THEO Prelims Notes
THEO Prelims Notes
THEO Prelims Notes
A genuine love for the audience, learn their Hedonism & the Human Person
language, be immersed in their realities.
“This attitude is disastrous. Its evil effects on soul Negative Effects of Consumerism:
and body are undeniable.” –Mater et Magistra
o Spending on what is not necessary has
HEDONISM, the Human Person, & the Environment made the rich richer and the poor,
“…it is also necessary to reject the… total On Individuals: OBESITY
technical dominion over nature, because the o Having a mentality of buying what I can
natural environment is more than raw material over buying only what I need
to be manipulated at our pleasure ……” On the Environment: POLLUTION AND RESOURCE
“Today much harm is done to development DEPLETION
precisely as a result of these distorted notions.” - o Being unmindful that natural resources
Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 48 are finite, and producing much waste,
This invites contemporary society to a serious far more than what nature can handle.
review of its life style, which, in many parts of the
world, is prone to hedonism and consumerism, Throwaway Culture
regardless of their harmful consequences -
Caritas in Veritate 51 We have created a “throwaway” culture which
"If an appreciation of the value of the human is now spreading -Pope Francis, Evangelii
person and of human life is lacking, we will also Gaudium 53
lose interest in others and in the earth itself“- “throwaway culture” that ruthlessly consumes,
1990 World Day of Peace Message, Pope John exploits, and discards human life and our natural
Paul II resources as one of the root causes.
“The way humanity treats the environment Throwaway Culture & Environmental Degradation
influences the way it treats itself, and vice
versa.” - Caritas in Veritate 51 “We live in a world where everything is seen as
Reducing nature merely to a collection of disposable, replaceable or temporary, and
contingent data ends up doing violence to the overflowing landfills aren’t the only obvious
environment and even encouraging activity signs.”
that fails to respect human nature itself. - Caritas There are also “broken relationships, forgotten
in Veritate 48 people, abandoned beliefs and dilapidated
Our nature, constituted not only by matter but dreams to find the far reaching effects of the
also by spirit, and as such, endowed with throwaway mentality.”
transcendent meaning and aspirations, is also
normative for culture. Human beings interpret Consumerism, Wasteful Consumption, Throwaway
and shape the natural environment through mentality
culture, which in turn is given direction by the “quickly reduces things to rubbish.” -Pope
responsible use of freedom, in accordance with Francis, Laudato Si’ 22
the dictates of the moral law. - Caritas in The earth, our home, is beginning to look more
Veritate 48 and more like an immense pile of filth. In many
We recognize that: “Even on the natural level parts of the planet, the elderly lament that once
temperance and simplicity of life are the beautiful landscapes are now covered with
dictates of sound policy. - Mater et Magistra 235 rubbish - Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ 21
Egoism Indicators of a Throw-Away Culture
Self-interest is the foundation of morality wasting of our resources fueled by consumerism
A moral theory that contends all choices either and the market economy,
involve or should involve self-promotion as their the practice of contraception and abortion,
sole objective. abandonment of the elderly and the
Ethical egoists believe that people should not handicapped,
be their brother’s keeper, because people do exclusion of the poor, exploitation of the weak,
not completely understand the true needs of and
others. discarding of genuine relationships, of married
It’s every man for himself in this world love and marriage vows.
Denies that we can be motivated by a concern
for others Throwaway Culture
This theory claims that everyone always acts to
his or her own advantage and that the only Putting to waste things that could otherwise be
reason why a person performs morally good reused for another purpose
action is because it serves his or her own People who are deemed “useless” are
interests. excluded or “thrown-away”
Antidote” MERCY
Consumerism is the equation of personal happiness with RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION
the purchase of material possessions and consumption
o we have to protect God’s gifts so that MERCY
future generations may continue to
enjoy them is the greatest "relative" characteristic of GOD.
CULTURE OF SOLIDARITY With relation to all that exists in creation, mercy
o everyone is brother/ sister no one is is the greatest divine attribute. - St. Thomas
disposable Aquinas
CULTURE OF ENCOUNTER Does not need anything: Absolute, Perfect, Self-
o active concern for the poor, the weak existent; with no one above him and everyone
and the vulnerable beneath him.
JESUS is the FACE of the FATHER’s MERCY. - Pope He does us so much good even when he has
Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, April 11, 2015 zero need for us. This is God’s MERCY.
What is Mercy according to the Bible? MERCY according to AQUINAS (ST II II.30.1)
Individualism is the belief that the individual is The common good is the complete
the primary unit of reality and the ultimate development of all the people of the world.
standard of value. “the sum total of conditions of social living,
Not necessarily a bad thing for it affirms the whereby persons are enabled more fully and
Christian doctrine that every human being is
readily to achieve their own perfection.’ (Pope First, by saving (“calling out”) the ISRAELITES from
John XXIII) Egypt and making them his chosen people.
Not the greatest good for the greatest number” Finally, by calling all men and women to
(Utilitarianism) but the care for greatest good of COMMUNION in the CHURCH of Jesus Christ.
ALL persons no one excluded. The CHURCH is GOD’s instrument for gathering
The principle of common good balances his scattered children, ergo for restoring
individual rights with one’s responsibilities for the COMMUNION.
welfare of society which in effect promotes and Hebrew: “QAHAL”
protects the rights and dignity of others Greek: “EKKLESIA”
A sense of responsibility on the part of everyone The Church is the Bride of Christ
with regard to everyone. o “… one soldier thrust his lance into his
A particular way of looking at the side, and immediately blood and water
interconnectedness of people living in different flowed out.” – John 19:32
parts of the world that is a feature of our o “Husbands, love your wives as Christ
contemporary human existence. loved the Church.” – Ephesians 5:25
Not a feeling of vague compassion or shallow o “… the two shall become ONE FLESH” –
distress at the misfortunes of so many people, Genesis 2: 24
both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm Vertical Communion: Communion with The Most
and persevering determination to commit Holy Trinity
oneself to the common good; that is to say, to Horizontal Communion: Communion with All the
the good of all and of each individual, because Baptized
we are all really responsible for all o The members of the Church equally
share in:
Communion The Divine Nature
Koinonia (greek) The Passion of Christ
o Fellowship, Joint Participation, Sharing, The Same Faith
Contribution The Same Spirit
Communio (latin) Holy Spirit
o Sharing in common
Ideal state of fellowship that should exist in the Charisms
Christian Church o Special gifts of the Holy Spirit given to
individuals for the good of others,
Aspects of this communion: especially for the purpose of building
Communion with GOD the Church; gifts that draw us to
Communion among BELIEVERS Communion
Communion in the BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST Vivifies the Church – The indwelling presence of
Communion of SAINTS God
Communion of CHURCHES Unifies the Church – Unity in Diversity, Many Parts
Working as One
GOD is a COMMUNION OF PERSONS Moves The Ministries of the Church – Variety of
For GOD to be GOOD, GOD can be One. For
GOD to be LOVE, GOD has to be Two. For GOD Holy Communion
to be JOY GOD has to be Three. - Richard of St.
Victor The act of reception of the Sacrament of the
Holy Eucharist
o Visible Sign
From the onset, God willed human beings to live o Sacrament of our Union with Christ
in COMMUNION with Him and with one another. o Sacrament of our Unity with the whole
Man became the "image and likeness" of God Church
not only through his own humanity, but also Holy Communion in the Catholic Church cannot
through the communion of persons which man be administered to those who are:
and woman form right from the beginning. Man o Not baptized
becomes the image of God not so much in the o Not Catholics
moment of solitude as in the moment of o Not in state of grace (those in state of
communion. - Pope St. John Paul II mortal sin)
SIN destroyed COMMUNION and led to ALIENATION. At all times, in all places, there is only One Bread,
One Cup
God’s Plan of Salvation: To Gather His Children Scattered
by Sin The Church is the Community of the Faithful