The Canal Job The Canal Job: Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The Canal Job The Canal Job: Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The Canal Job The Canal Job: Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
Canal Job
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The crew is brought together one day at sunset by
Yellow-Toothed Cyrus, a member of the cartel known as Grackenwald
the Forgotten. Cyrus looks like a mad beggar, his clothes
little more than rags that hang off him; he is perpetually
filthy, his long, oily gray hair hanging down to almost Members of the crew who know about merchants
cover his face. When Yellow-Toothed Cyrus speaks, he know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
sounds as though he is constantly imparting great and to learn them without smaking die rolls.
wonderful secrets upon his listeners. ✦✦ The Grackenwald Depository is a privately held
He summons the characters to his “apartment,” bank that consists of a single location, the treasury
located in an abandoned stretch of shops in an area of building. The fortress-like building is as defensible
particularly poor and dangerous city slums. He calls as any castle. Attempting to gain access to the
the place his “Web” because the walls are covered with gondola or the taxes while they are still in the
scraps of parchment, notes scrawled in charcoal, and Depository would require more time, preparation,
a jumble of small objects, all connected by lengths of and manpower than time allows.
string that make the collection look like a paranoid ✦✦ Like most depositories, this particular banking
madman’s diagram. institution handles accounts from large trade
groups and commercial entities, wealthy
Tell the Players... merchants, and nobles; the depositories do not
Before the Job begins, give the players a very brief précis have individual commoners as customers.
of the proposed Job so they can decide on the kind of
characters they want to create: A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The Palace The Taxes
Treasury Members of the crew who know about the Crown
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
Members of the crew who know about the Crown
to learn them without making die rolls.
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
to learn them without making die rolls. ✦✦ Tax collections are usually delivered in the form of
gold and silver bars.
✦✦ The treasury is located inside the palace grounds,
within the highly secured perimeter of the A Little Digging
extended castle. Attempting to gain access to These things can be learned by doing legwork.
the gondola or the taxes after they have arrived
✦✦ This quarter’s tax collection consists of:
at the treasury would require vastly more time,
•• 11 large iron-banded wooden chests filled with
preparation, and manpower than time allows.
gold and silver bars. Each one is heavy enough
A Little Digging to require two people to move.
These things can be learned by doing legwork. •• 23 small iron-banded wooden chests filled with
gold and silver bars. Each one is heavy enough
✦✦ The Royal Palace treasury rests in a vault built into
that a healthy adult can carry only one at a time.
the first sublevel of the palace. This vault was filled
•• 14 small water-tight wooden crates, filled with
with coins, jewels, and other treasures before the
letters of credit and other forms. A healthy
rise of New Dunhaven’s large counting houses and
adult could carry one under each arm.
depositories eliminated the need for keeping large
✦✦ The chests are all constructed from alchemically
amounts of physical currency on hand. Now, much
treated wood, making them as hard as solid iron
of the space has been converted to safe storage for
of the same thickness. Smashing through one
royal heirlooms and gifts from foreign dignitaries.
requires the same effort as breaking into a safe.
✦✦ The tax collection will be loaded into the vault by
way of a direct access canal that enters this sublevel Deep Secrets
through a secure gate. Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
The Route ✦✦ Each of the chests has a built-in lock. If someone
Members of the crew who know about the canals attempts to open the lock without the correct
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork key, an alchemical mechanism fuses the lock
to learn them without making die rolls. shut, making it impossible to open with the key
thereafter. When this happens, it also sprays a
✦✦ There is only one viable route for the armored
bright green ink all over anyone standing in front
gondola to take between the depository and the
of it. The ink does not wash off normally and takes
royal palace. Any other route would wind through
up to 10 days to fade. The key will be entrusted to
the city’s slums, the canals of which are mostly
Vexasia Salzedonia by the depository, and she will
blocked; the treasury would delay the delivery
carry it on her person during the transfer.
rather than use a route through the slums.
✦✦ The armored gondola is carrying only two-thirds
✦✦ The gondola will be departing the depository at
of the tax collection. An armored coach—also
noon of the fourth day from the day the crew
alchemically treated—will depart twenty minutes
receives the Job.
after the armored gondola and travel through
✦✦ Traversing the entire route should take no
a different route into the palace grounds. The
more than an hour.
nondescript coach appears as a passenger coach
A Little Digging carrying nobles, with heavy curtains blocking the
These things can be learned by doing legwork. view of the passengers from the outside. Its driver
controls a team of four horses, and two armed
✦✦ The gondola will be most vulnerable at
guards (disguised as footmen) cling to the sides of
two spots along the route: when it passes
the coach as it travels.
through the Canyon and when it passes under
✦✦ Secret Objective: The crew can earn 1 extra XP by
Broadwater Bridge.
bringing this coach’s contents to the broker.
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The Gondola The Escort
Members of the crew who know about the canals Members of the crew who know about the canals
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork just know these things. Otherwise, they can do
to learn them without making die rolls. legwork to learn them without making die rolls.
✦✦ The gondola on which the tax collection will travel ✦✦ Armored gondolas usually have four armed guards
is constructed of alchemically treated wood that stationed on the deck of the gondola. Two stand
makes its hull as hard as iron of the same thickness near the bow and two near the stern, keeping clear
while remaining as light and buoyant as wood. The of the two gondoliers.
gondola is roughly 20 feet long and 10 feet wide.
✦✦ An armored gondola usually requires two
A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
gondoliers hired and vetted by the depository
to pole the vessel through the canals, due to ✦✦ The Dredger Detective Agency is providing the
the gondola sitting much deeper in the water guards for the vessel. Dredgers conduct an intense
when fully loaded. interview process and background investigation
before they are hired to weed out undesireables.
A Little Digging ✦✦ Six armed private security guards will keep pace
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
with the gondola from the streets that follow the
✦✦ Armored gondolas that are not loaded visibly canals as the vessel winds its way through the city.
higher in the water than when they are laden, just ✦✦ Lord Arthur Bornworth, the Crown’s security
as normal gondolas do. representative, will walk along the route with
✦✦ The gunwales of armored gondolas are usually the street escort.
constructed with security guards in mind, and ✦✦ The Grackenwald Depository is paying nearly two
crenellated like the parapet of a castle to allow dozen unarmed lookouts to watch the gondola
guards to hunker down behind them for cover during the transfer. Stationed on rooftops every
and fire crossbows out through the gaps. When a few blocks, they are positioned so that the gondola
guard is taking cover behind an armored gondola’s will always be within line of sight of at least one
gunwale, they are almost completely protected lookout, and usually two or more. Each lookout
from attacks coming from that side of the gondola. has a spyglass with which to watch the gondola
✦✦ During transit, the taxes will be held in a fully and a horn to blow in case of any discrepancy
enclosed cargo hold in the middle of the gondola. during the transfer, to alert the Dredgers that
This is accessible only through the single door, also something is going wrong.
made of alchemically treated wood. The door can
be locked from the inside, and it will be locked
Deep Secrets
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
during transit.
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
Deep Secrets ✦✦ Four additional armed private security guards
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
stationed within the enclosed cabin are instructed
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
not to leave the cabin until the vessel has arrived
✦✦ The key to the cargo hold door will be carried at the Royal Palace grounds. One of the topside
by one of the private security guards inside the guards will give a signal—a secret knock,
cargo hold. This guard has instructions to only established when the guards are sealed in with the
open the door when a command is given by cargo—when the gondola is safely ensconced on
Vexasia Salzedonia that is also accompanied by a the palace grounds.
predetermined knock. ✦✦ Vexasia Salzedonia, the Dredger, will also be in
the cargo cabin.
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
The Canyon Broadwater
Members of the crew who know about commoners
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
Members of the crew who know about the docks know
to learn them without making die rolls.
these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork to learn
✦✦ The Canyon is a long winding stretch of the city’s them without spending resources or making die rolls.
canals that has no streets on either side of it,
✦✦ The Broadwater Bridge connects the Olverhollow
only tall buildings with sporadic alleys between
Barony to the docks, crossing over the canals
them. This part of the route is mostly used for
at one of their broadest points. The Broadwater
freight shipments.
Bridge is among the largest bridges in the city,
✦✦ The buildings on either side of the Canyon
rivaling those that connect the mainland to the
range from three to six stories tall and consist of
island of Longharbor in width.
apartment-style housing for many of the city’s
common laborers. People who live in them say A Little Digging
they “live on the side of the Canyon.” These things can be learned by doing legwork.
A Little Digging ✦✦ Despite its size, Broadwater Bridge is unusually
These things can be learned by doing legwork. low to the water of the canal section it crosses. Not
only does the bridge cast everything underneath
✦✦ Both ends of the Canyon widen into a holding area
in shadow, it also heavily obscures anything
and shipping checkpoint. Gondolas full of freight
underneath from the view of anyone standing on
frequently stop at these checkpoints to wait for
the streets to either side of the canal.
the canal to clear. Gondolas can travel only in one
✦✦ Since both the Broadwater Bridge and the canal
direction at a time through the Canyon, and they
section it covers have been widened multiple
coordinate this movement at each checkpoint by
times to accommodate greater amounts of freight
having the final gondola in the line carry a red flag,
traffic coming from the docks, the bridge features
which is then transferred to gondolas traveling in
more support struts than most others. This creates
the other direction.
many lanes of passage underneath the bridge,
✦✦ The trip through the Canyon will take no more
and it is impossible to see into other lanes once
than ten minutes.
you are in one.
✦✦ Some sections of the Canyon are permanently
✦✦ Traffic lanes under the bridge usually run one way;
under construction; the apartment buildings
the canal is only wide enough to accommodate
that line the Canyon are usually in some state
a single freight gondola, or two much smaller
of disrepair, and the Crown forces the buildings’
personal gondolas side-by-side. Signal flags draped
owners to remodel them to maintain structural
from the arches leading into each lane designate
integrity. The owners habitually drag their feet, and
which direction a lane should be flowing, and these
some buildings remain half- renovated for years.
flags change throughout the day to allow gondola
✦✦ When the armored gondola reaches the Canyon,
traffic to flow more smoothly.
all other freight traffic halts. The six walking
guards will board the gondola at the holding area
at one end and then disembark at the holding area
at the other end.
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
Arthur Phinneas
Bornworth Copperleaf
Members of the crew who know about the nobility Members of the crew who know about commoners
know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork know these things. Otherwise, they can do legwork
to learn them without making die rolls. to learn them without making die rolls.
✦✦ Lord Arthur Bornworth was, until recently, a ✦✦ Phinneas Copperleaf is the Chief Tribute
member of the Palace Guard. He is nobility, though Solicitor for the Grackenwald Depository, a
he and his family are almost completely unknown wealthy commoner who has risen high in the
to high society. treasury’s ranks.
✦✦ Lord Bornworth’s wife Ellia was a well-
regarded instructor at the Archduke’s College of
A Little Digging
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
Dunhaven, where she taught law. She retired less
than two years ago. ✦✦ Copperleaf oversees the treasury’s tax collection
departments. He has always been involved in tax
A Little Digging collection, ever since he was a young man working
These things can be learned by doing legwork.
as a scribe for tribute collectors in the city.
✦✦ Lord Bornworth was born a commoner, elevated
to the nobility less than two years ago. His family is
Deep Secrets
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
not wealthy, though the royal family gifted him an
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
estate and a hefty chest so his family could enjoy a
lifestyle befitting members of the aristocracy. ✦✦ Copperleaf has been skimming tax money off
✦✦ Lord Bornworth is steadfast, upstanding, and loyal the top since he became a tribute collector: never
to the Crown. Despite being born into a common more than a few coins from each collection, and he
family, he always had higher aspirations of duty, modifies the records to cover up his misdeeds. He
planning on being elected as a Senator even has quietly squirreled away a small fortune that,
before his ennoblement. He sees his entry into the when combined with his on-the-books wealth, is
aristocracy as a sign from the Silver Judge that he turning into a large fortune.
is meant to be a force for good among the nobility.
✦✦ Lord Bornworth and his wife are pious, attending
services every Holy Day and spending at least one
other day each week doing community service.
Deep Secrets
Members of the crew can learn these things by spending
Influence or as a result of rolling boons during legwork.
✦✦ Lord Bornworth was given noble lands and title
as a bribe. He rescued a member of the Royal
Family who snuck off in disguise to a Vesper-
run poppy den (the Florist of Dreams) and was
nearly abducted while in a drug-induced haze.
The bribe ensured Lord Bornworth’s silence as to
where, and from what, he rescued her; too many
other members of the Palace Guard knew he had
been involved in some kind of rescue to simply
dispose of him through banishment (or other
harsher methods).
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)
Vexasia For the Judge
Salzedonia In the execution of the Job, the players need to account
for the following challenges:
Members of the crew who know about the Right Kind ✦✦ A squad of 4 private security minions on the
of People know these things. Otherwise, they can do deck of the gondola
legwork to learn them without making die rolls. ✦✦ A squad of 4 private security minions in the cargo
✦✦ Vexasia Salzedonia is the bane of criminals. Once cabin of the gondola
a bounty hunter, she now works for Dredger ✦✦ Vexasia Salzedonia (use the statistics for the
Detective Agency and is personally responsible Dredger), in the cargo cabin of the gondola
for the arrest and incarceration of over 100 of the ✦✦ Two gondoliers, a size 2 squad of minions
Right Kind of People. ✦✦ A squad of 6 private security minions, the walking
✦✦ Salzedonia is a hard-faced woman who looks to escort for the gondola
have been in her share of tavern brawls, with scars ✦✦ Lord Arthur Bornworth (use the statistics
aplenty on her face and arms, and a nose that looks for the bravo), walking with the guards
like it has been broken one too many times. When escorting the gondola
she speaks, he voice is raspy and deep, almost like ✦✦ The chain of two dozen observers on the
someone whose windpipe has been damaged by a rooftops, watching the gondola and waiting to
failed attempt at hanging them. sound the alarm
✦✦ Salzedonia is missing one hand and one eye; she ✦✦ Law-abiding citizens along the route who
keeps an eyepatch over the missing eye and her could witness the gondola being robbed (an
tailored jackets have closed cuffs to hide her stump. obstacle with 100 luck)
Ben Hamilton (Order #13445113)