin thickness d) the design condition, buckled/unbuckled ete age However it is possible to divide the methods into two groups coarse mesh and fine mesh. Coarse Mesh Fuselages :- = == In the coarse mesh idealisation the skin between the modelled frames is represented by single elements. It is not possible to represent any skin bending (pressure loading will load the frame grids only) or hoop tension effects - these must be taken into account in the detail stressing work. The skins are thus represented by SHEAR elements and the effective end load areas by ROD elements. Longétudinally the skin will be fully effective and thus the F factor on the,PSHEAR card may be used to provide this, in which case longétudinal CRODs will represent any longeron of stringer areas. Alternatively if the F factor is not used the CROD areas should represent the sum of the effective end load and longeron/stringer areas. The CRODs along the panel edges bounded by the frames will be sized depending upon the effective area of the skins in the citcumfrential direction. BSDU 71004 gives formulae for the effective areas for single and multiple frame attachment lines The CRODs will be independant of any frame flange areas, which should have been modelled separately For thick skins the effective areas may approach 100% (intake ducts etc.), and in this case the CSHEARS may be replaced by CQUADd4s, ie fully end load effective. In this case CRODs would be required only for the longerons etc. The design condition will dictate the material stiffness used ie. a reduced £ for a buckled structure. WARNING ... if QUAD4s are used for skin elements globally the structure could/will be significantly over-stif#, which would lead to incorrect load paths and deflections. Fine Mesh Puselages :- In a fine mesh situation the skins between frames are modelled in sufficient detail to enable skin bending and hoop tension effects to be predicted. This forces the model to have rotational D.O.F. and this increases the running time considerably. The mesh should be sufficiently fine (minimum 4 panels) so that the skin effects can be seen in the output. The panels should be bending QUAD4s and any longerons or stringers should be CBARs. Pressure loading should now load the mid-bay points. TRAILING EDGE IDEALISATION se conectisation of trailing edges has in the past been of sinot concern since for purely stressing purposes’ Lacae Pressure design has been critical. With the advent of optimisation methods using aeroelastic data the trailing edge displacements are of interests and fon flutter the T/E stiffness and mass can be critical. BT getisty most trailing edges do not meet at a point and it is yAsgijte represent the real finite depth. the usual estos is to include a slender QUAD4 closing element with a thicknese seoncated ng the closing material. The skin elements are thus Separated at the T/E and now represent the correct stsfenene® TRAILING EDGE IDEALISATION SE EDGE _IDEALISATION, SKINS CLOSING £, MATERIAL Quae r, Quart 4 A cabs a t ool fF Qonat Ts tt . t REAL STRUCTURE TDEALISATION EEE SmRUCTURED SON it SOREN i, “qasvayon! JW suinnay « 4OT WHoULYLOY WHOILIGY Se93N HoUYSMVRe? « APaY¥OD SBVED MI Savor Ney3eNOT - ¥RINIYLE © B49 MOIS Joo K33e 5209443 NIMS @IAIND Sanlod AV@- 136542. 1807.2 0.0 6023.9 0.0 3000.0 a pcomphes available a layered composite element property card PCOMP. The various layer thicknesses, orientations’ and materials esagigg and transverse shear effects are automatically épgided and thus a membrane only model cannot be set ub using this type of data. This increases the size and complexity of the 32, 2nd thus the PCOMP data is seldome used within the Stross Office. it i8 Possible to put in the full stacking sequence and to recover Stress output for individual plies using an RFALTEN — see the Nastran users handbook. The PCOMP card ts refercnrd by the usual CQUAD4 property ID. Atypical set of data would be as shown below for a laminate with total thickness 3.0mm. X t+0-S the angles on the layers are SSeS teho Felative to the angle or Cid given on the QUAD4 card.. SSS teas fve into the panel from edge -2. Se The material ID is 5 The PCOMP data is shown below :- Pconp 1 1Biazo26, sBlasozes, OE TR 8) 4 + $5; Yes Ipasoso sB1A30505, os 36. ESE 15, YES IBUA3O2 The computed PSHELL and MAT2 data is shown below, the three MAT2 cards being for membrane, bending and transverse sheas. BAS USER IMPORTATION MESSAGE 4379, THE USER SUPPLIED PCORP BULK DATA CARDS ARE REPLLCED BY THE FOLLOWING Pome 4 199000001 s.0000E¢00 acoce0001 1.00008+00 © 1.00008+00 “1.So0devoo s.sneue+oo “dascaeoaT mar gigeancaor g'a7zetvos gisecseses 2.20368-03 ¢.07706+08 $:pest-os g.goszevoe <2) I s ° marz 200000001 8.761404 2.55246+04 -1. 26678406 oo a0 o%0 26476400 2. 76908604 3 6 3636603 N27EOS 6. 32576403 ~ ora J110E+03 6.3257E¢03 ~2.01276403 1.45008-05 820 0 0. me oe @) Through thickness CFC modelling using 2-p elements This form of idealisation is common for i details of test specimens or portions of structure on a very detailed level. rt is vital to know the full specification u¢ the problem to be solved and the expected info from the model. Boundary constraints and loading should Le kan and quite often symmetry can be used to reduce the size of the model. _ ,through the thickness modelling using 2-D elements tgguites the determination of the material stiffess matrix where the ‘through the thickness’ material is the matrix (glue). nvestigating SLICE QuADs i * LAMINATE sLice, 2-D ELEMENTS For a particular QUAD4 element the stiffness in the x direction will be dependant upon the layup stack which it aabeenents, whilet the Y stiginess will be the glue only. Raving determined Ex and Ey the usual anisotropic MAT2 data can be created by inverting the compliace (flexibility) matrix. In more detail the method would be :- a) determine the layups to be re: presented by each QUAD4 through the thickness element 5) for each element use CF02 to produce the compliance matrix foption 0) of the group of plies (for unit thickness obviously) and deduce the value of E in the QUADS » ‘ direction. c) the known material details are now Ex deduced X direction stiffness ' Ey glue E G glue G 0.3 poisons ratio d) calculate the element stiffness matrix b the compliance matrix formed from the above data in CF02 and output unit thickness. y either inverting the data at c), or use the stiffness matrix for €) create MAT2 data from stiffness matrix. The above method is the general a the thickness modelling, however other as} modification of the material data before use stiffness in the x direction. Slices at a be treated differently. All these aspects with the materials group prior to the creation of the model” HONEYCOMB IDEALISATION Zrnaf Resessary to model honeycomb where it is ued as the ingegaal structure for flaps, foreplanes, fins etc *che CHEXA and CPENTA solid elements are used for this purpose and are ee specify additional grid points at the centre of the edges, but this facility is not nesessary for honeycomb and te mainly used for solid modelling. Stresses may be recovered at the centroid of the elements and | at the corners, the output being in the MATERIAL direction. This | can be in the global, local or element axes. For the CHEXA the i element axis depends upon the SHAPE of the element (x cunning i between the longest direction of the mid face i the CPENTA element the it is dependant on the Thus it is advisable to specify the materisl do cases via field 4 of the PSOLID card. ORNS ppgSince honeycomb is extreemly anisotropic, make seecuenat the material direction follows the manufsecuren, grawings, If a single direction is used for a this seen panel the out of Plane stiffness will be lost as the elements curve away. ' = WL STIFFNESS I$ LocT TowaRns S . TH OF SINGLE MATERIAL, DIRECTION USED LEROING EDGE cection aes The material can be specified using a MAT9 card, which holds the 6x6 stiffness matrix. Take care with the det to ensure that the matrix ties up with the material axis system, -tes-which =~ -- planes are the L and W directions. aigipical honeycomb Psouip, stiffness matrix and MATS card would be as shown below. Honeycomb stiffness matrix x [es y| [ss z live xy be yt mes] fw zs hess] x PSOLID ID 15 5 Where the material 1D is 15 and direction is in coordinate systen 5. NE FL F2 F3 Fa FS Fé FT FB Fo MAT9 15 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0 5.5 + 0-0 9.0 0.0 0.0 2300. 0:0 0:0 910 + 1.0 0.0 0.0 1149. 0.0 1393, The L and W stiffnesses are obtainable from the usual data sheets, the crushing (z) stiffness possibly. the x,y and xy yalues are_small due to the concertina effect, and may be inserted as 1.0 if unknown. SANDWICH PANELS These can be modelled explicitly with elements for the two skins and internal core, or implicitly where a single Pending element represents the assembly of the three comsonanty, The method for the latter case is shown below, tte Wore: Z1 ano 22 sr Be Ba ein aan Pa dia|! HALLE || stecwien Retatne cs tHE Fe im + —S + ELEMENT Loca AXIS hoje ee? a z, fy Set the PSHELL membrane thickness to tl+t2 (if fully effect- ive) with the associated material MID1. Calculate the section moment of inertia, I Calculate the ratio K = 121/t? where t = t1st2 | _ Assume the bending is taken as skin loads, put MID2 = MIDI and | K into the PSHELL fields § and 6 | The transverse shear material MID3 must be specified based on the shear stiffness of the core and the ratio ts/t, where te fe the transverse shear thickness. : The full PSHELL card is thus : PSHELL PID MIDI t MIDL & MID3_— ts/t membrane bending transverse shear The Nastran output gives the correct skin loads if 21 and 22 are specified correctly on the PSHELL continuation cad. A typical PSHELL card may look like this PSHELL 5 eet) = 2 AO 2 10.0 This would show that the sandwich is 250 times stiffer in bending than the 3.0mm skin and that the core thickness ts 30.0mm. JOINTS The manufacture of aircraft componants involves all kind of Joints. In the idealisation process the majority of these gan be ignored in that they are the continuous bolted/rivetted/ bonded joints which, although subject to local stressing Problems - shear build up etc., do not significantly affect the stiffness of the structure as a whole. The temainder of the joints can be modelled explicitly - by pepresenting each bolt, lug etc. in some detail, or implicitly by modifying the local element properties or grouping the effects of several joints/fasteners to pairs of co-incident grids and using spring elements to represent the equivalent stiffness. If the element property is modified, the derived joads will be applied to the real structure sizes, and fastenec joads will be calculated from the edge loads on the panel. Tf spring elements are used the fastener loads are known and the loads in the panel (real thickness) too One of the problems for bolted or rivetted joints is the derivation of the individual or group bolt stiffness. Once there have been determined it is a simple task to create the spring | element values. Early work at BAe Warton produced reports on thé stiffness of bolted and rivetted joints (SOR(P) 75 etc.) and these have now.been incorporated into.ESDU.85034 and 85035. Explicit modelling of joints can be simple, ie. for transp- ort type joints a single bolt is used at each position, or complex, ie. a wing ~ fuselage fitting involving many bolts Care should be taken to ensure that any load offset effects can be carried by the local structure and that unreal flexibilities are not created. It is better to move a bolt position to a local ‘hard’ point on the model and ensure the overall stiffness is maintained, the local-stressing: taking into account-the real -— bolt positions and the offset effects. The modelling of large lug and pin assemblies in some detail is part of the design process and if carried out correctly can Predict the overall joint stiffness, which can then be used as a simple spring element in the overall coarse mesh model. HINGES a Hinges can be modelled by a) using common grids between componants with only translational D.O.F., ie. rotations are possible. or b) using co-incident pairs of grids and connecting these only in certain translational D.o.F, (CELASi or MPCs). Method b) is preferrable in that the effects of sliding fittings can be modelled by only connecting the pairs in certain directions. If a structure is connected by several hinges it is important to make these co-linear, the best method being to use a coordinate system for the geometry of the hinge line points. Try and make the hinge line direction follow the Rearest basic x, y, or z direction. WARNING .. the pairs of coincident grids‘mMUST have identical global D.0.F.’s. If this is not so the spring elements will transform the displacements (and loads) across the pair of grids and the resulting structure will be out of balance. This implied transformation is occasionally used to advantage for setting flaps at angles etc. but in general the above comment holds. WARNING .. if the hinge system is redundant make sure that the geometry of the hinges is colinear, using a hinge line co~ ordinate system if necessary. If this is not so the hinges will lock up and present a hinge moment load path which is unreal. MECHANISMS These can be modelled using ROD or RROD elements to represent the links, jacks etc. Nastran will calculate the displacements under load, but the loads are calculated with the geometry at the undeflected position (unles large displacement Solution is used). Thus beware of exessive deflections. syeTll = “ousog vane WW SMITH NE EaMeT so AYO ANOS GaN AYL3MO3d MLM @azvIOINED Gyy SHRM Ness gu mw PONE TE TZ aMIAy = auHy sway vere 1237 99 mam oe eee ay 1h FO iy Jo CUYD KLIN CILNISINITY Fe MVD 3S3K - MW we |e] anim SUSINYNOSH NIT F9NIM 242 02 IWNegoNLYO smML De¥ SANIHITT OHNE “MaISIE GNM 9M TWIE1 WL OL 298 St SeyD 37 SUI) HL vos BASIS SI (4 CIB) TWReTa aHL ee sve wns +| sNonazae -DMIRWHYD ayer ONULNASTUT SunaUaTa ONNUS sua aw 34 709 HASKS: Aamerytea WoT) Th san aNaeron-oo 49 SHH Svswaise go x. ssus see at Oana Ses su sumoisy 3909 WIR TaN ansetas 30 sa | CSRS AngII WL ek SLI7ddI BML SNLZZTION Yo 3zI5 ANIMIYI INL BMUSITON AL LAM FWY Non FH Jo s293453 THE Sasa TSaT DVLAY WIE) SSIMIS WWI" BaMYTWE aa¥0d OF ANIOE TWOLDY OL SA¥OT DNIYIS L73NN09 a suaw 2 “2raNIVANIVH 510 ‘32032 Noy39H07 sNoussos anioe aw sant sanauana @t¥9 aNzarsm0> omais esinag As IN Mas ay a9 ,2OVH, 2S39VaN ee 2 NoWL29MNOD Jnow ~ B¥MLIeYLE W907 —_ ANIS3W3y MY Taa0H WYL3e SS3INN ENTE SIAL TYOUSNVEL oNITatoRTianaeg — SLNOE HOLES AND REINFORCEMENTS The treatment of these on a coarse mesh idealisation is to modify the element size to give an equivalent stiffness. The criteria to be used is whether or not the local features will have any noticable effect beyond the boundaries of the eleaent in which they occur. Features such as repeated stiffeners on 4 skin or a series of lightening holes in a web.. items which occur regularly, cannot be ignored. AGARD lecture series 147 included papers given by 1.c.taig dealing with the practical application of finite element analysis, and he catorigises the guide shown below. Feature type Can be ignored if;- Reinforcing featur Reinforcement is not continuous AND Aggregate volume of reinforcenencs <108 of basic elenent volune Weakening features No more than 20 section lost in any seeded continuous loadpath across the element and Aggregate volume of perforations <50 of basic elenent volume Jotats Aggregate flexibility over periphery of element <100 of element flexibility under relevant uniform loa Lu hese rough rules are intended to ensure that the strain ccergy in the element with ite features is within oy of the basic element under any relevant loading. For weakened shear webs the equivalent thickness and end load area is shown in'the table-below-(from AGARD series 47)... Equivalent Stiffoene of Weakened webs Bective tear Effective ares A of wb eavoci Type of web Stitteners (equivalent ce) Yams tn flexure wb tage Passiy vith Tove tereer actene ¢ Lee tor sktas ? o.6 ee Lasser of 15¢* oF be/6 set wo)e ee (D/,) + ens Taro somal to taro sorely co St (a/ay) corrugations ME paralleD corruge 2 dehoee We with shallow 152? nora ‘ eet ee Lasser of 130" oF be Dee < SE peraiten) are elon Zero aloag line of t) te line atone oe > lathe Sirona) 0 tows Castellated webs tae i developed length Dole diameter lace notch Reinforcements can be modelled by increasing the overall thickness or, in the case of stiffeners in a single direction, by adding cROps on the panel edges in the stiffener disection’ Aeerengtively the element material E value can be adjusted to reflect the stiffness change. Wherever an element is changed in stiffness, the interpre- tation of the results should originate from the elenent fonoS CSHEAR oR CaUADS Foe PLATE oNLY MN) ? PLATE wITA STIREENERS. ADDITIONAL CRODS REPRESENTING STIFFENER AREAS, SYMMETRY Symmetry can be used to simplify the model and thus reduce the runing time, or enable a finer mesh to be set up in a given time. There are various considerations which should be taken into account when determining its use. is the structure geometry symmetric how many planes of symmetry are present does the material behave symmetrically.. crc ? are the constraints symmetric is the loading symmetric .. it is possible to break down any loading into symmetric and antisymmetric parts, which can then be applied to the model ac Seperate cases with different constraints and added Some users would prefer not to do this for small models. aaoce If symmetry is to be used, only a portion of the structure is modelled, and the grid points on the plane or planes of symmetry have imposed on them constraints, SPCs etc. Two kinds of symmetry are used, symmetric and antisymmetric, the most common use being for fuselages as shown below. 7 sPe in SP IN 3 24,6 3s : f | synneteie SYMMETRIC ANTISYHNETRIC STRUCTURE CONSTRAINTS CONSTRAINTS For symmetric loading the grids-on the 2x plane- should be. constrained in the 2,4 and 6 freedoms, ie. preventing lateral roll and yaw movements. For the antisymmetric case freedoms 1,3 and 5 are constrained, preventing aft, vertical and pitch movements. These type of constraints can be applied to any structure to FORCE symmetric or antisymmetric BEHAVIOUR. A table of the constraints required for the various planes of symmetry is shown below. Symmetric constraints :- Plane of symmetry x ¥ z ex | my {| mz T y xY Fix | Fix | Fix YZ Fix Fix Fix 2x Fix Fix Fix Antisymmetric constraints :- Plane of symmetry x ¥ z nx ny MZ. xY Fix | Fix | Fix Ya Pix | Fix Fix 2k, | Fix Fix Fix Two further examples are shown below :— Simple test specimen with hole CONSTRAIN THESE a ine GRIDS IW x, Eras j= 7 = oe “| ye Wore. | — =I. — ths = fe = TO onsTan “THe one UNIFORM IN gy Hx ane He LOADING poet’ ate, two planes of symmetry for SYMMETRIC conditins, 2% and YZ, and the model can be reduced to 1/4 size. Bonded test joint fymietric lap joint using symmetric layups in. crc and axial loading. The centre section of the joint is to be modeviea- SYMMETRIC LAYUP eFC. CEauac £us® Fiees) i ~ * ree KE > : AREA To BE woDenteD . i gngre 282 two planes of symmetry for SYMMETRIC conditions, xY and ZX, and the model can be reduced to 1/4 size. THIS PORTION ONLY NEEDS Ts 2€ MODELLED i t i n GRiDS ON “THIS FACE — 2x PLANE CONSTRAINED IN yy Hy AND Me GRIDS oN UNDERSIDE FACE - xY PLANE CONSTRAINED IN 2, He AND mY SOLID MODELLING =. — ‘ By definition this is the representation of the structure using three-dimensional elements, CHEXA, CPENTA etc. A thing plate previously modelled using bending cguapds is noe dezined by solid elements with grid points on the both surfaces st ene plate. Thus the geometry mirrors the exact geometry of the trom. No rotational D.o.F. are present at the grid points since by definition bending loads are carried through the elemence depth. It is only possible to recover element STRESSES at the ggneriod and at the corner grid points. cpra’s will obvicusly give the corner forces acting on the grids. Solid elements can be used in a variety of situations :- a) large machined items, the geometry being obtained from Anvil or Catia. This is specialised analysis work and is rarely undertaken, The EFA foreplane spigot frame is an example where the Catia model is being converted to an equivalent Nastran model. by macro/micro investigations of detailed areas, holes, test specimens, carbon fibre layers/interlaminar features cect ¢) as core elements for flaps, fins etc. One of the drawbacks with solid elements is that the stress jevels for the adjacent elements at the same grid point have to be averaged to find the correct corner stresses. Thus the Plotting or calculation of stresses by hand is difficult. patcan performes this averaging in the contour plotting routines, and this is the usual method of gaining an overall piccure of the surface stress levels. A method of finding the correct surince stresses is to use strain gauge elements, see below STRAIN GAUGE ELEMENT: These are normal Nastran elements, CQUAD4, cROD etc., which have insignificant thicknesses or ateas and’ are "sacared" over che Surfaces and edges of a solid element model in ordes to register surface stress levels. Thus more information then ic ysually available from solids can be recovered (mid face stress levels) and plotting is enhanced Qhalysis section 2.5.4 and several applications are described in” the Applications Manual section 2.10 a RIGID LOAD PATHS cowever there are many instances in finite element nog lelling where it is necessary or essential to use these a) fo temove near singularities due to the method of modelling. b) to enforce local displacements on singular points. ©) to represent very stiff items of structure, @) change in mesh size, joining different elements @) to obtain average motions of a set of points. £) to distribute loads to a structure. 9) changing the global D.0.F. at a grid point figid elements are covered in the Handbook for Linear Fae rNG ree tl applications of rigid elements requice the-use of independant and DEPENDANT freedoms. Care should ce taken to sien ea chat, the dependant freedoms (UM set) do not confaicn ugh each rigid element or with other modelling requirements, Be ag poundary points etc. Freedoms from which stifinese te to be derived should not appear in the S set (Singulasyes these are not necessarily only the independent freedons Examples of the above types are described below a) Removal of potential singularities. arte covtit remove EXACT and VERY NEAR singularities, but ite is better to include these on the GRID cards in field 8, or by che use of the GRDSET card which applies constraints te ALL the grids in specified global p.0.F wen be gtutomatically deait with and the user must raneee thes with rigid elements. Some conmon situations are deccrines below However near singularities t+ Unsupported skin panels. where the mesh is finer than the fodelied internal structure and the skins do not have bending stifiness, the unsupported grid poate wins have a TEx Tey stiftness out of plane. re not constrained, large Tocat displacements will be seen (several metres) ang the jocal skin membrane stiffness will be reduced. Gsing an RBE1 the unsupported D.0.F. only is ‘beamed’ to adjacent hard points. The resulting loads on the thoes Bore es Should be insignificant, these can be seen in the GPFB for the grids concerned as the out of balence losis, 2. CSHEAR panel singularities. In modelling shear webs for The eng sagt Fibs etc. the CRODs along the flanges cover the end load singularity in these directions, bac through the wing depth the end load capability is usually neglected. The Singularity can be removed by linking the top and bottom grids with a RROD in the through the thickness Deo rs Ehgid load paths or elements do not occur in real life. L i f L 3. The removal of high in plane rotatiqns. nastran plate elements, in common with many finite ele, not support the in plane stiffness at th, are removed automatically. However if the surface ic slightly curved the in plane stiffness will be made up of iffnesses. AUTOSPC small components of the plate bending st will not remove these and thus high rotations may be generated. These rotations may be removed using heel elements linking the offending freedoms freedoms. @) Renova, oF fren TiAl Sinevraames LE ENTIAL SINGULARITIES. | UNSurPORTED SKIN PANELS - ABEL CENTRE Gaid if usurPoTED ay TERNAL sreveTURE THE CENTRE 21D YIM DIRECTION Bik MADE DEPENDANT pw, A RD, ORD > 1,2 AND oan @ a, RBEL r> A ows 2s ec + vag TSS ocresant @2> ane eecenen 2 SHEAR Fane. Smevuaginies SHER Fane SmeuragiTies, - RRo> sete sim 5 ohm ae Lmte> wo ee €& [ew ieee] i ‘BBY A RwID RROD ELenenr erred teo> ta maa a Sn. Pane ’ trans se ePLaut yf trrness RBEI TD 4 3 som 6 8 + om ae By F ment packages, do e grid points. Thus there are implicit singularities for these elements, and geuelly for flat surface models using bending elenents these to local in plane b) Enforcing local displacements. Tt is Sometimes necessary to force a LOCAL displacement onto daraggular Point in order to set up a load path not modelicd in adequate detail. In this case the rigid element wilt garry joad if any load exists in its direction, but make sure that only ONE load path is present. Brackets modelled in 2-D membrane only form usually are singular out of their plane, and RRODs may be used to fransfer out if plane loads to the main structure, Ay RROD Links the bracket point to a grid on the main struccure oth the specification using one of the global components in that Girection. The RROD will maintain a FIXED distance Letuecn the two grid points used. Several brackets may be trested in Ehis way, but beware of setting up redundant toad paths, sec below. WARNING ... The application of enforced displacements will lead fo erroneous results if a closed load path is formed. Thus if two structures are attached via brackets with potential singularities removed using RIGID elements, and more than one load path is present THROUGH the rigid’ elements, the resulting relative displacements may give rise to unreal loads in the structure. b) ENFogcem Local DisPiace nents ENFORCED LOCAL DISPLACE RENTS: ince Beacxers Ries conneeTING exin £0 = yet To asl AND 40 ro 401 ww. FREeDon 2, Wore :- MAINTAINS FEED DitraMeE BETWEEN GRiDos oe : AE anne catenins Te SThueTuke - OKT COMNECTED IK DIRECTION RRo> I> gol co 2 1 ORD Yor FREEDOM 2 DEPENDANT. RRod > wot 2 Select eae *) Won REDUNDANT lew ELeNENTS IW x DIRECTION. AL Rie ELenenTs, SPRING CONNEETIONS SPRING LOADS IM x DIRECTION WL BE WE reNDENT oF € WARNING ere Te DE sare MOeAL DISPLACEMENTS &) REDUNDANT lem ELEMENTS mx aiReeTIow ferious Dienacewenr 20E To eheTING @F eas leer SPRING LOADS IW x DIRECTION wit BE “FieTIcious* Moen. 2EFORMATIONS cause “stmct FRAME WeRK” MevEMENT OF aro: ©) Very stiff items of structure. Because Nastran has to form and‘invert the stiffness gatrixy any effects in the modelling which spoil the satrix gonditioning should be avoided. One of these is the inclusion of very stiff elements, which make the condi tion- ing poor because of the increase in the numerics) range of the stiffness matrix terms. yeed Stiff items such as engines, u/c legs, heavy brackets etc. will causethis ili-conditioning if modviled pad can lead to quite implausable results. (dsually woriced by high values of Epsilon and diagonal ratio terac}. StRpeD Tayeieeeeminate manner can simply be represented by a RBE1 linking the cc point to the attachment Points. ©) Very STIFF Irens oF srauetuee NERY STIFF ITEMS oF SreucTuee PO eT ATTEMPT To WoREL THESE -USE RIG ELEneNTS t << \ / FotanR® sees poor, 2 rer. 4 TAMKS SET ar wir wacae ° SOORDATE SISTENE 2 one wb eames, ie ENGINE noDeL i (eraTenicy aereenmare) , EQUVALENT ere ELenenT /= ant EET 5 : Ne! 2 ss a. #0 fe oe Ae ew 4 a oS Pa oes STATEALLY DeTeRMWATE FRLEDONS sens TTATIEALUY DETERHNATE FACE2ONS RBEL ED 09 12 200 2s eo 5 + we a + On Geo 123456, 4) Merging a change of mesh and joining different elements. Merging a change of mesh size can be accomplished using fhe usual modelling techniques, but sometimes this ie Noe Sonvenient and additional points have to be added directly as mid points along an existing element side. Tt icince recommended to use these higher order elements, and © rigid Saceeat should be used to enforce an average displacemeat oa ghe seid concerned. Do not use this technique in acces of tapidly changing loads. Instances occur where dissimilar elements have to be joined and continuity of load paths created using rigid elements. A common example {s a bending plate joining a Solid element. If the plate locates to one face of » CHEXA a Single RBEl can transfer the missing rotational load paths as differential loads at the CHEXA corners. Amore complex merge of a plate to the centre of the CHEXA could transfer the shear as the average of the corners eging MPCs, and pairs of RBARs to carry the bending loade to the corners. 4) CHANGE mw Mesa size : MES SIRE POINT 40 18 inTROQUCES To cHaNEE ° ae oo mesh size, . STIFFMESS IM Y DIRECTION 1S ACCEPTASLE. we so STIFFNESS IN X BuRGeTION IS To ae AVERAGED FROM GRiDs 20 AND 70 fe BEL ZB 20 123 0 13 bo g 70 os Pe Ones a TOMING DISSinLAR ELenents. - ACHING DISSIMILAR ELenenTS *s BS MENDING ROTATIONS FheH auhae “| AT GRID 20 1S APPLIES To 7 evexn cavane CHEXA USING RREL is Pa ae 5 1 Ql T> 2 3 as is ass + oun te 6 as 46 USE PE To AVERAGE Y Ar. ! ” GRID 20 To GRIDS 22 AND 25 8 auras | ENEEA USE RBARS To PuT avaDe E . BENDING TERMS ONTO GeiDs ae) we an AND 25, 4 % perenpenr MPC ITD 20 2 KO as 2 -os + 22 2 -o¢ WDE ex aey RDAR TD 20 2s se oy i RBAR TD 20 22 asce — _ 13 i oI SerEneenT ) Obtaining average motions. The RBE1 element is capable of defining the motion of a free point to be dependent upon a statically determinate Set of motions of selected grids and freedoms’ One of its uses is in the extraction of the motion of aeroelastic points not present in the model. Another RBE1 use is in the definition of interface points between structures where the points are not part of the local model. Take care that over flexible points are not used in the definition of the element, otherwise incorrect interface loads may be generated. The RBE3 element allows the average motions of any number of points to be enforced on a specified point. ’the normal use of this rigid element is to predict the average Rotion of a fuselage frame, by first selecting s susvec ce ‘hard’ points, and secondly creating a new grid at the AC C/L, The RBE3 element then links the motion of this new grid point to the average of all the ‘hard’ points. A scales Zan be used for for the displacements of any of the selected € points prior to the averaging, thus soft points can be made less effective. €) OBTAINING AVERAGE HoTioNS STATICALLY DETERNINATE HoTIONS B DISPLACEMENT oF foINT A a 1S THE LINEAR AVERAGE oF Net NEB DISPLACEMENTS 06 PoInTS fe 100, 00 AND 4e0, ZF POINTS 100, A ME 200 ARE wee COLINEAR , PUNT 00 HAS No AEROELASTIC INTERPOLATION ERFECT ey DISPLACEMENT oF AL Fok POINT A ABEL TD eo 124 30 13 400 3 ENSURE Teer “AARD fomTs ARE USED WHEN meTEAPOCATING FOR DISPLACEMENTS oF AL REI ED 20 m3 we 1s 20 9 ATTACHMENT fomT A + OM RD, fort A WAS ASSIONED To Ir Tw AVERAGE DISPLACEMENTS 9F & BRO POINTS ON “THE FRAME ee Rees => A aastse (Fe) ina + woo se st + ome as ot os se Wert = “WE On SET nAY BE aeLeTED IF tower A 1S Auiowe> vo BE serenDeNT. AVERAGING NeTIeNS. £) Distributing loads to a structure. Leading defined point may be applie load point and usin required grid point A fimple beaming to 3 points is carried out using chet vith the loads being applied to the model in the the statically determinate set is defined. d by ar a Point not coincident with any grid y setting up an additional grid at the g tigid elements to beam the load to the way An RBE3 element can be used to distribute load from a fugelage generalised point to a selected set of icads on a frame, the distri type of calculation 4) DistRBoTING LoADs To nbew t. bution being in the classic bolt group j_This method is used to load fuselages in coarse loading situations. A _STRucTURE VERTICAL LOAD Fe mut ae arPuics, To EROS 10,200 AMD Seo, WORZONTAL LOAD Fe war ve apfLicy 78 GRID wo | with cea, MOMENT THEN AS 4X LOADS ont 4 1300. MATERAL LOAD Fy wits ae APmice To ORI 00, wth OW. nenenr TMEN AS 2 x LOADS ON 10, Boe. otee SIMPLE LEANING 6E LomD ar foie A vSING_RBEL BINT A USING ABEL RBEI ID wo a3 200 3 400 oem ent ay LoADS APPLIED To FRAHE USING GENERALISED Point 4 ASME OENERALISED Font A a LORDS APPLIED To FONT A wie 2e MPLIED To THE SeLecTED cams im THE UUAL "Dour GdouP’ HETHOS, Rves r> + we Mere = wwe tower A is A ia3ese be a3 oon wos on oa os seg on GET AY 36 oeueTeD oe MioweD To xe serenmenr. g) Changing the global D.o.F. at a grid point, The giobal D.O.F. is defined infield 7 of the grid data angineu’ all displacement related data will be in whatever oon Ordinate system is contained in this field. sloping trance coc, may have the geometry and the global D.0.F. defined ins toons co-ordinate system, bo iS Sometimes required that the output displacements need to be known in a different displacement system to global, and the latter cannot be changed for other reasons, By setting up coincident grids with the required GLosal. PeorE:,and connecting them to the original grids using ABate nic pew grids will output the displacements required. Thus the ates gargies out the transformation between the pairs of coincident rids. a Another use would be in the specidfication of MPC data which for geometrical reasons needs to be in a consistant Sorotdinate system. New grids are created coincident with the existing grids and connected by RBARS. The MPCs can then be applied to the new grids in a consistant manner. This ie ° common problem involving spring elements also, the user mast ensure that the pairs of grids are in the same global systen. Gain x> ce> x Y B ep es GEoneTRY eLosau, DEFINITION DEFINITION ASIC exD Pas {paste [_— \ioeat exe L as wl : > < RBAR ID 100 lot 123456 (to aereNpent ) feo SN ee NEW GRID lol ADDED WITH GLOBAL D.oF. IN BASIC. DISPLACEMENTS oF 101 CAN BE COMPARED WITH HAIN STRUCTURE PAIR OF GRIDS 100 AND 200 RAVE To HAVE IMPOSED ON “THEN AVERAGE HoTIONS s waite nee's REFERENCING NEw POINTS wee XD or 1 fe gol 1-10 \ ; 2ot ! ° * CREATE NEW GRIDS J01, 201 IN BASIC 2.0.8 il. * + LINK WITH RBARS . \ eeeee RBAR LD tot 10d iag46e Clot oS i RBAR ZD 301 200 in345— (201 f t aT ee7ghoned previously the use of rigid elements always fequires the specification or implication of dependane oog independant p.0.F. All dependant D.O.F. are put in the M set and must be exclusive A fetal error will occur if this is not so. thus ensure tree these are referenced only once within all rigid data and constencsts” Zhe indpendant D.0.F. are used in general to calculate the Spaciness of the dependant points and usually comprise of s cet of statically determinate freedoms. an error will cesale ic any of OE these freedoms are singular and alternative freedoms ace’ nce to be found in the element... an RBEl with freedous swapped Sbesees seers will result if singular freedoms are rerecenced in RBE3 elements. Freedoms in the S set (auto SPC set) will be removed from the see as Nastran thinks stiffness is to be obtained within the element, and thus a singular freedom may be used unwittingly in error. Exchanging freedoms in RBE1 elements 7e wc Gependant grid in a RBE1 equation is required to be on the Poundary of a supetelement, for example, a fatal error vill scott if the point is left dependant. However the boundary solar may be sxchanged with one of the independant points and the solution werd be unaffected. RBE1 to give point 301 stiffnes. in freedoms 1,2,3, 30) o> ii RBEL ID 161 123 171 13 261 i %i + uM 301 123 nn RBEL with freedoms reversed RBEL ID 301 123 171 13 262 + UM 161 123 $ 3 3 : | ! i | i t I : ft ! : CONSTRAINTS AND SUPPORTS These two items are interlinked, since what would be reeten ones 2ofimple set of constraints’ to remove rigid pouy Fotion on & componant would also generate support lode 2o the joading was unbalanced. The elements used for constrstate ann Supports ate SPCs and MPCs, single and multi-point constraints. Other rigid body elements are used in certain applicotionss The only forces output simply are SPC forces using the case control deck SPC=i and SPCFORCE=ALL statements. Other implied forces from MPCs or RBEs etc. are only seen from the GPEB output as out of balance forces at the grids invoved” Several uses are listed below. ) Statically determinate supports. ) Boundary constraints. ) Imposition of deflected shapes. ) Imposition of plane sections. ) Constraint equations using MPCs. enorme a) Statically determinate supports. y are he minimum requirement for all analysis models is that Gacy 2fe supported against rigid body motion, ie. statically determinate supports or constraints. rf any loading is applied to the model the reactions, SPC forces, at these points will te generated and can be checked by statics. if the loading is in Balance the SPC forces will be zero or insignificant, in which cage the choice of the constraint points will have no effect on fhe internal load distribution, and will simply Serve as a bace from which the displacements are calculated @) STATICALLY >ETEemNATE SvutPorTs SERTICALLT DETERNINATE Sut PORTS. TS 1S THE hininwn KeQURENENT FoR ANY nonce SurfoRTS OR CONSTANTS MST BE CAPABLE oF RESTRAMING 6 RIGLD NOVERENTS. X,4,2, 05,05, * << Stel => 1 200 le SPel > 2 10 00 iS ECtEEE IB re) arco SPC FORCES wa BE RECOVERED IF LOADING 1s Hor IN BALANCE. b) Boundary constraints. foeapay the Support or constraint system is redundant, A Fepat fuselage model, for example, may be‘heid ie freedoms 1-3 cSntne ELSRSPOFE Joint bolt positions, or mounted n‘a plug of held in seerage seructure and all grids at the end cf the Plug held in freedoms 1-6. A wing may be constrained at the Fuselage p/v lug points in the freedoms capable of taking load. Similarly a test specimen model may be regarded as fully built in at a section away from the area of intecgen’ +) Bounsaay Consreawrs MOREL IS WELD AT JOINT POSITIONS O& AT ALL gens AT A seeTion Aa eens wy i section HELD IW 12,3, FomT Ris sec’ wm 12,3 Ser TD 123 wo No tae 121 in0 StL T> 3 1 2 etevrfeens nea sein as 2 as 4 7 see ‘SHEA AMD BEMDING —- ScD a3 + feat penome + Beng tet sc - MING Ro0T CONSTRAINTS b) coutinved ett hurts pans TEST _srecimen tint ©) Imposition of deflected shapes. The SPC card has the Provision for imposing a set of Qisplacenents at any grid points and in‘any of tho global D.o.F. One could use this facility to impose a boundary shape onto a detailed model of a component, the shape being determined from f_Previous analysis. this, though, is a dangerous technique, and itis better to impose boundary Loaps. the structure to which it is attached. For example a wing fuel pipe model would have maximum wing deflecticns imposed at the attachment points. fhe SPCD card enables enforced displacements to be requested at che, Subccase level along with other loading if Present, Thus Several sets of deflections can be requested. €) Iuposirion oF verceere> suares FUtOSITION OF DEFLECTED SuApES. (7 POONDARY DISPLACEMENTS InposéD Foe MOADING. CASES, * fms is wer eeconnenses. {| i [use oonoaey oan. ! FINE MeSH Paton EINE Mesh paren , pote) DISPLACEMENTS FRort 2e se x STRUCTURAL” ANALYGIS os oe = WORST CASE ARE infoseD ON PIPE ATTACHMENT Ponts 20 PUPE WORK, SP T> 2 3 fo 10 1 ae Se LD v0 4 850 bo 1 to cre SPe Rd 9 3 tne 401 ine MUTERMATWELY SPD CARRS MAY BE veEd AMD THE aeFcceTED SAAPES infocee Av THE tuacme LEVEL ten surerce 1 LA + 00 Surease 2 LoAD + a06 step sea we ie | DISMLACENENTS ser uF : AE Lond eases. Sten d) Imposition of plane sections. This sort of requirement occurs when portions of a sgtucture are modelled in isolation, and E-3.° conditions are considered to apply at the boundaries. this implies that Sections remain PLANE, and the condition can be obtained by using Sets of RBEls relating the section grid displacements to three reference grids. For 2-p models thie approach will give a linear deformed shape in the plane of the mone’ Since the technique FORCES a plane section, a set of self balancing forces will be generated at the grids, and these can be seen from the GPFB at the section 4) Ineosrrion of fae Seetions SREOSITION oF FLAME SeeTions MANE SEeTIONS ARE IMPOSED To REPRESENT EBT. coNDITioNS, ls fBEI EQUATIONS LIK THE ooT-oF- PLANE . FREEDOMS OF EROS To qHREE REFERENCE x ae PINTS A,B AND ©. 6 RBM I> Ad do ' . Seances (on mom Marae iets a + Wet ae are ) 2 FRAME SECTION WiLL move co PLANAR, HoT NEcessAgiLY PARALLEL To THE YZ PLANE, RBEI TD A RS Bose g + om we 1 tot 2-B MODEL, END AB FORCED To LINEAR’ seerion e) Multipoint constraints using MPCs. MCE specify the behaviour of a group of points by solving & set of equations relating the DISPLACEMENTS of the points to each other. Normally these equations MUST be in balance, otherwise the model will be forced out of belance and the resulting loading will be affected, The general equation for an MPC is as follows :- Uxa + Uxb + Uxe ... etc. = 0.0 ie. the sum of all the displacements = 0.0 An example of the set of grids to be equal. are to be forced to move w: two grids can be forced to Uxa = Uxb, and the inner tw written to link the displac ir use is to force the movement of a Ina sizole 4 grid section the grids ith the same X displacement. The outer have identical displacements, fo grids can have linear equations ements to the outer two. MPCs can also be used to transfer 1, directions between co-incident grids, equations would be simply Uxa = Uxb, oads in specified at hinges etc. again the or Uxa - Uxb = 0.0. ©) MULTIPOINT CoNSTRAMTS usiNG C's RULTIPOINT CONSTRAINTS USING HEC's A FORCING EQUAL DISPLACEMENTS onTo be SETS oF ERIDS. be Beet Bags 08 nw Axgy © 0-0 He TD 10 1 Ve 40.1 -He POINTS 20 AND 30 CAN BE “ReaMeD’ USINe nec's, Hee TD 20 1 ve 10 4 - seue7 + Ao 1 =-9333 We Z> 301 0 101-8533 + $01 =4087 2) continues TRANSFER oF bonDs BETWEEN sTRueTURES — Hve's SABRSRER OF LOADS BETWEEN STRUCTURES PAIRS OF eomerDENT Gains loojtet ere, $00,100 Te cARRY x kz \onDS Te aeofacte et are yer - oe He E@UATIONS wouL> BE :- MPe T> Joo 1 Ko 0H HPe te leo 4 10 NPE LDd.200 3. be HPe rp too 1 he 30) 2 3 Mre re 300 Lo 401 HPe Xb 300 ve der ERRORS IN NASTRAN ELEMENTS Bele tne ry ehe displacements of the orid points. ther the behaviour sroeda ee tee sof each element under a variety of loading conditions ShogEs be as accurate as possible. Elements which nace an incorrect seaertees Mill degrade the solution and thus the east stress distribution in the structure Recent developments in structural optimisation using aeroelastic griteria have brought to light the need to predict deflected shapes accurately, for critical items such as flaps in pareseuice segeg rivetion of the stiféness of any of the elements is simple pee aged the elements are regular and un-warped. ie” rectangular gad planar. Unfortunately Nastran has to deal with ali conceivable geomesty variations and in general the more obscure the shape the Ri egestcult it is to arrive at an acceptable stifiness matrix rregular elements. The comparison of the displacements for simple loading Foe ences gives an indication of the element stiftners accuracy for the various shapes and for various element types. The results for a cantilever beam are shown on the following roe obecnecestanguiar element geometry all elements (the QuaD2 “is trapenee dete behave well under all-loading conditions Peon oS qpapezeidal and parallelogran elements some shear terns are as jow as St of the theoretical values. The QUADI ce Poor only for i plane shear whilst the HEXA is poor for both an plane and out of plane shear. Increasing the number of elenents through the depth would improve the accuracy as expected. sees ae tangular plate subject to uniform or point loads the Fesults are shown on the second sheet gan be seen to be small in all cases with the exception of the HEX20 being poor in most cases, and the QUAD4 being poor for low mesh size and high aspect ratio elements. f i re, for which the theoretical stiffness is known, into regular and i } : The centre deflection errors i Bees oagtusions reached in the note are that whilst all elements Produced failures due to locking or mechanisne in certain instances arenrene met all the tests, the genecal set of sleseute if used with these failures in mind can be used with confidence. 4 wacemes Nadtekon 2 series of single element tests have over a period of time produced sinilar conclusions, and evidence from aclunt model comparisons have led to the following recommendations. a) b) e) a) avoid obscure element shapes where high loads are input .. use low aspect ratio rectangular elements. rt is the high strain gradients which cause the stiffness problems ... unitoms aia loads are dealt with correctly. For deflection critical items such as flaps, at least 4 across the chord. A mesh size of 2 to an over stiffness of 100% in torsion. use a mesh size of will give rise Refine the mesh at high load input points and coarsen up at least two elements away from the area. Avoid using non uniform solid elements where out of plane displacements are critical ... use QUADd bending eleneate, 3 STRAIGHT CANTILEVER BEAN TESTS —— eS [" PLANE. SHEAR ExTENsion 8) Regular Spe Cenercs Gur oF PLANE SHEAR A twsr o- “ b) Traperetdal Supe Elesents “ss €) Parattelogran Supe Elenents Table &. Results for Straight Canttlever team Neraal ized Tip Otsplacament ‘tm Oirection of Laoag Tip Losatag i Direction use gue guns eM) e209 eran) ; (a) Rectangular Elements, Extension a a ee 398 999 7 IncPlane Shear 032 508s, 370 984 f Oe-ef-Plame Sear 971 est ge 361 wn Tate 6 goa 504 au : (0) Traperotaat Clements t Extension 392969 394 999 In-Plane Spear seus 8g 888 364 Outaet-Plame Shear $63 598 ost 320 364 ‘ Tete, 981 a 96 908 8 a [ (6) Paratietogran Clemenes i Extension 26 8 398 399 In-Plane Sear se 080 as98 soo 367 994 gett a | Shaw e977 ses) ae ese set 961 i t tire Bes ses ate goe gg i “Pe Ee ttcal lene results show bere for HEIZ0(R) ware cetatond te spite of singularity: tn the Dean's stiftness eaeria, ¢ RECTANGULAR LE — Table 1. PLATE TEST Nesults for Rectangular Plate 5 eres nt form Load. Number of Node Spaces? Pere of Novel (a) Aspect trete = 1.9 Numer of Node Soaces* der tage of Hove! guase "For elements with atdsiée nodes, the uncer of node spaces. 2 ‘ ‘ 8 formal aa 951.08 e100 1002 ermalizes 04 1.082 mt 97 feed Lateral Derleceion at Center gure gue guna ere) setz0 vex201) 9739 cesar 998 398 a8 +993, oa) ra ceer tan 1.000 1.000 gto Lateral deflection et center woe EM) eran se 2091 188s hay 1003578 ess sans Loo 901.088 aae = 1000 9951.28 Lato the mamoer of elements per edge of model is equal to onecnelt Taple 12._Aesules of Rectangular Plate Clasped Suoperts; Cancantrated Load. Nermaltzed Lateral Deflection at Center 4) Aspect acto (2) Aspect matto + 5.9 ae ues 4 L010 2,012 1.010 aos EXC) 29x20 ors sas coe gan 2a sea eee 90 eee sta|eeteyr3 7 eaten Nermalized Lateral deflection at Center cao § a9 63 0 me unos ETA) er20 | se xz008 42 +21 00 363 158 880 oan 7 932 97 7m Bre 7s 387 m8 867 METHODS oF AvoIDING ERRORS IN HODELLING TOE LING a] hwid oBscuke SmARES wieRe HIGH LOADS ARE iNPuT wen | Wea® LARGE ERRORS SHALL ERRORS b) Do NoT USE COARSE MESH oN THIN ITENS t ! TWIST +100% STIFENESS TwIST coRRECT c) REFINE MESH AT MGA LoAD Ponts { | | I t J LY IN 4) Avoi> soLin eenewrs wit won PARALLEL FACES FoR OvT oF PLANE CRITICAL HoDELs. Quant CREXI ans BENDING PLATES WITH CoRNER "t's + t Coun BE uP to Ss Times TIP DISPLACEHENT Too STIFE IN BENDING coRRecT APPLICATION OF LOADING The application of the loading is an important Part of soci acy Analysis. One could say that without loading ali models are unusable. ade gimitiation of the model it is vital to know the type of loading to be applied, as this can affect the modelling eee see megtrong assumption can render the model useless ce Produce meaningless results. The loading can be broken down into several distinct types. a) Symmetric and Antisymmetric components b) unit cases ¢) point loads d) distributed loads ) pressure loads £) inertia loads g) fully balanced cases Each of the types can load the model using any of the aggilable Nastran loading cards. The most commonly aed being ae ead OMENT and PLOAD cards. Methods of combining the types oe teading include the use of the Loap card, and-ig-the lege Gentroli deck the subeases can be combined in any lines masnec. A description of the common cards used follows. FORCE ID G cID F Nl N20 NB wee TORGE card applies direct forces at grid point c, of magnitude F and in the direction given by the vectos NL,N2,N3 srgative to the coordinate system CID--ror-example a-—toyne ots 2,8Kn applied in the z direction of the basic systea to grid 200 can be defined by FORCE ID 200 2800. 0.0 0.0 1.0 or : FORCE 1D 200 1000. 0.0 0.0 2.8 ! MOMENT ID G ‘cID M wi wa NB qhg MOMENT card applies a moment load to grid point G, of relaesuce,t and in the direction given by vector NI,N3,NG felative to the coordinate system CID. A moment ofS annn appiied to grid 200 in the HX direction (basic) MCMENT ID 200 5.046 1.0 0.0 0.0 i or MOMENT ID 200 1000000. 5.0 0.0 o.9 3. PLOAD ID P Gl g2 gtids, the DIRECTION of which grids on the card. X is in dir. and 2 as defined by the right hand rule. acts as forces in the Z direct: different orders results in di 3 +VE PRESSURE GIVES Load Z DiREeToN. PLOAD2Z ID Pp EL E2 63 ga ure P to the panel defined by the case of triangular panels. in direct loads at the corner is related to the ORDER of the ection Gl to G2, ¥ into the panel, The pressure loading ion. Thus defining the grids is IN THE ELEMENT Loeac E3 Ed ...ete This is a simpler pressure loading card in that a constant Pressure P is applied to panel POSITIVE pressure gives rise to loads axis Z direction, see above, and care that the loading is as expected: PLOAD4 =ID- EID PL - P2 p3-. pq This pressure loading card is used if the pressures across the panel in that pressures at can be specified. Pl refers to are the grids defining the panel connections. LOAD DE 5) clea rpil The LOAD card combines any of the previousl componants of loading to form a the requested analysis run. Load case ID i. elements £1,£2,£3 etc. in the element local Should be taken to check are varying _ the corners of the element Gl, P2 to G2 etc where Gl - G4 Fot triangular direction of 82 mp2 sas rp Y set up types or single load case for use in 8 formed by adding spgegher the case Ip1 multiplied by the scalar gi, ry2se¢ geen} etc, with an overall scalar of §. Thus in th example :- Aerodynamic load ID = 10 Inertia eee = 20 usc vee = 90 The aero loads have to have a si scalar of -9.0, and the u/c loa overall ultimate factor of 1.5. LOAD ID 1.5 2.0 19 -9 @ following Galar of 2.0, the inertia a ds a scalar of 1.0, with an The resulting LOAD card is :- +0 20 1.0 30 ES EARNS CS ERAN Bi BER RIT eee pee 0 ” DEFINITION OF THE LOADING All loading, other than simple cases to check the model, tpgugg have an adequate description/definition sunsived win the data. Items should include :- 1. Name .. case identifier etc Configuration .. flight parameters, c.g. position, mass withywithout stores + details, fuel state etc. Type of loading .. aerodynamic, inertia, net ete 4. Sign Convention 5. Condition .. Proof/ultimate (uF= 6. Data set name and where to find the data, if on a file 7. Loading details if not on file 8. Balance information .. totals about a reference point There is a general requirement, on.£FA, for. all loading. to be. fepeiied in a consistant manner, ‘where the sign conventions and balance information are capable of a sincle transformation to the basic Avc axes. ie. x aft, ¥ to stbd, Z up, acd ene Feline cate yjowing the right hand rule. All accelerations also Eollow this sign convention. No left hand sign conventions should be used. Bowever this has yet to be implimented fully and a mixture of sign conventions,-even- for the Same “componant;~appear: in-the »—-~ joading documentation. Thus be caref1l to check che sign the Bacio a used: if they are available, and convert thece to the basic A/C system (or your model system) fos checking phe balance information is vital. tt is one thing to apply a Ena posiciaer bution of set of loads, it another thing to be soatargsition to check that the loading is correct se %eKe i i erence point is known from the leading document then checking is casey, if icin not known then ASK for it to be supplied. The Nastran cuns will output the ov. resultants, but it is important to check ca. loading before it is used in the analysis, ang PPS check loading facility should be used for this as it can be run online on the Vax. Both overall resultants and shear, moment and torque about an axis (whic be generated. It is quicker to use PPS than wate. foe Nastran runs on the mainframe. All loading should be checked against the documentation before proceeding with the analysis runs. erall applied loading ch componant of the 3 5a a) Symmetric and antisymmetric components Const cai ned eeee antisymmetric loading applied to the mosey constrained antisymmetrically, the two resulting sets of subcases can be combined to - five the correct Port or Starboard output, which will ke Asymmetric. The method of splitting up the loading is shown below. ® | see | see t a ar s PoRT pes +035 == a" (1 TED +3 e Full model Symmetric Antisymmetric The full model loading can be split up into the components using the folowing formulae. It is assumed tha Starboard Te ve ¥. Symmetric component = 1/2 sum (Stbd + port) Antisyametric component = 1/2 Difference (Stbd - Port) g loo kw | 200kn 150 Kee | -Sokw Lyn a4 ry T d | Total loading Symmetric Antisymmetric The true Stbd loading is thus symma/s = 150-59 = 100 Kn The true Port loading is thus Symm-Ays 150450 = 200 xn This process can be carried out on any fuselage/wing assembly, and on any structure modelled with planes of symmetry, 2omrYSeuNte ano wcrnanemaes b) unit used ions cases : her abvpdefinition these are cases set up in order to be either alone for checking purposes or by scalar combinat- to form up actual cases. Types of unit cases are + Checking cases .. unit shear, moment, torque etc., unit loads on tips of wings, flaps ete. Unit actual cases .. 1g inertia, 1.0N/mn™ internal Pressure, store attachment cases, u/c cases ste Balancing cases -. unit cases consisting of distributed (pethaps coarse) loads with unit resultants about tre Cpigin: These can be used to trim existing cases to ceet woe czack balance resultants. this is usefull for full A/c Work or in setting up non-critical cases where the Tesultants only are known. Rigig body movement cases .. The normal checks of applying meen n ee te, 8 Structure. should also. include. cigit’ bodys. movement cases where the structure has imposed upon it displacements corresponding to the 6 D.0.F. prescnt The structure is supported in a statically determinate ganner and the 6 rigid body motions applied using srcp data applied to the support D.O.F, Thus there will te § qubcases, typical translations being 100mm and rotations 0.1 Radians. the structure should be-stress free -for rigtt body motion: fo,be Passed outside the department in that they represent a More severe test than is usually carried out. The reasons for the use of these cases are as follows. a) insignificant spc forcces produced from a loading fase Bay occur at areas of low displacement. Rigid body checks’ may show these to be significant and thus some fix must be applied to the model. b) if the model is part of a large assembly of super— elements, checks on local tigid supports may not reveal significant SPC forces. However the portion of | structure may be subject to large overall movements when assembled (a fin for example moves bodily on the Fear fuselage) and these small S?c forces may’ be significant. S) free-free stiffness matrices (KAA’s) should have Eisid body checks carried out on them if they are to be passed outside the department or issued officially and archived. 4) similarly free-free matrices recieved should always be checked for rigid body behaviour before use. The Nastran deck for carrying out the checks should contain the following items. 1. SPC data to hold the structure satically determinate and referenced above the subcase level. 2. § subcases calling up enforced displacements using LOAD=n, where n = 1 to 6, 3. -SPCD data setting up the 6 cases using the D.0.F. given in 1. and having 1p’s 1-6. 4. dummy load data for each subcase, ID = 1 to 6. The tun should request all displacements and sc forces. The displacements for each case should have visible the enforced case and the SPC forces should be insignificant, The following page illustrates the method. FIN noves Body ON REAR FUSELAGE, STRUCTURE WITH RIGID Body NovenenT SHOULD RECOVER No INTERNAL Srkecses oR SPO FoReeS, RIG Bory Hotion Cucexs ET MoTioN CHECKS STATIC SupPPoRTS spel Id 1 Joo Sfet ip 2 loo lol 200 SPEl1 ZB 3 100 200 SPED DATA SPD 1 100 1 Joon - 100mm x ae Cis 1h 3 treo a sPcd 2 10; 2 1000 b wou y DuHHY FORCE DATA Sed 2 200 2 joo-0 ‘ sPeD 4+ 100 2 2.0 2 SPOD + Boo 2 20.0 oo Ye 7 SPeD + Jol 2 -29.0 “FORE { 100 we ho oo oo TYPICAL _NASTRAN peek eS TYPICAL _NASTRAN pEeeK shee ED DISPLACEWENT = arr Sle Fokee = Au SuBcAse | LoRD «| APPLIES SPED =I SiserAceHENTS LABEL = 100mm x sMOUEHENT SUBCASE 2 Load #2 APPLIES SPed=2 rISPLACEHENTS LABEL = loOun Y MoucHENT ©) Point loads. a - ‘These can be from many sources ;- 1. local calculated loading .. due to equipment inertia not modelled, U/C or engine loads, from attached items .. foreplane loading can be applied directly to a reference point if it is connected via a RBE1 to the bearing and jack points. 2. Calculated simple loading .. test specimens etc may have uniform loading which can be easily calculated using the geometry of the grids on the section. 3. Applied directly .. from the loading given in the loading documents. d) Distributed loading Often the aerodynamic and inertia loading 4s seperated and supplied as shear, moment and torque diagr: along a fuselage, for example. The analysis user aust sprea this loading onto the available grids in whatever detail ie required. For fuselages this can be carried out by dividing the diagrams into blocks and applying the block loading to grids at the available frame stations. The frame loading can ‘thus be-as detailed as necessaty, applying the resultant to all the grids or to a generalised point linked to a selected set of ‘hacd’ points. The final distributed loading must be checked against the known resultants and trimmed if not correct. LOADING F APPLIED To ALL - FRAME ERivs { of GENERALISED a a POINT ONLY X 200 xi000kIfta Bbw a S400 RARE AERODYNAMIC SHEAR LoADING ¥ 1f00 ALONG FUSELAGE a t | | e) Pressure loads Pressure loading has to be applied to a model in the folowing instances 1. Flying surface pressures which generate lift 2. Internal pressures .. cabin, intake, fuel etc i o 3. Extrenal pressures .. canopy side loads, radome lods etc. 4. Blanket pressures for designing local structure. The pressure loading must be applied by hand using PLOAD data gr by using the PPS pressure loading facilities - or pressure jeading and for internal pressure generation due to fur inertia. Application by hand is frought with the problems of jocal axes, and should be applied in stages, one face until a balance is obtained. If in doubt use the Case Gard OLOADSALL. This will print out the forces on the grids from pre PLOAD data and any sign reversal should easily be seen’ <5 may be usefull to run a constant pressure case fot checking out panel at at tine Controlt The PPS pressure loading faclity a ree sues eanvise locations and chordwise percentages at which prescures are defined, followed by a table of pressures, eg applies these pressures to a set of surface elements and Pener ce ctther @ set of PLOAD cards (taking into account the joacl axes) or a set of FORCE cards for the case. : the user should set up a set of surface -panels for-the Loading and £111 in any gaps between controll surfaces ete. wich dummy glements. If the analysis planform does loading document planform, ip shape or additional grids and panels added to give Evie the document planform. Refer back to the document souree sr excessive discrepencies are present. . 2epiving the pressure cases should then give the required tesultants as given in the loading doumente. Adjustments made to the loading planform can then be ammended back to the analysis condition and generated, if acceptable, or the loads on th. disarded. this adjustment in loading should be note balanced cases the anlysis loading may now be inccsvect PRESSURE LOADING DATA - oN WINGS Exc. RING DATA = ON WINGS ETC. Cree PRESSURE DISTRIBUTIONS SPANWISE STATIONS ©, * PRESSURES ARE DEFINED FoR every % | I CHORD POINT AT EVERY I SPANWISE STATION. I LOADING PLANFoRM SORDING PLANFORM \ FoR CHECKING PURPOSES LoADING PANELS SHOULD BE MADE uP’ To LOADING DOCUMENT PLANFORM. FILL IN ANY GAPS IN. HoDeL. ANALYSIS HoveL BOUNDARY ADD EXTRA GRIDS AND PANELS To NAKE - uf PLANFORM, Ts * CHECK LOADING USING PPS - SHOULD TE UP WITH DOCUMENTATION, * DISCARD LOADING on EXTRA GRIDS - LosS IN LoAD HAY BE OF INTEREST IN BALANCED CASES. OvT oF PLANE GEoneETRY OUT OF PLANE GEOnNETRY LOADING DOCUMENTATION ASSUMES A FLAT-PLATE SURFACE. * CORRECT LOADING WILL BE GENERATED SETTING 2 =o0 FoR THE PANEL GEOMETRY. sitter, tH "z' DIRECTION Loads fo t ttt RCTOAL WING SHAPE LoADING DocunENT AND DIRECTION OF LOADING ASSUMES FLAT PLATE 4 + TANK INERTIA CALCULATED LOAD SUMNATIONS ouTPUT Geometry of Loading Panels ... The aerodynamic theory which produces the flying surface loading assumes that the surface is a flat plate, and that the loading is normal to thie. sn addition if the surface has a small dihedral the loading may still be specified as being in the a/c ‘Zz’ direction. Thus the yser should find out what assumptions have been made in tie qoading, and create the loading panel geometry likewise, ce a Subjected to any form of linear/angular accelerations and gpgular velocities. The tank is defined by a set of panei internal points to indicate which side of the panels ace internal to the tank. The centre of rotation, Fuel density and fesgem Pressure are also input together with the controli‘dare to define the inertia cases required. The loading may be output as FORCE, PLOAD2 or OPTPRES cards, the latter being used for optimisation purposes. The lesd Be_Fun in order to find the volume and mass. If the ace ie different to the required mass the fuel density should be adjusted before actual cases are run, The program is easey to use and has been used extensively on the EFA wing to produce fuel tank loading FUEL PRESSURE DATA SR REEURE DATA + PANELS AND GEoMETRY * INTERNAL DEFINITION POINTS + CENTRE oF ROTATION + FUEL pesity (7+ SISTEM PRESSURE CASES DEFINED BY LINEAR /ANGULAR ACCELERATIONS AND VE LoeiTiES * OUTPUT CAN BE FORCE , PLOADD of OPTPRES DATA tence € £) ela INERTIA LOADING Inertia loading forms a vital part of many loading cases: Several types may be encountered, structural, fuel® concentrated (non structural) mass etc. 1. Structural inertia loading can be supplied in many ways. mings 2eS tend to be defined by running mass diagrams* Gargs ctc- by mass distributions, some times by mass per unit area in preliminary calculations. However supplied, the inertia cases must be formed from the mass definition. Recently the trend has been to define the mass distribution directly at a set of interface grids. The weights department carry out this task, and their dats is sergerted to CoNm2 card data giving the mass at the grids, genecalised point at the associated frame position. In tris case the CONM2 data will include the inertia properties ot the section. CONM2 data can be used directly by the PPS Inertia heading program, where the mass and geometry information is aged to generate equivalent FORCE data for any combination of inertia parameters. This method has been used extensively. on EFA. 2. Fuel Inertia may be generated from the fuel mass allocated to fhe tank panel grids, either as CONK2 data for use with tre crs gnertia program (in which case no fuel PRESSURES will be Concentrated items of mass can be treated in several ways. The ~ ca leueee gee ttiocated to a set of grids and the inertia effects calcuated by hand. It may be lumped to a grid at the cg of the aplyuing as rorational forces. If several concentrated masses afe Present it is better to deal with then as a whole and ace the PPS Inertia Program to calculate the loading. CHECKS Always check that the resulting inertia loading is as qanected in the loading document. A change in mass specification Bax give tise to discrepanccies which need to be resolved before acceptance of the inertia loading. on TRENTON HEE ESN ee g) Balanced Cases All loading cases should have balance information in order to check the case, and some slighécout of baisaco may be acceptable. In the case of flying surface loading the planform gf fhe model usually does not correspond exactly with che loading document, and thus a compromise loading may he accepted. ree eo sey FULL A/C cases an EXACT balance is necessary. decerat aa gnedgt Should be supported on a set of staticaiis determinate freedoms at redlatively ‘hard’ pointe, Small fesulting SPC forces may finally be seen, but these shoald be insignificant compared to the local stress levels(<< 1 0Ka). 4 full A/C model may consist of seperate componants agsenbled in a reduced form using Superelements. The agreed set of loading cases have to be applied to all components andthe fesultants on each componant should agree to a pre-detersinng eotaz. Once this is obtained the models can then be intecacted peodaee gett the interface loads and post interaction outpuc produced. The organisation necessary to impliment balanced loading is extensive, the items to be agreed include :- 1. Critical loading cases 2. Mass standard 3. Componant boundaries for loading .. load sharing may have fo be carried out between componants, eg.fairing loads 4. Standard of loading .. not all compnants need to be loaded in detail for all cases, eg. Front fuse load cases would not require detailed Fin loading Aynatrix type of table should be drawn up to define the type of loading and responsibility for all balanced cases™ In order to ensure that cases are in balance, each Sheera petd have 8 full A/c balance sheet, and all components should be trimmed to give EXACTLY the correct leads: A typical type of full A/c balance sheet is shown on the next page. = ore gee Seer rnrepenm ence ingot ee emcees acs meme gree ee ma taprorpetmy epee oo oe Ned LiniT Lloass [Kone REFERENCE Tous] conelr | x Ty |e | F ruse, LE Ineraxe elFuse i ftuse | ! stung Sr Flt [is Fix [ Ale Lomine Sign Convention Ae bom Siew Convention: (asic SIGN CuvenTion ) SEASIC GN Corivenrion ) Act Lomas vores ar Rerevenee Poms art xv tle SvsTEH Shown LADS = Ke > dont BARS a dw Ce LOADING RESULTANTS AT COMPONENT REF PoinTs| On Pon! x x z Hex Hs Ma FRONT FUSELAGE INTAKE CENTRE FUSELAGE REAR FUSELAGE PORT WINE STBD. WING PoRT- FOREPLANE STBD. FORERANE a ! — | LORDING RESUTANTS AT Ale DRIGIN ‘oO? FRonT FUSELAGE I € INTAKE CENTRE FUSELAGE I |_REAR FUSELAGE [ I PORT wine 1 STBD_ wing | PORT FoREPLAWE | T STBD._FOREPLANE | FIN |_| “TOTALS I I | Inertia Parameters Flight Parameters Mass State g

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