Exercise No. 3: Water Buffalo Breeds
Exercise No. 3: Water Buffalo Breeds
Exercise No. 3: Water Buffalo Breeds
Brazil Tipo Baio Dual- Amazon area Black Well adapted to locally
purpose Horns are curved adverse conditions
Thailand Buffalo South east Asia Grey or black with white Strong and broad bodied
chevron below neck animal with prominent
Draught White stockings on feet muscling in neck chest
Horns are back swept and back.
Indonesian Tedong Southeast Asia Greyish to black or white with Unique black and white
Meat black spots colouration
Horns are at point horizontally Big, strong, and more
backwards stout with a valuation that
rises every year
Indonesian Carabao Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Greyish to black Massive muscles covering
Draught Sulawesi, Nutenggara Curved horn the skeleton
Strong , short legs and
Guide questions
1. Give 5 differences between the swamp and the riverine water buffalos. (5 points)
Swamp Riverine
Found in the eastern half of Asia Found in the western part of Asia
Utility is for draft purposes Utility is for dairy and meat production
Horns are broad wide Horns are tightly curled, and hold their
heads high
Have lower milk yields than the river Have higher milk yields than the swamp
buffaloes buffalos
Wallow in stagnant water pools and mud Wallow in clear, running water
Maintenance cost
3. What breed/s of buffalo does the PCC use in its improvement program of the
Philippine carabao? Explain your answer. (2 points).