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The crew has been hired by Doña Vivianna Valdiano to steal a valuable wolfsbane tincture from the physicker Gilbert Krenhauser that can cure the Family enforcer Mahmat Luciaro of a wolf curse.

The crew has been hired to steal a valuable wolfsbane tincture from the physicker Gilbert Krenhauser's laboratory that can cure the Family enforcer Mahmat Luciaro.

Mahmat Luciaro is a Family enforcer who has been cursed with a wolf curse that causes him to transform into a hulking half-man, half-wolf creature when he sleeps.


Wolf Job
The broker summons the crew to a warehouse in a
seemingly abandoned stretch of the Greywater, a slum Gilbert
not far from the docks, in the deep of night. Two thick-
necked toughs in suits far too nice for this district eye
the crew up and down before grunting and admitting Members of the crew who know about the Royal
them reluctantly. Inside, the warehouse shows more Family know these things. Otherwise, they can do
activity, as a half-dozen Family goons are painting a legwork to learn them without making die rolls.
gondola as a replica of those used by the City Watch. ✦✦ Gilbert Krenhauser is a physicker who has always
Their broker is Doña Vivianna Valdiano, a handsome sold his services to the wealthy elite. Until the
woman with dark pompadour hair and an imposing previous Regent’s untimely death, Krenhauser was
presence. This is the personal study of Doña Valdiano one of the Court Physickers to the Royal Family.
overlooking the warehouse floor, a dark room ✦✦ Krenhauser is a slender, wiry man who has gone
illuminated only by a single lamp hanging from the completely bald. He wears spectacles with thin,
ceiling over the Doña’s desk, which she sits behind, gold frames and, unlike most other physickers, he
smoking a glowing cigar and occasionally drinking from wears bejewelled rings on each hand.
a brandy snifter on her desk. Family enforcers lurk in the
shadows around the edges of the room. A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
Tell the Players... ✦✦ Krenhauser owns an entire building in the
Before starting, give the players a brief précis of the Job Docesler Barony, a merchant district, which
so they can decide on the characters they want to create: serves as his home and workplace and is called
“This Job involves stealing a valuable tincture Krenhauser’s Sanctuary.
✦✦ Krenhauser rarely leaves his building, but when
from an unscrupulous physicker’s laboratory.” he does it is usually by private coach. His most
frequent errands are to nearby ward houses,
The Basics orphanages, and the offices of a handful of
The characters learn these essential pieces of other physickers.
information after accepting the Job. ✦✦ Krenhauser does not seem to be taking on new
The Score: One of Doña Valdiano’s enforcers has clients now, nor has he for several years. Queries by
been cursed. For the last two nights, when Mahmat merchants and nobles have been politely rebuffed.
Luciaro falls asleep, he transforms into a hulking half- ✦✦ Krenhauser employs a manservant named Urich
man, half-wolf and has rampaged through the city. and an assistant named Evonne Manfort.
The Family managed to subdue him, and one of their
hexers confirmed the presence of a curse. A cure does Deep Secrets
exist: the wolfsbane tincture. A physicker named Gilbert Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
Krenhauser claims to have the tincture, and has offered Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
to give it to her if the Family agrees to kidnap people ✦✦ Krenhauser received his appointment to Court
from their districts and deliver those people to him for Physicker from the former Regent’s personal vizier.
medicinal experimentation. Doña Valdiano is disinclined After the Regent’s death, Krenhauser was quietly
to pay the price, and wants the crew to steal the tincture dismissed, with exhorbitant sums deposited into
instead. It is being kept by Krenhauser in his secure his counting house accounts by that same vizier.
laboratory in the Docesler Barony. ✦✦ Krenhauser has tried to convince other physickers
Time Limitations: The crew has one day (two that experimentation on living humans is the only
segments) to complete the Job. They must have finished way to further their understanding of medicine.
the Job by the end of the following night, else Mahmat’s Several physickers believe that Krenhauser should
curse becomes a permanent affliction. be stripped of the Regent’s seal (the right to
The Broker’s Reward: If the crew succeeds in the Job, practice medicine) and run out of town. However,
they receive 1 XP tied to the Family. up to this point, they have been reluctant to act,
Extra Respect: If the crew gives the wolfsbane tincture fearing that Krenhauser might do something rash.
to Mahmat Luciaro, they receive an extra 1 XP.
Extra Respect: If Gilbert Krenhauser is killed in the
course of the Job, the crew receives an extra 1 XP.

Urich Evonne
Members of the crew who know about commoners
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
Members of the crew who know about Little
to learn them without making die rolls.
Taona know these things. Otherwise, they can do
✦✦ Krenhauser’s manservant, Urich, is a hulking man legwork to learn them without making die rolls.
who speaks little and acts as bodyservant, coach
✦✦ Evonne Mannfort is a commoner who lives in
driver, and errand boy all in one. He keeps his
Little Taona and has her whole life, despite not
master’s house in order.
being of Taonan heritage herself. She is Gilbert
✦✦ Urich is a tall, broad-shouldered man who looks
Krenhauser’s personal assistant.
like he should be cracking heads in a dockside
✦✦ Manfort is petite and slightly sickly looking.
tavern by his physique. Krenhauser keeps him
Though waifish in physical form, she has an
dressed in clothing fitting a wealthy merchant’s
aggressive personality and a dark sense of humor.
bodyservant, and Urich wears it well. He has the
faintest trace of a Vladich accent. A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork. ✦✦ Manfort has no social life. She seems uninterested
in men or women, and makes no stops between
✦✦ Urich is also secretly Krenhauser’s bodyguard. He
her home and Krenhauser Sanctuary.
only leaves his master alone when commanded to
do so, and he always doubles the private security Deep Secrets
guards on duty for any time when he is away. Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
✦✦ Urich lives in Krenhauser’s Sanctuary, in a small Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
room on the 4th floor of the building. He handles
✦✦ Evonne Manfort is a practitioner of sorcery.
all of the shopping, cooking, and cleaning in
Though she has not yet achieved sufficient
the Sanctuary, though he avoids the laboratory
mastery of the dark arts to hire serself out as other
whenever possible. While his master is working
sorcerers do, she has lent her sorcerous talents to
in the laboratory, he attends to household duties.
her employer, Gilbert Krenhauser. It was she that
When Krenhauser leaves, Urich goes with him.
placed the curse on Mahmat Luciaro.
✦✦ Urich is fully aware that Krenhauser conducts
✦✦ Manfort has had dealings with the Gravediggers
unscrupulous experiments and keeps “patients”
in the past. She has paid to have them deliver
trapped in the laboratory against their will.
fresh cadavers to her, which she has then brought
While he does not take any of the pleasure in the
to Krenhauser for use in sickening experiments
experiments that his master does, Urich is paid so
in the laboratory of the Krenhauser Sanctuary.
well that he turns a blind eye to Krenhauser’s dark
Unfortunately for her, she has not been very
side. He also knows that should the physicker ever
good at repaying the favors she has accrued with
be investigated by the City Watch, he would likely
the Gravediggers, and the cartel is said to be
be seen as complicit to the crimes, and will fight
sharpening their knives over her.
and kill in order to protect these secrets.
Deep Secrets
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending Evonne Manfort
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork. Minor villain

✦✦ Urich’s parents are still alive, and living in the La Luck 100
Draza County district. He sends nearly all of the Inflict Pain with Sorcery (75%, 30 physical damage)
money that Krenhauser pays him to his parents Muddle Someone’s Mind with Sorcery (75%, 30 mental damage)
via secret couriers. He keeps their existence secret Anything else (40%, 10 damage)
and never visits them, a necessity after Crown Blood Magic: If Evonne reduces a person or animal to 0 luck with
investigators tried to use them as leverage to get sorcery, they also take 1 wound.
him to provide evidence against Krenhauser. Siphon Life: Evonne regains 25 luck for each wound she deals to a
person or an animal.

Krenhauser’s Mahmat Luciaro
Sanctuary Members of the crew who know about the Right Kind
of People know these things. Otherwise, they can do
Members of the crew who know about merchants
legwork to learn them without making die rolls.
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
to learn them without making die rolls. ✦✦ Mahmat “Matty” Luciaro is a Family enforcer who
was born into the cartel and can trace his lineage
✦✦ Krenhauser’s Sanctuary is a four-story brick
back to the city’s founders.
building in the Dorcesler Barony. Unlike many
✦✦ Luciaro is in his late 20s, handsome and possessing
other buildings in the district, the building does
a sense of style that would make a Vesper
not share walls with other buildings on its row.
jealous. He’s known to be quite the ladies’ man,
✦✦ The windows on the first, second, and third floor
though among the women he has courted he
have been bricked up. Dark-tinted alchemical glass
has a reputation for being charming, respectful,
cover the bricks, so that the building looks dark
and easygoing.
at all times (but not condemned). Late at night,
lamplight shines through the 4th floor windows. A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork. ✦✦ Prior to his cursing, Luciaro was seen sharing a
table with a woman named Evonne Manfort, who
✦✦ The 4th floor of the building is where Krenhauser
is not herself one of the Right Kind of People, at
lives; the entire floor is given over to opulent living
a private supper club in the Dorcesler Barony. He
quarters, comforts fitting a successful merchant.
appeared to be courting her; she appeared to be
✦✦ The 1st floor is mostly a supply area, kitchens, and
encouraging it.
a guard post. At all times, four guards are on duty
✦✦ Luciaro is currently being held in the cellar of a
in the guard post; two guards rotate off shift every
butcher’s shop in the Highroad County district.
4 hours. Their instructions are to admit no one
The shop is a Family front, and it has been closed
besides Krenhauser, Manfort, or Urich.
since he was brought there. The curse manifests if
✦✦ The 2nd and 3rd stories make up Krenhauser’s
he falls asleep and loses control. He is kept chained
laboratory. The the floor separating the two stories
to the wall, and other Family members have been
was removed, creating a single double-height
staying with him, forcing him to stay awake; as a
ceiling. The area is filled with medical equipment,
result, he has been driven to near-madness by sleep
chemical storage and supplies, and several metal
deprivation and his clothes are in tatters.
beds with arm and leg clamps and machinery for
elevating and rotating the bed. Thick iron doors
that are kept locked lead to the stairwells.
Mahmat’s Accursed Form
Deep Secrets Major villain
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending Luck 200
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork. Claws and Teeth (75%, 40 physical damage)
✦✦ A cellar beneath the ground floor of the building Break Something (75%, 30 physical damage)
has been converted to a holding cell. Krenhauser Menace (50%, 30 mental damage)
keeps his unwilling patients here. One such patient, Anything else (40%, 10 damage)
a barely responsive woman, is imprisoned here
Against All Odds: Each time this character is attacked, add one
now, and her wails can sometimes be faintly heard challenge die to the attack roll for each time this character has been
by passers-by on the street. attacked since the end of her last turn.
✦✦ Several man-sized canisters in the laboratory Animal Fury: Any attempt to convince or intimidate Mahmat during
contain harmful gases Krenhauser uses in his his accursed transformation gains three challenge dice on the roll.
experiments. If punctured, they will spew poison;
Wounds: While in his accursed form, Mahmat is not defeated until he
if this happens, add challenge dice to all rolls made is knocked unconscious or killed, and he heals one wound at the start
by character in the area, and have any drawbacks of each of his turns while conscious. When knocked unconscious or
rolled deal 10 damage from inhaling poison. killed, Mahmat reverts to his normal appearance.

The Wolf Curse For the Judge
Members of the crew who know about sorcery These notes about the Job include a tally of
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork enemies, exceptional ways for characters to earn
to learn them without making die rolls. heat, and ways for the Judge to spend heat.
✦✦ The curse laid upon Luciaro is the wolf curse, an In the execution of the Job, the players need to account
ancient hex that traces back to the shrouded past for the following obstacles:
of the lands that lie between the former Vladov ✦✦ Gilbert Krenhauser, the physicker himself (use the
Empire and the nations of Elderland. statistics for the calculating noble)
✦✦ The wolf curse is normally spread through the ✦✦ Urich, the manservant (use the statistics for the
bite of one so accursed who has completed the brutish lieutenant)
transformation. Laying the curse upon someone ✦✦ Evonne Manfort, the physicker’s assistant
using sorcery is extremely costly. ✦✦ The size 4 squad of private security guards
Krenhauser employs, plus a second size 4 squad if
A Little Digging the crew chooses to arrive when Urich is away
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
✦✦ Additionally, the crew needs to know which of the
✦✦ Curses like the wolf curse retain some signature of hundreds of vials is the wolfsbane tincture; if they
the person that laid it upon the victim. By carefully do not have a physical description of its container,
studying the victim, a sorcerer could not only trace or some way to deduce which one it is, they will
the curse back to its creator, but also use it to tailor not know which vial to retrieve.
sorceries to more strongly affect that person.
✦✦ In order to cast the wolf curse on Luciaro, Evonne Plot Twist (Spend 20 Heat)
Manfort burned a masterpiece Taonan wall Mahmat Luciaro breaks free from where he is being
hanging, stolen from an antiquities dealer in Little held and begins going on a rampage through the city.
Taona, as a sacrifice to fuel the sorcery. Mahmat Luciaro is added to the scenario as a major
villain; at the start of each day or night segment, the
Wolfsbane crew hears of horrible things he has done in his accursed

Tincture form. Worse, some part of him remembers Evonne

Manfort, and in his bestial rage he seeks her out. Until he
Members of the crew who know about medicine is dealt with, Mahmat can appear in any scene the Judge
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork chooses for the remainder of the Job.
to learn them without making die rolls.
Major Complication (Spend 12 Heat)
✦✦ While wolfsbane tincture is unknown in the field The Crown has been gathering evidence against
of medicine, the concept of treating sorcerous Krenhauser and stages a raid to arrest him at the
maladies and hexes through mundane chemicals Sanctuary. The raid runs the risk of destroying the
is both sought-after and unproven. Most theories wolfsbane tincture, as the agents of the Crown have no
suggest that such medicines would be extremely idea that Luciaro has been cursed, nor that Krenhauser
unstable and thus would need a special container. has a cure. The raiding party consists of a size 8 squad of
A Little Digging City Watch minions and a City Watch lieutenant.
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
✦✦ The wolfsbane tincture must be kept inside a lead
canister that blocks out light and other stimuli
Design: Rodney Thompson
due to its instability. The tincture itself is in an
Cover Art: Waclaw Wysocki
hourglass-shaped glass vial inside the canister. The
Graphic Design: Daniel Solis
canister is as long as a cask of ale and roughly six
Background Art: Jared Blando
inches in diameter. It is unwieldy and difficult to
Dusk City Outlaws, its characters and distinctive likenesses are the property of Scratchpad
conceal without special preparation. If the tincture Publishing. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
is exposed to sunlight, it becomes completely artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of
inert and useless. Scratchpad Publishing.

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